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"My strange oral obsession is finally realized because of lock-down…"

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The story I am about to tell concerns a really unusual oral obsession of mine. I had always wondered what it would feel like to be given a blowjob by a person without their false teeth in their mouth. As we all know, teeth can be a real encumbrance when performing oral sex, subsequently; my impish brain had always wondered what a toothless mouth would feel like wrapped around my dick.

As luck would have it, I befriended a guy called Quarters. Needless to say, this was his nickname, and his proper name was actually Gary. The moniker was derived from a coin, which was mystically placed under your pillow by the tooth fairy, whenever you lost a tooth as a child. As a young man, once all his teeth had been extracted, some smart arse apprentice he worked with had made a joke about the fact that he must’ve have had a pocket full of quarters as a result of this. As is always the case with these inane comments, that nickname stuck with him for the rest of his life.

Quarters didn’t mind this name, because it always supplied him with a hilarious, or so he thought, story to tell after he introduced himself to another person when they came to know that he wore false teeth. Although he did have dentures, he very seldom wore them in everyday life because he found them very uncomfortable.

Quarters was not conventionally good-looking, but had a pleasant enough face. Strangely, he didn’t appear to have the sunken mouth of a normal toothless person, but then again, his mouth was mostly obscured by a mega moustache, which hung like a curtain over his lips. He also didn’t have the normal speech impediment associated with most persons not having teeth in their mouth. I supposed that he had grown so accustomed to not wearing his false teeth that he had somehow vocally adapted to masking this oddity.

Although he was a hick-looking, blue-collar individual, he always appeared to be fairly hygienic. His clothing, although well-worn, was also always clean.

Quarters lived up the road from me in a small flat that he rented from a cousin, and which was located in their back yard. For a small fee, he also received a daily evening meal. He was a handyman by trade and barely eked out an existence doing odd jobs, whenever he could find work.

Our ‘friendship’ developed when he passed by my home most days, when he wasn’t working, to buy provisions needed from the small cafe around the corner. I mostly worked from home and as I result, I was often strolling in my garden when we saw one another.

Quarters then always stood at my stomach high gate as we spoke. I now have to mention his very twitchy body language during our conversations. He would first lean forward with his hands on the gate, then cross his arms and once more lean on his forearms, before then reverting back to the former stance. In addition, he kept swaying his body and bobbing his head up and down whilst also persistently crossing his legs as he transferred his weight from one leg to the other. When he smoked, he incessantly flicked his ash with his right hand, as the other hand moved over his stomach, moustache, and chin, constantly. Very occasionally, Quarters would also rearrange his jewels as we spoke. From the impressively protruding fabric in front of his trousers, I surmised that he was a free baller. The reason I mention his body language is; that I once read that this sort of behaviour was indicative of sexual frustration.

Apart from him always telling me about his jobs and the tools he would love to buy, sexual topics were also often spoken about. When he learned that I was gay, he decisively mentioned that he wasn’t part of my ‘culture’.

Quarters openly admitted that he seldom got lucky with women, qualifying this by mentioning that being as poor as he was, he couldn’t take women out on a date. He did, however, get lucky from time to time on one of his jobs, and these stories he embellished to the fullest. Quarters love muff diving and the smell of pussy was his favourite odour in the world.

“When I’ve muffed a woman, I don’t wash my face for the next day or two to keep that cunt smell on my moustache,” he told me with glee.

I couldn’t help thinking that having false teeth, this wasn’t really a problem for him. I then asked, “Do the ladies enjoy you gumming and licking their pussies”

“Jesus, buddy, they go fuckin’ wild when I muff them. Their pussies get so fuckin’ wet that my knob just slides in afterward,” he boasted.

“Do you also like kissing?” I then asked as I lustfully looked at his mouth.

“Fuck, yeah. The women say the inside of my mouth feels awesome and they cannot get enough of licking my gums as I swamp their mouths with my lips and wet moustache. I drive them fuckin’ crazy, buddy,” he conceitedly informed me, before concluding, “Having no teeth is actually a blessing and I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

By now, I was practically pissing in my pants with excitement, imagining his gums masticating on my knob.

During our chats, Quarters admitted that he mostly masturbated, which due to his high sex drive he did frequently.

Although he wasn’t the fastest squirrel in the forest and I found most of our conversations slightly tedious, my oral fixation about his mouth kept escalating, and I also began to find him sexier and sexier. At nights, I always fantasied about him as I also pleasured myself in bed. I did, nonetheless, realise that I was on a road to nowhere with Quarters and that nothing was ever likely to happen between us.

At this point, however, a miracle occurred.

When the lockdown was announced, Quarters was very anxious about the effect that this would have on his life. All the jobs that he had in the pipeline were postponed indefinitely and he, therefore, didn’t have an income. Although he had a few pennies saved, as he put it, this wasn’t going to last too long.

As he stood twitching at my gate on the first morning after the lockdown announcement, he looked very worried. “I have fuckin’ rent to pay,” he exasperatedly shared with me, before adding, “Listen, Luke, if you have any odd jobs you need done, please bear me in mind.”

My mind now deviously went into overdrive as I commenced plotting my next move.

Oh, fuck, yeah… I am definitely going to have that mouth of his on my dick, culture or not,’ I thought to myself.

Two days later as he again stood bobbing and twitching at my gate, he showed me that he had only bought two cigarettes for the day, in order to economise.

In order to get the ball rolling, I then asked, “What work are you prepared to do?”

“Fuck, buddy, anything… Anything at all,” he replied.

“Well, there’s nothing I need done in the house, but let me think if I can come up with something,” I answered with a smile.

“Jeez, thank you. Thanks, Luke,” he gratefully answered, before departing.

Although I was not a smoker, I immediately left for the store and bought a carton of cigarettes. I also made sure that I was well stocked with beer.

Fuck that,’ I thought to myself, ‘I pretend I’m not home for the next two days and make him sweat a bit before I make my move.

For the following two days, I cruelly watched Quarters hovering around the front gate as I pretended not to be home. Finally, on the third day, I stood outside drinking a beer, with a packet of cigarettes in my one pocket and an extra beer in the other. As he approached my gate I could see the visible look of relief and expectation on his face.

I was very bullish about my prospects because I knew that his cousin’s wife really didn’t like him, as he had previously told me, and that he didn’t want to rock the boat by not being able to pay his rent. In a nutshell, with no other relatives or friends he could turn to, Quarters was in dire straits.

“That looks great,” he said eyeing my beer.

“Oh, I also brought one for you,” I said, handing his beer to him and then inviting him into my home.

“Wow, this is going to taste great,” he said as he lifted the bottle to his lips.

After a huge swig, as he lowered the bottle his tongue licked his lips and moist hairy curtain.

His mouth had become like a guiding beacon to me, and as I watched his tongue mopping up the excess moisture from his hair covered lips, my resolve to communicate what about to say was totally invigorated.

“So, have you thought of anything you would like me to do for you?” he measuredly asked after a short while.

“Mmm… I’ve given it some serious consideration,” I sagely stated, trying to give credence to my thoughtful deliberation, before resuming, “And my solution is an unusual one that I hope won’t offend your ‘culture' but as they say, desperate times call for desperate measures.”

Quarters now looked totally perplexed as he asked, “So, what are you proposing, buddy?”

Having climbed on the cliché express, I now soared ever forward. “Sometimes we have to go above and beyond our comfort zone when the need arises.”

“Luke, I know I’m not the cleverest man in the world, but you have now totally lost me,” he bewilderedly answered.

Delaying the final blow, I now decided to change track by asking, “What is your monthly rent and do you have enough money to pay it at the end of the month?”

After he told me I did some mental calculations. I didn’t want to be too generous and hopefully keep him on a tight leash for my on-going gratification.

“Okay, I’m willing to pay you fifty bucks for every job you do for me,” I answered.

“Well, tell me what I need to do so that I can get on with it,” he enthusiastically answered.

“Quarters, since I met you I have fantasized about what your mouth would feel like on my cock. I have always dreamed about you giving me a blowjob,” I matter-of-factly concluded.

There was a look of total disbelief on his face from the information that he had just heard.

“Are… Are, you serious?” he stammered.

“Dead serious, Quarters, just hear me out,” I replied, and before he could say anything I continued, “With lockdown, we are both fucked. You need money because you can’t get any work, and I need pleasure because I can’t get out and find any. In this way, we are both getting what we need,” I explained.

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“But… I’m not gay,” he pleaded with a look of horror on his face.

“Well, if you need the bucks, then I’m afraid that’s the only work I have to offer you,” I definitively stated.

Quarters now quickly gulped back the remaining beer in his bottle, before asking, “But can’t I just borrow the money from you? You know I’ll pay you back.”

“I have a golden rule in life. I never lend money to anyone under any circumstances,” I clarified, before adding, “And you have no idea at this time as to when you’ll be able to pay me back either, in any case.”

“Shit, I don’t think I can do that,” he now said with a frown and his body twitching more than ever before.

“The ball is in your court, buddy. It’s up to you,” I finalized.

With a look of total incomprehension, he then whimpered, “Well, I suppose I’d better be on my way.”

“Cool. Oh, by the way, I’ve got a small gift for you,” I uttered, as I produced a box of cigarettes from my pocket and handed it over to him.

“Thanks,” he answered, with a smile of total defeat on his face.

After he left I giggled about my mischievous machinations. Truthfully, I should have been ashamed of myself, but I wasn’t. In fact, I was revelling in the dilemma I had just caused in his life. I even congratulated myself on my epiphany of handing him the packet of smokes, feeling very sure that this had definitely accentuated my proposal.

That day, I couldn’t get the vision of his mouth out of my head and masturbated three times, just dreaming about how good it would feel. Above everything, the thought of having a sexy straight man under my control really excited me enormously.

Quarters did not pass by the following day. A day later, however, I saw him skulking and twitching in front of my gate.

“Why don’t you come in for a beer,” I called to him from my front veranda.

I watched as he opened the gate before slinking toward me.

“Thanks,” he said as I handed his beer over, before once more also giving him another box of cigarettes, which he also thanked me for.

With a very sheepish look on his face, Quarters now said, “I’m sure that I’ll be utterly useless at giving you a blowjob.”

“Oh, I don’t think so,” I quickly retorted, before adding, “From the way you told me that you drive women crazy, I’m sure you’ll be very good.”

Quarters now started uncomfortably scratching his head. “So, how do we do this?” he asked anxiously.

“Well, it’s really very simple. I place that large cushion,” I said pointing to one close by, “on the floor, so that your knees are comfortable when you kneel, and then I stick my dick in your mouth.”

As he resignedly nodded, I retrieved the cushion and place it on the floor. “Take your t-shirt and shorts off, buddy, you don’t want to get drool on them,” I suggested.

He had a moderated hairy torso and legs. Regrettably, he was wearing boxer shorts that he did not remove, His semi-naked body was even better than I had anticipated. After I gazed at him, I then collected a small hand towel from my kitchen and threw it down next to him.

After removing my trousers and underpants, I unbuttoned my shirt as well, before moving close to him. Quarters now stared at my dick like a deer caught in the headlights. “You have to open your mouth now, buddy,” I eventually said to him.

His body was a rigid as a statue as my cock touched his lips. Very slowly, I now commenced my intrusion. The initial entry proved to be difficult and it was clear that he was very resistant to what was happening.

“You have to work with me, Quarters. Just relax your throat and let me in properly. Don’t try to suck but simply swallow my dick. You can do it,” I now began goading him.

Although there was a lot of sputtering and gaging to begin with, I could already begin to feel the wonder of his velvety oral cavity, and as he began to settle down the pleasure began to escalate appreciably. I was determined to praise and encourage him to greater heights and commenced a litany of complimentary groans and mumbles of pleasure.

“Oh, fuck, this mouth of yours is awesome, I’ve never felt anything as good as this on my dick,” I intoned. “Jesus, buddy, this mouth of yours should be declared a national treasure, no wonder the women were so nuts about you,” I declared.

Magically, this ploy began to work brilliantly, and soon he was pulling out all the stops. By now, I had also started caressing his head in appreciation of his efforts as my cock experienced the finest blowjob that I had ever experienced. His toothless mouth was far better than I had ever imagined.

This did not last too long before I began unloading. Sadly, once I extracted my dick he spat out the spunk residue that he still had in his mouth. Quarters then wiped his face and chest, before using the towel to mop up the muck on the floor.

Observing the tent in his boxers I lustfully pointed at it and asked, “Would you like me to help you out with that?”

“No, I’m good,” he quickly answered, prior to asking, “I hope that you enjoyed my efforts?”

“You were brilliant,” I gushed.

For the first time since my proposal, Quarters gave me a warm smile. “When do you want me to visit again?”

“Every day,” I emphatically answered. I could see him calculating his ongoing remuneration for his daily services, and then with a mixed smile on his face, he turned and departed.

Much as I had loved the blowjob, I now greedily began wondering if I would be able to take things further with him. He had definitely been as uncomfortable as a fish out of water, but I didn’t care. He had, after all, said that he was prepared to do ‘anything.’

The following day when I handed him his beer, without any prompting, Quarters was soon stripping his clothes off. What delighted me was when his underpants were also removed. His impressive dick delighted me and it was one of those cocks that I liked best of all. From the base, it broadened toward the front before slightly narrowing, and then expanding into a well-sheathed and elongated dick-head.

Once he again started blowing my dick, this time far more adeptly than the previous day, it pleased me when he also finally also commenced tugging on his knob. Once I had shot my load I instantly told him to stand up and also shoot his load into my mouth. He readily did so, but unfortunately did not enter my mouth in the process. Although I did not get to properly taste his dick, his cum was nonetheless, totally delicious.

After settling our transaction, as he was about to leave I asked if he still had cigarettes. He told me that he still had enough for that day, but assured me that he would take me up on my offer the following day. I was very impressed by this display of restraint from him.

After my next orgasmic oral enchantment the following day, I did not ask for his permission before solidly grasping onto his hips and giving him a spectacular blowjob. I almost blacked out due to my ardency, but was determined to give him as much pleasure as I was capable of. The active encouragement of his hands as I did so was very pleasing. His eventual climax was also breathtakingly animated, before his body shuddered uncontrollably as he shot his entire load down my throat.

This scenario was not lost on him, and the following day I also gave him a face-fucking of note, which he willingly encouraged and accepted. I was extremely pleased by the progression of his technique, and elated by his fast disappearing reluctance to what we were doing. I no longer felt any disdainful reticence from him.

I did not want to fool myself and was fully aware that money was the basis for our activity. I was, nonetheless, beginning to feel a development of affection from him starting to germinate.

Much as I was very happy with what was happening, I, nevertheless, yearning for a more holistic carnal experience.

Getting slightly ahead of myself that day, once we had blown one another, I tried to kiss him. Quarters instantly turned his head to the side to avoid my lips. As he looked back at me he said, “Sorry, Luke, but I’m just not ready for that.”

“That’s cool,” I apologetically responded.

Another dynamic in our ‘relationship’ now also began to develop, as he hung around longer and longer after our interactions. It also became very clear that he was very unhappy living with his cousin and dreamed about finally getting out of there.

When he asked me why I wasn’t involved, I simply answered, “Because I haven’t found anyone like you.”

I could see that these words really resonated with him, because as he left that day I got a very affectionate hug from him for the very first time.

The following day he amazed me after our oral session, when without any prompting he embraced and commenced kissing me. There was nothing phony about his approach, and I finally got to experience the full benefit of his gloriously vacuous mouth and unshackled gums as we smashed our mouths together.

The day after, I got even luckier when we ended up on my bed. The sixty-nine session that followed was amazing, and when his incredible cock finally penetrated me much later, my joy knew no bounds. The combination of his forceful thrusting and oral attack on my neck, ears, and mouth, was the most magical combination I could ever have hoped for. Quarters was not only an unbelievable lover but a completely insatiable stud in bed.

“Would you like to move in with me?” I impetuously asked when we were done that day.

The look on his face was priceless at this proposal, and a week later we were living together. I wasn’t sure where this would end up, but for now… it was fantastic.

As the months passed and Quarters got more and more work, largely thanks to my efforts on the internet, we also bought all the tools required for making his jobs even easier and more professional.

I was sure that he would still get ‘lucky’ with the odd woman from time to time, but this didn’t faze me. These minor ‘deviations’ would be perfectly acceptable to me, as long as he had his main course at home.

When we were out and about as our lives coalesced into comfortable domesticity, Quarters also always wore his teeth. In our bedroom, however, they were strictly prohibited.


Written by Tuppie
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