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Jill's Secret Indulgence

"Jill rediscovers smoking and a new partner who loves it"

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Jill Hastings slowly opened her eyes to the morning sunshine pouring into her bedroom window, stretched slowly with outstretched arms, and sighed softly.  She glanced over at her husband’s side of the bed and found it empty.  Damn, it’s golf-day Saturday, she recalled, then heard him rustling in the walk-in closet next to their spacious bathroom.  The door slid open, and Steve walked out, dressed in his golf gear and tucking his phone into his pants pocket.

“Good morning, sunshine,” he greeted her, walking over and lowering his head for a kiss.  Jill reached up, pecked his lips, then pulled him back for a firmer kiss, this time sliding a bit of tongue inside his half-opened mouth.

“Not yet, it’s not,” she whispered in reply, “but it could be.” Jill slid her tongue deeper, her left hand sliding over to caress the outline of his cock.  She felt him tense and pull back, a slightly forced smile on his face.  His clean-shaven features and dimpled smile, still youthful-looking at forty-five, made her want him even after twenty years of marriage.  Slimly built, average height, slight paunch, with short, well-combed hair combed straight back, Steve was still a good-looking man.  A man she most definitely wanted, she thought, eyes wandering to his pants, hiding his six-inch but very thick cock. 

“Awww, come on, baby, it’s been a few weeks,” she whined, reaching for him again.  His smile widened, and he backed off further.

“Golf day, baby, gotta meet the guys,” he said. 

She looked at him, frowning. “Do you think your friends would turn their wives down, even if it made them late? Hell, your friends probably have to beg from those ladies!”

Steve laughed. “You’re right, they never get any, and I have the horniest chick on the planet,” he said with a chuckle.

“Maybe I should check with your friends to see if they’d take care of a woman in need,” she retorted, her lip petulantly pursing. 

He laughed, kissed her on the head, and turned to leave.

“I’m serious, Steve – our sex life has nearly completely died, and I’m tired of using Bob all the time,” she whined again, referencing her battery-operated vibrator.

“Aw, hon, do we have to go over that again? It’s just been a crazy busy time. I’m sure we’ll get back on track,” he replied. 

He smiled, kissed the top of her head, and turned away.

“See you tonight, baby, shouldn’t be too late,” he said, breezing out of the bedroom. 

Jill sighed and laid back.  She reached over to her nightstand, slid the drawer out, and grasped her pink, penis-shaped vibrator.  Flipping the switch on, the vibrator came to life with a loud buzzing sound.  As she went to slide it between her legs, she realized she just wasn’t in the mood.  She turned it off, tossed it back into the drawer, and pulled herself out of bed. 

Pulling off her nighty as she walked into the bathroom, she glanced into the full-length mirror and paused.  Wait, is it me?  She inspected herself, starting with her green eyes, straight, shoulder-length hair, symmetrical features, lined eyebrows, and modestly full lips.  Was she still attractive to him, she wondered?  Her 36C breasts weren’t as perky as they used to be, but her nipples were still sensitive, and he used to love to suck them. And yes, she had gained a few pounds at forty-two but still had a curve and an ass that was only slightly fuller than what it was twenty years ago – maybe two jean sizes but nothing that could be considered fat.  She reached down and cupped her well-trimmed but not entirely bare pussy.  Was she tight enough still?  Shaking her head, she moved into the bathroom, her mood turning sourer with these unanswered questions.

Hours later, having busied herself with mindless household chores, Jill found herself still angry at the morning exchange and ongoing events.  They did have many discussions over the past year about the lack of sex, but he never seemed to have a good answer.  Was he having an affair? She doubted this; he had a very reliable schedule, and they were in regular contact nearly every day.  The damn vibrator, while nice, just wasn’t cutting it any longer.

Opening the refrigerator, she poured herself a tall glass of sparkling water, then went to the laundry room to retrieve her purse to get the checkbook.  Bill-paying time, she thought, for the last utilities on the planet that didn’t do everything online.  I’m being such a bitch, she realized.  Rummaging through her purse haphazardly, her eyes caught sight of a white package – Marlboro Gold Pack, an impulsive purchase made at the grocery store the other day.  Why the hell did I do that, she thought, I gave up smoking after we got married.  Then she remembered it was after another useless conversation about her sex life. 

That’s right, she recalled, she had given up smoking because it annoyed Steve.  While she was never a convicted smoker, she did enjoy it when drinking and with her friends at parties.  She bought the pack as sort of a “fuck you” move on her part.  Recalling that thought made her smile.  She really didn’t think she would ever go back to smoking – but then again, why not just have one?

Taking the pack and a lighter out, she unwrapped the package, reaching in to pull out a slender white cylinder.  She raised it to her nose and inhaled the sweet smell of unlit tobacco and smiled at the flood of memories.  She placed the filter between her lips and started to light it.  Aww, shit, Steve will probably smell it. Dammit.  She glanced at the back porch door, the clear glass highlighting their well-manicured backyard and, most importantly, a six-foot-tall privacy fence.  Perfect.

Luckily, it was a perfect summer day, not too warm with a gentle breeze.  Jill walked out, lighter in one hand, pack in the other.  Pausing at the step just outside the door, she brought the cigarette to her lips and lit it with a Bic lighter.  She watched the flame spark up and instantly inhaled, the end glowing cherry red. Taking a deep drag, she felt the familiar warm smoke fill her lungs.  Aaaaah.  She exhaled slowly, watching the smoke rise from her lips into the summer air.  She brought the cigarette to her lips again in wanton abandon, took a light drag, and exhaled again.  Fuck Steve, she thought with a smile. Glancing at her image in the glass window, she saw her carefully manicured fingers with red polish gripping the cigarette.  Damn, I am still sexy, she thought, no matter what he thinks.

Walking on the patio, Jill made her way to the gray wicker couch and sat down, leaning back against a plush pillow, feeling the sun warm her face.  She glanced at her fingers holding the cigarette, feeling strange yet so familiar.  She brought her fingers back to her lips, grasping the filter near the base again, and inhaled deeply. As her lips grasped the filter, she felt the paper crackle and the smoke enter her mouth. Cheeks hollowing, Jill took a deeper inhale, feeling the smoke fill her lungs and a sense of relaxation move through her body.  God, I was stressed, she thought.

Exhaling a plume of white smoke into the clear summer air, Jill sighed.  She figured Steve wouldn’t be pleased, so she decided right there to keep it a secret.  Looking at the cigarette between her red fingers, lazy smoke rising into the air from the tip, memories of her single days flooded back.  While she never had been promiscuous, she never had a problem getting laid, and none of her boyfriends gave a shit if she smoked.  In fact, she thought some of them liked it, back to the adage “if she smokes, she pokes”, and the thought of being desired sent a thrill down her spine. 

She laid her head against the back of the couch and enjoyed the sun warming her face.  Her reverie was abruptly interrupted when she heard the latch of the gate click and she quickly turned her head to see who was entering.  Oh, crap, she thought and froze.  She saw her neighbor’s college-aged son, Tommy, casually entering, pulling in a lawnmower behind him. Had hadn’t yet caught sight of her.  In that fractional second of her initial view, she thought how much he had grown from a skinny little twelve-year-old to a young man with an athletic body built from years of tennis playing.  He stood nearly six feet tall, long unkempt full hair cascading to his shoulders, unshaven in a planned sort of way. 

Tommy finished closing the gate and Jill, still frozen with her smoldering cigarette in her hand, greeted him.

“Hey, Tommy,” she smiled, “I completely forgot it was lawn day.” 

Tommy returned her smile.

“Oh, hey Mrs. Henderson,” he replied, “yep, been doing it a while for you guys now, and it’s a great day for it.”  Jill ran her eyes over his baggy shorts, old sneakers, and a tattered t-shirt – Tommy had certainly matured into a good-looking young man.  Tommy pushed the lawnmower over the grass, bending over to adjust a part.  Jill thought she caught him glancing a bit nervously her way.  Crap, maybe he’s never seen me smoke and his parents are such prudes.  That will go over well in this neighborhood, she groaned to herself.  Tommy glanced up again with a smile.

“Enjoying the day, Mrs. Henderson?” he asked.  Jill smiled in return and, in a surprising moment of bravado, raised the half-finished cigarette to her lips, took a deep drag, and exhaled to the side. 

“It’s gorgeous, Tommy.  Please, call me Jill, you’re not a boy anymore,” she replied, lowering her cigarette hand to her side.  He stared back.

“Ummm, okay, Mrs…I mean, Jill, if you’re okay with it.”  Jill slowly raised her cigarette again to her lips, somehow enjoying the young man’s nervousness, wondering if her snug jeans and easy-flowing top highlighting her 36C breasts were the cause.  Then again, he’s never seen me smoke, so maybe he’s feeling strange about it.  Fuck it, she thought, taking another cheek-hollowing drag, slowly filling her lungs, staring straight at him.  She held the smoke for a second, then pursed her modestly full lips and exhaled slowly. 

“Of course, we’re adults, aren’t we?” she smiled.  He laughed.

“I guess so.  I, uh, didn’t know you smoked,” he commented.  Jill held up her cigarette.

“No?  Honestly, I really don’t,” she confessed, “this is the first one I’ve had like in twenty years.  Please don’t say anything, people are all so judgmental these days. I’m sorry if it offends you.”

“Oh, not at all, I really don’t mind,” he stammered.  “I don’t get why people have to be such assholes.”

“Well, it’s definitely not cool these days and certainly not healthy,” she offered.  “I’m sure no one your age does it.”

“Not many, but a couple of my friends vape,” he replied.  Jill frowned.

“Vaping is for pussies,” she spat out, suddenly surprised by her candor. He burst out laughing.

“Yeah, I can see that.  I actually don’t mind people smoking cigarettes, especially pretty women,” he said, then blushed as he realized his comment.  Jill returned his shy gaze, then slowly raised the nearly finished cigarette to her lips and took another drag.  This time, she exhaled directly in his direction.

“Well, you are unusual in that, Tommy.  Steve absolutely hates it.  Have you ever had a smoking girlfriend?” she asked.  He shook his head.

“No, but I really wouldn’t mind it, if I’m being honest. I think…umm…it’s kinda sexy,” he replied, looking away sheepishly.  Jill cocked her head with a smile.  She raised her cigarette to her lips for a final drag.

“You mean doing this is something sexy to you?” she asked, taking a draw on the filter, end glowing cherry with your final puff, then exhaling again in his direction, a plume of pure white smoke tunneling through the air between them.  She flipped on the brick patio and stubbed it out, making a mental note to pick it up before Steve saw it.  Tommy nodded in response. 

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“Interesting,” Jill replied, motioning him over and patting the seat next to her, “I’d like to understand that more, Tommy.”  Tommy walked over slowly and tentatively sat down.

“I mean, it really is a disgusting habit, to be honest,” she chuckled, trying to put him at ease.  He shook his head.

“I mean, I get the whole health thing, and people hate the smell.  I just find the smell of smoke intoxicating and appealing…and the sight of a hot woman lighting up is really arousing,” he responded. 

“I never really thought about it that way.  I mean, I knew a few guys that thought women who smoked were more slutty, but never knew guys got turned on by it,” she explained.

“Well, not sure I understand it, but I sure like it.  There’s something very sexy about a confident, attractive woman smoking,” he said, tossing his hair over his shoulder.  That action sent an unexplained shiver down Jill’s thighs.

“I guess I get that.  Not sure I’d be considered one of those, though, so we should keep my little indulgence a secret, please,” she replied.  

“Mrs…I mean, Jill, of course, you are.   I’ve always thought you were very pretty,” he blushed.  Jill smiled. 

“Well, you are kind.  I appreciate you keeping my secret and sharing your thoughts with me,” she patted his leg reassuringly.  He blushed again.

“I should get to my mowing,” he stammered. 

“You have plenty of time for that,” she said, “I’m a bit more curious about your smoking interest.” Staring into his dark brown eyes, Jill picked up her cigarettes, drew one from the pack, and placed it between her lips.  She handed Tommy the lighter, raised an eyebrow, and leaned in.  Tommy flicked the wheel and the lighter burst into flame.  Jill stared into his eyes as he slowly brought it closer to the end of the cigarette, hand shaking slightly.  She cupped his hand in both of hers to steady the flame and sucked the cigarette to life.  His eyes stared at her pursed lips as her cheeks hollowed.

Leaning back slightly, Jill finished her drag and slowly took the cigarette from her lips, holding the smoke in and staring back at him.  She felt the smoke in her lungs, then framed her lips in an O shape, and gently blew it out off to the side of his head.  Tommy watched the smoke slowly pour from her mouth and dissipate into the summer air.  He felt a familiar stirring in his groin and shifted slightly.

“So, me lighting up and taking a drag is sexy to you?” she asked innocently, her cigarette hand resting on the back of the couch near his right shoulder.  He nodded, not speaking.

“What is it exactly?” she asked, “you lighting it for me? Watching me take a drag? Or me holding it?”  Tommy looked away, then back at her.

“Gosh…well, all of it...I like to see your lips around the end of it, how your cheeks take it in…I mean…it just makes me think…umm such a pretty lady being naughty,” he stammered.

“Really,” she commented, bringing the cigarette once again to her lips, slowly closing her mouth around the lipstick-stained filter, then taking a slow drag.  Tommy saw her lips slowly move inward and he groaned inside.  He heard the crackling of her drag and watched as she closed her eyes and finished the inhale.  He could sense her filling her lungs and glanced down at the swell of her breasts.  Seeing her firm globes, coupled with her sexy inhale, made his cock twitch, and it began to swell. 

This time, Jill exhaled directly into Tommy’s face, and he closed his eyes as the smoke ran over his cheeks and past his swept-back hair.  She leaned in slowly, right hand with the smoldering cigarette encircling his left shoulder, and brought her lips to the right side of his head by his ear.

“Naughty, you think, as in it makes you think of having your cocked sucked?” she whispered seductively, then slowly withdrew. Tommy, his eyes still closed, could only nod, and barely whisper,


Jill smiled and placed her smoking hand on his leg, just above his knee.  Glancing down, she saw a growing bulge in the bagginess of his shorts, and her hand moved closer.  Tommy opened his eyes, unbelieving, as he saw her hand move towards his cock, cigarette between two fingers. 

“Does a smoking woman really turn you on?” Jill whispered, and Tommy could only nod. 

“Tell me,” she insisted, raising her cigarette again for another drag, this time staring straight into his eyes as he opened them. Tommy once again watched her pursed lips take a slow drag.

“God, yes, watching you smoke drives me wild…you’re so sexy when you take a drag,” he stammered, and Jill dropped her cigarette hand down to his lap, inches from his hard cock.  She once again exhaled into his face, and he closed his eyes as he was bathed in smoke.  Her hand abruptly moved to his now hard cock, and he jumped in his seat slightly.

“Oh, my, I see it does,” Jill said in a low voice, simultaneously shocked by her brazenness and yet so turned on herself by the events.  What the fuck am I doing, she thought.  Part of her knew this wasn’t right…her marriage, the neighbor’s son nearly half her age, so much can go wrong here.  But the other part weighed in…her lack of sex, her increased desire, her rekindling of youthful memories.  The pleasurable thoughts won, and Jill slowly rubbed his shaft through his silky shorts.  He was nicely built, she thought, a bit longer than Steve…maybe not as thick but certainly better than her vibrator and far sexier. 

Tommy, still in shock that this next-door neighbor MILF was stroking his hard cock, could only stare at her hand slowly rubbing his manhood.  He could feel her gentle grip and even a bit of the filter end of the cigarette as it ran over his head.  His cock strained and pressed against the fabric and her hand. 

“Oh, God,” he sighed, tremors going through his thighs.

“I don’t think God has anything to do with it,” Jill replied, placing the cigarette again in her mouth for another leisurely drag.  She finished her inhale and placed her smoking right hand back on his cock, then shot a plume of smoke forcefully past his head.  She deftly slid down his pants to his knees, with Tommy assisting by lifting his hips.  She was firmly in control.  Smiling, Jill slowly wrapped her hand around the bloated girth of Tommy’s erection and began stroking him slowly.  He was uncut, easily seven inches with good thickness and a pair of nice, heavy balls.  To her surprise, she found him total without hair, something she had never experienced before.  It turned her on even more.

As she leisurely pumped the young man’s cock, the cigarette filter scraped along the blood-engorged, vein-covered surface. It also was scraping over the sensitive head on the upstroke. Sticky pre-cum seepage leaking steadily through Tommy’s cock began to coat the end of Jill’s cigarette as it slowly scraped over his oval hole. He moaned in pleasure every time her hand and the cigarette filter passed over the sensitive tip.  Jill increased her tempo, gripping and pumping Tommy’s shaft.

Jill leaned in, mouth inches from his.  Tommy could smell her smoky breath and it was intoxicating.  His cock grew harder.

“My, you are turned on…you do like me smoking for you,” she intoned. 

She slowly lowered her head and licked his cock, tasting the salty pre-cum and sending a shiver down to her pussy.  Tommy moaned aloud at the touch of her tongue and began thrusting towards her face. He watched with rapt attention as she placed the cigarette to her lips while still gripping his shaft and took another drag. She inhaled deeply, popping the smoke into her lungs while moving her gripping fingers up the length of Tommy’s hard shaft. She pursed her lips and slowly exhaled over his cock head. 

“Aahhhh, Jill” he exhaled in a low moan.  He put his hands on the back of her head, pushing it down.  Lisa opened her mouth and took him deep.  After a few deep sucks, she resumed stroking with her right hand, her left hand clutching the cigarette. Ashes flew over his balls as she continued to stroke and smoke.  Jill felt his cock tremble and knew it was about to explode.  Seconds later, the first spurt sailed perfectly through the space left between her open lips during a smoke-filled gasp without so much as touching them. The cum spurt hit her tongue and before she could react, his dick surged again, this time sending another spurt directly into Jill’s sweet face. With the speed of a knife slash, it instantly cut a jagged line of sperm across her features, starting from her left eye, moving down her face, and crossing over her mouth.

The line of cum didn't break as it crossed her mouth. Instead, it formed a string bridge, connecting her parted lips.

Tommy’s cock kept spurting and Jill could barely react.  The spurts came fast and furious, finally declining in the last eruption that spilled over his cock head and her smoking hand.  Jill watched as the cum poured over her wedding ring and the filter of her half-smoked cigarette.  She slowed her stroking and Tommy threw his head back with a final moan.  Jill, surprised at all the cum and the suddenness of his explosion, raised her head a smiled.

“Well, you made quite the mess,” she said and Tommy burst out with a nervous laugh.  Jill became aware of her freshly soaked pussy and her strong desire.  While Tommy’s now limp cock wasn’t going to be ready for any immediate action, she wanted satisfaction.  That desire, coupled with a strange thought that maybe oral sex wasn’t cheating, drove her.  Still clutching her half-finished cigarette, she undid her jeans, slid them down, and slid to the side, left leg on the back of the couch.  Tommy couldn’t believe his eyes.  Jill exposed her dark blue thongs and spread her legs for him.  She rubbed her pussy with her cigarette hand and implored him.

“Baby, eat my pussy.  I want you to make me cum,” she asked.  Tommy couldn’t refuse and dove in, sliding her thong to the side.

“That’s it,” she moaned with pleasure, closing her eyes to the sunshine, and feeling his tongue attack her swollen clit.  She raised her hand to her lips, took another powerful drag, and held it for a moment.  Opening her eyes, she felt the swell of the smoke in her lungs and looked down, gently exhaling a plume to the top of his head and face.  Tommy felt the smoke swirl around his face and eagerly licked her clit faster. 

“Eat my pussy, baby, it feels so good,” she urged.  Tommy lapped at her clit and swollen lips, running his tongue up and down her slit, carefully lapping everywhere he went, only stopping now and then to plant his mouth on top of her clit and suck it hard. When his head got to her clit, he raised his eyes and saw his attractive neighbor taking another drag from her cigarette.  He flicked his tongue back and forth, felt her tremor, and watched as the nicotine, inhaled smoke, and fervent tingle of her pussy caused her to tremble and moan with passion.  

Jill looked down at Tommy, his youthful looks, kind eyes, handsome features, and ravenous mouth driving her crazy.  While he wasn’t an accomplished pussy eater, he was very eager, and she felt the eroticism of the afternoon and his ministrations pushing her to a huge orgasm.  She took a final drag of her cigarette, right hand on his head as she pushed her pussy against his hot wet mouth.  Exhaling with an audible moan, Jill exploded, both her hands now gripping his head and forcing his mouth hard on her pussy.  She uttered several guttural moans and peaked, a keen wailing emerging from her mouth with the exhaled smoke.  As the tremors slowly subsided, Jill held his head on her pussy for a moment before raising it and kissing him delicately on the lips. 

“Now you can mow my lawn,” she smiled at him, too immersed in her pleasure and satisfaction to think about any ramifications of her secret indulgence.

Written by Startstruck2020
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