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Selling Shoes And More II

"Another night with our first customer Dan"

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It had been six days since my wife and I met Dan in a Walmart parking lot to complete our first sale of her worn black heels. We've had sex every night but it felt very different. My wife's pussy was still stretched from taking almost all of his 10" monster cock.

This was a stressful week at work. One more day, just one more day I kept telling myself. I decided to call my wife on my way home from the office. Normally, I like the ten minutes of quiet ride to listen to the local sports radio talk, but I was hoping she would cheer me up.

"Hello," she answered.

"Hey, how's my sexy wife doing?" I asked.

"Haha, very funny. I'm good, just busy," she said.

"Oh is that right? What are you busy with?" I pressed.

"'ll be happy to know that I'm at the salon getting a pedicure right now!" she answered excitedly.

What the hell, I thought, she never goes for a pedicure!

She must have heard my jaw drop and took my silence as a sign to remind me.

"Don't you remember we're going to see Dan again tomorrow for dinner and some fun?" she questioned.

"Ah that's right, I completely forgot. It's been a crazy week," I offered as an answer. Only slightly disappointed that the choice for a pedicure was most likely with Dan in mind and not me.

"It's only one night babe, you'll have your time with them too," she naughtily suggested.

I replied, "You know me too well. So, what color did you go with?"

"Dan wanted a french tip this time," she said, suggesting her and Dan have had some form of contact between the last meeting and now.

I played it off as nothing.

"Sounds great. I'm sure they look sexy."

"Gotta go, see you soon!" she hung up.

I arrived home shortly after our call and immediately went to my in-home bar to make a cocktail. The Brandy old-fashioned tasted extra good. I turned on the TV to try and distract all the thoughts racing in my mind. Before I knew it, I was up and mixing my second drink. Almost as I finished that glass, my wife pulled into the driveway.

I opened the garage entry door and waited for her. I watched as she hopped out of our SUV and tiptoed to the door wearing those silly pedicure slide-ons. As she approached she gave me a huge smile and greeted me with a kiss on my cheek. I couldn't take my eyes off of her little feet pitter-pattering towards me. The french tips looked perfect on her toes.

My wife continued into the kitchen and set down her purse. I casually walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her, pushing my hardening cock into her lower back.

"Ah-ah," as she moved away slightly, "no funny business tonight."

"Oh come on," I pleaded, "I need some release here."

"You'll have to wait until tomorrow....maybe," she insisted.

With that, she slid her feet out of the flimsy slide-ons and walked to the bar herself and poured a glass of wine.

I eventually joined her on the couch and turned on a movie. We both dozed off and I remember waking up and checking my phone for the time. It read 12:25 am. I nudged my wife slightly and we made our way up the stairs to the bedroom.

My wife fell asleep quickly, but I was now trapped with thoughts of how tomorrow night was going to go. I tossed and turned for the next four hours and felt awful when my alarm sounded at 6:00 am.

I decided I was not going into the office today. I stayed home and slept on and off, finally getting out of bed at 11:30 am. I lazily walked down to the kitchen to find a note on the table. It seemed my wife ran out to do some shopping and she would be back around 1:00 pm.

I decided to take advantage of the empty house and sat on the couch. I turned the TV on, but it was just background noise. My mind kept replaying the images of my wife with Dan last week and my cock was starting to engorge. I slid my right hand into my shorts and gave myself a few strokes. Almost cumming, I had to stop myself.

I sat still for a few minutes, trying to clear my head when I noticed my wife was home early. This time, I watched from the window as she walked to the house. She looked beautiful dressed in her slightly ripped jeans, black top, and black and white Nike tennis shoes. I noticed she had two bags in her hands along with her purse.

I stood up as she walked in and we kissed. She reminded me we were leaving at 2:00 pm to make the hour drive to meet Dan at the restaurant. I looked at the time and realized I had almost two hours to kill.

My wife, on the other hand, announced she was going up to start getting ready. I watched as she went up the stairs and disappeared into our bedroom. I went to the kitchen to get some coffee when I heard the water running. I took a few sips, helping to rejuvenate both my mind and body.

I finished my coffee and went to check on my wife. I peeked my head into the master bathroom and saw her soaking in the tub. I walked in.

"Hey, how are you feeling," I asked her.

She smiled, "Pretty good, what about you?"

"I'm good if you're good," was my response.

"We don't have to go if you don't want babe. It's ok," she answered.

"Are you kidding me? Last time was so hot and sexy... not to mention getting sex every night after..." I trailed off.

"Ok good! I was hoping you'd say that because I really want Dan to fuck me again!" my wife said.

I smiled and nodded at my wife, walking out of the bathroom. I grabbed my clothes and set them in our spare bedroom. I then hopped in the shower in the other full bathroom.

For the big night, I made sure I trimmed and shaved the hairs on and around my balls. Had to make sure I was ready just in case.

Since the weather was rather warm for a fall evening I decided on wearing a pair of gray golf pants, a black button-up short sleeve shirt and my dress-casual black shoes.

Out of the shower, brushed my teeth and fixed my hair. I was ready to go.

The time was 1:30. I approached the bedroom door, it was closed. I reminded my wife we had about thirty minutes. She yelled back she was almost done. I had no idea what to expect to see her wearing. I went back downstairs and waited.

About fifteen minutes after, I heard our bedroom door open. My wife slowly walked down the stairs holding a small gift bag. I took her in with every step.

My wife was dressed in a black halter dress. It had a strap over her left shoulder, but her right shoulder was bare. Her light brown hair was straightened and sitting perfectly just below her shoulders. She doesn't wear much makeup, but tonight she had some on. The eyeliner and eye shadow really made her green eyes pop.

I eyed her up and down... finally noticing what I assumed were black pantyhose, and bright red 4" heels to top off her look. Wow, was all I could think.

I escorted my lovely wife to the car and we began our drive. At this point, I wasn't sure who was more excited, her or me. On our ride there, we made some small talk about odd-end things. I think we were both trying to avoid talking about tonight.

Finally, after almost an hour of driving, we arrived at the restaurant parking lot. We made great time, it was 2:51 pm.

As I pulled in, I noticed only a handful of vehicles in the lot. However, we did notice Dan's truck parked right up front. I pulled into the spot right next to his and turned off the car. I exited and walked around, opening the door for my wife.

"Such a gentleman," she commented.

She climbed out and fixed her dress. I took her arm in mine and we walked to the doors. My wife entered first as I followed behind, taking glances of her little butt swaying in her dress. The host greeted us, my wife letting her know we were meeting Dan. She advised us to follow her and we made our way through the dimly lit restaurant. It was more of a supper club, really.

We turned a corner at the end of the bar and noticed Dan waiting for us in a half-circle booth. He stood up and welcomed both of us, a kiss on my wife's extended hand and a firm handshake for me. As we joined him, my wife scooted in first, next to Dan, with me on the end. Almost immediately, the waitress greeted us and got our drink orders.

Was she cute, I thought. She had to be no more than twenty-three years old. Long blonde hair, blue eyes, and petite. I would guess she was slightly taller than my wife, maybe 5'3". I couldn't help but notice her little black skirt and top, and especially her black boots that came up to just under her knees. It really made me curious to know what she was wearing under them.

My wife handed Dan the gift bag. "Here you go, a deal's a deal," my wife said.

Dan opened the bag and pulled out a pair of my wife's well-worn tan slide-ons. Dan instantly raised one up to his face, inhaling the aroma.

"Mmm, they smell delicious," he whispered.

My wife giggled, "These are on the house from last week."

The little tease ended quickly with our waitress returning so soon with our drinks. Dan was able to hide the shoes before she could see. We all toasted and took our first sips of the night. Dan and my wife proceeded to reminisce about last week when Dan told her he had a surprise for tonight. Almost on cue, another gentleman approached our table. Dan introduced him as one of his investing partners, Brian.

Brian shook my hand and then shook my wife's. He squeezed in on Dan's end of the booth, forcing my wife closer to me, which I absolutely didn't mind. I put my left hand under the table and gave my wife's right thigh a light squeeze. It felt so silky smooth with her pantyhose.

Dan continued on with telling us how long he's known Brian, blah blah blah. I started to tune him out, noticing our waitress was coming back again. As I gave her a smile, I overheard Dan telling my wife that Brian really wanted to meet us tonight after Dan had told him what happened last Friday.

Our waitress must have overheard because she replied, "Ooh, what happened last Friday?"

My wife turned red with embarrassment and shot a look at me. Dan, ever the gentleman, responded, "Oh, well, that's just when I happened to meet these two lovely people."

"Hm ok, sounds like there's more to it, but what do I know," she answered back. "Are you all ready to order or do you need a few more minutes?"

"Maybe just a few more minutes," I suggested.

She smiled and nodded to me and then turned and walked away. I watched her tight little ass disappear. My wife took notice and gave me a playful slap on my arm.

"So, what exactly did you tell Brian?" my wife asked Dan.

"Everything," Brian chimed in.

"Sorry," Dan said, "I was so blown away I had to tell someone."

"Well, this could be a very interesting evening," my wife said teasingly.

I gave Brian and Dan a smile and knowing nod.

Dinner went off without much excitement and the drinks were strong. It seemed our waitress was either really into our table, or she was bored with the restaurant being slow. She joined many of our random conversations, gave me a few playful touches, and even some extra smiles. We also found out her name was Christa. She was single, and twenty-two.

As she dropped off the check, my wife mentioned she had to use the restroom. Christa, our waitress, instructed my wife where it was. My wife stumbled in that direction. The four of us had a laugh, realizing the vodka-water drinks had caught up with her. My wife turned around and gave us all a big smile. She then lifted her left leg up and pulled her red heel off her foot. She repeated the same with her right heel.

"I can't walk in these damn shoes!" she said rather loudly.

"Here, let me hold them for you," Christa said, walking towards my wife.

My wife handed her the heels. "Don't let any of those guys near them," she warned. She walked off to the restroom.

Christa brought the heels over to the table. "Wow, these are so small, what size are they?" she asked out loud.

I answered, "should be a six."

Christa raised up one of the heels and turned it a bit, looking at the inside.

"It says 6.5," she said, "that's my size!"

Dan's response was exactly what I was thinking.

"Well, why don't you try them on, sweetie?" he suggested.

"I can't, I'm working. My manager would kill me," Christa said.

"Oh come on. It will only take a minute, besides there's practically no one else here but us," Dan said.

Christa took a quick look around and then told me to move over.

I scooted over to my left, giving her enough room to sit next to me. She reached down and unzipped her right boot. My cock was starting to harden in my pants. I peeked over her left shoulder and noticed she was wearing tall black socks. She quickly slid her foot into my wife's heel.

She held her foot up slightly, turning it side to side. Dan, Brian and I all ooh'd and aah'd as if she was modeling it for us. She then slid it off, put her boot back on and left the heels on the floor next to me. She took the check and payment from Dan and walked away.

Dan got up next and said he needed to use the restroom as well before we headed out. Brian and I made some small talk for a few minutes. I was starting to get a little worried about my wife not being back yet. That worry was answered shortly after when Christa returned with Dan's credit card.

She leaned in, close to my right ear.

"I think your wife is cheating on you," she whispered.

I pulled my face back slightly, turning it towards her. I gave her a puzzled look.

"I just walked past the restroom and it sounded like she was having sex in the stall," she continued whispering.

I looked across the table, Brian was grinning ear to ear. He heard what she was telling me.

I figured now was the time to tell Christa here what we were up to tonight.

"Well, first, thank you for letting me know, but," I continued, "she's not cheating on me. I actually enjoy sharing her with other men."

Christa's jaw dropped open.

"Have you ever heard of the term 'hotwife'?" I asked her.

She shook her head no.

"What time do you get done here tonight?" I asked.

"9:00, why?" she answered.

"You should stop over by Dan's tonight. We're going to go hang out and have a few drinks, see what happens," I said casually.

I didn't wait for an answer. I wrote his address that I already had in my phone on the receipt and handed it to her. With that, I grabbed my wife's red heels. Brian and I stood up and walked towards the exit.

Things were definitely starting to heat up.

As Brian and I got closer to the restroom, my wife and Dan appeared. Dan was adjusting the crotch of his pants and you could see the noticeably large bulge. My wife pulled at her dress, flattening out the wrinkles, her face looked flushed.

She walked over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"I think I'll ride with Dan to his house. Why don't you and Brian follow us"? she stated.

"Sounds good!" Brian answered excitedly.

"Ok, sure," I agreed, handing my wife her heels.

Brian held her steady as she slipped them back on both feet.

"Dan. you weren't kidding. She does have GREAT feet. And I'm not even a foot guy!" Brian exclaimed.

Once outside, Brian held open the passenger door to Dan's truck for my wife. She climbed up and in. She immediately took both heels off again, placing her hose-covered feet up on the dashboard.

"Man, you are lucky. You got a real wild one!" Brian said to me as he closed her door.

"Follow me," Dan shouted.

I started our car and Brian hopped in. I waited for Dan to pull out, but he didn't move. After a few seconds, my wife looked over at us and smiled. She then lowered her head towards Dan's lap.

"I guess she couldn't wait to get a hold of Dan's cock again," I chuckled to Brian.

"I can't say I blame her. He's huge!" Brian said.

"Yes, he is," I agreed.

Dan pulled off, I followed closely behind. Every now and then we could catch a glimpse of my wife's head coming up for air from Dan's lap. She must have been giving him some great road head, he was driving slow.

We drove about ten minutes when I saw my wife's head come up, and then she moved further away from Dan.

Shit. I bet he came in her mouth, I thought.

Just then, my wife moved around some more. Out of concern, I pulled up next to Dan's truck on the driver's side since he was in the right lane. As we got closer, I realized what she was doing. My wife was now turned sideways on her seat, and she had both of her feet pulled up and was holding them inches from Dan's face. Brian and I got a clear view of both of her hose-covered soles.

"Wow! I hope you don't mind me saying this, but I want to play with your wife's little feet so bad!" Brian said, never taking his eyes off what was going on in Dan's truck.

"I don't blame you at all, so do I!" I replied back, stealing as many looks as I could without crashing.

I slowed back down and got behind them again. I could vaguely make out what I thought was Dan now giving her feet kisses. This went on for only a minute or two before her feet were lowered out of view. I imagine this is when she started stroking his cock with her feet, she would later tell me about.

Finally, a neighborhood. Well, not much of the neighbors to be exact. Dan's house was in a cul-de-sac, his nearest neighbor had to be a good quarter-mile away. Dan pulled up the windy driveway and into the garage. I followed, parking just outside the door.

Dan was out first. He walked around the back of his truck towards Brian and me. I noticed his cock was hard, and sticking out of the fly of his pants. He gave us a thumbs up and went to help my wife out of his truck. Brian and I stepped into the garage just as her red heels clicked on the concrete.

Dan put his left arm behind her upper back and reached down to her legs with his right. In one quick swoop, he picked my wife up like a doll.

"Ahh!" she squealed.

Dan carried her into his house as if it was their wedding night. My wife reached down with her left hand and gave his cock a few playful strokes.

We made our way through the kitchen and into an oversized living room. It was outfitted with a huge half-circle couch big enough to easily seat six people. Across from that were a large loveseat and rectangular ottoman in front of it.

Dan set my wife down gently on the loveseat.

"Let me get some drinks and some music. Then we all can enjoy what we came here for," he said.

Brian joined me on the couch, but we sat at opposite ends.

My wife kicked her heels up on the ottoman and mouthed "I love you" to me. I mouthed it back to her.

Some soft music started playing in the background. You could hear Dan still in the kitchen.

"Would you like some help with those sexy red heels?" Brian asked my wife, inching closer to the end of the couch.

"If you take them off, you owe me a foot rub," my wife told him.

"Deal," and Brian moved to the ottoman.

"Can I tell you, I'm not even a foot guy, but something about your feet is so sexy," he said.

"Yeah?" my wife teased.

"Yeah. I'm an ass guy at heart. And you have such a cute little ass too," he continued.

I guess I should describe Brian for you. He was shorter than me, probably 5'10", with a few extra pounds around his waist. I would guess 180-185lbs. He wore his hair short and combed over to the right. It was a salt and pepper mix. Brian had to be a few years older than Dan's age of early fifties. He was dressed nicely in black slacks and a light blue button-up shirt.

I was sitting directly across from my wife on the couch. I had the perfect view as Brian lifted her left leg slightly with his right hand. I noticed my wife's dress slid up her leg a bit. Brian then used his left hand, and grabbed the heel, and wiggled it off her foot. He held her little foot up as he set her heel down next to him. I couldn't take my eyes off her smooth sole. It was my favorite part of the foot.

Brian gently set her left foot down on top of his right thigh. Then did the same with her right foot. Once both of her heels were set down next to him, Brian started his massage. He took turns rotating between rubbing her left foot, then her right. He fumbled around a bit, obvious to me he hasn't given many foot massages before. My wife, however, was not complaining. In fact, she had tipped her head back slightly and closed her eyes.

Each time Brian raised a leg to massage her feet, her dress crept up further and further. I'm not sure if Brian noticed, but I certainly did. I took a break from ogling her feet to see if my wife was wearing any panties. My curiosity was soon answered, she was not.

So now I wondered did she ever have them on, or were they removed in the restaurant restroom?

It couldn't have been more than five minutes when Dan returned. He was holding a tray with a bottle of scotch, an ice bucket, and four glasses. He set them down on the table which stirred my wife to open her eyes. She thanked Brian for his massage, pulling her feet from his lap and tucked them under her side.

"I see you guys started without me," Dan teased.

"Just a foot rub, nothing crazy," Brian answered.

My wife gave me a smile, then looked at Dan. Her eyes were filled with lust. I noticed Dan decided to put his cock back in his pants while he got the drinks in the kitchen.

Dan continued to pour us all a drink, handing them out to each of us. We all took a big gulp, downing our glasses. Dan then took a seat on the couch, opposite end of me, closest to the ottoman. My wife rose to her feet and walked over to me. She leaned down, kissing me on the lips. I leaned forward, kissing her back. I knew now she was feeling really horny.

She broke off our kiss and walked over to Dan. My wife leaned forward, now kissing him on the lips. Dan kissed back, opening his mouth. Brian and I watched as the two of them took turns sliding their tongues into each other's mouths. She then broke off her kiss with Dan. She spun around, causing her dress to raise up, giving us all a quick glance of her pantyhose-covered ass.

She now took the few steps to Brian, still sitting on the ottoman, next to her heels. My wife took a hold of each of his arms, pulling him up to his feet. She got on her knees in front of him. She used both hands to untie his belt, then the button on his pants, and finally his zipper. She pulled his pants open and reach inside with her right hand.

"Mm, what do we have here?" she asked.

She yanked down on his boxer briefs with her left hand, releasing his cock, which she held in her right.

"What a fat cock you have Brian," she said in a low voice.

"Mm, thank you," was all he could muster.

My wife now began stroking his cock with her right hand. I have to admit, it was fat. Her fingers were fully wrapped around it, and they were about 2-3" apart from touching. She then playfully gave his head a few licks. You could see Brian already was having some pre-cum ooze out.

"Mmm, that tastes good," my wife said.

"Are you going to eat my ass?" she continued, in between licks of his fat cock head.

Brian moaned, "Mmm, yes..."

My wife then took his whole cock head in her mouth and sucked, still stroking his fat shaft with her right hand.

"I'm not sure this will fit in my ass, but I'd love to try," she teased with her talking.

"I'd love to try too," Brian said.

At this point, Dan scooted off the couch and onto the floor behind my wife. He grabbed her dress from the bottom on each side, pulling it up and off her. She had to let go of Brian's cock for a second to have it removed.

Dan then stood up, pulling his pants off, then his boxers. Once off, he moved over to the left side of my wife. She immediately reached out and grabbed a hold of his cock with her left hand. I looked on in awe, as she stroked a cock in each hand. I was amazed at seeing the size of Dan's monster cock again, and now his friend Brian as well. He was now fully erect. Not as long as Dan, but he was a bit thicker. I guessed a solid 8".

I decided I should get more comfortable as well, so I stood up and quickly removed my pants and boxer briefs. My 5" cock was already standing at full attention. My wife noticed and motioned for me with her right hand to join them.

I walked over and stood to the left of Brian. My wife looked so sexy down there. She rarely sucked cock, but when she did, it felt incredible. She had a cock in her mouth, and a cock in each hand at all times. I was so worked up I could already feel my balls tingling.

"Oh shit, I'm gonna cum," I announced.

My wife quickly moved her right hand off my cock and wrapped it around Brian's. She then leaned over and swallowed all the way down on my cock. I erupted down her throat, jet after jet. After I stopped spasming, I backed away, sitting on the edge of the couch again.

My wife now used both hands to work on Dan's monster cock while sucking Brian. After a minute, she swapped.

" turn!" Dan said.

My wife turned her attention to Dan. She used both hands and her mouth, sending him over the edge. Dan grabbed at her head, pulling her mouth deeper onto his cock. I watched on as Dan came in her mouth and throat. It must have been a large amount because she was struggling to keep it all in her mouth, oozing out of the sides of her mouth.

Brian watched and stroked himself. He wasn't far behind Dan.

"Oh fuck, here I cum," Brian groaned.

My wife finished with Dan, then turned to face Brian. She tilted her head back, closed her eyes and opened her mouth wide. Brian gave himself a few more strokes before the first rope shot across her face. Then another, and another. Brian shot off six ropes of what looked like thick cum. My wife's eyes were glued shut, and she had a fair amount in her mouth.

Dan excused himself to get my wife a towel. Brian sat back down on the ottoman, panting. Dan returned quickly and handed my wife the towel to clean herself up. We all agreed that that was a good start to the night.

"Well, that was fun and all, but who's gonna take care of me now?" my wife said, as she wiped all the cum off her face.

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"Well, since I'm the host, I think I should go first," Dan replied.

"Let's get you up on here sexy," he continued, helping my wife stand. He guided her back down onto the loveseat.

My wife was totally naked except for her bra and black pantyhose. She laid herself back, spreading her legs. Dan squatted in front of her, running his hands from her ankles up to her thighs and back down.

"So silky smooth," he said, "and I love the french tips on your toes."

"I'm glad you like them," my wife replied, closing her eyes and enjoying the caresses.

Dan took a hold of each ankle and slowly lifted them up, bending my wife's knees inward. He raised them high enough to place both of her soles on his face. I could hear him inhaling her aroma as he lightly kissed her feet. My wife smiled, eyes still closed. Her right hand making its way down to her pussy, she began rubbing it through her pantyhose.

Dan noticed and placed her feet over his shoulders, placing his face inches from her wet hole. He took hold of the thin, silky material with fingers on each hand. He pulled it away from my wife's warm pussy, eventually creating a tear. Dan continued his pulling until my wife's pussy was fully exposed.

My wife put a hand on each side of Dan's head and guided it to her pussy. Dan happily lapped at her juices, making long, wet licks. My wife's hose-covered french tips toes were flexing and curling.

"Oh fuck... that feels so good," my wife moaned.

Just then, the doorbell rang. Dan never flinched. He kept his oral assault of my wife going. Brian and I looked at each other to see if we should answer. Brian finally shrugged his shoulders at me and went back to watching Dan bringing my wife close to an orgasm with his tongue.

The doorbell rang a second time. What the hell, I thought. Dan took a quick break from tasting my wife's pussy, "Chris, could you go see who that is?"

"Sure," I answered.

I slid my boxer briefs back on and hurried to the door. I peeked through the glass and couldn't believe my eyes. It was Christa. I had completely forgotten I'd slipped her Dan's address back at the restaurant. I opened the door and excitedly invited her in. She stepped in and I leaned forward, giving her a hug. I felt myself hardening again.

"You made it!" I said happily.

"Haha, yeah. I figured what the heck. It was a slow night anyways," she said.

"Follow me, let's go get a drink," I suggested.

"A drink sounds great," Christa answered.

She followed behind me closely. Just before we turned the corner to the living room, I turned back to her and put a finger in front of my lips. Indicating for us to be quiet.

As we walked in, my wife was still enjoying Dan's tongue between her legs. Christa stopped walking and just stared at them from across the room. Brian noticed Christa standing behind me and got up and walked over. He was still naked, with his cock hanging low between his thighs. Brian squatted slightly, giving Christa a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

I could tell she was a little overwhelmed. I reached for her hand, she accepted. I brought her over to the couch with me, sitting to her right. I poured two glasses of scotch and handed her one. We clanged our glasses and took a drink. She never took her eyes off my wife and Dan.

"Here, let me help you get more comfortable," I said, reaching down and taking a hold of her right boot.

"Ok," she finally acknowledged.

I placed her boot-covered leg up onto my left leg. I put my left hand on her knee as I found the boot zipper with my right. I began to unzip her boot slowly. It was unzipped down to her ankle now. I gently tugged at the heel of her boot until I felt a pop. I knew that meant her heel was free and I would have her socked foot in my hand soon.

I looked up from her leg to check on my wife. Brian had moved over next to her and managed to remove her bra, now licking and sucking on her nipples. Dan had inserted two fingers in her pussy as he licked at her clit.

Once Christa's right boot was off, I reached down for her left. This caused her to turn slightly towards me on the couch. She lifted her left leg up, resting it across her right. I again unzipped her boot slowly. Then I wiggled the heel until it popped her foot free. I placed this boot next to the other on the floor. I now had both of Christa's feet on my lap.

I began to lightly rub her arches, balls and heels of her feet through her black socks. She was nursing her drink, still watching my wife. Brian took a break from my wife's breasts and stood up, to her right. He grabbed his fat cock with his right hand and presented it to my wife. She grabbed a hold of it with her right hand and stroked it.

Brian's cock was stiffening again. Dan's flaccid cock was hanging low, easily viewable from the couch. There was a small tent pitched in my underwear. Christa finally gave a look my way and smiled. I decided to make my move.

I grabbed at the tops of her left sock and pulled down. I peeled her sock off completely and was extremely happy with what I saw. Her toes were painted a bright red, and her toes were in perfect order of longest to smallest. I quickly worked her right sock off. I lowered my head a bit, checking out her bare soles. No rough patches, they looked so soft and smooth.

I quietly lifted her right foot up and put my nose just under her toes. They smelled of a mix of hemp lotion and a very, very mild foot aroma. I sniffed again, then moved my nose and sniffed again. I repeated this five or six times. Then I lifted her left foot and did the same. Christa stared into my eyes this time. Watching me smell her feet and getting turned on.

I began kissing the pads of her toes with soft, long kisses. I started with her big toe and kissed each one until I got to her baby toe. After kissing it, I opened my lips and took her little toe in my mouth. It was met by my tongue, which started wriggling underneath it. Christa's mouth opened, forming an "O" shape. I sucked each and every toe individually on her left foot. Then I stuffed two, then three toes into my mouth at once.

Christa tensed up on the couch, watching me intently. She brought her right finger up and started sucking on it. I repeated the same kissing, licking and sucking with her right toes. I set both feet down on my lap. I lifted my butt off the couch and slid my underwear back off. My cock was rock hard and already leaking pre-cum from the foot play.

Once naked, I leaned between Christa's legs, forcing them to spread. I leaned far enough until I was able to kiss her. We kissed deeply and my cock was pressing against her crotch. If she wasn't still wearing her skirt and panties, I would have slid right in. We continued kissing as I pulled at her top. I was able to get it up and off her head. I then went to work on her bra, freeing her perky breasts.

I moved down, hooking her panties around my thumbs on each side. I pulled them down easily. Kissing her inner thighs, I worked my way up bit by bit. Finally getting to her pussy, I had to stop and soak it in. It was completely bare and looked like she never had sex before. I began licking at it wildly. Her whole body jerked with every tongue lashing. I closed my eyes as I tasted her, really enjoying it.

I could hear moans coming from Christa and my wife across the room. I was now determined to make Christa moan louder than my wife. I took a quick peek over my right shoulder. Dan was kneeling in front of my wife, stroking his cock back to life against her clit. My wife pulled Brian's cock from her mouth and looked over at me. She shot me a smile and a wink, then bit her lower lip and laid her head back.

Brian turned and walked our way. He approached Christa to her left, holding his cock with his right hand. He stroked it slowly, watching me eat her pussy. After watching for a minute, he kneeled on the couch and now offered Christa his fat cock. I looked up as I licked her clit, she started stroking it in her left hand. She too could not get her hand all the way around Brian's girth.

"Oh shit, that's it. Fuck me," I heard my wife say.

I knew Dan had finally got his cock inside my wife. I raised to my knees and slammed my cock inside Christa.

"Uhh!" she cried out.

"Holy shit you're so tight," I said.

She was still stroking Brian, whose cock was now really close to my face. I tried to focus on fucking Christa. She stroked it faster and harder with each thrust I gave her. My balls were tingling already, I had to pull out. I lowered my mouth, tasting her pussy again. Brian tapped my shoulder, requesting I move.

He took my spot between Christa's legs and slowly fed her his fat cock. Her pussy looked so full and he wasn't even halfway in yet. I stood up and walked over to my wife. I bent down and kissed her on the lips as Dan was giving her pussy long, slow thrusts of his monster cock. I broke our kiss and admired the scene. Then I grabbed my wife's right foot and brought it to my face. I shoved all five toes into my mouth. I sucked on her toes for a few seconds before letting go.

I walked back over by Christa, who was now getting fucked by Brian. He was giving her fast, quick pumps, yet to fit all of his cock inside her. She had her legs wrapped around his waist, crossed at the ankles. I sat down to her left and watched for a few minutes. Finally, Brian pulled her legs up, over his shoulders. He was now trying to give her all of his fat cock and she was struggling to take it. I kneeled on the couch next to her face. Christa took my cock in her mouth, moaning.

Her mouth felt great on my cock. She was not as experienced as my wife, but it was still good. I reached over at her left foot and brought it closer to me. I began sucking her sexy red toes as she sucked me and Brian fucked her. She seemed to suck harder. I didn't have her toes in my mouth long when I let off the first of many ropes of cum in Christa's mouth. I came so hard in her mouth she gagged. I kept sucking on her toes until my orgasm stopped.

I let go of her foot and collapsed on the couch next to her, I was spent. No chance I can go for a third round tonight, I thought.

Brian suggested Christa get up on the couch, doggystyle for him. She happily obliged and hovered her face over me. I could tell by the look on her face when Brian entered her again. I looked over to my left and saw my wife straddling Dan. He was sitting on the ottoman, my wife on top. She was facing him and had her arms draped around his neck. She would change from sliding up and down on his cock, to gyrating her hips back and forth on it.

Dan and I made eye contact, he pointed at Christa, then gave me a thumbs up. I smiled and nodded.

Dan hooked his arms under my wife's thighs and lifted her up. He stood and held her as he now fucked her in front of me. My wife still had her arms around his neck and was holding on for dear life. He slowly made his way over, until he set her down on the couch to my left. My wife reached for my cock with her right hand but it was no use.

My wife raised her legs up, resting her feet on Dan's shoulders. Her pantyhose were still intact from her thighs down to her feet. Dan reached up and grabbed both ankles. He placed her feet side by side just in front of his face as he continued fucking her. My wife looked over at me, smiling. I gave her a quick smile, then looked back up as Dan stuck her left toes in his mouth. I watched as he then ran his tongue along each toe of both feet.

I turned to my right and watched Brian continue to fuck Christa from behind. He had two handfuls of ass as he pumped away. Brian noticed me watching and smiled.

"Switch!" Brian shouted.

Dan reacted with a laugh, then said "Great idea!"

Brian backed away from Christa. Dan pulled his cock out of my wife. They both stood up and then swapped spots.

Brian walked over to my wife, suggesting she go doggystyle with him. Christa saw Dan approaching and she stood up too. She pointed for Dan to sit, as she then crawled on top of him. I sat forward in my seat so I could see Brian starting to enter my wife from behind. He grabbed at her ass with both hands, squeezing and pushing her cheeks up as he thrust deeper and deeper.

My wife responded with groans. She almost seemed to be in a little pain from the thickness of Brian.

"Are you ok?" Brian asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just trying to get used to the size," she said.

"Want me to go slower?" Brian continued.

"No, it's ok. You're fine. I'll let you know if it hurts," my wife answered.

I looked to my right and watched Christa lowering herself onto Dan's monster cock. Dan was holding both of her breasts in his hands and alternating sucking each nipple. Christa was moaning loudly.

"You're so fucking big... holy shit!" she exhaled.

She kept raising and lowering herself on Dan, each time taking a little more of his length inside her.

"Oh shit!" Christa said.

"Oh fuck!" my wife let out.

I turned back to my left and watched as Brian was now fucking my wife hard and fast. She reached for my arm with her left hand. She got a hold of my wrist and squeezed hard.

"I'm cumming!" she screamed.

Brian kept pounding.

"Oh my God, I'm gonna cum too!" Christa responded.

I looked back to my right, just as her whole body start convulsing. She was lowered all the way down on Dan's cock and spasming.

After each orgasm settled, Dan and Brian switched back. I was mesmerized by what I could only describe as white froth coating each of their cocks as they both walked past me.

Dan fed my wife's pussy his monster cock from behind as Brian entered Christa with her on her back. My wife almost orgasmed again. She rubbed at her clit with her right hand as Dan fucked her roughly. It wasn't long before he put her over the top again.

After watching her second orgasm, I turned my attention back to Christa with Brian. He was fucking her slow at first but started picking up his pace. Brian reached down and was stimulating her clit with his left thumb. Christa had her little feet placed on Brian's chest.

"Oh fuck... I'm gonna cum again," Christa announced.

These two sexy ladies were almost on the same orgasm cycle. Brian announced his orgasm next. He buried his fat cock all the way inside Christa and erupted. He held her legs tightly against him until he was done filling her pussy with his seed.

Back to my left, my wife was asking Dan for her to go back on top. Dan pulled out and took a seat next to me. My wife quickly straddled him, a foot on each side of his legs. She buried Dan's huge cock almost entirely in her pussy. She rose up and lowered again, taking another inch. A third time of up and down and all of Dan's cock was inside my wife.

She instantly had her third orgasm, throwing her head back in response. I watched as my beautiful wife came all over Dan's cock again. Dan wiggled side to side on the couch next to me. Finally, after she was done convulsing, she leaned forward, kissing Dan on the lips. Dan kissed her back.

The two of them kissed open-mouth for what seemed like minutes, but realistically was about thirty seconds. All the while, Dan was still buried inside my wife.

Finally, my wife broke off their kiss. "Ok, it's your turn now," she said to Dan.

She slowly stood up, juices dripping from her pussy onto Dan's cock and lap. She laid on the couch to his left and put her hose-covered feet on his lap. Dan took hold of both feet and placed them on either side of his wet cock. My wife held her feet firmly together around his cock as he started thrusting up.

Dan's cock looked huge in comparison to her little feet again. I can imagine how incredible her arches must have felt as he fucked them. My wife began to play with her sopping wet pussy as she gave Dan a footjob. Christa moved over from her spot to my right and was now closer to me. She reached for my cock and began stroking me.

I looked as Christa was stroking me but staring at my wife's little feet wrapped around Dan's huge cock. After a few seconds, Christa crawled over on her knees in front of Dan. She leaned forward and began alternating sucking his cock and sucking my wife's toes. This was the hottest thing I've ever witnessed.

My wife looked over at me and was blushing. That familiar twinkle in her eyes returned. She was full of lust.

"Why don't we trade spots and you give it a try, hun," she said to Christa.

Christa, popping Dan's cock out of her mouth, "Ok!"

My wife then scooted onto the floor in front of Dan. She helped guide Christa's little bare feet around Dan's cock as she lay on the couch. My wife was holding her feet so gently, raising them up and down, up and down. After a few strokes, she let Christa go, getting her own rhythm.

Brian reappeared from my right, moving to get a closer look. Christa was a natural. She took turns using her arches and her toes on Dan's cock. My wife snuck in a few sucks on Dan's cockhead before looking over at me.

She extended her left hand and took hold of my now hard cock. She stroked me slowly. Then she did the hottest thing I've ever seen her do. She leaned forward and took a few of Christa's toes into her mouth. Christa stopped her footjob and froze. My wife was attacking the toes of her left foot and sucking them wildly. She ran her tongue all over her little arch, then heel and back up to her toes.

Dan grabbed Christa's right foot and took those toes into his mouth. Brian moved again, kneeling behind my wife. He grabbed at her pantyhose and slid them down as my wife wiggled her hips. She stuck her little ass out towards Brian, still sucking and licking on Christa's left toes and Dan's cock.

Brian moved back from my wife and then lowered his head. I can only imagine as an ass man that he was, he loved the view. I watched Brian begin to give my wife's ass long licks. He did this about eight times, on the ninth, his tongue stayed over her asshole. I saw his tongue moving side to side on her tart hole, then up and down.

My wife squealed on Dan's cock, pushing her ass into Brian's face. He was stroking himself as he ate my wife's ass. My wife also picked up the pace of her stroking me with her left hand. I had to pull myself away I was so turned on. I walked to the kitchen to clear my head, and prevent myself from cumming again.

After a few minutes, I returned to the living room. When I did, Dan was now laying on the floor in front of the couch. My wife was straddling him for another ride on his monster cock. Christa was squatted above Dan's head, presenting her pussy for him to enjoy. Brian walked past me down the hall, looking like a man on a mission. Now having fit most of Dan's cock inside her, my wife pulled Christa closer. The two of them started kissing.

I never knew my wife was open to being sexual with another woman. I kneeled next to them and the three of us made out for a minute. I then stood up and put my cock between both of their lips. They gave me a dual blowjob. Just then, Brian came storming back into the room. He was holding a bottle of lube in his hand.

He walked around behind my wife and got on his knees. He poured a generous amount of lube on his hard cock and stroked it. He inched forward as my wife broke off my cock, laying down on top of Dan. I took a few steps to my left to get a better look.

Brian placed the tip of his cock at my wife's asshole. She rocked back and forth slowly on Dan's cock, each time, her asshole touching the tip of Brian's fat cock. This went on a few times until Brian grabbed her hips on each side, holding her still. I watched as his cockhead disappeared into her ass.

"Oh shiiit!" my wife exclaimed.

"Mm, you like that, baby?" Brian asked.

"Go slow. Please," my wife begged.

"Of course. Your ass is so tight, but not for long," he said.

Brian slowly eased his cock into her ass, inch by inch. My cock was somehow leaking more precum. Christa noticed and grabbed it with her left hand. She gave me a few strokes and then licked her fingers off my goo.

My wife was now taking the longest cock she's ever had in her pussy, and the fattest cock she's ever had in her ass.

Brian was halfway in when she orgasmed again. After it subsided Brian was able to get a good rhythm going and fucked my wife's ass slowly, but with deep strokes. This would cause her to move slightly on Dan's cock as well, who was still also eating Christa's pussy.

Almost a minute after my wife's orgasm, Christa came all over Dan's face. I had to hold her hands so she didn't collapse from the convulsing. I eventually helped her to her feet, still holding her hands. We stood and kissed for a bit.

She broke our kiss and whispered in my ear, "Thank you so much for inviting me."

"I'm so glad you came... and came," I joked.

"Can I help you cum one more time before I go?" she asked.

"I would love that," I whispered back.

"Great. Where and how?" she pressed.

I held her hand and walked her over to the ottoman just a few feet away. I sat her down. I sat on the floor in front of her. I grabbed her ankles, one in each hand, and lifted up her feet. This caused her to lay back slightly. I began giving kisses all over her soles. After I covered both feet with kisses, I used my tongue. I ran my tongue from her heel up to her toes, then sucked her big toe into my mouth.

I worshipped her feet for a few minutes. Once I had her arches nice and wet, I lowered both of her feet to my cock. Her red painted toes looked so sexy stroking me. I looked over to my right and saw my wife was still being DP'd by Dan and Brian. Brian had really picked up his pace in her ass as she was open-mouth kissing Dan.

Christa continued to squeeze my cock between her arches and stroke it up and down. I couldn't believe I was getting a footjob from this sexy little thing. I told Christa I was going to cum and she stroked faster.

Finally, I erupted rope after rope of cum. The first rope shot a good two feet in the air before landing on the tops of her feet and shins. Christa kept stroking me with her little feet until my balls were drained. At the end, her toes were covered in cum.

Just after I coated her feet, I heard Brian yell out he was going to cum again. I looked just in time to see him bury his fat cock in my wife's ass and begin filling her. He gave her a few more quick pumps, making sure all of his cum was in her ass. Brian gave her butt a nice slap, then fell backwards, pulling his cock out.

Dan announced he was close. "I'm going to cum soon, let me see those little feet again," he said.

"Mm, of course," my wife replied.

She buried herself on his cock one last time, then raised up and off slowly. She laid back between his outstretched legs and immediately wrapped her feet around his cock. My wife stroked him long and fast. She used her toes to pin his cock to his stomach, using both feet at the same time. Dan's cock was still longer. I swear it was longer than last week.

My wife looked over at me as she gave Dan the footjob. Then she looked at Christa, who was rubbing her cum covered feet together.

"Wanna come join me?" she asked.

"I'd love to," Christa said.

Christa crawled over on her hands and knees, careful not to let her feet touch the floor. She went right over towards my wife and they kissed, deeply.

"Here, let me clean your messy feet so you can help me. His cock is too big for just my little feet," my wife mentioned.

Christa moved onto her butt and lifted both feet to my wife. Dan, Brian and myself all watched as my wife licked and sucked my cum off of Christa's feet and in between her toes. It appeared all the cum was gone but my wife kept licking.

Christa eventually moved her feet and placed them on Dan's cock, atop my wife's. Four of the most beautiful feet I've ever seen worked Dan's monster cock. My wife made sure to stimulate his oversized balls while Christa stroked his shaft up and down. Dan's head was lifted, watching it all.

"Oh shit, I'm going to cum!" Dan announced.

A second later, Dan erupted. I counted eight ropes of cum that actually shot out of his cock and started coating all four feet. My wife and Christa continued using their feet on him until his cock stopped oozing cum.

Both ladies now played footsie with each other, rubbing Dan's cum back and forth. Brian made one last move that really shocked me.

"Let me see what this foot thing is all about," he said. Brian took hold of my wife's right foot and Christa's left. He stuck his tongue out and alternated running it up the entire length of each foot. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Brian was really getting into licking their feet and sucking their toes. I couldn't believe he was even cleaning Dan's cum from them.

My wife and Christa sure didn't seem to mind. In fact, I think it turned them on a bit. My wife extended her left foot to Christa, who happily cleaned the cum with her tongue and mouth. Christa then had my wife do the same with her right foot.

We were all pretty exhausted. Brian was the first one to get dressed. He gave both ladies a kiss and thank you before shaking Dan and my hands.

Christa was ready next. She and my wife exchanged phone numbers before we said our goodbyes. Now it was our turn. My wife turned to give Dan a long kiss goodbye and thanked him for a great night.

"Would it be too much to ask what you guys are doing next week?" Dan asked.

"We'll see," my wife said, "I think I might need a break from your huge cock!"

"Ok fine. The weekend after that," Dan replied.

"Sounds tempting," my wife said as she walked out the door.

I got my wife into our car and closed the door. I got on the driver's side to take us home. My wife reached for my hand.

"I love you so much," she told me.

"I love you too," I replied.

She then kicked her heels off and placed her little bare feet up on the dashboard, knowing how much that drives me wild.

I wondered if we would see Dan for a third time...

Written by Midwestfeet
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