I am a forty-five-year-old man, six foot, one hundred eighty pounds and a decent masculine body that I keep in shape by running a few times a week. Over the years, I have had a number of girlfriends and short term relationships and even living together with a couple of them for about six months, but never really felt like settling down into a married routine. I am also bisexual and have on and off played around with a few men and enjoy the freedom to have hot sex without any real ties. By profession, I am an accountant and have my own consulting firm serving small businesses with software to manage their accounting needs.
A few years ago, I bought a small house in the suburbs and moved out of the city. My next-door neighbors Sam and Anne were a couple in their mid-fifties. Sam was a real construction daddy, about six foot, two hundred ten pounds, short salt and pepper cropped hair and a fine medium length beard. I had seen him working bare-chested in his yard and he was as furry as a gorilla, his body covered with a thick mat of salt and pepper hair. I could see that he was strong, but still a real bear with a few extra pounds. A couple of times, while he was outside, I watched him discreetly through the hedge and jacked off.
Over a couple of months, I observed that he was at home most of the time and not been going to work. I met him on the sidewalk and he told me that his wife had been diagnosed with terminal cancer so he had quit his job and was staying at home with her and shortly after that, she died.
After a few months, he knocked on my door and told me that he had gone back to work on small construction jobs and had decided to start up his own company. He wanted to know if I could help him set up an accounting system and I agreed to come over to his house the following day.
When I arrived, he had just come home from work, still in his dirty jeans, sweaty polo shirt and worn work boots. My cock began to react to both the sight of him, his furry arms and the thick tuft of hair sticking out of the collar of his shirt as well as the aroma of his sweat, deodorant and cigarette tobacco. He asked if it would be ok if he took a quick shower and we could get to work.
I sat on the sofa while he was in the shower, glanced over and saw that his workboots and socks were standing by the door. I went over and grabbed a sock and boot and inhaled deeply. I stuck my nose deep into the boot and licked the sweaty, warm leather. My cock was now raging hard.
He came back dressed in tank top and jeans smelling of soap and a manly cologne. We sat at his computer and I went through several accounting options for his new business. It was hard to concentrate sitting beside him as my attention was on his furry arms, shoulders and chest and I could feel his body heat. At one point, I looked into his face and noticed that he had steel blue eyes that contrasted well with his tanned face and salt and pepper beard. My cock was hard and leaking loads of precum.
We agreed that he needed to consider some options and I would come back the following day to discuss further. He invited me for beer on the patio and we sat there and shot the breeze and smoked a couple of cigarettes.
He told me the last few months had been hard to adjust without his wife. He had been carpet-bombed by widowed ladies in the neighborhood bringing pies and casseroles. He said he had also been on a few dates but the ladies were more interested in his wining and dining and that the dates ended with just a polite peck on the cheek. I was raging horny and hoping that something would happen, but I never received even a slight signal that he was interested even though I dropped quite a few hints.
Before I left, I asked him if I could use the bathroom and there I found his laundry hamper. Jackpot! His shirt and underwear had been discarded there. I grabbed them and inhaled as deeply as possible. The pouch of the underwear was stretched out from his sizable package and smelled of his sweat and piss. The back smelled of his sweaty ass. I jacked off and shot a large load of cum onto the pouch of my red underwear. I put my own red underwear in the hamper on top with the cum clearly visible.
The next day, I arrived and we talked of business (as if he had not discovered the underpants) and we set up the accounting system for his business. I asked if I could use the bathroom. I immediately opened the laundry hamper and my heart started to beat at a double rate. Lying on top of the pile was my red underwear with a large fresh load of his cum. I grabbed them and inhaled deeply, enjoying the sharp tangy smell of his cum. I started licking it and savoring the salty, pungent taste. My cock throbbed.

The door of the bathroom slowly opened and he was standing there naked stroking his long, thick, uncut cock. It was only at half-mast and I dropped to my knees and quickly licked, sucked and slurped it to full mast. I licked and sucked his hairy lemon sized balls. He held my head gently and facefucked me. I could feel his foreskin roll back in my mouth and I sucked his smooth, exposed cockhead and swallowed it into my throat.
I reached up and ran my hands through the luxurious fur on his abdomen and chest, fascinated by the thickness and length. I felt his strong pecs and flicked at his hard nipples that protruded through the thick mat of fur.
I felt completely manic, I wanted to experience all of him at once. I wanted to suck and lick his feet, rim his hairy ass, suck his nipples, eat his armpits, tongue kiss him and lick his beard. I think he could sense my mania. He pulled me up and took charge.
He kissed me and our tongues explored each other’s mouths. He ran his hands all over my buttocks and back, finally tweaking both my nipples. His hairy arms and hands felt so good on my less hairy body. He drove his cock under my balls and between my legs which drove me crazy.
He bent me over the bathroom sink and started to finger my buttocks and ass. He seemed to be hesitating a little bit and finally said that he had never been with a man or fucked anyone in the ass and was a little unsure of the procedure. I chuckled and said, “Stick your fucking dick in my ass and pump. How hard could it be.”
He laughed and directed his stiff cock at my hole and gently began to penetrate me. I told him, “Fucking shove it in. I’m not a virgin teenage girl.”
He relaxed a little, laughed again, leaned forward and pressed his cock past my ring. “Damn, it’s so tight! It feels so fucking good on my cock,” he said out loud, and in his excitement, he began to fuck the hell out of me. If I hadn’t shown so much bravado before, I would have asked him to slow down. He lost touch with reality and pushed his cock so hard that I began to slam up against the sink and bang my head on the mirror.
Now I was starting to get excited, I could see him in the mirror, his face had a look of ecstasy and seeing his furry chest and arms drove me crazy. I stood up and pressed my smooth back into his furry chest while he kept up his rhythmic fucking. He put his arms around me in a big bear hug that made it difficult for me to breathe. For someone who had never buttfucked anyone, he had quickly become a pro. I placed his hands on my nipples and indicated that he should pull them hard.
Fuck! I was in total bliss, his thick veiny cock was fucking me like a car piston, his big hairy balls were slapping my buttocks, his hairy arms around me and his beefy fingers abusing my nips. I didn’t know how much longer I could last, but was determined to hold on. He was red in the face, panting and sweating profusely. He told me he was about to cum and asked where he should shoot. I told him to keep the same course and fire when ready. He pumped for about forty-five seconds more and exploded into orgasm with a loud growl and I could feel his fiery seed coating my bowels. I shot my load and spattered the mirror.
He pulled out, turned me around and directed his steel-blue eyes into mine and kissed me roughly and bit my tongue. He shook his head with wonder and said, “Fuck, man, let’s have a beer.”
We sat naked on his patio, drank beer and smoked cigarettes. I apologized for not indicating directly to him yesterday that I was interested and for pulling the juvenile stunt with cum on the underwear. He said he was actually happy it happened that way, that he wouldn’t have known how to react yesterday as he had never had sex with a man. He said it was really strange to find my underwear in his hamper and it had made him think about having sex with me. Last evening, he had looked up some gay porn and thought about it overnight and had realized he was also attracted to me.
We hugged kissed I went home and slept like a baby after having the best sex of my life. I hoped he also enjoyed it and might be willing to try again.