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Same Time Next Week

"Two married men get it on in secret."

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Author's Notes

"These characters made a very brief appearance in my story 'Risk and Reward.' I decided to give them a story of their own. Hope you enjoy it!"

Though Beau and I were busy with work and family, we made a point to get together for pizza and beer every Thursday evening. Our wives found the ritual endearing, so they tolerated it without complaint. Now that it was October, night descended far more quickly, and it was already dark when I entered the restaurant. "Sorry I'm late," I told my friend. "Shit got crazy just before I left work. You know how it is."

"I sure do. And it's no problem, Dennis. I ordered our usual." Beau wore a t-shirt and jeans, while I was still in business casual. I poured myself a glass of beer from the pitcher on the table, then took several big swallows. I noticed Beau regarding me with a raised eyebrow. Though he and I were the same age, a little over forty, I thought he looked at least five years younger. My graying hair was starting to thin at the crown, but Beau's was still full and dark. He wore his a little longer than my workplace would have deemed appropriate, but then, Beau always got away with stuff like that. He was a charmer through and through.

"It's been a shitty week," I told him before gulping down even more beer.

"I'm definitely sensing that." He leaned forward, arms crossed on the table. "You want to talk about it?"

"Ah, work's always stressful; I feel like I'm constantly putting out fires there. And Connie..." I hesitated to say anything about my wife, even to Beau. I knew I could trust him, but it still felt wrong to discuss intimate details of my marriage. Beau and his wife seemed happy enough, so I had to wonder if my issue with Connie was because of something I was doing wrong.

Our pizza arrived before I could say anything else. Beau and I always ordered it with the works, and it was always delicious. I didn't realize how hungry I was until I took that first bite. "So what were you saying about Connie? Is everything okay?" Beau asked before starting on his own slice.

"Oh, yeah. It's just that there's very little, uh, action going on in the bedroom," I said. Beau listened intently while keeping his expression neutral. "And don't get me wrong; I understand Connie is even busier than I am. She's a mom working a full-time job, and since she's in her mid-forties, I'm thinking there might be hormonal stuff happening. The nights are cooler now, but she runs the A/C full blast because of hot flashes." My friend nodded but didn't speak. "Anyway, the last thing I'm going to do is complain to her about the lack of sex, but physically, it's a little frustrating." Releasing a sigh, I decided to shut the hell up and focus on drinking my beer.

"Hey, I understand," Beau said. "Sandra and I still have sex about once a week, but..."

I couldn't hide my shock. Once a week? I would have given my left nut to be having sex once a week! I was lucky to get it once a month. Holding up my hand to stop my friend, I said, "You hear that, Beau? That's the sound of the world's tiniest violin playing for you right now."

"Hey, fuck you, man!" Beau said through his laughter. "I'm trying to be sympathetic here."

"Try again," I retorted.

Beau rubbed his chin, appearing thoughtful. "How about this, then?" He leaned closer and lowered his voice. I noticed his dark green eyes held a kind of heat I'd never seen before. "I'll blow you, and you can jerk me off."

I almost spat out the mouthful of beer I was trying to swallow. It ended up going down the wrong pipe, and I hacked until my eyes watered. Beau waved off the server who'd given me a worried look. "Are you serious?" I finally managed to choke out.

My thoughts skipped back to that night several years ago when Beau had gotten shitfaced at the New Year's Eve party Connie always insisted on throwing at our house. My friend and I had gone outside in the hopes that the cold air would sober him up a little. Instead, he ended up confessing that he'd experimented with a few guys during college, and he wondered if he'd missed out by settling down with one woman. I'd had no idea Beau was bisexual; by the time we'd become friends in our late twenties, he was already married. It didn't change my feelings toward him, but after that night, we'd never spoken about it again.

Now Beau's stare held a challenge. He waited for me to compose myself, then said, "Look, Dennis, I know you're straight, but beggars can't be choosers. I realized recently how much I miss sucking cock, so this could be a good thing for both of us."

I had no idea what to say. It felt like my mind was sorting through a thousand thoughts a minute. I was ashamed that some of those thoughts centered around the idea of Beau sucking me off. But if I happened to say yes--and that was a big if--what if he burst out laughing and said he was only joking?

My friend seemed to sense my struggle to form a response. "Hey, forget I mentioned it," he said. "It was just a suggestion, but I realize now it's not a good idea."

"Wait." My voice struck an urgent note, and Beau looked at me in surprise. After glancing around to make sure I wouldn't be overheard, I asked quietly, "If I were to say yes, how would we, you know, go about doing it?"

Beau considered my question for a moment. "There's a park within easy walking distance from here. I sometimes go there on my lunch break just to get outside for a bit. It has a walking trail that leads into some woods."

"I know where it is, but doesn't the place close at dark?"

"I doubt the cops are monitoring it, Dennis." Beau lifted his glass to his lips, keeping his gaze on me all the while.

I squirmed under his scrutiny. While he seemed cool about the whole thing, my stomach had tightened into a ball of nerves. If someone were to catch us in that park, what excuse could we possibly offer for trespassing there? Yet I knew my quickening pulse was due to more than anxiety; my cock was already stiffening in my pants. Before I could lose my nerve, I blurted out, "Let's go then."

Beau's eyes widened a little. "Now?"

"No time like the present," I said, trying to sound casual. "This is the only chance we'll have to get together for a week."

Beau hesitated, and I wondered if he would be the one to chicken out. Instead, he signaled for our server to bring the check. "You two finished already?" she asked, eyeing the unfinished beer and pizza. "Was everything okay?"

Beau gave her one of his winning smiles. "It was wonderful, as always. But something's come up, and we need to get going."

Something had definitely come up, all right. My cock was getting harder by the minute.

Once we'd paid for the meal and left the restaurant, Beau and I set off for the park. We didn't speak much as we walked; it seemed our need for conversation had been satisfied back at the restaurant, and we now had more pressing desires. The night had grown chilly, but my face was hot despite the cool air. Looking around, I saw the street was lined with office buildings, along with a few small shops. The area was quiet now that it was well past quitting time.

We soon reached the park. It was smaller than I'd thought, with just a few tables and benches. I doubted the woods would provide much cover. "Are you sure about this?" I murmured to Beau.

"It's fine," he said, and I allowed his confidence to persuade me. At least there was a brick wall bordering the front of the park that would conceal us from passing vehicles. The place seemed completely deserted, and I grew bolder while hurrying with Beau toward the walking trail. He took out his phone to activate the flashlight. I was surprised at how secluded the woods felt as we made our way deeper between the trees. It didn't take long for the parking lot to disappear from view.

Beau stopped in front of a large oak. "Just lean against the tree, and I'll take care of the rest," he told me.

I watched as he turned off the flashlight, casting us into deeper shadow. I could barely make out his face. Taking a deep breath, I did as Beau said. I'd lost my erection while worrying about us getting caught, but as my friend began unbuttoning my pants, I quickly grew semi-hard. I didn't want to think too long about what that might mean, and Beau didn't give me a chance to dwell on it, for he soon had my cock free. The first stroke of his hand made me moan. We were about the same height, and as he stood before me, using a gentle touch, I felt his breath on my face. I could tell he was excited, too.

Beau didn't say a word before dropping to his knees before me. I tensed in anticipation, still incredulous that my friend and I were doing this. Then I felt his tongue swirl around the head of my cock, and that was all it took to make me abandon my inhibitions. I tried not to make too much noise, but holy shit, his mouth was incredible! Warm and wet, it surrounded my tip. Closing my eyes, I struggled to control my rapid breathing. Beau pulled my pants and underwear down around my thighs, then released his own moan just before massaging my sack. "Oh, fuck!" I whispered. He licked the underside of my cock, his tongue traveling from base to tip. I couldn't stop myself from resting a hand on his head. This was such an intimate act, and it seemed strange, even wrong, not to touch him at all.

Beau was intent on kissing the entire length of my dick before nuzzling my balls. Of course, I'd never dreamed he would be kneeling before me and licking my nuts tonight, so I hadn't done any manscaping, but Beau didn't seem to mind my untamed pubes. If anything, he seemed hungry for my scent, for the taste of my skin. My knees buckled when he took my cock between his lips. "Please," I moaned.

While sucking my cockhead, Beau swept his tongue over my slit. I heard him unzip his jeans, and the thought of him taking out his dick made me tremble. I found myself wishing I could see him more clearly. Then I remembered what he'd said in the restaurant. He didn't expect me to blow him, but he did want a handjob after this. When I imagined taking him in my hand and stroking his cock, I thrust deeper into his mouth.

Beau rewarded me by making an effort to accept every inch. I let out a faint cry when his nose reached my pubic hair. He was trying to swallow my entire dick! I was astonished at his eagerness. This wasn't some chore waiting for him at the end of the day, the way it seemed to be for Connie when she decided to give me a blowjob. No, Beau seemed to derive plenty of pleasure from the act, and our excitement ricocheted back and forth, building to a crescendo.

When Beau finally gagged on my length, he pulled off to draw in several deep breaths. But instead of settling for just my cockhead, he went right back to deepthroating my dick. I moaned even louder as his throat muscles worked around my tip. My fingers tightened their grip on his hair. "I'm getting close. You want me to come in your mouth?" I was dying to do just that.

He allowed my dick to escape his lips long enough to pant, "Fuck, yes! Give me your cum, Dennis!" Then he took me in his mouth again. While gripping my ass, Beau returned to sucking my cock. The sounds emerging from his throat made my balls tighten. I couldn't resist grabbing his hair in both hands and fucking his face with shallow thrusts. He allowed me to use his mouth for my pleasure, and I realized this was a first for me. I'd never dared to be this aggressive with a woman while she gave me a blowjob.

I was shaking by the time I climaxed. My groans sounded far too loud in the stillness surrounding us, but I couldn't stop them. I heard Beau swallowing down each spurt of my semen. Knowing how much he craved it made even more cum erupt from my cock. Even after I was finished, Beau licked me clean. It was as if he didn't want to miss out on a single drop. He gave my tip a few more licks while I stroked his hair.

"Let me take care of you," I said in a husky voice.

Beau climbed to his feet, and I turned him away from me so I could reach around and grasp his dick. Jesus, it felt thick! He gasped at my touch, and as I grazed his slit with my thumb, I gathered up an ample amount of precum. "It won't take me long," Beau assured me. "I got so fucking hard while sucking you off."

With my arms wrapped around Beau, I could feel he was lean and strong in the places where I'd begun to grow soft. My lips were close to his ear, and as I began stroking him, I couldn't help but whisper, "You've got a nice, thick cock for me, don't you? Tonight, it's all mine."

"Fuck, yes! I love being your cumslut, Dennis!"

While Beau's words shocked me, they didn't turn me off in the least. I dared to thrust against him while jerking him faster. "If I'd known what an amazing cocksucker you are, I would have let you blow me a long time ago."

Beau cried out, far louder than I had. "Christ, you're gonna make me come!" His cock twitched in my hand. I loved knowing I excited him so much. Listening to his gasps and groans, I had to admit I enjoyed jerking him off. When he'd first suggested it, I didn't think I would. But it was so easy between us, so... natural. We instinctively knew what the other wanted.

Beau's breath caught in his throat as his muscles tensed. "Fuck!" he said, his voice strained. His dick pulsed fiercely while he came. As his pleasured grunts faded to a whimper, he leaned back against me. I slowed my stroking but didn't stop until I was sure I'd drained him dry. "You wouldn't believe how much I needed that!"

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His soft laughter made me chuckle as well. "Oh, I think I would, because I needed it even more," I said.

Once we'd put away our cocks and straightened our clothes, we didn't linger in the woods. Both of us were relieved to find the parking lot area still deserted. Traffic was even more sparse at this time of night, so I wasn't all that worried about someone spotting me and Beau when we left the park. My steps were lighter as the two of us headed toward the restaurant. We walked in easy silence, and glancing over at Beau, I found his smile mirrored my own.

I'd parked my car next to his, and as I unlocked it, Beau turned to me. "Same time next week?" It was what he said every Thursday night before we headed home.

"Same time next week," I replied, my smile widening to a grin. "Good night, Beau."

During the drive home, I couldn't stop thinking about how incredible his lips had felt around my dick. The memory of him urging me to come in his mouth had my cock stirring yet again, so I distracted myself by mentally outlining all the shit I had to do at work the following day. That instantly dampened my arousal.

I didn't hear from Beau again until the weekend. It was late Saturday night, and I was the only one still awake. I'd felt restless all day, like I had excess energy to burn. Receiving Beau's text at that hour sent a fresh surge of adrenaline through me. His message was straight to the point: So we're okay?

I hurried to reply, hoping my words would put his mind at ease: Yep. Looking forward to Thursday. I wished I could tell him how I was already desperate for another blowjob, but I knew we had to be careful. He had to be horny as hell, too, I realized. Why else would he be up and texting me at quarter till midnight? I must have succeeded in reassuring him, for he went quiet after that.

When Thursday finally arrived, it was all I could do to concentrate at work. My mind seemed hellbent on tormenting me with thoughts of Beau's mouth, and his dick. That evening after I got home, I changed into more comfortable clothes, deciding on jeans and a flannel over a t-shirt. I was alone in my bedroom when my phone rang. Seeing that it was Beau calling, I hurried to answer it. "We still on for tonight?" I immediately asked.

"Meet me outside the park at seven." Beau spoke quietly, as if he didn't want to be overheard. "It'll be dark enough then."

My brow furrowed in confusion. "You don't want to grab dinner first?"

"Not this time."

I figured Beau had a good reason for the request, so I didn't argue. After I ended the call, I found Connie in the kitchen. She smiled and accepted the quick kiss I planted on her lips. "I'm heading out to meet Beau," I said.

I had time to spare now that Beau and I weren't meeting at the restaurant, so I drove around aimlessly while keeping an eye on the clock. My dick remained in a state of semi-hardness. I hoped to last longer tonight with Beau, but as excited as I was, I couldn't make any promises.

My friend was waiting for me outside the park at seven. He wore jeans and a t-shirt, along with a lightweight jacket. Once the street was empty of passing vehicles, I followed him toward the walking trail without hesitation. Neither of us spoke as we made our way between the trees. Only when Beau stopped at a bench beside the trail and turned to me did I ask, "Why the change of plans?"

Beau reached into his jacket pocket and withdrew a small bottle. "Because I want you to fuck me tonight, Dennis." He placed the bottle in my hand, and I realized it was lube.

I hoped the shadows concealed at least some of my shock. "Uh, I've never done that before. With anyone," I confessed. Normally I would have been a little embarrassed admitting my lack of experience, but this was no time to pretend I knew what I was doing when it came to anal sex.

Beau stepped even closer. Though it was difficult to make out his features, I knew he was smiling. A surprised grunt escaped me when he hurried to unfasten my jeans. "I'll talk you through it," he whispered. "That is, if you're interested in fucking me." His hand slipped into my underwear. "It sure feels like you're interested." While my mind raced through a multitude of reasons why Beau and I shouldn't do this, my cock was hard and ready. My breathing quickened as he continued stroking me. "What do you say, Dennis?" His lips were only inches from mine. "I'm offering you my ass. Do you want it?"

"Yes," I groaned. "Fuck yes, I want it!"

Beau shrugged out of his jacket and tossed it onto the bench. I watched as he walked behind the bench, then busied himself with lowering his jeans and underwear. Again I wished I could see him more clearly. He lifted his head to look at me. "Come on, then."

I wasted no time in joining him. In seconds, I had my jeans and underwear pulled down as well. It was as if my cock had a mind of its own, straining out from me in the direction of Beau's ass. "Okay, so I know I need to use the lube," I said, my voice deceptively calm. I felt like I was quaking inside.

"Yeah, work some into my hole." Beau leaned forward a little, jutting out his ass. My hands trembled as I applied some lube to my index finger. I was tentative while spreading his cheeks farther apart. The first caress of my fingertip against Beau's flesh made him release a moan. I didn't flinch from sliding my lubed finger inside him. "Fuck yes!" he breathed.

As clueless as I was, I started fingering Beau's ass the way I would a pussy, with a steady back-and-forth motion. The sounds he made let me know he enjoyed it, but he soon made another request. "Use two fingers and spread them apart inside my ass."

"Oh. Right." I didn't want to hurt him, but I figured he needed his hole stretched before taking my dick. "I can't believe we're actually gonna do this."

"It's all I've been thinking about!" Beau said. My cock jumped at those words. With two fingers buried inside Beau's ass, I gently stretched him wider. He felt so tight around my fingers! The thought of working my dick into his hole made me begin trembling. "Ah, that's good, Dennis! But while I love the ass play, we don't have much time. I'm ready for you to fuck me."

He probably heard my sharp intake of breath. It was no use trying to hide my nervousness. After withdrawing my fingers from him, I coated my cockhead with more lube. I figured too much was better than not enough in this case. Taking a deep, steadying breath, I guided my dick to Beau's entrance. I was going by feel more than sight, and Beau must have sensed my fumbling, for he whispered, "Yeah, right there!"

I dared to push a little inside. While his ass had readily accepted my fingers, my cock was another story. I felt like I was constantly meeting a barrier that refused to yield. Beau asked me to wait a second, and I knew he was making every effort to relax. With his head lowered and his hands grasping the back of the bench, he released a lungful of air. "Okay, try now," he urged.

I was relieved to make more progress this time. Moving at a slow pace, I found that if I rocked my hips just a little, I could work more of my tip inside. We both gasped when his hole finally accepted my cockhead. "Ah, Christ!" I groaned. It was all I could do not to give a fierce thrust and drive myself all the way into his ass.

"Keep going!" Beau seemed far more relaxed now, which in turn eased my nerves. Inch by inch, I moved deeper. Apparently he thought I was being too careful, for he thrust back toward me, taking my entire length.

"Fuck, you feel so good!" I grasped Beau's hips and started out with gentle thrusts. His ass, so tight and hot around my cock, delivered a bliss I'd never dreamed possible. My friend's soft grunts matched the rhythm of my fucking. "You okay?" I asked.

"Never better!" I could hear the grin in his words. "I think you're a natural at this."

"I'm glad you approve of my performance," I said. In response, Beau's muscles tightened even more, and I had to fight back a cry. Again and again, my skin met his as I gave him every inch of my dick.

"Just like that, Dennis!" Beau panted. I could feel him shaking beneath my hands. While striving to maintain the pace that excited him most, I wondered if my cock was stimulating his prostate at this angle. My balls tightened, letting me know I was going to shoot my load if I didn't slow down. I was sweating in the chilly air, and I wished I could take off my flannel shirt. Hell, I wished I could take off everything. I would have loved to be naked while fucking Beau.

"Don't stop!" he pleaded. "Fuck me harder!"

"I don't want to hurt you." I also didn't want to come too soon.

"Goddamn it, Dennis, I want you to give it to me harder!" Beau's voice dropped to a growl.

I decided to do as he said. No longer holding back, I fucked him with forceful thrusts. My hips pumped mercilessly, and as our bodies slapped together, pleasure and pain mingled in Beau's groans. I tightened my grip on his hips, pounding his ass hard and fast. My God, it was incredible! I was now drenched in sweat, panting with my desperation to come. "I'm close!" I warned.

"Come inside my ass!"

My thrusts grew shallow right before I surrendered to my climax. I wanted to roar from the force of the orgasm, but instead I let out a loud groan, burying my cock inside Beau as I came hard. I noticed he'd begun shaking fiercely. I'd just finished emptying my balls inside his ass when his muscles contracted around my dick, and I realized he was coming hard, too.

I remained inside him until his spasms subsided and he grew quiet. When I finally pulled out, my movements slow and careful, my dick was still semi-hard. I willed it to soften while I caught my breath. Beau slowly straightened up, then turned to face me. "That was..." he began.

I realized no words existed to describe what we'd just shared, so I simply replied, "I know."

He and I were quiet while getting ready to leave. As we started back toward the parking lot, using the flashlight on Beau's phone for illumination, I realized I felt no guilt or shame about what he and I had just done. It didn't seem like cheating. Neither of us was going to leave our wives over this; we could fuck on occasion while remaining friends. As long as we didn't get caught, I couldn't see a negative side to our arrangement.

Glancing over at Beau, I noticed he was walking a little funny, like he was sore. "I'm sorry if I got too rough," I said. I really hadn't wanted to hurt him.

"Hey, I asked for it," my friend reminded me. "You gave me what I needed." Before Beau could say anything else, he tripped over something on the darkened trail. Swearing under his breath, he struggled to keep his balance. I grabbed his hand, trying to steady him. Even after he assured me he was okay, I didn't let go.

We reached the parking lot without further trouble. Though we were no longer concealed by the trees, I had the wild urge to kiss Beau right there. Yet his stare drifted past me, and whatever he saw made him pull his hand from mine. Turning to see what had alarmed him, my eyes widened at the sight of a man and woman at the far end of the parking lot.

The woman was bent over the back of the car, her pants down around her ankles. From the way the man was positioned behind her, it was obvious they were fucking. The couple noticed us, too, for the woman turned her face away from me and Beau, while the man leaned forward in an attempt to cover her body with his own.

Neither Beau nor I moved; it was as if our panic had frozen us to the spot. The man spoke then, his voice low but firm. "Keep walking, fellas," he said. "We're here for the same reason you are."

The quiet acknowledgement his words held made me and Beau start moving again. "Have a good evening," Beau called to the couple. After he and I exited the park and started down the sidewalk toward our cars, I dared to look at him. I feared encountering that couple would make him skittish about meeting at the park in the future. Though I should have been plenty nervous about being caught, I knew it would soon be too cold to fuck in the woods at night. I wanted to seize this opportunity while it lasted.

Beau met my stare, and relief washed over me when he began laughing. "Out of all the nights, those two had to choose this one for a quick fuck at the park!"

I couldn't help but snort. "At least we don't have to worry about them ratting us out." We reached Beau's car first, and when I turned toward him, I dared to graze his fingers with mine. "Same time next week?" I whispered.

My friend gave me an affectionate smile. "Same time next week, Dennis," he whispered back.

Written by Obsolete_Fox
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