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The Better Girl

"Mel and Maddie wrestle for dominance - and for Brian."

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As the pale light of a cold autumn midday filtered through the trees, I wondered how the hell it had come to this.

I loved Brian, and he loved me. This was no passing infatuation: I’m talking about four, long happy years of smooth sailing together. How could they come under threat so suddenly?

And as for Maddie, well, she was my… friend. Yes, my friend still. No matter what happened, how far we had drifted apart over the years, or that she’d broken my trust like this, we could still fix things. No one was irredeemable.

So I waited here, among the trees, in what had always been our spot – mine and Maddie’s, as girl friends who held no secrets for each other, and mine and Brian’s, as eager lovers looking for a quiet place away from prying eyes. As I waited for Maddie to arrive, the images flashed before me, unbidden. Did they do it here? Would I ever be able to look at this place again without the blade twisting deep inside my heart? And to think I was the one who asked Maddie to meet here and talk things through.

I was trying to be an adult. It wasn’t easy, but I had to. Brian was terrible at lying, and eventually his behavior betrayed that something was wrong. He confessed to cheating on me with Maddie, of all people, and I was still reeling from shock, but I would keep it together and make it work. I would, at all costs.

It’s not so much that I was jealous. Monogamy is definitely negotiable to me, but Brian breached my trust by going behind my back. I swear if he’d at least talked about it first I would have gladly given him permission to sleep around, in exchange for returning the courtesy. And Maddie… okay, she did trigger some of my insecurities. We were of an age, but where I fell a bit on the chubby side, she was athletic and more eye-catching. She was the confident, outgoing one, I was the mousy loner. She always got better grades, to boot. And the friendship between us – once so intense – had slowly but inexorably decayed over the years. We never argued as such, but there was tension underneath, it was undeniable – she grew cold and distant and increasingly disinterested in my life, I felt crowded out and we started seeing each other less and less outside of uni. But still, Brian could do a lot worse than Maddie. She was smart, and funny. Besides, if Brian and I did go the way of an open relationship, it wouldn’t be up to me to judge his picks anyway.

It’s a pretty picture of emotional maturity and responsibility. Sadly, this isn’t what happened – Brian and Maddie went behind my back instead, my boyfriend and my former best friend. It was hard to keep the pain at bay and see straight. I told Brian we’d talk later – first I wanted to confront Maddie and fix things between us, once and for all.

I heard footsteps behind me, and turned to see Maddie approach, wearing dark jeans and a black jacket to go with her purple hair. My stomach tied up in knots at seeing her. A dark, evil part of my brain whispered that it made sense that Brian would fall for her – she looked prettier than me, stood taller, and where I had been quivering with anxiety the whole time, she strode towards me with quiet confidence, and a smirk on her face that sent daggers through my heart.

“Hey Mel,” she told me, with a look of mild arrogance I’d done nothing to deserve. “What did you want to talk about?”

“You know, Maddie,” I said, taking a deep breath to steady myself and avoid lashing out. “Look, let’s talk it over, I’m sure we can fix this. I don’t want to fight, and –“

“What do you mean, you don’t want to fight?” She placed a hand on her hip, head cocked, flashing me an arrogant grin. “I fucked your boyfriend’s brains out, and you don’t wanna fight? Gee, I know there isn’t a lot of fire in you, but I was expecting a little more spirit.”

My mouth hung agape at the words, they hit me like a ton of bricks, and instantly I felt tears welling in my eyes. I hated myself for it. “Why are you being like this? You – you’ve betrayed my trust, but we can – we can solve this! We can talk this through and still be friends!”

Maddie’s expression softened, and she gave a shrug. “Mel, look, you’re a good person, I genuinely have nothing against you, but come on. Why are you clinging to this so hard? When was the last time we even talked about anything that wasn’t the weather? And as for solving this…” the smirk returned. “I do know how we can solve it. I get to keep Brian, and you concede defeat and let us be. He clearly likes me more, anyway.” Then this person, who had called herself my friend up to that moment, winked at me.

That was it. That was the moment when my plan flew out the window, my carefully-built composure crumbled to pieces, and my insecurities got in control of my actions. “You think you’re so much better than me, but you’re just an emotional vampire,” I said, pouring as much venom into my words as I could, enjoying Maddie’s face as the grin disappeared and was replaced by shock. “You could have had my friendship and Brian’s affection if only you’d asked first. Instead you had to go out and ruin it all because you’re a dysfunctional excuse for an adult human being.”

“Oh, I’m the emotional vampire?” She hissed, taking one step closer to me. “You always chat me up first, ask me how I’m doing even when I don’t want to talk. You’re desperate for any attention. You’re the leech here, not me!”

“Go fuck yourself, Maddie.” My hands were literally shaking with rage. “You’re so emotionally messed up you just have to ruin everything you touch. Well, you’re not touching Brian or me anymore, that’s for sure. I want you out of our lives, for good.”

Maddie drew in even closer, her flushed face now mere inches away from mine. “I’ve been trying to get you to leave me alone for so long, go ahead and make my day, walk out. But you don’t get to decide for Brian.”

“Neither do you,” I said as my eyes narrowed into two angry slits, “you manipulative whore.

I had a split second to register the escalation in Maddie’s eyes before her slap hit me square in the face, with enough force to send me reeling. A part of me realized our confrontation was entering a new, dangerous phase whose outcome I couldn’t entirely predict or control. The rest of me didn’t care. Where her hurtful words had hurt me, her slap had sealed it – my rage coursed through me so hard it made my heart jump into my throat. She had no right to treat me like this, and certainly no right to raise a hand on me. I kept my footing from the slap, and before Maddie could react, I leaned forward, and charged.

I slammed into her with all my weight, driving the breath out of her as I tackled her to the ground. The adrenaline of the fight was driving my actions, but a small analytical voice at the back of my brain couldn’t help but assess the situation. Maddie and I were both on the ground, but critically she was still free to move. Neither of us had any fighting experience, which was good news for me: she was more athletic and stronger, but I was heavier, and I fully planned to use that to my advantage. I lunged forward, trying to pin Maddie to the ground, but her right leg kicked out before I could reach her, hitting me in the sternum. I collapsed by her side, and just like that we were both wheezing in the grass, trying to catch our breath.

“Loser bitch,” said Maddie, “You’re gonna pay for this.”

I didn’t say anything – I focused on catching my breath rather than wasting it mouthing off. Unfortunately for me, Maddie’s better shape gave her the advantage here. As I clambered to my hands and knees, I felt her weight land on top of me, her arms wrapping around my throat while her legs closed around my midsection.

“Shhh, quiet, bitch,” she whispered in my ear at my half-choked croaks. “I’m gonna put you in your place. You’ll thank me later.”

I knew I had only seconds to act. Once she started sapping my strength, I would be on a steep incline down towards defeat, with no way to claw her advantage back. My right arm was pinned under my own body weight, but the left one was free, so I reached upwards and grabbed a fistful of Maddie’s hair. Then, I pulled with all my might.

To her credit, Maddie acted stoic at first, squeezing harder – god, her muscles were so strong – but eventually she let out a scream and released her vice grip on me, rolling away. I unsteadily climbed to my feet, and before Maddie could react, I dropped on her like a stone. She’d seen me coming, and hardened her abs to meet the impact, but the sheer collision still affected her.

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“How does it feel, bitch?”

Before she could respond, my hands flashed to her wrists, pinning them to the ground. As she wriggled and bucked desperately beneath me, this stronger but tinier girl pinned under me like a captured prey, I realized with a mixture of thrill and shame that I was enjoying this, that I was turned on. There was a fire between my legs at the thought of physically stamping my will on my former best friend, making her pay for betraying me by literally taming her. It was like cutting the Gordian Knot, dropping all the frustrations of talking and trying to square off incompatible priorities. One of us would be subjugated by the other, and the thought of solving our confrontation on such a primal, primitive level made adrenaline rush through my limbs. Unable to slap her again, I resorted to the next best thing, and I spat fully in her face, which she met with a defiant scream of anger and disgust. Now I was the one smirking at her.

“Who’s the loser now? I’m going to make you eat your words.”

Ending one: Melissa wins

I saw the fury in Maddie’s eyes, and I knew what happened next would determine the outcome of the fight. Neither of us had the stamina or the training to wrestle on and on for dominance; I knew as soon as one of us established a clear advantage, the other would be on a downward path that could not be reversed. I heard Maddie convulse beneath me, and I prepared to counter her.

Contracting her abs, Maddie lifted her legs, trying to hook them to my arms or perhaps my head. It was the only chance to push me off, but I saw it coming, and I quickly grabbed her ankles, trapping them between my armpits and leaning forward with all my weight. I smirked at Maddie as she screamed in fury – now she was truly trapped, but I still had to seal my victory.

“You stupid b-“ she roared, but before she could finish, I had let myself slide forward, sitting on her face and forcing her mouth shut. Oh god, oh god this felt so good, her face nestled in between my legs, her nose pressing against my arousal – and she was moving around too, and shouting indignant mmmpphhhs into my crotch that made it all the more arousing. This is what power must feel like. Of all the ways to shut her up, what I was doing was so sexual, masterful, and humiliating all at once that I started laughing hysterically. Maddie looked at me from between my legs with big, puzzled eyes – the only thing peeking out from underneath me – and there was a tinge of fear in them. I knew she was having trouble breathing. I was doing to her what she had wanted to do to me – restricting her airflow, sapping her strength. Taming her.

“Listen to me, loser,” I said, in a coarse seductive voice I normally reserved only for Brian. “If you ever want to breathe again, you’re going to lie here while I tell you how it’s going to be.”

To emphasize my point, I lifted myself slightly, allowing her to catch a wheezing breath – only to come back crashing down, grinding against her defeated face. Marking my territory. Smearing my scent all over her in a show of supreme triumph and contempt for her dignity.

“We are no longer equals. You thought I’d be an easy prey just because I’m a softie, but now you’re the one being made into a bitch.”

I ground into her face as I said this. I was so wet and I knew she could feel it too.

“You have a lot to make up to me. You’ll come calling whenever I tell you to. And I don’t just mean to hang out. You’ll wait on me hand and foot, literally and metaphorically. Since you can’t be trusted with your fucking, I’ll decide who you date and when. If you behave well, I might even let you close to Brian again,” I said with an evil, sadistic enjoyment at her horrified expression. Her strength was fading underneath me, her wriggling was slowing down. I leaned closer to her, my lips brushing against her ear.

“From this day onwards, you’re mine. You understand? I own you. I’m claiming you as my conquest.”


“Shut up. I’m about to let you catch your breath. When I do, I want you to say it. Admit it. Or I’m going to sit on your face until you do,” I said, wiggling against her face, enjoying the look of fear and anticipation in her eyes. She might not know it yet, but her training had already begun. I lifted myself off her face – just barely, enough to feel her warm and wheezing breath against my jeans.

“I’m… yours…” she said, hesitating. “You’ve b-bested me. You’re in charge because you’re better than me.”

The words flipped a switch in my head. Was she aroused too? Did she love the idea of being pinned down and…? It shouldn’t have surprised me, after all, but in that critical moment I decided I would be taking things as far as I could get away with. I wiggled again, my crotch hovering over her face.

“Kiss it,” I said. “Kiss your new ruler.”

Maddie didn’t even hesitate. She closed her eyes, leaned upwards, and placed a soft, humble kiss through my jeans which made me shiver with pure, unfettered arousal.

“Again,” I said, “with your eyes open this time. I want you to look at me as you perform the ultimate admission that I’m the better woman.”

She immediately obeyed me, placing tiny unassuming kisses all over my thighs and crotch as her big submissive eyes stared at me. I knew I had her, then and there. This girl who’d been my bane, cast me aside for more popular friends, always got better grades than I did, and fucked my boyfriend behind my back – she’d been cast low. Conquered, humiliated, reduced to kissing another girl’s pussy in an open admission that she was the lesser girl. And I’d done all of this. I felt on top of the world.

I released her wrists and legs, and stood up. Maddie groaned in pain on the ground, rolling towards her side, but I didn’t want her getting any ideas about getting up. As I towered over her, I stomped my sneakered feet into her cheek, pinning her head against the ground, like a warrior would do to a conquered enemy. That’s what she was to me at that moment. That’s all she would ever be to me.

“That’s where you belong,” I said. “Beneath the bottom of my shoe. Say it.”

Maddie wriggled unconvincingly underneath me, her eyes darting from the ground to my figure as it loomed above her.

“I’m dirt under your shoe, Mistress.”

I actually laughed out loud at that. “You really are all bark and no bite, aren’t you? Ten minutes of me kicking your ass and look at how meek and servile you’ve already become!”

To emphasize my words, I ground my shoe into her face, pressing her deeper into the soft ground. She moaned and whimpered, but took it like a bitch. Like the bitch I’d made her into. I removed my shoe from her face and placed it on the ground, before her lips.

“Kiss it.”

She rained kisses all over my sneaker as I rotated my foot to grant her access to every inch of its surface. Then, I started getting bolder with my instructions.

“Lick the bottom. There, that’s a good girl.”

“Kiss the tip, like it’s a cock.”

“Suck it.”

“Take it off. Shove my toes into your whore mouth. There, nice and deep, show me how you sucked my boyfriend.”

“If you do a good job of deepthroating on my feet, I might let you worship my pussy someday. It’s your new ruler, after all.”

By that point her eyes were watering as I was concentrated on making her take as much of my right foot down her throat as I could. It was about halfway in, my toes brushing against the entrance to her throat. This is what a man must feel like when getting a blowjob from a submissive girl, I said to myself. It’s not just the physical pleasure. It’s an act, a ritual, a homage paid from a lesser person to her superior. I was the triumphant queen, and Maddie was just my facefuck-toy. She was making delicious gagging noises that threatened to take me over the edge all by themselves. Through it all she stared up at me, never failing to meet my gaze with her watery, defeated slut eyes.

She wheezed and coughed when I removed my foot, at last. But her ordeal was just beginning.

“Let’s go home,” I told her, enjoying the shocked look on her face. “We need to introduce the new you to Brian. For starters.”

Written by Alectashadow
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