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Too Far

"How far are you willing to go to satisfy your deepest desire?"

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Competition Entry: Kinky Fetishes

Laurie moaned as the hand tightened around her neck. The man above her was wearing a ski mask and he slammed into her with such force, it bordered on painful. Her fingers curled around his wrist and looked into his eyes.

“Tighter,” she whispered and felt his grip tighten. “Harder.”

“Jesus, Laurie,” the man said in disgust. He released her and pulled out, leaving her aching and empty.

Laurie’s one hand slipped between her legs and cupped her pussy. The other one rubbed along her neck. “Why’d you stop?”

“This is gross. I’m not choking you anymore. You’re taking it too far.”

“Baby please.” Her fingers spread her glistening swollen lips and her middle finger circled her clit.

“Stop it!” he hissed and climbed out of the bed.

Her hand tightened onto her own neck and her finger rubbed faster. “Jake come back. Be the big bad serial killer, come to take his victim.” The word victim was elongated by the sound of pleasure. It was turned into a dirty word, dripping from her lips.

Jake watched her and his cock began to grow. Her body writhed as fingers rubbed furiously against her sex. He took a step forward and placed a knee on the bed.

“No Mr. Serial killer, don’t make me do this,” she panted and squeezed her neck.

Jake stepped back, snatched the mask off and threw it at her. 

“Oh come on Jake, don’t do that. Come back to bed. We can finish without it. You said it was fun.”

He fastened his pants and pulled his t-shirt over his head. “It was fun, Laurie! It was fun to think I met a girl who was open to new things. One willing to try a few of the kinky things I’ve been wanting, but this is too far. You’ve taken it too far.”

“Which part exactly? You didn’t mind choking me the other night when you had your dick deep in my ass.”

Jake blushed, turned his back on her. “The mask, Laurie. Me breaking in your house, me forcing myself and just how hard you wanted me to choke you. It’s not right, I could have hurt you.”

“Okay first off, you never forced me, it was role-playing. Lots of people role play. You didn’t break into my house, I left the backdoor unlocked and as far as the mask goes, I left it hanging on the doorknob! You’re being ridiculous.”

He stomped to the bed as his anger flared up again. “I’m not being ridiculous! Do you not see how deep your obsession with serial killers has become? You watch every single show and all of those stupid YouTube videos about them. I mean Jesus Christ, you watched the Ted Bundy movie at least six times and don’t give me that bullshit it’s because of Zac Efron!”

Laurie sat up and crossed her arms over breasts. “Are you done?”

“No!” he screamed. “Last month you made me go to the Halloween part as Jack the Ripper and you were one of his prostitutes. That’s gross!”

She laughed, despite the anger and disgust on his face. “You weren’t Jack the Ripper, you were Jake the Ripper and it was a funny play on words. Also, they weren’t his prostitutes, they were just prostitutes and his victims. I was Mary Jane Kelly, the las--”

“I don’t give a fuck who you were! Being obsessed with serial killers is sick. I can’t handle watching any more horror movies or documentaries. Most of all, Laurie, I can’t handle how you always want to have sex afterward. It’s too much.”

“Oh, whatever. I’m not the only person in the world that gets off on this. There’s an entire group on Reddit that I’m part of. Jake, I’m not as bad as some of these other--”

“I don’t give a fuck!” he screamed again enunciating each word. “You are sick and it’s going to get you into trouble one day. You are going to push it too far. And I’m sorry, but I’m not going to be here for it when it happens.”

Laurie rolled her eyes.

“Goodbye, Laurie.”

“Wait,” she said and got out of bed.

He shook his head and headed for the front door.

“Jake, we can talk about this?”

Jake stopped long enough to slip his sneakers on. “No. We’re done.” He turned and walked out the door.

Later that night she sat down in the center of her bed with a bowl of popcorn and a bottle of wine. An old episode of Unsolved Mysterious played softly in the background as she complained about Jake to one of her friends, GacyGal, in her Reddit group, The Killers.

She said he called her sick and of course everyone in the group was supportive and made her feel better for her slightly strange fetish. Lost in these groups it was easy to get caught up and feed each other’s desires. The want of being stalked, of feeling helpless and most importantly, knowing that you aren’t alone in this.

Laurie wanted attention and she got it with someone she had role-played with before, BigBadDaddy. They acted out their cyber game of cat and mouse, Laurie the helpless mouse, of course, leaned back on her bed and began to touch. Jake had left her on the edge. The wine and BigBadDaddy’s words had brought it back with a vengeance.

‘You are mine now little girl.’ *gripping your hair holding you in place, bending you over the fallen tree, ripping your panties off* 

‘No-no, please don’t do this.’ *struggling against your grip, but you are too strong and easily spread my legs*

*I laugh and slip my large hard cock deep inside you with one thrust* ‘You’re mine now!’

Laurie’s fingers were pushed deep inside her aching pussy, fucking herself hard and fast reading his words. 

‘No, stop you’re a monster.’ *pushing back against you, struggling* 

‘Take it.’ *fucking you hard and fast* 

She was close and didn’t respond. The hand she used to type pushed hard onto her clit rubbing quickly back and forth. 

‘Such a dirty slut, you love it don’t you?’

His words pushed her over the edge and she came. She pulled her fingers away, sucked them gently and then responded back to him. 

‘Oh yes. You’re such a big bad strong man and I need it. Just like that.’ *I wiggle more pushing back harder my ass bouncing off you.*

Laurie took a sip of her wine and waited. She knew this pause, it meant he was cumming and unable to type. She loved cybersex, but wanted more. She wanted to find a man willing to push her boundaries and possibly to push his boundaries as well.

Yes, baby, like that.’ 

She typed to fill the silence and saw she had a PM. 

‘Fuck, LilRed, that was so hot.’

She thanked him with a kiss, said she had to run and then she checked her inbox. 

From: Casanova
To: LilRed
Subject: Serial Killer Found


I’ve watched you for some time now and I think I’m making the right choice by messaging you. What I’m about to tell you is something I need you to keep strictly between us. I work in the morgue at Bluefield Regional Hospital in West Virginia, I’m a night attendant and the police have just brought in something very interesting. 

I know you are familiar with the Romeo killer because I’ve seen you discuss it. The police have caught him and brought his body to this very morgue. Again, you cannot discuss it because they have not announced to the public. 

They said his body will be stored here for at least three days while they do their investigation then they’ll ship him to another facility. I’m offering you a chance to come here and see him for yourself. 

I admit I’ve always had a desire to have sex at a place where a killer has taken lives, but the chance to have sex near a serial killer… Well, let’s say that is an opportunity one rarely gets and lives to tell about it. If you would like to explore this with me, please let me know. I will send you a picture of myself and my badge so you know I am who I say I am. This window is small, please let me know. 

x Casanova 

Laurie jumped out of bed, no longer feeling exhausted. “Oh my God.” Her body was already tingling at the thought of this prospect. She climbed back on the bed and looked up Casanova.

She was pleased and comforted that he had been in the group almost from the start and most of the people she called friends were friends with him as well. She picked her four closest friends and sent them a message, “What is your opinion on Casanova? He seems kinda sexy to me.”

Within a half-hour, she had four replies all saying the same thing. “He is, but quiet and a little shy.” GacyGirl giggled that his shyness made him feel dangerous which made him sexier.

Laurie checked her scheduled and saw she was working on Tuesday and almost convinced herself not to do this, but texted a co-worker instead. She begged him to switch days and he agreed.

Then she checked flight details. Her body hummed with excitement but somewhere in the back of her mind was a voice telling her to slow down. Her glee crashed when she realized if she bought the plane ticket she wouldn’t have enough to get a hotel room or to even eat for the next week.

After she did another search trying to find a better deal she decided there was no way on such short notice. She went back to the PM and replied to him that she would love to, but didn’t have money for a plane ticket.

Sad and disappointed she got ready for bed. Thirty minutes later as she was shutting down tabs she saw his reply. 

“Tell me your email address and I will send you the money. I don’t want to miss this chance if you are willing to come.”

Laurie paced around the room and weighed her pros and cons. Then she heard Jake’s voice in her head, ‘This is sick, Laurie. You are going to go too far.’

“Too far? Fuck you, Jake, not far enough.” And she sent her email to Casanova.

The next evening she stood in a West Virginia airport looking for the man in the photograph he had sent. She had only packed a backpack of clothes so she had no need to retrieve luggage, but he told her to meet him by the carousel since it would be such a public location.

She was both nervous and beyond excited. Her body tingled with excitement and a desire to see the monster.

He said his real name was Ray and she spotted him easily over the crowd. He was very tall and lean with shaggy black hair.

“Ray?” she asked even though she already knew. The smile that spread across his face was kind and warmed her nerves.

“Laurie? Hi.” He hugged her and without hesitation, she hugged him back.

He felt calm and soothing so she couldn’t stop the smile she gave him in return.

“You must be starving. Would you like to eat or go freshen up or anything?”

“No, I’m okay, I grabbed a sandwich to eat on the plane. Are you hungry?”

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“No, I’m good.” He opened his jacket and flashed his badge. “I’m on my way to work. Care to come?” he asked with a grin.

“Of course,” she grinned back and they left the airport.

They pulled into the back of the hospital and Ray told her to stand beside the bay doors and wait.

Twenty minutes later he opened the door on the other side of the doors to let her in. It was mostly invisible in the shadows and she hadn’t even known it was there. They walked down a quiet corridor and into a small mostly bare room.

Through that room, they walked into a larger, much cooler room. The back wall was lined with shiny metal doors and on the other was a post mortem table and a sink where all of the tools used for an autopsy laid, wrapped in sterilized plastic.

There was another floating table closer to the refrigerator that she assumed was used to transport the bodies.

Ray stood still and didn’t interrupt her while she took in the room. She turned and looked at him and he nodded, seeming to know that she was asking if it was okay.

Laurie walked slowly through the room touching things, her fingers gliding over the smooth shiny metal. The coolness of it all under her fingers made her body shiver and not with the cold. Starting on the opposite side of the room she made her way to what excited her most of all. The cooler drawers.

She placed her fingers lightly on the cool outside and slid them, almost lovingly, along the outside. The all too familiar ache started to grow at the idea of who laid behind one of these doors.

“Middle row, third one in.” Ray’s voice was soft but deep, caressing her skin, making her quiver.

Her hands moved slowly until her palms were pressed flat to the door. Behind that door was a man that had done horrible things to women. A man that deserved to be there, but a man that turned her on nonetheless.

A soft gasp escaped her lips at the feel of Ray pressed against her ass. His hands held her hips and he pushed forward slightly, showing her he was already hard. This caused her pussy to throb and she felt herself instantly wet.

His hands moved slowly up her stomach and just under her breasts, then glided to her back and into her hair. Ray’s fingers curled and he pulled her head back to whisper into her ear, “Are you ready to see it?”

She whimpered and her body wiggled against him, her ass rubbed hard against his length. “Please.” Is all she could get out.

Ray kept one hand firmly in her hair and ran the other one down her body and across her waist. He pulled her into him and reached out to open the door. His grip never loosened as he held her close and stepped back to allow the door to open fully.

The cold air came out in a rush and blasted Laurie’s body, her hard nipples grew painful and she gasped again.

“He’s there. Casanova.” Ray’s lips were on her neck as they stared into the darkness of the drawer, the white of the sheet barely visible. “You know what sick things he did to those women?”

“Yes,” she whispered. Her body shuddered and continued to rub against him like a cat in heat.

“And you still want to see him?” He kissed her neck. “And you still want to fuck me in the room with him?” His teeth sunk gently into her skin.

Laurie whimpered, “Yes.”

Ray released her hair, but held her close and moved them forward enough that he could pull the drawer out. It locked into place and neither one moved.

She couldn’t believe what she was looking at. The killer was lying in front of her. He was a monster and she needed to see him. She stepped forward and Ray seemed to know what she wanted.

He went to the other side and watched her as he pulled the sheet back.

Laurie didn’t know what to think at first. He wasn’t as impressive as she had imagined in her head, but then again, none of them were.

She reached out a trembling hand and pulled up the sheet to look at his hand. It looked strong and callused. It looked dangerous and she shivered with fear and excitement.

“Are you thinking of the deadly things those hands have done?”

“Yes.” She felt Ray behind her, but she hadn’t noticed him move.

“The terror those women must have felt knowing he was there, behind them, thinking of doing vile things to them. How many perfect hearts were burned into their flesh, marking them as his?” Ray’s hands gripped her hips and pulled her back hard against him to emphasize his words.

“So much horror and destruction they caused.” Her voice was barely audible over the pounding of her heart.

Ray’s hand slipped between her legs and gripped her tightly. “Fuck. I can feel how wet you are.”

She whimpered again and moved to unbutton her pants.

“So eager.” Ray squeezed her pussy again and released her. “Strip down.” It was an order and Laurie complied.

He went to the counter and turned on a small lamp, then walked to the door, locked it and turned off the lights.

Laurie knew it was coming but gasped at the sudden darkness. Most of the room was in complete shadows and she couldn’t make out anything beyond the counter.

“How much fear do you like?”

She spun around. His voice hadn’t come from where she thought it should. Her bottom touched the coolness of the drawer and gasped in shock.

“Do you want to fear me?”

There was something in his tone that sent a shiver down her skin, almost a warning. “I think I already do.”

His laughter seemed to echo off the cold sterile room. “Good.”

She took a step forward and Ray’s arms went around her, pulling her body close. Laurie jumped and squealed.

He was naked and she could feel his hard impressive cock rub against her stomach. “Such a scared little rabbit,” he murmured, his lips pressed to her neck. “I want to eat you up.” This time he bit her hard.

Laurie’s body exploded with need and she wrapped her arms around him. “Please.”

Ray kissed her hard and she knew her mouth would be bruised, but it added to her pleasure. He broke the kiss and spun her around. “Grab the draw,” he growled and she did.

He pulled her hips back, bending her at the waist and his fingers slid across her pussy. They moved quickly over her clit and rubbed vigorously. She was panting, already on the verge of cumming when she felt the thick head of his cock push inside her.

Laurie pushed back hard to meet him and her knees almost buckled.

Ray held her hips, pulled back slowly and slammed inside her. His cock filled her completely and she loved the feel of him, gliding in and out of her at a frenzied pace.

She kept her arms locked and spread her legs further, bracing herself to that spot. His hands slid up her body and over her swaying breasts. They remained for a moment, feeling them, and in her mind, she craved for him to squeeze them until she cried out for him to stop.

They continued up until his fingers wrapped around her neck. He gripped her gently at first and then the harder he pounded into her, the tighter they grew.

“You like to feel helpless. Knowing that this killer has your life in his hands. You wanna cum thinking of what he has done to all those women.”

“Fuck yes,” she managed to get out, bouncing herself back, faster and faster. The metal creaked and groaned keeping time with them.

“Would you still want to cum if I told you that I was the Casanova?” He laughed menacingly.

“What?” Her movements faltered.

His grip tightened painfully around her throat. “I’m the killer, Laurie and you will cum on my dick before your life is mine.”

He doubled his efforts and Laurie couldn’t catch her breath, but she was ready to cum and couldn’t stop it if she wanted to. Her body was so tight with the sensation of losing her breath and needing to cum that it finally exploded. She felt his hands release her neck and wrap around her waist to support her.

Her knees buckled at the force of the orgasm and the pressure of the air entering her lungs. In some part of her, she felt him cumming deep inside her before she passed out.

“Laurie?” Ray was patting her face when she slowly opened her eyes. “Oh thank God. Are you okay?”

“What?” she asked, her voice was hoarse.

“You fainted.”

“I did?” Then things seemed to flood back at once and she quickly slid up the table she was lying on to move away from Ray. “You said you were the killer.”

He laughed. “Of course I did. It was part of the role play. Come lay back down.” He gently pulled her leg until she slid back down.

“Really?” Something inside her was warning her, but his smile was so friendly.

“Really.” His voice was kind and gentle and his fingers were sliding softly between her thighs.

She took a deep breath at the feel of his fingers on her legs and she opened them for him. He gave her a grin and leaned up to lick her gently. Her back arched and she spread further.

“I want to eat you up, do you think you can stand?”

Laurie stood up and his hand cupped her. He slid two long fingers deep inside her as he kissed her deeply.

“I want to try something if you’re up for it,” he whispered while his fingers moved gently in and out of her.

“What?” she panted.

“I wanna roleplay that I’m him,” Ray nodded to the now-closed door, “and you’re one of his victims.” His fingers moved faster and the heal of his hand pressed onto her clit. “Please Laurie?”


He slowly removed his fingers and stood back to appraise her.  “This is what you want?”


“You want me to treat you how I treated the other women?”

Something in the way he said, ‘How I treated,’ made her skin crawl. For the first time in all her years of doing reckless things to satisfy her fetish, she felt a hint of true fear. “What?”

He grinned. “Roleplay Laurie.”

“Oh.” She nodded her head but there was still something different about him.

“You are surrendering yourself to me?”

“For...” her voice cracked and she cleared her throat to try again, “For playtime, yes.”

His deep chuckle ran across her skin but not in a way that comforted her. He stepped closer and ran his slick fingers gently over one breast.

Her body shuddered as he squeezed it hard and she moaned despite her moment of fear. ‘It’s the reason I do this,’ she thought to herself.

“And so it begins,” he moaned into her ear.

His hand covered her mouth and nose with a cloth and there was a faint acidic smell. More alarm bells went off and then there was nothing.

Laurie awoke strapped to a bed and looked around. It was a brick cavernous room. The ceiling was domed and there were several cage doors surrounding her. They were dark, but a few of them had movement inside.

She heard a woman scream and then another began to cry. Laurie knew at that moment she had made a huge mistake.

“Good you’re awake.” Ray came into view carrying a little silver tray that he sat down into her line of sight.

It contained a hot plate and small metal heart-shaped cookie cutter.

“Too far,” she cried and struggled against the straps. That is when she realized she was not on a bed, but on a slab.

Ray leaned down and kissed her cheek, but she jerked away.

“What’s the matter, Laurie? Doesn’t it still turn you on? Don’t you still want to play?”

“No, no, no, no,” she chanted. “It’s too far.”

He laughed, a woman wailed and Laurie screamed.

Written by MollyDoll
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