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Steve and Kyle: Episode 2


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As the two young men stood there looking at each other, it became obvious to Steve that the first move would have to be made by him. So more or less assuming that eighteen-year-old Kyle was practising some form of sex, and not for a moment imagining  that he was dealing with an eighteen year old virgin, Steve suddenly took the bull by the horns stepped across to Kyle, took his shirt by the shoulders and pulled it off over the young man’s head, leaving him completely naked.

This was the first time that Steve had really seen Kyle totally naked in front of him on a one-on-one basis; he had seen him showering together with his team mates, but this was something quite different. Here in front of him was a naked, young man of exceptional beauty with a figure like the mythical Greek God, Adonis, and with one of the largest and most attractive of rampant cocks Steve had ever seen; and he had seen plenty.

He did not wait to see what Kyle thought of his action, but simply dropped onto his knees in front of Kyle and took his magnificent cock-head into his mouth and started to suck his student off. At that very moment, Steve, who simply could not stop himself, had no idea whether Kyle was gay or straight; but he assumed that a young man of his age and attributes would already be having sex with someone. And if Kyle turned out to be straight, Steve knew from long experience that even straight young studs did not necessarily shy away from what was obviously a homosexual overture.

Kyle had never before had anyone touch him and so he was totally shocked by Steve’s action – but it has to be said, shocked in an agreeable sort of way by what was his first sexual experience with anyone – and did not resist. Within a minute of tending to the needs of Kyle’s cock, Steve brought him to an enormous, shuddering climax when that massive tool erupted a positive tsunami of cum, most of which delicious cream Steve took across his face.

Things now got more serious as Steve pulled himself to his feet, stripped off his own shirt and shorts and stood there totally naked in front of Kyle. By now Kyle had got the message; that this was the beginning of some really serious sex; sex which he had long wished for but which he had had no idea was on Steve’s agenda that afternoon.

But as he gazed with as much admiration at Steve as Steve had, just a few minutes ago looked at him in all his naked glory, he saw that his sports master too, now also totally naked, was a real hunk of a guy. Steve had a beautifully muscled body, in its own way just as perfect as Kyle’s; and his cock, which was almost, but not quite as big as Kyle’s own formidable tool, was also by now rock-hard; and free as it now was from the restraining confines of those tight shorts was more or less in direct confrontation with Kyle’s own freshly discharged cannon.

The huge veins which coursed the surface of Steve’s magnificent tool seemed almost to be tearing at some imaginary lead in much the same was as a dog on a leash pulls away from his master’s hand as he scents a bitch in heat in the offing. If ever a man was ready for sex, it was Steve Shanit at that precise moment in time.

Not surprisingly, in view of how swiftly things had developed between them after Steve’s opening gambit in the sex game, he still did not realise that he was confronting an eighteen-year-old virgin. From the way in which Kyle had accepted his impromptu, spur-of-the-moment overture of a blow-job and the speed with which he had delivered his copious offering of creamy cum, he was under the impression that Kyle was, like him, an experienced gay. What he would have done had Kyle resisted Steve’s initial overture we shall never know; but it is safe to say that spurred on by the oft irresistible force of sexual attraction, as Steve had undoubtedly been, he did not have a Plan B.

So as Steve now advanced his plan to fuck Kyle, the proverbial penny had still not dropped; he still had no idea that the young man he was now preparing to fuck had never before taken another man’s cock up his ass; that the blow job he had just given Kyle was the lad’s first ever experience of sex of any kind. But ignorance, it is said, is bliss; and so Steve Shanit pressed on.

He approached Kyle, put his arms around the lad and held him for a moment before spinning him around and pushing him again towards that dreaded horse. “Kyle, I want you to bend across the horse again spreading your legs and I will give your ass the tender loving care it really deserves.”

Kyle was suddenly alarmed as he thought that Steve was about to take the paddle to his backside again. “Please sir, not more of the paddle. Please sir not… My backside is really very sore and I don’t think I could stand anymore. You really did hurt me with what you did to me with the paddle; so please sir, no more!”

“Kyle what on earth made you think that I was going to paddle you again given what we have just done together? The paddling is done and gone and you have taken your punishment for your bad behaviour; that is all behind us now. No Kyle, I thought that as a reward you would like me to give your ass something it really enjoys; so just do as I say and I will do my best to make amends for the paddling I had to give you.”

Kyle said nothing and played dumb.

“Oh come on Kyle; don’t play the innocent with me, you know as well as I do what guys like you and me do when they get together; do I have to spell it out to you in detail? Kyle surely you know that I want to have sex with you and my guess is that you want me to do just that. Just look at us; we are both totally ready for sex; look at your own cock; it is still rock-hard and telling you what it wants.”

And now came the unexpected moment of truth when Steve finally learned the facts about Kyle’s total lack of any form of sexual experience. “Sir, the only sexual experience have had to date is what you did to me just now when you sucked my cock and I squirted my stuff all over your face. That sir is all I have ever experienced.”

To say the very least, Steve was astounded by this unexpected revelation of Kyle’s sexual innocence. “You mean tell me Kyle, that a magnificently well-set-up lad like you has never had sex with another man – or for that matter with a woman; I find that hard to believe as just looking at you Kyle, you are just about the sexiest young man I have ever seen; and here you are aged eighteen and telling me that you are sexually totally inexperienced.”

Poor Kyle was now dying an embarrassing death, wallowing in the depths of his misery. His face was as red as a beetroot as he now confessed his total lack of sexual experience to Steve. And now the whole story came out; how he knew he was interested only in other men; how he was just too shy to make the first move; how he had no idea whether any of the guys in his class were of the same sexual persuasion as he thought himself to be.

And how he was miserable in himself at his lack of any intimate friendship because of his sexual shyness which is probably what made him do the things he did on the football field. sd of that would somehow justify him in the eyes of others. And so the poor lad went on and one and poured out his heart in a flood of words to Steve Shanit as the two of them stood there naked facing each other.

Steve Shanit, who, as we already know, had long had eyes for Kyle, listened with great sympathy as the young man, on whom he had just made his first move, laid his soul bare to him. And he understood himself just how difficult taking that first step could be; the hesitation as one questioned oneself about one’s sexuality; am I really a gay or is it just a passing fancy? If I take the first step and don’t like the result, what then? But having listened to Kyle’s outpourings, Steve now realised that he had to press on with his plan which had always been to have sex with the young man.

However, things were now somewhat different for he was unexpectedly dealing with a guy who had just declare himself to be a virgin, whereas until a few moments ago, he had been sure that Kyle was already an experienced player in the game of gay sex. But having declared his own sexuality to Kyle by sucking the lad off, he knew he could not now abandon him and leave him in his present state of limbo.

“Kyle; I had no idea when I did what I just did to you a few moments ago, that you were totally inexperienced. But if you will allow me, I will try to help you to find yourself and put to rest once and for all your doubts and dithering about your own sexuality. So why not let me go ahead and give you your first true experience of gay-sex. Now trust me Kyle; I do know what I am doing and as you must by now be acutely aware, I am totally gay myself.

So why not do as I suggested just a few minutes ago and bend across the horse again and I will attempt to take you to heaven and back and show you the pleasure of getting yourself fucked by a truly experienced operator who has a really great cock. (No false modesty here!) Believe me Kyle, once you have lost your virginity, you will feel a new and liberated young man and any doubts you have hand about your sexuality will have vanished. Kyle; it’s up to you; if you don’t take that first step and try it just once, you will never know. So what’s it to be? Do we or don’t we have sex together?”

Kyle who had until that moment been utterly miserable, drowning in his own uncertainty, suddenly saw that here was exactly the opportunity he had been wanting. Here was a man, fully experienced in sexual matters, who was offering to take him in hand and show him the ropes. And it was not some unknown guy who was offering him sex, but the very person whom he admired most at school and who, unbeknown to him until now, was himself a committed gay.

Things could hardly have been better; and yet, there was still that hesitation. Kyle, even knowing precisely what Steve was proposing to do to him – he had seen it all times without number on the internet porn channels – wondered what if when push came to shove he suddenly would get cold feet as he felt Steve’s formidable fuck-stick knocking at his door for the very first time.

But then he realised that such fears must be those which all young men experience the first time they have sex with another guy. To chicken out at this stage was no solution; he knew that he had to let Steve work what he himself hoped would turn out to be his sexual magic on him. In a word he had finally to burn his bridges; to put his trust in Steve and allow him to fuck his butt. And so he did as Steve had suggested and offered his virgin backside to the rampant cock of his sports master. It was to be a life-changing decision.

Steve surveyed Kyle’s bright red buns, which now spread wide gave him his first real view of that all important port of entry: Kyle’s hitherto untouched, virgin anus: the point where he would shortly give both Kyle and himself the pleasure of his own cock. Steve had been shocked – possibly too strong a word – but at least surprised, that such a magnificently attractive and sexually well-equipped young man was still a virgin; but that state of affairs would soon come to an end.

Kyle, this physically superb young gay-in-waiting, would, he felt sure, suddenly realise his full sexual potential and the joys that exploiting it would bring him. Steve had had and was, in fact, still having sex with many different men; both as a bottom – when he took the other guy’s cock up his own ass and allowed himself to be fucked – but also as a top when he was dominant and fucked his partner, which was of course where Kyle’s initiation into the joys of gay sex would begin.

There were no two ways about it. Kyle’s initiation into gay sex, had to begin by allowing Steve to fuck him; he had to surrender his anal virginity to Steve; to take Steve’s cock up his ass and allow himself to be fucked for the first time. In his very active life as a practising gay, Steve could never recall a single occasion where his subordinate, bottom partner had been a virgin: someone totally uninitiated in the art of anal sex.

So this was a very special occasion for both of them; for Steve, as he would be fucking a virgin for the first time ever; and for Kyle, as he would finally be surrendering his own virginity by allowing himself to be initiated into the art and practice of gay-sex. Steve looked at the enticingly attractive globes of the delicious bubble-butt of an ass which Kyle was now offering him, and saw, nestling there, Kyle’s tight little anus, barely bigger than a slight pucker in the skin.

Steve found himself in an unusual state of arousal just at the thought of being the first person to be allowed to stretch Kyle’s anal sphincter and slide his cock into the young man’s rectum, thereby robbing him of his virginity. That one single act, as his penis penetrated Kyle’s most private parts, would change Kyle’s life forever. He would be turned instantly, as if by the touch of a magic wand, from a boy into a young man.

Steve had every intention of making Kyle’s first time into a highly pleasurable occasion for both of them. Looking at the angry red colour and obvious pain which Kyle’s buttocks were still suffering as a result of the very severe paddling he had just given the lad, Steve decided to make haste slowly and to begin by trying to ease Kyle’s pain before getting down to the essential act of copulation itself.

And so, he produced a jar of a cream based on the natural extract of the plant, Aloe Vera, which has a strong anti-inflammatory action and almost immediate soothing properties. Of this he very gently applied a liberal quantity to Kyle’s blistered ass; and as he massaged the cream into Kyle’s skin, the soothing effect was immediate. Within five minutes, the raging pain left by the paddle retreated into a not unpleasant warm sensation. Kyle gave a sigh of relief as the pain in his ass dropped from the excruciating to the tolerable level.

Steve then applied a liberal quantity of a proprietary brand of oil free lubricant especially formulated for gay sex. This he massaged well into Kyle’s anal crevice ensuring that a good quantity remained around that vital opening, Kyle’s anus, through which his own cock would shortly penetrate Kyle’s virgin rectum.

“Kyle, I think you are now ready for your first gay sex experience. I have lubricated your vital parts very thoroughly so that I can give you a really comfortable fuck after I have penetrated you for the first time. Lubrication is very important in gay anal intercourse as we men do not automatically produce the sort of natural lubricant which our female friends do when they are being fucked by a man; and so we need to use an external lubricant.”

“Now I am sure you have read about having safe sex; well what that means is that that the guy who is the top – in this case today, me – should roll a rubber condom onto his cock before penetrating his partner; but today, as this is your first time and as I am completely clean and HIV negative, I propose to give your first ever fuck with my naked cock as I think every guy should experience the ultimate sensation of a bare-back fuck”

So unless you object, I propose now to take your virginity from you and to attempt to take you to heaven and back and introduce you, bare-back, to the joys and pleasures of gay anal sex.”

Kyle listened to this rather technical discourse in complete silence; he was happy to let his mentor, for that is already how he thought of Steve, do as he wished; the guy was obviously a competent cocks-man and knew exactly what he was doing. Steve’s massaging of Kyle’s buns had again raised his cock to a full erection, which was now pressed against the padded leather of the horse. Steve’s own cock too was in a state of rock-hard readiness the likes of which he himself had never seen before.

Like Kyle, Steve too was very well endowed; but the prospect of deflowering a superb eighteen-year-old, virgin stud had somehow made his own erection seem longer and harder than usual. As he looked down on his ram-rod like piece of man-meat, he saw his superb, dead-straight shaft, the surface veins of which were pulsing with blood with an intensity that he had never before experienced; and his cock-head, brought into sharp relief by his own perfect circumcision, seemed to have swollen to a larger than normal size and was set off from its shaft by a well defined rim; by any standards this was a superb piece of very desirable man-meat: truly in its present rock-hard stse, a fuck-stick to be admired.

Few men could boast such a magnificent-looking sex organ, which was so perfectly balanced in length and girth; in a word, with no exaggeration, Steve Shanit had an absolutely perfect fuck-stick and he knew it; but more importantly, he knew how to use it. He suddenly realised that although he had fucked many different guys over the last five or so years, he had never felt quite like this as he prepared himself to penetrate Kyle’s tight, hitherto unsullied anus. This truly promised to be a truly exceptional fuck: one which would be long remembered both by him, but especially by Kyle as he surrendered his anal virginity: that one-time unique experience which can never be repeated.

Kyle, the immediate object of Steve’s attention, was feeling slightly apprehensive as the fatidic moment approached when he knew that he would feel Steve’s cock pushing against his anal sphincter which guarded the entry to his virgin body. He desperately wanted this to happen: to be fucked properly by someone who knew exactly what he was about. But at the same time he could not totally banish that vague feeling of fear of the unknown as he waited for the now inevitable to happen.

He suddenly felt the head of Steve’s cock pushing against his fundamental orifice announcing its intention of entering his hitherto most private parts. But the die was cast as he nervously – but who would not be nervous under the circumstances? – waited for the inevitable to happen. And when it did happen and his anal sphincter relaxed sufficiently to allow Steve to enter him, as soon as that well-rimmed cock-head passed the sphincter, his powerful, anal muscle snapped closed and grabbed Steve’s cock directly beneath the rim of its head.

But a bridgehead had now been made and there was now no going back. Kyle realised that his innermost secret wish was finally being granted and he was in the process of having his ass fucked for the first time. Steve waited a few moments and asked Kyle if he was OK and waited a few moments before smoothly sliding the full length of his long, hard shaft of man-meat into Kyle’s rectum.

Kyle let out a cry of pain as the invading phallus brushed past his prostate and then relaxed as he felt the full length of Steve’s magnificent length settle inside of him. It was a moment to be savoured; a moment which could never ever be repeated; With that one simple gesture Kyle had lost his virginity; it was gone forever; never to be recovered. It was a life changing act which Kyle had just experienced.

Steve, who was intent on making this first time as great an experience as he possibly could for his young partner, waited a few moment before beginning to show his pupil what classic, copulative, anal sex was all about. He started slowly and gently with his thrusting, before gradually building up to longer and more powerful strokes. Inevitably as he himself became totally aroused by what he was doing, the length, thrust and speed of his strokes all built up and up until when he was nearing climax himself, he was practically withdrawing his cock totally at each stroke from Kyle before forcefully thrusting his full length back into Kyle’s hole.

But by now, fully caught up in the act of copulation, he was unable to stop what was now verging on the uncontrollable; and yet he still nevertheless managed to maintain sufficient control of what he was doing to ensure that he did not simply reach orgasm himself and leave Kyle high, dry and disappointed. And so although Steve had reached the stage where he was fucking Kyle with ever increasing force, he managed to hold back his own climax until he was sure that Kyle too had reached that fatidic point of no return.

Then, at that very moment, he withdrew his massive member totally from Kyle’s hole and immediately thrust himself back with all the force he could muster, thereby bringing each of them to an immense orgasm. Kyle was in seventh heaven with this, his initiation into the art of gay sex, as he experienced for the very first time an intense orgasm that had both been induced by, but also experienced by his mentor.

This went way beyond anything he had ever experienced himself when he had so often, as most young men do, jerked himself off to relieve his sexual tension. Both young men erupted their copious emissions of semen in great, shuddering spurts that seemed to Kyle to go on forever.

Any doubts he had still harboured about his own sexuality had been swept aside by what he had just experienced. After their joint climax Steve remained with his cock still deep inside Kyle for several minutes whilst he recovered his breath after the enormous physical effort he had expended in naming Kyle’s first-time gloriously memorable. He then asked Kyle how he now felt and if he had enjoyed the experience.

“Sir what you have just done to me and for me was quite the most wonderful experience of my life to date. Believe me sir, it was worth the paddling you gave me to go on and experience what you have just shown me. I have no idea why I was so afraid of having sex with another man, as I have known for several years that my future, if I ever had one would be with another man as I have no eyes at all for the opposite sex. And now that it has finally happened and I have had my first sexual experience, thanks to you sir, I know without a doubt that you have shown me the path to my future sex life, for which I shall be eternally grateful.”

After listening to this fulsome and rather overblown speech of thanks, Steve replied: “Kyle, I think under the present circumstance you should drop the “Sir” bit and call me Steve. Listen Kyle, I am relieved that you are OK; a guy’s first-time can be quite an ordeal, but believe me, Kyle, I enjoyed fucking you as much as you have also apparently enjoyed what we did together; and relieving you of your virginity, was also a first for me.”

“So young man, if you feel up to it, I will show you another common position which we gays use when we have sex together. How about it? Are you up to being fucked again right now?”

Kyle was over the moon at the thought that this, their first liaison together, was not yet at an end and nodded his head that he wanted to continue. Steve now withdrew himself totally from Kyle’s ass, swung the young man over onto his back, took hold of his legs which he held vertically against his own body, and proceeded to fuck him again in the mission position.

This time he did not hold back at all and standing there, in a bout of really raw, rough sex, battered Kyle’s fuck-hole as hard as he could with his still rampant cock. And when they again climaxed together, it was with that almost explosive violence which only ever occurs when both parties have abandoned themselves totally to the joys of the sex act; and what a joy it was for Kyle to learn how much he actually enjoyed sexual intercourse with his master; it was just the most wonderful feeling that he was finally achieving his dream of being well and truly fucked and totally enjoying the experience.

By this time the two of them were covered in a mixture of sweat and cum. Steve pulled his cock out of Kyle’s anus, pulled the lad to his feet and clasped him in a big hug. For a couple of minutes the two of them me stood there holding each other, their man-meat still hard, sandwiched between them.

For Kyle it was a heavenly experience; he had never before today been touched by another man and now here he was in the arms of his idol, naked and with the cock which had just fucked him and to which he had surrendered his virginity, pressed hard against his belly. Kyle could hardly imagine life getting any better than this; but he as was shortly to learn, Steve had by no means done with schooling his pupil in the joys of gay sex.

“Come on Kyle, let’s take a shower and get ourselves cleaned up; then I’ll take you out to eat and we can discuss plans for this evening.”

Plans for this evening! Kyle could hardly believe his ears. Here he was about to take a shower with the man who just fucked him twice in quick succession and who was already talking about what they should do later. Kyle was surprised to see that Steve had a private shower room adjacent to his office; but as he habitually wore sports gear to take his classes during which he subjected himself to quite a lot of vigorous exercise, it was not surprising that the guy needed washing facilities before he changed back into his street clothes.

But what was more surprising was the sheer size of the shower installation; it had two shower heads and ample space for two men to shower together. Anyway, Steve led Kyle into this place and together they relaxed under the soothing flow of hot water. Steve started to lather up Kyle’s back and chest; his hands moved over Kyle’s body in a very erotically arousing manner and gradually descended until one hand was cupping Kyle’s balls and the other gently fondling his erect penis.

Then quite suddenly, Steve swung Kyle around and thrust what had again become his rock-hard member deep into Kyle’s fuck-hole. There were no preliminaries; no discussions; no questions as to whether Kyle was OK with what was happening to him. Kyle now realised that this impromptu fuck to which he was now being subjected, was due to the fact that Steve simply could not resist the allure of his body. And what active gay wouod not have done the same. for Kyke was an irresistably fuckable commodity

This had nothing at all to do with instructing Kyle in the gentle art of fucking butt by showing him yet another position; it had everything to do with satisfying Steve’s own libido, which at that moment under the shower and in the presence of a sexily attractive young man, had become that unstoppable force which often leads men to do things which they later regret.  But later regret was not a sentiment  which entered into the present situation as Steve hammered his cock into a very receptive Kyle.

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For Kyle, this was his first encounter with the raw power of sex. He saw that Steve had been unable to control his sexual desires and had just had to do what this cock was telling him it wanted; Steve was simply obeying his inbuilt sexual instincts as he stood there fucking Kyle’s butt with unbelievable vigour for the third time in quick succession.

His cock went in and out of Kyle’s rectum with a force and stroke reminiscent of that of the piston of an old steam locomotive. What was now happening to Kyle had taken sex to a completely different level; he was beside himself with the utter pleasure he was taking from this unexpected act on Steve’s part.

Whether by design or accident – who knows under the impromptu circumstances – Steve’s cock finally exploded into climax of cum and at the same time Kyle shot his own load all over the shower cubicle, where it was immediately washed away by the flowing water. Steve grabbed Kyle and hugged him tightly to himself as he swung the lad around to embrace him and kissed him fully on the mouth.

Kyle was ecstatic with joy as he suddenly felt for the first time in his life, that someone wanted him; he felt cared for in a strange sort of way, for he saw that at that precise moment, Steve really wanted him.When it was finally over, Steve laughed and said jokingly: “Well we should make a practice of fucking only in the shower, as it has the considerable advantage that one does not have to clean up the mess that sex always leaves in its wake. Come on Kyle, dry yourself off and get dressed and we’ll go and eat.”

For Kyle, things were just going from better to better; he had finally been fucked and lost his virginity, as a result of which he somehow felt that he had increased his own stature and self-esteem and become a true man. And not only had he been fucked – three times no less – but he had been well and truly fucked; and not by anyone but by someone whom he had long admired: Steve Shanit, his school master.

And to cap it all, the two of them were now going out to eat together; and then who knows what would happen? Steve had already spoken of plans for the evening; what had he in mind? Could things get any better?

However, suddenly there appeared a fly in the ointment; Kyle remembered that he had hardly any money on him; in fact, the lad never ever had much money as his stepfather was a tight-fisted skinflint who doled out miserly sums of cash to his stepson. Kyle lived through a moment of silent, embarrassed panic as he wondered what to do; he had to tell Steve that he had not the cash to pay for his share of the meal they were going to have together.

But he need not have worried as Steve had already divined from what he had heard from Kyle earlier that the lad was not exactly flush and said: “So Kyle; if you are ready let’s move our butts and go and eat; it’s on me by the way: my treat.”


Steve drove to a place he knew outside of the suburb in which Kyle lived and the school in which Steve taught was located. Now that he had committed that deadliest and totally unforgivable of sins: having sex with one of his pupils. In the eyes of the school-board and especially those of the vinegary, dried-up school-principal, Edgar Schmitt, he knew that if the liaison between Kyle and him ever became public, he would lose his job on thhe spot and might well be tarred as a child molester, even though Kyle was eighteen and of the age of consent.

Of course nothing could have been further from the truth. Kyle had been an eager and willing participant in what had just happened and would doubtless have confirmed that fact; but even the fact that the lad was of aged eighteen and free to do as he wished and had welcomed the attention he had just received from Steve would probably cut no ice with the powers-that-be.Steve would be out on his ear before he could say a word to defend himself. He was a teacher and Kyle was still his pupil; no matter what Kyle’s age, the school rules were sacrosanct; it was unthinkable that a teacher could have any form of sexual relationship with a student.

Yet time and time again it did happen simply because sex is such an inexorable driving force and leads people both men and women to do things which they know are forbidden. And so, Steve, fully aware that he was now skating on very thin ice by his actions with Kyle, drove to a restaurant in a part of town where neither of them was known. Talk is cheap and rumours tend to circulate quickly and can have bad consequences and so Steve preferred to take Kyle where they were both anonymous.

For Kyle, eating out had hitherto meant going to one of the hundreds of fast-food joints in the Chicago area. And so when Steve took Kyle into a place where they sat at a table and had cutlery and napkins and the menus offered something other than the fast food to which Kyle was accustomed, this was a new experience for the lad; as new, in fact, as had been the experience of getting his ass shafted a little earlier.

As the meal progressed, the atmosphere between what had been master and pupil – what, to be strictly correct was, in fact, still the case – became much more relaxed and Kyle now realised that in Steve, he had possibly found a true friend. Steve, who had long had eyes for Kyle, was totally smitten by his young protégé now that they had passed from being mutual admirers to what I suppose one would call casual sex partners. And so, during the meal, he managed to tease out from Kyle much of the misery of his hitherto unrevealed family life.

Encouraged by the fact that for the first time someone was evidently interested in him, Kyle poured out his heart to Steve and openly voiced his dissatisfaction with his home life, if one could call it that. So the whole sad history of how he did not get on at all with his stepfather came pouring out into Steve’s sympathetic ears.

“Steve, if I could, I would leave home tomorrow with no regrets. I know now that I am eighteen I can legally do so, but until I finish school this year and get some sort of a job, I have no income or money of my own and so I am trapped for the moment in this miserable situation. But believe me, Steve, once I leave school and start to work, then I’m off. I want nothing more at all to do with my stepfather, my two half sisters and even with my own mother; when I leave home, it will be for good and they’ll never see me again.”

Steve listened to all this outpouring with a sympathetic ear. As he saw it, the one bright thing in Kyle’s recent career was that he had finally taken the plunge, recognised that he was gay and allowed himself to have sex with another man for the first time; and as far as Steve could see, the lad had enjoyed every moment as he had expertly reamed out the lad’s ass, robbing him of his virginity.

But what had by chance turned into Steve’s introductory course in gay sex was by no means over. The night was still young and Steve had every intention of turning Kyle into a fully rounded, gay, young stud before the night was out. He settled the bill and motioned to Kyle that it was time to leave: “Come on young man, jump to it; we’ve still got a lot of work to do tonight before you go to bed.”

Without saying anything more, Steve drove them back to his apartment where he had every intention of showing Kyle the other half of gay sex. He assumed that Kyle must have realised that he had so far played the passive role in what had happened. As a bottom, he had allowed Steve to fuck his ass no less than three times, but so far he had not had the opportunity to use his own cock on a welcoming butt. His ass had been so thoroughly fucked that Kyle was now aware of the well-nigh, indescribable pleasure of an orgasm produced by another man fucking his butt.

Steve now wanted to get Kyle to learn how to do the same with his own magnificent cock: to be the active partner, with Steve himself as the bottom. It was not quite as altruistic as it sounded at first, as Steve himself was simply dying to feel Kyle’s massive fuck-stick penetrate his own anus; but that truly was a plus, as the first objective was to get Kyle to use his cock in what would be his first active act of anal sexual intercourse. Kyle had already surrendered his anal virginity to Steve; and now Steve wanted his own anus to be the recipient of Kyle’s first fuck as he surrendered for ever his penile virginity and in so doing entered into true manhood.

Steve had a smallish one-bedroom apartment in a modern block with no porter to whisper about the tenants’ comings and goings. Once inside, Steve locked the door behind them and started stripping off his clothes. Kyle needed no urging to do the same. Any embarrassment he had shown earlier that day had now gone and his rigid cock showed that he was as ready as his mentor for what was to come.

Kyle still knew that he was playing the subordinate role and waited to see what instructions Steve would give him. Steve now totally naked with his cock ready for action, went up to Kyle smiling, placed his hands on the lad’s shoulders and gently pushed him to his knees. He had no need to tell Kyle what the next step was as the lad opened his mouth wide in readiness to take Steve’s penis and give him a blow-job.

And just as earlier he had been made to offer his own cock to Steve, so now he took Steve’s rock-hard tool in his mouth and started to work it with his lips. Sucking a guy’s cock was something Kyle had never experienced before. As he worked his mouth up and down Steve’s shaft, he tasted for the first time that slight, fishy saltiness which male cum always seems to have. And then, quite suddenly as Kyle’s lips caressed Steve with ever greater fervour, Steve’s cock erupted in an explosive orgasmic emission of seminal fluid, which Kyle took partly in his mouth and all over his face.

Steve pulled the lad to his feet again and hugged him tight against his own muscular torso; and there the two of them stayed – two muscular young men, cocks fully alert and ready for action, wrapped in each other’s arms – for a full minute. For Kyle, this contact with another man’s naked body was a totally new experience; for the first time he felt truly wanted and a feeling of great contentment flooded through his body.

Steve then said: “Kyle, you know the expression: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Well it’s true the other way round too: All play and no work also makes Jack a dull boy.” Kyle was puzzled by what Steve had just said; but all was made clear a moment later as Steve continued: “You see Kyle, in what has so far happened between us today, I have been the main motive force; I have done all the hard work, fucking you no less than three times.”

“Now young man, don’t you think that it is about time time that you learned how to give as well as to take. Come on Kyle; waken up; my quicky course in gay sex is only half complete; you need to fuck me in the same was as I have done for you; not until you have done that, can you say that your basic training course in the art of gay sex is complete. But joking apart Kyle, what you have so far experienced is acting as what is usually called the bottom in the sex act, in which I performed on you with my cock as the top.”

“Now some guys just like to be bottoms and some to be just tops; but frankly, a guy with a cock like yours surely does not want to remain a bottom all his life – a simple taker of his partner’s cock. Lots of male couples, who live together as an item, do have just that sort of relationship; the one plays what I suppose is the surrogate female role and is always the bottom and the other guy does all the fucking and plays the male role.”

“But my personal view is that muscular guys like us need a relationship where they can play both roles. My view is that long-term happiness comes from fucking and, then in turn, being fucked back by your partner. And that, in my view, for a guy like you, is the situation I think you should aim for. So, after what we have done so far together today, my guess is that you now want to use your own cock on me to allow you to see that the sort of sexual relationships you will want to develop with other guys will involve you in both the active and passive roles.”

“Of course I don’t know how you yourself feel about the give and take of sex; we have just had sex together for the first time this afternoon and given the circumstances, it was natural that I should take the lead and fuck you. And for all I know, you might just want to be a bottom and allow your partner to fuck you and bring you to orgasm as I did for you earlier today.”

“But just let me say that although we both had great climaxes together this afternoon, you cannot appreciate, until you have actually done it yourself, just how different it is to bring yourself and your partner to orgasm by using your cock on him. It moves the whole joy of sex to a totally different level. It is, believe me, the greatest pleasurable sensation on earth.”

“And it is precisely the desire to enjoy the exquisite – and I choose that word carefully – sensation which the orgasm of the sex act brings with it, which is why I believe that it is the greatest motivating force behind our sex drive. Yes, visual attraction is the first motivator – you fancy someone on first sight – but once over that step, it is the desire to reach orgasm and experience its pleasure again and again, which drives us on. Once experienced, it's like a drug; the sex act is addictive”

“So Kyle, I think you need to seize the chance I am offering you right now, which if you had not already guessed, is to play the active role on me, in much the same way as I did to you earlier. Come on Kyle, I want you to fuck me. And to be truly honest to you, although I want you to do it for your own satisfaction, I truly do want you to fuck me. So go to it young man and let me fell that cock of yours inside me.”

Kyle was bowled over by what Steve had just said to him. Of course Kyle wanted to fuck; to use his cock on someone. What young man with his physique and sexual endowment could possibly think otherwise? It was just the most natural thing in to world for a young-man of his age to think and fantasize about having sex with someone; and naturally in his case, because if his sexual orientation, with another man.

But although Kyle had long admired and, I supposed, lusted after Steve, now that push had finally come to shove, he found that he had suddenly got cold feet. To have his PE teacher – and in spite of everything he still saw Steve as his teacher – suggest that he might like to fuck him, just seemed to Kyle a step too far. All right, he had desperately wanted to lose his own virginity and exercise his cock on another guy rather than go on just relieving his pent up sexual frustration by jerking-off in private; but to fuck Steve, his school-master, just seemed a step he could not take.

Just how Kyle reconciled this in his own mind with the fact that he had allowed Steve to fuck him, is difficult to explain. But now that he had been offered Steve’s ass, more or less on a plate, he suddenly felt could not indulge in the very act which had been his pent-up desire for quite a long time. Yes he did want to fuck butt; but not Steve’s; somehow it did not seem right.

In Kyle’s mind, it seemed appropriate that the older man should have groomed him in the first steps towards an active sex life; but now that the boot was to be on the other foot, it seemed totally inappropriate. He came back to the inescapable fact: Steve was still his school teacher! At least that is the way Kyle reasoned to himself as he digested and try to come to terms with what Steve was suggesting.

Steve sensed immediately that Kyle had a problem, although he did not at that moment know exactly what it was. Steve’s suggestion that Kyle now take the lead role and fuck him, was, as he had said, not altogether altruistic. Kyle, naked as he was and visually ready to go, for his cock which was now fully erect and approaching ten inches in length was already oozing a little precum as he stood there, was also Steve’s dream idea of the perfect partner.

It is hard to put into words exactly what Steve himself felt as he looked at this magnificently endowed young stud. He just knew that there was no way that he was going to allow Kyle to escape without having sampled his cock; in a word, Steve, at that moment wanted desperately to be fucked by this young man.

“Kyle, something is bothering you; what is it? Come on Kyle; I’m offering you my ass on a plate, so don’t hold back; just welcome it; you know you want to fuck me; it’s the natural follow-on to what we have been doing today; just look at yourself; your cock is telling you exactly what it wants. Kyle you are as ready to have your very first anal fuck right now as you are ever going to be. So what’s wrong; come on Kyle; out with it!”

Kyle was very embarrassed by the situation in which he found himself. “Sir, it somehow doesn’t feel right that a schoolboy like me should think of having sex with one of his masters. It’s one thing for you to have fucked me, but for me to do the same thing back to you just does not seem right; it seems somehow disrespectful sir; at least so it seems to me sir and that’s exactly how I feel right now.”

“Kyle, what the fuck is all this business with you calling me sir again; I told you that as now we are together as sex partners that you should drop the formality and call me Steve. Look Kyle; right now we are no longer in a pupil-master situation and forget the idea that you are a schoolboy; you may be still at school, but aged eighteen as you now are, you are of age; you are legally a young man.”

“At this moment, we are now just two gay, young men, who are attracted towards each other physically; and make no mistake Kyle; just in case you had not realised it, you are gay; and today we are doing what countless young men before us have done; we are having sex together, which is not against the law. So just cut the crap about it not feeling right and get your cock lubed up and fuck me. Come on Kyle, move your ass; I’m waiting.”

Then before Kyle had time to speak, Steve, who was absolutely raring to go, picked up the bottle of lubricant, poured a liberal quantity over Kyle’s cock and rubbed it all over the lad’s rock-hard member.

“There you are Kyle; you’re all ready to go now, so get to it young man; I want to feel that tool of yours inside of me in the next thirty seconds so move your butt before I feel the need to paddle it again.” Then without waiting for an answer, Steve bent across the table, spread his legs and offered his anus to the still virgin Kyle.

Kyle looked down at his rampant meat and then at the target which was being offered to him. And at that stage he saw that he himself was being totally ridiculous and that he had to do as he had been told by Steve. But moreover, he knew in himself that he desperately wanted to use his cock on Steve, master or not.

“Steve; should I lube you up too before I penetrate you?” Kyle asked plaintively.

“Kyle; just forget lubricating me and do as I said; let me feel you enter me; and I mean that Kyle; I don’t want to be kept waiting any longer. Come on lad, just make your first fuck a real humdinger; just fuck me as hard as you can; you know that is what you want to do; and you also know that that is exactly what I want right now. Kyle; you must see that I want you to fuck me hard just as much as you want to do the deed; so for crying out loud Kyle, cut the philosophical cackle and just get on and fuck my hole as hard as you can.”

Driven on by these strong exhortations from Steve, who was now really in a psyched up state himself as he desperately wanted to feel Kyle fucking him. He had simply fallen in love with Kyle’s magnificent cock, which to be honest, in its present state of readiness, a nine to ten inch rigid shaft held at an angle of 45 degrees to Kyle’s muscular stomach, glistening with the lubricating oil that Steve himself had applied to it, was truly a sight to behold. Kyle too, had by now realised that his objections were really nonsensical.

After all Steve had shown him the light and he had been a willing pupil; and now Steve wanted to complete his lessons in the art of anal intercourse and so why should he object further? And so Kyle pushed the head of his cock against the muscles of the port of entry to Steve’s most private parts. feeling, for the very first time, the resistance which a man’s anal muscles pose to an invader. For a moment he did not quite know what to do; but Steve was, as ever, ready to instruct him.

“Go on Kyle; that’s the idea; just push your dick hard against my anus and it will yield and let you penetrate me and then you can slide your full length inside of my rectum.”

Kyle did as Steve had said and suddenly his cock-head was inside of his partner and after a slight pause, he then went on and slid the full length of his meat deep into Steve’s ass. For Kyle it was a marvellous moment, as he slid himself smoothly for the first time ever into his partner and felt Steve’s anal sphincter muscle grip the root of his cock quite firmly.

Steve, for his part, was enjoying every moment of what was happening with an enormous sense of satisfaction and personal achievement. He knew he was taking the virgin cock of his young protégé; and not any virgin cock, but that of a young man whose body and sexual equipment he admired enormously – and introducing him to one of the greatest pleasures known to man.And so for the two of them, this was yet another first: the first time for Kyle as he was finally realising his dream and fucking a man: and a first also for Steve as he had never previously initiated a young, virgin, lad’s cock into the delights of gay sexual intercourse.

“That’s just great Kyle; now just do what you find comes naturally. But try to give me long and smooth strokes as you fuck me; and if you can, try to hold your own climax back until you see that I am on the point of orgasm myself; that way we will, with any luck, explode our loads together and make your first time truly one to remember: a sort of sexual christening ceremony where you you are anointed with cum.”

And in spite of Kyle’s total lack of experience, he found that he needed no instruction on what to do. He instinctively knew, as do all men in the same situation, that he just wanted to fuck his partner as hard as he could, which is what he did. And so he started that piston-like, reciprocating movement, which characterises any form of copulation – straight or gay – aimed at bringing both of them to a climax. And as he quickly found himself becoming totally overcome by the erotic feelings which the sex act inevitably engenders, he naturally increased both his stroke length and the force of his thrusts as he approached his own climax. But when that magic moment finally came, he simply could not control himself any longer as he ejaculated his load in several powerful jerks over Steve’s backside.

It was, for Kyle, one of those iconic cornerstones of life’s experience: something he would remember for the rest of his life. He had finally realised his dream and fucked another man; and the sensation he had experienced as he reached orgasm was way beyond anything he had ever felt before; it beat jerking-off into a cocked hat! So the young man had learned in one simple lesson why men needed to fuck. Once experienced, the desire of the human male to experience orgasm becomes a driving force which most men cannot resist and sexual intercourse, either gay or hetero, becomes a permanent feature of life. One might say that one dose is enough to create an addict!

So Kyle stood there, his cock still hard now withdrawn from Steve and he watched his partner jerk himself off to completion. In one way Kyle knew that he had to some extent disappointed Steve, in that he had not manage to take him with him all the way to simultaneous orgasm with himself. But it had been Kyle’s first-time and the young man had been just so psyched up with the eroticism of the occasion that that had not been able to control himself.

Steve, having finally discharged his own load of cream with a little five fingered assistance, stood looking at Kyle and said: “Well done Kyle; that was a brilliant first fuck. Now, if you are up to it – always a challenging remark which is aimed at raising the receiver’s mettle – try it again only this time, with me on my back in the mission position.”

Then without discussing the matter any further with Kyle, he lay down on his back on the table, positioned himself with his ass on the edge, bent his legs and spread them, put his feet on the table thereby giving Kyle clear access to his anus for the second time. This time Kyle, having tasted the sheer pleasure to be had from fucking another guy’s ass, now showed no hesitation at all as he thrust his cock for the second time within five minutes into Steve’s inviting anus.

Then, with no need of any exhortation or encouragement from Steve, he gave his partner’s ass the sort of hard fuck that only a big cock such as his can achieve. Kyle needed no instructions at all as he held Steve’s legs up against his own body and thrust his cock in and out of his partner’s anus. Blessed as he was with a very long and well proportioned piece of man-meat, he was able most of the time to withdraw himself almost completely from Steve, before giving him the next thrust with ever greater force.

And as is normally the case, as the tension built up, Kyle become totally out of control of his feelings and he fucked Steve with increasingly longer and harder strokes. But now after his very first experience at exercising his cock on another guy, Kyle was better able to control himself in this, his second only fuck, until he saw that Steve was about to climax at which moment he withdrew himself completely from his partner, waited a second or so before plunging his rampant cock full length back into Steve.

His pause was perfectly judged and both young men climaxed together in what can but be described as an eruption of sperm. Both of them just pumped what seemed to be never-ending loads, covering each other in cum. It was a triumph of anal copulation for Kyle, who on this his only second attempt, handled his fuck-stick like a veteran.

He felt as if he himself was more or less walking on air. Steve was both amazed at and personally satisfied with his young pupil’s stellar performance with his cock. When they both had calmed down again, Steve said; “Well Kyle, I think, young man, we can say that you have mastered the art of gay sex with a vengeance; you are such a natural Kyle; what more can I say?”

To be continued in Episode 3





Written by jasonland
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