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The Obsession

"A match made in heaven, or the result of obsession?"

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As he neared the downtown bar where he was to meet his friend, Marty was less than enthusiastic about their meeting. He was meeting his friend from college who had been his roommate for the five years they had spent at Tech. They met the first day of their freshman year when they just happened to be picked as roommates.


As so rarely happens, Marty and Nelson became fast friends almost at once. They were both business majors from relatively small towns on the opposite side of the state. Nelson was quite handsome and played baseball in high school. Marty, while certainly not a bad looking young man, tended to be a bit ‘chunky’ and had been a member of the high school band. Jock and musician seemed to be an unlikely pairing, but the two hit it off almost at once.


The two young men had spent one year together in the freshman dorm before moving into a one bedroom apartment off campus during their second year. By their third year, when entertaining young women in the apartment became more common, they upgraded to a two bedroom apartment that they both agreed improved their standing with the ladies. As they had often said, “the party lasted five years.”


When Marty spotted the sign for the bar where he was meeting Nelson, he couldn’t help but think of how many times this scenario had played out in the past twelve years. Now 30 years old, Marty had done quite well in his chosen profession. For the first six or seven years, he had routinely worked twelve hour days in his attempt to move up the corporate ladder. But all of that work and very little play had allowed Marty to make his mark with his employer while it left him 40 pounds overweight.


He knew that tonight would be like every other night he got together with Nelson. The women would come by their table and only see the handsome and trim Nelson. They’d throw themselves at him before dragging him out of the bar or restaurant without so much as looking in Marty’s direction. It was demoralizing, to say the least, not to mention the fact that Marty usually ended up paying the bar tab while some not so sweet miss was pulling Nelson’s pants off.


Each time Nelson called, Marty knew that this would be the time that he’d tell his dearest friend that he had other plans so that he could avoid watching it all happen once again. Today had been no different. Marty was expecting a call from Nelson and already had his excuse prepared.


But Nelson had insisted. “You gotta come with me, Marty boy,” his friend had pleaded. “You’ve never been to this place. It’s new, and I know you’re gonna love it.”


Marty had been listening to his old friend while sitting in his new office. He had just received his third promotion in less than three years. Smiling as he looked at his new digs, Marty thought that maybe a little celebration with his closest buddy would be good for him. A new office, new clothes, and a big fat raise had done wonders for his attitude. “Sure Nelson,” he had replied. “I’ll meet you there at 7:30.”


Stopping at the curb, Marty looked inside and saw that the place looked busy. He took a deep breath and pushed the door open.


As he stood looking around the room, he heard the familiar voice, “Marty boy! I’m over here!”


Spotting his friend, Marty walked toward Nelson, greeted by his friend’s warm, friendly smile.


“Hey, big guy,” Nelson said as he stood and pumped Marty’s hand. “I haven’t seen you in two months. What the hell have you been doin’?”


“Mostly working,” Marty answered as he sat down at the table.


“Workin’ my ass,” Nelson shouted over the noise. “You look great. That’s a fine lookin’ suit you’re wearing and maybe some new shoes. You been ‘robbin’ banks?”


Marty laughed, not because of the joke, but because he did feel pretty good about himself. “Not really,” he answered shyly. “I got another promotion and invested some of my new income in new clothes. In fact, I’ve even moved into a new apartment.”


“Get outta here!” Nelson shouted, genuinely happy for his old friend. “You get any more promotions, and you’ll be runnin’ the place, buddy. Congratulations.”


Nelson ordered two beers from the waitress and turned back to Marty. “Where’s the new apartment?”


“I moved into that new placed called Broadway 50,” Marty answered. “I got a corner unit on the 14th floor.”


“Get the fuck outta here!” Nelson shouted. “The Broadway 50 is just the hottest new place in town. Did you get pictures of the boss fuckin’ his secretary?”


“No,” Marty laughed. “The last promotion put me into a higher tax bracket, and I decided to spend some of what I was making on a little better lifestyle. The place is nice, Nelson. I hope you’ll come by to see it.”


“You bet, I’ll be there,” he friend said with a broad smile. “I’ll be happy to drink your whiskey rather than paying the high prices they charge down here at street level.”


“I thought that after we had something to eat, maybe you’d like to walk over and see the place. We can be there in ten minutes.”


Marty noticed a very odd look on Nelson’s face when he answered, “Yeah. Sure. Right after we get something to eat.”


After they had finished their first beer, Nelson spotted an open booth and suggested that they move into it. Marty would have been happy to have stayed at the table because with his expanded waistline, fitting into a booth was not always an easy trick for him. But Nelson was insistent, so they moved.


Marty had just adjusted to fitting into the booth when a woman stopped at the table and began talking with Nelson. “Here we go,” he thought. “She’ll have her hand in his pants in under a minute, and he’ll be gone.”


As the two talked, Marty had a chance to look her over. “That’s grade-A prime,” he said to himself. He summed her up by deciding that she would be a smaller version of Kate Upton, who was to him, the sexiest woman alive. The woman was wearing a dress that only seemed to touch her nipples and her ass. It was short enough to show that she had great legs. He was just about to study her ass with a little more detail when he heard Nelson speak to him.


“Marty boy. I want to introduce you to my friend Carla. Carla, this is the friend that I was telling you about last week. He and I have been like brothers for the past twelve years.”


Marty extended his hand, and she took it. “So, this is the great guy you were telling me about,” she said as she held Marty’s hand. You are just as handsome as Nelson told me.” Without being invited, Carla slipped onto the seat beside Marty without letting go of his hand. “To hear him talk,” she continued, “You must be about the smartest, hardest working guy in town. Is that true?”


“Normally he just tells people that I’m his old shithead friend,” Marty chuckled.


“Oh God, Nelson,” she said as she turned, “You didn’t tell me that he was funny too.”


“He’s a gem, Carla,” Nelson said with true sincerity. “I don’t know if he’s stayed in shape since our college days, but the girls that hung out in our apartment used to say he was a hell of a kisser.”


Marty watched her honey blonde hair flow over her shoulder as she turned to look back at him. Her dress couldn’t have been covering her sex by more than an inch, and if he wasn’t mistaken, her nipples were beginning to show through the covering fabric. He couldn’t remember the last time he had seen a woman this hot, this close in many years.


“Are you still a good kisser, Marty?” she asked. But before he could say a word, Carla leaned over, put her hand on the back of his head and pressed her beautiful red lips to his.


For the first 30 seconds of the kiss, Marty was simply too shocked to move, but as her tongue invaded his mouth, his hand came up to hold her shoulder.


When the kiss finally ended, Carla pulled away from Marty with large, bright eyes. “Oh yeah,” she whispered. “I got a tingle that went down to my toes. You know how a girl needs to be kissed.”


“I generally practice with my teddy bear at home,” he told her with his shy smile.


“Stop it,” she said as she slapped his arm. She hesitated before putting her hand on his bicep and squeezing. “You’re a lot of man, Marty.”


He didn’t have a quick comeback for her remark. He was just wondering if she’d just figured how overweight he was. Before he could think of something witty to say about being fat, Carla leaned over and kissed him again. This time he heard a little noise escape her mouth. It was a sound not heard since his college days, but he knew it meant that she was pleased. The sound hit him like a bolt of electricity, and he felt a twinge from his long neglected cock.


When Carla broke the kiss, she let her hand drift down from his shoulder to the middle of his round belly. She rubbed it and smiled. “You’re a big boy, Marty, and I like what I can feel.”


There were several seconds of silence during which Carla looked into his eyes. Finally, Nelson leaned across the table saying, “I’ve got something I need to do. How ‘bout I leave you two here to get acquainted while I take care of it?”


Without taking her eyes off of Marty, Carla held up her hand and waved. “We’ll see you later, Nelson. Don’t be in a rush to come back.”


After she was certain that Nelson was gone, Carla told Marty, “You know; your friend is really impressed with you. He told me all about you last week and wanted me to meet you here today.” She gave him a radiant smile and suggested, “Why don’t we leave here and find someplace for us to get better acquainted.”


Marty may have been out of circulation for a long time, but he completely understood Carla’s suggestion. “I think I’ve got just the place for that.”


“Great,” she answered with a big smile. “Let me get my purse and we’ll go.” Popping out of the booth, she waited for Marty to squeeze out before pointing at a table about twenty feet away. “My purse is with my girlfriends. Come with me while I get it.”


When they approached the table, three very lovely women greeted them with smiles, but all three seemed to be giving Marty the ‘once over.’


“Girls, this is Marty,” Carla announced to her friends. “Isn’t he just hunky?”


“Hiya big boy,” one of the women said as she looked at Marty.


“Marty, these are my girlfriends,” she told him. “This is Zoe, Margie, and Rachael. We come here together most Friday nights.” Leaning over to grab her purse, Carla told her friends, “We’re gonna take a little walk and get better acquainted.”


“We’ll see you next week,” Rachael replied, giving her friend a knowing look.


Once Carla had Marty outside, she took his hand in hers and asked, “So, where are we going?”


“As it happens, I have an apartment not more than five minutes from here,” he told her. “I think that would be the perfect place to get acquainted. I believe that I have a bottle of wine or two made for that purpose.”


“I like a man who is well prepared,” she giggled as she tightened her grip on his hand.


True to his word, it was less than five minutes before Marty escorted Carla through the main door at Broadway 50 apartments. The doorman nodded as Marty swept her into the elevator and pressed the button for the 14th floor.


“You live on the 14th floor?” Carla asked, sounding a bit excited.


“I’ve been here a little over two months,” he told her. “It’s very convenient to where I work and I rather like the view.”


When the doors of the elevator opened, Marty took her by the hand and led her down the corridor to his doorway, decorated with impressive silver numbers, 1404.


Opening the door, he let Carla in first and heard her sounds of excitement as she took in the apartment. As he helped her out of her coat, she said, “Oh Marty, what a beautiful apartment. And look at that view! You can see the entire city from here!”


The place was a little pricey,” he admitted, “But the view convinced me that it was worth it. I’ve got two bedrooms; one at each end. I’ve got a good sized kitchen and dining room. For my purposes, the living room is just perfect.” Taking a few steps, he opened the door to his bedroom and said, “But this is the ideal bedroom for me. It’s large enough for a king-sized bed, nightstands, a large dresser, and a comfy chair. The bathroom is large and modern… just the way I like it.”


Carla peaked into his bathroom and walked back into the bedroom. As she reached him, she tugged on his tie and said, “This place fits you perfectly. Now show me where you keep your wine.”


Taking her by the hand, Marty led her into his kitchen and pointed out his built-in wine cooler. Reaching into a cabinet for the proper wine glasses he told her, “Buying here early, I was able to add the touches I wanted. This wine cooler was at the top of my list along with a large walk-in shower in the master bathroom.”


Before he could open a bottle, Carla coaxed him out of his jacket. He set about opening the bottle while she went to hang up his coat. “I’ll just put this in your closet,” she said over her shoulder as she went back into his bedroom.


“Just toss it over the chair,” he called after here. “I’ll get it later.”


“Not a chance,” he heard her say. “I’ll just be a minute. I need to use your bathroom.”


Tickled at his incredible luck, Marty was all smiles as he opened the bottle of wine he had selected. This woman was nothing short of beautiful and as best he could see, she had a ‘killer’ body. And now, here they were in the privacy of his new apartment. “I just knew this place would be worth the money,” he thought to himself.


As he was filling the second glass, Carla walked back into the kitchen and Marty almost stopped breathing. She had taken off her dress and put on one of his dress shirts that had been hanging in his closet. Due to the size of his shirt and the smallness of her petite body, the shirt tail hung down past her knees. She had rolled up the sleeves to her elbows. Only three buttons on the shirt were buttoned revealing that she was not wearing a bra.


“I hope you don’t mind that I made myself comfortable,” she said as she reached for a glass of wine.


“Not at all,” he stammered. “Please make yourself at home.”


Carla held out her glass to him as if to make a toast. “Here’s to new friends,” she said as she touched her glass to his.


He watched her taste her wine and smile. “That’s just excellent,” she said as she turned and walked back into the living room.

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“Can we sit on this beautiful couch and talk?” she asked.


“Certainly,” Marty answered as he came out of the fog in his mind. “Please sit down and make yourself comfortable.”


He watched as she curled up on the couch like a cat, finding just the right spot and settling into her spot. Coming around the couch to sit next to her, Marty noticed that the shirt she was wearing was alarmingly showing off large portions of her bare skin. He hoped that she hadn’t noticed his erection forming before he sat beside her.


For the next ten minutes, Marty and Carla got to know each other as they discussed jobs and favorite things to do. When he got up to retrieve the wine bottle to refill their glasses, he found her sitting on her knees when he returned.


As soon as he was comfortable, she leaned over and said, “I really think that you should be as comfortable as I am if we’re going to be here a while.” She leaned in close and took his necktie in her hands. “We are going to be here a while, aren’t we?”


“I’m not planning on going anywhere,” he laughed.


“Good,” she said with a bright smile and removed his tie. Once she had tossed the tie onto his coffee table, she began to unbutton his shirt. “I need for you to relax a little.”


“Do I get to unbutton your shirt?” he asked.


Looking into his eyes and smiling, Carla answered, “Well, it is your shirt.”


After a few more sips of wine and a little more conversation, Carla slipped down onto the carpet and got between Marty’s feet. She took off his shoes and tossed them aside before pulling down his socks. “Now doesn’t that feel better?” she asked as she rose up on her knees positioning herself between his thighs.


In the position she was in, Marty could see down inside the shirt she was wearing. He could easily see that she had beautiful, firm breasts and could just see the edge of her yellow panties. His cock jumped… and she saw it.


Running the palms of her hands up the outside of his legs, her hands eventually found his belt buckle. “I really think you need to loosen up a little, Marty. You just seem so uptight.”


She spoke as her fingers opened his belt buckle, unhooked the snap of his trousers and slowly slid down his zipper. “Lift up,” she ordered as she began to pull his slacks down.


As if unable to do anything other than follow her directions, Marty lifted his butt off of the couch and she pulled his trousers down to his ankles and then completely off, leaving him sitting there wearing only his shirt and boxer shorts. When she sat back up after removing his pants, the lump in his shorts was quite evident.


Smiling, Carla stood up and straddled him. His stiff rod slid over the sheer material covering her ass. She leaned forward and kissed him. “Don’t you feel better now?” Before he could say a word in response, she slipped her hands inside his shirt and pressed them against his ‘man boobs.’ “Don’t you like to feel my hands on you, Marty? I like the feeling of a man’s hands on my breasts and I’ll bet you do too.”


She undid the three buttons on the shirt she was wearing. Taking his hands in hers, she placed them on her breasts. “I hope that feels as good to you as it does for me.”


Then leaning closer she began to run her fingers over his nipples and then down and around his large belly. “You are a big boy, Marty,” she said with a sigh. “This is what a man should feel like.” As she moved her hands around his bare skin, Carla began to move her ass around his now fully erect cock. Her movement opened the fly on his shorts, allowing his staff to break free of it confines and directly touch the silkiness of her panties.


Carla leaned in close and whispered in his ear, “Oh yeah, I can feel you now, baby. Your big cock is free and chasing after my pussy. I’ll bet your cock knows how wet and horny I am right now.”


She adjusted again, allowing his cock to change positions, now flat against the front of her panties and pressing against her clit as she moved. “Oh baby, that feels so good,” she cooed. “I have a feeling that you’re gonna fuck me right here on this couch before we can even get to the bed.”


Marty didn’t seem to understand what was going on, but he also didn’t care. He just knew that a deliciously sexy woman was rubbing herself all over him and suggesting that they were going to fuck. One thing he had learned long ago was to give a woman what she wanted when she wanted it.


Before he could say or do anything, Carla lifted herself up and pressed one of her beautiful breasts into his mouth and moaned loudly when he began to suck and bite on the nipple. She pulled it free from his lips and pressed the other one in, again groaning loudly as she rubbed her wet panties on his round belly.


Moving quickly again, Carla stood up and looked at him with lust blazing in her eyes. She tore off the shirt and ripped off the panties. Once more she straddled him, only this time she dropped herself onto his stiff cock, taking it all in one swift move. Her eyes seemed to roll back in her head and she was filled with his cock. “Oh fuck yes!” she gasped.


Marty was astonished at how wet and hot she was. It felt like his cock had been surrounded by a very hot, wet towel, except that a towel would have never felt this good. A towel would not have begun to move as Carla did. With her hands on his belly, she began to bounce up and down, taking him deeper with each thrust. With each penetration, she groaned a little more loudly.


He watched her breasts jiggle as she bounced up and down on his cock. Marty almost seemed to be a bystander as he watched and listened to the show that was taking place in his lap. This beautiful woman was using his cock to fuck herself and doing a damn fine job of it. She looked to be on the very edge of a massive orgasm.


He watched her eyes open wide as she dug her fingernails into his flesh. “Fuck me, Marty,” she demanded. “I’m cumming. Fuck me!”


Carla pushed herself down on his shaft and began to tremble all over. He felt the muscles in her legs shaking as she let out another loud grunt as she collapsed on his chest. When her hot juices began to cover his balls, Marty’s orgasm seemed to come from nowhere and he blasted her full of his semen, grunting with each new spurt.


The two of them remained still for what must have been ten minutes. His cock remained hard and embedded in her hot pussy. Both of them were short of breath and seemed unable to move. Finally, she looked up at him and said, “That was amazing.”


He watched as she closed her eyes and went to sleep.


For slightly over an hour, Carla remained motionless on his chest. Her hands were open and seemed to be holding onto the roundness of his middle. He remained still, simply enjoying the thrill of having this beautiful, naked woman stretched out on him. His member refused to soften as their combined fluids continued to drip out of her and cover him.


When at last she did move, her eyes opened. She could feel that he was still inside her and she looked up into his eyes. He could see the passion begin to build inside her almost immediately. “You’re a fucking animal,” she whispered.


Without thinking about what he was doing, Marty picked Carla up and carried her into his bedroom where he dumped her on the bed. He grabbed her by the hair and pulled her face to where his cock still stood at attention. At once she opened her mouth, swallowing almost all of him. As she sucked and ran her tongue over his rigid shaft, she could taste all of the juices that had been deposited there for the past hour. The taste and smell brought her excitement level back to where it had been before she passed out.


Reaching out she grabbed his balls, squeezing them as she sucked hard on his cock. “You’re going to fuck me again, aren’t you big boy?” she asked as she looked up at him. “You haven’t had enough, have you?”


Marty pushed her down on her back, grabbed her legs and held them open. “No, I’m just starting,” he growled at her. Dropping down between her legs, he put his face into her hot pussy and began to run his tongue around her clit. When she began to try to move away, he wrapped one arm around her middle while he pushed two fingers inside her wetness. His tongue ran circles around her clit while his fingers fucked her as they searched for her sensitive spot.


It was only seconds before she was squirming and moaning. He wasn’t certain if she wanted to be released or was begging for another orgasm. Regardless, Marty continued until he could feel her tightening like a spring. Her legs clamped around his face and her body shook in a violent orgasm. Her juices covered his lips.


Marty’s excitement level moved the needle into the danger zone. His lust turned into madness.


While her body still shook with the tremors of her orgasm. Marty pushed her legs back against her chest and spread them. Lifting himself up, he buried his cock inside her burning pussy. He put all of his considerable weight on top of her and began pounding his cock into her, grinding her deeper and deeper into the mattress.


Carla was cursing him and begging him to fuck her harder, but Marty couldn’t hear her words. He was now being driven by his burning to desire to fill her with his semen again. His body ached to cum. Only his cock seemed unwilling to obey.


His weight pressed down on her driving her to the brink of another orgasm. “Fuck me, you big bastard,” she screamed at him. “Come on, big boy! Give me all you’ve got!”


Marty heard her noises but didn’t comprehend her words. He could only do what his body dictated. At least for the moment, he wasn’t in charge, his cock was.


Rockets went off in Carla’s head. Her body shook and the earth seemed to move underneath her. It was a once in a lifetime orgasm that shattered her being into millions of pieces that exploded around her. She couldn’t speak or hear. She could only experience the sensation.


The time bomb inside Marty’s body ticked to zero and exploded. He pressed his cock into her depths and released what felt like a lifetime of cosmic fluid into her waiting womb. His body did what was necessary, leaving him deaf, blind and mute.


Hours later Marty felt something moving that woke him up. He opened his eyes and adjusted them to the light coming through his uncovered windows. Realizing he was alone, he jumped up. Walking naked into his living room he found Carla zipping up her dress.


“Hi beautiful,” he said with a smile. He felt like he had a hangover, but knew he’d had very little to drink. “Are you going somewhere?”


Finding her purse, Carla headed for his front door. “Yeah, Marty,” she answered. “It’s time for me to go. I didn’t mean to stay all night.”


Reaching the door before her, Marty pulled her to him and asked, “When am I gonna see you again?”


“See me again?” she asked, seemingly bewildered by his question. “I don’t think that will happen, Marty.”


Her answer left him bewildered. “Why wouldn’t we see each other again? Didn’t you have a great time last night? Didn’t we have great sex?”


Carla seemed to soften a bit. She ran her hand lightly over his cheek and said, “Yes we did, big boy. We had fantastic sex, but I don’t think we’ll see each other again.”


“Why?” he asked in a childlike voice that seemed to tug at her heart.


“Because that’s not the way it works, Marty. You were my one-night fetish. One night is all I can do.”


His brow wrinkled and he looked hurt. “I don’t understand.”


Now with both hands on his cheeks, Carla tried to explain. “It’s a one-night thing, Marty. You were there for my fetish. I like ‘big boys.’ Do you understand? I have a thing for fat guys. I don’t know why, but that really revs my engine. Your buddy Nelson told me about you and I couldn’t wait to get you in bed.”


“I’m your fetish?” he asked, now even more confused.


“Yeah, Marty,” she answered with a soft smile. “That’s why the people in the club are there. We’re all there to satisfy our fetishes. Mine is for big, overweight guys that can crush me into submission.”


“And your girlfriends?” he asked.


“Sure. Them too,” she answered. “Zoe has a thing for tall, skinny guys. Margie wants two or three men at a time. And Rachael… she’s into BBC.”


Marty shook his head to try to clear what he heard because he didn’t understand the words. “What do you mean, BBC?”


“Big Black Cock, Marty,” she answered. “Rachael can only be satisfied with a big black dick. We can all usually find someone to fill our wish list, but Rachael is quite often left to satisfy herself with her big black dildo.”


He finally understood the words and nodded his head. “So, this was a one-time shot and we won’t get together again?”


“I doubt it,” she answered sincerely. “It was great fun, Marty. The sex was sensational, but I don’t usually do anyone more than once.”


Marty stood away from the door to allow her to leave. “Thanks for my one night,” he said as she turned the doorknob.


Leaning over, Carla softly pressed her lips against his. “Thanks for a great evening, Marty. You’re a swell guy. Maybe I’ll see you again.”


“Yeah,” he answered. “Maybe so.”


Carla opened the door and was gone.


He stood there naked staring at the door for several minutes.


An hour later Marty was sitting on his couch holding a cup of coffee in one hand and a pair of frilly yellow panties in the other. He was grateful that she had been in a hurry to leave and forgot to get the panties before she left. At least with them in his hand, he knew that it hadn’t all been a dream.


He heard his cell phone ringing and set down the coffee cup to try and find it. Remembering that it was in his coat pocket, he found it draped over a chair and grabbed the phone. “This is Marty,” he said.


“Hey, big guy,” he heard Nelson say. “How did it go last night?”


“It went really well,” Marty answered as he lifted the sheer yellow panties to his nose. “It was quite an interesting night.”


“So, would it be safe for me to assume that you got the lovely Carla back to see your new apartment?”


“That would be correct,” Marty answered. “I brought her here after we left the club. She just left a few minutes ago.”


“I’m guessing she was hotter than a three dollar pistol,” Nelson laughed. “Am I right?”


“You would win that bet, buddy,” Marty answered, still looking at the yellow panties. “She was on fire.”


Marty could hear his friend chuckling at the other end of the line. Obviously, his friend had wanted to set him up to get laid and his efforts had been fruitful. Marty wondered if he knew why he had been so successful. “Is that a club you’ve been to often?” he asked.


“Not at all,” Nelson answered. “I stopped in there about a week ago and met Carla. I knew right away that you two would be a great pair and promised her to get you two together. Did I take good care of my old friend?”


“You certainly did,” Marty replied still holding the panties. “I’ve got a question, Nelson,” Marty said. “I just went to the address you gave me. What’s the name of that place?”


“It’s called The Obsession,” Nelson answered. “I don’t know what the hell that means, but it’s an interesting place.”


“Yeah, it is,” Marty answered as he wrapped the silky yellow panties around his cock and began to stroke. “I may have to go back there some day.”


Written by JefferyB
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