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My Boss Turned Me Gay For Pay 3

"First my boss then my gay co-worker then my old high school teacher?"

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I woke up as the sun was shining on the bed. I looked over at my boss and two co-workers all still asleep on my boss's bed. Today I knew it was not a dream. I quietly got out of the bed and tip-toed into the kitchen. My head pounded. Did I drink last night? I remember a couple of shots before I gave William a massage. Later that evening when the guys decided to stay we played some drinking games. I looked down at my nude body and saw I was covered in cum. It was all over even in my hair. I knew it could not all be mine. I walked over to the shower to clean up.

As I got out of the shower the guys were awake and staring at me. Edward chimed in. "There is our little porn star".

William added, "I never saw a straight guy get turned so quickly." They all laughed.

I just looked at them confused. Gavin said, "Danny, you don't remember what happened last night?"

I looked down and shook my head no.

"I recorded a lot of it on my phone," said Gavin. "If you are nice I might let you take a peek." All three men giggled.

Phillip explained, "I would love to spend another day here and go for another round but we have to get back to town now."

Both men took showers and I made everyone breakfast. We said our goodbyes with William and Phillip taking liberties with my nude body.

They left and Gavin said, "I have to say you went above and beyond last night, but now it's time for my morning blowjob, get over here."

I got in the bed between Gavin's legs. His cock was still flaccid but beginning to harden. I went to work on him and fifteen minutes later I was rewarded with cum splashing down my throat. I was getting used to giving blowjobs and cum in my mouth.

The rest of our stay at the cabin was uneventful. We had sex at least twice a day. That is to say, Gavin had at least two orgasms a day. I was content with the temporary arrangement. Oh and the video. There was a video. And I was the star attraction. I guess what we had was an orgy. I was always curious about what it would be like to be part of one. I just never thought it would be with three men.

Life returned somewhat back to normal when we returned. We got back on a Friday and Gavin gave me my bonus check. It was way more money than I ever got paid. I spent the weekend recuperating at the apartment. I joined a couple of dating apps determined to meet a woman and resume my "straight" life.

Monday morning I got into work. I got funny looks and smirks from my co-workers. They knew I spend two weeks with Gavin and who knows what Phillip and Edward may have said. And there is that video. Did my co-workers see it too? I decided not to worry about it. I went about my day and saw my clients. I checked my phone dating app and I had several messages. One in particular named Ashley stood out. She was cute, about my age, and was in the same line of work. So we made a date for the following evening. We met at a Mexican restaurant. We hit it off but she made it clear nothing was going to happen that night. I thought how different it was with gay men. We said our goodbyes and I went home. Not even a kiss on the cheek. I had blue balls. I got into bed and began jerking off. Trying to think of Ashley or any woman. All of a sudden memories of the past two weeks filled my head. I was rock hard and coming in no time. I was confused, to say the least.

The next day at work Edward confronted me. "I am ready to go on that date you promised me when we were up in the cabin."

I said I did not recall anything like that.

"We recorded it if you need to see it," said Edward.

I told him it was not necessary, I believed him.

"Well good then," Edward exclaimed, "I will meet you at the office at eight this evening."

I parked my car at the office and he picked me up and we went to this Italian bistro Restaurant. His friend was the owner. "They are giving us the back private booth where we won't be disturbed," Edward said.

I started getting those butterflies again thinking about it. We got to the restaurant and got seated. They brought some breadsticks. Edward sat very near to me. He began sticking the breadstick in my mouth and I would bite a piece off. I went along with it and did the same for him. I figured it was harmless. Every now and then he would give me a kiss on the cheek or hold my hand. Again I was fine with it. He was really enjoying himself. He was good company. We got our entrees and he suggested we would feed each other. I obliged. Pretty harmless stuff. In between bites he would give me a kiss on the lips and squeeze my thigh. I squeezed him back. I kissed him back. Harmless I thought. I would give him a nice dinner date and then hopefully he would leave me alone after that. That was my plan.

All of a sudden I heard a woman shriek "Danny?" I looked up and it was Brianna, my ex-girlfriend with some big football player guy with a smirk on his face. "You are gay?" she shouted.

No, I said I can explain.

"This explains a lot," she said, "I have been watching you for twenty minutes with you two all over each other. If that is who you are, I am fine with it, but I don't understand why you were interested in me."

I stammered and tried to explain but she grabbed the hand of her date and left the restaurant.

I did not know what to think. Edward consoled me. "Don't let that bitch get you down" he said. "Let's go back to my place, I used to be a bartender and I can make you a drink that will make you forget you ever knew her."

I said sure and we left the restaurant.

We got to Edward's house. He had a big place. He told me to sit down on the couch. He went to the kitchen and I could hear the blender going. He came back with two icy mixed drinks. "These are the Edward Especial," he said. It was some sort of margarita-type drink. He put straws in each glass. "Drink up," he said, "there is plenty more where that came from."

I drank it, It was like a creamy alcoholic smoothie. It was very tasty. He picked up our empty glasses and returned with refills. I was starting to relax and forget Brianna.

After three refills I was starting to get an erection. I thought it was odd but I paid it no mind.

Edward looked at me. "I have a proposition for you, a way for you to make some extra money," Edward explained. "I am the president of a private club," he stated, "it's for mature gay and bi men. We meet up at least once a week at one of the member's homes and have snacks and drinks." He continued, "We had invited younger guys to attend but had difficulty finding anyone interested. So we ended up paying out of the dues for a younger guy to be there and befriend the older men. They are pretty much all past their prime and without a partner. The younger guy helps lift their spirits and makes them feel better about themselves," he concluded.

I was not exactly sure what this had to do with me but I had a feeling I would find out.

"Last month, Lance our younger guy who went to the events got a job offer in another state and had to quit," Edward explained, "so we have been trying to find the right guy, and when I met you I thought you would be perfect," Edward said.

I asked Edward what I would have to do.

"It's pretty easy," Edward explained, "you have to be nice to them, flirt with them a bit, and make them feel special and wanted," Edward said. "And we will pay you $300 for each get-together, plus tips."

The money sounded really good. I wondered what the tips were for. I figured I might give it a try. The alcohol in my body probably made the decision easier.

"I have a contract you can read over," Edward said "If it looks fine to you sign it and we can give it a try. We have a couple of others interested in the job but I would give you the first shot."

I looked at the contract. It was several pages with what I was expected to do. It was hard for me to concentrate with the drinking I had done so I decided to just sign it, how bad could it be I thought.

I turned to the last page and signed and dated it.

"Very nice," Edward said, "the first party is Saturday night."

Edward suggested, "let's go to my bedroom, I have a big screen and we can watch something."

I agreed.

He took my hand and led me to his room. He had a big bed and a huge flat screen. "I am going to change into something more comfortable," Edward said.

He left the room and returned in just a robe. It was quite short and barely covered his privates. "You also promised me another massage whenever I needed one," He said, "my masseur has been in Cancun the past two weeks and I am in pain again, I need that massage."

I was under the influence of the drinks he made. Sure I would love to do that I said.

"Massage oil is in the bathroom," Edward said, "It's been warming up. I will get into bed and be ready for you."

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I went to the bathroom and sure enough, the oil container was floating in warm water. I took a leak which was difficult with my erection and got undressed in the bathroom. I was now fully erect. Curious I thought.

I came out of the bathroom nude with the oil. Edward was already naked on the bed waiting for me. I got on top of his ass and began the massage. my cock bobbed and touched his ass.

"Wow, you are happy to see me" Edward squealed. I massaged his back and shoulders with my cock rubbing back and forth in his ass crack. "I am a bottom by the way," Edward said, "your cock is driving me crazy."

I was so hard and horny. I don't know what came over me. "You could help us both out if you want," Edward said.

I asked him what he meant.

"Just line your torpedo up with my ass, said Edward, you don't have to go in, just push it up to me and go back and forth"

I was hard and horny and wanted to cum so bad. He told me where to line up my cock. I covered it in oil. So I slowly bounced off of his hole. He moaned. I enjoyed the feeling. I pushed back and forth over and over. It felt so good. All of a sudden my tip penetrated him.

"Don't stop," Edward demanded, "Just keep that rhythm going." I did as he asked. My cock would pull away then my tip would enter him. All of a sudden he pushed back a bit against me. I was deeper, maybe an inch or so. He encouraged me to keep pumping. I did what I was told. I realized I kept getting deeper and I was fucking Edward. Pretty soon I was halfway in, then all the way. We were both moaning in excitement. My cock began twitching. I shot load after load into Edward's ass. Then I could tell he was cumming too.

We were both spent. I carefully pulled out. Edward was already falling asleep. I went to the bathroom and cleaned up and brought a towel to clean up the cum that was dribbling out of Edward's anus.

The next morning I woke up to Edward's alarm on his phone. "Get up," Edward said, "we need to go to work."

We showered together, and after I made us breakfast. We drove to work together and arrived at the office. I got knowing glances. I guess it was obvious we spent the night together. My car was still in the parking lot.

I got through the rest of the week with little fanfare, but this party on Saturday was in the back of my mind the whole time. I wondered how my attempts to lead a straight life had gone in the opposite direction. Now I was going to be entertainment for a group of horny old men. But the way Edward explained it, it would be pretty harmless.

It was Saturday afternoon and I had to get ready. The party started at five so I got dressed and headed out the door and put the GPS directions into my phone. It was in a really nice part of town but farther than I thought so I was going to be late. I arrived at about 5:15. The house had a large circular driveway and perhaps seven or eight vehicles parked around it.

I rang the bell. The door opened and it was Edward at the door.

"Danny, you are late," he scorned, "Come on in and meet everyone. First of all, this is Ken, and this is his house."

Ken stood before me. He was tall and looked to be in his sixties. He approached me and we embraced each other. Then he pulled back a bit and kissed me on the lips.

"Nice to me you, sexy boy," he said, "you are even cuter than what I was told." He then gave me another kiss on the lips.

I was surprised by all the kisses but I guess since he was the host I could not say much.

Then I was introduced to Brian. He was a big guy in his fifties. He had a really big belly. He also kissed me on the lips and slapped my ass.

I had a confused look on my face.

"You look surprised Danny," said Edward "surely you took the time to finally read the contract you signed. You are to kiss each member when you arrive at the party, and anytime they want to kiss you they can," continued Edward. "There is also the situation of being tardy," Edward said, "you get spanked anytime you violate something in the contract, each member gets to swat your bare ass over their knee."

I just looked down and said alright. I am sorry.

The next man approached. I was stunned when I looked at who it was. It was Mr. Stevens my science teacher in high school. My face turned red. He always leered at me in class and would touch my shoulders when he passed by me. My heart started to beat fast.

"This is Wendell," Edward announced.

"Oh I know Danny," Mr. Stevens responded, "and he knows me." I gulped. Mr. Stevens put his arms around me and squeezed my shoulders as he would do in class and kissed me on the lips. He even took his tongue and pushed it into my mouth. This lasted a lot longer than the first two men. He finally pulled away.

"I wanted to do that since you were in my class," Mr. Stevens said looking me in the eyes. I just weakly smiled back at him and looked down. He walked away.

After that, I looked up and there was a line of men waiting to meet me and kiss me. One by one I made it down the line, kissing a total of twelve men.

Edward approached me. "Now that we have the formalities out of the way, here is one of my 'especial' drinks I gave you at my house the other night," Edward said.

I took the drink and gulped it down. It was going to be one of those nights I assumed. Edward quickly handed me another one. Soon I could feel my cock begin to stir. What was in that concoction I pondered?

Edward clapped his hands together twice. "As we all know Danny was late to the party and as the rules state," Edward said, "this means he gets spanked."

The men cheered. I was embarrassed and getting a pretty strong erection also.

Edward moved a chair to the middle of the room. "Wendell you are on the list to go first with spanking Danny, have a seat here my friend." Edward patted the chair.

Mr. Stevens sat down in the chair. "Come here boy," he said to me "let's get this over with."

I meekly walked over to my former teacher.

"Now let's get these pants off of you," he ordered.

I stood there as he undid my belt and then the button on my jeans and zipped the zipper down. He tugged at my jeans and they fell to the floor. I stepped out of them. My cock was nearly fully hard and tenting in my boxer briefs.

"What do we have here, Danny boy," Mr. Stevens said, "you look like you are enjoying this."

My face turned red again. He then yanked down my underwear and my cock sprang free.

"That is a fine cock you have young man," my teacher said. He grabbed it in his right hand and stroked it a couple of times. He bent over and put the tip in his mouth sucking the precum off of it. "Delicious," he said. "Now get over my knee and take your punishment."

I did as I was told. He rubbed my ass cheeks and massaged them for a minute. Then a hard slap, and another and another until it reached five.

"Wendell your turn is over, "Edward said, "let Danny go."

I got up and Mr. Stevens gave my cock another squeeze and winked at me. Trying to do the job I was paid for I smiled and winked back.

So eleven more men put me over their knee. Most touched my cock and flirted with me. I flirted back.

The last one was Ken, the host of the party. He finished the fifth slap on my bare ass.

Edward said, "Ken since you are the host you get to put some lotion on Danny to cool off his ass and put his pants back on."

Edward handed Ken the lotion. Ken began to massage my ass cheeks and then slipped a finger down my crack. He then played with my puckered hole. I fidgeted and moaned.

"You like that boy, don't you," Ken said.

I moaned again.

Ken worked his finger in and out for a bit then worked down to my taint and balls. He started massaging my balls it felt terrific.

"Time to get him up," said Edward.

I got to my feet with my erect cock pointing right at Ken.

"That big cock is not going to fit in your pants Danny," Ken said, "we need to take care of that."

Ken grabbed some more lotion and began to stroke me off. There I was in front of a dozen older men including my former teacher being jerked off.

I began moaning that I was about to cum. Ken leaned down and put my cock in his mouth. I shot load after load down Ken's throat. As I came down from my orgasmic high I realized all the men were watching intently.

Ken grabbed a towel and cleaned up my cock and helped me up on my boxer briefs and zipped up my pants.

I looked over to the right and there was a list of the evening's festivities. I read the list and realized this was just the beginning. It was going to be an evening I would never forget.

Written by NewlyCucked
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