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My Birthday Treat

"A lonely birthday drinks leads a fantastic night with a bitter end."

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My first birthday after separating from my wife arrived with much less than a bang. She and my daughter were away on vacation and I felt very down. Living in a new place, I had few friends and even less incentive to go out.

But I was bored, so I took a walk around my new neighbourhood. I passed pub after pub but none called to me. Resigned to my loneliness I started to head home, deliberately taking a different route. It was then that I discovered the Adam & Eve.

It was modern and stylish, with leather chairs everywhere and unlike most pubs in and around Soho wasn’t too crowded. Plus it had one of my favourite beers on tap, Beavertown Neck Oil.

Ordering a pint, I settled into a leather recliner and grabbed a Sunday paper. The hours slipped by as I quietly sat in the corner, beer in hand, digesting the news.

Somewhere around my third pint, I noticed her. Elegantly sat at the bar was a gorgeous lady. Not a girl, not a woman but a lady. Classy, suave and dressed to the nines - surprisingly so for a Sunday afternoon.

I returned to my paper and carried on reading. As I finished my drink I headed to the bar and noticed she was looking at me.

Her blonde hair hung to her shoulders, the tight grey dress encased her svelte body like a glove. The perfect straight line of her stockings led to an immaculate pair of red-soled, black Louboutin’s. As I walked to the bar I nodded and smiled towards her.

A beaming smile was my reward as our eyes made contact. Her bright blue eyes seemed to light up her entire face, and even the room. Despite appearing several years older than me, there was a stirring attraction.

As I ordered my drink not a word passed between us, yet the tension in the air was palpable.

Drink in hand I headed for my table, feeling her eyes watching my every step of the way. As I sat down, I tried to casually glance at her and found her openly staring at me. She picked up her drink to toast me and took a sip.

By now my heart was pounding and the butterflies in my stomach were alive and making themselves known.

I sat down and nonchalantly returned to my paper, trying hard to pretend I was focusing on it rather than thinking of her. 

Finishing that section of the paper, I laid it down, taking the opportunity to sneak a peek at the mystery lady. Disappointingly she was engrossed in her phone and not bothered by me at all.

Working my way through the news I stole a glance every now and then as I sipped my drink but never caught her looking my way again. 

As I neared the end of my pint I heard the tell-tale click-clack of a pair of heels walking my way. My heart skipped a beat but before I had the chance to look up the sound stopped.

Peering over the top of my paper I saw my mystery lady a few feet from my table with a glass of white wine and a pint of Neck Oil in her hands.

“Mind if I join you?” she asked, cocking her hips to one side as she did so.

Masking my nerves I responded: “Of course not.”

Swiftly she sat in the chair opposite me and passed me my drink.

“It seemed like you needed another,” she said bluntly.

“Thank you, it’s not every day a beautiful lady buys me a drink,”  I replied.

Just a warm smile greeted my overly-flattering pronouncement.

“I’m Karen,” she beamed, stretching out a hand.

As I reached for it, I really looked her in the face for the first time. Her warm eyes invited me in and her wide smile set me at ease. I guessed she was ten years or so older than me - perhaps forty-five.

I told her my name and asked what she was doing here.

“I was supposed to meet someone for lunch but they cancelled. So I’ve been wandering the streets all alone. What about you?” she replied.

Feeling totally comfortable already with this stranger, I confided the sad truth about my life.

“That’s no way to celebrate a birthday,” she announced, “you should do something!”

I explained that I wasn’t really in the mood for anything and was simply enjoying a quiet drink to pass the time.

“Don’t be so down on yourself, you’ve got a lot going for you,” she said.

Not wanting to explain myself any further I simply nodded along, accepting her platitudes and took a swig of my drink. We sat and chatted for a while. Every so often her hand brushed against my arm or knee - but nothing too obvious. As I neared the end of my drink I asked if she’d like another.

“No, I think I should be going,” she said.

Disappointed I acquiesced and told her I should probably do the same.

“Would you mind watching my bag for a minute?” she asked as she stood up.

I, of course, agreed as she headed towards the ladies’ room.

Downing the last of my drink I suddenly felt sad that I had missed an opportunity. As my glass reached the table Karen returned, so I stood up, ready to leave.

“It’s still early,” she said, “let me buy the birthday boy a cocktail?”

It would have been churlish to say no, so I agreed.

As we left the pub she slid her arm through mine and told me she knew exactly where to go.

Ambling arm-in-arm we chatted easily until we arrived at the Blind Pig - a semi-secret cocktail bar in Soho. A knock on the door and we were admitted to the hidden upstairs bar.

I let Karen take the lead as we headed to a dark back corner and took a table. The names of the drinks were preposterous but equally delicious. Before I knew what was what, we had each had three or four cocktails and were beginning to feel the effects.

Just as I was thinking of trying my luck, Karen stood up.

“Watch my bag please?” she asked. 

While she walked away I couldn’t take my eyes of her firm butt wiggling from side to side.

As I sipped my ridiculously named “Pooh’s Hunny Pot” (yes a real drink; a mix of Bacardi Oro, Mead, Cider brandy, Honey, Orange blossom, and Honeycomb) Karen returned.

“I have a birthday gift for you,” she said “but you can’t open it until I tell you. Deal?”

I agreed and she pressed something into my hands and cupped them together.

“Don’t peek!” she insisted before taking a seat directly opposite me.

For the first time, I caught a glimpse of the soft white flesh above her stocking. Was her dress higher now than before?

“Ok, you can look,” she said.

I opened my hands and for a moment was confused. But then the aroma hit me and as I pulled my hands apart a beautiful, damp, lace thong was exposed.

My heart pounding in my chest, I slowly looked up. As my eyes reached Karen, I saw her legs part drawing my eyes to the twin trails of white skin leading from her thighs to her exposed pussy.

“Do you like your present?” she asked biting her lip.

Stammering with surprise I expressed my delight at my present. “The best I’ve ever had!” I exclaimed.

“You ready to get out of here?” she instructed more than asked. I just nodded, still taking in the incredible view.

She paid for our drinks, ordered an Uber and took me by the hand. “Come home with me,” she urged.

I didn’t need a second invitation and followed her blindly to her Uber, stuffing her panties in my pocket. By now my cock was trying to rip itself free and I couldn’t wait to taste that cunt.

As we sat in the car I leant in for a kiss, only to be pushed away. 

“You’ll have to wait for that,” she said softly. 

Thinking she just didn’t want to fool around in front of the driver I reached for her hand instead. Warmly she greeted me and stroked the back of my hand for the rest of the journey.

Luckily it didn’t take too long to reach her flat, a ground floor in St John’s Wood. Still holding my hand she led me inside and straight to her bedroom. This lady wasn’t fucking around.

Once inside she pulled me close and kissed me deeply, her tongue straining to explore the depths of my mouth as her hands reached for my shirt.

With no objections from me, she quickly had my shirt off, her hands roaming across my naked chest. As I tried to pull her closer she resisted and instead went for my belt. In seconds she had me undone and my trousers fell to the ground.

“Take them off,” she instructed - her warm eyes imploring me.

Instinctively I reached down, removed my shoes, socks, and jeans, leaving me stood in only my tight boxer briefs.

“Good boy,” she said “now kneel down.”

I did as I was told.

Slowly she sat down on the edge of her bed showing off the white above her stockings yet again. 

Then doing her best Sharon Stone impression she crossed and uncrossed her legs offering a straight line view to her smooth pussy.

She clearly saw my reaction and lifted her Louboutin-encased foot towards me.

“Take off my shoe,” she whispered “slowly,”

Easing the stiletto from her foot I looked to her for approval.

“Now rub my foot,” she ordered.

I instantly obeyed, massaging the arch of her foot as she reclined, offering an even better view of the wet haven awaiting me.

As I pressed harder and harder into her stockinged sole her breathing changed to match it.

“Oh, yes, that’s it. Just there, harder, harder!” she implored. 

My thumbs dug into her arches causing her toes to curl in pleasure. With each pass of my hands, I could smell the familiar aroma of an excited pussy growing stronger.

I kept driving into her foot as her moans increased, waiting for her to cum. Instead, her cries just increased and increased until she pulled her foot from my hand and pushed it to my mouth.

“Suck my toes!” she ordered.

I didn’t dare say no, so took her big toe into my mouth. Even the fine material of her sheer stocking felt rough against my tongue while I sucked as hard as I could on her toes,  still rubbing her arches.

“Oh yes, yes, yes,” she moaned as I could hear her orgasm building. “Don’t stop, ahh, ahh, ahh, yes,” she continued as my sucking and massaging grew stronger.

As her climax built she pushed harder, forcing me onto my back, and then stood over me, her toes pressed firmly in my mouth. 

Her juices dripped onto her stockings and the pressure on my face declined and she sat down again.

“Do you like my feet?” Karen asked, her toes working their way across my body.

I tried to sit up but was met with a foot to my forehead pushing me back to the ground. Then she stood astride me offering a stunning view of her cunt.

Clearly, my eyes betrayed me. “You like it don’t you?” she asked, already knowing the answer.

As I opened my mouth to reply it was filled with a stockinged foot.

“Shhh,” she muttered, her hands reaching behind her for the zipper.

Standing above my hips she allowed her dress to fall onto me, revealing her stunning suspenders, garter belt, and a black balcony bra. With her finger to her lips, she stepped forward out of her dress and left it there on top of my now damp boxers.

As she reached my neck she roughly rubbed the sole of her foot across my face pushing my head one way and then the next. I watched eagerly as she put one foot on my chest and then stood up.

Taking her full weight was tough, but I stayed strong, holding my breath as she balanced on one foot. The other gently rubbing from my stomach to my cheek.

“Are you going to be a good boy?” she asked.

I couldn’t speak for fear of dropping her from my chest, so I nodded.

“Good, very good,” she muttered.

With that, she stepped off my chest and began lowering her cunt onto my face. As I reached up to welcome her to my lips she pinned my arms to the floor with her knees.

“Oh no! No hands,” she instructed. “Just your mouth”, as she settled on my face.

Her fragrance was almost overwhelmingly beautiful, strong and rich it filled my nostrils and drove my cock wild. Clearly, she’d been thinking about this for some time and her pussy gave her secret away.

Without my hands, I could only reach where my neck would allow. I stretched as far as possible licking every fold of her intimate wetness, dying to make her cum. As my efforts increased so did her breathing.

“Oh yes, good, boy. Don’t stop, yes, yes, yes,” she moaned as she drove her pelvis into my face. 

As her weight shifted I could suddenly see and reach her previously unobtainable clit. So I made my move, lunging for her precious jewel, I reached it and took it all in my mouth, sucking hard.

“Ahhh, fuck that’s good. Yes! Mmm, mmm, mmm,” she went as I sucked her button like a childhood lollipop.

That was all it took and soon a wave of passion swept through Karen’s body, she writhed, she wriggled but most importantly she came right over my face. 

As her delicious juices flowed into my mouth I looked up for appreciation. But none was forthcoming. She just leant back rubbing her pussy on my lips and nose. While she rode out the aftershocks of such an orgasm I began to wonder what lay ahead as her cum ran across my face.

Suddenly she stood up and dipped her toes under the waistband of my underwear. Teasing them down she stared intently at me as my dick sprang into view. I desperately hoped she’d start sucking me off but I was soon to be disappointed. 

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Instead, she sat back on the bed and reached both her still-stockinged feet out and teased my manhood. 

Her toes explored my sac, kicking my balls ever so slightly. Gradually she built up the power of her kicks until she saw me flinch.

“Do you like me kicking your balls?” she asked. But before I could answer she kicked me harder than ever.

“FUCK!” I screamed as a searing pain coursed through my body. Instantly her feet were back, soothing the very target of their kick mere moments ago.

I looked at Karen, my eyes imploring her to be gentle. Now her feet grabbed my cock and started working it. I’ve never met anyone else like her, I’m sure she could complete a Rubik’s Cube just with her toes.

As she built up the pace I just lay there, fearful of another whack to my balls. But her feet were certainly doing their job.

Faster and faster she went, working my dick like she was using her hand or mouth. As my scrotum tightened I groaned: “I’m going to cum!”

“Good boy, cum all over my feet,” she requested, still her pace increased and I knew I was going to blow.

Up and down she went, all the time maintaining eye contact. Up and down, while smiling at me. Up and down, while squeezing tighter.

Then as my urged peaked she shouted: “Cum on my feet!”

I couldn’t hold back any longer and fired off a load of cum high into the air. 

Time seemed to pause as the first spurt shot up and hung mid-flight, deftly she moved her foot to catch it. Shot after shot launched skywards, each one expertly caught by a stockinged foot.

Whilst I tried to regain my composure after such a powerful orgasm I could see Karen admiring my cum. Hot splashes of off-white semen juxtaposed perfectly with the sheer black of her stockings.

Soon she was rubbing her feet together smearing my deposits all over her toes and legs.

“Come here my boy,” she said as she pulled me to my feet and into a deep embrace. My limp dick pressed against her thigh as her hands grabbed my ass, squeezing hard.

Pulling me onto her bed she tipped me onto my stomach and reached for a bottle of massage oil on the bedside table.

“Put your arms in front of you,” she ordered and I dutifully obliged. Then I listened as she removed her bra, freeing her breasts out of my sight.

Carefully she wrapped her bra around my wrists again and again until tight and then clasped it closed

“I’m going to enjoy this,” she whispered in my ear. 

With that, she stood up and stepped on my butt. Slowly she walked the length of my back, her stocking-clad feet savouring every step. With almost every move, a different joint in my spine popped - releasing endorphins and stretching my back.

As she stood on my shoulders, she gently turned around and casually strolled back along my spine to my ass.

Once there, I felt her pour the oil into my crack. Using her foot she parted my legs, using her toes to work the oil into my rear end.

She carried on sliding them back and forth until my anus opened enough for her to nudge her big toe in.

“Oh, you dirty, dirty boy,” she said while she stroked my cheeks as my moans filled the air

Suddenly she was gone, her feet nowhere to be felt. Then I heard her returning.

“You like me playing with your ass!” she asked, already knowing the answer.

“It feels…” I started, before her finger arrived on my lips.

“Shh, shh, you’re going to love this,” she said wickedly.

Within seconds I felt more oil pouring on my ass and being worked into my cleft. Roughly Karen pulled my cheeks as far apart as they’d go - exposing my asshole to her view. Wonderfully gently I felt her massage my anus, teasing it, pushing it and finally inserting a finger.

“Does that feel good?” she whispered. I could only nod, as my ass puckered around her digit and my cock stiffened once again, letting out a gentle groan.

“Quiet my boy, just wait,” she added.

Moments later I felt a sharp stab at my butthole. Her fingers parted my anus and slowly something thin and pointy entered me.

“Don’t resist or it could hurt you,” she ordered.

I slowed my breathing and bore down on the foreign object impaling my ass. Achingly slowly she pushed it further and further in. 

Unlike plugs or a dildo, this object didn’t stretch me, it was too thin. But every so often it sent a searing pain through my anus.

As I tried to speak, Karen silenced me.

“Just wait, just wait,” she said.

Soon the pain subsided and I felt something flat on my cheeks.

“Good boy!” she screamed and slapped my ass. Instantly pain surged from inside my rear passage and something slapped onto my ass. All the while my dick throbbed - eager for attention.

“You want to see what I see don’t you,” she asked.

“Y-y-yes,” I panted, barely daring to move.

“Where’s your phone?”

“It’s in my front jeans pocket,” I stammered.

I felt her leave the bed and heard her rummage through my jeans. She brought the phone to my hand and pressed my thumb against it to unlock it. Then she returned to my ass.

The sound of her taking numerous photos was unmistakable and I couldn’t wait to see them.

“Are you sure you want to see this?” she asked.

“Please,” I begged.

“I’m not sure you do.”

“Please, I have to see it.”

Slowly she moved the phone in front of my face. I blinked to bring the picture into focus. 

There I was face down on the bed, my hands bound by her bra. But what stood out the most was her Louboutin sticking out of my ass, the heel impaled deep inside me, the sole covering my cheeks.

Ever so gently she started to play with it, reaching under me for my throbbing dick. As she pulled one she pushed the other a wonderful dichotomy of rhythm, one up and one down in perfect unison.

Soon she heard me ready to cum and slowed her pace.

“Not yet, my boy, not yet,” she said.

In one swift movement, she yanked her stiletto from my most intimate hole and then rolled me over.

For the first time, I saw her luscious tits. Either she’d had a boob job or her breasts were simply immaculate - unless I could get my hands on them I would never know. Unable to free my arms, I was still at her mercy. She grabbed her shoe and moved towards my mouth.

“I think this needs cleaning,” she said as she gently pressed the heel into my mouth.

Climbing astride my chest I could see the open lips of her pussy and the trail of wetness it left.

“Are you ready to cum, my boy?” she asked, pointlessly as my cock was already visible twitching.

Lifting herself up she carefully lowered onto my eager member, easily taking it inside her.

“Mmm, that feels nice,” she moaned as she leant back, resting her feet under my armpits. 

If I was expecting a fast vigorous fuck I was mistaken. Instead, she fucked me slower and more gently than anyone in my life. It was as if she was relishing every inch of me inside her. The pace never increased, she maintained her slow and steady rhythm grinding herself against me.

Up and down she went, back and forth, with each movement I could feel her passage gripping me tighter and tighter but way too slow for me to cum. Suddenly she kicked her shoe from my mouth and started rubbing my cheeks with one foot.

“Oh god, yes, yes, yes! I’m going to cum, I’m going to….ahhhh!” as I felt her orgasm tearing through her and those hot juices surge across my dick.

I was still a long way from finishing so bucked my hips as hard as possible to prolong her orgasm.

Soon her moans became guttural as wave after wave of passion tore through her. Her legs twitched, maybe trying to reach my mouth, possibly just uncontrollably.

Yet I still kept going, maintaining her pace and rhythm from before, driving my cock into her again, and again, and again. Her entire body was spasming and my groin was soaked in her juices.

Was this my revenge or me paying back the favour she had done me. Even I didn’t know. I just kept going.

With each thrust her entire body flinched, she moaned, she groaned, but she couldn’t form a coherent word. Her pussy contracted, relaxed then contracted again and again with each additional penetration.

Unable to pull away, despite me being bound, she was now at my mercy and I was determined not to cum. 

Soon she was simply rocking and twitching, her eyes rolled back in her head and she sounded like an animal. I loved every second of it. Suddenly she just collapsed onto me like a dead weight gasping heavily.

I thought she had actually passed out, but her cunt was still spasming around my dick. Knowing she needed a respite I eased my motions and pulled my still-bound hands over her head to hug her tight. I still remember the force of her panting on my shoulder as she struggled to control herself while I held her.

“You’re incredible,” I said as I crudely stroked her hair and what I could reach of her back. Over time she regained her breath and began to sit up.

“That was amaz…” she started.

“I could tell,” I replied before she even finished her sentence.

“I just kept cumming, and cumming and cumming. I think I fainted.”

“You were pretty intense,” I assured her, pulling her closer than ever, “can you free me now?”

Swiftly she reached up and popped the clasp on her bra releasing my arms.

Despite the fact that she was still recovering I was determined to climax and my cock was still deep inside her dripping pussy.

Once free, I eased Karen to one side, letting my still swollen dick slide out of her. Now I was determined to give her a taste of her own medicine. Reaching off the bed I could grab my jeans and carefully pulled her thong from my pocket. With Karen still breathing hard from her intense orgasm, I positioned myself behind her. 

Slowly I stroked her back and down to her surprisingly nice ass. Gradually Karen seemed to be recovering and responded well to my touch. Taking encouragement, I parted her legs and drew my hand across her soaking pussy.

“Mmm, mmm, that feels so good, but I don’t think I can take anymore,” she said. As I slipped a cheeky finger in she squirmed away confirming that any more stimulation to her cunt would be too much.

Instead, I focused on her ass. First one cheek, then the other, then her tight rosebud. Nothing seemed too much back there.

“Ohhh yes, ohh, ohh, yes. I like that, don’t stop,” she moaned. 

Now I knew what was going to happen.

I took her thong and waited for her to speak again. As soon as her mouth opened I stuffed the panties she had given me earlier in the evening into her mouth. Instinctively she went to remove the thong from her mouth, but I intercepted her hands and pulled them down to her side.

“Leave them there,” I ordered as I parted her thighs.

By now my cock was bursting to cum and twitching almost as badly as Karen had been earlier.

I edged up to her tight sphincter and placed my cock, already coated in her juices against her most private opening. With little effort, it slipped inside.

“Mmm! Mmm,” came the moans from Karen. I kept the pressure on until I could go no deeper. Then I began withdrawing and was met with more moans - or was it groans. Before sliding back inside.

Soon I was buried totally in her tight passage, and she was wriggling to accept my length.

“You like me fucking your ass, don’t you?” I asked, turning her own question against her. I knew she couldn’t speak but her moans delighted me anyway.

Gradually I began picking up the pace pounding down into her tight anus as she moaned into her own underwear.

As I felt my orgasm build I leant forward and whispered: ‘I’m going to cum in your ass.”

Immediately she started fighting back and trying to say something.

“Ahhhh mmeee oockin,” was all I heard. But she was clearly trying to say something and knew I couldn’t hold on much longer.

So I yanked the thong from her mouth and as she gasped for air I heard her say: “On my stockings!”

Being a good boy, I pulled out and fired my second load of cum all over the back of her stockings. As my orgasm subsided I used my cock to rub my semen deep into her fabric.

Being totally spent we both lay there panting for breath, but soon reached for one another and embraced.

“That was an amazing birthday present,” I muttered as I felt her head rest against my chest.

“I’m glad you liked my feet,” she replied, smiling at me.

“I loved your feet!” I replied.

As we held each other we slowly dozed off drenched in sweat and cum.

In the morning I woke to find Karen already out of bed and getting ready for work.

“I have to go,” she said.

“Can we do this again? What’s your number?" I asked.

She gave me her number and I quickly got dressed. We left her flat together and walked to the tube hand in hand. I left her there as I needed to take the bus and she needed to head to the city. She turned to me and gave me a deep kiss.

“Hope you enjoyed your birthday,” she said with a smile.

“I definitely did!,” I replied.

As I sat on the bus I looked at my phone and went to compose a message to Karen. Before I could, I saw I had over one hundred messages on Facebook. 

Opening the app, I found to my horror that Karen had posted the picture of me with her stiletto in my ass to my feed. Swiftly I deleted it, but the damage was already done.

Suddenly furious I went to message Karen and found she had given me a fake number. Suffice to say I never saw Karen again.

Written by LondonLimey
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