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Rural Reverie: Part One

"Coming of age with my father and our butch neighbours, among a few others…"

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Part One:

I was born in 1958. By the age of sixteen, I had led the most ordinary and naïve life. That was soon to change rather dramatically. My father, Mike, and mother Catherine had gotten married rather young. My dad was twenty-two at that time and my mother eighteen. As I would later learn, they were forced to marry after I was conceived. In those days you did the right thing and took responsibility for your actions. Growing up, I never remember them ever being affectionate and they barely spoke to one another at all. My father and I also interacted very seldom.

My parents bought a small-holding outside a little town shortly after I was born. Both my parents had fairly good jobs in the town. My father liked his privacy and was also into the natural way of life, long before it became fashionable. Our vegetables were homegrown and we also had a few cows and around fifty chickens, which took care of our protein needs.

The agricultural requirements on our smallholding were taken care of by Steve. Steve did not live with us but spent Monday to Saturdays on our plot. Steve had started working for us a few months earlier, just before my sixteenth birthday. He was a very pleasant guy in his mid-thirties. Steve was tall and slender with a fairly handsome face. He was rather scruffy looking, however, and a real redneck. His hair was shoulder length and he always looked like he could do with a bath. Steve a very sexy gait and walked around like a person without a care in the world.

In the preceding year’s mom had not really taken much care with her appearance, but nevertheless, still looked very good for a thirty-four-year-old woman. My parents had no social life and we hardly ever had visitors. Our extended family lived far away and I can only recall two visits by them.

Our weekly routine was as follows: My mother would drop me off at school, and after school, I would walk to her work. I would then do homework and amuse myself till four-thirty p.m. After that, we would leave for home. Our family always had dinner together, before mom and I would clean up prior to heading off to our bedrooms. In summer, dad would sit on the porch smoking and enjoy a beer or two in the evenings. On Friday and Saturday evenings, dad always headed off to the neighbours to the right of us, to spend the evening in their company. The neighbours, Jeff and his son Joe were really big guys. Dad would often only return the following day, after an evening of playing cards and drinking with them. I frequently saw them in town and although dad got on extremely well with them, they barely acknowledged my existence.

Jeff and Joe were around six-feet-two tall and had the largest hands and feet I had ever seen on human beings. Their hands were rough and looked like they permanently wore baseball mitts. Their boots always looked like they were taking major strain to contain their enormous feet. Size fourteen and a half, as I would later learn. They were very hairy and both had full beards. Jeff weighed two hundred and twenty pounds and Joe around two hundred pounds. They both had very deep voices and scared the hell out of me.

The neighbours to our left were an old couple and our interaction was negligible.

Shortly before I turned seventeen, mom started taking far more care with her appearance. Her normal behavior also started to change and she became secretive. This behavior continued for a few months. One Friday afternoon after she collected me from school, mom prepared dinner as usual. She had taken that day off from work and unbeknownst to me, after dropping me at school that morning, had returned home to pack her belongings. When dad arrived home she asked me to excuse them for a short while. I left in the direction of my room rather confused.

After twenty minutes she entered my room and told me that she would be leaving for good and that I would be staying with my dad. She hugged me before she left, before saying that dad would explain the situation later.

As I walked into the lounge my father looked bewildered. After years of a loveless marriage, my mother had endured enough. She had met the man of her dreams and I was not part of their future plans. Her new love, Gary, had been transferred to a large city where they would be starting their new lives together.

I would not see my mother again for the next few years. She always phoned once a month, as well as on my birthday and at Xmas. Mom and Gary married after my parents were divorced and went on to have a kid of their own. Ultimately I suppose, she was happy.

The night she left dad and I ate in silence, then cleaned up and headed for bed. Before dinner dad had phoned our neighbours to explain the developments in our household. He informed Jeff and Joe that he would not be able to join them that evening or the following night. I felt gutted and cried myself to sleep.

The following day my relationship with my father started to mend after years of indifference. We went to our small town and enjoyed a great breakfast together. The rest of that day we chatted more than we had in years. A huge surprise for me was how well dad cooked. That night we had a wonderful dinner before I joined dad on the porch for the very first time in forever. At bedtime, he hugged me for the first time that I could ever remember. After we ascended the stairs he ushered me into his bedroom and said that I would be sleeping with him that night. It was wonderful falling asleep with his arm around me. During the first week after my mother’s departure dad and I also showered together for the first time.

The following week my school routine was altered very slightly. Dad would drop me off at school in the mornings and I would join him at his work after school. This was a lot more fun being at mom’s work after school because the guys in the warehouse where my dad worked as a foreman were much more engaging.

One week after my mother’s departure, as dad and I sat on the porch after dinner I summoned up the courage to ask him why his relationship with my mother had always been so bad. He sat for a long time looking at me intently. Only then did I realize how beautiful my father’s eyes were. They were gray with a hint of blue. I had inherited mom’s green eyes. He told me that what he was about to explain could never be repeated outside our home and made me solemnly promise that I would never repeat a word of our conversation. I swore an oath to comply.

My father then told me that he was actually homosexual and had always preferred sex with men. I nodded my head affirmatively when he asked if I understood what he was trying to explain. Prior to dating mom and even after that, he was regularly having sex with men. Social pressure, however, forced him into a relationship with my mother, who fell pregnant. Dad tried his best to adapt to this new life but found it very hard to cope. After a few years of marriage, their relationship seriously deteriorated.

More recently he had been having a relationship with our neighbours, Jeff and Joe. The card and drink evenings we're always a ruse for sexual activity. He no longer wanted me to be in the dark and with mom gone, felt that it was time for him to play open cards. He assured me that he would not force me into anything I did not want to do and that there was no cause for concern. What dad did not realize was that I had always been attracted to men. In the prior five years, those feelings had intensified dramatically. When I imparted this information to him the following morning at breakfast, he was stunned. Dad then made an arrangement for us to visit Jeff and Joe the following evening.

I was a little nervous but dad assured me that I had nothing to worry about. Upon our arrival, I was a little shocked by the welcome that we received. Jeff hugged, kissed, and groped dad. Joe was a little more reserved as we stood watched the show with bemusement. The indifference I had felt from our neighbours previously was also gone and both Jeff and Joe made me feel very welcome. As I looked about it was clear that a womanly touch had not graced their home in a very long time. The house was in masculine overload and hummed of manliness. Personal hygiene did not appear to be of great importance to the two of them, but essentially being a farm boy I found that quite a turn-on.

When we all moved to the porch the three men smoked cigarettes and drank beer. Joe soon started the fire for our barbeque and I chatted to him while he went about his business. While we were attending to the fire dad and Jeff disappeared. The fire would take another hour or so. During that time Joe and I spoke about all kinds of shit. I asked Joe about his relationship with his dad and he told me that they had started a sexual relationship a few years before. He had always known about his dad’s preference for men even before his mother died. His mother had been a very difficult person and he had always loved his father more. He said that it was a relief for him when his mother passed on and he and his dad settled into their new lives.

Once the meat was on the fire, dad and Jeff finally reappeared and soon we were enjoying a wonderful meal. We ate, chatted, and savored the delicious food. The guys continued to smoke, drink, and laugh. It was a great evening and at around ten p.m. I was offered the bed in Joe’s bedroom. The bed was enormous and I could tell that doing laundry was not a great priority in this household. The sheets had a very well used odour. Joe soon excused himself and left the room.

Listening to erotic sounds from down the passage I could only imagine what was going on. As I lay awake, I jerked-off to sounds from next door and the masculine odour emanating from the bed.

An hour later Joe returned to his room and got into bed next to me. I could also smell an intensely sexual body aroma emanating from him. When he realized I was awake he turned on the bedside lamp and gave me a very sweet smile. I must have seemed really puny to this brawny stud. Next, he put his huge hand on my head and asked if I was okay. I nodded yes before he turned the light off. Shortly, I felt his beard touching my ear as he gently kissed me, giving me the most erotic experience of my entire life. The after-sex smell Joe exuded completely overwhelmed me. He whispered that we were going to take things slowly. He then placed his lips on mine and we kissed. Putting his arm around me he caressed me with his huge rough hand before we fell asleep.

I awoke in the morning as Joe got out of bed and headed for the bathroom. I finally got my first real look at him naked and was stunned by what I saw. Joe took cock size to a whole new level. Like dad and I, Jeff and Joe were also uncut. A new dynamic also came to the fore when we joined dad and Jeff in the kitchen for coffee. Clothing was totally nonessential in this household and we subsequently drank our coffee in the nude. This was very difficult for a horny seventeen-year-old and I spent all my time trying to disguise my hard-on. The three men were very affectionate with one another. They kept rubbing up against one other, constantly kissing and fondling.

I was further embarrassed by the discussion of who would break me in. Thankfully Joe came to my rescue and said that he would do the honours. Smiles and knowing looks broke out all around because dad and Jeff had already realized how smitten I was with Joe.

Dad and I left after breakfast to take care of the animals on our farm. Jeff and Joe would be coming over at twelve p.m. to join us for lunch. On the way back to our plot dad inquired about my state of mind. I told him I had never been happier in my life. He reminded me that going forward we would be indulging in foursomes. I was a little apprehensive because Jeff still scared me.

After the guys arrived at twelve we had lunch. After lunch, to my dismay, dad and Joe departed for the bedroom. Jeff invited me to sit on his lap while they were gone and I apprehensively did so. Unlike dad and Joe, Jeff had a long beard. He kissed and caressed me gently and I finally got to feel another person’s cock. It was awesome and I played with his cock until he came. The smell of his cock was very strong and I never realized that a man could produce so much cum. He had the biggest balls of the three men so the huge amount of cum was hardly a surprise. I am sure that Jeff found our experience rather unfulfilling, but to his credit he just let things go with the flow. Nothing was forced and it was all very comfortable. All my fears about Jeff were finally gone.

After dad and Joe returned we sat and spoke for a while. Before our neighbours left for home, Joe pulled me aside and kissed me for a long while. My former discontentment completely evaporated at that point.

The following week would be the last before my summer vacation. Dad explained that I would be working with Steve during my holidays. He wanted me to start getting a better understanding of farm life now that my mother had gone. Friday finally arrived and school was over. We drove over to the neighbours late that afternoon. As was the norm, we stripped and hung our clothes over the back of the door after we entered the house. In the middle of the lounge, the guys had placed a large mattress. After a general hug and fondle dad grabbed a beer. Jeff asked if I was excited about getting my arse plowed. Shyly, I nodded my head amid roars of laughter from the three men.

Jeff then lay down on the mattress and told me to lie on top of him with my legs to either side of his body. He placed his arms around me and held me tightly. Dad sat to the side as Joe took up his position behind me. I felt lube being applied to my backside and then a thick finger entering my arse. It was less painful than I expected. Soon a second finger entered which got my attention. After a while, this also became more pleasant. Joe gently began turning his hand to and fro while opening his two fingers inside of me. As this happened I was enjoying the smell from Jeff’s ripe armpits.

With his other hand, Joe started slapping my arse. I found the first two or three slaps a little unpleasant, but by the fourth slap I was overcome with horniness and couldn’t wait for number five. I was so preoccupied with the slaps that I did not realize when a third finger was added. Joe then moved behind and started to penetrate me as he continued slapping my arse. The penetration was slow and he would frequently pause, allowing me time to adjust to his knob. After a few minutes, he was balls deep in my backside. It hurt like hell and I wasn’t sure which hurt more, my hole or my very red backside that had been slapped silly.

When the slapping stopped I had adjusted to Joe’s very thick cock. Joe eventually lifted me off Jeff without pulling out of me. Jeff moved from his former position and directly on to dad who was lying on his back next to us. Jeff lifted my dad’s legs and entered him urgently. I was now placed face down on the mattress as Joe lay on top of me with his full weight. He pushed his arms under my arms and then interlocked hands on top of my head, pinning me down completely. His knees pushed my legs wide apart before he started fucking me, varying his thrusts continuously.

The sounds from our bedfellows made everything even more erotic, as my father whimpered like a baby and Jeff grunted like a wild animal. After several minutes Joe lifted his weight onto his hands and started spearing into me mercilessly. He grunted loudly as he seeded my arse. As he pulled out of me he must have gestured to his dad, because Joe was immediately replaced by Jeff. Jeff’s extra weight almost winded me as he got into his stride. He also put his arms through under my arms, but unlike Joe, his huge hands cupped my head tightly. He then started licking and nibbling on my ears as he grunted loudly.

To the one side of us, Joe was sitting on my father’s chest as he pissed into my dad’s mouth. I now understood why the mattress smelt so strongly of urine. Jeff eventually got to his knees lifting me up with him. With his arms tightly around me, he continued fucking me while kissing and licking my neck. Joe moved to the front of me and then placed my arms on his thighs before pushing his cock into my mouth. Dad moved between Joe’s open legs and started sucking me off. Being in horny overload I came within a minute.

As Joe and dad moved away from us Jeff once more placed me flat on my stomach and pummeled my arse. Within seconds he started cumming while grunting furiously. We lay there like that for a minute or two before I felt warm liquid spraying into my manhole as Jeff pissed in my arse. Afraid that my stomach would burst I was relieved when the torrent finally ran dry.

As Jeff slowly pulled out of me I concentrated frantically to keep the liquid from pouring out of my backside. I needed to get to the toilet urgently and hurriedly made my way there. Jeff was busy in the kitchen when I returned and barked instructions to me about proper sexual etiquette. I was told to clean my father’s arse and Joe’s cock. As I licked dad’s arse I got to enjoy Joe’s cum at the same time. After thoroughly cleaning dad I moved to Joe’s cock and I really got a very good look at his penis. From the outline of his foreskin, I could see that he had a very large cock head that was about three inches long. Jeff and Joe also had far darker cocks than dad and I.

After cleaning his cock and balls I begged him to retract his foreskin. I was warned that if he did I would have to lick it clean. I promised I would do so no matter how dirty it was. He lifted his eyebrows as if to give me a final warning. His cock was stiff after my cleaning, a necessity apparently when retracting his foreskin. Because Joe’s foreskin was very tight it would not pull back when his cock was flaccid. As he started pulling the skin back the head popped out from its tight confinement. The smell was intense but I had been warned. The head was a strange purplish colour and looked bigger than it did with the skin over it. I started licking and cleaning.

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Once finished I was ordered to apply lots of spit to the head of Joe’s cock. Holding the shaft of his cock tightly he then pushed the head back into its sleeve. His cock also had a slight downward curved knob, unlike dad and I who had dicks like upturned bananas. I was about to get up when Joe told me the job was not yet finished. He turned around and instructed me to clean his butt. There and then I would develop a lifelong addiction to taste of a funky butt and it would always remain one of my favourite smells.

After my task was completed Jeff beckoned me to join him in the kitchen for a hug. With help from my dad dinner was well on its way. Joe replaced his dad in the kitchen as Jeff and I moved to the lounge. I got to my knees and started licking Jeff’s cock. As I had seen before Jeff’s foreskin could not retract. His cock-head was also smaller than sons and Jeff’s cock tapered towards the front. It was also much veinier than Joe’s dick, with large protruding veins almost covering his entire cock.

Some would call Jeff’s cock ugly, but to me, the combination of his big cock and huge balls was a magnificent sight to behold. His cock also had funkier smell than Joe’s but it was not, however, off-putting. I managed to stick my finger about an inch into Jeff’s foreskin and had great fun running my finger over his cock head under the hood. My finger really stank after that.

After finishing my job Jeff turned around as I had anticipated. The smell of Jeff’s crack was very pungent but I just got stuck in and licked like crazy. Oddly, I got very turned on by this task. As I was finishing off Jeff turned around and threw me onto the mattress on my back, before pushing my legs high and wide. His weight almost knocked the wind out of me before locking my head in a vice grip and kissing me very hard. Jeff had an enormously thick tongue. His tongue felt like a prehistoric giant slug as it went to work all over my face and in my mouth. Soon, I was gasping for air.

Thankfully, he lifted his head from time to time so that I could breathe some fresh air. He then covered the bottom half of my face with his mouth and overactive tongue once more. Jeff also perspired profusely and it felt like I was in a bath as his streams of sweat sent me into sexual overdrive. Lifting his body up slightly, Jeff placed one of his damp armpits over my mouth and I licked for all I was worth. The other armpit shortly followed. After that, he lifted my one leg and pushed his cock straight into me.

I soon became aware of his huge balls loudly slapping my arse. As he got close to the point of no return he jumped up and started shooting cum all over my face. Once finished, he lay on top of me again before the slug went to work all over my face. We smelt like animals once done. Jeff walked to the bathroom and returned with a towel. He first dried me off and then did the same to himself. Oddly, the guy I was most apprehensive about was fast becoming more and more intriguing to me.

Dinner was ready after that and we were soon enjoying the good wholesome food. After dinner, dad and I left for home. I was too tired to shower and simply got into bed. As I drifted off all the smells of the raunchy evening hung over me. What an incredible day it had been.

The following morning I showered because I figured I couldn’t let Steve smell me reeking of sex. When he arrived, however, it struck me that he most probably would not have noticed. Steve was not a walking advertisement for personal hygiene. He had the roughest and dirtiest hands I have ever seen on a person. Dad explained to him that he and I would be working together during the following weeks. Steve was very pleased to have an assistant and predicted that we would get along just fine.

Now that my mother had left, Steve was also told that from then on the three of us would have breakfast together in the mornings. I think that he was extremely pleased with this new development. Dad had a few errands to run and I to immediately join Steve with my new duties.

Steve had owned a small-holding years before but had lost everything because of ‘the drink,’ as he put it. He no longer touched alcohol but I think the ‘the weed’ kept him very happy. A disastrous marriage years before had caused his drinking problem. His wife had also left him shortly after they lost their property, due to his love affair with alcohol. He then got a job at the warehouse where dad worked but also lost that job when he arrived at work drunk once too often. He managed to clean up his act and shortly after that, started working on our small-holding. Steve lived in a one bedroom unit in town that my dad paid for. Unfortunately, the house where he lived had recently been sold and he was not sure whether the new owners would allow him to stay on once they moved in.

Steve was very knowledgeable and taught me a great deal that first morning. He was also great fun to be with. Shortly before lunch, dad arrived home and we ate together. At lunch, I told dad about Steve’s accommodation dilemma. My father assured Steve that we would work something out and that he was not to worry. At around four-thirty, Steve got on his bicycle and left for his home.

I was told that we would not be seeing Jeff and Joe that evening because they had a cousin staying the night. Their cousin would, however, be heading off early the next morning, so Jeff and Joe would be coming to us for lunch on Sunday. That night dad and I had supper quite early. At around nine p.m. dad and I headed off to bed. At the top of the stairs, he asked me to join him in his bedroom. That was the first time we one-on-one sex. Sex with dad was far less hectic than with Jeff and Joe and the change of pace was very pleasant. He fucked me three times that night.

The following day, we received an early phone call from Joe. Their cousin had decided to stay on one more night and we would, therefore, not be seeing them for lunch. It was slightly disappointing but not the end of the world.

Dad then decided that we should have a good look at the loft in our barn. If Steve’s situation with the new owners was not resolved then we could accommodate him at our barn. I thought it was a great idea. Steve could always use our bathroom in the house, not that that would be a priority for him. Dad and I both chuckled about this as discussed the matter. Although the barn was well fairly well insulated, we reasoned that we could accommodate him in our house during winter when things got really extreme. One of our sofas in the lounge converted into a bed, and so that wouldn’t be a problem at all. That night dad and I headed off to our respective bedrooms. After the events of the prior few days, I was very pleased to be in bed early and get a good night’s sleep. I was really enjoying my new life.

Steve arrived around seven a.m. the following day. At breakfast, dad told him about the accommodation arrangement that we had come up with on Sunday. Steve could hardly contain his excitement. It was decided there and then that irrespective of the new owner’s decision where he was living, he would move in with us shortly. That day dad ordered a new bed and linen for the loft, which arrived that Wednesday. My father also found a few extra pieces of furniture at a second-hand shop that upgraded the loft into quite a nice apartment, gas stove and all. Steve was totally overwhelmed when he moved in on Thursday. To see a grown man cry like that was very humbling. I was very proud of my father.

From the beginning of the week, I had seen Steve’s cock frequently while we worked together and it was very impressive. Pissing to him was the most natural thing and he would simply whip his cock out and piss whenever he felt the urge. I am sure he caught me looking far too intently on a few occasions, but said nothing.

On Friday he stunned me when I again glanced at his very impressive organ. Steve asked if I liked what I saw. I tried to hide my embarrassment but he would not relent. He put his dirty hand on my shoulder and told me that he believed I liked men. As I coughed and spluttered but he just laughed. He then asked me outright if my dad and I were having a sex. I just nodded before thinking. He assured that he had no problem with that. I felt gutted, thinking about the promise I had made to my father.

Pushing me to my knees Steve then unzipped and soon his uncut cock was snaking its way into my mouth. His cock was thinner than Jeff and Joe’s and slid down my throat easily. The slight downward curve also worked brilliantly in that regard. I quickly learned to relax my throat muscles completely and enjoyed being face-fucked by him. The smell of his crotch was overpowering and it was clear that Steve seldom bathed or showered. His balls were also huge and hung very low. His equipment was surrounded by a very substantial bush of hair.

From his heavy breathing, I soon heard that he was about to cum. As he did he matched Jeff in volume as his spunk shot down my throat. I surprised him after by asking if I could lick his arse. He turned before he opened his cheeks. His butt was quite smelly but having initiated this situation, I just put my mouth over his hole and licked for all was worth. I had never heard a man groan like this. By now he was horny again and told me he wanted to fuck my arse. His narrower cock felt very comfortable in my backside. This time the fuck lasted longer and when we finished I turned around to clean him off, remembering my sexual etiquette obligations. As I licked him clean I shot my load onto the floor.

We continued to work till dad got home. My father had bought an instant meal for Steve, which he warmed up for him. I had a shower before we left for Jeff and Joe.

On our way to the neighbours, I thought about Steve and the afternoon we had enjoyed. The next five weeks we're going to be great. As we drove up to Jeff and Joe’s house my father let out a sigh. When I asked him what the matter was, he pointed to a pickup which was parked at Jeff and Joe’s house. It belonged to a man called Frank. Frank visited them a few times a year and always joined in the sexual activity. My father did not like him at all. As we entered the house and stripped, Frank came into view.

Frank was huge. He was roughly the same height as Jeff and Joe but must have weighed three hundred pounds. Apart from his fat body, Frank had the worst skin I had ever seen on a human being. It was apparent that he had had very bad acne as a youngster because of his face, chest, and back,that bore the scars. As if nature had not been unkind enough he was really ugly. He had a huge bulbous nose, thick fat lips, and porcine eyes. He also had extremely broad hands and feet. Frank’s cut cock was not extremely long but very thick. It looked like a beer can with a red apple stuck on the end of it.

Shortly after our arrival dinner was served. During dinner, Frank kept staring at me and made me feel slightly uncomfortable. After soup the main course was served, soon followed by dessert. As we all finished the meal a strange thing happened. Dad, Jeff, and Joe got really sleepy and as we sat in the lounge, one after the other they all fell asleep. Only Frank and I remained awake. Naïvely I assumed that they had all had a heavy day and smiled at Frank apologetically. Frank shrugged it off and then said that he had never seen the other parts of their house and asked me for a conducted tour. Naturally, I obliged.

The scene that was about to occur could be referred to as extreme coercion. From the time we had arrived, given the way that Frank had looked at me, I knew that he was going to fuck me that evening. That’s after all what these gatherings were all about. Unattractive as he was, however, I was intrigued by him. I also had a suspicion that Frank had a predilection for rough sex, and that hunch proved to be correct.

When we finally arrived in the main bedroom I knew I was in ‘trouble,’ when he closed and locked the door. He then grabbed and threw me on the bed and before I could say a word was on top of me. With his bulk, I could hardly breathe as he began kissing me very hard. After a while, he spun me around onto my stomach. Holding me down by my neck he repeatedly slapped my arse really hard. I was now fully involved in the scenario and decided to play my part as the damsel in distress, which Frank just loved. I started ‘protesting’ which only turned him on even more. Soon, I felt his fingers pushing into my arse. I ‘begged’ him to stop, but he just laughed and told me to shut up.

With one hand on the back of my head, he continued slapping my arse furiously as I yelped into the pillow. Soon afterward, I felt his huge cock head touching my backside. As he speared his fat cock into my arse I thought my eyes were about to pop out of their sockets. Once in, his massive body collapsed on top me. Without hesitation, he started pumping his cock into me before coming a few minutes later.

Presuming that he would now get off me, I was proved wrong as he just kept lying on top of me. Then, after a few minutes, he again started spearing into me. He barked that this session would take a lot longer and true to his word, round two took twenty minutes.

When he got off me I ran for the door in the pretense of wanting to escape. Naturally, I knew that he had removed the key. Pulling me away from the door and administering vicious slaps to my arse, he shoved me back onto the bed before round three got underway. With me on my back, his body immediately pinned me down and started slapping my face while entering me. Again my ‘pleading’ heightened his excitement. Twenty minutes, after he came I wondered if my ‘ordeal’ was finally over. Frank kept me pinned on the bed, and I fulfilled my role by begging and pleading frantically as he hurled verbal abuse at me.

Next, round four followed. I was now taken to the shower where he pissed down my throat. He then made me lie down in the shower and rubbed his fat arse all over my face. I was then dragged back to the bedroom where he again hammered my butt. This time it only lasted ten minutes.

Before leaving Frank told that he had drugged the other three men. He advised me that I should join them downstairs and awake in the morning, acting as if nothing had happened. If I snitched on him he would have a few words with his buddy, the sheriff. He said that the consequences of that could be disastrous for us because of the incest that was going on. I sniggered to myself as he drove off, complimenting myself on the very convincing performance that I had given.

After showering I joined the others and fell asleep with a sore arse.

When we awoke on Saturday morning, Frank had left a note to thank Jeff and Joe for a lovely evening. He also apologized for leaving early. All the guys were quite groggy and a little confused.

I never saw Frank again and presumed that he was worried about me snitching on him. Many masturbation sessions thereafter, however, were based on the forced fantasy of that night.

Dad and I left for home after a cup of coffee. My arse was really sore, and I informed dad that I was not feeling great before heading for my bedroom.

At around twelve-thirty p.m., I went downstairs and joined my father and Steve for lunch. Dad was quite concerned about me but I assured him I would be fine and just needed to take it easy for the rest of the day. We had been invited to the neighbours for dinner that evening but dad said that he would cancel the arrangement. I begged him not to cancel and to visit the guys alone as planned. Steve promised to keep an eye on me.

Dad prepared food for Steve and me before he left at six p.m. At dinner, I told Steve about the previous evening. He was really pissed off and comforted me. I knew my dad would not be back until morning and asked Steve if he would sleep with me. We went to my bedroom at nine and got into bed. Steve held me tightly and kissed me. As sore as my arse was, I asked him to fuck me. No further invitation was needed. I lay on my stomach as he mounted me. Steve fucked me for over an hour and came three times before we fell asleep.

When I awoke very early the following morning Steve was also awake. With a naughty smile on his face, he told me that he needed a bath. I immediately attacked his armpits. As I did so he pushed one of his grubby fingers into my arse. Steve then pushed me onto my back. After kissing for a short while he straddled my body and jerked-off furiously, before shooting his load into my mouth. As I cleaned his cock he turned his body into a sixty-nine position and sucked me off. After shooting my load into his warm mouth Steve and I got up and walked to the bathroom.

He needed to piss badly and I convinced him to get into the shower with me. I wanted him to piss all over me and in my mouth. I could tell from the excited look in his eyes that we would be doing this frequently in future. We showered together thereafter before Steve left for his barn loft.

When dad got home at around seven-thirty Steve joined us for breakfast. Afterward, Steve again left and went to his apartment. Dad told me that the guys were really missing me and that they had invited us for lunch if I was up for it. I was definitely up for it.

To be continued...








Written by Tuppie
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