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Greek Dessert

"Gikas was a dirty ogre but a great fuck…"

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After graduation, I rented an apartment from an octogenarian couple, the Williams’. They were a family of breeders, as I will explain. Mr. and Mrs. Williams had five children. Their eldest daughter who had married a Greek had five children. Their eldest son had three kids that were all grown up but had recently remarried a woman his daughter’s age, and a second baby from this union was already on the way. Their middle son was gay and lived with a partner a thousand miles away. Their younger daughter only had four kids, a failure in this family I would suppose, and their youngest son lived abroad with his brood of five children. Mr. Williams had come from a family of fourteen children, but Mrs. Williams, alas, could only weigh in with a further five siblings. The sperm from this tribe could no doubt populate the earth!

The Williams’ had a large rambling home with two adjoining cottages around the back. The one cottage was occupied by me, and Gikas, their grandson, occupied the other. Gikas was forty-two years old and was the eldest son of their first daughter, hence his Greek name. Gikas had never married because he was epileptic and didn’t want to impose his affliction on a partner. According to his grandparents, the medication he was on was brilliant and he had not had an episode for several years.

Gikas was scruffy, unattractive, and in fact looked like an ogre. He was six-foot-two-inches tall and weighed two hundred and sixty pounds. If placed at gunpoint, and one was to choose his best feature, it would be his slightly protruding huge brown eyes. Interesting as his eyes were, nevertheless, they always made me uncomfortable. Gikas perpetually ogled me when nobody was watching, and always made me feel uncomfortable with his intense stares. It always felt like his eyes were ripping the clothes off my body with his glares, which I found strange because I assumed that he was straight.

He always wore wife-beater t-shirts, shorts, and was usually barefooted. His hands and feet were big and broad, and always somewhat icky. His thickset body was hairy and he always permeated a strong masculine odour. I found him scary and always extricated myself from his company, as quickly as possible.

It seemed that Gikas wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer, because he had a very reserved persona when he was around other family members. He always seemed to fade into the background at family functions, when I briefly got to interact with the multitude of their family members.

Mr. Williams had been a boilermaker prior to his retirement and had taught Gikas to weld, once Gikas finished his schooling. Although Gikas was somewhat of an odd-jobber, he mainly specialized in the construction of palisade fencing. According to Mr. Williams, there was very little that Gikas couldn’t fix or repair.

As bad luck would have it, one Friday evening after Mr. and Mrs. Williams had left for a weeklong to stay with a family member, I developed a leaky tap. Unfortunately, by the following morning, the trickle had become a steady flow.

That Saturday afternoon I decided that action needed to be taken, and reluctantly knocked on Gikas’ door having been expressly told by Mr. Williams, that Gikas took care of all the maintenance on the property.

Looking at his sloppy best, as usual, his eyes lit up upon taking me in. There was also an added boldness to his demeanour and I wondered if it was because he was cognizant of the fact, that we were the only two people on the property that weekend.

Shortly thereafter, he entered my apartment and before I could even process a thought, he had turned the water mains off. After a brief visit to his granddad’s workshop, he reappeared with the required equipment to fix the problem and in no time the tap was working perfectly.

After he finished the job, Gikas became very chatty and hovered about with no sign of leaving. During this session, Gikas regarded me lustfully and scanned my body unremittingly. He also began extending his tongue and commenced licking his thick lips salaciously. The gesture wasn’t totally vulgar, but lewd enough to send the clear message that he was coming on to me. When he groped at the large bulge at the front of his shorts, however, I decided to end the chat. In conclusion, I politely asked if I owed him anything for the favour he had done for me.

“Dinner,” he replied without missing a beat.

“What?” I asked, totally bewildered.

“Food… whatever you are cooking later, I’d like some,” he stated, matter-of-factly.

“Sure, I’ll bring a plate over to you, once I’ve finished cooking later today,” I replied, hopeful that I had concluded our transaction.

“So, am I not good enough to eat with you?” he asked, challenging me with a challenging frown.

I was fucked and quickly had to cover my arse. “Well, if you want to come to dinner… that’s no problem. I just didn’t want to intrude on your time,” I sheepishly countered, trying to extricate myself from his exigency.

“Great. What time are you serving dinner?” he retorted hastily, his eyes blazing in triumph.

“Seven,” I answered, in a soft and defeated voice.

“Cool, I’ll see you at seven,” he confirmed, with a dominant look on his face. “Oh, by the way, don’t bother with dessert, I’ll supply the dessert,” he concluded, before departing.

‘Oh fuck,’ I thought, this is exactly what I’d been hoping to avoid.

At seven Gikas arrived with two bottles of white wine and a six-pack of beer. As I invited him in, I was perplexed to see that he was still wearing the same icky clothing from earlier in the day. I hadn’t expected him to arrive in a suit, but a slight improvement would have been nice. I had put on a neat shirt and pair of shorts. When he mentioned that I look ‘beautiful,’ however, my heart nervously began to thump in my chest as I pondered what he had meant by that statement.

When we finally sat down to eat, Gikas’ table manners were rather coarse, to say the least.

Fortunately, I discovered that he was less boring and stupid than I had imagined, as he regaled me with amusing stories about the family. I continued to relax, intrigued by his revelations, my wine glass never emptied and I became rather tipsy. Although Gikas’ eyes continued to observe me intently, I was, nevertheless, rather relieved that his overt sexual behaviour from earlier in the day had not persisted. Foolishly, I believed that he had finally realized that I simply wasn’t interested in him.

When I finally cleared the dinner plates, it dawned on me that he had not arrived with a dessert. I decided not to make a big deal about the missing dessert, assuming that he may simply have forgotten about it. Once I rejoined him at the dining table, another full glass of wine had mysteriously appeared before me.

As we continued talking it occurred to me that I may have misjudged Gikas. Firstly, he had definitely been better company than expected, and secondly, maybe my beliefs about his carnal machinations toward me were merely a figment of my imagination.

After an hour, however, the wine was beginning to take its full toll and I really needed to have an early night. Mentioning this fact to him and hoping that he would head off home shortly, he surprised me by insisting on helping me to my room. He allegedly didn’t want me to stumble and hurt myself, because according to him, his grandfather would be furious upon finding out he had supplied the wine.

I naturally protested, but his controlling body language made it clear that he was going to have his way. After placing his arm around me, his domination over me intensified and by the time we stood next to my bed he was practically in full control of my body.

“Let’s get your pretty clothes off because you don’t want them to get all creased,” he stated playfully. I kept protesting but soon found myself standing before him in my underpants after my shirt and trousers been deftly removed.

Gikas’ tone now changed and became less playful. “You know I’m going to fuck you tonight!” he firmly stated, his eyes now radiating lust. “From the moment I met you I wanted to fuck you,” he concluded.

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Next, after letting out a sardonic laugh he resumed, “I couldn’t believe my luck this morning when your tap gave you shit.”

As his thick hands clamped on my hips, I blurted, “What about dessert… you forgot about dessert?” I stammered playing for time and hoping that if he went to retrieve it I could lock my door.

With a smirk on his face, he informed me, “Your dessert is between my legs.”

“What?” I asked in disbelief.

“Do you know anything about Greek desserts?” he sniggered.

“No,” I replied, perplexed.

“Well, there is a big, fat, long, roll of pastry with a crème filling, called a bougatsa,” he replied, stressing the description of the dessert. “Well, I’m going to push my big bougatsa into your pussy and fill you with a motherlode of hot and creamy, Greek cum,” Gikas informed me. “My balls are nice and full and your pussy is going to be overflowing with Grecian spunk when I’m finished with you.”

“I think you should leave,” I uttered, in a final protest.

“Or what?” he defiantly replied. “What are you going to do, call the cops?” he mockingly stated, before resuming, “Who are they going to believe if I throw you down and fuck you?” he sniggered, “A gay guy who invited me to a candlelight dinner, or a nice straight guy like me?”

After a snigger, he continued, “After I’ve fucked you let’s call the cops and show them all the dinner plates, candles, etcetera. Who the fuck do you think they are going to believe, buddy?”

Before I could respond, he resumed, “Fuck, bro, I’ve always known you were gay, in a huge family like ours there are dozens of gays. I could smell you from a mile off… Thing is… when you’re an ugly fuck like me, you have to take whatever comes your way, and tonight I’m going to fuck you, simple as that.”

I was gobsmacked, but oddly totally turned-on by his domination. Gikas had set me up and I knew that resistance would be futile. Truthfully, I felt myself becoming quite horny.

When the hardness of his manhood commenced rubbing against my body, and the overwhelming odour of manliness overwhelmed me, an intense sexual excitement began to stir in me.

Turn around,” he then insisted.

As Gikas’ arms enfolded me I could feel his hot breath on my neck. Gikas’ left hand then began fondling my chest as his right hand moved down to my underpants. I began ‘pleading’ for him not to continue, but my ‘resistance’ was futile against his insistence.

“No, please stop,” I begged, in faux pretence.

Kissing my neck he whispered, “You say no, but your body is saying yes.”

His hand then entered my underpants and gripped hold of my cock. Wrapped up in his hairy arms my ‘battle’ had become a lost cause. Reticent as I had formerly been, my body was now craving his supremacy. I hadn’t had sex in quite some time and my body yearned to be pleasured. As his animated fingers intensified their attack on my balls, I began to gasp with desire.

Upon lifting my body he placed me on my back before ripping my boxers off me. After Gikas removed his t-shirt his eyes were wild with horniness. Gikas then unzipped his shorts and let them drop to the floor.

Next, his underpants followed. As he stood looking at me I got a shock as I observed his dark cock. It was very fat and looked like a massive pastry roll protruding from a mass of black hair. The skin of his foreskin was thick and hung off the front of his dick-head like a piece of dough that had not been trimmed.

Next, after climbing on the bed Gikas opened my legs, before nestling his knob in my crotch.

When Gikas lowered himself onto me, he secured my head in his grimy hands. Gikas’ mouth then enveloped my lips, before I felt his thick tongue prying my lips apart. As my teeth parted in a gesture of final capitulation, it felt like an enormous slug was entering my mouth. Gikas’ hips then began to wriggle, introducing me to the promised dessert.

After a short time, he lifted my legs over his shoulders before the thick pastry was fed to my ravenous portal.

I whimpered, as his large hips began humping and thumping his knob into me. I could see his head becoming sweatier and feel his body moisten as he swamped me with his strong male essence. Pushing my head to the side, Gikas pushed three of his fat fingers into my mouth and having anchored my head, began to suck on my ear. Every thrust into me was accompanied by a contented groan as he pummelled my backside. With my manhole at full stretch and my body completely cocooned, my escalating excitement was mind-blowing.

Sensing my impending orgasm after a short while, Gikas lifted his torso on outstretched arms and meaningfully began to thump his knob into me. I began to cry out, thrashing my head from side to side and gasping manically. He was determined to sustain me at this level and kept driving into me as I writhed with pleasure.

After a few minutes, he halted and then looking down at me, he said, “I’m going to fuck you till you can’t walk anymore.” Slowly, his hips again sprang to life.

When Gikas finally spewed his cream into me, I had never before seen a man cum so hard or for so long in my entire life. He growled with ecstasy as he flooded my arse with his family’s legendary breeding cream.

When he finally flopped onto the bed next to me, I felt like I had been in a swimming pool. The room also smelt like a men’s locker room after a major sporting event.

To my amazement, another two rounds followed soon after. This guy was a walking fuck-machine!

Exhausted, we finally fell asleep in the swamp that my bed had become.

The following morning when I awoke, I observed my ‘pastry chef’ lying on his back. He was lightly snoring as I made my way to the shower.

I no longer saw him as an ogre because he had given me more pleasure than any man before him. I luxuriated in the water as it cascaded over my body. My backside had been pounded and stretched as never before. As my hand caressed the puffy lips of my hole, a viscous trickle of spunk oozed from my portal. I revelled in my thoughts about the pleasures of the previous night.

When returned to the room, Gikas had one eye open and horny look on his face. As I approached the bed he opened his legs, indicating that he wanted my oral attention. When my head closed in on his genital jungle, my olfactory sense went into overdrive with the potent scent. The bouquet of his sweaty crotch was overwhelming and it definitely didn’t smell like a pastry. I licked his nuts and cock voraciously, to the excited sounds of his rumbling grunts.

Not long after that, I was placed on my stomach. Gikas then moved his tongue up and down my crack like a large paintbrush. The stubble on his face, combined with his thick tongue and powerful lips had me convulsing with pleasure. When Gikas pounced onto my body and speared his fat bougatsa straight into my arse once again, he began murmuring mild obscenities as he robustly hammered my manhole.

A while later, as he was about to cum, Gikas turned me over and scooted up my body to unload into my mouth. As a waterfall of cascading cream pumped out his foreskin, I got to see and taste the legendary spunk that the men of this family were so famous for. I have to report that his cum didn’t taste like cream and had more of a mature, yogurt flavour.

All day Sunday, Gikas never left my apartment and I very seldom got off the bed.

During the following week, when I got home in the afternoons I scarcely had time to put my attaché case down, before I was been herded off to the bedroom by Gikas. I became Gikas’ bitch and he used me as and when he liked. No permission was ever asked and I was simply fucked and manipulated at his whim.

He was never excessively rough, but I did get receive a good spanking occasionally, just to ‘put me in my place.’ I was a total slave to his machinations and just loved it!

Once the old couple returned home after their holiday, we had to wait till eight thirty in the evenings, after which the Williams’ had retired to their bedroom for the night.

I lived in that apartment for another year before I finally moved on.

I did see Gikas from time to time after that, a fixed relationship was never on the cards. The sex, however, was always breath-taking.


Written by Tuppie
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