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Rude Interruption IV

"This picks up at the elliptical where the last one ended—yoga pants and nipple twists."

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She continued to stroke him and he began to stroke her through her yoga pants. He broke their kiss and pulled her t-shirt up and off. He twisted the nipples on her emerging tits and enjoyed the look of pain on her pretty face. He then pulled her to him and she wrapped her arms around him and they kissed deeply. He kneeled in front of her and began to peel her yoga pants off. She made a half-hearted effort to stop him and said, "I'm all sweaty," and she wrinkled up her nose.

He smiled and continued unabated and pulled them down to mid-thigh and nuzzled her ball sac with his nose. He breathed deeply and then licked and kissed his way up her dick. He pulled her pants down and she stepped out of them.

and he said, "I love how you smell when you're sweaty." He led her to the bed with a good grip on her hard dick.

She said, "Let's lay on our sides and 69 that way." He agreed and they got comfortable on the bed and her hard dick was right in front of his mouth. He was on his left side and he felt her mouth begin to service him and he moistened his middle finger and gently slid the tip up her ass as his mouth engulfed her dick. They both moaned as they simultaneously pleasured each other. Very soon they both had their reward as they filled each other's mouths with hot, thick, and salty cream. They milked each other and repositioned themselves on the bed and cuddled. Jim pulled the cover over both of them and they drifted off to sleep.

They awoke together later and she said to him that she feels like a girl now and wanted to be referred to by a girl's name and he asked, "So, what's the new name?"

"What do you think about Bridgette? I had an aunt named Bridgette and she was beautiful and sexy."

"Well, that fits you to a tee, I like it."

She raised herself and kissed him and said, "You are too sweet," so Bridgette it is." She snuggled back down and thought about how to bring up the topic of a possible relationship.

They napped for about an hour and Bridgette woke up and Jim was awake already. She kissed him and asked why he didn't wake her and he said that he liked watching her sleep.

She was hesitant but went ahead anyway because she had to know if they could go forward in a relationship so she just went for it. "Do you mind if we talk about us for a minute?"

Jim responded, "No, that's a good idea because I'm very fond of you and we need to figure out where we stand."

Bridgette's voice sounded relieved when she said, "That's wonderful because I'm very fond of you as well. I'm so fond that I don't ever want you to leave. I know that's jumping way ahead but I just want you to know I'm ready."

He was tracing her eyebrow with his finger and kissed her and said, "It's hard to believe that just forty-eight hours ago I was rubbing my pistol up and down your hard clit while you were standing with your hands behind your head."

"That's what captured my heart," she said with a smile and then added, "That and your finger up my hole, whispering in my ear as you made me cum everywhere."

He laughed and kissed her again, "This has been such a highly unlikely meeting that I am still amazed at how naturally this has evolved but I need to tell you about myself before we go much further to see if you are still in."

"I inherited a home here and a somewhat sizable sum when my parents died about two years ago. I have several interests, some legal and some not so legal, which is why I punched a cop a couple of nights ago that led me here. The law has been on my ass for one reason or another since I was in high school, sheriff's deputies are generally ok but local cops are assholes. I was arrested for assault several times in my youth but never convicted or even been to trial. I am now very careful and have not been caught yet but these activities involve drugs, specifically cocaine." He saw her reaction and caressed her face and said, "It's not hands-on, I'm just a regional coordinator of sorts. I just make sure it gets where it's supposed to go for distribution. I have that delegated out to several old friends and my housemate."

She looked up abruptly, "Housemate?"

"Yes, my housemate. Her name is Carol and she moved in there shortly after I inherited it. She's been a partner in crime and a roommate with benefits. Yes, I have slept with her and I have shared her with several close friends."

She got up from the bed and walked naked to the railing that overlooked the living room and stood there with her arms crossed. He lay there and watched her for a few minutes. She had a beautiful ass and that elliptical was making it better.

He enjoyed the sight for a bit longer and then walked to her and put his arms around her and kissed her ear. "The housemate is something I can live without sexually. It's more of a business thing anyway. If you meet her I think you'll like her."

She turned around and wrapped her arms around him, buried her face in his chest and she said very quietly, "OK."

"There's one more thing." she let go and backed up so she could see his face and he continued, "I am a little bit freaky, if we go forward I have to have a little kink. It's nothing extreme but we will have a Master/slave relationship in the bedroom and there are other things that we can discuss later if this isn't a deal breaker."

She stood there with her hands on her hips looking at him intently and he could see her clit was slowly becoming erect and she said, "It's not a deal breaker."

"Good, I have to go back tomorrow and take care of business. Would you like me to bring things over and leave them here?"

"Yes," she said immediately.

"I'm also going to bring some toys over here for us to play with also."

She hesitated and then walked to him and embraced him and said, "I'm a little scared of this. you aren't going to hurt me are you?"

He brought her face up off his chest and kissed her and said, "If you mean permanent, scarring pain, of course not. If you mean controlled and strategically applied erotic pain, then yes."

She pouted slightly and said; "I think spanking will be one of the things since you seem to enjoy slapping my ass."

"That's what you get for having such a beautiful ass," he said, cupping her balls in his hand and kissing her.

He led her to the bed and said, "I am going to lube you up and take you a couple of more times before I leave. I will bring some things back with me to help you stretch back there. I want to make you mine and collar you, if you don't fully understand, look it up and read up on it. It's a very intimate step, for both of us. I want you to love me and trust me and most of all, respect me. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I mean, Yes, Master"

"That's a good girl, go put your makeup on and bring the lube back with you."

She stood up and said, "Yes, Master" and walked into the bathroom. He made himself comfortable on the bed and lightly played with his dick until she emerged with her hair freshly brushed and tasteful eye shadow on and appealing red lipstick. She was carrying the jar of lube and handed it to him.

"Thank you," he said, you look beautiful. He took her by the hand and led her to the small couch and he sat down. He ordered her to turn around and spread her cheeks and he applied a generous amount to her tight little hole which elicited small grunts every time his finger went in.

When he was finished he told her to turn around and the head of her hard clitty brushed his lips. He licked his lips and licked the head clean. He lay back on the sofa and spread his legs. "On your knees Princess, get me ready for you."

She complied immediately and began to suck his balls and stroke him and then bobbed up and down on him enthusiastically. He lay back with his legs spread and enjoyed her ministrations, occasionally ordering her to stop and come kiss him and then go back to her knees and resume her duties.

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After a while, he leaned forward and pulled her mouth off his cock with the action making a 'plop' sound, he kissed her and asked, "Are you ready to be fucked, Princess?"

"God yes, Master. I'm always ready to be fucked by you." They stood together and embraced and shared a deep lingering kiss. He could feel his hardness against hers and he moved up and down against it. When the kiss broke she was breathing fast and heavy.

He picked up the lube and told her to lube the head of his dick and when she was finished he ordered her to the bed to assume the position.

She lay down and spread her legs, hands behind her knees, exposing that tight, well-lubricated, and recently deflowered little hole. He placed the huge swollen head of his cock against it and with one thrust, the head of his cock disappeared into her.

Her reaction was immediate, she moaned and her entire body tightened. He was cradling her head in his left hand and his right hand steadied her lower back. He kissed her and whispered in a soothing tone, "Just relax, I'll go very slow. You can trust me to be gentle. Let me know when you want a little more."

She was breathing heavily and trying hard to relax but she felt so full and he was only in a little bit. He was gently moving the thick head of his cock in and out and kissing her neck and she said, "Ok a little more," and let out a groan as he gave her another inch and kept stroking her. She took her right hand off her leg and put it between her legs and began to stroke herself. "A little more," she said in almost a groan and he put more of his thick cock in her.

He was watching her face and enjoying the look on her face of pain/pleasure and told her in almost a groan himself, "Damn, you're tight Princess, I can't last much longer."

She was stroking faster now and said desperately, "Oh God, give me more and then fill me up."

He kissed her and then gave her what she had asked for and almost immediately felt his cock harden more in preparation for his ejaculation. He heard her squeal then he saw her first cum shot and it sent him over the edge. He made a Herculean effort to resist burying himself to the balls in that tight slick hole of hers. He shuddered and gave her about half his length before he filled her full of his cum.

He collapsed on top of her after he emptied his balls into her. After a long moment, his softening dick was pushed out of her along with a generous amount of his juices. He rolled off of her breathing heavily and soon she snuggled against him with her head on his chest.

This scenario was repeated later that night and they slept in each other's arms until Jim was awakened by his alarm. He got up and showered and when he emerged from the shower, she was on the elliptical with just shoes and a pair of pink panties on. "This should be on the cover of Women's Fitness," he said jokingly. She smiled a sad smile and it got sadder as he got dressed. They had been naked together for almost the entire time he had been here. She thought it felt strange for him to be wearing clothes.

He walked over to her and she stopped and gave him a tight hug that lasted a long time. " I don't want you to go," she said almost tearfully.

"I'll be back soon. I promise," I said kissing her lightly. She grabbed a log t-shirt and put it on to walk me out. It was pink and just covered her ass and had a smiley face on the front.

We walked through the kitchen to the back door and I said, "Make sure you lock all the doors, I don't want anyone else to come in like I did and have their way with you."

He walked out onto the small porch, rolling up the ski mask he had worn on that fateful night into a watch cap and put it on.

"Will you be fucking Carol when you go home?" she said with arms crossed and a defiant look on her face.

"Probably," he said and watched her reaction. I'll have to wean her off slowly."

Her reaction was immediate and she displayed a fit of righteous anger and said, almost in a scream, "I hate the bitch!"

He waited a minute to let her cool off and said, "I love you, Princess, I'll see you soon" and turned and walked down toward the road.

She ran out to the porch and shivered in the cold and watched him walk away and with tears running down her face said very quietly, "I love you too."

She went in and locked the door behind her and thought to herself that a few days ago she was a happy young girl, in comfortable solitude in her little cabin and now she felt alone and empty. She stomped up the stairs and pulled off her t-shirt, shoes, and panties. She walked over to the bed and flopped down on her back. She was burning with inexplicable and unreasonable jealousy toward a woman she had never met.

This man had barged into her quiet and peaceful life like a storm and had bewitched her somehow. She attributed it to her lack of experience with men. She had fumbled around with a couple of tiny little dicks with little satisfaction. She thought about that Master/slave stuff and the collar and didn't fully understand it.

She lay back and absent-mindedly started to stroke between her legs and wondered idly if he really was a witch and had put some sort of spell on her. She shook her head and jumped up abruptly and went to her laptop and sat down. She typed 'Master/slave relationship' into the search bar and began reading.

He covered the five-plus-mile journey to his house using back roads and hiking trails and saw no local police at all. It felt good to knock a redneck cop on his ass and get away with it, he thought as he entered his back door.

Carol immediately came out of the office room, wearing just a nightshirt, and said, "It's about damn time you came home. I heard on the scanner that a local city police officer had been assaulted. I thought there might be a connection to you there somewhere when you didn't come home."

He didn't answer and went down the hall to his bedroom removing his hoodie and t-shirt. "Did you hear from Jeff and Tommy?"

"Yes, the load arrived at the barn and the Caldwell brothers picked up the three loads and they made it where they were supposed to go"

He was in a chair taking his boots off and answered, "Good."

"You're not much of a conversationalist today," as she watched him take off his jeans and underwear and walk naked into the bathroom. He started the shower and used the body wash between his legs and between his ass crack and then soaped the rest of his body. He soaped and rinsed three times and got out and grabbed a towel. He walked into the bedroom drying himself and Carol was on the bed completely naked.

He got onto the bed on his knees between her legs and stroked himself as she rubbed her finger up and down her slit. He ordered her to spread her legs and licked her slit and tongued her. He moved up and ran the swollen head of his dick up and down and then inserted the head into her.

She said."I need it hard tonight, baby." That was like dropping the flag at a drag race and with the first thrust half his cock was buried in her and then the second thrust was up to his balls. She was uttering guttural moans as he ruthlessly rammed his cock into her. He then rolled her on her side as he inserted his middle finger to the first knuckle up her ass. When he felt her begin to spasm, he emptied his balls in her. He lay on top of her breathing heavily and eventually rolled off and she snuggled next to him with her head on his chest.

He hit send on his phone as Carol lay next to him in pleasant slumber. The text reads 'Miss you, Princess followed by a string of broken hearts.

He thought to himself, 'I have the best of both possible worlds, I just need to figure out a way to keep them.'

Written by Voyager
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