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Adventures At A Sauna

"A true story involving grindr, a hot Spanish guy and a sauna."

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I travelled to Europe last year for a holiday and due to some unforeseen circumstances, found myself with a few extra days in London with no immediate plans. So, like any gay guy does when in a new city, I jumped on Grindr to see who and what was around. After making my way through the usual round of average Joe’s… and worse, I got chatting to this handsome Spanish guy. He said his name was Alex, same age as me, thirty. His pics showed him as a tall, dark haired man with strong handsome features… and what looked like a nice, thick cock.

Neither of us could host but were both keen to meet up. He suggested maybe going to a gay sauna located in Vauxhall called ‘The Locker Room’. We agreed to first meet at a pub just around the corner from the sauna at seven and so after a shower and change I left the motel room that I was sharing with family and made my way south to Vauxhall via the Tube.

His pictures were spot on, he was tall and very handsome. He wore a tight t-shirt which showed his muscular physique and pants, showing off a really nice arse. I was nervous, but after a drink at the bar and small talk my nerves died down and we made our way around the corner to the sauna. It was located down this narrow alleyway with a discreet door. If you didn’t know it was there, you’d walk straight past it.

He opened the door and we made our way down a small narrow staircase, at the bottom was a small window with an older man behind it collecting the entry fee off a guy that had obviously walked in just before us. Alex kindly offered to pay for my entry and the man behind the window gave us each a towel and a locker key and pointed us in the direction of the locker rooms for us to go and get changed. I got the feeling that Alex had been here before, and as we passed some of the guys, I heard them saying hi to Alex as if they knew him.

Once in the locker room we found our lockers and started to strip off. Rules of the sauna, no clothes, except for a towel. As I slowly and nervously removed my clothes, I watched Alex getting naked, and a part of me started to get a little to excited at the view. His clothes certainly weren’t hiding anything. He was also definitely a shower 'cos he looked huge and yet he wasn’t even hard yet. I quickly wrapped the towel around me and stuffed my clothes and shoes into my designated locker and placed the key around my wrist.

Alex did the same, gave me a nod, and I followed him out of the locker room and through a wooden door. This place was like a maze. I wasn’t sure where we were going but we passed what looked like a dark room, and then around another corner. “Those are the showers,” Alex pointed out on the right. Then we got to a glass door, he opened it, and I followed him in. My eyes immediately started to sting from the sudden change in temperature and from the steam. I couldn’t see two feet in front of me. I could just make out Alex as he walked over to the far wall and sat down. I followed him and did the same, at the same time noticing at what looked like at least two other guys in the steam room with us. I couldn’t make out their faces.

“You good?” asked Alex, as I felt his hand on my leg.

“Yeah, great,” I said, my heart racing as I felt his hand move over and start rubbing my cock, which was now at full attention, through the towel.

He pushed my towel aside to reveal my raging hard on; he began to stroke it. I laid my head back against the wall and closed my eyes, more because they were stinging from the hot steam then from the pleasure. The next thing, I felt something warm over my cock, Alex’s tongue was working its magic, tasting my precum, licking the length of my thick shaft, licking my balls, I moaned. I almost forgot there were other’s in here with us. I don’t know how much they could see, but I reckon they had a fair idea of what was happening.

I grabbed the back of Alex’s head and guided him down deeper as he took me down his throat. He gagged for air. He came up and our lips met, we kissed before he pulled away. “You like that,” he whispered.

“Love it,” I replied, wanting more.

I took the opportunity to move a hand down to his groin, only to find that his towel had already fallen away, exposing his hard eight inches standing to full attention. He was thick like me but cut. I wasted no time in going down, at first tasting his juicy swollen head, and then taking more with each downward movement. The sweat was pouring down my face and into my eyes; they stung, but I continued to take every inch that I could. Hearing his moans of pleasure more than made up for the discomfort.

Before too long he raised me up and said, “Come on, let’s get out of here and cool off.”

We both stood up and wrapped our towels back around us. Nothing could hide our erections though, as we made our way back out into the dim lit corridor. The cool change in the temperature hit me and immediately I started to feel better, not realising how lightheaded I’d started to become in the sauna. We headed towards the showers that we had passed earlier. I followed Alex’s lead and hung my towel up next to his on a hook and jumped in the shower with him.

I watched him as he let the water run over his naked body. It fell onto his dark hair, onto his face, down past his lips and chin, ran down his muscular torso, which was covered in fine dark hair, ran down to his hips and his now semi-erect cock, down his thick shaft, to his pink coloured head where it dripped off onto the shower floor. He looked amazing, his body glistening from the water and low lighting of the bathroom. I wanted more of him.

We were the only ones in the showers, as far as I was aware. I reached down and grabbed cock and began to stroke it. At the same time, we kissed, our tongues fighting for room as he too grabbed my cock and started stroking. I held his balls in my hand and gently squeezed them. He did the same. It was hard to keep my hands off him. I wanted him. And I could tell he wanted me.

We broke off our kiss as we heard someone walk in. I looked over my shoulder and saw a man, he looked a bit older than us, in his early to mid-forties maybe. The rugged bear type. Large build, muscular and not a bad looking cock from what I could tell, even soft. We stepped out and dried ourselves, making sure the stranger got a good view of everything. I smiled back as we exited, and I once again followed Alex.

After a couple of stairs and turns down a corridor or two, I found myself in the dark room. This isn’t my first dark room experience, so I knew what to expect. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the concept of a dark room, it's simple. It is a room. It is dark. It is a place where people go to perform sexual acts upon another. It can be fun. It can be weird. It can be hot. It can be many things. In most cases it will be a collection, a maze, of smaller rooms, some with gloryholes, some with beds, some with harnesses, some with cages, you name it. You wander around and try to pick up a guy who is no doubt there for the same reasons as you. You find a vacant room, and, well, I’ll let you imagine the rest.

It was apparently a quiet night. Not a lot of guys compared to some venues I’d been to. But thankfully, I brought my own man with me. We slipped into this one room that had a small leather mattress for a bed, we didn’t bother closing the door. We wasted no time, I ripped off my towel as well as his, and he got on his knees and took me in his mouth.

His warm mouth on my cock felt insane. He worked his tongue like a pro. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed movement at the door and looked over just in time to see someone slowly walk past, it was hard to see, but it looked a lot like that same guy from the showers. He slowly kept walking and out of sight.

“Fuck yes,” I moaned. I think our moans and sucking may have attracted some attention, I noticed more and more guys walking past the open door, slowly, to get a good look. A couple would stop and watch for a bit, before moving on. I could have closed the door, but something about being watched just turns me on. Alex stopped and stood up. He saw where I was looking and he too turned towards the door just at the same guy from the showers came into view again, this time, with his cock in his hand, slowly stroking it.

I stood up to switch positions and we kissed, this time with a bit more aggressive passion. I turned and pushed him down onto the leather mattress and went down on him. He tasted just as amazing as before. He leant back on the bed as I took as much of him as I could. I felt a hand on the back of my head guiding me up and down, faster and deeper each time.

“Mmmm, fuck yeah, man,” he moaned.

I massaged his balls with my other hand and then slid a finger back towards his arsehole and ran my finger around it. He pulled my hair and moaned louder. I could tell he was enjoying it. I love making guys moan. I love giving them pleasure. And I love tasting their precum. He was sweet and salty at the same time. I couldn’t get enough of it.

“Fuck man, I’m close,” I heard him say. I didn’t stop, I didn’t slow down. I wanted his cum. I wanted him to blow his load all over my face and chest. I needed him.

“Arhhhh shit, I’m cumming!”

I pulled him out of my mouth and began to jerk him off, just in time for him to blow, he showered me with his hot liquid, all over my face and onto my chest as I kept stroking, I wanted every last drop of cum. It felt amazing. Once he’d finally finished shooting, I licked his head, getting every last drop from him.

I turned towards the door, and sure enough, that man was still there, he’d seen it all. I was so fucking hard. After what just happened, and knowing that I’d been watched doing it… if I didn’t blow soon, I was going to explode.

Alex handed me my towel to clean myself, when I looked back, the man stranger had gone. We made our way out to the common area for a drink of water. Alex wandered off to the toilet while I waited on a stool. There was a TV and a couple of couches with 4 men sitting around chatting and drinking coffee. But the guy from the shower’s was not one of them. Alex returned and we made our way back downstairs and back into the sauna for another round.

In there this time was at least three other dudes. All completely naked. It wasn’t a big room, so we didn’t really get our own corner this time. I sat down between Alex and a man who I’d not seen before. He was sitting there slowly stroking his cock. Alex turned to me and we kissed. Again, our hands wandered, and our towels were again removed, revealing our already erect cocks. Just then, I felt another hand on my leg. I knew it couldn’t have been Alex, his two hands were already accounted for. It had to be that guy next to me. But I didn’t stop him. More the merrier right?

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Alex was still recovering from earlier. We sat there and relaxed for a few minutes. Our hands doing the work, gently roaming around. The strangers hand found my semi hard cock and nervously played with it. His jerking of his own cock however became more intense. Alex was watching and he too joined in, placing a hand on my balls and started to massage them, while the stranger continued stroking my now hard cock.

I watched him as he stroked his own hard member, it looked about six inches, uncut, with a slight upward curve to it. He never once made eye contact, but I could tell he was enjoying it. I watched as his stroking of his own cock became more intense, his head rolled back against the wall and he let out a small moan, before a couple of strings of cum shot out and over his hand. He quickly let go of my cock, stood up, wrapped the towel around himself and left. Another happy customer.

We also left shortly after and headed to the showers for another quick rinse off to cool down and wash the sweat off us, and of course a bit more teasing and making out. Unfortunately, the sexy stranger that we’d met in the showers earlier, and then again in the dark rooms, had yet to reappear. Figuring he’d likely left by now, Alex suggested we head back to the pub for some post sauna drinks and see if we can’t maybe pick up there.

I was keen, so we headed back towards the locker room, just then a large-built bear of a man crossed our paths just up ahead. He’d just walked out of the dark rooms and was heading across the main corridor when he turned and saw us, he smiled that big beautiful smile of his, and with a glint in his eyes, he entered another room behind closed door, that I hadn’t noticed before.

Alex and I looked at each other and he simply asked, “You want to?”

I nodded with a smile and we quickly made our way down the remainder of the corridor to the door. I slowly opened it and we found ourselves inside a small tiled room with a raised circular bed and leather mattress. And there he was, laying on the on top of it, propped up by his elbow, towel on the floor, his big powerful legs dangling over the edge, slowly stroking his large manhood.

He looked up as we entered, but gave no other indication. Excitement and nerves building, we both slowly walked over, taking in every part of his manliness. From his dark facial features, his deep, chiseled jaw line, his dark hair covered chest, large pecs, no six-pack, but no beer gut either, large muscular, tattooed arms, one of them slowly working his cock, which was thick, with a large head on it and the gleam of precum oozing out of it.

I must’ve looked like a silly little schoolboy who’d just walked into a candy store.

“You want it?” he simply asked in a deep, calm voice.

I sure hope I wasn’t drooling at this point. He spread his muscular, hairy legs to give us a better view. His balls looked massive and full, and I was looking forward to the opportunity to empty them. I removed my towel, my now erect cock, pulsing and urging for some more action. Alex went up beside him and the stranger grabbed his cock and began stroking it. Meanwhile I knelt down between the guys legs and grabbed his cock in my hand. It was so thick my fingers only just managed to wrap around the shaft. I could smell his manly scent. I saw his precum. I wanted it. I wanted to taste him.

One last glance up and I saw him devouring the entire length of Alex. He gave me a wink and I went down. I licked the tip of his head. Taking my time and tasting his sweet precum. I wanted more. I gently squeezed him and started to stroke him as I slowly took more of him. He was so thick, I struggled at first, but eventually I had him moaning with pleasure. I massaged his balls with my other hand and ran a finger down towards his hole. It was working, I could taste his precum as I was able to pump more out of him. He tasted amazing.

I heard the door open, I didn’t care to look up. They could enjoy the show. And what a show it must’ve looked. Alex would take him, and then I would take him, hands roaming, massaging his balls, fingers rimming tight holes, arse cheeks being grabbed. His moans filling the room.

I pulled away and stood up. His big arm wrapped around me and pulled me closer. We kissed. Next thing, I felt a mouth around my cock. Alex was taking us both on. I kissed him again, our tongues battling it out on the inside. I felt him grab my arse, pulling me in closer still. He then just as quickly released me and lowered himself slowly down, kissing and licking as he went. He reached my cock, which was now dripping wet from Alex, and he took me, all the way, without hesitation. Balls deep. Arm around my arse pulling me into him, going as deep as I could. He held me there for a moment, before his gag reflexes kicked in and he slowly withdrew. Leaving a string of saliva. But he didn’t stop there. Again and again, he took me.

I grabbed the back of his head and began to thrust, pulling all the way out, before thrusting all the way back in. My balls slapping against his chin. Saliva dripped out of the sides of his mouth. Alex stood up and watched in awe as I face fucked him. If I kept this up much longer, I was going to blow. I pulled out and let him take a breather. Also allowing me to recover.

There was a large number of guys standing around the doorway now, some in the room, leaning against the walls, almost all had their cocks out, stroking them as they watched the scene in front of them unfold. I must admit, this turned me on… a lot.

As he got himself up, I went down. Two big cocks at full attention, staring straight at me. I took one in each had and began to slowly stroke them. I went for Alex first and took him in my mouth, while at the same time I continued to stroke the stranger. After a short while, I switched and took the stranger in my mouth. At one point I tried to take both at the same time. I only managed to get both their heads in my mouth and worked my tongue on them both. Tasting their sweet precum. Hearing their moans from above.

Alex joined me as we tackled this guy’s thick cock together. He wanted in on some of this delicious nectar he was rapidly producing as well, it seemed. We each took a side and ran our tongues along the full length of his massive shaft and back again. I reached around and grabbed his hairy arse and squeezed it. He had a hand on the back of each of our heads as we devoured him whole.

As we worked our magic, we got into a rhythm. I’d suck him, while Alex worked on his balls, then we’d swap. His balls were most definitely full and in strong need of being emptied. And they would be, if Alex and I had anything to do with it. I think at one point, Alex was even fingering him.

“Fuck yeah, boys, that feels amazing.”

His moans grew louder and became more frequent.

“I’m close,” he groaned as I took a hold of his swollen cock and started wanking him off.

“Ooohhh fuck yes, I’m cumming,” he moaned as he took over from me and jerked off, aiming it straight at my mouth. I felt the warm white liquid hit my face. He then aimed the next shot at Alex. We both sat there, on our knees, and took it all. It was amazing. By the time he had fallen back against the round bed, Alex and I were both dripping with his cum. We looked at each other, Alex had some in his hair. But most of it was down his chin and chest. We kissed and I tasted his sweet and salty on Alex’s lips. It was so fucking hot. But we weren’t done.

We stood up, our cocks still aching for that same release, the stranger took one look and got on his knees to return the favour. He started on Alex. Being a bit longer then myself, the stranger wasn’t able to take him all, but he had a good go, while at the same time he started to jerk me off. He took turns in sucking each of us, while jerking off the other one simultaneously. Between that, the still warm cum dripping off my face and down my body, and half the sauna watching us, I wasn’t going to last much longer.

This guy was a machine, and I wouldn’t mind betting he was a cum slut as well. I wanted so badly to unload inside his mouth. I could tell that Alex wasn’t far off either, if his short breaths and increased moans of pleasure were anything to go by.

He looked down at the stud on his knees who at the time had his mouth around mine. “Shit, I’m close,” I heard him say.

The stranger looked up with a massive grin on his face. “Yeah, fuckin give it to me.”

He instantly took Alex in his mouth and as he sucked him, he used his free hand to jerk him off. This guy was experienced. He knew exactly what he was doing, no doubt about it. Evidenced by only a short after, “Oh my god I’m cumming,” Alex moaned.

The stranger didn’t stop. He held him in his mouth as he jerked him off, Alex’s hand was on my arse and I could feel him squeezing it hard as he finally unloaded inside the stranger’s mouth. Not a drop was wasted.

Some of the guys in the crowd made some moaning sounds as a gesture of approval. The whole scene was too much for me. I took over the jerking, grabbed the stranger’s head and turned him towards my waiting load. “Here,” I said, “my turn.”

He put his mouth over the head of my cock and sucked, and I unleashed my hot white creamy load, it was intense. My whole body convulsed and shuddered as I continued to shoot load after load inside of him. I’ve always been a big shooter, and as good as this guy was, he just couldn’t swallow it faster enough. He had to pull away and the last two strings of cum shot over his face, with the last drops down onto his hairy chest.

He grabbed us both and licked us clean, making sure he drained every last drop out of us.

Some of the crowd clapped and nodded in a job well done. After a few winks and compliments they started to disperse.


“Fuckin' hot, fellas.”

“Hell yeah, that was hot to watch.”

The three of us headed to the showers to clean up. The stranger didn’t stick around and after a quick, “Thanks,” he was gone.

Alex and I finished up and headed back to the locker room to dress and placed our towels in the basket provided. I followed Alex out the door and up the narrow staircase to the front door. I’m not sure how long we’d been in there, but it was quite late.

“You still want to grab that drink?” he asked.

“Sure, why not?”

Written by Rokyba12
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