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L004: Lizzy’s story: Saturday

"I’m Lizzy now, and I have a daddy who takes such loving care of me."

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Daniel gently rubs my back, waking me. It took a minute before I hear, “Baby Lizzy are you ready to get up and enter your new world?”

Everything that happened last night floods over me. With a huge intake of breath, as I roll over and look up into your wonderful eyes, I realize you are not Daniel, but my Daddy.

How has this all happened? Three days ago, I did not even know you. Now we are entering this wonderful new world.

You just smile at me as I wake up. And now, rather than my back, I feel your hands through the covers running up and down from my breast to my cunt. Even through the covers, it sends a violent rush through me.

You talk so seriously to me for a minute. “Liz," you never call me this, "are you sure about this? Are you ready to be my baby?”

I can only reply, “Oh, daddy, please, I want to be your baby girl.”

You smile widely at me and pull the covers down. I am lying naked on your bed, my legs spread for your touches.

“Oh, baby, this is going to be interesting. Balancing my lust for you and caring for you,” you tell me as you stroke my slit, feeling my dripping wetness. “I think it is time for your morning bath,” you tell me.

You are dressed in only a pair of boxers and as you have been stroking me, I have seen your cock begin to rise. I just nod, and you pick me up and carry me to the bathroom.

I need to say that when you, as my daddy, carries me like this, either cradled in your arms or me with my legs firmly around your waist, I get to such a state of incredible pleasure. There is something about you lifting and having me in your arms as we move from place to place. I can’t even describe the sensation.

It is beginning. I am now Baby Lizzy with a daddy. The juices start flowing even more at this realization.

You takes me into the bathroom, which has so many interesting features and will soon have more, but those will be described later. You sit me on the toilet and tell me to do my business. You turn from me and start filling the double tub. I do pee, and poop, I am so embarrassed to do that in your presence, but it's better than filling a diaper that way.

These are part of the limits we agreed to last night. I will not poop in a diaper, only if something unusual happens, instead I will tell my daddy when I need to go, and you will take me to a toilet, or soon, to my potty seat. You will sit me on it, but busy yourself elsewhere while I do my business.

And just another quirk of mine, I need you to not watch as I brush my teeth. I don’t know why, but that is something private for me, and I cannot have anyone watching. In movies when they stand with a toothbrush in their mouth and toothpaste on their lips, it always makes me gag a little.

When I explain, you totally agree that I can brush my own teeth alone, and poop without supervision. Though you did make a qualifier. If I don’t ‘do my business’ for more than three days, you will have to help me along. I have visions of what you mean, in many different ways, and while it does arouse me some, I am not sure how I will react to any of them.

I finish and call you. You come over to me and wipe me clean. That was nice, my daddy cleaning me and lingering on my cunt as you did. You lift me and put me in the tub. Then you drop your boxers and climb in behind me. “Oh, daddy!”

You take a cloth and wash me all over. Then you have me turn over so you can wash my back and ass good, I take another cloth and begin to wash you. By the time you had cleaned my crack and hole so well, and I have lowered the cloth now, washing and jerking your cock and balls, we both are greatly aroused. You lift me and sit me on your hard cock, and I bounce up and down on you as you wash my boobies.

You cum hard, and it should be noted, that I don’t always cum, but always do reach a pinnacle of ecstasy which is enough for me.

I lean against you and you hug me tight as I let your slack prick just enjoy my special cave, as I continue to throb against you. When we have both calmed, you lift me off you, step out of the tub, and raise me out too. You fling a fluffy towel around me, and as you always have, dry and rub every part of my body completely. But no baby powder yet, it seems.

You take me back to the bedroom to a changing mat on the floor. You set up everything before you came to wake me this morning. You lay me on the mat and kneel in front of me.

“Baby, on the floor will have to do for this weekend. I can’t wait until we have a changing table for you here,” you say this as you begin to rub baby oil all over, starting at my breast, down over my stomach, to my mons, and lower still. You lift my legs to get my ass, crack and back thighs. Your touch is wonderful.

You tell me that you will need to clip my mons hair short to make me more your baby, and I just nod, wondering what that sensation will be like.

After the oil, you sprinkle baby powder all over me. As you rub it on me, I feel like I have reached nirvana. Will it feel like this each time you do this? I am enjoying that wonderful rush running through me by your careful touch. The lingering smell of the baby powder fills the air.

And then, heaven, you lift my legs up, put a diaper under me, and lowering my legs. You bring it up between my legs and tightly tape it to me. How can I explain the thrill going through me? Feeling so safe and secure in this soft, wonderful diaper. I could never have imagined how pleasing it feels on me.

You can see from the look on my face what I am going through, and you lower your head and give me a raspberry on my belly button. That did it for me, and I wet my diaper, in a different way, but feeling my cum accumulate between my legs and soak into the diaper. Ooh!

Diapered, you gaze at my tits, so full and lushest. You would love to see me just in a diaper all day, but the temptation of your baby bouncing those lovely orbs in front of you, you realize Lizzy, for now, needs to cover them. You bought a short pink t-shirt for me to wear. Now sitting up you have me lift my arms and you drop it over me.

It was a thin tee, and you will enjoy watching my nipples harden under it throughout the day. Dressed, as much as I need to be today, you asked me, so sweetly, “Baby, could you crawl to the living room?”

Oh shit. Could you be actually asking me this?

Again, I just nod and turning over and begin to crawl into the living room. I know you are watching my ass wiggle back and forth as I do, you walking behind me. And I hear you sigh deeply, which makes me wiggle my ass more and feel the wetness between my legs. My diaper is filling with more cum every minute.

In the living room, I see as I reach it, that you have placed a large blanket on the center of the room, with all sort of toys and stuffed animals around it. I knew immediately where I should head and did crawl to the blanket and sit down.

You sit down cross leg beside me and show me how to build with the blocks and ask what I would like to name my different stuffies. I think about it and tell you I need to get to know each before I name them. You just smile and kiss my brow.

We play for a while, and you ask me question after question about myself. And in fairness, after I answer, you tell me your answer about yourself. By early afternoon, we knew so much about each other. You realize that it is rather late, and we have not eaten yet today, the time between us has melted any physical needs. You stand and go to the kitchen to fix Lizzy an appropriate meal.

When you leave me, and I play mindlessly with the toys, there is something so soothing about doing this, my mind released from all the turmoil I have been dealing with, just simple fun playing. And then it happens for the first time. I did not think there was anything in me now for it to happen. But I feel myself discharge in the soft diaper, pee flows out of me.

As the first comes out of me, just a little, I realize that to not overwhelm my diaper, I do need to just release a little at a time, even if I do feel a great need to empty myself. It feels so wonderful, the pee running into the fat diaper, and being able to just do this, not having to run to a toilet. I lean and lie on my back and let everything seep out of me. Oh, the feeling is beyond belief.

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You coming in to get me to eat, see me lying there and the look on my face. You realize what is happening for the first time, and just smile down on me.

You ask, “Baby do you want me to change you, or would you prefer to stay this way while we eat?”

I open my eyes after this wonderful experience which I really do not want to end but looking up at you I tell you I am okay for right now. You smile with anticipation about what is ahead.

You carry me to the kitchen and sit me on one of the high stool next to your island. You have tied a soft cord to the back of the chair, which you bow around my waist, telling me I must be made safe so I do not fall off. You also say that soon we will have a real highchair for me to sit in.

Why is everything you are suggesting making me so hot and bothered?

You come and sit beside me with a plate of food and begin to lift little soldiers of grilled cheese to my lips. Ooh, the feeling of you feeding me bite by bite, and then spoonfuls of pudding afterward. This is getting to me too, too good. It is everything I ever dreamed of, and more, from what you are offering so far.

After lunch, you carry me to the couch, and on my back, I am on your lap. You lift a bottle to my lips. I hadn’t seen it, and it was a perfect surprise. I greedily take the nipple into my mouth and start sucking. Oh, my... It was baby formula! It did not taste like straight milk, which I have a high intolerance to. Rather it is tasty, a little bit sweet.

But right now, in your lap, with the bottle nipple against my lips, I suck and suck until I empty the bottle. You lift me over your shoulder, which has a burp rag on it, and pat and rub my back until I relax and let out the required burp.

You bring me back to your lap, and your fingers find their way in over my diaper to my cunt. You tell me you are only checking to see how wet I am, but as your fingers play over me, humm...

The feel of the wetness of my diaper adds to your enjoyment as you finger me so my juices flow more.

We have not really addressed this, but since last night, the excitement of me, your Baby Lizzy, so agreeing to this all, has left you in an elevated point of ongoing excitement. You cannot believe how I can arouse you so, being your baby girl.

This has been such a private kink of yours, you never thought you would reveal. But here, somehow dropped in your lap, is your baby girl. You are also having to adjust yourself to this happy state of affairs.

So, feeling my wetness, both ways, and fingering me some to bring more on. Actually, to the extent that as you were fingering me, stirring me to such an apex, I suddenly pee a little on your hand.

“Ooh,” you let slip from your lips as the sensation of the pee on your hand got the better of you. Your hand just holding my cunt as I pee is more than you ever could have imagined.

My daddy holding me so nicely, not concerned about what is coming out of me. More than I could ever envision. We both were in our own states of bliss.

You slowly move your hand and take my hand and lead me back to the bedroom, and my change mat. I immediately lie down on it, my legs spread in anticipation.

A wet diaper change is exhilarating. You carefully un-tape my diaper and pull the front from me. I feel a slight breeze waft over my mons, the air fluttering to tease me. You bring a wet wipe to my slit and begin to clean me, lifting my legs to do the same with my ass and crack. The coolness of the cloth makes me wiggle a little, you spank my cheek just once, not hard, and tell me I must lay still while you clean me.

But then, the vision of my spread pussy, which with each wipe more juices are flowing from me, gets the better of you. You bend and begin to lick and suck at my slit. Then raising my legs over my shoulders, you kiss your spank mark, then move to my lovely honey hole in the back. Your tongue circles and probes in it for several minutes. The smell of the pee and cum mingling in the wet diaper so close to you now is intoxicating. You are so hard now you realize you better stop.

You raise back up, removing the wet diaper. You notice that I have really filled this diaper. Perhaps the medium absorbency is not enough. I will probably need ultimate level, and probably some strong booster pads too.

But for now, using a trick you have read about, you tear a small hole in the plastic backing of one diaper and place it on me, then a second one, which will catch some of the overflows.

As you are doing it, you explain to me what you are doing for your pee-pee girl, and why.

I giggle and tell you, “I’m daddy’s little pee-pee girl. I pee too much.”

You chuckle and finish diapering me. “There you go baby, you can go back to playing now.”

I spend the afternoon just mindlessly playing. Taking each stuffed animal and testing how they feel against me. You look up from reading and see me laying with the big turtle stuffy between my legs, I somewhat hump it while rubbing my face into the crotch of the stuffed bear.

“Lizzy! What are you doing? Come over here,” you call to me.

As I crawl to you, you pull down your pants and I crawl quicker when I see your hard-standing cock awaiting me. I come to you and kneel in front of you and take your shaft in my hand, and lean and bring your glans to my lips. For the next hour almost, I lick and suck and play with your cock, murmuring silly things to it. When you can take no more, you explode, much falls into my mouth as I suck you, but some dripping down my chin.

I look up at you so solemnly, and say, “Oh daddy, Little Danny is my favorite toy to play with.”

I lean again and lick your shaft and balls clean. When you lift me to your lap there is still a little of your cum on my chin. You lick it off and kiss me, letting me have a final taste of you.

You hold me on your lap, and kiss my face telling me what a good little girl I am, and how glad you are that I like my special toy so much. My diaper is rubbing against your calmed cock, Little Danny, as you rock me. You bring a baby bottle which you have prepared to my lips to suck on. And at the first sip, I realize that it is wine. A glassful in a baby bottle. Oh, this feeding is delicious.

As time elapses many of my baby bottles will be wine or cocktail for me to suck on, which is nice, as my daddy usually has a similar drink beside you to drink as you feed me.

Whether it was the wine or the rocking, I soon nod off, and you just hold me as I nap for about an hour. You can hold your book over me to read to pass the time. Though, every minute or so you gaze down on me, and stroke me a little, over my boobs, or stomach, or special place.

When I awake, you check my diaper, your fingers crawling down my belly, over my mons jungle, and fingering my slit to rub me as you check how wet I am. And I am, so it is another changing before dinner.

The rest of the evening passes quickly by, and at nine o’clock you take me back to the mat for a final changing and undressing, then swinging me in your arms you put me to bed.

“Daddy is going to stay up for a while, but my baby girl needs to get plenty of sleep".

You kiss my head, and then leave, turning off the lights, and leaving the door just a little ajar.

But it’s not total darkness. I see the soft glow of a nightlight you have placed in the room, how nice. And then I felt the crinkle under me and realize that you placed an underpad on the bed. For some reason, perhaps from sucking on bottles, my thumb finds its way to my mouth and I begin sucking it.

Your Baby Lizzy curls up and falls asleep, the end of my first day in my new life.



Written by Cammi
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