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Wife Pays A Visit To Mark

"Wife flies out to visit Mark at his base."

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It felt as if Mark was just over at our house playing with my wife a few days ago. I was reminded it had been three weeks already by my wife who was all packed and ready to head to the airport. She was going to go and see Mark again, this time at his Army base in Arizona.

"C'mon, baby, I don't wanna be late for my flight!" she said rushing downstairs.

"I'm ready, just need to get your bag in the trunk. Don't get too excited to leave me," I joked back.

"I'm not excited babe, I'm gonna miss you!" she said, kissing me on the lips.

"Besides, you are the best husband ever. I get to enjoy the hot Arizona weather and have fun with Mark," she continued.

We began to make the thirty-minute drive to the airport. I noticed my wife was wearing a comfortable gray long sleeve shirt with dark green lightweight jogger pants. I thought her black ankle-high UGG boots were an odd choice.

"What's with the boots?" I asked.

"It's a gift for Mark. He said he was picking me up from the airport," she replied.

"You're giving Mark your boots?" I asked confused.

"No, silly. I am wearing pantyhose, and I'm trying to keep them warm. You know how much he likes to smell my shoes and feet," she reminded me.

"But, baby, your feet never smell," I responded.

"Well, I'm trying," she laughed.

"Let me see," I said.

My wife pulled her right boot off and raised it up to my face. It smelled of her lotion and a very, very faint hint of worn shoe. I took a quick glance at her foot, noticing a bright pink polish under the nude, sheer hose.

"Smells like your lotion," I told her.

"Oh well. At least this will make things easier getting through security," as she slipped her boot back on.

"Uh-huh," I said.

"Who knows, maybe I'll make another foot guy's day walking around the airport in my hose-covered feet," she teased me.

"I'm sure someone will take notice," I teased back. "Make sure you text me when you land. And please be safe."

"Of course, honey. I love you," she said as we pulled up to the drop-off zone.

I jumped out quickly to retrieve her bag from the trunk. We kissed again before I watched her walk away. She would be gone for four nights, five days, about 1,700 miles away.

I drove back home, wondering if we had made a dumb decision. What husband in their right mind would let their wife fly out to get fucked by another guy, I thought. It's really too bad I couldn't join, but this week for work was hectic. I thought that would keep my mind busy, at least.

I made it home and poured myself a strong rum and coke. About three and a half hours later, my phone buzzed, waking me from the couch. I must have dozed off.

"I'm here!" the text read, with a sun emoji.

"Glad you made it, love you," I text back.

Another twenty or so minutes went by and my phone was now ringing. I went to answer it and my wife was face timing me. I answered, still laying on the couch.

"Hi, baby!" my wife called out, "Mark and his friend just picked me up!"

"That's great, babe," I said, "I'm sure he's happy to see you."

She turned the phone around and there was Mark, smiling and waving to me.

"Thanks for flying her out!" he said, "I'll take good care of her!"

"Yes, please do!" I replied.

"Baby, Mark said he can't wait for his gift," my wife said, turning the phone back to herself.

"Well, I'm sure it would be better if he waits until you guys get to wherever you're going," I suggested.

"Or is it that I can't wait to give him the surprise?" she teased.

"Well, then you have to decide," I played along.

My wife flipped the camera so I could see Mark again. She asked him if he wanted his gift now or later. It appeared they were in the backseat of a larger size SUV. Mark's friend must have been driving. Mark nodded with a huge smile on his face. His eyes were looking over the phone, at my wife. He mouthed the word "Now."

"Ok. I hope you like it!" my wife said excitedly.

The phone shook a bit as she turned in her seat. I saw her boots come up into view as she placed them on Mark's lap. He looked down at them, resting on his right thigh, then back towards my wife.

"Go ahead. Take them off," she said.

Mark started with her left boot first. As he pulled, more and more of her little foot was exposed. Once it was off, he brought her boot to his face. His eyes were closed as he sniffed it over and over.

"Did someone take their shoes off?" a third voice asked.

My wife turned her phone to the driver, "Yeah, Mark just pulled off one of my boots," my wife answered. "Does it smell bad?"

"Not at all. Smells good actually," he said.

"Tony loves feet too," Mark said, taking a break from smelling her boot.

"Oh boy!" my wife said, "This might be trouble."

She moved the camera back to Mark. He had lifted her foot up to his face. His nose was pressed into her toes, you could see them pushed back. Again, his eyes were closed as he sniffed louder. Her bright pink toes looked so sexy as he smelled them in her pantyhose.

With every exhale, Mark moaned. I decided to reach into my pants and give myself a few strokes as I watched.

"I think he likes his gift, babe!" my wife said to me.

"It looks like he does," I mumbled, "I know I would."

Mark then pulled her right boot off while managing to keep her left foot in his face. Mark had both feet, almost covering his face. I could hear him inhaling her scent.

"How do they smell bro?" that third voice asked.

"Perfect," Mark answered, "here, smell this."

Mark handed the driver my wife's right boot. My wife moved slightly to catch the driver sticking his nose deep into her boot.

"Mmm, wow!" he said, "these smell amazing!"

"Don't even think about it, bro," Mark said, "She's all mine tonight."

"C'mon, man, she's got two feet!" he poked back.

"Maybe tomorrow night," Mark responded.

"Babe, I'm gonna have to let you go, my battery is getting low," she stated.

"Ok, baby, be safe. Talk to you soon," I said.

"Love you," she hung up.

I hung up the phone and pulled my pants down. I jerked my cock furiously as the image of my wife's perfect little feet was still fresh in my head. I came almost immediately all over myself. After a minute, I caught my breath. I got up from the couch and made a bite to eat. I couldn't help but think about what my wife was now up to. I was almost certain Mark would try to fuck her brains out all night.

I watched some college basketball as I ate, trying to distract myself. I checked my phone for the time, it was 7:00 pm, which meant it was 5:00 pm where my wife was. I waited another hour before I headed upstairs to take a shower. I was missing my wife already, but I knew how much fun she was having. I fought the urge to call or text and let her be.

As I sat on the bed, I could see the images from just a few weeks ago. Mark was in this very room, enjoying my wife's pussy, ass, and her feet. Giving her orgasm after orgasm. My cock was beginning to strain again. I tried to watch a movie, but I just kept checking my phone to make sure I didn't miss a text or call from my wife.

Finally, it rang. I noticed the time read 9:04 pm.

"Hey honey, I miss you," I answered.

"Uhh... mmph... hi, babe... I miss... mmph... you too," she panted back.

"Are you having sex?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Mmph... yeah... Mark is... mmph... fucking... mmph... me!" she said. "Oh God, I'm going to cum again!"

My cock was standing at full attention now. I started to stroke myself as I listened to my wife get fucked by Mark.

"Aaahhh... uuuhhh!" my wife moaned loudly.

She was able to catch her breath, "I miss you too babe. I wish you were here with us."

"I wish I was too. Work is going to be tough tomorrow," I half-joked. "How is Mark treating you?"

"Mm, very good, babe," she replied. "He's got me bent over on the bed in my hotel right now."

"Mmm," I moaned in approval.

"His cock feels so fucking big and good inside me," she added.

"Yea? Are you cumming all over it?" I teased.

"Oh baby, I've been cumming since we were dropped off here," she said. "He licked my feet and sucked my toes for like the first hour. He couldn't get enough of them!"

"Mmm, I bet," I said.

"He just gets them so wet and sloppy," she continued, "I just love it."

"Mmm and I love when you talk like that," I responded, still stroking myself.

"Why don't you jerk off while Mark fucks me, baby?" she suggested.

I quipped, "I already started."

"Mmm, good," she said. "Fuck me, Mark, my husband wants to listen to you make his wife cum again."

I heard Mark thrusting faster and harder. The slapping noises were very clear. My wife must have put the phone down. Her moaning was getting louder and louder. I knew she was going to cum soon and I wanted to cum with her. Somehow I thought this would satisfy me more. I stroked faster.

It wasn't long before my wife was getting ready to erupt again. I was glad because my balls were tingling, ready to explode.

"Oh fuck... fuck me!" she demanded, "Harder... harder!"

"Mmm, I'm so close, baby," I whispered into the phone.

"I'm gonna cum!" she announced, "Keep fucking me."

"Mmm, shit," I replied, "cum all over his big cock baby."

"Uuughhh.... aaahhh! Here I cummm!" she screamed.

My cock erupted with a rope so thick and shot up hitting my chin and neck as I lay on the bed. My second rope landed on my chest, along with the third. The fourth and fifth hit my stomach as I stroked methodically. I closed my eyes and imagined my cock was buried deep inside my wife's pussy. Meanwhile, she was cumming all over some other guy's huge cock in a hotel room 1,700 miles away.

"Did you cum, baby?" she asked me.

"Yes, babe, all over," I said.

"Mmm, good. Me too," she said, laughing a little.

"I think I better clean up and get some rest for work tomorrow," I suggested, "you have fun and be safe."

"Mmm ok, baby, I will," she answered. "I think Mark wants to turn me over and suck my toes while he fucks me some more."

"I'll talk to you tomorrow, love you," as I hung up.

"Love you too," I heard her say.

It was a rough night of sleep but I think I managed a solid four hours after all the tossing and turning. I woke up groggy but determined to have a productive day at work. I fought through my morning meetings and made it to lunch. I decided to text my wife.

"Hey! How's your day?" I text.

I waited a few minutes before getting a response.

"Hi! Just giving Mark a morning footjob," she texted with a winking emoji.

"That sounds nice," I responded.

"It was his request. My pussy is sore from last night and he said he has a surprise for me after dinner tonight," she text back.

"A surprise?" I asked. "Wonder what it is?"

"Me too," she replied, "it's hard to type and do this footjob. I'll call you in a bit xo."

I lost my appetite, wanting a footjob for myself. I debated if I should stop at the strip club on my way home from work for some fun. Nah. Only a few more days and she'll be home, I convinced myself.

The afternoon at work seemed to crawl. I was in my office cleaning up some paperwork when my phone rang. It was my wife.

"Hey honey," I answered.

"Hey baby, sorry about before," she apologized.

"It's ok," I offered.

"No, it's not," she said, "I didn't want to blow you off. I just was so determined to get him off...I just..." she trailed off.

"Baby, it's ok, really," I insisted, "Isn't that the whole reason you went out there? No distractions, just you and Mark. Fucking and doing whatever you want for a few days."

"Yes, but no. It's not the same without you here," she replied. "Don't get me wrong, his cock is fantastic, but..." she stopped again.

"But what, baby?" I asked. "What are you doing now?"

"Right now, I'm just hanging out by the pool," she answered.

"That sounds relaxing. Where's Mark?" I questioned.

"That's the thing..." she said quietly.

"What is it?" I pressed.

"He got called in for a military exercise. He said he should be available later tonight," she said.

"Oh... well, then you have some time to relax by yourself. I'm sure you will enjoy that," I said, trying to be positive.

"Yeah, definitely. It's just... he wants to do something crazy tonight," she replied.

"Like?" I asked.

"Like sharing me with some of his Army buddies," she whispered.

"Huh?" I said dumbfounded.

"Yeah, his 'gift' to me is he suggested I try a gangbang," my wife said softly.

My stomach dropped. I felt awful and helpless. I didn't know how to respond so I was quiet for a minute.

Finally, I broke the silence, "Is that something you want to try?"

Now she was the one thinking about her response before talking, "No... maybe... I don't know."

"Baby, it's your decision. As long as it's safe and you want to try it, I say go for it," I said.

I knew saying this would help her. It was killing me to know she might go through with it and I wouldn't be there with her. I also think this was something Mark talked to her about when they were together last.

"I know I really like it when I have the attention of two guys," she mentioned, "I just don't know how I'll feel with more."

"Did he say how many guys?" I asked.

"Not for sure. Definitely, the guy who drove us from the airport. He said like five or six, I think," she said.

"Oh, ok. Well, I was thinking way worse! HAHA," I laughed. "I was thinking like ten or more."

"Oh God no!" she replied. "I can't do that! HAHA."

Just then my boss walked into my office. I just hate when she shows up unannounced.

"I gotta go, I'll call you after work," I said as I quickly hung up the phone.

My boss was rambling about some new issues at work. My mind was so distracted I just nodded and pretended to be listening. She walked away after about fifteen minutes of ranting.

I text my wife, "SORRY! Boss walked into my office."

"Hope I didn't get you in trouble," she text back with a kissing emoji.

"Not this time," I joked back.

"I'm going to enjoy the pool and give tonight some thought. Love you," she text back, with a picture of her beautiful feet outstretched in front of the pool.

I went back to work and had a good rest of the day. A co-worker asked if I wanted to join him at a local bar for some drinks and wings after work. I decided that would probably be a great idea to keep my mind off my wife.

We ended up drinking and hanging out for a few hours. I thought it was a little odd I haven't heard from my wife yet. I decided to text her quickly before I made my drive home.

"You OK?" I text.

I was almost halfway home before I got a response.

"Yes, doing great! I'm gonna try it!" she texted back.

"OK," I replied.

"Mark said he will facetime you so you can watch," she texted.

"Perfect. On my way home now. Went to eat with Will from work," I told her.

"That's nice. Mark and his buddies are on their way over to the hotel now," she said, "I'm getting nervous!"

"You'll be fine! What are you wearing?" I asked her.

"Mark wanted me to wear my black and red teddy again. Black stockings and my black 4" heels that you like so much," she answered.

"I'm sure you look very sexy. Can't wait to see you!" I texted.

I made the next ten-minute drive and arrived home. I all but sprinted into the house and up to our bedroom. I stripped all of my clothes off and lay on the bed. Opening the nightstand, I took the lube out and set it on the table. I was ready to get myself off as many times as I could that night. Now, I waited for my phone to ring.

It felt like an eternity. It had to be at least a half-hour before my phone finally buzzed. It was a text from Mark.

"Just about to get started. Your wife looks amazing!" he texts me. "I'll facetime you soon."

"Thanks!" was all I could think to text back.

I waited another ten minutes. Finally!

I answered my phone without talking. I stared at the screen excitedly. There my wife came into view. She was kneeling on the floor next to the bed. There were four guys circled around her, all offering her their well-hung cocks. My wife was sucking the cock in front of her as she stroked a cock in each hand. The one guy was stroking himself.

It appeared there was one other guy standing behind the group, still wearing his boxers. His black cock hanging out of the front opening. Mark stroked his cock a bit as he filmed my wife, talking to her. He was letting her know how sexy she looked and that her husband was on the phone watching her.

At this point, my wife was still fully dressed. She was doing a very good job of alternating sucking each of their cocks and stroking the others. I watched as she tasted each one besides Mark or the black guy. Some of their hands started to wander, feeling her small breasts, or grabbing handfuls of her petite ass.

It was suggested my wife get up on the bed. One of the guys wanted to taste her pussy. She obliged, laying on the bed on her back. I'm sure she was glad to give her jaw a break, but that didn't last long. There was a guy kneeling on each side of her head. She responded by stroking both of them with her hands. A third hovered behind her, holding his cock over her face. She licked at it a few times before taking the head into her mouth.

The fourth guy was kneeling at the end of the bed. He had pulled her teddy to the side with his left hand and was licking my wife's pussy. Her legs draped over his shoulders. Mark focused his camera on her legs, running his hand the full length. He was loving the feel of her stockings. Starting at her thigh, down to her heels, leaving them on for now. As I looked at the six guys in that room with my wife, they all were packing seven-inch-plus cocks. I also assumed being in the Army, they were pretty pent up with testosterone and ready to ravage her all night.

I stroked myself. The cock to her right looked to be fully erect. He was the first one to fuck my wife. He swapped spots with the guy who was giving my wife oral pleasure. As the guy moved to the end of the bed, he pulled her lingerie down and off. She was left in just her black stockings and heels. The guy who just got done licking her pussy, now zeroed in on her left nipple. The guy at the end slipped on a condom and slid his cock into my wife slowly. My wife hates condoms, but to be safe, it's necessary.

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The guy to her right reached down and toyed her clit as the other guy was fucking her faster and faster. My wife raised her legs in response, allowing more of his cock inside her. She continued to suck a cock and stroke the other. The guy fucking her said he needed a break; he was going to cum already. He pulled out. The guy who was having his cock sucked went for his chance. He was a little longer and fatter than the first guy. He too put on a condom before sliding his cock inside my wife.

He pumped a few times, then grabbed my wife's legs and placed them over his shoulders. He pumped harder and deeper. My wife was moaning in pleasure. The guy licking and sucking her nipples now knelt, stroking himself. She leaned over and took his cock into her mouth, still moaning.

The thrusting got faster. My wife growled. I could tell she was close to her first orgasm. She switched and put the cock to her right into her mouth as she stroked the cock to her left.

"Mmm, fuck! That feels so fucking good!" she said.

"You like that dick?" he teased.

"Oh fuck! I'm gonna cum!" she announced.

He kept pumping as my wife's body began to jerk. Not long after, he began to cum while fucking her, filling up his condom. He pulled out, breathing heavily. The guy to her right told her to get on all fours. She obliged again. My wife's ass and heels were now hanging off the edge of the bed.

The third guy, already wearing a condom, began sliding his cock into my wife's pussy. This guy was not as long, but he was definitely thicker than the last guy. Mark got nice and close-up with the camera. I looked on as her pussy lips were stretching to accommodate his thick cock. The first guy to fuck her reappeared. He was putting his cock in her mouth after ditching the condom.

Now I began to wonder why Mark himself, or the black guy weren't participating. My wife commented how thick the guy fucking her was. He wasn't fucking her for long before she was orgasming again. As she was cumming, the guy grabbed her hips and thrust harder. Soon he filled his condom with cum too.

Two guys down, and either two or four more to go. I couldn't quite figure out what their plan was.

Now it was time for the guy who started out licking her pussy and spent several minutes enjoying her nipples to fuck her. He wanted her on top. He laid on his back, stroking himself as my wife maneuvered. She crawled over him. Slowly, she sat back until the tip of his cock made contact with her pussy. Then moved left to right just enough while sitting back more. My wife's pussy had just swallowed his cockhead without using any hands.

She immediately sat down on his cock, taking all of it. Her knees were bent as she sat up straight, hands on his chiseled chest to keep her balance. Rocking back and forth, his hands found her breasts again. He was pinching and pulling her nipples as she rode him.

My wife reached back and pulled her heels off one by one. Mark was there quickly to collect them. I could hear him smelling them. My wife laid her feet flat on the bed so she could bounce on his cock up and down. She was approaching her third orgasm. Mark moved the camera in on her stockinged feet.

"Look at those sexy little feet," he said.

My cock jerked.

Then the black guy came into view. He was on the opposite side of the bed.

"You weren't playing, her feet are fine!" he chimed in.

I could see he was slowly stroking himself.

My wife's orgasm subsided. She laid down flat on top of this guy and went to work on his cock.

"Oh shit, I'm gonna cum," he said.

My wife never let up, grinding back and forth on his cock, her clit rubbing on his pubic bone. As he started to fill his condom, she orgasmed again. He slapped her ass with both hands, letting her know he was done. My wife rolled off of him, exhausted.

She was laying on her back for only a second when the first guy came back. He was fumbling with a new condom.

"Just put it in already," my wife said.

The guy didn't hesitate and crawled up on the bed. He started to fuck my wife missionary. Again, she brought her legs back, wanting to feel all of his cock inside her. He must have had a great second wind because he was really fucking her fast. Mark showed me his cock pumping in and out of her close-up.

Then he backed up with the phone.

"Let's see those sexy feet again," he teased me.

Zooming in, I saw her toes curling and flexing with the thrusts she was getting.

"Yea, let me see them sexy feet a little closer," the black guy said.

Mark moved the camera just as he grabbed her ankle and brought her right foot to his face. He buried his nose into her toes, inhaling loudly. My wife orgasmed for the fifth time. Mark began to undress. After her body stopped convulsing, she reached out for the black guy's cock with her right hand. It looked tiny in comparison to his tool as she started to tease it.

His face was still buried in her toes. The guy fucking her announced he was going to cum.

"Pull out!" my wife shouted.

He did, just as his cock started to erupt. He jerked it holding it over her pussy, shooting his load onto my wife's 34B breasts and her stomach. After he was done cumming, he rubbed his cockhead on her clit a few times before backing away.

"Come fuck me, Mark," my wife said as she turned towards him holding the phone. She was still toying with the black cock with her right hand.

"I think Ronneal wants to play with your feet first," Mark said.

"Yeah, he does," Ronneal said.

Ronneal, I guess that was the black guy's name, got up on the bed. He pulled his boxers down.

"Is he going to get them all messy like you?" my wife asked Mark.

"I guess we'll see," he said.

Ronneal raised up onto his knees. He grabbed both ankles and raised her legs up. He moved forward until her legs were straight up. Then he placed his cock between her thighs, burying his face into both of her stockinged feet. As he was enjoying the smell, he began to thrust his hips. His cock was hanging well over her stomach, past her belly button.

My wife cooed, loving the attention. She used both hands to jerk his cock each time he thrust forward. Mark once again moved in closer. He zoomed in to show me her bright pink toes peeking through the stockings. He pulled her left foot off Ronneal's face and showed me her sole. He knows the soles are my favorite part of the foot. Ronneal snatched it back, putting it to his face again.

"Aw shit, these feet smell so fucking good," he said, now thrusting faster.

My wife took note and jerked his cock faster each time. I imagine the feeling of her stockings wrapped around his cock felt incredible.

"I think I'm gonna cum already," Ronneal announced.

"Cum, baby," my wife encouraged him.

He started rubbing his face back and forth on her feet.

"Oh fuck," he moaned.

"Cum for me, baby," my wife urged, flexing her feet all over his face.

She turned towards Mark, "Looks like I found ANOTHER foot guy, baby."

She was so far away, still thinking of me. I came instantly. I kept jerking I was so turned on.

Ronneal stood up on the bed. My wife's legs were still straight up in the air. He rubbed his huge, smooth balls all over her soles as he stroked his cock with his right hand. His cock looked massive. My wife teased him, spreading her toes and curling them as he stroked. He held her feet still with his left hand as his first rush of cum spilled out onto her soles.

He stroked and stroked and cum just kept oozing out. My wife was doing a great job of holding her feet still, catching all of his juice. It was running down between her arches, over her toes, and even down her ankles to her legs. Mark showed me the mess Ronneal made.

"Here, hold this," I heard Mark say.

He handed his phone to someone else. This guy held the phone still. Mark walked around the bed to the far side. He took hold of my wife's legs and lowered them a bit. He spread her legs slightly, turning her feet towards each other. My wife got the hint.

She put her soles together and rubbed her feet back and forth. This was spreading Ronneal's cum all over her feet, and Mark was loving it. He was sitting at the foot of the bed, just inches away. I could actually hear the nylon fabric rubbing together over the phone.

Feeling like the cum was spread good enough, my wife extended her left foot to Mark. He stuck his tongue out as my wife put her heel to it.

"Ready?" she asked him.

Mark nodded.

With his tongue sticking out, my wife began to lower her foot. She ran her foot down until his tongue was on her toes. She then did it again, and again.

The third time, when Mark's tongue reached her toes, she pushed them into his mouth. That was all he needed to take over.

Mark was tonguing her left foot still encased in stockings. He cleaned up all of Ronneal's cum. Then he went to work on her right foot. Again, starting with long licks from her heel to her toes. As he worked on cleaning her right foot, Ronneal came back into the picture. He knelt to the right of my wife's head, wanting his cock sucked. She was more than willing to help as Mark sloppily cleaned the fresh cum from her foot.

Ronneal appeared to be hard again, not sure if he ever lost his stiffness after cumming. My wife interlocked her fingers of both hands, stroking his cock as she sucked it. Another guy from earlier joined her on the bed and was rubbing his cock on her left breast and nipple. It seemed the guys were getting ready for their second round.

The guy holding the phone went and knelt behind my wife, his cock above her head. I had a close view of her sucking that big black cock while I could hear Mark sucking her toes in the background. She was moaning loudly on his cock. There was something different about the way Mark did it. My wife responded so differently than when I suck her toes.

I could see at the top of the video that Mark was pulling her stockings off. The new cameraman was kind enough to get me a shot of her bare feet right before Mark stuffed them into his mouth again. Ronneal started to finger her. It had been a while since my wife had an orgasm.

She stopped sucking Ronneal and moved on to the guy holding the phone. She tipped her head back, swallowing his cockhead. Her left hand found a hard cock to stroke, and her right hand tried to fit around Ronneal's big black cock as he continued to finger her.

The guy getting a blowjob from my wife zoomed in with the phone, showing me her face covered by his balls. He panned around the room. The two others not with her currently were stroking themselves as they watched the action. Mark lowered my wife's feet from his mouth to his cock and began to fuck her arches. Ronneal fingered her faster, as she arched her back, ready to orgasm again.

Ronneal took notice and used his left hand to rub her clit as he stuffed three of his long fingers into her pussy. She erupted almost as soon as his fingers touched her clit. She had to stop stroking and sucking as she gasped for air, screaming in pleasure.

"Fuck me, Mark, I want your cock," she said as she calmed down from her orgasm.

Mark scooted forward and slowly fed her pussy his big cock. Ronneal was kind enough to spread her pussy lips for him as he slid in. Ronneal still toyed her clit as Mark began to fuck her. My wife brought her legs up, she wanted all of him inside her. Mark didn't hesitate to take the opportunity and took the big toe of her left foot into his mouth.

This caused Ronneal to act. He made a move and grabbed her right foot, bringing it closer to his face. He went the opposite way and started sucking her baby toe first.

"Oh shit!" she exclaimed, "You guys are going to make me cum again doing that!"

She tried to focus on the cock to her left, but couldn't. She was alternating between sucking it and stroking it. Mark and Ronneal had the two biggest cocks there.

Mark was fucking my wife fast and hard at this point. He took very short breaks from sucking her toes.

"We're all going to fuck you again sexy," he said.

"Mmm, I would love that," she moaned back.

Mark withdrew his cock and motioned for one of the guys watching to step up. He immediately buried his cock in my wife. Mark moved to the side, continuing with her left foot. Ronneal was making a mess with her right. He must have learned from Mark how sloppy she liked it.

After a minute or so of this guy fucking my wife, the other guy in the back stepped up and tapped him on the shoulder. They swapped spots. The guy who just fucked her briefly removed his condom and approached the bed by her head. The guy to her left, moved away, giving him room.

The second guy was fucking her so fast with short, little pumps. It was driving her crazy. She orgasmed again as he pumped away. After her orgasm, he pulled out and removed his condom as well. He stepped back and continued to stroke himself.

A third guy began to fuck her slowly. Either he was really enjoying her pussy or he was trying to control his own orgasm from happening. Regardless, my wife was loving his thickness. She put her mouth back around Ronneal's cock and moaned. About two minutes later, the third guy pulled out.

All that was left was another guy, Mark and Ronneal. Mark released her left foot and came to the head of the bed. The guy holding the phone was ready for his second round with my wife. As Mark sat next to my wife, he made an announcement.

"Remember the deal," he spoke to everyone.

They all nodded but my wife looked a bit confused.

"Don't worry, sexy, just a little surprise for you and me," he whispered.

"Why don't you turn over on your hands and knees," he suggested.

Ronneal seemed to not want to let her right foot go. My wife hesitated to pull it from his grasp but eventually did. She sat up and turned over. The guy holding the phone handed it back to Mark. He grabbed her hips with both hands and pulled her back until she was at the end of the bed. Her ass and feet appeared to be hanging over the edge.

He bent down and took a long lick of her pussy, running his tongue up to her sweet little asshole. She jerked. He slammed his cock into my wife hard, burying all 7". She bucked her hips in response and growled. He pulled out fully and did it again. Same response from my wife. After a third time, he started thrusting as he held her hips tight. He would pull her back into him as he thrust forward.

I could tell she was going to cum again soon.

"Fuck me!" she demanded.

The guy took her order and fucked her harder. She came again after his fifth deep thrust. He kept fucking as she jerked and bucked. When she stopped, he pulled out.

It was down to Ronneal and Mark to bring this thing to a close. I had no idea what was in store. Neither did my wife.

Mark moved so that my wife could give his big cock some attention. She stroked it as she sucked his cockhead. Ronneal stepped behind my wife and for the first time tonight, I was nervous. I wasn't sure he would be able to fit his cock in my wife without hurting her.

"Don't worry, ma, I won't make you take all of this," he assured her.

"Mmm," she slurped, "you can try, just be gentle, please."

Ronneal bent down and licked at her pussy a few times.

"You ready?" he asked her.

"Yes!" she responded, "I want to feel it."

He stood up and readied his cock. My wife looked up directly at the phone. It was as if we were making eye contact through the camera. I watched as her eyes rolled to the back of her head as Ronneal put his cockhead inside her. Mark was trying to enjoy her hand, yet, because she could not currently handle sucking him. He was thrusting his hips forward, fucking her right hand as her head fell down.

Mark then moved the phone so I could catch a glimpse of the BBC starting to fill my wife's pussy. He was about a third of the way in when he backed out slowly. As more and more of his cock was revealed, it was covered in white froth. Ronneal left his cockhead inside, then pushed forward again.

On the second attempt, he was halfway there.

"Damn your pussy feels so good," he moaned.

"Not as good as that big black cock," she managed to say.

Ronneal pulled back again, more white froth coating his cock. Now holding her ass in each hand and spreading her cheeks, he pushed forward again. More than half of his cock disappeared.

"Oh fuck!" she screamed, "Hold it right there!"

Ronneal held still. My wife pushed herself back onto him, gyrating her hips. In a matter of seconds, she came. She took Mark's big cock into her mouth to try and muffle her orgasm. Ronneal began fucking her with long, slow thrusts. The other guys were all standing around and watching, jerking their own cocks.

One guy knelt down between Ronneal's legs and looked to be trying to get his head by my wife's pussy. He was turned facing Ronneal, with his head up under my wife.

"MMM," I heard him say, "your juices taste so good."

"Don't forget about my balls," Ronneal said.

The guy reached up and massaged and pulled at his oversized black balls. Ronneal was now pumping away at my wife. She had another orgasm, then another. Finally, it seemed he had enough. He backed away, allowing the other guy to climb out. Ronneal stepped forward, his huge cock swaying side to side. He quickly ripped his condom off and nudged my wife's ass forward.

She pulled Mark's cock from her mouth and laid flat on her stomach. Ronneal grabbed her ankles and pulled her towards him until her feet were again hanging over the edge.

"Let's go, boys!" he announced, "Time to thank Mark for sharing this Goddess with us."

They formed a circle at the end of the bed, stroking their cocks. Ronneal bent his knees a bit, then slapped his cock on my wife's soles a few times. The first guy got a little closer to her feet and started to cum. One of the others held her feet up, trying to catch his cum with them.

I could hear Mark moaning his approval. My wife now aware of what was going on, turned and watched.

The second guy then stepped up and shot a large load mostly on her right foot. My wife was oohing as she felt the warm, wetness on her sole.

The third and fourth guys came at the same time, really covering her little feet with their thick loads. My wife flexed her feet, wrinkling them up and spreading her toes for them.

Once again, it was Ronneal and Mark to go last. Ronneal complimented the others on doing such a great job. He then squatted above her feet, aiming his huge cock down. Lower and lower until his cock started to make contact with her soles. Ronneal was using his cock to smear all the cum around my wife's feet. Once he felt they were evenly covered, he thrust his cock between her arches.

He fucked her little feet with his big black cock for a minute, his cock now getting covered in the other's cum. He pulled up, then rested his big balls on her toes. I could see her wiggling her toes underneath them. Ronneal's cock was well past her heels by a good four-to-five inches. I was shocked at how big it was and even more so that she was able to take almost all of it inside her just a few minutes earlier.

Ronneal teased the head of his cock as my wife's toes played with his balls. He placed both hands on his lower back and humped her feet. I swear his cock was touching her calves. Then he pulled his hips back, running his cock all the way down to her toes. He thrust forward. Ronneal reach down with both hands and jerked his massive cock hovering over her little soles.

The contrast of her little white feet and his huge black cock was so erotic to me that I came again.

Ronneal was right behind me, finally releasing his second load of the night onto her bare feet. His balls produced a huge load that seemed to never stop oozing cum. After what seemed like minutes, he gripped his cockhead, shaking the last few drops out.

Mark thanked his friends for their help and told them they could all take off. He then asked my wife to lay still. One by one, they were dressed and left the hotel room. Ronneal was last besides Mark. He approached my wife, still laying on her stomach, and bent down to place a kiss on her ass. After his kiss, he gave her asshole a quick lick with his tongue.

"Mmm," he moaned after, "hopefully you let me fuck that tight little ass before you leave."

My wife squealed from his tongue, "We'll see!"

Ronneal walked out of the room, leaving Mark alone with my wife. Mark showed me the huge mess of cum all over her feet before telling me he was going to turn off the phone and get to work.

My wife blew me a kiss on the camera.

I hung up the phone and felt so proud of her. She handled herself great and looked absolutely stunning. Eventually, I fell asleep. I ended up calling work the next morning and just working from home. I anxiously awaited a phone call from my wife.

Written by Midwestfeet
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