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Mackenzie's Accident

"Young girl pees herself in class, turning her teacher on"

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It was the end of my fourth year as a high school teacher. I have to admit I enjoyed my job, even though I had some concerns when I started. As a young man of twenty-four years, I had qualms about teaching groups of pretty young women who were completely off-limits to me.

I figured the sheer taboo of the teacher-student relationship might be too much to resist - not to mention the many other fetishes of mine they would embody. I had a thing for petite, lithe bodies and small, perky breasts. I loved pigtails, the color pink on girls, schoolgirl uniforms, and a million other things which were typically associated with young, school-aged girls.

But to my pleasant surprise, I had no problems keeping my self-control. I could teach and mentor without any real attraction to any of my students. It was good to be able to fulfill my calling in life without it being threatened by some fling with a student. But I have to admit that at the beginning of the year and at the end of the year it was a little bit tougher to keep my eyes and my imagination in check.

This was because when it was warmer outside, some of the girls would wear their pleated plaid skirts a bit shorter and without stockings, showing more leg than was appropriate. And unfortunately, the other teachers and the principal were rather lenient on this violation of the dress code and I followed suit. One time, in my first year, one of the seniors wore her white blouse unbuttoned a third of the way down her chest. Everyone could see she wasn't wearing a bra and a fair amount of cleavage was on display but no one batted an eye, except all the male students... and me.

Not only was wardrobe a problem in the few warm weeks during the school year, but the heat caused everyone to sweat and there aren't many things sexier to me than a pretty, half-dressed, sweaty young woman. Sometimes during close-up, one-on-one instruction, I was able to smell the perspiration wafting off a student's perfectly nubile body. The earthy fragrance would sometimes turn me on so much that I'd have to wrap up the session ASAP.

But I never let any of it overwhelm me into doing or even saying anything I would regret later. I was a professional, and I was respected as such by my colleagues and students.

We were a few weeks from the end of the semester and it was a particularly warm day in May at eighty-seven degrees. The school's air conditioning unit was outdated and on its last leg, barely getting us under eighty. It was the sixth hour, the last class of the day for me and most of the seniors. I would sometimes use the seventh hour to tutor students individually but usually left after waiting a few minutes. As I taught, eager to finish and get into some better air conditioning, one student kept interrupting to ask to go to the bathroom.

It was Mackenzie Beck. She was a bit of a troublemaker, though whip-smart. More than a few times that year, she had asked to go to the bathroom only to disappear until the next school day. I figured if I had to sit through the heat and endure, so did she. I denied her request two or three times as she squirmed in her seat, putting on a good show, or so I thought.

Mackenzie was actually one of my favorite students despite the skipping. She had an infectious charm and a witty sense of humor, not to mention a gorgeous smile that made her smokey blue eyes glimmer with mirth. Slim and standing about 5'8", she looked like a model, with porcelain skin and long, sandy blonde hair. Her pink, glossy lips looked so soft, I'd wondered how they would feel to kiss.

Mackenzie had been the subject of many a rumor floating around the school. Stories of bowjobs in janitor closets, sex in restrooms, and threesomes at parties. I tried not to speculate which were true but I couldn't help but imagine her in such lewd predicaments.

Every time she raised her slender arm in the air I told her to put it down, ignoring the surely fake look of desperation on her face. She would pout and fold her arms, then we would repeat the action five minutes later. For the last twenty minutes of class, she just sat quietly staring, no more squirming and bouncing. To me, it proved she had been performing.

I finished my lesson and dismissed class, happy to be done with another day of hard work. But as all the students scrambled out of my second-floor classroom, Mackenzie still lingered, sitting still in her seat, legs now crossed.

"Ms. Beck?" I called her after the last student left.

"Mr. Hamilton, I... just need a minute and I'll be going..."

"Sure. Ok," I wasn't sure what the issue was but it didn't bother me to have a little eye candy sitting across my desk while I finished upgrading. Even though the seventh hour was underway, a few students still lingered in the halls, occasionally peeking through the small, rectangular window of my classroom door.

More time passed and I went to fetch a microfiber cloth and spray to wash the whiteboard. When I returned she was still sitting, seeming to be watching the door. "Is everything OK, Mackenzie? Are you waiting for someone?"

"No... not really. I'm just waiting for the hallway to clear."

That was odd. She was far from agoraphobic and she was well-liked. Or maybe not by everyone, I thought, reasoning that there might be some bully she was afraid of. Or even worse, some boy stalking her or something. And it would make sense if she wanted to be excused so she could leave early. "Are you... afraid of someone?" I asked in a concerned tone.

She hesitated. "No."

"If someone is bothering you? You know you can tell me right?"

"Yes, I know. But no one is bothering me."

"Then tell me what's going on. You're acting strange today."

"I just, if you would have just let me go to the bathroom I... Nevermind." She sounded angry at first then got really quiet. Maybe she really was in some kind of trouble.

"Listen, it sounds like something's wrong. Since you can't tell me, you leave me no choice but to call security to give you an escort" This was protocol in our school for any student suspected to be in danger.

"No!" She exclaimed. "Ok, I'll tell you. Could you lock the door so no one walks in on us?" I locked the door and then walked over to sit on top of the desk next to hers. I was a little nervous that the rumors about her might prove true and I'd have my own sexy stalker on my hands, which would be awesome and terrible simultaneously.

"So what's wrong, sweetheart?" I said, putting on my most compassionate voice and placing my right hand on her shoulder. Two fingers landed below the hem of her short-sleeve blouse and I felt the warmth of her sweaty, bare flesh. I began to rub up and down, giving the effect of a caring teacher but really wanting to touch more of her creamy skin. I know I'm awful.

Mackenzie looked up at me with her pretty blue eyes. "I..., I've had an accident," she said. I didn't grasp it.

"An accident?"

"Yeah. An accident. You were being an asshole an-"

I cut her off at the use of profanity. "Hey, watch your mouth, Mackenzie! You have more class than that, young lady."

She rolled her eyes and restarted. "You were being a jerk..." she looked me right in the eye when she said the word, "and didn't let me go to the bathroom. So...." She took a breath, "I peed myself."

"Oh, uh, I'm, uh, so sorry, Mackenzie," I said. My mind was reeling about what I'd just heard. Of all the screwed-up fetishes and fantasies I had, the one I would never have to encounter at work was the one at the very top of the list - a pee fetish. I had often dreamed of getting my hands, among other parts of my anatomy, on a pair of pretty panties soaked in a girl's piss.

"No, no," she said. "It's really my fault. I'm the girl who cried pee. I guess it's karma for all the times I skipped out. Who would have known the time I really needed to go you would say no. The universe wins again." Mackenzie sighed.

I couldn't help but chuckle. I didn't mean to laugh but she was right. Mackenzie smiled up at me. "You're not allowed to laugh, sir. This is partly your fault too."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. So what are you gonna do now?"

"Wait until the seventh hour is over and everyone's gone, then sneak home. Care to keep me company until then? It's the least you could do to make up for the problem you caused."

I silently scoffed at the idea this was a form of punishment. To be locked in a room for at least an hour with easily the sexiest girl in school while she's hot, sweaty, and pissy? Count. Me. The fuck. In.

"Yes, I suppose it's only fair I keep you company. What do you want to do?" I left the options open for her to choose. I was already beginning to feel a twitch in my dress pants from sitting next to this amalgam of wet dreams personified, and I was curious (if not hopeful) to see if she would suggest something provocative.

"How about a game of truth?" Mackenzie suggested.

"Truth or dare, you mean?"

"Well, there's nothing to dare in a classroom with just us two."

I can think of a few things, I thought instead of saying. "Right. So truth it is, then."

"You first," she said, turning in her seat toward me, her eyes sparkling as she smiled up at me. "Ask me anything."

"Ummm, what's your favorite color?" I had no idea what was appropriate to ask her, so I went as safely as possible. Though I really wanted to ask what color her pissy panties were.

Mackenzie's eyes went dull, all the excitement faded immediately. "Pink," she said simply. "So, do you have a girlfriend?" Her tone brightened again when she asked.

The question caught me by surprise. Here I was trying to keep the conversation safe and she was bringing my personal life into the picture. I guess she didn't want to waste her time with boring small talk and really, neither did I. "No," I answered simply. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"I have a few friends who are boys, but no." Mackenzie giggled and shifted in her seat, supporting her head with a hand on her cheek, still facing me.

"Are you comfortable... I mean, with your situation?"

"I'm Ok. I almost forgot about it until I moved." The nonchalance with which she sat in her own piss was turning me on. I could have sworn I faintly smelled the odor of it. "So, are you attracted to anybody in this school?" she asked out of turn.

"Wait, that wasn't my question. I was asking to see if you were ok," I said.

"Right," she said. "Asking. As in a question. It counts. So you answer my question now." Normally I wouldn't let a student talk to me like that, but it was all lighthearted banter.

"Yes, I am attracted to someone at this school." In my heart of hearts, I meant her but I would never admit it.

"So these friends, who are boys. Do you like any of them? Like romantically?" I probably didn't need to clarify. She wasn't dumb.


That's surprising. "Why?"

She sighed. "They're just so damned... darn immature, and scrawny and... just ew, no. Guys my age are only good for one thing and barely that. And they're such gossips! When they're with a girl it's still not even about her because they tell everyone the second they're done. It's like they use girls to score points with other guys. If you ask me, I think it's kind of gay."

"Damn," I chuckled. "Yeah, young guys can be jerks but you have to find the right one for you."

"Yeah, I guess," she sighed. "And that was two questions so I get two."

"Ok." She was a real stickler for the rules of this game, apparently.

"Hmmm, let's see. Who is it that you're attracted to in this school?"

I should have prepared a lie after the last question. If I had I wouldn't have blurted out, "Mrs. Schultz." Mrs. Shchultz and I were good friends, which is probably why her name popped into my head, but she was fifty-two, married, and not very attractive by anyone's standards.

Mackenzie burst out laughing. "I didn't take you for a liar, but I thought you would be a better one than that! Mrs. Schultz? Mrs. Schultz!?" She was rocking back and forth and slapping her knee, cackling hard.

"What? We're in love. We're gonna run away together." I tried to jest away my embarrassment.

"Stop it! You're making me tinkle!" she said through her fit of laughter. When I looked down I saw she wasn't lying. The seat of her wool skirt had soaked through and piss started flooding the chair and leaking over the sides like a fountain. Such a filthy princess.

I watched the liquid pour from between her perfect legs, transfixed until she got up, still laughing lightly and wiping tears from her eyes. She kicked her sandals off her feet then put them to the side and walked barefoot to my desk to get paper towels. I eyed the big dark spot on the back of her green tartan skirt dripping urine down her legs and onto the floor.

I could smell it now, not very strong but it was present and making my cock react. Mackenzie came back to her seat, wiping her shins with the paper towel. "Look what you made me do," she said still smiling gorgeously, and slapped my arm playfully. "I'm gonna make you pay for this."

She stood about a foot in front of me and lifted her skirt to dry her inner thighs. She seemed unaffected that she had just peed herself in public. "You seem to be handling this rather well. I thought a teenager would be freaking out about wetting themselves in class."

"Well, I'm not like most teenagers. I may only be sixteen but I'm more adult than most eighteen-year-olds at this stupid school. And it's not about pissing yourself but pissing yourself in front of a bunch of...." She stopped and caught me staring at her as she cleaned herself. She just smiled and continued. "A bunch of gossiping assholes who'll ruin your life. You're more mature than that and I trust you. You're my favorite teacher y'know." She smiled at me and then tried to sit back down.

"Ick!" Mackenzie exclaimed and popped back up from her seat. "Skirt's too wet now. I guess I'll have to stand."

"Or just take it off," I said before thinking. The blood that was rushing to my raging boner must have left a shortage of oxygen in my brain. What the hell did I just say?

Mackenzie didn't seem to fret over my suggestion, though. "You'd be okay with it?" she asked.

Of course. I would love to see more of your beautiful little body. "I mean, if it'll make you more comfortable. No one wants to be stuck in wet clothes for an hour."

"See, most boys would be so immature they would flip over seeing a pair of panties," she said as she unbuttoned her skirt and slid it down to the floor. "But a man like you wouldn't be so easily affected by a little bit of skin." She set her piss-soaked skirt aside with her sandals.

The bottom of the white blouse Mackenzie was wearing tucked into her skirt was soaked too. She unbuttoned it, removed it, folded it, and set it to the side apathetically like she was at home. She then dried the seat off as best she could and sat down.

A damn dream girl, sitting right across from me, in eighty-degree heat and sweating, wearing nothing but a black bra and a pair of pink cotton panties, drenched in her own rich pee. I had to be the luckiest bastard alive. The aroma of her sweaty, sexy little body mixed with the scent of her urine was driving me nuts. Her thighs were so delicate and soft looking. Her breasts were a pair of pears, restrained only by a simple piece of elastic fabric. I was dying for a taste of her.

"Hey, we should cover the window or something," she suggested. "Wouldn't want anybody seeing us kike this."

She got up to tape a couple of sheets of paper to the door, covering the glass, careful not to stand directly in front of it. I watched her perky teenage ass as she walked. It was a taut little heart, compact and modestly rounded. Utter perfection! Dividing her divine ass cheeks was her little pink thong, darkened by the wetness of her delightful accident, covering the entrance to her most naughty hole. I would just love to bury my face in there!

She switched her slender hips as she walked back, the curve of which I had never noticed before. Her tummy was completely flat, her body, blemishless but for a few small moles, one near her eyebrow, another on her dainty neck, a couple on her torso. Her pretty little feet were pedicured, nails painted pink to match the color of her unmentionables, at least at the dry part above her crotch.

"So, where were we?" She asked, sitting comfortably at her desk facing me again.

I snapped out of my lustful trance. She had to see me staring. "Oh, uhh... your second question."

"Right. My second question. Let's seee... do you find me attractive?" She flashed me a shy, blushing smile.

"W- wh- what!?" was all I could manage.

"I said, do you think I'm sexy?" Her pink-cheeked grin was the cutest thing I'd ever seen.

"You're- I'm a- you're sixteen!" My nerves were all over the place. I tried to act indifferent to her nakedness and her nasty situation like she did, but my heart was beating fast, my breathing was labored and I was having a hard time keeping it together.

"I know that. But there are men older than you who hit on me, so it's okay if you've got the hots for me. You wouldn't even be the first teacher who admitted they were into me. I won't tell anyone. It'll be our little secret. I promise." She flipped her long, straight hair to the side awaiting my admission.

"Um, well, you're a beautiful young woman, Mackenzie. Any boy would be lucky to have you." I felt satisfied with that non-answer.

"That's not what I meant, Mr. Hamilton. I meant... how do I put this? If I wasn't your student and you weren't my teacher would you have sex with me?"

She was relentless. She wouldn't accept my non-answer and upped the ante by being even more direct. She was the half-naked fulfillment of my filthiest fantasies and she wanted to know if I'd fuck her. And the thought entered my mind that this might not remain in the hypothetical. If I answered honestly I might get to play with this young sexpot. How the hell could I say no?

"Absolutely, Mackenzie. You're fine as hell, funny, smart. And not to mention the fact you're sitting in front of me half-naked. It's actually getting a little difficult to keep my hands to myself. I would definitely have sex with you. But I am your teacher and you are my student. I would never touch you or do anything you didn't want me to do." I was subtextually fishing for permission to put my hungry hands all over her perky young body.

"So, you'd touch me even though I'm covered in pee?" She inquired.

"It wouldn't stop me," I shrugged, trying not to let on that her accident actually incentivized me to.

She smiled prettily. "Good to know." Mackenzie sat back in her chair content with my confession, crossed her legs, and fanned herself. "Uhg, it's so damned hot in here. Aren't you hot, Mr. Hamilton? Don't you wanna get more comfortable?"

It wasn't any hotter than it had been the last 30 minutes but she was making me sweat with her questions. And her body. I decided I could at least loosen my tie and undo a button or two. My ass had started to hurt from sitting on the desktop for so long and I walked over to sit in the chair behind my desk in front of the classroom.

Mackenzie followed and sat on top of my wooden desk, right in front of me with her legs spread. I was not expecting that. And I could have sworn I could smell the scent of sweat and piss now mixed faintly with her feminine arousal. My cock had never been harder.

"Umm, Mackenzie, are you... umm... comfortable sitting there like that in front of me?" I asked as I set my hand on her leg, right above the knee. I didn't want her to move. In a way, I think I was hoping she would do what I didn't have the power to do and stop this.

"Well, it's not like you pulled up a chair for me. But, I'm good like this, unless, for some reason, you have a problem with it." She smirked as she spoke. I hesitated, then shook my head. "Wow. Pee really doesn't bother you. Good. Your turn to ask a question."

"You just asked me a bunch of questions so I have a few," I said, slightly caressing the girl's inner thigh.

"Okay. Shoot."

"These rumors about you... I want to know if they're true. So, did you give a series of blowjobs in a janitor's closet?

She laughed. "Wow, straight to the smut, huh? I guess I did pop the lid on the sex talk. Yes, it's true."

I was blown away by her honesty and lack of shame. She was sitting on my desk in piss-soaked panties, confessing to sucking dicks and laughing about it. My dream girl just kept getting sexier by the minute. "And is it true that you had sex in the boy's bathroom?"


"Wow, are you bullshitting me?"

"No, sir. I treat this game seriously. I'm not a liar like somebody I know."

I laughed at that, but continued my inquiry. "So, is it safe to assume the threesome story is also true?"

"That one is only half true."

"What the hell is half a threesome?" I chuckled.

"Well, my friend Gretchen was really drunk at a party, so me and Evan - we were together at the time - we helped her into one of the bedrooms and she passed out. We decided to watch her so no one would try anything. You know the stories we hear. So we sat on the bed next to an unconscious Gretchen. One thing led to another, we started kissing, then touching, then taking off clothes. We had sex while Gretchen slept next to us."

"And she never woke up?"

"Yeah, eventually, when we were finished. Then we all just walked out together. She didn't know what happened until the rumors started."

"I see. Well, I guess that's the end of my interrogation. Your turn." I passed it over to her, now fully massaging her thighs. I hadn't even noticed that I picked up the pace.

"That's it? Cool. So, why are you so comfortable with me peeing myself? Most guys would be completely turned off if a girl, even a sexy one, wet themselves. But ever since you made me completely pee myself, you've been sporting wood and ogling me and touching me. Why aren't you disgusted?"

Damn. I was caught. There was no excuse and I had already been called out as a liar. "I...." I hesitated. Was I really going to confess my urine fetish to a young girl who had just pissed herself? But, she also confessed to a half-threesome and janitorial blowjobs, so she was far from an innocent schoolgirl. She was a mature girl. Like an adult, just as she had said earlier. "Because I kind of like it," I confessed. "I have a sexual fetish for... girls... wetting themselves."

"I knew it!" Mackenzie cheered gaily. "My accident doesn't bother you because it turns you on! I knew that some people get off on pee but I never understood until today."

I was relieved that she didn't call me a creep and run, but her excitement was unexpected. I relaxed and started rubbing her thigh again. "So... you understand? You don't think I'm a creepy weirdo pervert?"

"Not at all. Different people get off on different things. Some guys like feet or whips and chains, you like peepee." She giggled. "And I have to admit, I kind of get it."

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"You do?"

"Yeah. I do. At first, I was embarrassed, but you were so chill about it I stopped worrying. Then it felt raunchy to be sitting in a puddle of pee, just talking as if nothing happened. And it turns me on that you think I'm sexy while I'm so dirty."

I was amazed, and not to mention rock hard. I started massaging her thighs a little higher than before. "So, peeing yourself turns you on?" I looked her up in the eye and asked. She nodded naughtily.

"So, right now you're..."

She nodded again. "Wet as a rain forest. And I'm not talking about my pissy panties."

"Dammit, Mackenzie. You're gonna make do something I'm gonna regret." I desperately hoped she would.

"Like what?" she asked in a playfully naive voice.

"I don't know, stuff my face between your legs and suffocate myself in your filth."

"Ooo, I would love that! Would you please? C'mon, I dare you!" she squealed.

"So we're playing dare now?"

"Only if you want," she said invitingly, spreading her legs wider and rubbing her soiled crotch. She then sniffed her wet fingers. "Mmmm," she hummed as she indulged in her heavenly girl's odor, smiling teasingly at me.

I tried to pull her hand to me so I could get a whiff but she snatched away. "No, Mr. Hamilton! If you want it you get it from the source."

Fuck it! I pulled the sexy sixteen-year-old girl to me, sliding her forward on the desktop. I plunged my face between her long legs, my nose, and mouth pressed against her young pussy, blocked only by soggy wet panties. I inhaled and got high off the pissy, musky smell of her crotch.

"That tickles!" Mackenzie giggled then placed her hands on my head and caressed. Her hands were soft and her touch so delicate, her fragrance so intoxicating, I could have lived between her legs forever.

I pressed my lips to her juicy panties and sucked in some of the liquid. She tasted a bit salty and bitter too, but as sweet as honey to my dirty mind. I couldn't get enough. The reality was so much better than any fantasy I had seen played out on screen or that I had read.

"Wow, You're really enjoying this," Mackenzie said, beginning to pant.

"You want me to stop?" I asked, concerned I had revealed too much of my perverted side. I took my face out of her crotch to look at her. She wasn't laughing anymore but had a sexual flare in her eyes.

"No, I wanna take your clothes off," she almost whispered.

"Then do it, sweetheart."

She grabbed my tie and started to loosen the knot. "Do you think I'm a slut, Mr. Hamilton?" she asked.

"Do you think I'm a pervert?" I rebutted.

We left our questions unanswered and Mackenzie pulled my tie from my collar, letting it fall to the floor before working on my shirt buttons. I let her pull my white shirt off my arms, leaving it behind me on the chair.

Now bare-chested, I scooped her up off my desk and onto my lap, eliciting a high-pitched yelp and giggle out of my piss-covered Barbie. It was hushed by my eager lips on hers, then she began to hum like the piss she tasted on my lips was delicious.

Her young lips were softer than I imagined. They melted on mine like wet cotton candy as I snacked on them, my kisses getting hungrier as my cock got harder. She began to grind on my lap, wetting my black slacks with her pissy pink panties. I didn't mind one bit at the moment. I licked at her perfect little lips with my tongue, enticing them to part and let our tongues play.

She opened up to me and just as our wet, slippery tongues met, she let out a soft, sensual whimper. My cock was already at full capacity but every little noise she made made it twitch like it was trying to reach her pussy of its own accord.

After years of keeping my nose clean, there I was not-so-dry humping a student while we kissed behind my desk, but I wanted more. I wanted to go all the way. While we still kissed with fervor, I slipped my fingers underneath the straps of Mackenzie's bralette and pulled them down her shoulders. She promptly took her arms out of her bra through the straps and pushed it down, revealing round, perky breasts with small budding nipples as pink as her lips.

Mackenzie's tits weren't as small as they had seemed under clothes. I mean, they weren't double D's or anything but maybe B's or possibly C's. A perfect handful, freshly ripening and untouched by gravity. I cupped one of them, lifting it to my mouth to suckle. Then the other.

"Mmmm," Mackenzie shuddered on my lap, "feels... so good!" She was barely able to speak. If she reacted this way to having her nips licked, how would she react if I licked her young pussy?

"Mr. Hamilton?" Mackenzie sounded hoarse.

"Yes, sweetheart," I said, barely taking my mouth off her perfect breast to speak.

"I think I gotta tinkle."


"That was only a little bit. I was trying to hold it until we could leave... I don't think I can anymore."

"Then don't," I permitted her to piss in my lap as I luxuriated in licking her fine nubs.

A moment later I felt the wet warmth of a goddess' sweet syrup pour onto my pelvis, which made me bring her mouth back to mine and kiss her even more thoroughly than before. It was as if I was thanking her for this magnificent gift that was washing over me, soaking my pants, my boxers, and my thirsty cock.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Hamilton. I couldn't-" she broke our kiss to begin to say.

"Don't apologize, princess. I wanted you to. I should be thanking you for the privilege. In fact..."

I really did want to thank her, her pussy more specifically, and what better way than to lick it clean? I picked her off my lap and sat her on my desk again, her back lying flat on the surface with her lower midsection held in the air by my strong arms. I draped her knees over my shoulders, then pulled her watery panties from her pubic mound, placing them right behind my head along her legs.

Mackenzie's mons was waxed completely clean and her pussylips were tame and virginal, though she was far from being one. "You have the cutest little pussy, Mackenzie."

"Awww, thanks Mr. Hamilton," she sang. "I always keep my kitty nice and smooth."

"Next time, just leave a little patch for me to play in," I said before indulging in her sweet sex.

"Yes, sirrr-ooo," she cried as I started to lick her from premium to her sensitive little morsel.

I lapped at her pissy slit with slow, deliberate strokes of my tongue, enjoying the taste of her sweat, urine, and feminine secretions - the perfect trifecta of a girl's juiciness. I tongued through the inner folds of her sweet sex and she began to moan and arch herself into me. I got the feeling she was enjoying it. "Oh my god, Mr. Hamilton! Mm-mm."

She convulsed lightly on the desktop, arching her back and shuddering as I ate her through her orgasm. I kept going at her sensitive clit until her body practically begged me to stop, cringing and jerking at every light touch. Once she stopped cumming and I felt I had sufficiently thanked her, I started licking and sucking up the excess fluid on her thighs and pelvis.

"What are you doing?" Mackenzie asked.

"Cleaning you up," I replied simply and resumed my task.

"You could have used paper towels, silly. But keep going, it feels so good."

I lapped her up, making her titter when I hit certain parts of her tender body. After turning her around with her knees spread out on top of my desk, I stared at the picture of perfection before me - a nubile ass dotted with beads of piss above a recently satiated pussy. I cleaned the lobes of her bottom with my mouth one by one before separating them to go in between. I was sure to clear her narrow valley of all wetness before spending some time licking the cutest little crinkled asshole I had ever seen.

I licked the small twist of her butthole and she moaned delightedly and it was all my pleasure. After about a minute of gladly licking Mackenzie's ass hole, she turn around on the desk and stepped to the floor between my legs.

"That was amazing, Mr. Hamilton. I never experienced anything like that before. Nobody ever made me cum without even fucking me. I want to thank you for being so... selfless, I guess..."

I just smiled. She didn't understand how it really was my pleasure and how I really felt I was taking advantage of her messy situation. The fact she enjoyed it so much made me feel less of a creep.

"Now I want to return the favor. Let me clean you too. I peed all over your dick and it's only right if I clean up my own mess," Mackenzie reasoned.

"I suppose it is." Her filthy logic was hard to argue.

She pushed the bralette down from her waist to the floor and then put her knees on top of the cups. I thought that was clever, and I was also reminded that she had done this before. She took off my belt and undid my wet pants in no time, then slid them down off my feet. My engorged member showed proudly through my black boxer briefs, making a tall mountain out of piss-saturated cotton.

My star pupil was naked in front of me, kneeling on the floor on her bra, right next to her soiled little panties. She enthusiastically gripped my rigid penis in her silken hand, squeezing so that the pee she rung out of my drawers coated her fingers. I couldn't help but let a small moan escape.

"I have never seen a dick this big!" Mackenzie stated with wide-eyed excitement. "Oh, my god. It's like a fucking banana! Shit!"

"And you have such a dirty mouth, Ms. Beck," I smirked.

"Not yet," she replied before she flipped my heavy dick out of their confines. She sniffed it at the side momentarily and hummed quietly in apparent enjoyment of the sweaty, pissy smell of my cock before slowly pursing her lips around the head. Her slick tongue circled my mushroom top while her lips sealed it in her warm mouth.

The sensation was unreal. I'm not sure if that was because of the forbiddenness of having my young student perform fellatio on me or because she was just that good at it. She rinsed my rod in saliva and oscillated it in her hand at the base. I played in her feathery hair as she gobbled my cock further into her mouth inch by inch.

Mackenzie's pretty lips hadn't nearly made it down to where her fingers wrapped around my shaft before she jerked her head back up, gagged, and coughed. "Damn," she wheezed, "I could never get a cock all the way down my throat. I don't know how girls do it!"

"You're doing fine, sweetheart," I said. "You just need a little practice, not that I'm complaining."

"I've had practice. Just not on anybody this hung. Those boys barely tickled the back of my throat. Yours is by far the biggest I've ever practiced on."

"Oh, is that so?"

"Mhm," she hummed as she returned determinedly to her task.

Mackenzie tried to swallow me again a few times, only to choke and gag again, making a sloppy mess all over my prick. She was determined to succeed in everything and this was no different. After a while, she was able to get me down closer to the base and stay there for a few seconds without gagging. She'd pull it out to get a breath and get back to it. I was surprised she had gotten so good so fast.

She started to murmur and hum soothingly on my cock, sending vibrations through me. It had seemed serene to her, pacifying herself on my manhood, while to me it was surreal to have an absolute dream girl's face in my crotch. Not to mention she was a student who was covered in her filthy fluids. But as heavenly as the moment was, my need for more of her grew with every moan and feminine sigh she made as she slid her pretty mouth up and down my penis.

"Fuck, baby girl, I need to be inside you!" I blurted a little more desperately than I had intended as I lifted her up off her knees, my cock popping from between her suction cup lips. I turned her around and tried to sit her down on my cock but she dodged forward, sitting nearer my knees than my aching erection.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Do you have a condom?"

"Um... no." Shit. I know where this is going.

"I'm sorry but-"

I cut her off. "Don't say that."

"If you got me pregnant, my parents would kill me! And you! Trust me, I want this as bad as you...." She softened her tone and I pulled her back, squishing my cock between her shapely ass cheeks and my lower abdomen. "But we can't," she sighed in disappointment as she wriggled against me.

I wrapped my arms around her and nibbled on her neck and ear, loving the little reactionary twitches and gasps she emitted, our clammy bodies plastered to one another's. "How about we go another route?" I said softly.

"We already tried that. Apparently, I need more practice." I kissed from shoulder to neck to another shoulder as she spoke.

"But there's a third route, princess," I suggested calmly while caressing her breasts from behind, lightly pinching and rolling a nipple. I wanted to get her as hot as possible so she wouldn't be able to say no to me.

"What third route?" Mackenzie asked. I was surprised she hadn't caught on yet. She had been a part of a half-threesome and gave blowjobs in a closet but didn't know about anal sex? Unlikely.

Rather than blurt out, 'Let me fuck you in the ass', I gently lifted her up a little and put my hand underneath her bottom, my middle finger landing between her nubile crevice. "This route," I whispered in her ear when I found her spongy little pucker with my fingertip.

"Oop." Mackenzie flinched when I inserted the tip of my finger into her asshole. "I don't know, Mr. Hamilton," she said innocently. She hadn't moved off my finger though, but lowered herself down on my right thigh, pressing me in a bit more. "Wouldn't that hurt?"

"No. Not if we get it loose first and lubricate it." I took my finger out of her to wet with my own mouth. Lubrication - a fine excuse to taste a young beauty's rectum, not that I needed one. I sopped my finger with as much spit as possible then returned it to the girl's anal canal. I got down to the second knuckle and started to finger fuck her ass at a slow, regular pace. "Does that hurt, baby?"

"Uh-uh," she replied tentatively.

"Good," I said as I pulled my finger out again. This time I put two fingers to her lips, my middle finger that came out of her ass and my index. The simple gesture was meant to show what was next as well as to ask for her own personal lubrication. She obliged willingly, using her hands to kind of fuck her own mouth with my fingers. It was wildly arousing to see such an eager, slutty side to a girl so innocent-looking.

I stood us up and bent her slightly over the desktop and inserted my dripping fingers slowly into her tight orifice. All I could think about was how good her snug opening would feel constricting my cock as I pumped, but I had to be careful not to hurt her, or else I'd be constricting my own cock, with my hand. So, I slowly finger fucked my star pupil in her narrow asshole until I felt she was ready. At first, Mackenzie was wincing and clutching my left wrist, then she began to relax both her hand and her rectum and soon she was moaning in pleasure.

"Are you ready?" I asked, pulling my fingers out of her small anus.

"Yes, I mean, I think so."

I gave her a few last kisses on her shoulders and neck before positioning my big dick at her rear entrance and pushing into her slowly. Mackenzie gasped softly, spread her legs wider, and bent until her upper body was flat on the desk. Her butthole was extremely tight around my cock and the view of my thickness sticking out of her was unreal, but felt even more so.

"Oh, god," Mackenzie sighed as I progressed into her.

"Am I hurting you, baby?" I stopped to ask.

"Not really. I just feel really... full." I continued to slowly press myself into her hole.

Now stuffed inside my student's ass to the hilt, I reset and pushed back in a few times, establishing a rhythm. Mackenzie apparently began to enjoy herself because she strummed her clitoris with her fingers. I grabbed hold of her hips as I pumped her full.

Inside my pelvis and lower abdomen sang with pleasure as my cock infiltrated the warmth of this young teen's most forbidden hole. Fucking a student, on the very desk I taught behind, in the ass no less - the entire experience was deliciously and excitingly taboo. Not to mention the fact this ordeal began with the teen's pissy panties. I was in the most forbidden hole on the most beautifully forbidden person imaginable and I was so turned on by the fact I was taking advantage of this willing youth.

I scooped her up by the throat, not as to hurt her but so that she could feel my masculine strength, and stood her almost straight, her back arched against my intruding member. I whispered in her ear, "Does it feel good, baby girl?"

"Yes, sir. Yes, it does! Keep fucking my ass!" Mackenzie sighed.

I continued as I fondled, pinched, and squeezed her nipples from behind, all the while keeping a restrained but strong grip on her throat. She whimpered in front of me in pleasure, telling me how good it all felt. "If this feels so good, imagine how it would feel in your wet little pussy."

"That would feel so good, Mr. Hamilton!" She exclaimed ecstatically.

I pulled out her tight, youthful ass and tried to reinsert myself in her delicate folds. My engorged cockhead barely grazed across her slimy wet entrance before she was squeezing it in her hand in protest. "No... I... I can't-"

"Yes, you can, sweetheart. Just think how awesome it would be to have a real man's big, strong cock deep inside you. How good it would feel."

"Mmm," she hummed deliciously, "it would feel amazing, I could cum just imagining it!" she agreed, allowing my shaft to slide along her slick lips. "But I can't let you inside." Such teasing only made me hungrier. Keeping my squeeze on her delicate neck with one hand, I reached down to her clit with the other, joining her in molesting her pleasure nub.

"Let me inside, sweetheart. Or I won't let you cum again!" I grabbed her hand, stopping all motion, my cock parked between her legs going straight through and grazing her pussylips.

"No fair!" Mackenzie whined. She fought futilely to stimulate her aching clit but I was too strong. "C'mon, Mr. Hamilton, let me cum! I'll do anything!" she cried in desperation.


"Yes, anything else. I'll let you keep my dirty panties!"

"Hmm... I'll take it. But not good enough. What else?" I demanded. I wanted to see what else I could get out of the girl.

"What else?? Umm... I can pee myself for you every day for the rest of the year... an- and... you can have my asshole too! I don't care. Just let me cum! Please!"

"Not until I get what we both want!" I said steadfastly as I began to tease her clit with a finger, stopping when she tried to join me. "Hands flat on the desk, Ms. Beck!" She whined and obeyed, surely reasoning that some stimulation from me was better than none at all.

I toyed with her tiny clit until she began to squirm and then stopped abruptly. "Asshole!" She giggled in a whiney voice, shuddering on the desk.

"Just say the word and we both can cum, Mackenzie. It's that simple. And I won't even cum inside you. I promise." I started another torturous round of toying. Then another. And another. Then finally, the young woman caved.

"Yes! Ok! Fuck my pussy, Mr.Hamilton! Fuck me! Make me cum, now!" Mackenzie shouted.

"Yes, ma'am," I chuckled in victory as she bent back down over my desk, opening herself to me. I slipped into her slit which was slick with the juices of her arousal and her creamy cum. If her asshole had been a dream, her tight teen pussy was pure heaven! I slid easily into her runny pussy hole to the hilt, her canal seeming to send electrical signals through my penis to my brain that brought an involuntary, audible moan from my throat. I knew I wouldn't last long inside this paradise of a pussy, so I did my absolute best to make her climax first, after all, it was part of the deal.

I snuck my hand around to massage her pearl with her as I thrust inside her feverish pool of moisture. We both panted and moaned freely as ecstasy took control of us. We weren't even cognizant enough to realize we were still at school and should keep noise to a minimum. All we cared about was making Mackenzie cum. And make Mackenzie cum is what we did.

"I'm cumming!" she cried and shuddered. Her insides contracted and I could feel even more liquid stream down her feminine river.

"I'm almost there... gotta pull out," I announced as my pleasure built at one point in my lower abdomen, indicating I was about to cum.

"No!" Mackenzie said frenziedly. "Stay inside me! Keep fucking me. Just like that, Mr. Hamilton. Don't stop. Please, Don't stop! You can cum inside me. Just don't stop!" She begged as she pulled me into her by my ass cheek. She wasn't very strong but I was enticed by her plea to stay inside rather than her strength.

I continued stroking my star student's delightful, young vagina as we came together, her writhing and moaning wildly and me thrusting and spurting seed deep inside her. We were so wrong, but at the moment it felt so wonderfully right. I even felt proud to be pouring myself inside her youthful womb.

As we descended the peak of orgasm, I gently kissed her neck, shoulders, and back. She stayed sprawled on the desk and I sat down in my chair, catching my breath while massaging Mackenzie's hips, lower back, and ass. After a few moments, she peeled herself off the desk and sat across my lap sideways. Without hesitation, we both leaned in to press our lips together, then parted them to allow our tongues to dance. Her soft moans were as soothing to me as her supple tongue.

We stayed and kissed like longtime lovers as if it was the most natural form of affection to be shared between a teacher and his young student. Once we had enough of each other's tender kisses, we sat and cuddled on the chair with her in my lap, caressing one another softly in silence. Mackenzie and I remained glued together in a sweaty, pissy, post-orgasmic haze for a long time.

"So, I guess I should get going." Mackenzie sounded reluctant before standing to her feet and walking toward the spot she placed her skirt and shirt earlier. The halls were now empty and it was plenty safe for us to escape.

"Yeah, it is getting late." Neither of us wanted to discuss what had just happened at the moment. It would only complicate the nature of our relationship, but I perceived we both understood without saying.

She got dressed, looking as innocent as she had looked before being fucked in all three holes by her teacher. When she got closer I could just barely see the print of her still-stiff nipples. I offered her a bra but she refused it, saying I should keep it with her panties. Then I also got dressed, noting that my briefs and pants were still drenched in the girl's pungent piss, meaning I also had a need to sneak out of the building.

I collected her panties and bra, stuffing them both in my pocket, and passionately kissed her one last time before leaving the room.

Written by AubreyAvery
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