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The Perfect Fit

"Zelda is obsessed with huge cocks. Turns out her best friend's dad has one."

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Penelope and I sat at her kitchen table, sipping hot cocoa as we caught up on all that had happened since we'd started college. It was now fall break, and the moment Penelope let me know she was home from school, I'd rushed over to her house.

During high school, my best friend and I had been inseparable. But while I attended a university within commuting distance from home, Penelope had been accepted to the school of her dreams, which was out of state. Over the past several months, I'd missed her desperately, and sitting across from her, I now listened intently as she talked about her new friends and her professors, as well as the guys she'd hooked up with.

There was barely a lull in our animated conversation, and even when the sky grew dark outside the kitchen window, we kept chatting away. After swallowing the last of her cocoa, Penelope raised an eyebrow. "What about you, Zelda? You've been suspiciously quiet about your sex life." Tucking a strand of auburn hair behind her ear, she leaned closer, as if ready to hear a secret.

I feigned an intense interest in the cup I held so I could avoid my friend's expectant stare. Of course, she sensed my unease, which only made her resort to merciless teasing. Finally, I blurted out, "I think there's something wrong with me."

Penelope's smile vanished. "What do you mean?"

Ducking my head, I tried to hide behind my long, dark hair. Part of me wanted to laugh in embarrassment at how ridiculous my "problem" was, but another part of me had grown worried enough to seek out Penelope's advice about it. 

"I've slept with a few guys," I told her. "It was nothing serious, but I really liked each of them. And yet..." I squirmed, uncharacteristically shy as I confided in my best friend. "I wasn't satisfied. At all."

Penelope furrowed her brow. "You mean, you didn't come?"

"Not once. And it wasn't because they didn't try. One guy ate my pussy for ages, and he knew what he was doing."

"So what's the problem?" she asked, clearly confused.

I felt my face growing hot. "Their dicks weren't big enough," I muttered.

My friend tried to muffle her laughter, so it came out as an unflattering snort. After I shot her a glare, she managed to look halfway serious. "You're telling me all your hookups had tiny penises?"

Miserably, I shook my head. "No, two of them were maybe six inches long, and one was well over seven."

"Seriously?" Penelope's mouth dropped open. "Zelda, just how big do you want it?"

"I don't know!" I wailed in frustration. "I tried fucking myself with an eight-inch dildo, and it still wasn't enough."

"So what makes you think any size would satisfy you? Maybe you can't come from vaginal intercourse."

"It's not just that." My gaze drifted to the window; in the last bit of daylight remaining, I was able to see snowflakes falling to the ground. I knew I should head on home before the roads got bad, but now that I'd revealed my problem to Penelope, I wanted to finish our discussion. It certainly wasn't a topic I planned to bring up again later. "Every time I meet a guy I'm interested in, I find myself wondering how big his dick is. It's like I'm obsessed! And I don't want to be that way, Penelope. I wouldn't want a guy's attraction toward me to be based solely on the size of my tits."

"But some guys are like that," she pointed out. "They're just wired that way. So maybe you're wired to crave monster cock."

That made me crack up laughing, and immediately, I felt better. Still, I couldn't help but worry that my preoccupation was some kind of fetish. "Well, I can't just ask every guy I like if he has a big dick!"

Penelope rubbed her chin, contemplating my words. "Yeah, that would be kind of awkward, wouldn't it? And the problem is, most guys aren't anywhere near as big as what you're looking for." Noticing my crestfallen expression, she patted my hand. "This is probably just a phase," she said gently. "Once you get a huge dick inside you, you might find it's not as great as you've imagined."

Though I didn't believe that for a second, I nodded. It was no use trying to explain how my fantasies consisted solely of being penetrated by a thick, massive cock. Only by indulging those fantasies was I able to orgasm. 

"So I just need to meet a sweet, sexy guy with a ginormous dick and see if he fulfills my wildest fantasies," I said through my laughter.

Before Penelope could reply, her gaze drifted over my shoulder. "Hey, Dad!" she said brightly. "I didn't know you were home."

My eyes widened in horror. For a moment, I remained frozen in my chair, terrified to turn around and greet Hudson. Already, I felt sick with mortification. How much of our conversation had my friend's father overheard? 

Hudson strode toward the table, and I watched as he wrapped his arms around Penelope. "I've missed you, baby!" She tilted her head back so he could plant a kiss on her cheek. "How was the drive home?" 

"Traffic was bad, but I made pretty good time considering."

Hudson looked over at me then. "Zelda, it's wonderful to see you!" His smile was as warm and kind as ever. Slowly, the tension drained from my muscles, for I was convinced he hadn't heard me expressing my desire for big dick. He held out his arms to me. "Give me a hug, girl!" 

Instantly, I leapt to my feet and moved into his embrace. I'd always adored Penelope's father, and as he now gave me an affectionate squeeze, I felt a rush of relief that he still felt the same about me. 

"How's school?" he asked, withdrawing a bit so he could meet my gaze. I noticed that his sandy blond hair had a little more gray in it, but his blue eyes were just as bright. He was tall and naturally strong, his face a bit weathered from so much time outdoors. 

"It's great!" I told him. "I'm really enjoying my classes."

"Wonderful." His hands were gentle as he maintained a hold on my upper arms. "I didn't mean to interrupt before," he went on. "When I got home a few minutes ago, I came in through the basement." 

So that was how he'd inadvertently sneaked up on us. I still couldn't believe Penelope and I hadn't heard him open the door which led down to the basement, since it was located just off the kitchen. 

"Snow's coming down pretty hard out there," Hudson said. "I'm not sure you should try to drive back home this evening, Zelda."

"Really?" I cast a worried glance at the window. 

"Yeah, the roads were already covered when I left work."

"Stay!" Penelope urged. "Just let your folks know you're spending the night and will be home tomorrow once the roads are cleared."

It was the evening before Thanksgiving, and I knew my parents were hoping I'd spend all of my short break with them. But I also realized they wouldn't want me driving in dangerous conditions. 

A little later, after I'd texted Mom that I'd be spending the night at Penelope's, I sat down to dinner with my best friend and her dad. Hudson and Penelope's mom had divorced several years ago, and since then, Penelope's relationship with her mother had grown strained. She didn't like her mom's string of boyfriends, and so the two of them rarely saw each other. If Hudson had dated anyone since the divorce, I didn't know about it. Penelope had never mentioned him having a girlfriend. 

Throughout the meal, Hudson seemed content to let me and Penelope do all the talking. He grinned at our antics, merely shaking his head when his daughter got a little too outrageous. I couldn't help but notice that it was as if Penelope and I had never spent any time apart. It filled me with a surge of happiness to know our friendship was strong enough to withstand a months-long separation. 

We spent the rest of the evening hanging out in the den, watching a movie Penelope chose. It was a silly rom-com, which both Hudson and I mocked mercilessly. Even Penelope had to admit the plot was cheesy, but she was mainly interested in the leading man, whom she declared "smokin' hot."

By the time the film credits appeared on the screen, the three of us were fighting back yawns. Penelope and I gave Hudson a kiss goodnight, then went to get ready for bed. My friend loaned me a nightshirt, but since I was several inches taller, it didn't cover my ass. Once we'd brushed our teeth and cleansed our faces of makeup, we returned to her room, where we burrowed beneath the covers. 

I could tell Penelope was tired, for her words came out in a barely intelligible mumble. She'd be fast asleep within minutes, and not even an earthquake would wake her. Even after she'd turned off the bedside lamp, my eyelids refused to close. Sure enough, I soon heard her begin snoring softly, but I tossed and turned while sleep evaded me.

The night outside was bitterly cold, even for late November. Though I was grateful that Hudson had turned up the heat so that the house was plenty warm, my mouth grew uncomfortably dry. I thought I might be able to go to sleep once I'd gotten a drink of water.

Easing out of bed, I walked to the door. As quietly as possible, I opened it and listened. The rest of the house was silent and dark, and I figured Hudson was also asleep. 

My steps were light on the hallway floor as I padded past his room. The door was shut, and I didn't see any light escaping from beneath it. I knew this house almost as well as my own, so even in the dark, I effortlessly made my way to the kitchen. Turning on the light which illuminated the table but didn't reach the shadowed hallway, I retrieved my glass and poured myself some water. 

I was eagerly gulping when a figure appeared in my peripheral vision. Somehow, I managed not to scream or drop the glass. Still, I pressed a hand to my chest, breathing hard. "You scared me!" I whispered to Hudson.

He held up his hands, offering a sheepish smile. It was then that I fully registered his semi-naked state, just as he registered mine. He wore only a pair of briefs, and I knew the shirt I'd borrowed from Penelope wasn't covering my panties.

I sensed us both trying not to ogle the other, but my gaze readily returned to him as he said, "Sorry, Zelda. I thought you were asleep."

Before I could answer, my stare dropped to his crotch. Something like a whimper escaped my parted lips at the sight of that fabric stretched across his dick. Already, I knew the man was huge. He was everything I wanted. 

Hudson looked down at himself, and then helplessly around the kitchen, as if to find something that would conceal his body from my view. "I'm really sorry," he said. "I wanted to make sure I'd locked that back door, and when I saw the kitchen light on, I figured I'd forgotten to turn it off earlier." His words spilled forth in a nervous rush. "Anyway, I'm gonna go put some pants on."

Though I knew it was wrong, I couldn't stop staring at his groin. Those briefs seemed to be tested to their limit in covering his cock. All it would take was the slightest pull, and I'd be able to see. 

When Hudson started to leave the room, I hurried to put my glass on the counter. "Wait!" I said, a little louder than I'd intended. He stopped and looked back at me, though he kept his lower body facing in the opposite direction. "Don't go," I went on in a much quieter tone. 

My friend's father couldn't hide his confusion. "I really should, Zelda. I'm not decent..."

I couldn't stop myself from closing the distance between us. My pulse had quickened, carrying on a staccato rhythm beneath my flushed skin. Maybe there was something wrong with me, because I felt I'd lost all self-restraint. This was Penelope's dad, and yet I had to see him. I had to touch him. 

Taking his hand, I led him toward the kitchen table, where there was more light. He followed without question, and I wondered if he was looking at my ass. I hoped he was. Once we were facing each other, I allowed my gaze to return to his cock. Oh God, it was actually getting hard right before my eyes! Staring at it as if transfixed, I murmured, "Did you hear me talking to Penelope when you came home today?"

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The way he'd appeared in the kitchen moments earlier couldn't have been unplanned, I told myself. He must have overheard me before, and instead of being repulsed, he sought me out late at night, when we would be all alone. And he did it while wearing underwear that revealed just how well-endowed he was.

"I might have heard a little," he admitted. 

Looking up at him, I dared a sexy smile. "So you know what turns me on."

He let out a nervous laugh. "I have a pretty good idea, Zelda, but we shouldn't be having this discussion. It's not appropriate."

I realized Hudson wanted to be persuaded. He might have taken the first step by joining me in the kitchen, but I would have to be the seductive one. "I can tell you're really big," I murmured, "much, much bigger than anyone I've ever been with. Will you let me see it, Hudson? Please?"

My request made his cock twitch in his underwear, as if it wanted out. "Baby, it's not right." His voice wasn't at all stern. Instead, he sounded cajoling. Oh yes, he wanted to be convinced.

"Just a peek." Growing braver, I placed my hand on his belly. With my fingertips, I grazed the narrow line of hair traveling down his skin in a path toward his cock. 

He made a sound between a sigh and a moan. "Real quick, Zelda."

As I gently tugged at the waistband of his briefs, I felt my own underwear growing damp. The moment Hudson's dick sprang into view, my pussy ached from sheer need. "Oh, my God, it's gorgeous!" My breathing was shallow and uneven while I gazed longingly at his strengthening erection. The head was a deeper pink than the rest of his shaft, and as he grew harder, the veins beneath his flesh became more visible. "You're ginormous!"

Hudson laughed low and soft. "I've been told that a time or two. I'm over ten inches long."

My knees actually buckled at that revelation. "Please let me touch it. I just want to hold it a second."

"Zelda." His tone was sharp enough to draw me from my trance, and I braced myself for his anger. But when our eyes met, I saw that his stare was hot and full of yearning. "We have to stop this. If you start playing with my cock, this will go too far."

Instead of arguing, I tentatively reached for him. A groan emerged from his throat as I tried to wrap my fingers around his shaft. He was so thick that I could barely manage it! "Hudson," I said in a soft, tremulous voice, "I need you to fuck me."

He didn't refuse, and he didn't pull away. He merely said, "Penelope would never forgive me if she found out."

"She will never find out," I promised. "The last thing I want to do is hurt her."

With a surprising swiftness, Hudson grasped my wrist. At first, I thought he meant to stop me from fondling that huge, veiny cock. But he took my hand in his as he said, "We'll have to be quick." 

As I readily nodded, my heart started up its furious thumping in my chest. I could feel the reverberation throughout my entire body. Hudson led me back down the hall, and our movements were a blur in my mind until I found myself standing in the lamplight of his room. His unmade bed seemed to beckon to us.

Before he'd even closed the door, I was taking off my panties. He turned toward me, his stare lingering on my smooth outer lips, which peeked out from beneath my shirt. Then, he advanced upon me with a need that made me gasp. His lips were surprisingly tender on mine, as if asking for permission. Cupping his face in my hands, I felt a trace of his stubble while I kissed him hard in return. 

Only when I again gave his briefs a needy tug did Hudson break our kiss and hurry to strip out of his underwear. As soon as his erection loomed toward me, I found myself resisting the urge to drop to my knees in adoration. My yearning was so fierce that I actually felt lightheaded from it. 

Moments later, I lay on Hudson's bed. The sheets held his masculine scent, making me want to bury my face against the fabric and breathe in a greedy lungful. Hudson leaned to retrieve a bottle of lube from the bedside table drawer. 

"I'm already soaking wet," I told him. "I don't think we'll need that."

He flashed a knowing smile. "Trust me, we'll need it."

His certainty sent a shiver through me. After placing the lube within easy reach, His stare settled on my breasts. "Lift up your shirt for me, Zelda."

Without hesitation, I did as he said. My round breasts sported nipples of the palest pink. Exposed to his view, they quickly hardened, and when he reached to graze those peaks with his fingers, they stiffened even more. I had to muffle a moan as he fondled my tits.

"What a beautiful young woman you are," Hudson breathed. Kneeling beside me, he gave his cock a few languid strokes. Captivated, I watched him masturbate, and my legs spread apart as if of their own will. His smile widened. "Oh, you're ready, aren't you, angel?"

"I need it so bad!" I shamelessly confessed. 

Hudson positioned himself between my legs. Grasping my calves, he opened me wide in order to get a good look at my pussy. "You weren't lying about being sopping wet!" He actually licked his lips while sliding his fingertips over my folds. I drew in a breath and let it out as a faint moan when he eased a finger inside me. "Your pussy is small," he murmured. "It looks and feels quite... delicate." His eyes met mine. "Are you sure you want to try this?"

"Absolutely!" I replied, my tone vehement. 

Hudson added another finger. The feel of him penetrating me in such a way made me arch my back. I could hear him breathing faster as he added a third finger and began gently thrusting them in and out of my pussy. The pressure was unrelenting, providing a hint of pain, but I only wanted more.

A bead of precum formed on the tip of Hudson's cock as he finger-fucked me. His stare moved from my face to my pussy, and then back again. "You want more, don't you, Zelda?" His voice had grown strained, betraying his own fierce arousal.

"Yes, Hudson, please! Give me your cock!" 

Impatiently, I waited for him to lube up his dick. With his left hand, he held my right leg aloft, while my other leg rested on the bed. Still on his knees, he took hold of his cock and brought the tip to my opening. 

My eyes widened from the sensation of him pressing against my flesh. I'd played with large toys in the past, but they hadn't prepared me for this! Gazing up at Hudson, I noticed his jaw tighten in determination. Yet he was slow and gentle while working that smooth, bulbous knob inside my cunt. 

"Oh, God!" I moaned. 

Immediately, he froze. Searching my face, he asked, "Am I hurting you?"

He was hurting me, but how could I explain that the pain was part of what I craved? It wasn't just the fantasy of a massive cock that made me crazed with need; it was the thought of being stretched to what I believed was my absolute limit, and then finding I could take more.

"Keep going!" I urged, my hands clawing at the sheet. 

With a careful, measured thrust, Hudson moved deeper. His stare was fixed between my legs. "Ah yes, babygirl, take it!" he said in a guttural voice. 

I knew the instant my pussy yielded and accepted all of his tip. Already, a thin layer of sweat had formed on my face. Hudson appeared in the grip of his own lust, edging his hips forward so he could give me another inch. 

I realized he'd been right about the lube; without it, my flesh might have torn. As his cock now claimed more of my tender cunt, I swallowed a cry. Deep in my core, I felt a dull ache, yet I propped myself up on my arms, craning my neck to witness Hudson ravaging my pussy.

He couldn't help but notice me eagerly watching. "You like seeing your gorgeous little cunt gripping my cock so tight?" he demanded with a grin.

When I enthusiastically nodded, Hudson angled my lower body upward a bit more. I curled myself farther toward him, which granted me a great view of our fucking. His dick was only halfway inside me; my flesh formed a tight circle around it, as if trying to prevent a deeper intrusion. By now, I could feel my pulse in my pussy, like a throbbing wound. 

"How much do you think you can take?" he whispered.

I'd begun trembling, and when I spoke, I heard the quaver in my words. "I want to try to take it all!" 

"Greedy girl," he teased before thrusting even deeper.

My eyes rolled back in my head. "Oh, Jesus, it's so fucking big!" I panted. 

Hudson kept going. I heard his gasp of surprise as he buried himself inside me all the way to the hilt. "My God, you took every inch!" When I managed to focus my gaze on him again, I found he was grinning. "Turns out your pussy was made for a huge cock, Zelda."

The instant he started moving his hips, striking up a steady rhythm, I came, almost without warning. My body was so primed for both pain and bliss that I'd been lingering on the precipice of orgasm. Now, I toppled over the edge. It filled me with a delicious agony, the way my muscles desperately tried to contract around the cock invading me. Of course, the effort was mostly futile, but Hudson still let out a groan. 

"Christ almighty!" He seemed to lose his self-control then, for even as I continued quaking, he took me at a more fervent pace. I remained curled in an awkward position that enabled me to see his cock, which glistened with lube and my juices, pumping into my cunt. 

The second orgasm made me shudder, then go momentarily limp. Hudson sucked in a breath through clenched teeth while driving himself inside me balls deep. "Keep that up, baby, and I'm gonna come!" he warned. "You want me to fill that pussy, don't you?"

I was beyond pain, beyond anything but an intense ecstasy from being impaled by his merciless ten inches. "Gimme your cum!" I growled, no longer caring that I sounded like a whore. This man had made me his whore. Tonight, while owning my pussy, he'd laid claim to something even deeper within me.

Hudson rubbed my clit, sending me into the throes of another climax. Seconds after it subsided, yet another descended upon me. I opened my mouth to scream, but he clamped a hand over my lips. "Shh, be a good girl and keep quiet!" 

Once he was convinced I wouldn't release a wail, he grabbed both my calves and bucked his hips. Now, he was the one letting out a choked cry just before his muscles visibly tensed. The sensation of his dick swelling and stretching me even more was so intense that I thought I would come apart.

Finally, he erupted inside me, and I swore I could feel the spurts of semen striking my cervix. "Zelda!" He spoke my name with a helpless whimper, as though I were the one holding all the power. And maybe I was, at least while he fell prey to his own orgasm.

Afterward, Hudson was careful pulling out of me, but I couldn't suppress a pained whine. Once he'd withdrawn, I imagined how my entrance looked, gaping wide. Hudson didn't settle for imagining. No, he peered between my thighs and flashed a triumphant smile. "Now that is a well-fucked pussy."

I wasn't expecting him to lean forward and plant a sweet, tender kiss on my mouth. "Are you okay, baby?" he whispered against my lips.

My tears caught me by surprise. It was such a post-orgasmic rush, being close to him after what we'd shared. "I needed that so much," I told him through a sob.

He took me in his arms, lowering his lips to my hair. "Some women, they want a big dick because it heightens their pleasure. But you? You need it. And there's nothing wrong with that."

Tilting my head upward, I welcomed another kiss from him. "And now that you understand what I need, will you keep giving it to me?" I dared to ask. "It will always be our secret, Hudson, I promise. But I can't go without this. Or without you."

His gaze was warm and affectionate. "I have no doubt you'll soon find a man your own age who can satisfy you in every way. But until then, I'll be more than happy to fill that role." Nuzzling my neck with his lips, he added, "And I'll keep filling your sweet pussy."

Written by Obsolete_Fox
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