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One Hell of a Ride

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One Hell of a Ride

I love my boss. I lovemy boss. I love my boss. That was the mantra that Luke Roberts had repeated for the past hour. Really, the lengths he would go to for his boss. Missy Pike was his best friend first, before she became his boss. They went through a lot together: her divorce, her kids leaving for college, his coming out, his first break up, and now her upcoming retirement. They were with each other through thick and thin. And it just so happened that Missy has an extra ticket for a charity event and wanted, no, demanded him to go. Luke has thought about feigning illness, or a debilitating disease, but Missy knew better.

Luke sighed for the umpteenth time as he surveyed his outfit for the night: sharp, black suit that was specially tailored for him so that it would fit him to a tee. He then sighed again as he glanced at the ticket on his table.

Well, Luke sighed again. As if there’s anything he could do about it. With a last glance at the clock, he then grabbed his ticket, his wallet and his phone and locked the door to his apartment. With luck, he might be able to meet a nice guy.

The cab stopped in front of the hotel and Luke got out, smoothing some non-existent wrinkles on his suit. He then patted his short, black hair as he noticed some people were watching him, either with envy or with ill-concealed lust.

He then proceeded up the steps of the hotel, giving the maitre’d his ticket and proceeded to the ballroom. His jaw dropped as he surveyed the scene. His boss and the company really went all out this time: there were couches on the far side of the walls with billowy, sheer curtains that ensured privacy, there were other couches on the floor, for those who want to socialize, lots of tables scattered, tables of sumptuous food on display, overflowing fountains of Cristal, and a dance floor wide enough to accommodate 500 people. The lights were dimmed to a soft, shimmering light. It could easily be a scene for seduction.

He then glanced to the right when he felt eyes on him. He then noticed a tall man at the side, drinking champagne and staring hotly at him, and he looked vaguely familiar. Where have I seen him before? He was tall, slim, but Luke could see how broad his shoulders were. His other hand was inside his pocket as he surveyed Luke with his dark eyes. He sipped his champagne and Luke swallowed as he saw the man’s Adam’s apple bobbed. Luke could feel his pants tighten with that look. God, that man reeked of sex appeal and he was making Luke hard without even touching him. Shit, he’s not even like a meter away. Luke gulped as he saw the man smirked slightly, then proceeded to walk towards him, panther-like.

“Oh my God, Luke! You finally made it!” Exclaimed a blond bombshell encased in a super tight red gown, you’ll be wondering if she can even breathe in it.

Luke was startled, as he broke eye contact with the handsome man. “Missy, hi.”

Missy narrowed her eyes at Luke. “What’s the matter?”

Luke blinked, then glanced at the spot again where the man was before, but he was gone. He sighed. “Nothing. I just saw a very hot guy but now he’s gone.”

“Aww, that’s okay. You have the whole night, maybe you’ll find him then. If not, there are a lot of other guys here.” She then beamed. “Have you tasted the deserts yet? It was made by that famous chef and it is to die for.”

Luke allowed Missy to pull him to the desert table where his widened at the selection. They really do look delicious. And for the next hour, Luke mingled with his colleagues, drank champagne, laugh and basically had a good time. He then excused himself to go to the bathroom.

The bathroom was empty, and the lighting was brighter here than in the ballroom. He glanced at his reflection, and noted that his hair was now getting limp. Then he heard the door to the bathroom opened and was startled when he saw the man’s reflection in the mirror.

“Hi.” Luke stuttered as he straightened up.

“Hey.” The man replied, with that smirk still in place. God, he’s so hot. Luke could feel his pants tighten again and he knew that the man noticed.

“I saw you looking at me.” Luke said, surprised by his own strong voice.

“Did you?” The man walked towards him, backing him up against the sink.

“Yes. D-Did you like what you see?” Luke felt his knees going weak as the man stroked his sides.

“Yes. I do” The man then tilted his head, ghosting his lips along Luke’s ears, jaw and neck. Luke whimpered, hands going to the man’s broad shoulders and hanging on for dear life.

“God, I want to bend you over that sink and just take you.” The man whispered against Luke’s ear as his thigh went between his own.

Luke whimpered again, as that strong thigh wedged between his own, slowly moving against his now very hard cock.

“I want to take you home, suck you, fuck you, then do it all over again until you can barely think straight.”

“Oh fuck.” Luke moaned as that sinful mouth nibbled his ear while that thigh continued to stroke him.

“You mesmerized me the moment you walk in that ballroom.” He then moved his hands and cupped Luke’s ass, molding him against his body and Luke could feel his hard-on as well. “With your tight suit, your hair, those lips that begged to be kissed and nibbled.” The man then proceeded to nibble Luke’s lower lip, but not really kissing him.

“Oh, shit. Oh, fuck. I’m going to…” Luke whispered as his hands found purchase on the guy’s hair.

“Are you gonna come? You gonna come for me? Come for me now. Later, I will fuck your ass so hard. I’m going to come inside you until you feel overflowing and oh-so-full.” The man then whispered seductively in Luke’s ear.

Luke is now thrusting himself against that thigh that was wreaking havoc on his senses. Those wicked lips that barely touched him yet he could feel them. He was so close, just a little more…

Then the guy bit his neck, hard enough to leave a bruise. And that was the final straw. He then buried his mouth against the man’s shoulder to muffle his moans as he erupted. He could feel ropes and ropes of his cum were wetting his underwear. His legs felt boneless as he hangs on for dear life.

The man then let out a chuckle against Luke’s ear. “That was fast.”

Luke pouted as he struggled to get his breathing back to normal. “Shut up. It’s been awhile.”

The man moaned as he placed kisses on Luke’s neck. “You look amazing when you come. I bet that you would look better as you come with my cock buried in your ass.”

Luke placed kisses on the man’s strong neck, inhaling deeply the smell of his aftershave. He smells so good. “You can do that tonight. Make me come again. I’ll make you come so hard, too.”

The man then looked at him seriously, with hunger and lust still in his eyes. “Are you sure?”

No, he’s not. But this might be the only chance he’ll get. “Yes. I am.”

The man sighed, and then reluctantly disentangled his arms from Luke. “Okay. This is how we’ll do it. I’m going to say good bye to some of my colleagues, you do the same. We’ll meet outside after 10 minutes. My limo will be waiting by then.”

Luke’s legs still felt boneless as he stood against the sink. “Can you make it 5 minutes?”

The man’s eyes widened, and then the smirk was back. “Five minutes it is.”

Then the man stroked Luke’s cheek with unbelievable tenderness, then turned to go.

“Wait!” Luke exclaimed.

The guy turned around with his brows raised.

“Can I at least know your name?”

The man hesitated, then smiled. “It’s Caleb.”


“Missy! Missy!” Luke run up to her, breaking her conversation with another man.

“What? What’s wrong? Why are you…panting?” Missy narrowed her eyes at him, taking in his flushed skin and his dilated eyes.

“I –“ He then broke off, bending a little so that he could breath. “I need to go.”

“What? Why?” She almost whined.

“I-“ He hesitated then he grinned. “I met someone.”

Missy then squealed. “Oh God! Really? Oh, where is he? I must meet him!” She then proceeded to look around.

“He was the guy who was looking at me earlier, remember?”

She then turned serious. “Really? Are you sure about this? What if he’s a creep? I’m gonna introduce someone to you, too.”

“No time. I need to go.” He then grinned and pecked Missy’s cheek. “See you. I’ll call you when I get home.”

“Wait – Luke!” She called out but she was too late. He already left.


Stephen Caleb paced in front of his limo, waiting for the guy that got his attention. He knew that his name was Luke Roberts and he was one of the best assistant editors in the company. He was mesmerized by him even before this party. He always saw him in the building and before he knew it, his attraction grew and when he saw Luke earlier, he knew that this was his chance.

His attention was snagged when he saw him at the top of the steps. He saw him hesitantly went down, then more confidently before he stood in front of Caleb.

“Second thoughts?” Luke asked hesitantly.

Caleb smiled. “No. How about you?”

Luke breathed deeply then looked into his eyes. “I might have some, but something feels right. “

Caleb grinned in victory inside. He’ll now be his. Finally. He then opened the door to the limo then gestured inside. “Come on in, then.”

Luke gulped, then slowly went inside the limo.

Caleb groaned silently as he saw Luke’s pants hugged his ass delectably. Man, this night is going to test his iron-clad control. Just one kiss from those dangerous lips, and he knows he’s a goner.

Luke fidgeted on his seat as Caleb slid in beside him, the man’s heat and his smell was making him dizzy. He’s more intoxicating than the champagne I drunk earlier. And we haven’t even done anything yet.

“You okay?” Caleb asked softly, draping his arm behind the seat by Luke’s head.

“Uh, yeah. So far, so good.” Luke laughed nervously. “Where are we going?”

“My house.”

“And where is your house?”

“Valley Grove.” Caleb smirked when Luke’s eyes widen. That is one of the most exclusive villages in the city, and he knew how far it is.

“That’s like two hours away!”

Caleb laughed, making Luke’s heart stutter. “So? We’re not in a hurry.”

Luke swallowed nervously. Is he really going to do this?

“Why are you so nervous?” Caleb moved closer to Luke until their thighs are now touching.

“No, I’m not.” Luke denied hurriedly.

Caleb laughed softly, his thumb gently touching Luke’s bottom lip. “You bite your lip whenever you’re nervous.”

Luke was hooked by those warm fingers and that intense gaze, and for the life of him, he cannot look away. “H-How did you know that?”

Caleb just shrugged and leaned closer as he placed little kisses on Luke’s face: his nose, his eyelids, his forehead, his cheeks. Luke closed his eyes with a sigh at those tender touches. Weren’t this supposed to be a one night stand? At the pace Caleb is going, Luke might have some trouble forgetting him once the night is over.

“Caleb.” Luke whispered as those warm, moist lips placed kisses on the side of his mouth.

Caleb groaned as his hand went to Luke’s nape. His touch was not brutal, just rough enough for Luke to know that the man was as affected as him. “Say that again.”

“Say what?” Luke whispered.

“My name. Say it again.” Caleb growled roughly as he placed his forehead against Luke’s.

“Caleb.” He then tunneled his fingers through Caleb’s surprisingly soft hair. “Caleb.”

Caleb moaned and captured those tempting lips with his own. The younger man moaned as he finally felt those lips, those tempting, sinful lips against his own. His lips were so soft, so gentle, yet firm. And his taste, oh god, his taste. His taste was so amazing, that Luke was convinced that Caleb can make him come by just a kiss. But, of course he preferred another way.

Caleb wrapped his arms around Luke’s slim frame, urging him to straddle his strong thighs. Luke obliged, not breaking their lip-on-lip contact. The younger man settled himself on Caleb’s lap, and groaned softly as he felt Caleb’s erection poking him.

Caleb broke the kiss as he placed kisses on Luke’s neck as he slowly took off the younger man’s jacket. Renewed with the intake of air, he captured Luke’s mouth again, almost knocking the younger man over by the force of it. But he didn’t mind, instead he reveled in it. This was a man who was making him feel like he never felt before. He’s willing to do anything.

Luke moaned and he opened his mouth wider as he felt Caleb’s tongue enter his mouth. He felt that wicked, wicked tongue tasted him and he felt light headed, out of breath, dizzy and oh so fucking hard. Their breath quickened as their kiss became deeper, more heated and messier. Their tongues battled for dominance, though Luke was more than willing to submit without question. Caleb’s mouth was eating him like he was a delectable feast, and he loved it. It was messy and dirty; he could feel their mixed saliva dripping down his chin, and he felt so dirty and so naughty.

He then felt Caleb’s fingers drifting down his waist and slowly undoing his belt. He moaned against the mouth eating him as those deft fingers opened the clasp of his trousers, slowly, agonizingly pulling down the zipper. He then wrenched his mouth from Caleb with a loud cry as those fingers finally, finally took hold of his hard cock.

Caleb moaned as he grasps Luke’s hard cock. “You’re already so wet.” He rasped, his breath fanning Luke’s face.

Luke panted as he braced his hands on Caleb’s shoulders as he rocked against that hand. “Earlier…bathroom.”

Caleb licked a trail from Luke’s wet and swollen mouth to his ear. “Oh yes. In the bathroom earlier. When you came for me. You looked so beautiful when you come, you know that?”

Luke panted, becoming impossibly harder at those words. “Caleb, please.”

Caleb then abruptly moved, and in no time at all, Luke found himself seated at the plush leather seat with the older man between his legs.

“Caleb?” Luke whispered with wide eyes at their new position. This is not good, he felt vulnerable, exposed.

Caleb leaned forward and placed a kiss on Luke’s lips as he slowly untied Luke’s shoes, then removed his pants, leaving him with his boxers which was already stained and damp at the front.

Caleb inhaled deeply, enjoying Luke’s aroused smell. He then mouthed the bulge there, feeling the boxers get damper with each passing second.

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“Oh god.” Luke whimpered, eyes rolling at the back of his head as he grasped Caleb’s hair tightly.

“Hmmm…you smell so good, I can just eat you all up.” Caleb said, his voice muffled as he continued to nibble Luke through his boxers. He then hooked his teeth on Luke’s waistband, slowly peeling the boxers away. Luke’s cock slapped his face softly as it was revealed. His cock was big and thick, but not as thick as him. It was already red and copious amount of precum are dripping from the tip. Caleb could not take his eyes away from the sight. Caleb moaned throatily as his thumb stroked the head slowly, spreading the precum from the tip.

Luke moaned as he arched his back, asking for more of that touch. He felt Caleb’s hands stroked his inner thighs, urging him to part them more. He opened his eyes and they collided with Caleb’s dark ones.

“Caleb…please.” Luke panted as the older man placed little kisses on his inner thighs, his lips catching dews of sweat on the hot flesh.

Then without warning, Caleb swallowed Luke’s cock all the way to the base without preamble. Luke bucked wildly, not expecting that hot mouth swallowing him whole. He muffled his scream with his hands as he embraced Caleb’s head with his thighs.

Caleb moaned as Luke bucked under his mouth. He almost choked as Luke accidentally drove his cock all the way to the older man’s throat. But he relaxed his gag reflex and was able to take all of Luke in. He breathed through his nose as he pulled his head back, until the head was the only part inside his mouth, then slowly swallowing Luke inch by excruciating inch.

Luke felt like he was drowning. Never has he felt like this. It feels so good. He cannot stop the moans that were pouring out of his mouth. He didn’t try to stop them anymore, either. What’s the use? He moaned and grasped the plush leather beneath him as Caleb deep throated him again. Fuck, Luke gasped as the warmth left his cock, then was back, slowly sliding down his length.

Caleb swallowed down Luke’s cock again, swallowing hard when it reached his throat, relishing the younger man’s cries. God, he sounds so beautiful. The sounds that he was making were also making Caleb hard. His unoccupied hand drifted down to Luke’s balls as he palmed them. Caleb smirked around Luke’s cock as the younger man writhed below him. Caleb looked up and almost came at what he saw: Luke’s arms were stretched above his head as if he was a sacrifice to the gods, his face was flushed and his eyes which were staring straight at Luke was so dilated, they were almost black. Luke can see his heaving chest through the unbuttoned shirt. He was slicked with sweat and he looked so debauched that Luke was tempted to just bend him over the leather seats and fucked him raw until he could barely walk.

“Oh, god, Caleb. Fuck, you’re driving me crazy.” Luke gasped as he spread his legs wider for Caleb who was now gently touching his asshole.

Caleb moaned as he swallowed Luke down again, relishing the younger man’s choked gasp. His fingers travelled to Luke’s balls to his spasming hole. Caleb groaned. He felt so tight. He could grasp my cock tight once I’m already inside. He lifted his fingers and offered them to Luke. The younger man looked at him questioningly.

“Get them wet.” Caleb rasped, as he swallowed Luke again.

Luke whimpered as he grasped Caleb’s wrist tightly, as his tongue flicked out to wet those fingers. He could faintly taste himself in those fingers. He swallowed three of Caleb’s fingers, wetting them thoroughly, imagining that it was Caleb’s cock that he was sucking. It was so hot, he could barely breathe, he felt that he was suffocating and he could feel that familiar tightening in his stomach. Oh, god. He’s gonna come.

“Caleb, Caleb…fuck, gonna come.” He then tried to push Caleb’s head away but the older man was persistent. He swallowed Luke’s cock again to his throat and pushed one saliva-coated finger to his hole.

Luke can’t take it, and that was the last straw.

Luke screamed as his cock erupted inside Caleb’s mouth. Ropes and ropes of cum coated the older man’s mouth, still he kept drinking, drinking like a thirsty man being offered water. He swallowed as much as he can, but still the excess dripped down the side of his mouth. Caleb moaned at the taste. Fuck, he tasted so good.

Luke’s hand was covering his mouth as he bucked beneath Caleb, more whimpers were coming out of his mouth, his eyes were still rolled up to his skull, his cock still sensitive and still lodged inside Caleb’s mouth. After a few moments, Luke sighed with relief as the tremors stopped. He then looked down and almost gasped as he saw Caleb. His eyes were blazing, his mouth still covered with his cum, he was breathing hard, and his hair was mussed from Luke’s fingers. Luke leaned forward and licked the drying cum from Caleb’s mouth. He moaned at the taste, then gasped as Caleb dominated the kiss, devouring him again like he was a feast.

He didn’t resist when Caleb climbed on top of him, lodging himself between those thighs that gripped the older man’s head so tightly before. Their kiss continued, as Caleb drunk from Luke’s mouth. The younger man helped him removed his jacket, removed his tie and unbutton his shirt as Caleb struggled to remove his shoes and his pants.

Caleb pulled back slightly, moaning at the vision below him. God, he’s so beautiful: cheeks flushed, mouth swollen, eyes dilated. He’s everything he could ever wanted.

Caleb traced kisses from Luke’s mouth to his ear. “Get on your knees for me.”

Luke trembled by the sheer seductiveness and need in that voice as he scrambled to obey. He swallowed in anticipation as he heard the belt dropped on the floor of the limo. He braced himself at the cock that will surely pound his virgin ass without preamble. He, however, jumped a mile in the seat as he felt warm lips placing kisses on his back.

“Caleb?” He tried to look over his shoulder to see the other man.

“Hmm. You taste so good.” The older man kept on placing kisses on Luke’s back, going down, down, down to the base of his spine, almost close to Luke’s awaiting hole.

Luke was already half-hard when he felt those strong hands spread his cheeks wide, as Caleb’s hot breath ghosted against his aching hole.

Caleb closed his eyes briefly as he watched Luke’s pink, tight hole winked at him from between his two supple cheeks. He wanted to bury himself inside that hole so badly. But first, he had to have a taste. His two hands kneaded Luke’s cheeks, relishing the soft moans emanating from the younger man. He then leaned forward and licked a stripe from his balls to his hole.

“Oh shit!” Luke gasped as he felt that tongue touched his hole. He read about this, watched this in porn movies, this thing called rimming. He thought that it was disgusting at first. What he never knew was how incredible it felt. So incredible, in fact, that he felt like he’s going to come again.

Caleb moaned as he tasted Luke. He normally never did this. Not unless he knew the person he was doing this to. But with Luke, the noises he was making, with him writing and bucking beneath was totally an exception. Plus, he tasted incredible.

Luke almost squealed as Caleb sucked and licked his hole, thoroughly wetting it with his saliva.

“Hmmm…yum.” Caleb teased as he insert two fingers on Luke’s hole and nearly came. He was so tight and hot.

“Caleb. Oh god.” Luke moaned as those fingers teased his sweet spot right on. His cock was already dripping precum on the leather seat below him.

Caleb fumbled with his trousers on the floor below him while his fingers stretched Luke. He fumbled then sighed with relief as his hands found a condom and a small bottle.

“Luke. Are you ready?” Caleb panted as he withdrew his fingers to tear open the condom, slid it on him and lubricated his hard cock in seconds.

The younger man below him reached behind himself and spread his cheeks wide with two hands. “Fuck yeah. Fuck me.”

Caleb moaned as he lined up his cock with Luke’s still tight hole.

Luke winced as the cock breached his hole, it hurts, but he knew that it would get better. His toys at home and some vegetables were poor alternatives with what he has now. But, it still felt painful. He felt like he was going to split in two. He’s just so big…

“Breathe for me, Luke. Relax here. Shit, you’re so tight.” Caleb rasped against his ear as he rubbed some tension off Luke’s ass.

“It hurts.” Luke moaned pitifully. “Just stay there for a moment.”

Caleb placed kisses on Luke’s neck and shoulders, while his unoccupied hand reached below him and grasp Luke’s still-hard cock. The younger man bucked at the unexpected touch, gasping as the movement caused Caleb to slide in deeper.

“Oh shit. Oh wow. You feel so deep.” Luke whimpered as Caleb slowly went deeper still until his balls touched the younger man’s ass.

“Fuck. So tight.” Caleb muttered as he brushed his sweat-soaked hair from his forehead.

Eventually, he felt Luke’s ass relaxed until he was no longer strangling Caleb’s cock. Caleb pulled out slowly until only the head remained then slowly slid back in.

Oh it was so good. It was so fucking amazing. Luke can feel the latex of the condom and wish fervently that they could do this again without the fucking barrier.

“You feel so hard inside me.” Luke murmured as he looked at Caleb over his shoulder. He was mesmerized by the dark eyes staring down at him, and the raw sensuality of the man behind him.

Caleb took hold of Luke’s hips as he bent forward and kissed him once more. “Brace yourself, baby. I’m going to move now.”

Luke took hold of the jacket below him as Caleb started to pound his ass.

Luke couldn’t contain the moans and the cries as the older man thrusts inside him again and again. He could feel Caleb’s cock getting impossibly bigger inside and he could also feel the familiar tightening in his stomach. Oh, he’s going to come. He’s not prepared for this to be over.

“Oh god, Caleb. Keep going. Gonna come. Oh shit…” Luke moaned as he ground himself on Caleb’s cock.

“You going to come for me?” Caleb whispered in his ear as he reached below him and took hold of Luke’s weeping cock.

“Fuck!” Luke yelled as his cock exploded as he came spurt after spurt on the leather seat and the jacket below him.

“Oh god, Luke.” Caleb moaned, as his eyes rolled at the top of his head at the delicious rhythmic clenching of the muscles surrounding his cock. With two more thrusts, he grabbed Luke’s hips so hard, he knew that it will be bruised tomorrow as he came inside the delicious heat surrounding him.

Luke’s arms couldn’t hold himself so he collapsed on the seat below him who grunted softly as Caleb puts his weight on top of him. He was heavy, but his weight actually felt good.

Both tried to calm their breathing as Caleb continued to place kisses on Luke’s neck, shoulders and ears as he softly stroke his sides.

Luke shifted slightly and almost purred at the tender touches the other man was giving him. Caleb shifted until they were lying face to face on their side. Suddenly, the intercom sounded.

“Sir?” The voice in the intercom said.

Caleb shifted, almost regretfully removing his arms from Luke as he answered the intercom. “Yes, John?”

“We’re here, sir.”

“Yes, thank you. We’ll be right out.”


Caleb then glanced at Luke, and the younger man swallowed as he felt the heat in that gaze. Well, it looks like they’re not finished yet.

“I can look at you all day. You looked thoroughly fucked.” Caleb whispered, softly stroking Luke’s thigh.

Luke grinned as he stretched, wincing slightly at the ache in his muscles. “Well, I do feel thoroughly fucked.” He then grabbed Caleb’s wandering hand and pressed it against his awakening arousal. “Feels good.”

Caleb grinned and stole a kiss. “Come on, get dressed. We’re here. What happened here was just an appetizer.”

Luke looked at him with shining eyes. “You mean there’s more?”

Caleb slid closer to him, running his tongue over Luke’s swollen lips, earning him a moan. “I am going to fuck you so hard tonight, you won’t be able to walk straight tomorrow. That everytime you sit down, you will feel me for days.”

Luke moaned, capturing that tongue with his lips as he grew harder with that promise.

Then the older man pulled away slightly, apprehension darkened his eyes. “I…need to tell you something first.”

Luke shook his head, as his hands tightened on Luke’s arm. “No. Not tonight. Please. Can we just…treat this night as it is? Just enjoy it?”

Caleb looked doubtful, but sighed as he pressed a kiss again on Luke’s lips. “All right. Fine.” He then slid a hand against Luke’s chest. “Let’s get out of here. I have a very big bed inside and I want to put it to good use.”

Luke grinned as he opened the car door. “Lead the way, then.”


Luke felt that his face was going to split with the smile he was sporting. He felt that it was going to be a good day. He and Caleb parted ways this morning with a promise that they will see each other again. He felt thoroughly fucked last night and his sore ass was proof of that, he can still feel the hickeys on his neck and chest and he can still feel the hand print on his hip. But other than that, he felt oh-so-perfect. Wait until Missy hears about this.

He arrived at the office and it buzzed with activity, more so than normal. Frowning, he spotted Missy giving an intern an earful. He waited for a moment until she was finished then he approached her.

“Hey. What’s up?”

Missy glanced at him. “The new editor-in-chief just arrived.” She then narrowed her eyes at him. “Something’s different with you.”

He grinned. “What? Nothing’s different.”

Missy grinned back mischievously. “You got laid last night, didn’t you?”

If possible, Luke’s grin widened more.

Missy laughed. “Oh, man. I’m so happy for you. Details. I will need details. The whole steamy, panty-wetting details.”

Luke winked at her. “You know I never kiss and tell.”

Then the whole office went silent and you could feel tension in the air as the door to the conference room opened. The whole members of the board came out first, then the CEO.

“Everybody, I’m so pleased to announce the arrival of our new editor-in-chief. I know that he will be able to continue the great work that Missy has started, and I hope that you’ll all work together with him.”

Luke peeked his head around Missy as he surveyed the silent man behind the CEO. Hmmm. He has nice hair. Tall, too. He was standing with his hands on his pocket. Luke tilted his head. He kind of looked familiar.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our new editor-in-chief, Stephen Caleb.”

Luke’s eyes widened as his jaw dropped in shock. It was him. The man who ravished him so thoroughly last night. The man who became more acquainted with his body than anyone he has ever been with. The man who kissed him thoroughly this morning that promised that he will keep in touch. Stephen Caleb. Caleb. Luke couldn’t move as those dark, dark eyes swept the room, and then locked with his.

His new boss.

He just slept with his boss last night.

Oh god, no.


Written by sweet_sarah004
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