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One hot summer chapter 1

"Two eighteen year old boys discover and explore intimacy and sex"

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I met Robert while at Secondary School. In many respects we were opposites; he was the macho athletic type while I was a wimpy nerd. Also, being academically gifted Rob was in the top stream while I was in the lower one. As a result, our paths didn’t cross that often during the first school year. In year two this changed because I did well in the sciences and moved into the top stream for these subjects. I admit that I struggled at this higher level, but thankfully Rob came to my rescue. He also enjoyed the sciences but hadn’t been able to find a regular laboratory partner since he, like me, hadn’t come from one of snobby Primary Schools and was still looked upon as an outsider. Much to the dismay of many Rob and I clicked straight away and together, while not the top students, we were always close to the top in the science studies for the remainder of our time at Secondary School. Rob was heavily into sports which were of little or no interest to me, but we found common pastimes in ornithology and photography. Often at weekends when Rob didn’t have sports commitments, we would spend time together on these pursuits. As the months and years passed, we became best friends, sharing all our adventures, secrets, dreams and hopes.

During this era, parents raised boys and girls separately and allowed no social contact between them in the absence of an adult or chaperone. The schooling was also separate. To be sure, there were plenty of moral busybodies around to enforce this separation. Furthermore, any boy showing an inquisitiveness or empathy towards girls was mercilessly harassed and bullied by his peers until they conformed to the insensitive macho status quo. This ethos meant that, despite both having sisters, neither Rob nor I had any real experience or knowledge of girls. They were like an alien species. This fact didn’t stop us sharing the lurid and disgusting tales that we’d heard about them from others at our all-boy school. Of course, the stories were just imagination and nothing like reality but, in hindsight, it is interesting that even at this early stage the tales reinforced the role of males as all-powerful and dominant and females as weak and subservient playthings.

Like all friendships, Rob and I had our ups and downs. We would occasionally fall out and avoid each other for days but then eventually realize how stupid we were being and get back together. At the end of year five, we had a significant argument that was all down to me. In a moment of teen stroppiness, I’d insulted and abused Rob. He took my comments to heart, stopped talking to me and rebuffed all my pleas for forgiveness. This disagreement happened at the worst possible time; just before the start of the summer break. The holiday was likely to be our last summer together as we’d be leaving school at the end of the following academic year, so I’d been looking forward to spending quality free-time with Rob, and now he wasn't even talking to me.

Three days into the holidays and with no sign of our friendship rekindling I visited Rob at his home. He was still angry and stand-offish with me and apparently in no mood to compromise. I begged him for forgiveness. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said what I did and wish I could take it all back. I’d had a week of harassment and bullying at school and just snapped. You were in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

"Sorry is an easy word to say, but it's not enough to wash away the hurt that you caused to me.”

In desperation, I said, “what can I do to deal with this problem? How would you be treated if you’d been so rude to someone?”

“Oh, that’s easy. As soon as my Mum got word of it, I’d get the hiding of my life.”

“That’s what I thought. What if you were to thrash me? Would that sate your anger?”

“Don’t make fun of me, don’t make things worse.”

“I’m not. I'm serious. I want us to get over this and move on. If getting a whipping from you is what it takes, then so be it.”

“You’re willing to accept punishment from me. Well, I think that would help clear the air but only if the penalty is the real deal, not a play spanking.”

“I wouldn’t expect anything less.”

“Okay, when will we do it?”

“The sooner, the better. Now is as good a time as any.”

I saw a glint in Rob’s eye as he said, “right, come with me.”

I followed him through to his mother’s bedroom.

“Kneel beside the bed and bend over on top of it.”

As I did so, fear and regret began to kick in. What on earth had possessed me to suggest this? I’d never had a spanking before and in my desperation to appease Rob I hadn’t even thought about what he might do to me. I was scared and now anxiously hoping that Rob wouldn’t be too severe; maybe it would just be a hand-spanking?

Any illusions of that disappeared as soon as Rob put the cane down on the bed and they flew entirely out of the window when he undid my belt, pulled my trousers and underpants down to my knees and flipped my shirt over my back, leaving my bum exposed. I began to quiver. I knew for sure that this punishment would be excruciating because even the hard boys fear getting caned on the bare. But I couldn’t back out now, I’d volunteered for it without thinking it through and now had to take my licks. A chill passed through my bottom as cold air wafted over it. I should have better appreciated that moment because it would be quite sometime before my ass would feel so comfortable again.

“I’m supposed to say that this is going to hurt me more than you, but it won’t. You were rude and abusive to me, and now you’re going to get a lesson that you’ll not forget.”

I watched Rob’s reflection in a mirror on the other side of the bed and saw him pick up the cane, draw it back and then swing it forward. Even so, I wasn’t prepared and screamed as Rob struck my bum twice in rapid succession; one hit angled upwards left to right and the second angled downwards. These first whacks were sore, but this was as nothing compared to the agony that then erupted in my bottom as heat and pain surged out from the now blazing cross on its surface. While the intensity was still building, Rob applied a horizontal strike to my upper bottom. This hit intersected with both initial stripes, so not only left a new agonizing streak on my bum but also amplified the pain already coursing into me from the initial ones. Rob then placed second horizontal strike across my lower bottom, followed by further hits above and below the center. The combined pain from these strikes was almost unbearable, but I was still holding it together when Rob then applied his coup de grace. The epicenter of pain in my bottom was the mid-point of the initial cross. With all the force that he could muster, Rob caned this region. Every stripe reignited, triggering wave after wave after wave of unbearable heat and pain in my already tortured rear end. This crescendo broke me. My legs went to jelly, I flopped down on the bed and burst into tears.    

I lay there sobbing while Rob put the cane away. He then came over to me and quietly said, “I’m satisfied. You’ve paid your dues. Let’s call it quits and move on. Compose yourself and then head off home. I’ll see you around.”

Rob left me, and I lay on the bed until the agony subsided to a tolerable level. Where was the cooling air now that my bum needed it? I struggled to get my drawers and trousers back into place because every slight touch of a stripe triggered a new wave of pain throughout the criss-cross pattern on my bottom. This sensitivity also meant that my walk home had to be slow and careful. An added difficulty was to hide my discomfort from Mum so that she didn’t ask awkward questions.

Many emotions swept through me as I slept on my stomach that night. I was angry with Rob for causing me so much pain but also sad to have upset him so much that he felt that such a severe beating was justified. It was, however, a wake-up call. I now realized how insensitive I’d become. My supposed banter was insensitive and hurtful. I resolved to keep my teenage angst in check in future. Lesson learned, and I just hoped above hope that having purged his anger on my butt Rob and I could be friends again.

While dozing later that night, it dawned on me that Rob hadn’t any qualms about caning me; no doubts, no holds barred and no mercy. Where had he learned this approach?  I knew that his mother was very old-school and strict. She presumably punished Rob’s indiscretions in this way, and he'd just followed her example. For me, one thrashing was bad enough but how many times had poor Rob dealt with this same agony? Despite the pain he’d inflicted on me, my appreciation for Rob and empathy with him strengthened that day.

The following afternoon Rob came to see me.

“Are you okay?  Do you still want to be my friend?”

“My bum is still sore, but I’ll get over it. I’m just sorry to have been such a dickhead. I deserved your punishment. Of course, I want to be your friend. If you don’t mind the pun, let’s put this episode behind us.”

“Cool. I was planning to go bird watching tomorrow. Do you want to join me?”

“That would be good. Let’s do it.”

Early next day we headed off to a large sanctuary, set up our gear in a hide and spent most of the day there. All our efforts were to little avail. We saw only the common species. It didn’t help that Rob and I were still uncomfortable with each other. We'd made our peace but hadn’t worked out how to get back our friendship back on track. Fortunately, the ice broke during the afternoon while we shared our tea and sandwiches.

Rob patted me on the bum. “That was your first caning. I could see it in your eyes. You were terrified. Don’t feel ashamed. It was the same for me the first time. I was scared to find myself at the complete mercy of Mom and her favorite cane.”

“How many times have you been thrashed like that?”

“Too often to count. I’ve had tough love. Mom believes that regular use of the rod is needed to instill obedience and good behavior. Like most adults, she’s doesn’t remember that caning is an effective punishment only if given rarely. Once used as a routine, even for trivial things, the cane has little or no deterrent value. I now accept that a regular whipping on the bottom is just part of growing up and possibly an outlet for Mum’s frustrations. Isn’t it strange? Adults preach that violence against others is unacceptable but then readily apply it to their kids.”

“Well, the thrashing you gave me was deserved. A lesson that I’m not keen to repeat. So, from now on I will try to be good.”

 “All right, so what do we do tomorrow? I know of a site a bit off the beaten track that’s supposed to have a wide variety of birds. Do you want to try there?”

“Yea, that’ll be great. Hopefully, we’ll have more luck than we’ve had today.”

Next morning Rob and I headed off to this remote site. It took more than one hour to get there, and unfortunately, things were a little better than on the day before. There were plenty of birds but nothing novel to whet our appetites. We took a few photographs, but by early afternoon we’d packed up, had our tea and sandwiches and were relaxing in the warm sunshine.

While fooling around, ribbing each other and play tussling, as teens do, I found myself laying on top of Rob. As I was looking down into his blue eyes, I felt his cock begin to stir beneath me. Was Rob getting excited? Within moments, there was no doubt; he had an erection. I was further shocked to find similar awakenings in my groin. I was confused. Could this be happening? Boys shouldn’t react to each other in this way, but the signs were unmistakable.

I looked down to see that Rob was smiling. My heart skipped a beat and curiosity got the better of me. Although I knew that it was a no-no, I leaned in and gently kissed Rob on the lips. He didn’t resist and quickly clasped his hands around my head, pulling me down so that our lips were now locked together. The sweet delights and sensations that we shared during that first snog were terrific; it felt so good and oh so right. We were on cloud nine and held it together seemingly forever. That first sloppy kiss was not to be the best that Rob and I would share, but it was the most important because it unlocked hidden feelings and desires in each other and set us on a wondrous path of intimacy.

As Rob and I eventually eased off, I noticed that the bulge in his pants was causing him severe discomfort. I undid his belt and flies. His drawers now spring out like a tent as his cock desperately tried to get free. Rob sighed with relief when I lifted the waistband to release his willy and gasped as I clasped the shaft in my hand. I was enthralled as well. Although I’d played with myself before, nothing prepared me for the exhilaration of holding another boy’s cock. It twitched and quivered in my hand, almost begging to be used and satisfied. I didn’t disappoint and started slipping my hand slowly up and down the shaft so that the glans winked in and out from under the foreskin.

Rob was trembling and sighing by now. “Oh, wow, that’s amazing. Please keep going.”

Needing no encouragement, I pumped his engorged weapon harder and faster. Soon, it began to spasm and shudder in my grip and then shot its load. Rob groaned, and his body tremored as wad after wad of cum flew out. I’ll never forget the look of sheer satisfaction on Rob’s face while his entirely spent dick shriveled in my hand.

While still fascinated by these events, I realized that my cock now had urgent needs. I lay back, undid my belt and fly and pushed back my underpants. Now released from its prison my dick sprang out, practically jumping with joy into my cum-soaked hand. Lubricating the shaft with Rob’s spunk further increased its excitement, and after a short period of beating the meat I climaxed and released a stream of cum. Now drained, I lay down beside Rob, we exchanged a quick kiss and fell into a blissful sleep in the warm sunshine.

I awakened to find Rob looking at me and tousling my hair. “That was wonderful. Thank you for enlightening me to the joys of my cock.”  

I could hardly believe what he’d said. Like all teens, Rob must’ve had regular hard-ons, but apparently, he’d never worked out the pleasures of milking them. Oh, the naivety of those days. All that potential joy wasted. At least, by my hand, my best friend had now been awakened to the delights of wanking.

“That was mind-blowing. Can we do it again?”

I whispered in his ear. “It is possible. Let me see if I can re-awaken the beast.”

I slipped my hand inside Rob’s drawers and gently stroked his cock and balls. Almost straight away, his dick began to rise and soon I had its shaft clasped in my hand. After clearing his drawers out of the way, I slowly and steadily started to beat his meat. This time it took a little longer to get him to climax. Rob repeatedly groaned as he neared the edge and squealed with delight when his dick started to spasm wildly and fire out its load.

This action had awakened my dick. On spotting the tent in my underpants, Rob leaned over. “Let me help you with that.” He slipped his hand inside my undies and pushed them out of the way. This move freed my cock, which went hard with excitement on being clasped by a foreign hand. Rob may have been a novice, but his tugging of my meat soon had the desired effect. Also, with nothing to distract my attention, I was super sensitive to every new sensation in my cock. It became harder and more engorged than ever before, and the final climax quite literally took my breath away. I gasped air for some time until I settled down and bathed in sensual satisfaction. Of one thing I was sure, from now on self-pleasure would always be a poor alternative to gratification at my best-friends hand.

 Rob and I then rested for a while under the sun before tidying ourselves, gathering up our equipment and heading off home. We regretted having traveled so far, but euphoria carried us home. As we reached the village, we went our separate ways but not before we shared a sweet goodbye kiss, having made sure that no-one could see us.

The plan for the following day was to visit another sanctuary. We duly set off with bird watching in mind, but by the time we’d reached a remote hide the only peckers that we were remotely interested in were our own. I don’t know if there is a limit to the number times you can wank-off but, interspersed with luscious snogging sessions, we beat each other’s tools to orgasm four times during that day. Our dicks were red and sore by then, and we were exhausted, but in a very pleasing way.  

We huddled together to rest. When I stirred late in the afternoon, the first thing I saw through my bleary eyes was Rob’s limp cock. I’m still unclear what triggered the idea in my head, but at that moment I wanted to know how it tasted. Throwing caution to the wind, I slipped myself downwards.

By now, Rob was awake. “What are you doing?”

“Shush, just investigating.”

I lightly touched the foreskin with my lips and the glans with the tip of my tongue. Immediately, I found out just how resilient is the exhausted cock when faced with a chance of more action. The tip began pushing its way into my mouth. I tried to clasp it between my lips, but all this did was pull the foreskin back allowing the glans to flop onto my moist tongue. That switched everything into overdrive. The shaft engorged and pushed further and further into my mouth. At risk of choking, I knew that I had to take some action, so I clasped the lower shaft in my hand to stop further entry and tightened my lips around the upper half. I bobbed my head up and down so that the glans popped rapidly in and out of its cocoon and then licked and massaged it and the shaft with my tongue. These actions sent Rob’s dick into a frenzy. The shaft expanded in my mouth and started to throb and pulse.

Rob was now moaning and breathing rapidly. “Oh my, you’re driving my cock wild. I can’t hold on much longer. I’m going to cum.”

With that, the shaft began tremoring in my mouth, the tip went wild, and three wads of salty spunk shot out, almost choking me. That mass of cum was all the cock could muster, but it continued to tremor, throb and pump in my mouth as though trying to deliver any remaining vestiges of cum into its target. My mouth ached, and I couldn’t take any more. So, I pulled myself off the shaft but kept the tip between my lips and licked the glans until Rob's tool decided that it had done its job and slowly became flaccid. Rob was in seventh heaven and cooing like a baby as we shared a little of his salty cum, tongue to tongue, in a final smooch of the day.

“I’m sorry that I can’t do you. I’m all in.”

“Don’t worry, there will be plenty of time tomorrow,” and there was. Ornithology again took second place. Hand- and blow-jobs and spells of intense kissing intermixed with periods of rest were the order of the day. Switching between hand- and blow-jobs meant that we were able to do each other more often. Six times each on that wondrous day and a bonus blow-job for me late in the evening as darkness fell. Rob had to work hard for that one. The beast didn't take long to rise but had to be teased for a long time before it reached a climax. Not that I was complaining. Rob's tongue triggered unbelievable sensations in my dick.

Like kids in the sweet shop, we wanted more and more but as fit as we were, Rob and I  couldn’t keep up this pace. We were still physical wrecks the next morning despite a night’s rest. I was like a half-shut knife and didn’t want to go anywhere or do anything that day.

As luck would have it, Rob’s Mom and sister had gone off to town for a day of shopping, so we had an empty house. We were lazing in the lounge when Rob said, “What will we do today? It mustn’t be too strenuous. I’m just about all in.”

“I know what you mean. I’m the same. I want to go back to bed.”

“So, do I. Tell you what. You use my bed, and I’ll flop out on the couch.”

I surprised even myself when I blurted out, “No need for that, we can share. Your bed’s big enough.”

“You’re kidding, right.”

“No, I’m not. I want to cozy up with you.”

“Well, if you’re sure, we can do that. Let me find you a pair of PJs.”

“No, no, silly boy. Let’s get close and personal, au naturel.”

I’d never seen Rob blush before, but his face went as red as a stop sign. Straightaway, I began stripping off. I didn’t want him to have the chance to argue. If Rob did have doubts, they didn’t stop him ogling me. His eyes were popping out of his head by the time that I was down to my birthday suit. I was only a little better. My heart was fluttering as Rob then stripped to the buff in front of me. We got into bed, and Rob pulled the duvet over us. We were hesitant at first, but I then clasped Rob in my arms, pulled us together chest to chest and snogged him. During that exciting moment, we both moved close together and settled down. I broke off the kiss and nestled my head on Rob’s shoulder. Within minutes, he was asleep, and I followed soon after. It is a measure of our exhaustion that we then slept for more than six hours. I did stir a couple of times during the day. So cozy and happy to be cuddled up with Rob, I pulled myself even closer to his fit body. I also adjusted our cocks so that we were nearly entwined.

Rob was awake and stroking my face when I roused. He planted a long lingering kiss on my lips and began to run his hands over my body — what an excellent way to wake up. Slowly and sensuously, his lips and fingers went over every millimeter of my body, finding and triggering most of my sensitive and erogenous spots. Strangely, he spent a lot of time examining and massaging my bum. I didn't mind; it felt great and certainly better than what he'd done to it before. Now aroused, I began to explore Rob’s sexy body. I found and triggered many of his sweet spots. Rob’s perineum was particularly sensitive. As soon as I started kissing that region, his dick quickly stood to attention.

Rob and I continued with this serious petting, just for mutual pleasure and to satiate our immediate lusts. Of course, our cocks had to get involved in the action. As I wriggled on top of Rob, they jostled together and became excited. Soon, both dicks were stiff, engorged and eager to deliver. Rob and I were both gasping rapidly as our arousals reached their peak, and then we exhaled loudly as our now throbbing cocks climaxed together and coated each other in masses and masses of cum. So much for a day of rest. It took us some time to recover from this event, but it was a most satisfying surprise.

“Well, well, our first simultaneous orgasm. I hope we’ll share many more.”

“Oh yes, that would be brilliant.”

We cuddled and smooched for a few more minutes before getting up, showering and redressing. Just watching Rob putting his clothes back on sent tingles through my groin. We prepared a light meal, which was just ready when Rob’s Mum and sister arrived home. We shared supper. Luckily, the main topic of conversation was about all the exciting discoveries they’d made while shopping, so there were no embarrassing questions about what Rob and I had been up to during the day.

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Although still bathed in the euphoria of the day, I had a restless night. My mind kept going over and over recent events. To my astonishment, I realized that my feelings and desires for Rob now went well beyond those of playmates. I wanted to take things to a more intimate level, for us to become physical, sexual and emotional partners. The worry was that I didn’t know if Rob felt the same way and I couldn’t work out ways to broach the question with him without risking all.

Next morning, Rob and I set off to find a secluded spot where we could relax in the sunshine. A nearby wood had several well-hidden clearings, so we sought out a suitable one. We had just entered the footpath into the forest and were out of sight of passing traffic when Rob embraced me, kissed me, and whispered in my ear, “I love you.”

Three simple words but they answered all my concerns. I pulled Rob back into an embrace and left no doubt in his mind that I wanted to be at one with him. Rob took me by the hand, and we positively skipped along the track until we spotted a safe clearing. There was no holding back. We stripped off and got down straight away to serious petting. We knew how to push each other’s buttons and quickly became aroused. Making out naked under the warm sunshine further speeded the process. Soon, our cocks were both in dire need of relief.

This moment was when a new sexual idea sprung into my mind. I turned myself around so that my head was in front of Rob’s erect cock and he was in line with my dick. I took the tip in my lips, put my hands around his buttocks and pulled him in so that half of his tool was in my mouth. Never slow on the uptake, Rob did the same, and we began sucking each other off. The incredible sensations coursing through me as Rob worked my cock combined with those from his willy in my mouth drove me wild. With Rob experiencing the same we went into a cock-sucking frenzy. The conjoint climax that followed was overwhelming. I coped with Rob’s spunk but passed out while his spent cock continued to pulse in my mouth. Nowadays, a sixty-nine is nothing unusual but in those innocent times completely unknown. I’m so glad that we figured out the real circle of love that day and went on to enjoy its delicious outcomes then and on so many occasions in the future.

Later, I dreamed that I had a pacifier in my mouth. Instinctively, I began sucking on it only to realize that it wasn't a pacifier. My lips were working the shriveled shaft of Rob’s willy. He, in turn, intuitively latched onto the spent vestiges of my cock. Both tools sensed an opportunity and quickly rose to the occasion, raiding our aching but hungry mouths and filling them with lots of hot spunk. Ah, those dreamy seconds were as good if not better than the firsts.

Rob and I rested and then petted for a while but weren’t very enthusiastic, so we settled on sunbathing instead. Rob's lovely pert bottom caught my eye while he was face down. He’d been fascinated with my bum the day before, and I couldn't understand why. Interest piqued, I decided to take the opportunity to find out what tickled his fancy.

I kneeled over Rob and planted a juicy kiss on each buttock.

Rob snickered. “What are you doing?”

“Relax. I’m just studying your booty.”

Rob's buttocks were firm but very sensitive and responsive to my lips and tongue. He was chuckling as I moved over the cheeks and into the crack. Encouraged by Rob’s response, I slid my tongue all the way down and began to lick along the base. As the tip reached Rob’s hole, his buttocks tightened slightly, trapping my tongue in place but still leaving its tip free to explore his quivering hole. I couldn’t believe how excited Rob became. He bucked and moaned as I vigorously licked his anus.

I tried to push into the hole, but my tongue made no headway. I needed something stronger. I pulled my tongue from Rob’s now wet crack, licked my index finger and slid it down into the valley. His hole began trembling when touched by my fingertip, as though it knew what was about to happen. I ran my finger around and around the hole and then pushed hard in its center. Rob sighed, but nothing happened. His sphincters were putting up a good fight but one that they couldn’t win. I pushed harder and harder and finally overwhelmed them leading to that magical instant when my finger burst its way inside Rob’s love tunnel. I am not sure who most enjoyed that moment; we were both in rapture. I didn’t linger and steadily pushed the whole length of my finger into Rob, probing and stroking everything that I encountered. Rob’s rectum didn’t give up without a fight; it squeezed hard again and again on my finger trying to force it back out. Despite this, Rob was enjoying the intrusion. He gave a deep moan as my finger found a little bulbous area and was soon groaning while I probed and stroked it.

Rob suddenly became agitated. Had I hurt him? No, as soon as he got to his knees, his erect cock sprung out. Wow, had my finger triggered that? Instinctively, I reached down, clamped his dick in my other hand and stroked it while continuing to finger the sweet spot in his rear. His whole body began to shudder, his cock spasmed and spunk exploded out of it. Rob slumped to the ground. I was worried for him, but then I saw that look of absolute bliss on his face and knew that all was well.

Later, Rob got up and kneeled beside me. “That was amazing. You’ve earned a special reward.”

With that, he clasped my cock in his hand, fed it into his mouth and started to give me the most wonderful of blow jobs. I don’t know how he managed to take so much of my tool without choking, but the results were breath-taking. Cum was dripping from his mouth, and I was in paradise.

We rested in the sunshine until the sun began to go down, redressed and headed off home. The walk along the forest track took forever because we kept stopping to kiss and pet. We couldn’t get enough of each other. So, it was pitch dark before we reached home.

After a good night’s sleep, we rose early and met up before our families were awake. The anticipation was high, but we had to act nonchalant as we walked through the village. All reserve disappeared as soon as we got onto the forest path. In tight embrace, we got so hot that could’ve done it there and then. The intensity didn't diminish as we slowly but steadily made our way to the clearing. Now at bursting point, we practically ripped off each other's clothes and got straight into a sixty-nine. As you can imagine, our cocks soon blew their loads to complete the circle of passion.

“That was the longest night for me but in the end well worth the wait.”

“I know, I could hardly let go of you last night, I wanted you so much.”

Rob leaned over as we lay there in the warm sunshine. “Will you play with my bum again. I want you to drive me to ecstasy as you did yesterday.”

“I’m more than happy to do that so long as I get my reward.”

“Of course, I can hardly keep away from your enticing willy as it is. Here, I’ve brought some baby oil so that you can better lubricate my entrance.”

We made out in the sunshine for about an hour so that we were both hot and ready for the action. Rob put a blanket over a fallen tree stump and lay over it doggy-style.

“I don’t want my cock to get trapped like yesterday.”

“Good thinking. Now, let me get to work on that sweet ass.”

Rob practically giggled as I kissed and licked his bottom and then moved my tongue along and down the crack to his boy fud. As before, it trembled with anticipation as I licked and licked until I was sure it was ready. I poured some oil on my finger and then worked it around the entrance. Coating my finger again, I pushed it hard against the opening, and this time, while the sphincters tried their best, they soon slipped over my finger. Now, inside Rob’s boy pussy, I began to probe and manipulate it with a passion. I found the most sensitive spot and worked on it again just enough to make Rob sigh without getting overexcited. I wanted to see if he could take more so removed my finger, oiled two and went back in. The extra width of the penetration thrilled Rob. He was practically pushing himself back and fore on my fingers; I only had to stroke the sweet spots. His was breathing heavily by now, and he got even more enthusiastic when I probed his twat with three fingers.

Rob wasn’t the only one now aroused. My cock was erect and demanding some action. At this moment I remembered a story that I’d been told and decided to act on it.

I kissed Rob on the shoulder. “Do you trust me?”

“This question from a boy with three fingers up my ass. Of course, why do you ask.”

“It’s just that I want to try something a little different.”

"Go ahead, how strange can it be?"

“You’re about to find out.”

 I kept my fingers in place while I coated my erect dick with oil. I then pushed my tool into the crack and as close to my fingers as I could. Rob must have guessed what was about to happen because he braced himself. I thrust forward while removing my fingers. The sphincters tried to snap shut, but not fast enough to prevent the tip of my cock forcing its way in between them. With one further quick push, the head was inside Rob’s love tunnel, which reacted at once by trying to squeeze the invader out. This response triggered a wave of marvelous feelings in my cock and strengthened its resolve to stay put and move further into its new-found nest.

Rob squealed as I first penetrated him but then began to wiggle his bum and moan gently as my glans worked its magic on a sweet spot.

Doubts began to creep into me as I rested my cock in Rob’s rectum Was this safe? Would I hurt him? I wasn’t sure, but Rob had no reservations.

“Wow, this is amazing. Keep going. Get your dick right inside of me.”

Lust overtook any reservations. “Okay, but I’ll do it slowly. Tell me if it hurts, and I will stop straight away.”

I poured more oil into his crack and over my shaft and started to push inwards, each stroke slightly longer than the previous. Rob’s love tunnel was tight but unable to resist my slick cock. Despite its best efforts, the whole of my shaft was soon stretching his boy fud in every which way. Rob was squirming but also grunting with delight as I moved slowly to and fro inside him.

The sensations pulsing through my cock were breath-taking. There was no stopping now. After a couple of minutes, I increased the pace, and if anything, Rob’s love tunnel got tighter as it desperately tried to clamp itself around my tool. Then, I suddenly felt it release and give up the struggle. So, did Rob.

“Now I’m yours for the taking. Go for it. Fill me with your spunk.”

I pulled back almost to the sphincters and then proceeded to give him rapid full-length strokes of my rod. After four, my cock began to spasm and started dousing the ransacked depths of Rob’s fud with cum. His love tunnel was quivering frantically while my tool pulsated and pumped masses of hot, hot spunk into him.  Rob was shuddering and gasping for air by the time my cock had spent its last but was also squealing with pleasure and delight.

We slumped to the ground and huddled together on the blanket, both completely shagged.

“Well, you promised me something different, and you didn’t fail. I’d never imagined of making love in such a wonderful way. Where did you get the idea of using my ass?”

“I remembered a boy once telling me that he and his friend bummed each other for fun. At the time I dismissed it as a fantasy, but when I saw how you reacted yesterday, I realized that there might be some truth to the story.”

“I’m glad that you did. You blew me away in the most exquisite way. Thank you, lover boy. You’ll get your reward but not just yet. I need to recover.”

“I can wait. I’m not ready for any more action just now.”

Rob and I kissed, cuddled up and fell into a deep sleep, only reawakening in the early afternoon. Still snuggled together, we started to make out. In that dreamy state, we were hypersensitive to every move, touch, and sensation. So, by the time we were fully awake, we were both randy and hungry for each other.

Knowing what I wanted as my reward I got up, picked up the blanket, placed it over the tree trunk, lay over it in doggy position and wiggled my bum.

“I want you to shag me, just like I did to you.”

“Are you sure?”

“I want you and I want it now.”

Rob didn't need further encouragement, and my bottom was soon quivering as his tongue worked its way over its surface, down into the crack and onto the target zone. I felt my sphincters tremble in anticipation. Before long, an oil-coated finger was working my hole and pushing its way and into my tunnel. I gasped as Rob penetrated me, not in pain but in astonishment at how good it felt. I was chuckling in bliss while Rob spent the next fifteen minutes massaging my boy fud with one, then two and finally three fingers.

“I’m ready. Please go for it.”

My only qualm arose when I glimpsed Rob’s tool. I was hardly dealing with his fingers. How could I cope with that massive weapon? But I wanted it and resolved to do my best.

Without further preamble, Rob put his cock into my crack and pushed the head hard against my love hole. It did struggle to keep the invader at bay but quickly succumbed. I groaned with pleasure as Rob’s rapier penetrated me for the first time and was sighing with delight when an array of sweet sensations erupted from my honey tunnel as the now exposed glans began snuffling and probing my sensitive regions. This euphoria heightened as Rob’s dick delved deeper and deeper into me, but distress took over once he had the whole of his shaft inside me. I was now in pain. My love tunnel felt about to burst as it struggled frantically to accommodate Rob’s engorged and rampant cock.

Rob, bless him, sensed my discomfort and stopped all movement. This allowed time for my pussy to adjust itself. The ache subsided, and we were soon both moaning with pleasure as my honey tunnel writhed and squirmed around Rob’s rippling shaft, before finally forming a tight but comfortable sheath about it. This period of stasis didn’t last long because Rob’s lust took over and he began drilling me again. I was inundated with exquisite sensations as his cock repeatedly looted the sweet spots in my fud and delirious by the time that my pussy finally gave up the fight. Rob now went feral. He ravished my fud with gusto, before flooding it with all his love juices. My carnal utterances as Rob’s tool did its work were shameful, but appropriate given that he rode me to submission and ecstasy.

We must have cuddled together afterward because the next thing that I recall is waking up in Rob’s arms.

“Wow, you’re a real stallion. You shagged me silly.”

“Glad to provide a satisfying service. It was fantastic for me as well. By the way, your primeval responses to screwing were an added thrill. I wanted to enjoy them for much longer, but my cock wouldn’t hold out and shot its load. Never curb your enthusiasm.”

“Don’t worry I won’t, and I look forward to getting you to add to the local chorus. I’m just glad your cock took control. My love tunnel had gone to jelly. I couldn’t have taken a further pounding.”

“I’m quivering just thinking about it and all the opportunities we have to practice. However, enough of this for the present. We need to head off home?”

The walk was slow and uncomfortable, not helped by the cum trickling into my undies. But, hey that’s a small price to pay for the pleasure Rob I had shared. After a long lingering kiss, we went home by our separate ways, having agreed to meet up again the following day.

Rob and I were intimate daily over the following week. Each time brought new experiences and joys. We learned so much about each other and our reactions and responses to sex. Most importantly we partly worked out how to manage and control orgasm and prolong our intercourse.

This process came to a peak on the day when we had Rob’s house to ourselves. We went to bed and began petting soon after I arrived. With our new knowledge, we quickly drove each other into a sexual tumult. Now frantic for some cock, Rob threw off the duvet and was about to get into doggy position when I stopped him.

“No, stay on your back. In bed, there’s a better way to do this.”

To Rob’s surprise, I lifted his legs and bent them back over his chest. With his love hole now exposed, I applied some lube, moved on top of Rob and penetrated his boy fud before he could say a word. Our first time in the missionary position. The look of shock and then delight on Rob’s face as my tool plowed and raided his love tunnel was priceless and just added to my enthusiasm and ardor. I steadily screwed him, triggering all the usual responses. But, this time, we regulated our passions and shared our love. When one got too frisky or close to orgasm, the other slowed things down to extend the duration of intercourse. Our fervor increased exponentially each time we got close to but then drew back from the climax. Finally, unable to further control the instincts of our cocks, we went into the most mind-blowing joint orgasm. My dick was wildly pumping spunk deep into Rob’s fud, and his cock was zealously unloading never-ending masses of cum over my chest. Rob was beaming eye to eye and uber satisfied. So was I. Could things be better than this?

I am always surprised how resilient exhausted teens can be when a chance of sex presents itself. Within less than an hour, we stirred again and began making out. After our great success, we both wanted more. This time Rob took the lead. He pillaged my honey tunnel with great enthusiasm. After several close calls, physiology took over, and our cocks began spontaneously spasming and shooting out cum like there was no tomorrow. Our climaxes were as one and earth-shattering. Who’d thought that it couldn’t get better?

Now wholly exhausted we pulled the duvet over us and cuddled up together to bathe in sexual euphoria. We were still dozing together when we heard a voice.

“Having fun are you boys?”

My heart sank like a stone. Rob’s Mum was in the room. She'd caught us, and there would be hell to pay. Our world would come to an end.

I tried to get up, but to my amazement, she pushed me back under the cover. “Don’t mind me. Stay where you are. Keep enjoying yourselves but, in the future, remember to lock the door when you’re studying.”

With that, Rob’s Mum picked up our clothes, walked out of the room and then said, “dinner will be ready at four,” before closing the door behind her.

Rob and I looked at each other thoroughly bemused.

“Did your Mom mean that she’s okay with what we’re doing?”

“It sounded like that to me, but it could be a ruse to lull us into a false sense of security. No doubt, we'll find out the truth at dinner.”   

We cuddled together and dozed for about an hour before getting up and having a shower. Miraculously, our clothes returned to the room in the interim; all cleaned and pressed. We redressed and very apprehensively made our way through to the kitchen.

“You look anxious boys. Don’t be. I know that you think I’m a battle-ax and expect me to freak out about what you’re doing together. But I’m not going to fall out with you. With old age comes knowledge and experience. I understand your need for intimacy.”

“It’s hard to believe that you aren’t angry with us? I mean boy-boy hook-ups are a complete no-no, aren’t they?”

“It’s true that the great and the good forbid such liaisons, but despite this, they still occur. Teens are inherently curious about themselves. Most do nothing about it because the doctrine drummed into them is that sexual thoughts or desires and even self-examination are dirty and sinful. However, a few buck the trend and pair up to explore their sensuality. Who better to do so than with someone you trust. At your age, my brother and his best friend were already an item and, I’m sure you’ll be shocked to hear that my best friend and I were sharing the many delights of girl-girl action. Those early experiences of intimacy and the ups and downs of relationships served us well when we left home. I’ll never forget the catfights that we had or the great joys we shared while making up after.

When I first met my husband, he had very traditional beliefs about women. Once I taught him about the sexual fruits of a real partnership, he became a most enlightened husband, and we had a joyous life together. Imagine how things might have turned out had we both been innocent. Without my early experiences of intimacy and relationships, I could have ended up in a loveless marriage as do so many unfortunate couples. That's why I'm comfortable with you boys discovering love and sensuality in a safe and let's be honest a delightful way. So, make the best of your time together, but remember to be discreet, make sure that no-one can walk in on you like I did today and don’t overdo it.”

It’s a mark of my ignorance about girls that I asked, “Is sex between boy and girl the same as what we’re doing?”

“No, not exactly, but the leadup to the main act is almost the same. Perfect those first erotic stages, and I can assure you that the female jewel will be available to you just as willingly as you give up your boy pussies when aroused and ready. The rest will be up to you. Of one thing I can be certain, you’ll never take a woman for granted. You know the risks she takes in offering up her pussy to your cock, so you’ll cherish your sweethearts and make gentle love with them.”

“Wow, thank you for being so understanding and open with us. I adore Rob, but I’ve often wondered if I’m weird or sick for wanting his love. Now, I know that our liaison is one part of growing up.”  

Rob walked me home that evening, not because he had to but to give us time to talk over the events of the day. We both knew this had been a watershed.

"Well, well, that was unexpected. I thought that at best we'd have the living daylights thrashed out of us. Who would've imagined my old-school disciplinarian Mum being so tolerant and accepting? But then again, I could never in a million years have visualized her enjoying teen girl-girl action. Mum genuinely believes that our boy-boy encounters will make us better husbands. We cannot let her down. We’d better keep practicing as much as we can.”

I planted a sweet kiss on Rob's lips. "My view entirely. There's much more love for us to share. Let’s make the best of it."

That day was a turning point for me for another reason. There was little or no discussion about sexuality in those days, and my Mum was very uncomfortable with teen issues, particularly boy’s ones. So, I couldn’t raise them with her. But, in Rob’s Mum, I now had someone with whom I could openly discuss my concerns. My questions never fazed or shocked her, and her advice and guidance went on to shape many aspects of my life. She once said that she’d helped me more than Rob. Maybe no surprise there. It is almost impossible for a son to discuss sexual matters with his Mum. At least Rob now had the advantage that I could act as a go-between and get him any answers and advice that he needed.

Written by beth10smith
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