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Jacob Finds Emily - Their Story Begins

"Jacob discovers Emily and himself."

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Author's Notes

"I would like to thank Denim_Daisy10 for all the help on this story. Thank you so much Sara."

Emily isn’t your average twenty-one-year-old girl. She is extremely shy and loves Disney movies. She has a secret that no one knows about. She is almost five feet tall with brown hair and bright green eyes.

Running late, like always, Emily leaves her bag in the back of the kitchen out of the way, so she thought. Emily waits tables at ‘Il Piacere’, an upscale Italian restaurant. She is very good at her job but really hates the high brow clientele.

Il Piacere’s executive chef, Jacob, is very particular with his dishes. It gets him labeled as a perfectionist. He isn't above barking orders if the staff can't get their act together and get the food out to the tables. Emily just calls him an asshole. Jacob notices the little bag and shakes his head.

“She knows better,” he mumbles to himself then walks over and picks it up. Taking it into his office to keep it safe he can't stop himself from peeking inside. Unzipping, he sees a cute “My Little Pony” bag tucked inside the plain black bag. He can't help but smile seeing the cute bag. Jacob has always thought she was so cute. Hidden in the pretty pink bag he finds a notebook, it is covered with doodles and art. Inside is a treasure for Jacob, Emily has a diary.

Immediately, he opens to the last pages.

It was another long day at work. Why does he single me out the way he does? I get the dishes out on time but geez he .. he feels the need to keep me later than the other waitresses. I'm so glad to be home and now in my comfy jammies all snuggled up under my favorite blankie. Disney movies are the best I so want to see the newest one… Tips are a great way to save up for the trip to Disneyland.

He flipped back to the beginning of the journal and read;

Today a friend told me I was a submissive and more than that I'm a ‘little’. What the hell do I do with that? What in the world is a ‘little’? I’m a little because I love stuffed animals and Disney movies? I wish someone would explain this but no way am I asking anyone I know about it.

A smile slides across his face as Jacob realizes what he is reading. If he wants Emily all he has to do is use the information in her diary. He now knows she is submissive and a ‘little’ inside, whatever that is. He really likes submissive girls. He takes the diary into his office and over to the copy machine. He wonders what else he will find to help his plans.

After replacing the diary in the bag, he makes sure there is no sign of his snooping. Then heads to the kitchen to start his game. When he gets out by the waitress station he tells Emily, “I put your bag in the office, you left it in the way and someone could have tripped. You're a really bad girl, Emily.”

Emily is shocked, 'did he call me a bad girl, what the fuck?' Then she notices a tingling she has not felt before. She also starts to feel depressed when Jacob turns to her again and says, “I am very disappointed in you, lil' one. You know better.” After his comment, he moves back into the kitchen to survey his world.

Emily doesn’t know what she feels, she is visibly upset and saddened by Jacob's words, but why? He yells a lot, so what made today different. Why do the comments feel more like punishment than before? Why is Jacob disappointed in her? She notices the rest of the night that she is really depressed and the only reason has to be because of what Jacob said, not even that, it was more the way he said it. Her mind was reeling.

Jacob keeps watching her as she goes about her shift. She is visibly shaken and disturbed, so he can see his plan is already starting to work. Every time he looks in her direction she is watching him and immediately tries to hide that fact. He knows that he has to keep her off guard and confused at first. He begins to wonder, 'how much does she know about herself?'

Smiling as he walks past her, he stops and touches her arm, “You are doing a great job tonight lil' one, I am very proud of you.”

With that said he walks away but as he does he slowly caresses down her arm and lightly squeezes her wrist, like a doctor taking a pulse. Then he smiles at her and walks away.

Emily’s mind is about to explode, what the hell is happening to me. She wipes the moisture from her neck and looks at Jacob. 'What is happening, is Jacob flirting with me and what the hell is that lil' one stuff?' It is then she realizes that she is turned on. 'OMG, what is happening?' She hides behind a door and runs her hand up under her skirt and whispers, “Oh My GOD, I am wet.” She looks up and sees Jacob organizing the plates to go out.

Looking up from the plating station directly into Emily’s eyes, she freezes like the deer we hear about in those headlights. Jacob smiles at her and goes back to the plates. Knowing now that he is affecting her from the inside. He knows it is just a matter of time now. All he has to do is keep playing these little tricks and she will be begging him to take her home.

This back and forth continues throughout the shift and at the end of the night, as Emily is cleaning up her station, Jacob walks up to her and reminds her that her bag is in the office. She can stop and get it before she leaves. Again he touches her softly, this time on her shoulder. As he turns to leave the back of his hand caresses her cheek and she swears that she has an orgasm. Her pussy is aching to be touched.

While he is waiting for her to come and get her bag, Jacob looks through his new copies. She wrote …

After lots of online research, I'm definitely a little and that's not so bad I just can't share it. I have to be a responsible adult. I really want to find someone that understands me. I wonder where I can look for a Daddy. I don't want to look online unless it's absolutely necessary.

She has drawn hearts and butterflies around the margins.

Jacob thinks, 'So she wants a Daddy, that is awesome. I know one…. ME! I can be her Daddy.'

When she finishes she stops at the office and in a whisper says, “I am here to get my bag, Chef. Thank you for keeping it safe.” 'Oh my God,' she thinks, 'I sound like a six-year-old asking for a cookie.'

“You have got to be more careful, Em. Someone could have tripped over that bag with a tray of hot food.” Yes, he knows there is no one ever back there with a tray of anything.

Still, she finds herself lowering her head and in a soft voice, she says, “I am sorry, Sir. It will not happen again.” She reaches for the bag.

“Don’t worry Em, I know you are a good little girl and will do better, you wouldn’t want me to have to put you over my knee and spank you.” Looking right into her soul, he adds, “would you?”

Her face flushes red as Emily takes the bag, turns and flees. Yes, flees, as she almost answered, “Please, Sir, I really would.”

Getting home faster than she has ever made it home before, she is undressing as she hears the door latch safely behind her. She is only in her panties once she hits the big overstuffed chair in the living room. Her fingers already exploring her little kitty.

Sitting in her big chair, Emily's fingers tease her soaking wet pussy, "Oh my God, I can't believe how turned on I am."

She moans as she touches her bald pussy. Sliding a finger deep inside, she moans, “Oh yes ..”

Grinding against her hand. “Oh yes, Sir, spank me harder. Show me how to be a good little girl for you. Oh yes harder, please.”

Moaning louder, she screams out in her orgasm, “OH Daddy.., yes, fuck me hard, fill my kitty with your cum."

She came so hard she almost passed out. She was panting as she tried to regain herself, she’s never cum that hard before.

She gets up out of her chair on shaky legs, goes to clean up and begins running a nice hot bubble bath. Using that strawberry scented bath oil. As she steps into the tub with her rubber duckies floating. She turns on the jets and relaxes. 'Why is that bastard getting to me so much?' She thinks.

That night at home, Jacob studies this new information and decides on his next move. The more he reads, the more he is truly fascinated by what Emily says. He also decides that he has to find out more about this Daddy and little stuff. Laughing to himself, he has never put this much effort into a piece before. He looks through the pages slowly studying each one.

Emily has glued some pictures into her journal labeled, Things I Want’ and, ‘Things That Are So Cute’, like pink cat ears and a fluffy tail. A big white teddy bear wearing a red bow tie and a pair of pink knee-high socks covered with unicorns.

Under the pictures she wrote..  ‘I wish I had a Daddy to buy me these things and so much more. I want a Daddy to cuddle with. Someone to hold me and make me feel like the little I am, then take me like the slut I want to be.’

“Looks like I need to do a bit of shopping before tomorrow’s shift. I think I will try for a new playmate.” Grabbing his computer he aims his searches between, ‘What is a Daddy?’ and, ‘What is a little?’ He gets comfy and begins to read and learn about Emily. He is so surprised to find out more about himself than he has ever known as well. Could he really be a Daddy? Among the sites, he uses he found these definitions on

What does Little mean?

Little refers to a submissive person, usually a woman, who role-plays a younger age. The little is the little girl or little boy in a Daddy-Dom BDSM role-playing act. This person is dominated by a Daddy. In rare instances, the dominant person may be a Mommy. The little dresses for the part. They also may alter their voice to seem younger.

Turning out the lights he considers what he will do next.


Emily arrives a little early for her shift as is her habit. She opens her locker and on the little shelf, there sits a tiny white teddy bear, one of those little ones about four-inches tall. It is wearing a red bow tie, Oh my God, a pair of pink knee-high socks and, is that, Oh my fucking God, they are covered in unicorns. Her heart almost jumps three feet and she immediately looks around at the staff. No one is even looking her way, 'what the hell. Who left these?' A small banner between the paws says, "Hi Emily."

Still, no one is looking at her and she begins to finish getting ready for her shift. As she walks past the plating station she sees Jacob for the first time tonight. Slipping behind him as she moves to the waitress station she hears Jacob saying over his shoulder, “Tear em up tonight lil' girl, make Jacob proud.”

She stops in her tracks and slowly looks over at him, 'what the hell? Lil' girl, make Jacob proud? That is weird, what is he doing?' When she stops just to his left he turns, softly touching her wrist with his fingertips and smiles. Immediately she feels it, whatever the hell it is. A tingling, sudden heat, just a feeling of warmth hit her inside and she audibly moans at his touch.

He is thrilled by her reaction and then begins to realize he has a roar and a rumble in his ears and it is suddenly very hot in his kitchen. He feels a tingle in his fingertips and even a shock like the pop you get when you scoot across a carpet and touch anything. The kitchen is tile. As he lets go of her wrist his head clears and the roar in his ears goes away. At the last second that shock they each felt scurries up their arms and disappears.

The night goes smoothly with nothing special happening. Jacob makes it a point to praise Emily and tell her how proud he is of her. Always with a little touch on some exposed flesh or a squeeze of her shoulder. If there is an issue with her work he no longer bellows, he is understanding and kind. What the hell is wrong with him? This new-found attitude starts to become normal with Jacob and the yelling and dictatorship of his rule are certainly starting to soften.

After the shift, Jacob is sitting in his office and he sees Emily start to grab her bag and leave. He calls her over and when she gets to the office he asks, “Can you help me with a birthday present? I have a friend that has a young daughter that is about to have a birthday. I know she is into Japanese art. You know the cat girl stuff, so I got her these.”

He pulls out a set of pink cat ears and a fluffy tail. The ears are on a headband and the tail is attached to a small belt that goes around her waist. Jacob laughs loudly and says, “You ought to see what the adult tails are like, grrrrrr,” he roars as he laughs.

At first, Emily is shocked by the growl but then she sees the gifts and lets out a squeal, almost shouting, “She will LOVE them!” Realizing what she just did, she blushes. Jacob smiles at her excitement.

“I know she might be a little old for these but she really loves the anime cat girl stuff and I thought, what the hell, even a little girl deserves a bit of pleasure, right?”

He smiles and slides the gifts back in the bag. Emily just stares at him and slowly shakes her head yes.

Again breaking her record for getting home, again the door latching behind her and this time her panties didn’t make it to the chair with her. Again that friendly overstuffed chair is her refugee. She can’t believe how she has lost control. Emily starts rubbing and teasing her very soaking wet kitty.

“Oh my God, yes," Moaning as she teases her already aching pussy. Squirming as she moans and slides a leg over each arm, exposing her pussy completely. The cool air makes her shiver, reaching between the cushion and arm she finds her favorite vibrator. Turning it on, sliding it against her clit, she jumps as soon as it touches her throbbing button. She slides the vibe deep in her pussy letting the rabbit ears sit on either side of her clit as she slid the vibe in and out moaning louder.

"Oh my God, YES, DADDY, fuck my tight little pussy harder…  oh yes, fuck me.” Cumming so much, soaking her chair under her.

Panting, catching her breath, she cleans the toy off with a warm washcloth at the sink. Then slides it back in its hiding spot and stands on shaky legs. "Damn him," she mumbles as she starts a bubble bath to relax before bed.

Emily soaks long enough that the water turns cold before she finally steps out and dries herself with a fluffy towel. She slips on her favorite pink cotton nightgown and sits at her desk. Then she pulls the teddy bear and pink unicorn socks out of her bag sitting them where she can see them.

Sitting up, Jacob looks through the copies he made of her diary.

He opens her book to the beginning, just after the entry about discovering that she is a ‘little’ and reads.


Day 2

I think being a little is going to be amazing. I no longer have to feel ‘weird’ for watching Disney movies rather than car chases. I can have all the stuffies I want and no fear of anyone saying something about them. I can be an adult and a little girl, at the same time.

I am still searching for a copy of Cinderella. How fun would that be? Ugh, gotta get ready for work now. God, I hope he stays off my ass tonight. I know I'm new but I have common sense and if people don't want to order the dinner special, I'm not going to talk till I'm blue in the face about it.

He flips a few pages and continued…

Oh my God, he was so mean tonight. Why the hell single me out when I wasn't the only one who messed up tonight? If the stupid head waitress, Jessie, would quit fuckin flirting with the male customers, things wouldn’t get so backed up. I swear he needs to say something to her but she is such a kiss ass that nothing will get done about it.

A few pages later…

Finally, he yelled at someone else tonight. I wasn't the target of his bellowing he can be such an ass. I'm gonna look at kittens so I can be happy before bed...

She had glued kitten pictures on the page... Captioned, ‘These are so cute.’

Getting comfortable on his bed with his laptop in hand, it is time to research this Daddy, baby girl stuff and see what it is all about. He plows through page after page on too many sites to remember but he did find a few more things on

What is a Daddy?

In the world of BDSM, a Daddy is a dominant male who takes on the role of a father-like figure. While Daddies are often very domineering and authoritative, they are also usually very protective, much like a real father would be. This type of dominant figure in BDSM is most recognized in Daddy and little girl relationships, where the little girls are actually adult women playing a role. During this type of age play, adult women may dress and behave just like little girls.

Jacob, as is his habit, talks to himself, “Damn that is wild, I know sometimes I truly feel this way. Never really understood the cravings.” He keeps searching.

What is a Daddy Dom/little girl  (DD/lg) relationship

While the term “Daddy Dom/little girl” is often used for a male Dominant and a female submissive, this type of relationship is distinguished by the nurturing and gentle Dominant partner and a submissive partner with childlike characteristics and/or habits regardless of gender. These types of Dominants are known for having looser protocols and being, at times, more permissive with their submissives, much like a parent might be with a child. Submissives behave in a childlike manner during activities like coloring, bathing, and meals. They may also display childlike mannerisms by giggling, whining, talking back, or using baby talk. While DD/lg can include age play within the dynamic, it is not a requirement and many participants choose to keep the sexual aspect of the relationship separate from any childlike behaviors. As with all D/s power exchanges, every DD/lg relationship is unique to the individuals who may or may not exhibit all of these characteristics.

He sits up and looks around, realizing how much he wants to be part of that type of relationship. He has had typical Dom/sub-play-partners but a relationship sounds really great. He reads on.

Age play

Particularly age play involving a person assuming the role of a small child - is often widely misunderstood. Contrary to what some may believe, age players are not pedophiles, and they are not interested in sexual relations with children. Individuals that assume the roles of children find comfort in this form of role-playing because they get to express their childish feelings and relinquish their responsibility to another person. The age players who assume the role of the older partner get the satisfaction of teaching, caring for and comforting their "younger" partner. Overall, age play relationships are very warm, comfortable and fulfilling for all parties involved.

Jacob continues learning about Emily and in turn, himself.


The next day...

Wow, this is the start of a lousy day, isn’t it? First, I oversleep, then I can’t find a clean uniform. To top it all off I am still so freaking horny for that Son of a bitch chef that I can’t think straight. He is so deep in my head. Then I get a call from ‘His Highness’ saying I need to be fifteen minutes early for a meeting. Geez, what did I do now? Maybe I’ll just quit, to hell with him. If I don’t go in, he can’t yell at me.

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Emily gets to the employee door and everyone is in the dining room as she enters and puts away her things. Then Jacob is standing in the middle and starts talking.

“We have some changes to make. As you can see, I have started to soften up. If you do your jobs and move forward that will continue. We need to start helping with the wait staff. They are the final link to the customer and we need to make that a stronger link. If you have a moment see what you can do to help the wait staff. One team, people.”

Then Jacob is gone. Emily doesn’t know what to make of it all, 'what the hell is going on?' Just then Jacob sticks his head around the corner and says, “Emily, you can put your bag in the office if that helps.”

She stands and watches as Jacob disappears again. She takes her bag and sets it in the office still thinking how weird all of this is. 

Jacob is watching to make sure Emily is busy, then he pulls out the book again and quickly copies the new pages. After putting the book up he sits down with his new info.

Turning to yesterday’s entry…

Well, things are better at work. Jacob has been so nice, I'm wondering what’s gotten into him. He called me a bad girl and then later said he was proud of me... About made my head explode. He made me so wet when he said that. I never thought of him in that way... I wonder if... He's a Daddy?

I found a cute little teddy bear and unicorn socks in my locker and oh my God, they are adorable! I can't figure out who did it but it was so sweet. Wonder what I'll find next.

The entry before that one, she wrote:

I so can't believe how close I am to having the money all saved up for DISNEYLAND, only $200 more to go…  SQUEAL. I just hope I can find a way.

He drops the papers and thinks, 'that’s it, I know how to win this, she wants Disney, I’ll give her Disney.'

It ends up just another day at the restaurant with nothing special to write home about. As the day comes to a close, Jacob again is in the middle of the staff. “I have decided I will be giving out an employee of the month award. I think it is time to show my appreciation. There will be a cash award and a picture on the lobby wall. The first award will go to Emily. Congratulations and thank you, Emily. Please, stop by my office before you leave.” The chef goes to his office.

As Emily is finishing up, she hears a discussion around the corner from her locker. It seems that Chef has told Jessie that if he sees her flirting with the male customers again, letting service slow down, he would find another head waitress. 'Oh my God, he said something to her. Jessie is pissed.'

Jacob hurries to get to his office in plenty of time to get things ready. When Emily finally finishes and stops by he is ready, calm and collected. Inside him is chaos, but you would never see it. He hands her the envelope and tells her to open it when she gets home.

Then leaning forward and smiling he asks her, “I was wondering, could I treat you to dinner as part of the prize?” Now he is thinking, 'be careful or this will end up being a very expensive monthly award.'

She has no idea what to say, then she looks into his eyes and all of her doubt just washes away. “I would love to Chef, thank you.”

He wants to tell her that this is a date. He wants to take her home and wear her like new clothes. He comes back with, “Good girl, I will be ready in a little bit, have a seat.”

Without thinking, she is looking for a place to sit. All that is really available is his desk or a small stool beside it. She looks at Jacob and suddenly feels she should sit on the little stool, at his feet, waiting for him. It feels… right.

Emily remains sitting on the little stool, looking as cute as could be as she waits for Jacob. Good thing she has a change of clothes. She has to remember to call Annie and tell her she wouldn’t be at the bar tonight. She has already changed out of her work uniform and into a cute little red top and a black skirt. She hopes she is dressed up enough for whatever place Jacob picks out.

Jacob stands in the doorway and smiles at her. He thinks to himself that she looks so cute sitting there. That's the perfect place for her.

"Ready to go, little one? He asks.

She looks up, "Yes, Sir." Getting up from the stool Emily picks up her bag. He lets her exit the office first. They head out the back door and into the parking lot.

Jacob says, "We can come back for your car if you don't mind riding with me."

She replies, "That would be great, no need for both of us to drive."

He takes her to the new French restaurant in town and the parking lot is packed. He parks the car and tells Emily to wait there. He moves around and opens her door for her, taking her hand to help her out. She smiles up at him. They go into the restaurant and Jacob gives his name to the hostess at the reservation desk, she has them follow her. The hostess starts flirting with Jacob and Emily feels the green-eyed monster of jealousy wanting to make an appearance. Basically she wants to scratch the girl's eyes out. She lets out a low growl when the girl walks away.

Jacob said, "Easy, little one."

Emily blushes. She thinks to herself, "What the fuck! It’s just dinner. Why am I jealous?"

She opens the menu and it is all in French. She looks over the menu at Jacob.

He smiles, "Can't read French, Emily?"

She blushes and says, "No, Sir, I can't."

“It's okay, I'll order for both of us,” he grins.

He orders them a nice Beef Bourguignon with their wine a Cabernet Sauvignon. Creamy Mushroom and Mussels Tart for their appetizer and La Fee Absinthe as the aperitif. Emily starts to see some of the perks of being with a chef. She probably would have had a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup at home.

They talk about their families and favorite foods as they wait for theirs to arrive.

They share an amazing meal and spend a lovely late dinner getting to know each other until Jacob finally says, “Perhaps we should call it a night, Emily. It is getting rather late.”

She looks up from her last few bites and shakes her head. Emily can’t get over the difference in this Jacob, that has been charming this entire meal and the man she sees at work every day. As he offers his hand to her to stand he asked, “So, who’s home am I taking you to tonight, yours or mine?”

Emily looks deep into his eyes, clears her throat and whispers, “Yours please, Sir.”

Having left a nice tip for the waitress. Jacob put his hand on the small of her back as they head out of the restaurant. Emily feels a shiver through her spine. Then she notices warming of the area Jacob is touching. When they get to the parking lot, Jacob opens the car door for her and she smiles up at him. She buckles herself in as she watches him walk around the front of the car. He gets in the driver’s seat and starts the car.

He asks, "Emily, as long as we are heading back to my place, and they were out of the Chocolate Mousse you wanted, I have a mousse I made today if you would like to try it."

Emily smiles, "That would be great."

He says, "We can get your car later. If that’s okay with you?"

She tells him, “That's probably for the best since I had a little too much wine.”

They get to his house and he pulls into the garage, then helps her out of the car. Moving from the garage and into the house, he leads her into his massive kitchen. She can’t believe it is so huge.

He says, "Let me get the chocolate mousse. I was hoping you would want to try it."

Getting her a bowl from the fridge and moving back over in front of her. He gets a spoonful and offers it to Emily. She takes the bite and moans, “Amazing.”

He moves closer to her and leans down to kiss her softly at first. Her arms move up and around his neck as the kiss becomes more intense. He lifts her up and sits her on the island and breaks the kiss long enough to take off her shoes and gauge her response.

Emily smiles at him and pulls him to her. She looks up with such a need in her eyes. He can’t deny her. He needs her as much as she needs him. His hands slide around her waist as they kiss again.

"Daddy," she whispers... “I need you.”

“I am here lil' girl. Daddy is here for you,” He whispers back.

She kisses him again, feeling like her body would burst into flames if he didn't touch her soon.

He leans on his hands on either side of her hips. Kissing soft and loving as he moves even closer. Then his hands caress her cheek. "I want you, but I want the real you, understand?"

“Yes, I understand,” Emily purred. “Wait, the real me?” looking into his eyes.

"I know about you and I understand. I want to learn about it together," Jacob assures her.

She blushes, "How did you?” She trips over her words. “I would love to learn with you.”

“I want to explore with you, Em. To grow with you over time, but tonight I just want to please you." He kisses her softly and unbuttons her top, sliding it off her shoulders he cups her breasts in her lacy bra.

Emily returns the favor and reaches up to unbutton his shirt. She is glad she wore her sexiest white lace bra.

Moving closer and leaning over to suckle her neck and massage her breasts. Her nipples are about to rip out the front of the cups as he finds them and slides his fingers into her lacy undergarment. She moans as he touches her flesh. She can't believe how good it feels. Her small fingers fumble over the buttons of his dress shirt.

Gabriel watches her response and is even more confused, she isn't acting like a little girl. What am I supposed to do now? She looks at him then lets out a little giggle. She put her hands down, “I’ll behave, Daddy.”

Jacob decides that they will figure out the details later. Right now he just wants to make her cum.

“I'm still learning too, Daddy,” she says through her panting. She leans up to kiss him. He smiles as if he understands. Leaning over her, he slides her breasts from their restraints and teases the nipples hard. Taking each one in his mouth and suckles like a baby. She moans and squirms as he suckles. She runs her fingers through his hair.

Through a soft whimper he heard, “Daddy, can I see your bedroom?”

Lowering her to her back Jacob slides up her skirt and pulls down her panties. Emily hopes he will approve of the white lace panties as well. There is a little bow in the center of the waistband.

"Soon, you can soon, I have something I need to do first." Kissing her belly, he travels down. Nuzzling her inner thighs when he gets there. Then he licks up and across her pulsing mound. Smiling he says, "I love the little bow, like you are a gift."

She purrs, “Yes, a gift for you.”

She just about jumps out of her skin as he licks across her mound. She tries to grip the top of the island above her head. He moves in closer and just slides the tips of his fingers across the now wet lips of her pussy. Slipping them between the lips and teasing that little hole. Then up and under the small hood above her lips and out pops a little nub of pleasure.

With the little nub exposed, he concentrates on it with tongue, fingers, lips, and teeth, not letting her relax. Driving her closer to the edge every moment. She squirms as he finds her pleasure button. She is dripping wet for him. She whimpers and moans out loud.

“Oh yes," grinding against him, "Oh my God, that feels so good, DON’T STOP!”

Jacob licks up and down paying more attention to her clit and he slides in two fingers, curled up and begins to rub and probe against the spot. Her pussy instantly grips his fingers so tight, moaning and begging. He pushes in and wiggles, pulling out to the tip of his fingers then back in deeper. Covering her pussy with his mouth he sucks and teases, forcing his tongue as deep as he can. She raises her hips higher, grinding against his tongue. 

“Ooh Daddy, please,” she begs, squirming to get him deeper inside her.

He lifts his head and says, "Please what, lil' girl?"

Jacob is amazed at how turned on he gets when she says, 'Daddy.' It is wonderful. His fingers still pumping, lips still sucking he takes his other hand and rolls her clit between finger and thumb. Her bud is swollen so tight as he pinches and holds, forcing the blood out. After a minute or so he releases her, her thrashing makes it almost impossible to hold her anyway.

“Please, can I cum Daddy, I'm so close,” escapes with her panting.

“Show me how much you need to cum lil' one.” Jacob keeps control.

Clawing at the island, Emily whimpers and grinds against his fingers. He fans her clit with his open hand and she bounces around like an overactive kitten.

“Oh God, I've never been so needy,” she moans to herself. She whimpers as she raises her hips as high as possible. Bouncing around from his touch she knows she will burst into flames if she doesn't cum soon.

“Oh Daddy, please,”  Emily whispers.

Just then Jacob remembers something he read about permission and submissives. So he stands up and says, "You may cum little girl, cum for Daddy."

That is all she needs to hear, she cums so much. “Oh thank you, Daddy,” she moans. She comes so much that she left a puddle on the island.

He can't stop, he needs her to cum better than she has ever cum before. He continues to tease and play with her, trying to keep her in the middle of an orgasm. Moaning and squirming as she cums more and so much harder than she has ever, so much so, she almost passes out. She pants, trying to catch her breath.

She has drenched him with her cum and he stands up to help her to her feet, kissing her passionately. In one swift movement, he picks her up and carries her to the bedroom. She wraps her arms around his neck and lays her head against his shoulder as he carries her to bed. She sighs happily.

Emily wraps her arms around his neck and nestled against his chest.

Jacob stops at the foot of the bed and lets her slide down his front till she is standing in front of him.

Jacob says, "Sit.”

She sits on the bed and without hesitation, her hand wraps around his cock. He leans over to kiss her then straightens up and Emily slides his cock into her open mouth. She sucks softly at first, looking up at him. Then more greedily like a starving kitten. Jacob caressing her face as he watches her enjoying his cock. Emily is purring and moaning against his cock looking deep into his eyes.

Jacob regains his lost focus and lays her back on the bed, moving between her legs. Jacob lies his cock across her clit. Moving his hips, sliding his cock back and forth, sawing across her clit. Emily whimpers as his cock fucks her clit.

Emily starts moaning as his cock slides against her clit, “Oh Daddy, I need you.”

 “I need you, lil' one,” was his response as he slaps his cock on her wet pussy. Emily raises her hips and moans, so wet from his cock slapping her.

Jacob begins rubbing the head of his cock up and down her wet lips. Then the head finds its mark and pops inside. Her wet pussy grips his cock as soon as it slips inside. He pushes and pulls, doing the in and out dance, slowly, deeply, filling and then emptying her pussy. She continues moaning as they move together like we were made for each other. Jacob lifts her ass off the bed and pumps harder, driving his cock against her cervix.

“Oh God, yes,” whimpering as he gets so deep. She is moaning as her pussy squeezes his cock while he thrusts so deep and it feels so good.

Jacob is almost dropping down on her from above. Her legs slide over his shoulders as his hands grip her breasts while he pummels her pussy with his cock.

Emily moans so loud, “Oh yes, you feel so good, Daddy. Fuck me, fuck your little girl.”

Jacob fills her pussy so deep as he begins to slap her ass, continuing to pump into her. Emily moans while lifting her ass higher off the bed, gripping his cock tighter with her pussy. Emily sees the passion in his eyes.

Melting against him and moaning, “Oh Daddy, I love when you spank my ass.”

Jacob slides under her thighs to hold her off the bed and drives into her over and over, then leaning over to kiss her passionately. He pulls out his cock, flips her over, slides back inside her pussy and then keeps thrusting. He moves back and slaps her ass, right cheek as he pulls out and left as he pushes, her pussy begins flooding the bed.

Emily laughs, “Oops, I made a mess.” Grinding her hips back against him, getting him even deeper.

“Oh, yes,” moaning out. Her pussy gripping his cock tighter, moving against his thrusts, feeling his throbbing cock buried deep in her pussy.

Jacob continues to pump and tease, one hand massages her breasts and the other teases her clit and ass. His cock still fills and stretches her pussy.

Jacob whispers, “I am so close lil' one.”

“Oh Daddy, please fill me up with your cum,” Emily pants.

Whimpering and squirming against him, “So close, Daddy.”

Jacob stops, pulls out and stands again. Pulling her to her feet, she wraps him in her arms and he lifts her, lowering her on his cock as they kiss passionately.

Jacob looks into her eyes and smiles, "I am gonna cum lil' one. Cum with me, please."

“Oh Daddy, yes, cumming with you,” slips from her mouth.

“CUM FOR DADDY,” he screams out, she is bouncing on his cock as his sac slaps her ass.

“Oh my God,” Emily cums so hard and strong. Bouncing on his cock. Jacob begins filling her so full of cum it squirts back out with each thrust.

“Oh Daddy, that was so amazing,” purrs Emily, kissing him softly. She lies back and stretches. When Jacob finishes cumming he almost falls over, catching himself he tumbles on the bed. She rolls him over, climbs on his hips and slides his cock back inside her pussy. Then Emily starts riding hard and fast. Smiling down at him as she rides his cock like she just could not stop.

“You feel so good, Daddy,” rocking and grinding against him.

Jacob reaches between them and gets his hand soaked with their mix. He reaches up, wiping a streak across her face as she bounces.

Between moans. she giggles, “I'm all sticky now, Daddy.” She smiles, riding harder, feeling him throbbing inside her. She is now purring like a satisfied kitten.

Feeling his balls tighten Jacob knows he is about to cum. Looking into her eyes, “I am going to cum, baby. Don't let Daddy cum alone.”

“Oh Daddy,” cumming so much, soaking his cock, “You feel so good inside me, Daddy.”

Jacob cums and sprays cum up into her as she lets her body go limp.

“Oh my God, fuck me, princess!” Jacob shouts. “I AM CUMMING.”

“Oh Daddy,” Emily moans, fucking him harder. “Oh Daddy, please!” Emily cums again.

Jacob wraps her tight in his arms and pulls her close as they lay there spent, panting and soaked. Emily smiles, laying against his chest. Catching their breath, not wanting to move from where they lie.

Smiling Jacob says, ”You made a huge mess, little girl.”

Smilin, “I'm sorry, I'll clean the mess up in the morning, Daddy.”

He smiles and corrects  her, “We will clean it up, both of us.”

Jacob stands up and pulls her into his arms, walking her into the other room. He lies down on the couch and says, "Unless you like sleeping in the puddle,” pulling her down on the couch with him. She slides down, laying against his chest, smiling and purrs happily.

"I think I am gonna like being a Daddy," chirped Jacob. Wrapping her tight as he closes his eyes.

Emily reaches down, pulling the blanket from the foot of the couch over them.

Written by GabrielSweet
Contributing Authors
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