I go to gigs regularly. Living in a small city, the gig scene is relatively small. As a result, I often go by myself as I'm almost guaranteed to meet one of my gig buddies. My gig buddies are not the same as my real buddies. I know absolutely nothing about them other than the fact that we have seen many of the same bands. Are they married, or single? I have no idea. Where do they work, where do they live? I have no clue. We chit-chat about the music and have a beer or two and enjoy the music.
Julian is one of the many. As I explained before, we have no history, and only meet at gigs, but there always seemed to be some connection. We just clicked.
The gig was loud, so we had to lean into each other's ears to talk.
He pressed against my hip.
I shrugged it off until the next time, when he did it again I paid more attention, he was grinding against me each time he talked and whatever he was grinding against me was hard. I turned and looked him in the eyes. He responded with no more than a cheeky smile and another grinding on my hip.
"What's this all about, Julian," I asked, honestly not sure how I felt about the situation.
"Just taking a chance, Dave," he responded, confidently smiling, still firmly attached to me at the hip.
"Regardless of your intentions, I'm sure the time and the place are not right," I replied, terrified of being seen by the other gig friends.
"I'll stop if you tell me to stop, Dave," was Julian's cheeky response.
I told him to stop and pushed home away. My hand glanced against his cock as I did so, and I was surprised by the size. I was also surprised by an electric pulse of excitement in my chest when I made contact with his cock. I knew I wasn't gay, but that sensation was certainly something. Focusing on the gig became extremely troublesome because I spent the next few minutes processing the feelings rushing through my mind. Thoughts and images flashed through my mind, images of Julian and I, me and Julian, and where his intentions would lead.
I finally managed to focus on the music and, in doing this, Julian seemed to lose interest. I found myself alone again and was pleased to be so. For the rest of the night, I casually mingled and had a few beers. Just like any other night. All was saved and the band's amazing performance made the night a total success. When the band had finished I had one more beer and then started to make my way home.
"Need some company, Dave," said a voice to my right as I walked out the doorway.
I looked and saw Julian standing there. He was leaning against the wall outside the door, looking at me confidently. I never really looked at him before, but whatever it was about that night, I noticed how fit he was. He had an athletic build and a slim waist. The veins in his not overly-muscular arms were visible. His striking blue eyes and confident smile made me question my earlier decision to reject him.
"Oh, hi," was all I managed, slightly startled by both his presence and his appearance.
"You waiting for me?" I said, hoping for only one answer.
"That depends, Dave," came his reply, followed by a cheeky smile.
"Ok, I'll play," I said, "Depends on what, Julian?"
"It depends on what you want to do, Dave," said Julian.
I paused, gathering my thoughts before replying, "No Julian, It depends on what you want to do and whether I agree."
"Tell me, Dave, did you like touching my cock?" said Julian, glancing his hand against it, looking me in the eye.
"I was surprised at first, Julian. Then a little confused and finally excited." I replied, holding his gaze.
"Follow me home, Dave," said Julian as he started to walk away, and after a pause, "Only if you want to."
We walk through the city, I remain a step or two behind. Julian looks behind occasionally to check if I'm still there. I followed, wondering why, in fact, I was still there. Still following him, following him to god only knows what. I admired his ass I followed, my inner dialogue raging, 'What the hell are you doing, Dave?' and 'You have no idea what you are getting yourself in for.' I was tormented yet continued to follow, still excited despite all the doubt and uncertainty. Five minutes later we were outside Julian's apartment building, and he paused before opening the door.
"Are we going upstairs, Julian?" I asked nervously.
"Only if you want to, Dave," replied Julian, as he opened the door.
As I crossed the threshold, I knew I was crossing the Rubicon. Whatever was going to happen was going to happen at this stage. I followed Julian up the stairs and watched him open his apartment door. A flutter of excitement danced inside my chest, and my cock started to swell. My breathing quickened, and my doubts seemed to disappear. All I wanted to do was to go inside and discover a new side of myself. A darker side, a side I had secretly lurked within for years.
"Last chance, Dave," teased Julian as he entered, he motioned me inside and said. "Only if you want to."
"Here goes noting," I said, taking his hand and following him inside.
Julian locked the door and we walked into the living room, My heart was beating like a jackhammer as I watched Julian remove his t-shirt and then his jeans. He motioned for me to do the same and I did so at once. We stood facing each other, him with a beaming smile and I with a nervous grin. Julian was wearing tight white briefs and as I fixated on them I noticed a substantial bulge, a bulge that was the reason why I stood there before him.
"So, what now," I said, with no idea what the next move was.
"Will I take my cock out, Dave," said Julian, stroking the still-growing bulge in his white briefs.
"I think I'd like that, Julian," I stammered, with fireworks of nervous excitement dancing in my chest.
"You first," he teased, as his erection caused the head of his cock to creep out the waistline of his briefs.
I did as I was told and stood there naked as the day I was born. My cock stood to attention as I waited for Julian to do the same, He nodded in approval and removed his shorts. He was completely shaved, which made his eight-inch cock seem all the more impressive. I gasped at the site and took a step towards him,

"Can I touch it?" I asked, daring to take another step before receiving permission.
"Only if you want to," replied Julian as he took the final step that closed the gap between us.
I nervously reached out and took hold of his cock. Though bigger than mine, I expected it to feel the same. But feeling another cock is different, The hardness of the shaft and the velvety texture of the skin gliding up and down as I stroked it was an amazing feeling. The heat was a surprise too. Hard, silky and hot. I squeezed the head between my fingers to discover yet another texture. Fascinated and transfixed, I immediately understood the allure of a cock.
"You want to suck it, Dave, don't you?" said Julian, as I continued to worship his cock with both my hands.
"I'm pretty sure I'd like to try, Julian, I replied, dropping to my knees.
"Oh, no you don't," said Julian, holding me by the chin. "I don't let anyone suck my cock until they've taken it in the ass,"
"But, but," I stammered, terrified, as he stood me up, "I'm not sure I want to."
Julian stood me up, turned me around and pressed me against the wall, His entire body was pressed against me and his firm cock was between the cheeks of my ass. His arms firmly caressed my hips and upper thighs, he started kissing my neck and rhythmically fucking my ass cheeks. I reached back and held his cock and started stroking.
"I'm still not sure about this, Julian," I said, shaking with excitement but terrified at the same time.
"I'll only do it f you want it, Dave," he said, as he reached for a shelf nearby. I heard a 'click' and then felt two lubed-up fingers into my asshole.
"Mmmhh, oh yeah!" I said as he probed deeper with his fingers.
"You like that," said Julian continuing, "I'm only going to fuck you if you tell me you want to,"
He applied more lube and poked and twisted his fingers into my asshole. I took my cock into my hand and started to stroke myself. Julian slapped my hand away and got to his knees. He licked from base to tip and then took my cock into his mouth. Writhing in luxuriant ecstasy triggered by Julian's mouth around my cock and his finger up my ass, my reluctance all but vanished.
"Oh, Julian, that feels amazing, " I moaned, as I held his hair with both my hands.
He looked up at me and took hold of my cock. He just looked for a moment, saying nothing. Slowly stroking my cock as he stared into my eyes,
"I'm only going to fuck you if you want me to," he said, he then took my cock into his mouth once more.
"Mmhh, ok," was all I could manage.
"Say you want me to fuck your ass, Dave, " he teased, and got back to work on my cock,
"I want you to fuck my ass, Julian, " I said, "please fuck my ass, Julian!"
He stood up and pressed me against the wall. I heard the familiar 'click' sound, and Julian placed his body against mine. He kissed my neck, held both my hips and guided his cock towards my asshole. When the warm head of his cock pressed and slid into my asshole there was an immense feeling of satisfaction. I roared with encouragement.
"Mmmhhh, uuh, that feels so good," I said, forcing myself back, trying to take more of him in.
"That's only the tip, Dave," said Julian, as he started to slowly fuck me, going slightly deeper each time.
"I'm not sure I can go deeper without hurting you, Dave," he whispered, as he increased the pressure with each thrust.
"Please try, mmmhh, please try," I replied, willing him to enter me with each delightful stroke.
Julian tried and tried but couldn't force his thick cock into my hungry ass. He removed his cock from my ass and pulled me towards the sofa. He forced me on my back and pushed my knees to my chest, exposing my ass to the air. I took his cock, arched my back forward and guided his cock into my ass. The view was amazing and when he finally touched my opening with his hot pole, I erupted with ecstasy.
"Relax, Dave," encouraged Julian as he slowly forced his cock into me.
"Mmmmhhh," I groaned loudly, then finally, "Ooohaaaah," as his shaft disappeared into my hole.
The sight and feeling were incredible, When his cock slid into me, a warm glow shot from my asshole down the inside of my thighs. When he slowly removed his slippery shaft, the luscious sensation glowed in my stomach. I didn't know if the in or our feeling was the best, but I knew I didn't want it to stop.
"That feels so good," I said, holding his ass, willing him to fuck me harder.
"Fuck me harder, Julian," I begged, delirious with joy.
Julian teased me, keeping his pace slow and deliberate, but going deeper and deeper every time. I tried pulling him into me in desperation, trying to increase the pace, but he remained firm. He slowly increased the pace, at his own pace, and it took several minutes before he started to aggressively fuck me. And, oh boy, did he fuck me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and grabbed his ass cheeks tightly as he aggressively fucked me.
"I'm going to cum in your ass," he panted, starting to breathe uncontrollably.
"Cun in my ass," I whispered, delirious, with joy and anticipation. "cum in my ass, Julian."
He shook and moaned and pushed only more time deep into my ass. I felt the warmth of his hot cum deep inside my ass. An amazing hot wetness flew me and sent me over the edge. An eruption of cum shot from my cock. The first load hit Julian's chin, before landing on my chest. The subsequent shots made a sticky landing strip from my stomach to my chest. I arched up and licked my cum from Julain's chin just before he flopped on top of me. We lay there as he softened inside me.
"That was amazing," I said, not wanting him to move, still enjoying him in my asshole.
"Yeah, It was not half bad, Dave," replied Julian, "still want to suck my cock?"
"I might need a while to recover, Julian," I replied, adding, "You might need some time too, it feels like I have a pint of cum in my ass."
"Plenty of time, Dave," he replied as we lay there contemplating the next move.