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Reese & Skylar

"A breakup brings two straight best friends closer together"

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"Hey, Charlie," Reese said when his girlfriend answered the phone and greeted him. "I have to tell you something and I need you to promise you won't be mad,"

"Uh-oh, what is it?" she replied with a small hint of concern in her voice.

"I'm not gonna be able to take you out tonight."

"Why? What happened?"

"It's Sky. He called me and said he needed to come over. He just broke up with his girl and...well, he sounded pretty messed up."

"Oh no! That sucks."

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I'll have to make it up to you."

"No, I meant for Skylar. He really liked Cat and they've been together for like, forever. I feel so bad for him."

"Yeah, me too," Reese said with a sigh. "Look, I gotta take care of Sky tonight so we'll have to go out another time."

"Of course. I get it. I'm your girlfriend but he's your best friend. Just know that you owe me two nights of sex now."

Reese had a lighthearted chuckle. "Mhm, and you should know I always pay my debts."

"I'll hold you to it," Charlie said flirtatiously.

"I'm sure you will."

"Mhm. Love you. Take care of your boyfriend. Bye."

"I will. Love you too, babe."

Reese ended the call and sighed. The 'boyfriend' comment was a long-running inside joke that had exhausted its humor sometime within its first month. Charlie still thought it was cute to say so she never stopped referring to Skylar as Reese's boyfriend (or sometimes his 'other girlfriend'), using it really in an endearing way rather than injuriously. Reese hadn't bothered to object to the terms in years, taking it as a compliment on their close friendship. He was a pretty secure guy.

His mind going back to Skylar's situation, he called his heartbroken best friend and conversed with him as he raced to Reese's house. Skylar, his voice quavering from lamentation, told him what happened and expressed his feelings. His now ex-girlfriend, Catherine, had been cheating on him for months (at least), and when Skylar found out, he was hurt but had eventually forgiven her.

She never stopped having sex with the other guy though, and had no intention to. Eventually, Skylar tried to work it out by (reluctantly) suggesting an open relationship, defying Reese's advice, and swallowing what little pride he still had with Catherine. Even though Catherine had accepted Skylar's proposal, she forbade him from dating other girls. Skylar, being so in love with her, stayed faithful while she openly had sex with the other guy, not even trying to hide it for the sake of common decency. Finally, Cat broke it off suddenly and without giving a reason.

Reese listened to his friend vent his heart until he arrived. Opening the door, Reese saw Skylar's crystalline blue eyes sparkling with tears, his full, rose-colored lips quivering. Skylar fell into his best friend's broad chest as soon as the door opened and Reese received him and held him tightly in his large, strong arms.

"It's gonna be okay, bro. That bitch didn't deserve you at all. You were way too good for her, man. Way too good. Do you know how many girls would love to have a guy like you? All of 'em." Reese tried to console Skylar as he closed the door and walked him to the couch with his arm around his relatively small and slightly less muscular shoulders.

"It's too bad," said Skylar, "I only want Ca- Cat- Catherine." At the mention of her name, his eyes flooded once again.

"Stop it, Sky! Stop crying over her. She doesn't deserve it. You could have another one like that." Reese snapped his finger loudly. "One who's not a damn sociopath."

Reese talked Skylar up, holding his hand and wiping his tears away with his thumbs, trying to get him to stop crying. Reese declared the words 'Cat', 'Cathy', and 'Catherine' to be curse words in his house, punishable by a thump to the lip. Skylar laughed for the first time that night when he used her name and Reese meted the punishment, flicking his plump lower lip hard enough for it to hurt pretty good.

Once the waterworks ended, Reese tried to find a way to cheer his bestie up, to get him out of his overall funk. He had forgotten to cancel the reservations for his dinner date with Charlie so decided to take Skylar out instead. Charlie texted Reese to check on Skylar right before they left and he let her know they were going out.

How's our BF? Charlie texted.

Not spectacular, Reese replied.

Aww... 😔 poor baby. Tell him I'll give him a blowjob if he wants, Charlie texted. And as Reese pondered the efficacy of oral sex as a remedy to heartbreak, she texted, ...JK.

Reese laughed to himself and sent, You'd cheat on me to help my best friend!!? 😍 You're so sweet. Definite keeper.

Charlie responded in kind. You'd stan your girlfriend up to help your boyfriend!?🥰 Mary me! Lol

Reese chuckled at Charlie's antics as he and Skylar got in the car. Well, we're headed out. Decided to keep the dinner reservation. Looks like Sky stole your date...

Reese's phone buzzed once more before he took off. It read: Okay. You guys have fun on your date. Wine him and dine him and make him feel better. Have a good time. But not too good a time. If Sky steals my night of sex there will be blood.

Reese chuckled and looked over to Sky, who was eavesdropping on his text conversation and smiling a cute little smirk at the corner of his pouty lips. Reese was happy to see his friend smile, and almost as happy to see that he understood Charlie's and his inside joke, even enjoying it enough to keep the pretty little smile on his face for the entire ride to the restaurant. Reese wondered what exactly was going through Skylar's mind.

At the five-star restaurant, Skylar didn't eat much of his meal but he did, however, drink all seven cocktails he ordered - even the ones he said tasted bad. He always got hyper-emotional and touchy-feely when he drank and tonight was no exception. Reese was happy to have a back corner booth in the dimly lit restaurant, or else he'd be just a tad embarrassed that his best friend kept touching his arm, shoulder, chest, and thigh as he talked. Reese wondered whether he was embarrassed for Sky to be seen in public so obviously drunk, or because he found he didn't hate having Skylar's hands all over him.

As the night progressed, Skylar's babble eased over from Catherine (the mention of whose name earned Sky a slightly more pouty lip), to how good a friend Reese was. Then to how good of a guy Reese was. Then to how good Reese looked. Skylar gushed over his best friend and rescuer's tall and immense tight-end's body, which he kept in excellent shape even after he was finished with football. Reese loved Skylar's thinner, shorter, yet, equally impressive physique, which he also gained while playing on their former high school's football team. It always amazed Reese how Skylar kept up with him during training, even though he was only the kicker.

Reese had felt a little flustered whenever the pretty, older waitress came around and witnessed the intimate bromance, but when they were alone he relished the moment. Who wouldn't love being worshipped until completely flushed by their objectively gorgeous best friend? When the thought came that he might have a crush on Skylar, he gently pushed it aside into the portion of his brain labeled 'preposterous', blaming his slight erection on Belle, their 40-something-year-old pretty server.

After Skylar drank all his drinks he was pretty drunk and needed to "just rest for a bit," leaning against Reese's side. Reese put his arm around his friend to keep him secured and comfy against his chest. Losing the fight with muscle memory several times, Reese would find himself gently caressing Skylar's bare arm, up underneath the sleeve of his Polo shirt and back down to the elbow. After Skylar murmured, "That feels good," in the cutest, lazy kitten voice imaginable, he surrendered to his harmless little habit. Reese was a pretty secure guy.

When the waitress came with the check, she watched with the most voluminous smile as Reese slowly reached for the wallet in his back pocket while trying not to disturb Skylar. Reese blushed when Skylar absently wrapped his arms around his waist. "You two are such a cute couple," Belle gushed in a hushed tone. Reese smiled and thanked her, not bothering with a correction. What could he say, he liked compliments. And he was a pretty secure guy. "Cute, cute, cayoot," the server was mumbling to herself and shaking her head as she walked away, her system apparently overloaded on cuteness.

Reese helped his best friend into the car, buckled him in, and drove him home. Skylar wasn't completely passed out, but Reese figured it would be quicker to simply carry the smaller boy up to bed than to be used like a crutch. Reese scooped him right out of the car and cradled him in his strong arms. Skylar put his arms around the stronger man's muscular shoulders, was carried to his bed, and deposited gently on top of the covers.

Reese removed Skylar's shoes for him, then his socks, then stood back and looked at the picture - the boy in his bed fully clothed in a tight baby blue Polo top and dark denim skinny jeans. He looked absolutely helpless and atrociously cute - so much so that Reese had to convince himself of a pure motive for doing what he was definitely about to do for one reason or the other.

He looks uncomfortable. Surely he's hot and sweaty. It's not like I want to see him undressed! Reese assured himself as he started on the three little buttons on Skylar's Polo, then lifted it over his cobblestone abs, and his head, baring all his hard little chest. I mean, I'm secure enough to admit he's gorgeous without his clothes on, but that's not why I'm doing this. He needs me right now. His fingers became inexplicably clumsy as he unbuttoned his friend's jeans, revealing a small, triangular portion of his tight, pastel purple undies.

Reese, as gently as he could, worked Skylar out of his pants, getting them down a little in the front, trying his best not to touch the tent in the soft cotton briefs his erection created. He carefully turned his friend onto his tummy to pull the jeans down in the back. He slowly did so, revealing the powdery purple boy panties stretched taut over Sky's bubble butt. Reese's heart was in his throat, heat assaulted his cheeks, and his cock strained against his pants, his contextual memory bringing him back to when he first lost his virginity. Stupid brain, he thought, blaming his body's response on faulty programming. Thinks since I'm undressing someone I never undressed before that it's the same kind of thing.

Reese couldn't keep his eyes off his friend's pretty little booty though. Or rather, his light briefs, just then remembering an important fact about Sky's sleeping preferences. Sky usually sleeps naked. I should probably take his undies off for him so that he's comfortable. This night is supposed to be all about him. I shouldn't deny him any comfort because I feel weird about it.

And so, with an excellent reason to do so, Reese hooked his fingers in the waistband of Skylar's purple undies and began to slowly peel them off his perfect little bottom, lifting his hips to get them down past his muscular thighs and off his feet. It was the cutest boy butt Reese had ever seen - a little muscular, but plump like a girl's and completely hairless, even in between.

As a result of another round lost to muscle memory and situational conditioning (so Reese told himself), he took a quick little whiff of the crotch of his friend's undies, a habit he had developed with Charlie. What he smelled there was the unmistakable aroma of fresh precum, his friend's liquid arousal. Probably from thinking about Catherine. I ought to pop his cute little lip again.

He tossed the boy panties aside, feeling significantly more flustered and flushed than he did at the restaurant. His cock was fully engorged and starting to hurt in his pants and he was supremely, superfluously horny. It must be the smell of Sky's precum, he argued internally, my brain thinks it's mine so it's reacting like I'm horny.

Reese stared at the cute boy he had just undressed, and he couldn't help but ogle - hell, marvel - at his friend's naked body. The tight cords of hard-packed muscle beneath taut, smooth skin. Butter soft and petite, but still hard and strong. The muscles in his back and shoulders, his arms and legs, and his glorious, girly tush! It looked so good, especially since Skylar had spread his legs some, separating his cheeks enough to show his posterior valley and a hint of the tight, pinkish little hole, not to mention his soft little cock and balls down below. All clean and devoid of hair.

Reese looked away after gawping silently for half a minute, then shook himself back into his right mind, this time telling himself the alcohol he had drank (one old fashioned) was the culprit. He knew he needed to get out of there and decided to go have a shower and sleep on the couch. So he squeezed Skylar on the shoulder and said, "Good night Sky," before turning to leave.

When he took his first step towards the door, Skylar whined. "No, wait. I don't wanna be alone." He sounded only a little more coherent than someone who needed their friend to undress them. Reese paused beside the bed, looking down at Sky. "I... I want you to... to sleep with me. Please... can you sleep with me, Reesie?"

Skylar was an adorable ball of sadness, cuteness, and neediness, the sexy, dangerous kind. When Reese hesitated, Sky turned onto his back and reached out for Reese's belt buckle. "C'mon. Take off your clothes and get in bed with me." Skylar was still slurring his words and handling the other boy's belt rather poorly. Reese could only marvel - at the incidentally sexy words pouring out of his friend's pretty mouth, at his friend's spectacular body, everything compact and hard, especially his cock, not small but not huge, uncircumcised, with just a little bit of his glistening pink tip showing from inside the foreskin.

"I need you, Reesie," he said sadly. "Please. If I'm all alone, I'm just gonna think about Catherine."

After a brief hesitation, Reese smiled and lifted his t-shirt up and off his body, baring his massive chest. He then tucked Skylar in and hit the lights before dropping his pants and climbing into bed behind Skylar, wearing nothing but his tight white briefs. He was sure to keep about a foot of space between himself and Skylar as he got comfortable.

"Reesie....," Skylar pouted, "I said 'Catherine'. You have to punish me."

"So now I owe you two lashes," Reese said as he leaned over his bestie and applied two softer flicks to his lips.

"Mmm, thank you," Skylar cooed softly, snuggling back into Reese and surprising him. But he didn't balk, but rather, put his arm around his hurting friend, placing his open palm on his tummy. His flesh was like warm silk stretched over smooth stones.

Skylar purred like a little kitten at the touch, and pressed himself back against his immovable friend, snuggling deep into his embrace. "This feels so good, Reesie," said Skylar, and placed his hand on top of Reese's, caressing it gently. "I love you."

"I love you too, Sky," Reese whispered to his friend who he knew was an extremely emotional and affectionate person, especially after drinks. And if Skylar wanted to snuggle, who was he to deny his friend the much-needed intimacy after such an awful day? Reese resolved he would withhold no adoration from his Skylar, admitting to himself that the contact was hypnotically cozy and heartwarmingly sweet.

In that deeply intimate moment, he didn't think it unseemly to give Skylar a kiss, just a little one. And so he did, right on Sky's naked shoulder, eliciting a comfy little moan from him that encouraged Reese to plant another on his solid trapezius muscle, and then his neck, and then his ear.

Skylar's cute little reactions were priceless and Reese loved the effect he was having on him. He was like a toy - kiss here to make me squirm and giggle, kiss here to make me arch and moan. After Reese had sprinkled his bestie's neck, shoulder, and ear in a baker's dozen of candied kisses, he began to drift off to sleep, cuddling his closest friend with the strongest hard-on he'd ever had.


Reese woke up a little groggy and a little dazed, clinging to the familiar feeling of a body pressed against him, sure to be Charlie. His morning wood was sticking up between her soft ass, which was surprisingly and thankfully naked. With his eyes still closed, Reese began to caress a hip. Though it was the right size, more or less, something was off about the feel, but he focused more on how good it felt, rather than how unfamiliar.

Reese started to move his hips back and forth, sliding his cotton-covered wood between the warm valley of flesh. He grabbed a hand full of ass and squeezed. It felt different but more importantly, really good. Overtaken by lust in his hazy mental state, Reese pushed down his boy panties and tried to slide himself into the warm, wet pinkness he knew awaited him between his girlfriend's legs. What he found (or rather, what he didn't find) confused him. Skin. Just skin. No pussy..., and, therefore, not Charlie. In sudden realization, Reese quickly removed his cockhead from Skylar's perineum, rolled away, and fell out of his bed.

He stood and pulled his undies up, then stared at Skylar, who was, thankfully, still sound asleep. A little embarrassed but smirking at his own foolishness, Reese went into his en suite bathroom to shower and refresh his mind. When he finished showering, he came back into the bedroom, his vast fortress of a body dripping wet and completely nude. Reese smiled at the naked boy sleeping peacefully in his bed but stopped staring once his cock began to react. He quickly dried himself and donned a fresh pair of undies, orange and blue striped briefs.

Reese tiptoed around the house, performing a few little chores. He cleaned up a bit and did some laundry, then Charlie called.

"Hey, babe," she answered.

"Good morning," he said. "I miss you."

"Awww, I missed you too. Especially last night. I don't think I know how to sleep alone anymore." Just hearing Charlie's voice expressing she missed him started to turn Reese on. It had been a few months now since the couple hadn't slept in each other's bed. They practically lived together. "I had to put on your t-shirt to fall asleep."

Reese smiled. "Oh, you missed me that much, huh?" he chuckled.

"I did," she admitted. "You didn't find it weird to sleep by yourself after all this time?" she asked, not sounding accusatory, but just curious.

"Well..., uh..., I didn't exactly sleep alone," Reese said, allowing space for understanding.

Charlie laughed, "Oh, my God, you didn't!"

"We didn't, like, sleep together, sleep together. We just... slept... together. Just... in the same bed, is all. He was drunk and all sad and needy like." Charlie was laughing the whole time Reese tried to explain.

"So what did you do, strip him and tuck him in, and spoon in behind him," she said, completely sarcastically and coincidentally one-hundred-percent accurate. The long pause from Reese gave it away.

"Umm...," he managed.

"Oh, my God!" Charlie burst out into a loud giggle. "He really is your boyfriend!" She chortled.

"It wasn't like that, okay. He was hurt, Charlie. He just needed some...," he sighed at what he had to say to justify himself, " and affection. I'm the only one who could give it to him. You know how Sky is. He's really emotional and sometimes he just needs a hug and a cuddle."

Charlie had stopped laughing. "So, when I said, 'did you strip him', the answer is 'yes'?" Reese answered by not answering. "I see. So you were naked, cuddling with your boyfriend?" Her voice wasn't humorous and teasing like before, but it wasn't angry either. More like..., curiosity..., mixed with intrigue..., mixed with..., no, it can't be...

"No, only he was naked," Reese replied, hoping it didn't sound so bad. "I was in underwear."

"How did..., how did it feel to have Sky's naked body on yours. Did it turn you on?" Yes, her voice is definitely a little sultry right now. Is she fantasizing about us?

"No- well, not-" he started when she cut him off.

"Mmm it did, didn't it? You caress his hard body? Turn him on? Take advantage of him in his fragile state? Mmm?" She was practically moaning.

"No, it wasn't like that at all. We didn't do anything!" Reese asserted.

Charlie continued. "But you wanted to." That one wasn't a question. "You wanted to touch him. To stroke his cock. It was hard for you to resist, wasn't it?" Her breaths were coming faster as she spoke, even as her voice grew low and misty.

"No. No. No. Charlie, you know we're not like that!"

"Why not?" There was a barely perceptible pout in her voice. "He is your boyfriend after all. I wouldn't mind if you two...made each other feel good. Y'know?"

"What... What are you saying, Charlie?" Reese needed to cut through the layers of sarcasm and find out what Charlie meant.

She sighed. "I'm saying... Oh, God, I can't believe I'm seriously about to tell you this... I'm saying..., I think it would be super hot if you and Sky got it on... There, I said it."

Reese was shocked. He had just gotten an endorsement from his girlfriend to fuck his boyfriend. No! Best friend. Not boyfriend. "Charlie, you know Sky's not gay right?" he said seriously.

"Then seduce him. He got naked in your bed and you two cuddled. All he'll need is a little push from you, Reese, and I bet he'll let you do whatever you want with him." She sounded more like a conspirator than his girlfriend.

"But I'm not gay!" he said with confidence provided only by how badly he wanted her to believe him, rather than the truth. He didn't think of himself as gay, gay, but he could appreciate the sexiness of the masculine form, Skylar's in particular. Maybe he was a little bit closer to bi on the spectrum. Just a little.

Charlie sighed a sigh of very apparent disappointment. "If you say so," she said in a tiny voice before adding, "might be just what Sky needs too."

The idea hung in the atmosphere like an airborne virus. "Well, babe, I gotta go. I'll talk to you later, okay? I love you."

"Okay. I love you too, Reese."

He ended the call and continued to contemplate Charlie's sentiments as he made breakfast for Skylar.

He couldn't get the fact that his girlfriend wanted him to fuck his best friend out of his mind. Nor the idea that it might be good for him. Reese would do anything for the sexy boy upstairs, but he wouldn't take advantage of him in his fragile state - not that I want to. He'd be sweet to him, cuddle him, feed him, and give him everything he wanted, but seduction was completely out of the question.

Reese finished making Sky's big breakfast, set it on a tray, accenting it with one of a dozen white roses he had bought for Charlie the day before, and headed upstairs. He balanced the tray with one large hand as he used the other to snatch the covers off Skylar's naked body to wake him. Skylar roused with a squirming stretch and cat-like yawn, rolling onto his back to glare at Reese, standing there in his underwear with a tray of food. "I made you breakfast," Reese said, placing the feet of the bed tray beside Skylar's thighs and obscuring his rapidly swelling penis from view.

Skylar was grateful his penis was out of his best friend's sight but felt it continue to grow due to the cool air and Reese's tightly muscled frame, not to mention the substantial bulge in his boy panties. Skylar was impressed with the size (in a proud best friend sort of way if you were to ask him). It looks really full even when completely flaccid, he thought just before averting his eyes away from Reese's pack and to the food he'd cooked for him.

"Thanks, Reesie. I was dying of hunger." He started in on the scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, sausage, homemade waffles, fresh-cut pineapples, grapes, and orange juice. Reese watched him as he ravaged the plate, smiling at his friend's ravenous appetite. "You already eat?" Sky asked.

"I wasn't really hungry," he said, sitting down next to Skylar on the bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Great, thanks to you. You know how to make me feel just wonderful." He smiled that great big, gorgeous smile that Reese loved.

"Glad to hear it," Reese smiled back. "So, you're not at all thinking about..., that girl? Y'know, she who shall remain nameless?"

"Who, Catherine?" Skylar said, looking at Reese with a coy smirk, expecting 'punishment.' It made Skylar a little sad to say her name, and therefore to think of her, but there was something about his friend touching his lips that excited him. Something about being treated like a bad child made him feel so guiltily excited. He couldn't explain it.

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When Reese doled out Sky's inevitable punishment, he puckered his lips and took it like a big boy. He felt his cock rise and press against the bottom of the bed tray. He blushed, smothered his smirk, and licked his hot lip before continuing to devour his food.

"You sure you don't want any?" Skylar offered. "It's good."

Reese replied, "I know it's good. I made it."

"Just a piece of fruit then?" he said, holding out a block of juicy pineapple between his fingertips instead of using his fork.

Reese smiled and leaned in, and Skylar popped the fruit into his friend's mouth, just barely caressing his lips as he pushed the juicy cube in between. Reese sucked Skylar's fingertips briefly before pulling the fruit into his mouth and eating it.

Reese decided he could eat after all, but only fruit, allowing his boyfriend (no, best friend!) to feed him grapes, pineapples, and one sausage link, sucking it between his lips before chewing and swallowing. He announced that he was going to run Skylar a bath and went to his en suite, trying to angle himself so his erection remained hidden from view as he walked. He made the bath hot and used some of Charlie's vanilla-scented bubble bath.

Skylar finished his food and Reese took his tray away, finding it impossible not to steal a glance at his soft little penis, adorably resting in his lap. Skylar headed to the bathroom, grateful that his cock had calmed down, though it grew a bit as he felt his friend's eyes scanning his nakedness. Thanks to high-school sports, both Reese and Skylar were very comfortable naked around guys and had found themselves naked alone together in numerous situations. But this time seemed just a little bit different.

As Skylar bathed, he thought of how lucky he was to have a friend like Reese. A guy who understood him perfectly and embraced him wholeheartedly. Skylar knew he was a sensitive boy, but unlike Reese, he was a little insecure about who he was. Reese had lent him his confidence, and fed into his sensitivity and intermittent neediness, especially this past day. He'd encouraged him and built him up, fed him and pampered him and snuggled him, knowing what he needed and liberally providing it.

Skylar slumped down into the hot, sudsy water. "God, I love him so much," Skylar whispered as he thought of his handsome angel with the body of a god, his heart glowing with adoration. If he was gay, he'd be sure that he was in love, but alas, he was not gay, and, more importantly, neither was Reese. So, therefore, they could not be in love.

Skylar sighed.

After the relaxing bath, Skylar returned to Reese's room, perfectly naked and dripping suds. Reese was folding and organizing his clean laundry on the bed, still in his little orange and blue boy panties. Skylar said, "Reesie, I need a towel," causing Reese to look up from his task to the gorgeous, naked boy standing in the middle of his room. The initial look on Reese's face could be described as an eyegasm - a mixture of pleasant surprise, awe, and want. Skylar blushed and smiled.

Reese shook himself. "Oh, yeah, sorry, here you go," he said and walked a towel over, and began to apologetically pat Skylar dry as if he spilled something on him.

"You just keep doing it," Skylar said gleefully as he held his arms out to let Reese dry his upper body.

"Doing what?" Reese asked with a nervous chuckle.

"Just taking care of me like this. I haven't thought about Catherine all day." This time it really did slip out, but Skylar didn't regret saying her name at all for some reason.

Reese glanced down at him. "You never learn," he chuckled as he dried his neck and upper chest.

"Guess you're gonna have to teach me," Skylar said, anticipating another pop to his lip.

"Yeah, I'm gonna have to think of another form of punishment. Because this," he said thumping Skylar's pouting lip hard, "just isn't working. I'm starting to think you like pain."

Skylar laughed as Reese turned him around to dry his back. "Oh yeah? Well, maybe you should kiss me instead." Just then, Skylar wished it was possible to stuff words back into his mouth. He tensed up, half expecting Reese to stop all their intimate little interactions for the rest of the day and send him home.

Skylar was relieved when his friend chuckled and continued to dry his derriere. "Yeah, I'm sure you'd hate that. You would never say her name again. So, that's what I'll do. The next time you say it, I am gonna kiss you."

"Haha, f-forgot her name already," Skylar stammered, tempted more than ever to whisper her name, just to see if he'd do it, and if he did, how it would feel to be kissed by your savior.

"Mhm, I'm sure," Reese said as he continued to dry Skylar's ass, the conversation masking how much attention the beautiful boy's cute butt demanded of him. He had 'dried' it three times over, feeling the hard-but-soft globes in his toweled hands, and massaging his way in between.

After Reese reluctantly parted ways with Skylar's heavenly boy bottom, he knelt behind him, clapped his ankle between hands coated with the thick towel, and ascended to high thigh. He did the same with the other leg and then pressed up against his taint, making Skylar let out a little gasp.

Reese reached around to dry Skylar's penis. Without looking, he dried it off, trying not to react to the fact he was touching his friend's very erect cock right now. Skylar held his breath, and Reese cupped his scrotum to gently dry him there too. When it was finished, and Skylar's body was dry, already missing his friend's firm hands, he simply whispered, "Thank you, Reesie."

"Anything for my Sky," he said as if molesting his best friend had been a chore. "You can pick out whatever clothes you can fit from the pile. I forgot to wash your undies."

As Reese folded clothes and put them away, Skylar remained naked as he took his precious time finding something to wear. His cock hadn't deflated at all and stood stiffly out in front of him. Neither of them even acknowledged it, though Reese stole glances at it several hundred thousand times.

Reese dressed in loose, black gym shorts and a tight, white A-shirt. Skylar was still naked, complaining that he couldn't fit any of Reese's huge underwear, shirts, shorts, or pants. Earlier, he had found some of Charlie's pajamas in the pile, a satin shorts and cami set, and joked that he might be able to fit those more easily than any of Reese's things. At the end of the search, it had ceased to be a joke.

"It's not like you're going anywhere," Reese said as Skylar held the soft little shorts up against his waist, his penis creating an obvious protrusion in the forgiving material. "I don't think Charlie would mind, and you know I wouldn't tell anybody. Here." Reese took the shorts and knelt to hold them open at Skylar's feet.

Skylar stepped into Charlie's bedtime panties and Reese pulled them up his legs, careful to stretch the waistband out to capture his engorged penis inside. "Comfy?" he asked, leaving his hand on the boy's small waist, just in case he needed to immediately pull the shorts back off for some reason.

Skylar smiled, looking down at the salmon-colored satin shorts with black lace trim, hard cock poking defiantly into the feminine fabric. "Perfect," he said, twisting to look at his butt in the short and loose but unbelievably soft and comfortable pajama panties. They made him feel so delicate and fragile and feminine, and he liked it.

"And here you go," Reese said as he picked up the cami top. Skylar lifted his arms and let his best friend dress him in his girlfriend's pajama top. It felt like nothing at all and hung down to right above his belly button, displaying hard, masculine abs between soft, pink femininity. Reese smirked as he thought to himself, I just dressed my boyfriend in my girlfriend's undies.

Now that Reese was out of chores and distractions, he asked Sky, "So, what do you want to do today?" He was more than willing to fulfill any request he could make.

Skylar thought momentarily, the answer standing right in front of him, asking the very question. "Well, remember last night... when we... cuddled together?"

"Oh, uh, you remember that," Reese said, with a sudden flush of his cheeks. "I thought you were too wasted." I wonder if he remembers this morning when I accidentally tried to stick my cock in his pussy...

"Yes, I remember last was one of the best nights I ever had. So all I wanna do today is stay in bed and cuddle with you. Is that too much to ask of you, Reesie? I know it's a lot."

"No, no. Of course not. Nothing's too much to ask. Nothing at all. I would do anything you want. And I'd love to cuddle, especially when you're wearing that."

"Because you can pretend I'm Charlie?" Skylar asked, brightening up and smiling gorgeously.

"Because you look super cute in it," Reese said, surprising both of them. "Who wouldn't wanna cuddle with something so cute." He got on top of the bed and lay on his back then pulled Skylar in beside him like he had at the restaurant.

To be this close to Reese again felt amazing, maybe not as hot as it had been when he was naked, but being completely sober made it more intimate. They both knew what they were doing and were choosing to cuddle. It melted Skylar's little heart. And there was a very desirable femininity in wearing a girl's lingerie. He lay there with his head on Reese's shoulder and reached for his hand, intertwining their fingers.

Reese's touch was absolutely intoxicating. Skylar craved more of it, snuggling closer into him every time he adjusted his body. At first, Skylar was at Reese's side, then scooted in closer, laying his head on his chest and listening to his heart begin to beat faster. He then snuck one leg over one of Reese's, resting it between his legs and playing an innocent game of footsies until their legs became entangled.

Skylar purred as he wriggled on top of Reese, placing his hand along his side and sliding it up and down the ripples of his ribcage. Reese moaned softly in reaction and was tickled to a giggle when Skylar's hand slipped underneath his top and skimmed his bare skin. "Tickles," Reese smiled as he placed his hand on the naked part of Skylar's lower back, caressing his soft skin.

"Mmm, feels good to me," Skylar cooed, slipping his hands all around Reese's chest underneath his top. "You're still so ripped," he whispered, lifting his head off his friend's chest to let his fingers glide all around the muscular landscape.

"Mm, you are too. I'm just taller and naturally wide. But this...," Reese said, placing his hands on Skylar's small waist (which his little cami top wasn't long enough to cover) and thumbing his abs, "is a masterpiece." He pulled Skylar into the center of his vision, which incidentally brought him between his legs, Skylar obliging and setting both his knees between Reese's.

Skylar grabbed the hem of Reese's top and slowly lifted it off him, searching his eyes for any objection, then set his hands back on his irresistibly hard body. They looked into each other's eyes as they felt each other's godly bodies, Reese's fingers wrapping around and flirting with the hem of Skylar's pajama panties, Skylar unable to resist fondling his friend's nipples, discreetly at first, then more deliberately. "Mm, no muscle there, I'm afraid," Reese giggled when Skylar began to brush and tickle his nipples between his fingertips.

"Still hard though," Skylar smiled as he noted the grating texture of Reese's tightening nipples.

"Stop it, it tickles," Reese giggled and started to tickle Skylar's upper body with his fingers, making him collapse in a fit of laughter, laying flat on his tummy between Reese's legs to hide it from his torturous fingers. He immediately felt the hard rod beneath his belly, pressing vigorously up against him and twitching.

Skylar lay comfortably on top of his amazing best friend, resting his chin on his forearms which lay across Reese's chest. Reese looked at the unbelievably cute boy on top of him, those gorgeous eyes, that luminous smile with those luscious little lips.

Skylar looked up into Reese's warm brown eyes brimming with compassion and love for him. He knew he was looking into the eyes of a man who he needed, who would always take care of him, who would always be his. Skylar, drowning in the deep feelings inundating his heart, felt an overwhelming compulsion to kiss Reese. He slowly let his hands fall away beside Reese's chest and kissed his solar plexus, sweetly, softly. It's okay. He kissed me last night, he answered when he asked himself if he was crossing a line. We're just really, really close.

"Mmm, what was that for?" asked Reese, smiling down and gently combing Skylar's hair back with his fingers.

"Ummm, just for being you," he said, kissing an inch above the previous spot. "Taking care of me." Another kiss between Reese's hard pectorals. "Always looking out for me." A kiss on the left pec. "Being my best friend." A sweeter kiss to the right pec. I should stop this, Sky thought. "For loving me." A kiss, with a tiny lick, to the left nipple that made Reese shudder. Oh, god, stop it. "Because I love you." An unapologetically sensual suckling of the right nipple. This is way too far, but it feels so good! "For helping me forget about Catherine."

Skylar then looked up at Reese's face expectantly, biting his full, red bottom lip. Please kiss me, he pleaded with his gorgeous blue eyes.

Reese took Skylar under the chin and brought his lips to his own. And then he kissed him. Quickly. Simply. Softly. The world seemed to pause in Reese's eyes. In Skylar's eyes. It became apparent to Reese that the line he and Skylar had been pacing toward since they met had finally been crossed. The finish line. And it was time to claim his prize.

"You... did that because I said 'Catherine', right?" Skylar's eyes were curious.

Reese only answered with another kiss to his boyfriend's perfectly soft, perfectly warm lips.

"Because if you only kiss me when I say 'Catherine...'"

Reese quickly kissed his luscious lips again.

"...I'm not going to be able to stop saying 'Catherine.'"

"Shut up and kiss me, boy."

Reese pulled Skylar down to kiss him again, most passionately, like long-lost lovers. Like high-school sweethearts after a five-year separation. Like virgin newlyweds after he carried his groom through the threshold. There was no restraint. Pure love and passionate lust shimmered inside of them, around them, and raced back and forth between their dancing tongues. Lips became swollen and bruised from suckling and nibbling. Sensual moans filled the air. Hands freely explored stone-hard muscle and butter-soft skin. Two boys had discovered their dormant love and roused it.

They were completely in sync as Skylar sat up on his knees between Reese's legs, Reese sitting up and following his sweet lips. As one, Skylar lifted his arms as Reese flung his cami top over his head, breaking their kiss. Reese started kissing Skylar's neck while slipping both his hands down inside the back of his flimsy little bed panties, moaning at the real feel of his perfect ass. He massaged and squeezed Skylar's bubble butt while Skylar pushed his shorts down to his mid-thighs.

Skylar pulled Reese's head to his chest as he pressed his body against his man's, his precum-tipped cock lying flat up his stony abs. Reese suckled Skylar's nipples as he fondled his ass, spreading him and letting his middle finger glide just inside his hole. "Uhghy," Skylar whimpered girlishly at the touch of his sensitive ring. "God, I love you, Reesie!"

"I love you too, sweetheart." Reese flipped over and tossed his boy toy on his back, then pulled his pj's down off his feet, stripping him naked. He sniffed the familiar scent of precum off the nighttime panties before tossing them away. Skylar reached inside the larger man's shorts as he fell between his legs, kissing him wildly about the face and lips. Skylar slurped his man's tongue as he coaxed out his cock. It felt extremely hot and deliciously heavy in his hand, pulsating with power.

Reese reached down to play with his friend's penis too as they kissed constantly, moaning into each other's being, conveying the message, I want you! You're mine! and Take me! Have your way with me! Their two cocks bumped and rubbed together, fortuitously at first, then the boys purposefully began to squeeze their manhoods together and stroke the thick bundle of sex mutually.

Soon enough, Reese left Skylar to jerk their cocks together and let his hand sneak downward, cupping his balls momentarily, then sliding past his sweat-slick perineum to play with his irresistible boy hole again. Skylar's only reaction was a high-pitched squeak and a further spreading and raising of his knees.

"Ooh yeah," Skylar moaned when Reese pushed deep into his anus with one finger. Skylar gripped his big cock tight in his fist. "I want this inside me. I want it, Reesie! So bad!"

"I want it too. You feel so warm and tight, baby boy." Reese stroked Skylar's asshole a few more times before removing his finger and sticking it between the boy's willing lips. He moaned as he tasted himself off Reese's finger, sucking on it like a cock.

Reese removed his shorts all the way and aimed his helmet at his boyfriend's rosebud and slowly slid inside him. Skylar shuddered as his lover filled him up, inch by inch until he felt his pubic hair rasp his scrotum. He sighed, and Reese groaned. He began very slowly stroking his masculine paramour's little love hole, taking his anal virginity with patience and tenderness.

"Mmm," Skylar moaned as Reese penetrated him deeply, beginning to arch into each steady wave of his powerful body. "Yes baby, make love to me!" he sang as his true love took him with increasingly deeper fervor. "Oh, Reesiiee!"

"I'm gonna cum," Reese groaned, trying to last a little longer inside Skylar's incredible boy pussy. He slowed himself, savoring what he knew might be his last few strokes before he exploded. Skylar wrapped his legs around his love's hips and squeezed tight. "Oh, God, Sky, you're gonna make me cum."

"Mmmm, yes. Do it, baby. I want your cum!"

Reese leaned in close beside Skylar's ear as he continued to stroke him delightfully slow. He gently cupped the back of his neck and whispered in his ear close enough to tickle it with his lips. "I'm cumming inside you right now, love. Can you feel me cumming in you?"

"Oh, yes," Skylar melted as he clung tightly to his sexy Superman. "Mmmmmm, I love it." Reese stroked Skylar's sex hole, dispensing his rich, milky seed deep inside his essence as they both groaned and moaned and sighed in each other's ears.

When Reese had expended himself, he took a deep sigh, then kissed his loving boyfriend in his panting mouth. "You are amazing," he simply said before kissing him again. He reached down and touched Skylar's cock. "You didn't cum?" Skylar shook his head 'no' as Reese kissed his clavicle. "Good. I want it in my mouth."

Skylar's eyes shined big and happy at the sexy words as Reese kissed a path of wet kisses southward. He swirled his tongue around his hard nipples, suckling them softly, loving the flavor and texture. Reese then kissed his tummy, his navel, and his hips as he sank down Skylar's majestic form. He ignored the tense cock lying up his tummy and kissed his ball sack instead, tickling Skylar to titter.

Skylar yelped when Reese stepped back and suddenly yanked his lower body over the edge of the bed and dropped to his knees before him. He lay back on his right elbow and played in Reese's hair with his left hand. Reese draped Skylar's right leg over his shoulder and slipped a finger into his loosened and lubricated asshole. Reese could feel his cum inside the hot, freshly deflowered orifice, able to glide back and forth with relative ease.

"I always wondered what it would be like to have your dick in my mouth," Reese said as he kissed the cleanly waxed area around the base of Skylar's penis.

"Really?" Skylar asked as his friend teased him with his lips.

"Not like this, but just out of curiosity I guess," Reese spoke as he moved his lips all around Skylar's penis, up and down the shaft on each side, and underneath down to his scrotum. "I just loved how it looked. It's so cute when it's soft. Just the perfect size, not too veiny but still manly when you get hard. I just thought girls must be so lucky to get to suck this perfect cock."

Skylar moaned at the torturous petting and tried to pull Reese's hair back to position his lips at the end of his stick. Reese resisted and Skylar could feel the air from his chuckling breath on his nethers. Reese began to kiss, lick and suck his balls, taking his time before sliding his tongue up the bottom of his cock and getting his lips just around the tip of Skylar's manhood. He flicked his tongue inside Skylar's pliant foreskin, tasting his salty precum and slurping it into his mouth before swirling his tongue around the sensitive, swollen glans.

"Oh, Reesie! That feels so good," he purred, arching his hips into the pleasure. Reese controlled the tempo, keeping his finger deep inside Skylar's hole and licking his cock just the way he had always imagined. But nothing could top the reality.

"Your cock is amazing, Sky," he said with the cock still on the tip of his lips, then slipped back down on it. He pulled the skin downward, fully exposing the head, and fastened his lips right behind the bulb. He sucked it hard. Skylar clenched a fistful of Reese's hair, even as he clenched his sphincter tight around his sweetly intruding finger, trying not to cum so quickly.

"I could suck you all day long," Reese sighed during another break, then took him in his mouth again. He slid his lips further down Sky's scorching heat, down to the base, down until he could feel Skylar's fat, pink glans tickle his throat, causing him to gag and flourish his mouth with more salivation.

Drooling down Skylar's shaft, Reese began to bob his head up and down, sliding and curling his finger inside his boy pussy. Skylar lay back on the bed and let Reese control him with his skillful mouth and playful digit, rolling his eyes back, curling his toes, and arching his hips as he whimpered helplessly. He completely submitted himself to the blissful pleasure of Reese's tongue slithering around his cock and his fingers slithering inside his ass - so much so that his orgasm arrived before he even realized it.

Reese felt Skylar's cock begin to stiffen harder and quickly began to stroke him near the base with his free hand, keeping his lips sealed around his spout. When cum spritzed his tongue, he hummed deeply and stroked more quickly. Skylar squirted his love into Reese's mouth, rolling his head back against the covers, curling his toes, and moaning like a teen girl having her clit licked for the very first time. Reese bobbed and stroked, using the volcano of cum for more lubricant as it spilled through his lips down his lover's pulsing shaft.

Skylar's cock going limp in his mouth after filling it with a copious amount of semen was the sexiest thing Reese had ever experienced - until he swallowed his first mouthful of cum. He quickly took his finger out of Skylar's sugar hole and pushed his leg aside, causing him to topple off the bed onto the floor. "Oh my god, oh my god," Reese panted as he started to stroke himself vigorously, right in Skylar's face. Skylar joined in too, helping Reese stroke his large cock until he too exploded a second time, all over his best friend's face and chest.

Once Reese's penis stopped ejaculating on his friend and hung downward instead of straight, he dropped to his knees and shared a passionate, sloppy, cummy kiss with his lovely lover. They traded mixed cum between their lips, kissing until no trace of semen was left to be tasted on either tongue. After, they kissed and cuddled some more.

They shared a nice, hot vanilla-scented bubble bath, kissing and petting each other the entire time.

They got back into bed, remaining perfectly naked and snuggling up together. Reese looked at his cell phone and saw that he had a message from Charlie.

Hey. I'm sorry about earlier. I know you guys aren't gay and I shouldn't have said what I said. I shouldn't have let my fantasy go that far and for that, I'm really sorry. Forgive me? And by the way, how is Skylar?

Reese opened his camera app and took a selfie of Skylar and himself, both smiling, naked, and entangled. He sent the photo to Charlie with the caption, He's fine. You were right. It was just what he needed.

Written by AubreyAvery
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