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A Hot Hotel Room

"Sharing a room with a stranger leads to a man's first time."

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Competition Entry: Sizzling Summer Sex

A Hot Hotel Room

I was driving cross country on my way to a new job. It was the second week of August, and we were in the middle of a raging heat wave. I was somewhere in Indiana, and the thermometer in my car said it was 103 degrees outside. Luckily, I had a fairly new car and the a/c was in good working order.

I was traveling pretty light. The moving truck bringing my things was a day or so behind me, so it was just me and the open road. I was making really good time, but being alone I could only go so far in one day.

It was starting to get dark, so I decided to find a motel to stay the night and make the push through Indiana and Ohio the next day. Unfortunately every hotel I found was booked up. Everyone kept telling me to go a little further down the road and I would find a room.

About an hour latter I finally found a place with a vacancy. They had one room left with a single bed. I told the clerk it was fine and took it. The hotel was pretty run down and old—what most people would refer to as a “flea bag”. I didn't really care at this point, though. I just wanted to get out of the car and get some rest.

I was also starving, so after checking in and getting the key, I didn't even go in the room to have a look, I just got back in the car and headed for a restaurant a little ways away the clerk had told me about. It was a typical place, kind of like an Applebees, but I had never heard of it before. I went in and sat at the bar and ordered some food and a stiff fruity drink. I figured something like that would be both relaxing as well as refreshing. I don't remember what it was called but it was pink and sweet and did the job on both counts.

About five minutes latter, a guy came up to the bar beside me and asked the bartender if it was too late to order some food. He told the guy that it wasn't, so the stranger looked at me and asked if it was alright for him to sit next to me.

“No problem,” I replied, and he took the bar-stool next to mine before placing his order. He was very handsome, taller, and had jet black hair. His complexion was also quite dark, and he had big brown eyes.

“My name's Tyler,” he said politely and shook my hand. I told him my name and that it was nice to meet him.

“What are you drinking, there?” he asked.

“I don't remember what it was called—it's good, though.”

“Can I get one of those?” Tyler asked the bartender, pointing to my cocktail. He simply nodded and went about making one for him.

Tyler and I sipped our drinks while waiting for our food and chatted. He told me he was on his way to Minneapolis to visit some friends and had stopped to get some food before it got to late. We was also trying to find a motel room for the night, but wasn't having any luck so far. I was sorry to have to tell him the bad news, but felt duty bound to let him know that he wasn't going to find a room for a long ways, given that I had come from the direction he was heading.

“Really!” he questioned after hearing my own troubles. “That sucks.”

He explained how he had been driving all day and was just dead, and the thought of having to go for hours still was not a good one.

Our food soon arrived and we started to eat. We chatted the whole time, where we were from, what we did for work and fun, that kind of thing. The entire time we talked I felt really sorry for the guy. He was super friendly, and I wished there was some way I could help him out. Then it hit me.

“I could share my room with you,” I blurted out without really thinking about it, “...if you want.”

He didn't respond at first, but after a moment said: “Are you sure that's cool?”

“Yeah, totally.”

“I won't lie to you—I really don't want to drive anymore tonight.”

“Really. It's no problem with me, whatsoever,” I reassured him.

He agreed and we decided that we might as well get a couple more of those delicious drinks and relax in the cool air of the bar.

As we talked I found Tyler to be an completely awesome individual. He was funny and smart and had something that made me feel very comfortable around him—which helped when it sunk in that I had invited a total stranger to share a hotel room that only had one bed with me. I also found something very alluring about him, but I wasn't sure what it was. He was very good looking for a guy but the thought of sex of any kind with him had never even crossed my mind.

We headed back to the hotel after a while. I hadn't mentioned to Tyler that the room only had one bed. I didn't know why I didn't tell him at first, but I figured he probably wasn't going to care that much anyway, given his situation. We got our bags out of our cars and I opened the door to the room.

“There's only one bed,” Tyler said as he set his bags down.

“Sorry,” I said, “I kinda forgot about it when I offered. I hope it's not a big deal—I feel really bad about it...I can sleep on the floor.”

“No, no. It's your room. I appreciate you letting me just crash here, ” he replied and left it at that.

It was still blistering hot outside, and our room was like an inferno. Unfortunately it also had no air conditioning. I quickly opened the window to try and get some air in, but it had very little effect, and if anything made it worse.

“Well, I guess were fucked,” I said.

“Oh, well,” he shrugged. “Still beats driving all night.”

We were both pretty tired and a little buzzed, so we decided to call it a night and try and get some sleep. We opened our bags and started to take our clothes off. It was when I had taken my shirt off that I remembered I wasn't wearing any underwear—as usual. I turned around and caught Tyler just as he was taking off his shirt. He had already taken his pants off and was wearing boxer briefs. I couldn't stop myself from looking down at his crotch. It was like my eyes had a mind of their own, and from the size of the bulge in his undies, it was obvious he had a large package. I quickly looked away before he got his shirt all the way off and caught me checking him out.

I made some excuse, grabbed my bag, and went into the bathroom to put on the one pair of boxers I fortunately brought with me. When I came out Tyler was already laying in the bed.

“Hey, is it okay if we just share the bed?” he asked somewhat sheepishly. “I know neither of us will get any sleep on the floor.”

I was a little conflicted seeing him already laying there and hesitated while trying not to stare at the large mound in his shorts.

“I can get on the floor it it's really that big of a deal,” he said, emphasizing the word “that”.

I thought about it for a moment. No, it wasn't really “that” big of a deal, and I was the one that invited him to stay—it felt like kind of a shitty thing to do to him. I considered taking the floor myself but after seeing how nasty it looked, my mind was made up. “Nah, it's no problem.”

“You sure?”

“Yep,” I answered, turned off the lights, and got into the bed on his right side.

“Cool,” he said quietly, “this will be a lot better. And thanks again for letting me crash with you.”

“Don't worry about it.”

It was so hot in there that there was no way we could have even so much as a sheet over us, and between the heat and the light coming from outside into our open window it was nearly impossible to fall asleep. Not to mention the fact that I normally sleep in the nude and having boxers on made it that much more difficult.

I turned on to my right side as Tyler got up and went into the bathroom and as I listened to him go, I found myself beginning to think about what it looked like under that underwear. I wondered how big his penis actually was, if he was circumcised or not, did he shave his balls? I had never even come close to being with a man but can't say the thought had never crossed my mind, either. The whole situation was really bringing out my curiosity as well as awakening something inside of me that I now know had always been there, whether I liked it or not.

Tyler finished up and got back into bed, and from what I could tell, fell asleep pretty quickly. I just tried to shut off my racing brain and join him.

With how hot it was in there, having even light boxers on was killing me. I really wanted to take them off but I figured Tyler wouldn't appreciate waking up to a naked man lying next to him, so I dealt with it. I turned to lay on my back again and try and get comfortable. When I did, I looked over and couldn't believe my eyes—Tyler was lying there on his back completely nude! I figured he must have taken off his underwear when went to the bathroom and then got back into bed while my back was towards him.

I immediately looked straight up at the ceiling, and my heart started pounding. There, no more than a foot away from me, was the very thing I had been desperately trying to not think about. I have rarely been that utterly conflicted. I wanted so badly to see his uncovered cock but was also terrified to do so.

A tingling in my crotch only made things worse and a thousand questions went through my mind: “Would I like?”, “Would I think it was gross?”, “Would it turn me on to see it, and if so, what did that mean?” I finally came to the conclusion that I would never fall asleep if I didn't give in and at least take a quick peek.

I pointed my head down, looked, and wow! There it was! The light from the parking lot made it pretty bright in our room so I had no problem seeing it in all of it's splendor, nearly clear as day. It was slightly dark colored, wasn't monstrous or anything but still big even limp. It was also definitely circumcised and had a patch of black hair above it with what appeared to be shaved balls. I thought it was amazing looking—absolutely fucking gorgeous! A quick peek turned into a very long, wistful stare, and I then began to wonder what it would look like erect.

I could have looked at for hours but I decided I had better try and get some sleep and did my best to push that thought out of head. I also decided that if he was going to sleep in the nude then so was I. I slowly slid my boxers off, trying not to wake Tyler up and turned back onto my side.

I did finally fall asleep but then woke up, not really being sure how long I had actually slept for. Tyler had turned onto his side at some point so he was facing me and had moved closer in doing so. So close, in fact, that I could feel his breath on the back of my neck.

That wasn't the only thing I felt, either—something was touching my ass! I wasn't sure what it was at first but then quickly realized with some surprise, that it must be Tyler's cock. It was apparently just the tip that was touching me but when it moved closer and started to push against my ass and ever so slightly rub it, I knew it definitely had to be his dick—and it was obviously hard! I pulled away from it, a little shocked. Was he sleeping and just dreaming or was he awake and knew what he was doing? My heart started to pound again and my own penis became erect almost uncontrollably. I then heard him snore lightly and figured he must be asleep and unaware of what he was doing.

I didn't really know what to do then. Just after getting over the fight in my head to take a look at it before, the thing I had then wanted was there for the taking—to see him stiff! There wasn't anything close to the previous conflict in me this time, although. I knew almost right away that I could not and would not miss this opportunity.

I slowly turned around, trying not to wake him, to get a look, and as I did so, Tyler turned onto his back, still asleep.

I looked down and there was his gorgeous prick in all it's glory, standing straight up, fully erect. It had to be 8 or so inches long and quite thick. His head was large as well, tapered, and very sexy. The whole thing looked simply incredible in the dim light—a truly magnificent specimen of manhood. I gazed at it for a little while, and half unconsciously started to touch my throbbing tool. I slowly jerked myself as I took in the wonderful sight and as I felt my own hard prick, I then began to wonder what exactly it would be like to have his in my hand. Just how different would another man's cock feel? I was soon overcome with the desire to find out.

I looked up at Tyler's face and felt assured that he was sound asleep. It was pretty risky, but the urge to touch that big beautiful penis was just too much to ignore. I worked up the courage to go for it, and slowly moved my hand down towards his waist. I thought I should test the waters a little first and started with just the tips of my fingers. Tyler didn't move a bit and gave no signs of waking up.

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That gave me even more courage to go a little further, so again with my fingertips, I began rubbing his shaft lightly up and down. The skin felt very warm and was soft and smooth. Up and down, up and down I caressed it. I then got super brave and wrapped my whole hand around it to see what it felt like. It seemed so big and was a lot warmer than I had expected. I mildly tugged on it just once and loved the way it felt in my hand—how the skin moved over the solid core and hard yet soft at the same time. I couldn't believe how exhilarating it was to merely stroke someone else or how good another hard dick felt to the touch.

Tyler must have been in a deep sleep because he never even flinched. I, on the other hand, was getting incredibly turned on. I started actually jerking him and couldn't stop myself from playing with my own cock while doing it. I stared at his wonderful tool as I did it it and then felt a small amount of wetness run down the side of my thumb. I knew right away that it was pre-cum. It made my mouth literately water and I all but instinctively lifted my hand and licked it off. The taste of it was very mild but enough to drive me wild. I had to have more of that delectable juice and I was run over by the desire to suck his large dick.

I knew what I was already doing was totally crazy, and how insane this new idea was, but I didn't really care anymore. I was in a frenzy of ecstasy and rapidly losing all self-control. I physically needed to see what it felt like to have his dick in my mouth. To touch it with my lips and tongue. To taste every inch of it. A plan formed and I carefully moved down the bed, got on my knees, and moved in.

When I got close to his crotch I could smell his sent. It was strong and musky and to me smelled better than fresh baked cookies. The sweet, tangy aroma filled my nostrils and it put me over the top—there was no backing away now. I bravely stuck out my tongue and very slowly licked his shaft from the base to the tip. It was a bit salty but not at all bad tasting—in fact, I loved it! Tyler gave no indication of waking up still so I started licking and kissing it all over. I was dying to taste it all and truly experience giving a blow job, so I grabbed hold at the base of the shaft and put Tyler's head into my eager mouth. I absolutely loved the way it felt on my tongue, and the taste of it in my mouth. There was positively no question that I liked sucking cock. I took my time, reveling in it while I methodically blew him, bobbing on his meat and occasionally pulling it all the way out to lick and kiss the tip.

I kept this up for a while, sucking and rubbing his lovely penis, and had completely forgot about everything else, when I suddenly heard his voice. “That feels so good.”

I gasped a little and completely froze. I had no idea what to do or say.

“Don't stop. I'm really enjoying that,” he said quietly.

“You're awake!” I squeaked, popping up with his tool still in my hand.


“For how long?”

“The whole time... Since I first started rubbing my cock against your ass. I was hoping it might get a reaction.”

“It certainly did!” I laughed while unconsciously going back to pulling on his dick.

Tyler gave a bit of a moan. “So why don't you go back to what you were doing?”

“With pleasure!” I replied and went right back to sucking his large prick.

That made it all the more satisfying. Not only was Tyler aware of what I was doing the entire time, he also liked it. Not to mention he was kind of the one that instigated it all, which weirdly made feel a lot better. It also got me that much more into it. There was no more need for hesitation or apprehension of any kind.

I started to jerk his long shaft faster, and suck the head harder then I had dared to before. I blew him like a man possessed, sucking and licking, going down to tongue his balls and rubbing his wet tool all over my face. This was my first cock and I was going to make the most out of every second I had with it.

“I want you in my mouth,” he eventually said. “Why don't you turn around and get on top of me?”

I did as he asked and we got into the 69 position.

I loved having my rod in his hot mouth while his was in mine, and after a bit of mutual dick sucking he pushed my hips forward. I had been in that position with a woman before and had a pretty good idea what was coming next. I felt his wet tongue leisurely lick my balls and taint and then all around my asshole—it felt so amazing. He then pulled my cheeks apart and tongued my hole directly. I groaned in pleasure and sucked his cock ferociously. No woman had ever rimmed me like that before.

I started sucking his hairless balls and my face was so far down his crotch that my nose was almost touching his butt-hole. The smell of it drove me crazy and I knew I had to taste that too. I pulled his legs up so I could reach it better, and began licking his hot button. Eating a man's ass was something I had never even considered before and I have to say that I loved it. I licked all over it and then stuck my tongue in deep. It tasted incredible! I think I enjoyed that almost as much as blowing him.

It was then that I felt what must have been a finger caressing my asshole. I sighed deeply telling him how much I liked it. He then slide the tip of it in and started to finger fuck me, and I had to pull up to catch my breath.

“Oh fuck yeah,” I purred as I pulled on his fat dick, “keep going!”

The pressure, as well as the pleasure, got higher and higher as he put more fingers in my ass one at a time, opening my virgin hole. He fingered me nice and slow as I went back to sucking his cock, and I was in heaven. I had now idea how much I would love all of it—taking a penis in my mouth, getting truly rimmed, eating a man's ass myself, having my ass filled and fucked with multiple fingers. The last part felt better and better by the second and it lead me to wonder how a cock would feel instead. I ultimately started to crave trying it and finally asked: “How many fingers are you using right now?”


“Oh God, just please fuck me,” I panted heavily.

I got off of him and he got up off the bed and then came back with a small bottle of lubricant. He told me to get on all fours and I did as I was told. I would have done anything this man asked me to at this point. He squirted some lube onto my yearning asshole, working the jelly in with his fingers, and then I felt the tip of his large prick pushing against it.

“Just relax,” he said coolly and began to push it in.

As the head went past my o-ring it hurt badly. He slowly kept pushing it in deeper and deeper, telling me to push out and not fight it. When he was as deep as he could go he stopped. I felt like I was going to explode! How can you describe the sensation of that first real cock up your ass? It was like I was in a dream, completely engulfed—like nothing I had ever experienced before. My ass eventually adjusted to the intrusion, my entire body relaxed, and the heat and pleasure of him inside of me outweighed everything else. Tyler started to pump slowly in and out and then went faster and harder, and was soon fucking the living hell out of me. Waves of pleasure washed over me with each thrust of his powerful dick, and all I could do was moan, “Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!”. I could have never conceived just how good it felt to have another man fuck me. I had always liked ass play my whole life—fingers mostly—and had even fucked myself with a dildo a couple of times just to see what it was like, but that was nothing like the real thing, reality was better then I could have ever imagined.

Tyler pounded me hard for a while and then would pull his large cock out of me before plunging it back in, and I felt like I was going to pass out each time. After a while it became rather painful again and I eventually had to make him stop.

“Here, I know what we need to to,” he said, caressing my tender ass.

He told me to turn around and lay on my back. He then lifted my legs up, re-applied a massive amount of lubricant, and re-entered me before quickly getting into another good rhythm. Again, all I could do was cry, “Oh Fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!”.

His cock was so much easier to take that way and felt even more incredible. Every thrust was bliss, and as I laid there getting fucked stupid I was inundated by the thick smell of his musk covering my face. It made me crazy with lust and the urge to touch myself became overwhelming. I started to rub my swollen head and within a few seconds a tremendous surge of pleasure built up in my body that was like nothing I had ever felt before. It was my first assgasm and it made every pore in my body feel like it was on fire. It was otherworldly, and I knew I was about to cum and cum hard.

“Oh fuck!” I bellowed one last time and started to jerk myself off fiercely.

I blew my load all over my chest and stomach and came for what felt like hours as Tyler fucked me even harder. It was the most intense orgasm I had ever had, and I kept just poring and poring out hot jizz, stream after stream.

Tyler continued to fuck me long after I stopped ejaculating, and I couldn't stop pulling on my pulsating dick.

“Here I come, too!” he finally announced in short breaths.

I wanted to eat his cum as much as I had ever wanted anything in the world. I wanted to taste it, smell it, feel it, and savor it like a fine wine.

“Cum in my mouth!” I exclaimed just as he was about to unload.

He pulled out of me and rushed up to my face, and I saw a small stream of goo spilling out of him as he did. I jerked his prick purposefully with it pointed right at my open mouth and outstretched tongue. He then buckled a little and wailed he was cumming. I wrapped my lips around his head and sucked as hard as I could.

First, a small amount squirted onto my tongue and right afterward a huge load shot out and hit the back of my throat. His thick spunk then started to pour out like a mountain spring. There was so much that some began to leak out past my lips. I kept sucking and sucking until he finally stopped cumming and pulled his spent member out of my mouth.

I rolled his delicious seed around in my mouth to really experience it. It was a sort of bitter but somehow still very sweet at the same time, and was far more pungent and flavorful than I had imagined it would be. Without a thought, I swallowed it all down and it was even better going down. I determined there and then that a man's cum was the most delectable thing I had ever tasted, and at that moment could have ate the loads of at least twenty or more men, one after the other—I wished I could fucking bathe in it.

With both us of utterly spent, we laid back on the bed, barely said another word to each other, and were soon asleep.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of the shower running. In my groggy state, I questioned if it had all been some crazy dream, but the lingering smell on my lips and taste in my mouth told me that it certainly wasn't. I was both simultaneously thrilled and horrified at the same time. Did I really suck a strange man's cock, eat his ass, and let him fuck me before swallowing his load last night? Yes I did! And I think the part that scared me the most was the fact that I liked it—a lot.

Tyler came out of bathroom still naked and I could hardly look at him.

“I really have to get going,” he said as he dried off. “Thanks for letting me crash here...and everything else.”

I only nodded. I did however to take one last glimpse at his beautiful penis before he slipped on his shorts. It looked super sexy, and I instantly regretted it—what was I doing?

“Have a good one!” he said and went out the door.

“You, too!” I replied as the door shut, and I jumped out of the bed and into the shower to wash the now shameful scent of man sex off of me. If I had only known then how much I would come to love that smell—what a waste!

For the rest of my drive I kept replaying the night over and over in my mind—getting more than one erection. I went from feeling mortified to ecstatic to everything in between. I at last concluded that it was just a matter of circumstance. Something that just happened and didn't really mean anything. Something that would also never happen again and I would soon forget all about. Boy, was I wrong!

Written by mrwoodman
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