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Meeting Dad

"Rhys flourishes when he gets introduced into a sleazy gay masculine existence of ultimate skank…"

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I grew up without a father. By the age of sixteen, I had grown accustomed to this fact, and mum and I never really spoke about dad. All I got told was that my father was an oaf and that their very brief marriage had been a difficult one. According to her, I was better off not knowing him. I didn’t even have a clue what he looked like because there were no photos of him. I took after my mother in appearance. She was fair-haired, slim, five-feet-six tall, and attractive. I had the same blue eyes as my mum, and there was absolutely no doubt that we were mother and son. I was often teased about being far too pretty for a boy and swore that if I heard that statement one more time, I was going to shoot the person uttering those words. What pissed me off was being told, “You’re so pretty, you should have been a girl.”

My grandparents also never mentioned my father, and I was sure that they had not liked him. I supposed this was another reason why my father’s existence never got acknowledged.

Six months before I turned seventeen, however, my life changed remarkably. My mom, Kerry, was diagnosed with terminal cancer and would be dead in six months. We had a very kind neighbor named Lilly, who helped us out during mom’s illness. With my mom being an only child, we had no extended family, and my frail grandmother was also incapable of contributing in any way. A week before my mother passed, she eventually broke down and contacted my father, Matt.

Two monumental facts emerged at this time; Firstly, Matt did not know of my existence, and therefore, didn’t realize that he had another son called Rhys. Secondly, I also did not grasp that I had an older half-brother named Mark. Mom had married dad several months after Matt’s first wife had passed away, by which time Mark, the son from his former marriage, was already a year old.

When my mother left my father, she did not know that she was already four weeks pregnant with me. Having not slept with another man at that time, she knew that I could only be his child. Mum informed Matt that if he required a paternity test to verify her claim, she would understand. He never did. As she explained to him telephonically, she had decided to keep my existence a secret to keep things uncomplicated. Unfortunately, given her current condition, she now had no other option, and I would have to live with my father after her death.

Matt arrived two days later, three days before my mother passed. He stayed in our flat during his visit. I first met him at the hospital while visiting mom and was taken aback by his solid appearance. Dad was a construction worker. He was ruggedly handsome, forty-four-years-old and stood six-feet-two-inches-tall. He was quite hairy, and the dark hair on his head was gray flecked. His hands and feet were huge. When he walked into mom’s ward, he bent down to kiss her before awkwardly hugging me.

After their chitchat, mom asked me to leave the room and wait in the passage. My parents then spoke for about an hour or so. En route back to our apartment later, dad stopped to buy pizzas for dinner. My father was very embarrassed that he had not brought along a picture of my twenty-one-year-old step-brother, Mark, before leaving to be with us. Dad and I spoke for a while after dinner before I went to bed. With the advent of the summer holidays two weeks earlier, I still had another three weeks of vacation left. Dad’s company had given him compassionate leave due to the circumstances in which we found ourselves.

We spent the next day at the hospital, and that night my mother went into a coma from which she did not recover. She passed away a day later. On the following two days, funeral arrangements got made, and we also visited my school for the necessary transfer documents I required. The contents of mom’s apartment got disposed of, and two suitcases of odds and ends belonging to me were packed into dad’s pick up. I had turned seventeen during this upheaval, and it was not a happy birthday.

The day after the funeral, we departed for my next home. During the drive, the smell emanating from Matt was potent, and I would soon come to know, showering in my new life would not be a priority. This routine was very different from my life with mom, where showering was a daily requirement. When we arrived at my new home later that day, I realized that I would be living in a trailer park. Our ‘home,’ however, appeared quite neat from the outside. As we got out of the vehicle, my step-brother, Mark, walked out of the front door to greet us, only wearing a pair of shorts.

The resemblance between him and dad was remarkable, and I instantly knew what dad had looked like at Mark’s age. Mark was almost as hairy as our father but had a fuller head of black hair. He was over six-foot-tall and very handsome.

Once inside, I was amazed by the layout of the trailer. It was bigger than it had looked from the outside. The open part of the interior consisted of a kitchen, dining room, and living room. There were also two bedrooms and one bathroom. Mark and I shared a room with a large double bed, a temporary measure as dad informed me. After our arrival, dad put on shorts and walked around barefoot like Mark. Mark’s feet were dirty, and dad joked with him about his strong musky smell.

Mark always had to be reminded to shower, according to Matt, and with dad away over the previous few days, it appeared that Mark had forgotten where the bathroom was. Mark’s hands also looked like they needed a good scrubbing. Mark and Matt drank beer and smoked while supper got prepared. I also put on a pair of shorts to conform. I even got offered a beer, which I sipped very slowly so as not to offend. Being with guys was vastly different from my former existence.

As we ate, I saw table manners were unimportant to Mark and Matt, and they hadn’t even bothered to wash their hands before eating. While washing up the dishes, they joked about being overdressed due to my presence. Generally, they usually walked around the trailer naked. They always left a pair of shorts over a chair at the front door in case of unexpected visitors. I was starting to realize why my mother would have found life with my father such a strain because she was very straitlaced. I, however, was finding this new carefree existence rather refreshing and unnaturally stimulating.

My dad informed me that he would prefer me to refer to him Matt in the future, as I had noticed Mark doing. Before bed, I also got told about another tradition in this household, where male affection was the norm. After kissing both Matt and Mark, I went to bed after brushing my teeth. The guys continued chatting another half an hour before Mark walked into our room and inquired if I was still awake. Pretending to be asleep, I did not reply. Mark then got into bed, and I had to listen to what would become Mark’s nightly masturbation ritual, a custom that almost drove me out of my mind with lust. As if that was bad enough, the heady smell of escalating virility followed, by the beguiling odor of spunk that he simply massaged into his torso, almost drove me out of my mind.

When I awoke on Saturday morning and headed to the bathroom for a shower, I heard Matt busy in the kitchen as I reentered my room. When Mark got up out of bed, he was naked, and as he stood stretching and yawning, I observed his cock was uncut. The uncut dick pleased me because I was one of the few guys at my former school who had a foreskin. I had always felt like the odd man out because of this.

Mark then threw me onto the bed and started tickling me. As I giggled and tried to fight him off, he said that he felt stoked to have a brother of his own. I had always wondered what it would be like to have a brother, and the familial warmth was extremely gratifying. At that moment a brotherly bond between us got established, and after that, I would always love him unreservedly. Sadly, although I could feel Mark’s cock was hard, nothing initially happened between us.

After joining dad in the kitchen, we ate our breakfast in the nude. My eyes almost came out on stalks when I observed Matt’s dick, which was an amplified version of Mark’s.

Matt and Mark then spent all morning, and afternoon, working on a pickup that Mark had gotten for his twenty-first birthday. We had sandwiches for lunch and, surprisingly, both men washed their hands before we ate. By the end of the day, they got covered in grease and showered before we had a barbeque that evening.

After getting into bed later, Mark asked me how often I masturbated. Shyly, I answered, “Once a day.”

When I asked him the same question, he laughed and then replied, “Lots more than that.”

Out of the blue, he then asked, “Do you prefer boys?” I had never blushed so profusely in my life. Picking up on my extreme discomfort, he said, “That’s okay, buddy, no need to talk about it now. Relax, it’s all cool.”

Having reached puberty five years earlier, I knew that I was gay, but I had never told my mother. I was concerned about what my father and half-brother’s reactions might be if they eventually found out.

Around midday on Sunday, Matt packed a picnic basket before we drove off to one of his favorite spots. After a few enjoyable hours, we returned home. As dad had to resume work the following day, he went to bed early. Mark was between jobs, which was the norm in his life.

On Monday, after dad left for work, Mark and I spent the day driving around the area as he introduced me to my new environs.


Cal Evans lived in a corner trailer next to us. Cal, short for Calvin, was a forty-two-year-old man. Mondays to Fridays, Cal worked the night shift at a warehouse as a security officer, from eight p.m. till six a.m. Cal was divorced and had three sons, two of whom lived with their dysfunctional mother. Aidan, who lived with his dad, was the eldest son. He was twenty-years-old and worked as an auto mechanic. Aidan got followed by Brad, who was seventeen, and then Bobby, who was sixteen. Both of them were still at school. I would not meet Cal and the boys until the following Saturday. Cal had taken his boys off in his camper van on their annual holiday. Matt referred to their excursion as ‘an annual hillbilly gathering in the mountains.’ I got warned; that although Cal and the boys were real rednecks, they were great guys and were virtually like family to Matt and Mark.

I spent a quiet week acclimatizing to my new environment. Fortunately, Mark did not again press me on the matter of his unanswered question. Before we fell asleep at night, Mark’s goodnight hugs became increasingly suggestive, and it was almost like he was testing me. When I hoped that things would get taken further, Mark restrained himself and settled into his self-pleasuring a while later.

On Friday night, the Evans’ finally arrived home at around nine p.m. At that late hour, however, I would not meet them until the following morning. The Evans’, except for Aidan, who was spending the day with a friend, visited at ten the next morning to meet the new boy. Dad had not lied about them; they were real rednecks!

Cal was around five-feet-eleven inches tall. His face was pockmarked, presumably from acne as a teenager. He was almost bald except for a few tufts of hair around the sides of his head and sported a long moth-eaten looking goatee. Although Cal and his boys were lithe of build, there was no doubt that the Evans’ sinewy bodies were powerful. They were all unattractive, barefoot, topless, and wearing dirty shorts. Both sons had unfortunately inherited their father’s skin condition. The two boys sported mullet hairstyles that were in sore need of a wash. When man hugs got exchanged, the three of them smelled a little ripe.

While all us youngsters talked among ourselves indoors, Matt and Cal each grabbed a beer and went outside for a chat and a smoke. Along with Mark, both Evans boys lit up cigarettes and drank beer. Twenty minutes later, when Matt and Cal rejoined us, Cal looked at me and said, “You’re prettier than any girl or boy I’ve ever seen.” I was grateful that, ‘or boy’ had been added.

Cal then walked over to me with a predetermined look on his face, as if he was going to prove a point. Next, after grabbing hold of me, he began to give me a tonsil washing of note. I offered no resistance as I got ensconced by his robust grip. I then observed Matt embracing Brad and Mark doing the same with Bobby. I was astounded!

When Cal finally let go of me, I looked from Matt to Mark, who were both shrugging and smiling collusively. Mark then spoke. “It’s your call, Rhys. Now that you know the lay of the land, you must decide.”

I had been through two bombshells recently, and as much as sex with a guy was no problem for me, I had not realized that ‘man-love’ ruled in my new neck of the woods. Matt and Mark fucked Bobby and Brad regularly. Cal and Aidan also often had sex with Mark.

Quizzically, I wondered if incest also got practiced in the enclave of iniquity. Thus far, Matt and Mark had given me no cause to believe this was the case.

Continuing to grasp my wrist, Cal coercively suggested that I head back to his trailer with him. As if in a trance, I followed. As we were leaving, the other two couples were already moving off to their respective bedrooms.

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I got overcome by mixed emotions. My pristine upbringing was getting obliterated by the second, and what I would have believed to be unacceptable a few days before was now sexually exciting beyond belief. I wondered if I had always been an inhibited skank-hound because the yuckiness of all these men was making me crazy with lust.

After stripping my clothes off me, Cal placed me on his bed. He then dropped his shorts and got on the bed with me. After kissing me a short while, Cal lifted my left leg and tilted my body to the side, began fingering my arse. He worked my hole very gently initially, priming me for his knob. Shortly, Cal started to prod my pucker with his dick before entering and fucking me steadily. Later, he pushed me flat on my back, and after pulling both my legs in the air, Cal gave me an anal massage that drove me crazy. Because Cal had a curved cock that was hectically upturned, he practically pulverized my prostate.

As Cal continued thrusting, he lowered his pungent body onto me, giving me a tonsil and face washing from his overactive tongue. When he again lifted his body and intensified his plunging, my body kept getting turned from side to side. Moments later, I shot my first load without even touching my cock. After Cal had licked my spunk off me, he turned me over to the doggy position, and with his body at my side, slid two of his long fingers into me. He then manically massaged the inside of my arse before adding a third finger. After intensively prodding and manipulating my butt, I shot a second load, gasping like a bitch in heat.

Next, Cal shoved his dick back into me and started increasing his pace. When he sensed that I was getting close, Cal pulled his dick out of me, and turning me onto my back, mounted me in a sixty-nine position. Cal’s banana cock slid down my throat comfortably and as he stabbed, with his sweaty balls dancing over my nose and eyes. After shooting his load down my throat, Cal lifted off and lay on his back next to me. Then, after placing his hands behind my head Cal directed my face towards his left armpit, instructing me to clean him. After both armpits had got cleansed, my head got moved down his crotch. I couldn’t believe how much I was becoming tanked-up on his filth. I had grown up in a floral world of air fresheners, lotions, and feminine odors.

By the time I finished servicing Cal his cock, Cal was hard again. Pushing me down on my stomach, Cal then mounted and fucked me again. This time, there was no holding back as I got the pummeling of my life. After a few minutes of gasping and grunting, Cal once more emptied his balls into me.

By lunchtime, I returned home as Brad and Bobby were returning to their trailer. We had sandwiches for lunch because we were all getting together for a barbeque that evening. After lunch, Mark headed outdoors to work on his pickup, while Matt and I prepared salads for that evening. As we were busy doing our thing, Matt looked at me and asked, “Rhys, are you okay with what happened today?”

“Yes,” I replied, then after a pause, I reassuringly added, “I am gay, Matt.”

After an encouraging smile, Matt spoke again. “I just want you to know that Cal and Aidan are going to keep you very busy. Secondly, as you have seen, we are all on the skanky side, and things can get a little rough at times. If anything that happens that takes you out of your comfort zone, you let me know, and I will take care of it.” I nodded my head in acknowledgment.

When we arrived at the Evans’ at six, the barbeque was well underway. Just before seven, as Cal was finishing off preparing the meat, Aidan arrived home. He had spent the day at a buddy’s home fixing a car. Remarkably, Aidan made the rest of us look neat and tidy. His hands and bare feet were grubby, and his t-shirt and shorts, grimy. Aidan observed me with fascination as we got introduced. Afterward, Cal moved over to talk to Aidan privately. As Cal spoke to him, Aidan stared at me with an ever-escalating look of lust on his face. As he glared, his tongue toyed with his extended tobacco filled bottom lip. Next, Aidan moved in my direction and virtually glued himself to me.

I had never encountered anyone who chewed tobacco and was stunned by the occasional spitting that accompanied the habit. When Aidan didn’t have a hand on my shoulder, his crotch got pressed up behind me. In our small enclave of sleaziness, he was the top alpha. His potent hum concerned me a little initially, but as the evening progressed, I felt myself becoming intoxicated by his aroma. Aidan was the least attractive of the Evans clan but exuded an incredible sexiness. Taller than his dad, his body language was calm but yet, authoritative. I felt like I had got comprehensively appropriated by him as time wore on. After we had all eaten, Aidan once more took up station behind me.

Aidan’s grinding and hand action now began to escalate, and soon he placed his mouth at my ear and said, “Are you ready for your honeymoon, baby? Tonight you belong to me.”

I then felt Aidan’s hand slip into the back of my shorts before an icky finger began to rub my hole. Next, his finger commenced fingering my well-fucked hole and stirring his father’s cum inside me. I was so horny that I pushed back, encouraging his attention. Aidan’s other hand then got shoved into the front of my shorts and started squeezing my balls.

Observing Aidan and me, Mark laughed and said, “Jesus, Aidan, shouldn’t you guys take that indoors?”

“Fuck yeah… my nuts are heavy with ball slime,” Aidan replied before I felt myself getting steered inside their trailer. Since I had met Aidan his controlling machinations made me feel like a horny ingénue who was about to get ravished by a ‘bad boy.’

When we arrived in his very messy bedroom, Aidan pulled our t-shirts off before clamping me in his arms. He did not remove the tobacco from his mouth as he began kissing me. The sensation was unbelievable because his saliva had a viscous consistency. As the brown liquid mingled in my mouth and coated it, his dirty finger once more tantalized my puffy hole.

When our lips broke apart, Aidan asked, “Must I take the chaw out of my mouth?”

“No,” I replied.

Aidan then pushed both our shorts and underpants down before maneuvering me onto the bed. As I would come to know with Aidan, he loved controlling my arms, which immediately got clamped alongside my head. With his torso slightly lifted and his knees pushing my legs apart, Aidan began grinding his crotch into me. As Aidan’s head hovered above me, the chaw juice started dribbling out of his lips and into my mouth. When our lips joined, the tobacco slug began to move in and out of my mouth. I couldn’t believe how good it tasted and how much it was turning me on. The skank of my new life was entrancing me, and every pungent odor and taste continued ensnaring me.

Gone was my former prissy existence, and I was reveling in masculine grime. My daily showers would become a forgotten ritual, and I was wallowing in my newfound grubbiness. After lifting one of my legs, Aidan was soon pushing his dick into me and spearing my arse. As he kept kissing me, more brown slime trickled into my eager mouth. Next, Aidan reversed his body position as we moved into a sixty-nine position. When his unctuous mouth encased my knob, I had never had a blowjob of such proportions. The viscosity was unbelievable as my cock was enveloped by his warm slimy lips.

As I sucked on his pungent dick, his unctuous mouth tantalized my knob as never before. In no time, I was hyperventilating as his head manically hammered rhythmically on my phallus. My release was more memorable than any I had ever experienced before. Once he had sucked the last residue of cum out of me, he instructed me onto my stomach. Swiftly altering his body position, Aidan mounted me and fucked the living shit out of me. As Aidan finally began shooting his load, we grunted like animals. Afterward, as we lay side by side, Cal entered the room.

“From now on, I’ll be fucking you in the afternoons, and Aidan will be tuning you up at night,” Cal announced. Before he departed, he added, “When you get finished, send Rhys to my bedroom.”

Although I had no plans to leave early, when Aidan drifted off to sleep quickly, after moaning about the hardworking day he had just been through, his unbelievably loud snoring left me in no doubt that I had to get the fuck out of there.

When I stuck my head into Cal’s room, he was also fast asleep and in unison with Aidan. I didn’t mind and was quite tired after my exciting and hectic day.

As I passed through their lounge, I abruptly got stopped by the sight of Brad and Bobby cocooned in a sixty-nine position on their sleeping bags. While I had been busy with Aidan earlier, I was sure that I had heard them returning home.

Jesus… Incest must be part of the scene in this neck of the woods,’ I thought to myself.

Back in our trailer, I got into bed as quietly as I could, not to wake Mark. As I began to unwind, Mark turned and faced me.

“So, buddy, did you enjoy yourself?” Mark asked.

“Yeah… Very much,” I replied.

“You see, Matt and I told you that you would like the Evans’ clan,” Mark said enthusiastically.

“Yeah, you were right, and I am enjoying being here with you guys. Although I will always miss my mother, that’s all over now, and I need to get on with life,” I wistfully replied.

After a long pause, I tentatively asked, “Mark, when I was leaving the trailer next door, I saw Brad and Bobby fucking… Is incest part of the scene with all you guys?”

“Mmm, Matt and I spoke about this issue and were worried how you would react,” Mark quietly informed me.

“Do you and Matt have sex?” I hesitantly asked.

There was a long pause before Mark answered, “Yeah… Are you shocked?”

An inexplicable excitement now pulsed through me. I knew that was listening to was bizarre, but I didn’t care. “So basically, everyone is fucking anyone,” I replied.

“Yeah, pretty much… Matt and I started having sex a couple of years ago after the Evans’ moved in. When Matt and I realized what was going on next door, it was like a veil got lifted, and soon we were all getting into the swing of things. Brad and Bobby are recent additions after Bobby turned sixteen, and they finally insisted on visiting Cal,” Mark explained.

“Now that they are legally able to do so, I sure they’ll be moving in permanently next door, pretty shortly,” Mark concluded.

After another brief pause, Mark asked, “Rhys, are you freaked out by all of this?”

“No, not really,” I answered.

“Cool. That’s great news,” Mark replied with a chuckle before leaning over and kissing me passionately.

As our lips parted, I rhetorically asked, “Why is it good news?”

“Well, Brad and Bobby aren’t exactly the two best-looking guys in the world, and with your good looks, Matt and I were worried that Cal and Aidan would be getting a much better deal than us,” Mark explained, still chuckling.

As I joined in with his merriment, Mark asked, “Are you worn out after today?”

“No, not really… Why?” I answered.

“Well, I’d like to do what I have been dreaming about over the past few days,” Mark replied as his body moved on top of me.

The ardency of his method was less hectic than both Cal and Aidan. Much as I had enjoyed having sex with them, Mark’s ardency was unbelievably sensual. It did not take long before my legs got placed over his shoulders, and that thick uncut cock I had admired was spearing into me. Mark’s cock was bigger than both Aidan and Cal’s dicks, and I was pleased my arse had been well-primed for him. Mark was also a great kisser, and from his passion, it was abundantly clear that I was getting a lesson in proper love-making. It was awesome!

As I enjoyed our session, I was abruptly brought out of my reverie when I heard a voice from behind us.

“So, it looks like I’ll be saving some money and not have to buy two three-quarter beds after all,” Matt stated with a giggle as he stared at us.

“Rhys is cool with everything… Matt,” Mark informed him.

“That’s good news. Does that mean that I can also get included?” Matt asked with a rhetorical chuckle.

“Sure,” Mark answered on behalf of both of us.

“Great. Let’s move through to my room and use the bigger bed,” Matt then suggested.

The thought of having my first threesome with two of the hottest men on the planet almost had me pissing myself.

Before getting on the bed, Matt embraced and commenced kissing me. To add to my ecstasy, Mark moved behind me, and soon the two hunks started grinding into the filling between them. Matt and Mark now sensually kissed my shoulders, neck, and face from both sides, as their hands caressed me in a cocoon of bliss. Not long after, my body got turned as Matt now moved behind me.

“It looks like your old man is also finally going to get his turn,” Matt said, as his cock commenced sliding into my backside.

That night, I experienced my greatest level of sexual gratification. It was a tour de force as I got comprehensively stud-fucked. They were incessantly all over and in me. I cannot remember eventually falling asleep, but I am sure that sheer exhaustion finally took its toll.

My greatest concern the following day, as I took stock of my new life, was when I would be able to do my homework in the future.


Written by Tuppie
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