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Nurse Rudy

"Smother-fucked by my big daddy…"

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Competition Entry: Fetish Sex Stories

When I was going to college my parents had not been able to secure accommodation for me at the university residence. After arriving at a residential hotel that would become my home for the next few years, we found it to be comfortable and not too far from campus. Three meals per day were included in the tariff and my parents were delighted with the monthly cost. Mom and dad hit it off with the housekeeping manager, Irene and I was allocated a fairly nice room on the second floor.

The room was conveniently located diagonally across from the ablution area. Each room had a basin, but the communal toilets, showers, and baths were located on either end of the u-shaped complex on all six floors. There was only one room beyond mine, nestled in a corner to the right, directly across from the communal bathroom. Truthfully, I would have liked that room given its privacy, but with these corner units being the most popular, they were highly prized throughout the hotel. Irene did promise me that when one became available, I would be first in line.

After a few days, I finally got to meet the occupant of the sort after corner unit in a somewhat unpleasant fashion. It was late on a Thursday afternoon and I was listening to music rather loudly. There was a very firm knock at my door and upon opening it I was confronted by an enormous man who filled the entire door frame. He was over six feet tall and must have weighed three hundred pounds. He had red hair, a ruddy complexion, and light blue pissed off eyes.

Explaining that he was a nurse and worked shifts, he asked if I would mind turning my noise down. I did so immediately and apologized humbly before he stomped off.

The following day I bought a bottle of red wine as a peace offering, hoping that he drank the beverage. I really didn’t want to be at war with a fellow lodger. Later that day I knocked lightly on his door and moments later he observed me with a puzzled expression. A smile broke out on his face as he accepted my gift graciously. Despite his weight Rudy was actually quite good looking. After a brief conversation, I left to my room.

The following afternoon there was a knock at my door. Informing me that he had acquired two wine glasses, Rudy invited me to his room for a drink. I followed and upon entering his room became aware of a strong foot smell. It wasn’t hectic but fairly pungent. For the next two hours, we chatted and exchanged histories. He had moved to the city recently and was biding his time at the hotel until an apartment became available in a block next to the hospital where he worked. The block in question was highly favoured by hospital staff and he was on their waiting list.

I was rather amused to learn that he was of Scottish origin because when we met I had gotten the impression that he was a descendant of that hostile and sexy marauding race. I also got the feeling that he was a lonely person and that relationships had never worked out for him. He was an interesting guy and conversation flowed easily.

After two enjoyable hours in his company, I took my leave and returned to my room. I thought about him before drifting off to sleep that night. Inexplicably, I found him rather sexy. I had never been hung-up about body shapes and the myriad of requirements, which so many gay men have on their checklists. His size, however, was quite intimidating. My gaydar had also not been triggered during my visit and I simply assumed that he was straight.

The following afternoon there was a knock at my door. Rudy was wearing a bathrobe and had a towel over his shoulder. He informed me he was off to take a shower, but invited me to join him for a drink in his room afterward. I agreed, and then ten minutes later when he knocked again, I followed him to his room. I sat on the single chair, which all rooms in the hotel were furnished with and watched him as he removed his dressing gown. He was really big and one of his thighs was easily the size of his waist. Rudy was not flabby and there were no flaps of loose skin on him, but his gut was epic.

His entire body was covered with fine reddish hair and as he gave his body a final rub with his towel, my eyes focussed on his substantial uncut penis. It appeared strangely lumpy towards the front of his foreskin. Noticing my frown, he asked me if I had ever heard of genital beading. I shook my head negatively. Moving closer to me, he showed me that he had five beads implanted in the front of his foreskin. When I asked why he laughingly told me that it gave him unbelievable satisfaction when he jerked-off.

Because of the perplexed look on my face, I then got a close-up demonstration as he pulled the foreskin back, revealing a bright purple glans. When the foreskin moved backward I could clearly see the beads and they looked weird. Placing his hand on the retracted beads, he began to slide the embedded skin up and down his cock shaft. His dick grew by the second as blood flowed into it and soon Rudy was giving me a full-on demonstration of his technique. His body swayed as he got into stride, accompanied by low guttural sounds emanating from him.

Imprisoned between the bed and the wall, I was obliged to observe the show. The demonstration didn’t last too long before he pointed his dick downward and spewed the biggest load I had ever seen on the floor between us. His cum was thick and lumpy and lay in a pool at our feet. Somewhat embarrassed, he retrieved some tissues and mopped up the mess. Rudy then put his shorts and a t-shirt on before pouring our wine.

He asked me if I was gay a short while later, before quickly adding that he was bi-sexual, possibly to put me at ease. I told him that although I had enjoyed sex with women, my preference was for guys. Smiling, noncommittally, he gave me a ‘so what’ shrug.

We again enjoyed one another’s company and as I was leaving two hours later he seemed somewhat disappointed.

After returning to my room, I did some homework. As time passed I became horny and regretted my early departure from next door. On an impulse, I got up and returning to his room knocked lightly on the door. Rudy observed me for a long while after opening the door.

“So… what took you so long?” He asked, almost irritated

After closing the door he pulled his t-shirt off, before removing mine. Rudy then pushed my shorts down before removing his own. He began caressing my body as I stood in rigid anticipation. Enfolding me in his thick arms his mouth closed in on mine before he began kissing me passionately.

As the passion of our oral tussle intensified, he moved his left hand upward clamping my head in a vice-like grip. His oral assault now became manic and it felt like he was about to eat my face. I was then finally thrown onto his bed on my back before his huge body hovered above me seconds later.

Looking down at me he asked, “Does my little piggy want to be smother-fucked?” I nodded my head in approval.

Slumping onto me, it felt like I was being cocooned in a mountain flesh. Already battling to breath, my breathing was further restricted as his mouth once again closed in on mine.

Pinned down by him, with my legs wrapped around the man-mountain, I began to feel his thick beaded knob pulverizing my genitals as he humped his crotch into me. As I began fighting for air, it was clear that my restricted breathing was exciting him and he made no attempt to alleviate my situation. Further escalating the constriction, he enclosed my throat in his huge right hand. The more I squirmed and gasped, the more he grunted his approval.

I had never experienced anything more exhilarating in my life and when I eventually felt I was about to blackout he let go of my neck, allowing me to frantically inhale fresh air. It was totally awesome. After ordering me onto my stomach he again slumped on top on me and my crack now received a beaded battering as he ground himself into me.

With his left hand around my throat, my breathing was again restricted. My writhing thrilled him anew, as he manically slid his ever increasingly slimy cock between my cheeks. Lifting his pelvis moments later, I felt the beaded monster’s onslaught into my sphincter. As his cock tore into me, it felt like a red-hot poker was being shoved up my arse. As I yelped in ecstasy his fat hand closed over my mouth before he began pistoning into my manhole.

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Lifting onto his arms eventually, he really began battering into to me with exaggerated thrusts. Grunting victoriously a while later, he finally unloaded his lumpy seed into me. Rudy then collapsed onto me, again enveloping me with his sweaty body. Hoping for some respite, I was surprised moments later when his massive rump again sprang to life. My subjugation was far from over as he again began hammering my arse with renewed vigour.

After biting my ear he asked, “Do you like being my bitch, piggy?”

Wheezing, I answered, “Yes… yes… daddy, use me as you like.”

When he began bouncing on me like a lunatic I was afraid the bed would break. Completely overcome by his domination, I wanted him to annihilate my backside and abuse my body at his whim. His assault was exhilarating and succumbing to his torment was a turning me on incredibly. He went ballistic as he reached his next climax, uttering the most primal sounds I had ever heard.

Again slumping onto me after our session he gasped, “Your mine now piggy, you belong to me.”

Having to attend college early the following morning, I pleaded for my emancipation. Reluctantly, he finally got off me and allowed me to return to my room.

Before I drifted off to sleep, I thought about what I had just endured. I was sure that I had just experienced the tip of the iceberg with him and that there would be an escalation of enslavement if I continued along this path. Perplexed, horny, and invigorated, I drifted off to sleep.

The following day I waddled around campus with a very sore arse. Each time I sat down, I was reminded of the arse battering I had received the night before. It was clear to me that a master/slave relationship had been established in his mind. Rudy was in control and I would have to submit to him. I found the thought frightening, but intoxicating at the same time. I had a hard time concentrating on my work at the college, pondering our possible sex-life ahead. Would I be able to cope? My suppression had been very stimulating and his bulk had aroused me beyond my comprehension.

After returning from college the following day, I knew that Rudy would only arrive back at the hotel after ten p.m. What would unfold that evening? Would I again be pounced on and pulverized? As I attempted to do my homework my cock began leaking like a faucet. I kept rubbing myself up against the desk in horny anticipation. I finally lay on the bed awaiting his arrival. Would he knock at my door and usher me to his room?

After an age, he finally passed my door and went straight to his room. Was he dropping off something in his room before summoning on me? As time passed I felt myself slump in disbelief. Why wasn’t I being beckoned? An hour later I finally gave up hope and got into bed. What was wrong? Hadn’t I pleased him? Had I possibly been a shit fuck or was this possibly a lesson in control? Troubled, I eventually dozed off to sleep.

After college the following day I again got my homework done while thinking about Rudy. I wondered if I would see him that evening. Time dragged on and after ten p.m. my anticipation began to grow. My heart began to palpitate as I heard someone coming down the passage. Thankfully, there was a knock at my door.

Not wanting to seem too eager, I waited ten seconds before opening the door. There was no one there. Collecting my keys I locked my door before heading off to Rudy’s room. Fortunately, his door was open. Peering into his room, I asked if he had knocked on my door. Rudy was seated on his bed and beckoned me over with his right hand. As I stood before him he pulled my shorts and underpants down.

Staring at me he ordered, “On your knees piggy.” I did as I was told, before he uttered, “Shoes and socks piggy.”

The smell of his feet was strong as I began to remove his footwear. Looking down at me he commanded, “Clean my feet piggy, lick them clean.” I lifted his right foot and held it in my hands for a few seconds. “Put my toes in your fucking mouth, and start sucking them.” I immediately conformed to his demand. He continued issuing instructions as I set to work licking his entire foot.

Once done, the left foot followed with more directions. Job complete, he stood up and undressed. When I tried to stand up I was told, “You only get off your knees when I say you can, is that clear piggy?” I again obediently knelt down.

Once Rudy was naked, he instructed me to get on the bed and lie on my back with my feet toward the headboard. With my head hanging off the end of the bed he turned around, before pulling his arse cheeks apart and lowering his sweaty butt-hole onto my face. Rudy energetically commenced rubbing is crack all over my face and let out a low rumbling purr as I licked his pucker.

Then, grunting, he exclaimed, “Use your fucking tongue properly piggy.” Twirling my tongue in and out of his butt-hole sent him into horny overload and shortly he spun around and unloaded all over my face. He then began scooping cum from my face and slopping it into my mouth. Afterward, I was ordered to lick his hands clean.

After pulling me up off the bed I got a face licking from Rudy. Locked in his arms, with his left hand controlling my head, he licked my face comprehensively. Slavering over my entire head, my nose, eyes, and ears, were emulsified by his febrile tongue. Rudy then threw me onto the bed and charged me to pull my legs up with my hands. With his fat cock in his right hand, he began thrashing my genitals with his iron hard dick.

As I yelped he scolded, “Stop acting like a pussy and take your punishment.”

As he battered my balls I whimpered, pretending to plead for mercy. The punishment was incessant, but I was in heaven. After I had been ‘softened-up’ to his liking, he turned me onto my stomach and urgently entered me. His technique was jarring and manic. Finally slumping onto me, he placed both his hands on top of my head and went crazy as he pummelled me. Pinned by his mass, my compressed body happily capitulated to his lustful domination. Rudy’s genital beads drove me crazy, as he thumped my arse.

“Squeal piggy, your fucking arse now belongs to me, fucking squeal for daddy,” he barked.

As I gasped, I put on the performance of a lifetime. Finally lifting onto outstretched arms, he gave me a butt-battering of epic proportions.

After he finally spewed into me he slumped onto my body saying, “Tonight you stay and there’ll be no respite for you.”

We lay like that for ten minutes, before he lifted my body off the bed. Pushing me up against the wall in his room with my arms spread-eagled, he clamped my wrists in his hands and again began frantically ramming his cock into me again. As he pumped me full of his lumpy cum once more, my body was squashed in total surrender.

Having tamed me, he now totally dominated every fibre of my being. In total defeat I yielded to my master and my enslavement was complete.

That night I had found my perfect match. Rudy fucked me three more times and I was in total ecstasy. Thank goodness he was a nurse because I had a feeling that I may need medical treatment after future sexual engagements.

When Rudy moved to his apartment three months later, I followed. My parents were quite happy with the new arrangement and actually took a great liking to Rudy. A few years later my parents were somewhat surprised when they realized what the real nature of my relationship with Rudy was. At that time it no longer mattered because I had become self-sufficient and their authority no longer played a part in my life.

By then, my enslavement by Rudy was all-embracing.

But that’s a whole other story...


Written by Tuppie
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