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My Boss Turned Me Gay For Pay

"My boss makes me an offer I can't refuse."

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This all started when I was nineteen years old and a year removed from high school. I had a girlfriend named Brianna. I was not ready to go to college full time and I lived with my mom in a two bedroom apartment and finances were tight. My dad had passed away a few years before. My girlfriend was twenty-one and a Certified Nursing Assistant and convinced me to become a CNA. I guess you could say my girlfriend wore the pants in the relationship and when she wanted something she eventually got it. I enrolled and quickly took a liking to classes. So I went through the program and got my certification.

While I was in school, I also delivered pizza in the evening. It meant I spent less and less time with Brianna. We bickered more and drew farther apart. Finally, a little after graduation we broke up. Actually, she broke up with me. I was sad but it was not totally unexpected. My friends told me she had already started seeing this guy even before we broke up. I was going to miss the sex but to be honest, that was about it. I was resigned to find a job and focus on my future.

So I went for interviews, put out resumes and applications. But it just seemed like experienced CNA’s were what places were looking for. I was beginning to think the whole thing was a waste of time when I saw a job posting at an organization I had never heard of. They agreed to interview me and were fine with me being right out of school. With the slow economy at the time, I was happy to at least get my foot in the door.

When I got there I realized it was an LGBT organization. The organization assisted those in the gay and lesbian community who could not afford assisted care. They needed a male CNA who would goto clients homes and perform personal care and in some cases bath them and help them in their homes. I interviewed with Gavin, the director. I told him I wanted to get immersed in my work because I just broke up with my girlfriend and wanted to forget all of that.

“You are straight?” Gavin asked

"Yes," I said meekly.

“Well,” he paused. “I have hired a couple of straight CNA’s in the past and they did not last long,” Gavin noted.

"Why?" I asked.

“It's the nature of the job. Many of the men are receiving long-term care, they tend to get attached to their CNA’s and well sometimes they get a little touchy-touchy, if you know what I mean.”

Gavin continued, “And with you being young and cute they will really like you!”

I blushed bright red. I told Gavin I really needed the job and work experience and no one else wanted to give me a chance. I fibbed and said I would have no problem handling whatever came my way.

Gavin thanked me; however I left without a job offer. The next morning my phone rang.

“Danny, I would like to offer you the position,” Gavin declared.

I thanked him and told him he would not regret the decision.

The following Monday I reported to work for my first day. I had three appointments on Tuesday. But Monday was just to get acquainted with the staff and Gavin as well as the usual new job paperwork. Tuesday, I prepared for my appointments and went over their files. One was recovering from an accident, another was elderly and the third one was an AIDS patient. The accident patient was about my age. He was a total care patient meaning I had to bathe him from head to toe. Although I had been instructed on how to do this, I never had a live patient to work on. That afternoon I showed up at his apartment right on time. He was nice and friendly and I could tell he assumed I was gay. I figured it would go better if I just let him think whatever he wanted. He was wearing a muscle tee and boxer briefs.

“I hope I am dressed appropriately,” said Ron. “Its just hard to put on a lot of clothes with this cast to deal with.”

I assured him it was perfectly fine.

He obviously worked out a lot. He was in great shape. He broke his leg in a skiing accident and was unable to shower himself. The big moment came and he had to get fully nude for the bath. He pulled his shirt over his head but asked me for help pulling down his boxer briefs. He sat on the edgeof his bed, I got on my knees and pulled down his briefs over his cast. His cock bounced up a bit as the briefs slipped down. That caught my attention and I quickly looked at his cock then looked away. So I put on some gloves and with warm water and a towel I began on his back and shoulders. He lay face down on his bed. I then worked up from his feet to his thighs. He moaned a bit and clenched his ass cheeks together when I got close to his ass. I washed his buttocks and asked him to spread hislegs so I could wash his ass. I finished and asked him to turn over.

He said, “Sorry but I am sure you don’t mind,” and winked at me.

I looked down at his cock realized what he was talking about. It was partially hard and growing.

I told him, "Don’t worry it's natural."

I tried to be as clinical as possible so it would go back down. I washed his chest and stomach trying to avoid anything that would increase his arousal. Then I washed his arms and hands. Then it was time. I gulped and began on his cock. It started to grow again. I had his cock in one hand and began to wash the head and shaft, finally down the base. He was uncircumcised and I had to pull back on his shaft as I carefully washed below his mushroom head. Then I carefully washed each of his balls. I spread his legs and washed under his balls. Finally, we were done. I put a fresh pair of boxer briefs on him and he gave me a hug. We said our goodbyes and I was on my way to the next appointment.

As the weeks went on I got more comfortable with my job. I got used to my male clients and their occasional flirts and innocent touches as well as their cocks and really liked what I was doing. As it turned out the clients were the least of my worries. Gavin, my boss was in his late 40’s. He was an avid cyclist who went on out of town races from time to time. He kept himself in excellent shape. Years before he had started some sort of tech company that he sold for a small fortune. So this organization was his way of giving back to the community. He also had a huge ego and was used to getting what he wanted. He was tall about 6’3”  so it made him an imposing figure to me.

Gavin made it very clear from almost the beginning he was attracted to me. It started with longer than necessary stares then complements on my looks and supposed accidental touches which were probably not accidents. I did keep myself in shape by distance running. I had a boyish look about me that got me complements from both women and sometimes men. I was 5’10 and about 140 pounds. The fact that I was straight was some sort of challenge to Gavin and he was relentless. I was able to rebuke his advances but I was much more relaxed when he was out of the office. At least he would do these bike races out of town regularly so I did have to see him everyday.

One day I came into work and learned Gavin was injured in a bike race. Broke both arms and had a concussion. He was laid up out of town in a hospital. He was scheduled to return to town in a couple days. Three days later I got a call from him on my cellphone. I told him how bad I felt for him in his situation and he made me a proposition.

“Danny,” Gavin began. “I am going to need some help for the next couple of weeks, I need someone who can give 24/7 care at least until I am feeling up to it. With these casts both arms are basically useless and the doc told me I need someone around because of the concussion.”

Gavin concluded. “I will pay you $1500 a week with room and board included if you come up to my cabin and assist me.”

I stopped to think about the offer. I could really use the money. It was almost double what I was currently making. I told him I was not sure I was the right one for this.

“Listen, Danny,” Gavin instructed. “I know I get a little silly with you at the office but I assure you I really need your help, you have turned out to be an excellent CNA and I will keep it professional.”

Money talks as they say so I reluctantly agreed.

I had to leave for his cabin that afternoon. It was a long three hour drive up into the mountains. When I got there, he and another guy  were waiting for me.

“This is my friend William. He picked me up from airport. He has to get back to town now.” Gavin said.

As Gavin said his goodbyes to William I surveyed the situation. It was a one room cabin. It had a large fireplace and just one big bed. The guy that had been openly flirting with me and trying to get me to bed with him now had me all to himself for two weeks and I would be sleeping in his bed. I began to get butterflies in my stomach. This happened whenever I got nervous.

“The bed, yes we will be sharing my bed," Gavin explained. "Like I said, don’t be concerned, I won’t make you do anything you don’t want to do.”

What exactly did that mean, I thought? I wanted to stand up for myself and quiz him on this by I just said meekly, “OK.”

“Why don’t you take a shower, there is a towel and robe next to the shower.” Gavin ordered. “You can throw your clothes in the hamper. I am going to just watch a little TV, I am beat. Tomorrow morning you can give me a bath.”

I froze. I realized that the shower was in the room. It was off to the side but with the clear doors and walls I would have no privacy at all. I walked over and turned on the water and let it warm up. I gulped and began to get undressed. Gavin was just a few feet away from me and could have a clear view if he wanted. I took off my shirt, pants, shoes and socks then took a deep breath and pulled off my underwear.

Gavin suddenly chimed in. “If you are wondering the toilet is behind the cabin, sort of a modern outhouse.”

I was trying to keep my back to him but I instinctively turned around as he spoke. He looked me up and down.

“Nice," he mumbled.

I hurried nervously into the shower. I resigned myself to being somewhat on display. I got out dried off and tried to get into my head to get used to being nude in front of Gavin. I slipped on some underwear and the robe.

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“Time for bed," Gavin stated. “I do sleep in the nude I hope that is not a problem.” He said it as more of statement than a question. “And you need to help me get undressed.” Gavin ordered. I complied.

He was wearing a robe like mine as well as a tee shirt and thong underwear. He stood in front of me and I sat on the bed and undressed him. When I got to his thong I tried to look anywhere but near his cock. I pulled his thong quickly down to his ankles. Despite my best of efforts I saw Gavin’s cock for the first time. It was amazing. He was totally shaved and his cock had to be 7 inches flaccid. His balls were massive. I noticed a ring around his cock.

“That is my cock ring.” Gavin explained.

Embarrassed that I was caught staring at his cock I quickly looked away. We both got into bed and had an uneventful night.

The next morning I awoke to a kiss  just missing the edge of my lips. It lingered a little longer than I would have wanted.

“Good morning sunshine!” Gavin announced. “How about making us some coffee and then I want that shower."

With his arms immobile I had to give him is coffee. We sat at the kitchen table. Gavin was still nude, I was in my underwear only. I quickly got used to Gavin in this form. I just tried to keep my eyes above the waist.

“Time for a bath.” Gavin stated.

I quickly warmed up some water for the bath. We decided it was best to put down some towels and bathe him in the bed. I put on some disposable gloves.

“I have decided its best to remove this cock ring," Gavin said, “or more specifically you will need to take it off me. I just figure since I won’t be able to have a regular shower for a while, it's better to take it off, it's been on since before the accident."

I tried my best to relax. The nudity and sleeping in the same bed was one thing, having Gavin’s cock in my hand was another. I kept telling myself he waswno different than any other client, but it was hard to think that way. Those butterflies returned.

Gavin told me, “Just grab my cock with one hand and slip off the ring with the other. Should be a piece of cake."

Gavin laid back on the bed. His cock ring was near the tip of his penis. Seemed like a pretty easy task. I grabbed his cock with my right hand and looked at the ring. I began to pull on the ring with my left. It did not budge. I gripped on harder to his cock with my right hand and tugged again. Nothing. I noticed Gavin’s cock begin to grow.

“Just pull it off," Gavin demanded. "If I get hard it won’t budge.”

I kept trying but with my hands on my bosses cock seemed to stimulate him and ring would not move. Quickly, Gavin was growing hard as a rock. He was huge. I let go.

Gavin was furious. “I can’t believe you could not do such a simple task. Now I am going to have to wait till it goes down. The thing is I usually have to come at least once or twice a day, I have an overactive sex drive and with this accident its been a few days. This might take a while. Go ahead and give me that bath.”

I felt so dejected letting Gavin down. I felt  bad and apologized for what happened. Gavin was laying on his back. I bathed him from the head down to his waist. Then from his feet to just below his balls. I spread his legs and washed his ass. His cock stayed rock hard the entire time and he complained that it was beginning to hurt.

“We are going to have to get this erection down or you will have to drive me to the ER.” Gavin declared.

I asked him what we could do?

"There is one thing but you probably are not going to like it.” Gavin said.

“What?” I replied.

“Well the only way to release the pressure is to come and since I certainly cannot do it myself  the only way to do that is if you jerk me off.”

I froze, my face turned bright red.

“Look you owe me and quite frankly its all your fault. Just do it, its no big deal.”

I pondered all of this. Once again my butterflies were back. I already touched his cock. Doing what he wanted to was not really that much different so I agreed.

“Good," Gavin said, “I have some flavored lube in that top drawer, grab it and lets get started.” I did what I was told. I grabbed the lube, it said strawberry on the label.

“And take those gloves off, they irritate my cock." Gavin demanded.

I was in no position argue so I removed them and added the lube to my hands. I approached his engorged member. There was a glob of precum leaking out. I gulped and began to stroke him with both hands. He began to moan and instructed me on how to do it so he would cum as soon as possible. After a few minutes I relaxed and actually enjoyed making him feel good. I sort of forgot I was stroking a mans cock and thought more about releasing his pain. About fifteen minutes went by and Gavin still had not come. I was stroking him with all my might and playing with his balls.

Suddenly Gavin yelled, “Stop!”

It startled me I thought I might have hurt him. My right hand was still gripped to his shaft as I listened.

‘This is not going to work," Gavin confessed. “Truth is it's almost impossible for to come by being jerked off but I figured it was worth a try. There are only two ways that do work but you probably won’t want to do it. You might as well take me to the hospital.”

I actually felt good trying to help him out so I asked him what I would need to do.

“Well the first way to get this over with quickly we would need to do three things, you want to hear it?” Gavin asked.

I nodded yes and let go of his cock. I realized I was still gripping onto it.

“One,” Gavin said “You will have to be nude next to me, two, you will need to insert a vibrator into my ass and turn it on and third.” Gavin hesitated. “ You will need to suck my cock until I come.”

“Look its probably way to much for you to handle so get me ready for the hospital,” Gavin insisted.

I froze there and said nothing.

Gavin added. “If you could find it in yourself to help me, you would score huge points in loyalty. And it does not make you gay you are just helping out in an emergency situation. But if you can’t, I understand.”

I remembered that he said there was another option so I sheepishly said, "What is the other way?”

Gavin looked me in the eyes and said. “The other way is I could fuck you in the ass until I come.”

I thought about both possibilities weighing them out in my head. There was no way I wanted to be fucked by him. I thought about it for about five minutes and finally told him I would do it.

Gavin said, "That is great which one?”

Embarrassingly I said, “I will suck your cock.”

Those words sounded so strange coming from my mouth.

“Really, wow I expected a flat out no.” Gavin admitted. “You know I have some whiskey in the liquor cabinet if you want to take a shot or two before we begin. Just realize you won’t be in any condition to drive after that so you will have to succeed.”

I thought about his offer. I needed a shot or two or three. I looked once again at Gavin’s cock. Stil rock hard. I went over to the cabinet I grabbed a shot glass and poured the whiskey. Poured a shot, then another and another. My head was spinning at that point but I was no longer nervous. I had no tolerance to alcohol and usually lost all inhibitions. I took off my underwear as he wanted, retrieved the vibrator and clumsily made my way to the bed. Gavin still rock hard cock awaited me.

“First you need to lube the vibrator and insert it.” Gavin said has he spread his legs wide.

His puckered hole came into view once again. I slowly inserted the vibrator. I pushed it and out like he instructed like I was fucking him, a little deeper each thrust. I made it 3/4ths of the way in.

“That is good now turn it on.” Gavin demanded. I did as he ordered. “Ok now you know what you have to do.” He said. “Have you ever sucked a cock before?”

I told him no. I looked down at his cock. The tip glistening with precum. It was now or never. I opened my mouth and got closer to the tip. I licked the tip and I tasted his juices. Salty and sweet not as bad as I expected. My tongue lapped around his cock head and onto his shaft. It was time to put him in my mouth. My mouth opened and he pushed his cock inside. It was softer texture than I expected. I began bobbing up and down on his engorged shaft. Gavin moaned. I began going up and down on it faster and faster. Gavin was enjoying it and moaned louder.

He panted, “Suck my cock, bitch.”

I was a little taken back by the language but if this got him closer to orgasm I was fine with it. I kept sucking, the vibrator kept buzzing and my body was close to his. I realized my cock began to stir. I rubbed my growing erection against Gavin hoping it would get him closer. All of a sudden I felt his cock jerk and a stream of jizz entered my mouth. I instinctively swallowed, then another shot. I started to pull away.

Gavin moanem, “Swallow all of it bitch.”

I did as he asked. But as I swallowed he kept cumming. It dribbled out of my mouth and down my neck. Finally he relaxed and that was it.

“Not bad for a first time.” Gavin declared. “With a little practice you might get really good.”

I blushed. The complement was nice but I had no intention to make a habit of this.

“Now carefully take off my cock ring.” Gavin instructed.

I gripped his cock with one hand and this time was able to remove it with the other.

“At last!” Gavin screamed. ‘Get a  towel and clean up my cock and balls and get that vibrator out of my ass. Then clean all my cum off of you.” Gavin ordered. “Come back to bed with daddy; I think we both deserve a nap.”

I did as I was told. I did not bother to get dressed. I crawled into bed and laid right next to Gavin. I gave him a kiss with my lips real close to him as he had done. I let the kiss linger as he did. As I laid there with Gavin I realized that this was going to be a real interesting two weeks.

Written by NewlyCucked
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