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Wanted: Part Time Pet

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Wanted Part Time Pet

The ad read: Wanted Part Time Pet. Mature gentlemen seeks pet part time for nurturing and companionship. For further information and details e-mail xxx@xxxx.xx

I read the ad a couple of times. It didn't make any sense – does he want a cat or dog sometimes? A pet is a commitment you don't just get one, play with it for a while and send it away. Did he expect that somebody was going to loan him their pet. That idea didn't gel either.

For some reason, I could not let the idea drop from my head. It kept coming to the surface for the next two days. I needed to investigate this further. I looked for the ad again – I had a devil of time finding it the second time. Finally there it was “part time for nurturing and companionship with the e-mail address.

I sent off the following message: Please explain your ad, it doesn't make any sense. What kind of pet are you looking for and why part-time? I didn't receive an answer that day but in the evening of the second day my computer pinged “You've got mail” The message said “Sorry for the delay in responding the details are in the attached file.” No name no further information just an attached file. Oh great, I thought just what I wanted to do, open a file from some mystery man who makes no sense. I decided to send the message to the delete file. And thought, that is the end of that.

I guess I'm like a cat and don't know enough to quit. For the next couple of days the stupid message about the ad kept bugging me. Dam it! dam it! dam it! I find myself opening up the deleted file in my e-mail and searching for the message about the Part Time Pet. I get way to many e-mails – it took a little while to locate the message again. I sit there looking at it “attached file” I study the message again it's from the address I sent my message to, its from a local access provider site not some free e-mail service.

I sure hope I don't regret this as I clicked on “open attachment”. A document opened in Adobe Reader:

Mature gentlemen seeks female or transgendered person to act as a human pet for play sessions a couple of times or more a week. No intercourse is expected or required. No money is asked or will be paid. A session is for the mutual pleasure of both Owner/Master and Pet.

A session is described below.

You will enter the building through an unmarked door with the passcode you will have been given. Proceed to basement and through the corridor to door at end. Enter the dressing room. Remove all your clothing and temporary jewelery, turn the ringer off on your cell phone. You are here to relax. Drink a liter of water (Stored in the small fridge under the dressing table). At precisely the session begin time, exit through the door opposite the entry door. You will be entering a cage, sit on the bench and wait. Your owner/master will come and lead you from the cage to an area where you will be washed, shampooed and any unwanted body hair removed (You will define how and what hair you want removed and how you want remaining hair to be treated before session.) You will then receive a full body massage, you will be induced to climax via the use of toys or manual stimulation. You will have a bondage collar, anklets and cuffs attached. You will be required to drink a liter of water for a second time. Upon completion of your grooming you will have a leash attached to the collar and be led to the apartment. Once in the apartment the leash will be removed and hung on a peg by the door.

While in the apartment you may do as you wish except you may not speak or use the bathroom. Communication will have to be with grunts, facial and hand gestures. You may engage in any pet style behaviors that suit your fancy. (There are no requirements except that if you wish to relive your self you go and get the leash from the peg by the door and present it to your owner/master. He will clip the lead to the collar and escort you back to the grooming area where he will watch you relive yourself, he will then clean you and return you to the apartment.) There are no windows looking into the grooming area or the apartment so no one will be able to glimpse at your nudity. In the apartment there is a Flat screen with cable and a computer attached for viewing shows or movies. The computer can play DVD's and a Netflix subscription is in effect. The computer can also surf the net. There is, at present ,no game console but one can be provided if desired. You will have total control of the remotes. (Your owner/master will help you operate the electronics.) You are welcome to bring reading material with you for a session (Just place the book or magazines on the bench in the cage and your owner/master will carry them for you into the apartment.) There is a small fully equipped kitchen where meals and snacks can be prepared. You may use anything in the apartment except the bathroom.

Your requirements:

Drink the water as requested (Your body needs the water to flush your system after the massage.)
You may not speak unless directly ordered to do so.
You may not smoke.
All of your body including genitals will be available to be felt, touched or stroked at all times.
You will allow your owner/master to adorn you with clothing, chains and jewelery as he sees fit.
You will not discuss with ANYONE the nature of or anything you do during the session.
You will notify someone where you are (Address) and when you are expecting to return.

Your Owner/Master:

Will not strike, slap or beat you with anything whatsoever.
Will not take any photographs of you.
Will not mark your body in any fashion.
Will not humiliate you other than to watch you relive yourself.
Will not try to train you to do tricks.
Will not chain you to or lock you in anything.
Will not request you to feed or drink from bowls on the floor.
Will not request you to eat pet food.

At the end of the session you will be lead to the cage attached to the dressing room and left on the bench. You will stay on the bench until the Owner/master leaves and then you may exit to the dressing room. Rest, dress and further groom yourself self before departure. (You may stay overnight in the apartment as a pet or the dressing room as a human. I do not wish you to drive when you are tired or the weather is bad.)

Sessions WILL begin on time, at least for the pet.
Sessions will end when either party requests, usually at the end time set for the session.
You may stop the session and leave at any time if you are not comfortable with our arrangement, there are no locks between you and the building exit.

Changes to rules can be negotiated before the next session.
The preferred method of communication is via e-mail.

Wow! that wasn't at all what I had imagined. I really don't know, just what I imagined. I knew that BDSM existed and this didn't seem to fit that mold. Actually it sounded more like a day at the spa except for the peeing part. I could take a few hours off from life, be pampered, petted and even worshiped for a while. No important decisions to make on my own and even not have to wrestle for the remote. I was going to have to seriously think about this.

I decided to find out a little more about being his pet. I have a busy life full of requirements, too so many people, I felt “streesssed!” all the time. Maybe this is just what the doctor ordered. I certainly do not get much relaxing done at home, it is to easy for every one in my family to get to me. I never get to watch what I want, the kids watch cartoons until my husband changes channels to watch some sports football, basketball, baseball – anything with a ball in it he even watched bowling the other night. He hasn't touched me in months and quite frankly I don't miss it much – too tired, too depressed.

I emailed Owner back and asked, “What times are sessions, how much are they, where and how long."

I got a reply back the next day. “Sessions are scheduled at your convenience, I am semi-retired so my hours are very flexible and can match your schedule. They are held in a building I own in XXXXX, XX it is an old commercial building on the edge of downtown there is plenty of parking and is a very safe neighborhood. The building houses a gift shop on the main floor, the kennel and apartment are in the basement. A family style restaurant is on one side, a hair dresser on the other and overlooking a marina on the canal in the back. I would suggest a three hour session the first time. As mentioned in the fact sheet there will be no money exchange. We are meeting for our mutual satisfaction. I get to touch and pet . You get pampered and pleasured. We are not friends, or lovers just two people enjoying each others company for a while. I would ask you to let me know about any STD's you have had contact with. I don't have any and would like to keep it that way. Since we will not be having intercourse there should be no concern about pregnancy. If this sounds OK to you and you wish to book let me know.”

I was still suspicious. I just didn't know what to think. He said I should let someone know where I was and what time I would be done with the visit. So he can't kidnap me and make me disappear, he has to let me go at the prescribed time, so he can't do anything mean to me either or I could tell on him when I got out. What to do? What to do?

Decision time. I emailed Owner back and said I would like to come for a session next Saturday afternoon after work from 2 to 5. I told him I was free of any STD's.

Owners reply: “I am looking forward to our session. The time is acceptable. As it will be supper time at the end I will treat you at the restaurant next door if you wish. I need to know the following from you before you come. What method of hair removal do you use. Brand of shampoo and conditioner and body soap as well as deodorant. What do you like to drink as a snack beverage (I don't drink much besides water so I will have to get the type you prefer) . Use the code of XXX to unlock the door from the outside. Attached is my picture – please be sure to delete it after you look at it. I don't want any angry boyfriends gunning me down in the streets. Because they found my picture in your private files.”

I e-mailed him back with the information he requested. Looks like I am committed now.

I called my sister and told her I where I was going and would be back after 7. If I didn't call her by then I was in trouble. I told my husband I was meeting a friend he didn't like and we were going shopping and out to supper after work Sat and I shouldn't be to late. I didn't want to tell him I was going to get a massage with, I hope, a happy ending.

I arrived at the address Owner had provided and parked in the back. It was just as he had described it looked peaceful. I noticed the building was kind of run down in the back and it bristled with CCTV cameras there were four I could see on the back alone. I took a deep breath and got out of the car and approached the back entrance. The door was not very inviting, it was oversized, blank and had an air of being very solid and at the same time old. I saw the keypad and entered XXXX as Owner had instructed. I heard a loud clunk and the light on the pad turned green. Last chance I thought.

I steeled myself and pulled the door open. There were no stairs, it was a steep ramp leading down into a dark abyss. There was a light over head but didn't cast much light. I looked at the door again and noted that it had a crash bar so at least I could get back out with no trouble. I stepped inside, closed the door and slowly went down the ramp, “Please no spiders no snakes.”

Just before I reached the bottom of the ramp another light came on in the entrance of the hall, feeling a whole lot better I realized it was probably motion activated and proceed to walk down the hall. The hall was gray stone on the left and smooth white on the right, ,the floor was old unpainted concrete, there was no ceiling just the beams that hold up the floor above. As I advanced down the hall lights came on as I got close to them. The hall seemed very long but was probably only 60' or so. At the end was a blank door, I thought to myself this guy doesn't spend much on decorating. I had the feeling I was in a dungeon, if the door had been oak plank I would have turned and run back out.

I opened the door and stepped into a nice modern, clean room with tile floor painted walls and ceiling except the one wall that was stone like the corridor had been, I figured it must be the outside wall of the basement. The dressing room had a counter with a computer terminal, a make-up mirror and at the far end a bowl sink. I noted a toilet behind a curtained off alcove next to the stone wall and a door leading out of the room to the right of the alcove opening. There were a row of hooks and a couple of lockers on the wall next to the entry door I just came in. A futon configured as a settee next to the lockers. There was an open shelf with a couple of blankets and some towels.

I checked out the room, it was clean and well kept but, could definitely use a woman’s touch as it was kind if sterile. I didn't get much of a chance to contemplate the décor however, as the computer beeped to life which startled me a bit. My nerves were very much on edge and the urge to bolt back to my car was very strong. My breathing had been fast every since looking into the darkness at bottom of the ramp. The computer screen beeped again an a message come on the screen. “Welcome pet you have nothing to fear. Please disrobe, drink a bottle of water and exit to the cage I will be with you soon.”

I thought, water hell, I hope there is some alcohol in that fridge. I tried to collect myself , I still wasn't to sure about this getting naked, I was shivering but soon realized the room itself was warm and it was just nerves. I stripped off my shoes and socks, the floor was actually warm, then my jeans. I noticed that the front of my panties were wet – when did that happen, I wondered. Off came the panties it actually felt good, the air hitting my butt and pussy. I always left my bush wild and natural, but, maybe if it is going to be played with, I should get it trimmed. Next I took off my top unclipped my bra and let my breasts free. My boobs are about average, I guess, but age and mean old Mr Gravity have conspired to give them a little droop but they weren't to bad, it kind of went along with the rest of me, a little sag here, a little bit pudgy there. It wasn't the 19 year old body I remembered . Of course, that was more than 19 years ago and 19 pounds less. It was always a bit of a shock when the woman with the laugh lines in the mirror looked back at me in the morning.

I looked in the fridge, water, a couple of apples and some orange juice boxes, no booze, bummer. I sighed, grabbed a water bottle. It was a one liter bottle. I didn't know if I would be able to drink it all at once it seemed like a lot. Well down the hatch as they say, so I started drinking. It took me ten minutes to get it all down, I thought I could hear waves sloshing in my belly by the time I got finished with it.

I noticed a clock on the wall over the door to the cage. It said 2:02 “Shit I am late for the first session!” I ripped open the door and started to leap through but came up short when I realized the cage was only about 3' square and the door opened into the cage so it formed one side of the enclosure. To the right was a blank wall backing up to the toilet alcove I guess, with a fixed bench. The other two sides of the cage were open bars like in the zoo. The room was dark except for a very small bulb above the cage. I closed the door and sat down. The bench was warm, nice touch. When I closed the door, the light went out, now I am sitting in a cage, naked, in the dark. Thinking 2 minutes late and the deal is off, my nerves had just about had it. I started to cry and I hate when that happens, I want to yell and scream not cry.

A voice in the dark said, "You have nothing to be frightened of; this is a place were only happy things occur.” I heard the voice. It was low pitched, very calm and soothing. "You don't need to cry, you are very safe here.”

As the words sunk in, the room slowly became brighter. I could start to see the room I was in. A few feet in front of the cage was a padded table. Hanging from the ceiling over the table was a sprayer like the ones used to rinse dishes in a restaurant. There was a faint red light from some ceiling fixtures above the edges of the table. “For today I am your Owner, Pet,” Owner said.

I could see the room clearly now. The construction was the same as the hall one stone wall to the left smooth dark blue to the right and a dark hall far ahead A few feet ahead of the table were two posts that ran from floor to ceiling there were holes in both direction though the posts. Above my head height there was a pipe spanning the posts through a set of the holes, the pipe had 4 eye bolts with ropes dressed back to the posts. I also saw a hook hanging from a hoist above the pipe. “O shit!” I thought he said I wouldn't be chained up. Damn what have I gotten myself into.

Owner must have seen my reaction to the posts and hoist. He chuckled. "Relax Pet, while those are just what you think they are. I have a couple of friends that like to play rough. And they use this space sometimes. We won't be using them for our play sessions.”

I was now able to look at the rest of the space and saw Owner approaching from the hall on the far side of the room. Wearing a black robe he was about 6 foot tall wide shoulders and a large gut. I had no doubt that he could have picked me up and hurled me across the room with one hand. He was bald with white hair, clean shaven. He had a stern look to his face but I noticed later that when he talked his face would light up and his eyes twinkle. He would have made a good Santa.

Owner said, “You look a little nervous Pet. My real name is Dave and I promise I won't hurt you. Because this is your first session and we haven't worked together before I will waive the no talking rule here in the kennel. Do you have any questions before we start?”

Of course I had a million questions but my mind went completely blank and I just shook my head no. I'm such an idiot sometimes. Owner came up to cage and opened the door there wasn't even a latch, just some little magnet thing that kept it from swinging on its own. A two year old child could open that door. I'm starting to calm down now, a little. I am beginning to think the only problem I am going to have here is my own imagination. Owner extended his hand as if I was a princess alighting from her carriage. He lead me over to the table. He said, “Hop up on the table and sit up with your feet over the side. We are going to begin with washing your hair.”

“Put out your hand.” He reached for the sprayer and shot some water on the floor opposite where I was sitting then he shot some water on my hand. “Pet, is the temperature of the water comfortable?” I nodded my head, yes.

Actually it was almost too hot. But I was still very nervous and not thinking straight. He took the sprayer, put it over my head and squeezed the lever and hot water soaked my head. It ran down my back and on to the table, it ran down my chest and into my lap. I'm glad I didn't say it was to hot because the run off was just right. Owner reached over and got a bottle of shampoo, it was the same brand as I told him I used at home.

He squirted some on my head and I started to reach up to rub it in, but Owner stopped me. “You are my Pet, you are here to be spoiled and pampered.

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I will take care of you.” He worked his fingers through my hair kneading my scalp. It was such a good feeling. He used the sprayer again to rinse out the suds and then applied the conditioner and again worked it in massaging my scalp some more.

I was becoming relaxed now. I think this going to be nice. After a long time of working the conditioner into my hair he rinsed again with the sprayer. He then told me to stand up. With the sprayer he rinsed off the shampoo and conditioner that had run off my head. From somewhere he produced my soap. He soaped up a cloth and rubbed it on my shoulders, down my arms, back, which felt really good, he switched to the front and scrubbed my chest and then my breasts, he seemed to take some extra time there. Again the sprayer to rinse off the soap and wet my lower body. He helped me back on the table and told me to kneel with my legs apart. He then proceeded to scrub my inner thighs. I had thought he spent extra time on my breasts. He spent a lot of extra time on my butt and pussy. Then a rinse and he had me stand on the table. It took a bit to stand on it as it was padded and kind of soft. Finally my legs got the treatment. A final rinse and done.

Owner had me lay down on the table on my back he pushed my hands above my head and told me to grab one wrist with the other hand and don't move. Next out, some shaving gel like I used. He worked it into the stubble under my arms, it tickled a bit and I squirmed. He told me to lie still as he didn't want to cut me with the razor. Then he tickled my pits. I wasn't expecting that, my body went straight up in the air 6 inches it seemed. Owner said, “I said lie still so I can shave you” He took the razor gave it a quick burst under the sprayer and very carefully removed my stubble. “There, nice and smooth.” Two quick shots with the sprayer to rinse off and done. Now it was time for my legs a lather and a quick scrape had the fronts under control he said, “Roll over so we can get the backs.” Again a lather, some scraping and the sprayer rinse.

Owner stood me up on the table and rinsed my legs again. “You have some hair in your butt crack and inner thighs would you like me to remove it too.”

I immediately felt my face go red. I guess I had kind of relaxed and was just enjoying the sensations of being cared for. I suddenly realized a stranger was peering up my ass and could see things that even I hadn't seen. I stuttered a bit, but said, “Yyyes pleasee.”

Owner put me down on my knees on the edge of the table and spread them apart. “Bend down, head on the table. Grab your cheeks and pull them apart for me, please.” I did as commanded. First came the lather then the scrapping. He rubbed his finger up and down my crack to make sure it was smooth and then rinsed. “On your back, legs wide so I can get your inner thighs. Do you want your pussy lips shaved?”

I felt my face go red again but said in a sure voice, “If you would, please.” Lather, scrape and a final rinse. He rubbed my crotch inspecting for stray hairs and stubble. It felt even better than when he rubbed my asshole. It was a good thing I was still a little wet from the rinse because I think I was leaking a bit again.

“All finished,” he said. “ Off the table please.” He turned as I got down to the floor and came back with two warm towels. It suddenly dawned on me that being out in the open air all wet I should have been cold but I was actually quite warm.

As he started to dry my body I asked, “ Why aren't I cold? I'm in a basement in an open room, I should be cold.”

Owner said, as he was drying my arms, "The red glow in the ceiling are infrared heaters; they don't heat the air, they heat the surfaces they shine on, so they keep you warm even though you are wet. Watch the table in a couple of minutes it will be dry.” He finished drying my body off, then a another towel for my hair.

When he was done, the table still had a couple of wet spots which he wiped down with the towel. “Back on the table please, face down.”

Towels gone, out came a little cart with a warmer and a bottle. He poured some oil on my back and began to spread it around, just enough pressure so I could feel his hands. His hands were large but very soft and when he found a hard spot in my muscles he would apply a little more pressure until the tension was rubbed out. I was beginning to finally really relax. He was doing a good job my arms, the backs of my legs and finally my butt. Oh ah! I definitely would have been willing to pay for this.

“Roll over,” came the order - over I went. Oil on my chest a light massage then my stomach. “Hey what about my breasts?” I thought to my self. Hands out to the edges of my hips down my thighs and legs then my feet got paid attention to. I was really starting to relax now. More oil this time right on my tits. “YES” I thought.

He starting in massaging my right breast rubbing, kneading and then squeezing holding it out, up away from my body and circling and caressing the nipple with his thumb. He didn't get a rise out of it, as they had been about to burst since I was dried with the towel. Next he worked over my left breast like he had the right one. Circling, caressing the nipple with the thumb. Having spend some time visiting my chest he applied some more oil to his hands and paid attention to my pelvic bones again, only this time he worked his way towards my crotch .

Now I wasn't being relaxed any longer as he teased along the edges of my lips I could feel the heat building. I don't think it was the heaters over the table either. I had long since closed my eyes and was floating in the sensations. His hands left my womanhood and again descended on by aching nipps. Again the thumbs swirling and rubbing, Then he pinched them both kind of hard – I moaned and he did it again. Then back to my love box. Finger caressing the sides then little excursions into my vagina and back touching my clit with his thumb then back again, again and again. A quick pinch on my tits and then back to fingering me. I was starting to float away in my mind the sensations building.

Each time he left my pussy and pinched my nipps my throttle advanced another notch. I was starting to moan and wiggle. He must have sensed I was getting close and he pushed in hard ,thumb on the clit and he jammed a slippery finger right in my ass the pain was to much and it sent me over the top I knew my eyes were open but I couldn't see anything, it was the best orgasm in many years. He kept flicking my clit and the pain would send me back up again. When I finally came back down, I could feel the wet running down my crack and on to the table. When I came in, I was tense and a wound up bundle of nerves so bad I was just about crawling out of my skin. There was no tension now. I'm not sure I could even move much less walk.

Owner had put the cart with oils and warmer back and had a wash cloth with soap on it when he returned he washed my bits again then rinsed with the sprayer then he had me get up and dried me with the towel. I was content to say the least. Owner got some kind of cloth strips and fastened one around each ankle they look a bit like bondage cuffs but were soft and only a little thin loop of rope instead of a metal ring. Next he presented me with a bottle of water and told me to drink up. Cuffs for my wrists were next, as the ankle cuffs they were soft without a metal ring. Next he had me turn around and proceeded to put a choker around my neck, this was as the cuffs, soft cloth although it had a metal ring with a large heart pendant hanging from it. I'm not sure why but this made me feel wanted and secure. I mean they were just pieces of cloth strapping they didn't cover anything and yet I felt completely at ease with no other clothes on.

Owner said to drink up the last half of the water but I thought I was full and shook my head no. He jumped at me and started tickling me. I jumped and squirmed when he stopped, he presented the bottle again and said, “Drink Pet,” and held up his other hand and wiggled his fingers as if to tickle me some more. It wasn't that hard to drink the rest of that bottle after all.

Owner took down a leash from a peg on the wall and clipped it to my collar. I thought, “Here we go, he is going to want me to crawl on the floor like a dog or something."

But instead he put the leash in his hand and then took my hand in his with leash between our hands and lead me towards the hall. A short ways down the hall was a door to the right. He opened the door and entered the apartment back hall. He stopped us and removed the leash and hung it on a peg by the door. He took my hand again and took me through the hall to the end. It emptied out into an open space it wasn't real big but it had a living room area with a carpeted floor, a couple of couches and upholstered chairs, a fire place set in the stone wall. behind I could see a dining room table. It seemed warm and cozy. This area could also have used a woman's touch as the only thing on the walls was a clock over the fireplace. Nothing on the end tables. The coffee table had 2 remotes and a keyboard on it. The couches did have some matching throw pillows. To the left of the fireplace set even with the wall was a cage like the one between the dressing room and the kennel. I looked and it had no latch or means to secure it either.

Owner lead me through the living room and showed me the kitchen, it was to the left of the fireplace wall set back in but unlike the cage, part of the kitchen jutted out into the main room. You had to go two steps up to enter. It was VERY small. It had a full size stove, refrigerator a two basin stainless sink, a stone insert next to the sink. Between the stove and fridge was a large microwave. The stone insert looked like the only place to really prepare food. I'm not sure if you prepare a meal on it, it was so small. But, if you were standing at the sink or food prep area you could look out over the main room.

Owner escorted me out the main entry. I saw a laundry area to the left. Straight ahead was a workshop. I could see behind that was a large empty room with some stairs on the back wall. There were windows in the stone wall to the left and a smooth blank wall to the right. It dawned on me that it was still daylight outside and that the apartment had no windows. We returned to the apartment and Owner said, “You may now do as you please, the TV remote is on the coffee table, there is a wireless keyboard for the computer. What would you like to do?”

I suddenly knew exactly what I wanted to do. Pee. All that water he made me drink had finally settled. I crossed my legs and looked for the bathroom. My body language must have been very clear. “Pet, now is the time you pay me for the session. Go down the hall and bring me the leash.” I scurried across the room down the back hall grabbed for the leash, damn near ripped the peg off the wall. I was back in a flash. He fastened the leash to the collar ring and walked back down to the back door. He really didn’t lead me as I was ahead of him the whole way. We were in the kennel now but, there is no toilet. I headed for the cage door because I knew there was a toilet in the dressing room.

Owner stopped short and stopped me from entering the cage by holding the leash steady. “I want to see you pee. Go to the green carpet by the wall. Go stand over it facing me with your legs spread as far as possible and release.” Instantly I felt my whole body flush with embarrassment. I hadn't let anyone see me pee since I was three. He wants me to stand in the open and piss on the floor in front of him.

Suddenly, the urge to go, left.

I stood there frozen: do I do as asked or leave? He said I could end the session whenever I chose to. The toilet, my clothes and freedom were only a few feet away. I remembered the instruction sheet said I was required to be escorted to be relieved. So far I have been treated like royalty and satisfying his kink was the only payment asked. It won't physically hurt me to do this, I know I agreed to this and I should do this. But I don't know if I can.

Owner said, “Carpet or cage now, please. CHOOSE,” and he reached forward, unclipped the leash, dropped it to the floor and stood there looking me in the eyes. I couldn't read his expression it was not. Not happy, not sad, not angry just blank.

The thoughts in my head were as if there was a tornado in my brain. Slamming here, being sucked up there, crashing down again and then blown away by another. I just couldn't stand there on exhibition and perform.

I took a step to the cage door and saw the look on Owner's face as he turned and started to walk away. It was a look of profound disappointment. It was as if I had offered a treat but at the last second pulled it away and slapped him instead.

“Wait,” I said. “Please don't go. I will try. I just don't know if I can. I never let anyone watch me not even pets.”

He stopped, out of the corner of eye I saw him turn back. I lost sight of him because I had lowered my head and was moving to the green carpet. It was some kind of artificial turf. It must let the water go though it somehow to a drain underneath. I stepped on the carpet and turned back to face the room. I steadied my self with a rope that was hanging from the ceiling over the patch. I spread my feet wide and looked back up. Owner was back, looking into my eyes. I tried to relax but the pee refused to leave me. “I'm trying to relax and let go but, its not coming,” I said. “Why is this important to you anyway?”

Owner's look became wistful and he said, “I love females, I love everything about a woman that is different from a man. I like smelling and touching your hair, your soft skin, the way your breast feels cupped in my hand. The comfort they give if I rest my head on them. Nipples that rise and relax on their own. I especially am fascinated by your nether region. I can't get enough of looking, touching tasting and exploring." As I am listening to him sing the praises of woman I feel somehow calmed down and now that my mind is off my embarrassment I feel the urge again to pee NOW.

I don't pee standing up. I wasn't really sure what was going to happen. I felt the warmth grow in my pussy and then the dam burst and the pee shot out me like water from a hose. There was a steady stream landing 2 feet in front of me, but I could also feel wetness going down my crack, dripping off my butt cheek and a trickle running down the inside of my left leg. This was being messy. I really was no longer paying attention to what he was saying I was just so happy to be done with this ordeal. My pee slowed to a trickle and finally stopped.

My attention shifting back to Owner. I heard him say, “Thank-you, you have pleased me very much. I really do appreciate what you just did, even more so because, I know you didn't want to.” It gave me a funny little warm feeling to have overcome my humiliation. And get his praise.

Owner said, “Stay still and I will clean you up.” A soapy cloth were the pee had dribbled on me and a quick rinse with the sprayer, I was clean again. He removed the left ankle cuff as it was wet from the pee and wash water. He got a warm towel and dried me. While he was turned around to dispose of the towel and get another ankle cuff. I reached down and picked up the leash and fastened the snap to the collar's ring. When he turned back with the cuff he smiled at me and bent to put the cuff on. He stood and I handed him the leash, he again put it in my hand as before. Then taking hold of the hand with the leash we walked back to the apartment.

Owner said, “Where were we? Oh yes, what did you want to do?” I had thought about a movie. A glance at the clock over the fireplace showed a little more time left then necessary to watch one. There was one on pay per view I had wanted to see. It was defiantly a chic flick and nobody in my house would want to watch with me.

I said, “On pay per view?”

“OK,” he said. He handed me the cable remote and picked up the other, pointed it at the flat screen which came to life. He pushed input and selected cable and put the remote back. “Would you like something to drink?” he asked.

After my little episode in the kennel and the fact I had already drunk 2 liters of water within the last hour and a half, I shook my head no. He went to the kitchen and got himself a glass of soda. I found the movie I wanted and selected it and hit play. I sat on the couch opposite the flat screen. Owner came back and motioned me to lay down and get comfortable. He said, "Pets are not always allowed on the furniture. You should wait for permission in the future.”

Owner came around and sat at the end were my feet were. He placed them in his lap and started to massage one. This is the life I thought, I’m sure glad I didn't walk out before. As we watched the movie he massaged both feet and the calves of my legs. It was so nice. About half way through the movie, the bottle of water I drank after the massage was all in my bladder and sending the message: “I want out”. I still had the remote in my hand, I used it to pause the movie. Owner looked over at me and I held up a finger as if to say “just a minute”. I got up off the couch and went to the back door for the leash. He seemed to enjoy the pet game we were playing and so was I a bit. I presented him the leash. He stood and fastened the clip to the collar and then we walked out to the kennel hand in hand.

This time I went straight to the carpet assumed the position and froze, I still couldn't let it go in front of him. I know that I could and would pee, but I still felt so self-conscious. He looked at me, as I shrugged my shoulders, and shook my head.

He just smiled, he actually petted me on the head and said, “You're a good girl, yes you can.”

I couldn't believe he said that, I wasn't sure whether to be pleased or hurt or pissed. But it happened again, as soon as I thought about something else the pee started flowing. This time my right thigh got the trickle. But like the first time I was soon washed and dried the wet cuff replaced and we went back the apartment. This time I went and stood in front of the couch and waited. Owner asked again if I wanted something to drink or eat. This time I accepted and he brought me a small glass of soda and a bowl of chocolate kisses to snack on He sat down on the couch and motioned for me to lay down. This time with my head and shoulders on his lap. I resumed the movie. This time he fiddled with my breasts and rubbed my tummy with one hand. With his other, he stroked my head. It wasn't sensual but it felt good just to be touched and appreciated. I was back in heaven until the end of the movie.

It was time for our session to end. I didn't want it to be over. It seemed like I had always been here and my old life was just an unpleasant memory. But I knew I couldn't stay. I had responsibilities, kids to raise, work to go to and a marriage to fix. This was just a fantasy, a day dream. Outside my real life.

I stretched and moaned and then went to get the leash. This time when we got to the kennel it was time to say good bye. I really didn't have to pee but I went right up to the carpet, spread myself and pissed on the grass. Owner laughed and as before cleaned me up. He took off the cuffs and collar. We went to the cage door and he opened it. Before, I let him seat me on the bench, I grabbed him and hugged him as if we have been friends forever. I sighed as I watched him turn out the lights and leave the room. I sat there in the dark for a minute before I opened the dressing room door.


“I” is completely fictional, the apartment exists and there are plans for the kennel. The author welcomes feed back on whether “I” is believable as a woman.

Written by Dmoore7
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