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My True Self - Part One

"Avery stirs up something deeply hidden inside me, and there's no going back..."

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Author's Notes

"To be continued... <p> [ADVERT] </p>Maybe. I hope."


Just another lackadaisical day at work I thought as I stepped into my office with a few folders in one hand and a cup of green tea in the other. I was expecting three of my old patients today, and a new one who had called in five days ago for an appointment. Avery Strathmore: 29, lives in the area, has been dealing with a lot of anxiety and stress these past few weeks that he decided to give therapy a shot. That had been the extent of my knowledge up until Avery walked into my office, shook my hand and sat himself on my velvety dark blue recliner.

The recliner gave a stifled screech under his weight.

“Should I lean all the way back, doc?” He smiled revealing a perfect set of Hollywood-worthy teeth.

“It’s really up to you, Mr. Strathmore. Whatever feels the most comfortable to you,” I said, smiling back at him.

“I guess I’m going to lie back, my neck’s been hurting like crazy. A minor gym mishap.”

“I’m sorry. Of course, go ahead and relax.”

I felt genuine concern for him and a sudden urge to massage his neck and relieve his pain. But that wasn’t my job. My job was to make fixes on the inside instead of the outside.

He leaned back in the recliner, stretching his long legs all the way until they went far beyond the footrest and almost touched the ground. His formal pants tightened around his thighs and crotch as he pulled himself up revealing a considerable bulge.

I struggled to break my stare and proceeded to ask what brought him here.

“I recently broke up with my girlfriend, and I’ve been having trouble dealing with the whole situation.”

“Yes, a breakup can be very emotionally taxing, especially in a long-term relationship.”

“Oh no doc, it wasn’t long-term, we had only been going out for two months when she decided to break it off.”

“So, is it her abrupt departure that weighs heavily on you?”

“No,” he said, “I think it’s just the lack of sex.”

He was so frank about it that I was taken aback for a second.

“Oh, I see. Do you feel like you might have an unhealthy addiction to sex?”

“No, I don’t think so. It’s just that the lack of it has been stressing me out. I’m going to be real with you doc, man to man, let’s say that if I don’t fuck every day, it’s not just my balls that go blue.” He laughed.

I forced an awkward chuckle, and for a moment or two, we sat in silence as I searched my brain for something to say.

“Well, I don’t know what to say Mr. Strathmore, but have you tried dating apps, or the local bar for that matter?”

“Doc, I’ve tried everything, but no one has been able to keep up with me. I need constant sex. I need to spill my seed at least six times a day, otherwise I feel out of my mind! And masturbating doesn’t seem to do it for me like before, it has to be with somebody.”

Not exactly the lackadaisical day I was expecting a few hours ago.  This guy clearly had a serious case of sex addiction, and what’s worse, he was denying it. That was expected, though. Addicts seldom confessed their addictions.

“Mr. Strathmore, I’m afraid you might be suffering from an addiction. Is it at all possible you’re avoiding intimacy and commitment by having lots of meaningless sex?”

“Doc, I thought you of all people would understand. That’s why I came to you. You see I’m horny right now, I just can’t help it. I get so frustrated. What am I supposed to do?”

“I promise you we’ll get to the bottom of this, but it’s going to take time and a lot of effort from your side.”

“Are you at all into guys, doc?” He gave me a sly grin.

“I don’t see how that’s any of your business, Mr. Strathmore,” I said with all the seriousness I could muster.

This was getting out of hand.

“But I spotted that picture of you holding another guy’s hand.” He pointed at the framed photograph on my desk.

“Yes, if you must know, that’s my boyfriend.”

I wasn’t supposed to be sharing intimate details with patients, but that Avery had something about him which made him irresistible. That something was probably his beyond handsome face with its angular jaw, intense green eyes, and beautifully curved nose. His buzz cut only added to his manliness, and his broad shoulders and buff body demanded appreciation.

“I’d say he’s one lucky boyfriend.” That sly grin again. “He wouldn’t mind you helping out a patient in need, would he?”

“I don’t know what you mean. My job is to help every patient who comes to me.” I said, feeling a heat rise in my cheeks.

“No doc, I meant lending a helping hand.” He chuckled, his voice becoming hoarse.

I could see him squirming in the recliner. He undid two upper buttons on his shirt, exposing a hairy chest and the outline of rock-hard pecs. “It’s getting hot in here, do you mind?”

“It’s okay. Now tell me, how do you think we should approach this seeing as you’re absolutely denying the presence of an addiction?”

I touched my forehead and slid the heel of my hand across the few beads of sweat that were starting to make their way to the surface of my flushed skin. 

“I would suggest you approach my dick and take care of it,” Avery said with a maniacal laugh.

“Mr. Strathmore, I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to leave,” I said unconvincingly.

“Come on now doc, I can see it in your eyes. You want it.” He squeezed at his crotch with a big hand. “It’s getting bigger, and I bet you it’s bigger than your boyfriend’s. Just give it a taste, I promise you’re going to love it.”

He proceeded to unzip his pants. In two swift moves, he pulled out a magnificent dick and started jerking it off with his two hands. It was a massive dick, easily ten inches long and as thick as my wrist, if not thicker.

I tried to keep a semblance of professionalism in the office, but that was thrown out the window when Avery stood up, dropped his pants and briefs and started caressing his huge bull balls.

“Doc, come sniff and lick my balls, and I’ll empty them on your sweet lips.” He locked his eyes on mine and kept on jerking his dick so violently I was afraid he might hurt himself.

I just sat there, paralyzed, not knowing what to do. For a moment, I felt myself getting hard, but the thought of Nick, my loving boyfriend, pulled me out of this surreal trance and brought me back to reality.

“Mr. Strathmore, I will do no such thing. Please, pull yourself together and take a seat, or leave this office right now.”

Avery was in his own trance, jerking off as if his life depended on it. I knew he was getting close, and when I saw his balls tighten, I knew he was about to cum. He kept rubbing his dick until it started spewing semen. He aimed it at me, and even as he stood by the recliner, his cum still landed on my desk in big creamy blobs. He moaned and made depraved guttural sounds that reminded me of a few porn movies Nick and I sometimes watched together to get us going. Except in porn, the sounds always felt fake. The ones Avery made sounded so carnal that I couldn’t but shiver.

I looked at him and realized his breathing was slowing down. His eyes seemed not to be glazed over anymore. He was out of the trance now. Back in the real world.

“Mr. Strathmore, what just happened?”

He stuttered, “I… I don’t know doctor; I don’t know what to say. I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. This is what happens every time I feel aroused, which is several times a day. I suddenly become possessed until I manage to ejaculate.”

“Yours is a curious case, Mr. Strathmore, I must admit. However, I’m afraid our time’s up for today. But I promise you, what happened here is strictly confidential. And together, we are going to remedy your condition.”

“Thank you, doc. I knew I came to the right place. And again, sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it.” I smiled and watched him pull up his briefs, tuck his still swollen dick inside, then pull up his fancy pants. “For next week, I want you to keep a record of your sexual encounters. No names, just dates. Is that okay?”

“Sure thing, doc, but it’s going to be a long list.” He laughed, this time the laugh was less maniacal, more endearing. “See you next week.”

“Goodbye, Mr. Strathmore.”

I watched him walk out the door and close it behind him, his head almost touching the frame. I stared at the blobs of cum splattered across my desk.

That’s a real mess, I thought, and before I knew it, I was reaching out a hand and scooping a bit of Avery’s cum with two fingers. I licked my fingers and was startled when I heard myself moaning and enjoying the taste of my new patient’s cum. I dipped my fingers in another blob, licked them clean and dipped them in again.

Two minutes later, I found my face pressed against the desk, my tongue sticking out of my mouth, lapping up every morsel of Avery’s “spilled seed”.


That night, when Nick and I had sex, my body resisted.

“What’s the matter, baby?” He kissed my neck and caressed my cheek. His bare chest was pressed against my back, and I could feel his heart beating hard with arousal.  

“I’m fine, Nicky.”

I turned my head to face him, and we started kissing, his tongue pushing forcefully against mine. He bit my lip softly, and I moaned with pain and pleasure as he pressed his hips against my ass. When his sizable cock penetrated my hole, I felt myself relax a bit. He pushed my flushed face into the pillow and proceeded to thrust his hips, starting out gently then picking up speed.

A mental image of a naked Avery floated into my half-unconscious mind. Nick loved to fuck me hard, and with Avery on my mind, his rough fucking made me orgasm so violently, my dick rubbing against and soaking the underlying mattress. Nick kept drilling my hole, which was now milking his dick like crazy as it tightened then untightened with each orgasmic pulse. He pushed my face even harder into the pillow and started moaning loudly, coming deep inside of me. His energetic thrusts slowly came to a halt. He dropped himself on top of me with all his weight, pinning me down under his still-convulsing body.

“Fuck baby, you made me cum in two minutes,” Nick whispered in my ear. He lay on top of me until his breathing calmed down. As he pulled out, I gave a slight moan and felt a few trickles of his warm cum seep out of my fucked hole and make their way across my inner thighs and onto the cum-covered mattress.

 “We made a huge mess, Nicky,” I said with a laugh.

“You did this!” He chuckled and lay on his back looking at the ceiling, his dick still twitching and dripping cum.   

I turned around and planted a kiss on his cheek, then slid down to kiss his stomach until I reached his dick, which glistened with cum.

“Yeah, clean my cock, baby. You’re such a perfect little slut, aren’t you?” Nick knew I loved it when he was verbal, and I nodded obediently as I licked his dick clean. After that, I snuggled next to him and drifted to sleep.


I woke up feeling all at once guilty, refreshed, and excited. It’s true that Nick pushed all my right buttons, but I couldn’t get Avery out of my head. More precisely, I couldn’t get the taste of Avery’s cum off my mind. I felt intoxicated every time I thought about it and was able to taste his cum in my mouth even though I only got to sample what amounted to a few “breadcrumbs” of his semen. But now I wanted more, I craved and needed more.

I decided to skip breakfast, took a shower, and hurried off to work. Nick, who mostly worked from home these days, usually slept in till 10 AM. I only had two patients today, one of whom called to reschedule her appointment. But I had to escape home, being with Nick made me feel guilty. But I’d be lying if I didn’t confess that I mostly hurried to my office hoping to relive yesterday’s experience in my head.

A buzzing sound brought me back to reality. It was the intercom.

“Hello,” I said, holding down the push-to-talk button on the interface.

To my surprise, I heard Avery’s deep voice. “Hey doc, are you free right now?”

“Um, Avery, I’m not supposed to see you until next week? What’s up?”

“I tried to go without sex last night but ended up with two gals and a dude. I fucked the three of them twice. I’m starting to think this addiction thing might be true. I’m kind of worried, doc.”

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“Hold on, I’ll buzz you in.”

A minute later, I heard a knock at the door.

“Please, come in.”

Avery stepped into my office. He was wearing sweatpants today and a tight T-shirt that revealed a lot of muscle. He came forward and stood by my desk, towering over me. He was perspiring profusely, and his beefy body smelled of sweat mixed with deodorant. I didn’t hate that one bit. In fact, that feeling of drunkenness crept over me again, and I felt an urge to just get on my knees and worship this god of a man.

“Sorry doc, I went for a run to destress.”

“Th-… That’s okay. Please, have a seat.” I swallowed hard and sensed hot blood starting to flood my cheeks and ears. 

He looked at me for a minute then smirked.

“Your boyfriend fucked you real good last night, didn’t he?”

I blushed even more. “Mr. Strathmore, you’re crossing a line. Please.”

“Sorry, doc. I’m just horny after the run. And I see it in your eyes, the lust.” Again, the smirky smile that extended a bit more to the right side of his handsome face.

“No, we cannot do this,” I snapped, “I have a boyfriend, and you are a patient of mine.” I stood up and started for the door, but Avery intercepted me. I looked up at his face. Standing right next to him, I must have looked very small and feeble. He was looking at me with an intensity that almost left me unshielded.

He reached out and grabbed my ass with his big hand. He gently squeezed then let go.

“Oh God, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t be doing that. I’m sick.”

It was too late though, not for him, but for me. I extended a wavering hand and touched his cock. His bulge, already sticking out from under his sweatpants, began to swell in my hand. He gave me a big smile then placed his hands on my shoulders and pushed me down on my knees.

I drew my face closer to his crotch and sniffed at it like a hungry dog.

“Take a deep breath, doc, you’re going to need it in a second.” His voice came as if from a distance. I was so drunk on his musky smell that I buried my face in his crotch and felt the outline of his massive dick and balls against my cheeks.

“That’s it, bitch. I knew you wanted it, and now I’ll give it to you ­­– and give it to you good.” He placed his hands on the back of my head, held it in place, and proceeded to dry hump my face as he swiveled his hips left and right making it rub against his swelling bulge.

I let out a soft and eager moan. I held onto the rubber band of his sweatpants, pulled it down, and soon realized that he probably preferred going commando on his runs. His dick was pulsating, and his low-hanging balls swayed between his burly thighs like a hypnotic pendulum.

“Open your mouth, bitch. I hope your boyfriend trained you well because I’m going to fuck that throat until it’s burning sore.”

I obediently opened my mouth as wide as possible, preparing myself for some face fucking that would probably bruise my throat. The thought of that turned me on so badly that a flow of precum started to wet my briefs. I felt a thrilling spasm that started somewhere behind my balls and ran all the way through to my hole, which still felt a bit tender after last night.

He rammed his dick into my mouth like a train entering a tunnel at full speed. And no sooner had it touched my uvula than it plunged into my throat, taking me by surprise and obstructing my breathing. I choked and threw up what seemed like a bucket of saliva. It was a good thing I’d skipped breakfast.

“Good cocksucker, lube up that cock with your dirty spit, you fucking whore.”

He pulled his throbbing penis out of my gaping mouth ­­– just for a second – then plunged it back into my throat before I could take a deep enough breath. He kept it there for a while until I felt like passing out. That’s when he decided to let me breathe. He lightly slapped my face to bring me out of my semi-blackout. I looked up at him anxiously, teary-eyed, knowing well I could and should do better.

“Sorry,” I muttered, “It’s just too big, and I’m not used to that.”

He smiled and patted me on the head. “That’s all right, cocksucker, you got plenty of time to train. Consider this your first of many lessons. I tell you what, go lie down on that recliner.”

I staggered to stand up and made my way stumblingly to the same chair that was supposed to be a comforting place for my patients to pour their hearts out.

“Place your head on that footrest, and I’ll fuck your face upside down like a pussy.”

I nodded and clambered up the chair, propping my head on the footrest. I saw Avery upside down, his dick still throbbing and convulsing, big balls dangling like a heavy fruit filled with nectar. He looked glorious, and I couldn’t wait to be used like a sex object for his pleasure. As he walked in my direction, his dick and balls bobbed up and down, slapping against his hefty thighs. The cloud of intoxication and drunkenness enveloped me again, and my eyelids draped halfway over dilated pupils in an expression of lust and overwhelming desire.

He positioned himself over me, my head between his sturdy legs, then squatted until his heavy balls rested on my face, covering my nose and blocking my nostrils. I breathed in heavily and imbibed his pheromones. Another contraction traveled through my nether regions and landed at my overworked hole, which ached to be stretched wide open.

 “Open wide, bitch.”

Avery’s dick touched the back of my throat and kept going until it was lodged deep inside, its outline probably drawn clearly across my neck. For a moment it seemed that wasn’t enough pleasure for Avery as he decided to jerk his dick through the delicate skin and bone of my neck. His big hand wrapped around my throat like a choker that squeezed the very last breath out of me. And despite my body’s natural and involuntary response to what could only be described as a life-threatening situation, I felt a deep satisfaction on some unconscious level I had never before dared to explore.

“That’s right, you’re my own personal human cum dumpster now… you fucking whore.”

His nasty, dirty words only fueled my controversial satisfaction and set my insatiable lust on fire. I moaned half-chokingly like a nymphomaniac whose sexual hunger could never be satisfied.

“Yeah, I knew exactly what you were the moment I saw you, a set of two fucking holes, a semen receptacle, ugh!” He grunted as his dick slid out of my distended esophagus. No sooner had it slid out than it went back in — seemingly deeper this time if that were physically possible. “Come on bitch, got to break you in like new leather shoes.”

At this point my eyes were already popping half-way out of my drool-drenched face, but he continued to thrust vehemently… relentlessly. With each thrust, his low-hanging bull balls slapped my nose and forehead as if punishing me for not doing a good enough job. The smell of spit and precum mixed with the overpowering smell of manly post-workout sweat to produce a magical concoction that petrified me and held me in place. It was true after all: I had been reduced, at least in that moment, to a dirty expendable sex toy whose only purpose was to gratify this magnificent beast of a man.

Avery fucked my face, picking up the pace and slowing down however he pleased. My swollen lips enwrapped his massive cock exactly like a silicone pussy on a masturbation toy. He kept going for a while, occasionally holding my head with both hands, and pulling it all the way up until my mouth was stuffed full of cock and my head pressed close against his crotch. I gurgled and gagged and slobbered until my face lay unrecognizable under gooey layers of saliva.

“I really want to shoot a load down your throat and be on my way, but I tell you what, now that my dick’s already lubed up, how about I fuck you in the ass, cum dumpster?”

Helplessly, half-unconsciously, and with Avery’s dick still working my throat, I broke into a series of submissive moans that betrayed whatever vestiges of dignity I had still.

“That’s right, get on all fours! I will take you from behind like a dirty little bitch.”

I crawled dizzily, on all fours, to the empty space between my desk and the door. A narrow mirror that ran all the way to the floor stared me in the face. My eyes, now swollen and red, registered an abundance of thick fluid drizzling down lazily across my forehead and puffy cheeks. In the mirror I could see Avery charging in my direction, jerking his gigantic dick with one hand, and fondling his plump balls with the other. His sharp green eyes reflected a flare of mania, and for a moment I felt scared.

“It’s going to be fine, bitch. Don’t be scared, maybe I’ll go easy on you. Just this one time. Now pull down those pants and expose that juicy ass-pussy.”

I did as I was told. I arched my back until I felt my butthole open up a little. It was still a bit sore from last night, but that also meant it was still loose enough that I wouldn’t be screaming in pain when Avery plunged his ten-inch cock into what he referred to as my “ass-pussy”.

Avery took me by surprise when he rubbed a big hand across my face to scoop up some of the trickling saliva.

“Oh, you were so meant to be a fuck toy. That’s free lube right there! In goes the dick, out comes the lube. Gosh damn, it’s warm and creamy too. And that mouth-pussy on your sweet face produced about a gallon of this shit. Just think if I had fucked it for an hour… or two, you’d have flooded the place. Haha.” He laughed heartily, his dick bobbing up and down, a slimy transparent thread of precum dangled from the tip and made its way to the parquet floor.

Avery crouched and bowed forward until his taut stomach touched the small of my back, and I could feel his breath against my nape. The mirror reflected the image of two animals in heat. I was the bitch on all fours, so eager to receive, and Avery was the horny bull about to impregnate the powerless bitch by pumping a massive load of semen in its pussy.

“Damn, that hole is ripe! Ready for some good ole hardcore fucking, bitch?”

I soon realized he must have changed his mind about going easy on me. The fat head of his cock pushed violently against my tender hole until it went in with a pop. I whimpered in pain and bit my lower lip to keep myself from crying. Avery pushed in further, not giving my feeble protestations a second thought.

“You were begging for it, bitch. Now, take it!”

He grunted and thrusted his hips forward, his body banging hard against mine, shoving me forward until my face almost hit the glass mirror. His two hands wrapped around my waist, pulling me back.

“Nowhere to go. Just stay put! It’ll all be over soon.”

And despite the pain and tears, and the inescapable humiliation, a deep feeling of ecstasy rose inside me. It sickened me for a moment, but it also found its way through my spine and across my nerves until it hit every nerve ending to leave behind a million hair-raising tingles over every inch of my body. Then the tingles faded to be slowly replaced with a sense of ambiguous calm. My hole — ass-pussy to Avery — relaxed around the drilling rod so intent on splitting it wide open. A moan of epic proportions on the sluttiness scale escaped my sore throat.

“Good boy! Good boy! Ah, this pussy feels so damn good, I’m going to nut soon.”

“Please fill me up with cum,” I begged like the bitch that I was.

“Good whore, beg for my seed in your fucking cunt!”

Avery held my head back by my hair then slid his hand across my neck and pressed hard. I choked for a moment then allowed myself to calm down. I only whimpered helplessly until he loosened his grip and kept on wrecking my ass-pussy. I could feel his dick extending my hole, dilating it into a gape surely to be noticed by Nick tonight. He thrusted hard, his dick going all the way in, all the way out. Then came the flooding of my ass-pussy with cum, which happened so fast yet in slow motion.

Gradually, Avery’s breathing slowed down. He was hunched over me like a dog, his large muscular body contrastingly outsizing mine underneath it. He slowly pulled out his dick to the sound of warm cum sputtering out of my wrecked hole. It streamed out of my hole and down my butt crack until it dropped to the floor with an audible plop.

I moaned out loud for the hundredth time since Avery launched his consensual assault on me. I couldn’t help it; his cum felt so good in my hole.

“Wow doc, you sure are a magician! You’ve got one hell of a throat and cunt. And a killer body to match! I’ll be leaving now, but I know that cum won’t go to waste, right?”

I shook my head silently, obediently.

“Good boy, I’ll see you again soon.”

And with that he left. I was still on all fours, my back arched, my ass up in the air. I touched my hole with two fingers. It felt raw and tender, as a well-fucked pussy should. I smiled and turned around to scoop up Avery’s precious cum off the floor and devour it as ordered.

Written by BrookLynne
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