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Hye-Jin in Japanese Public Bath

"Hye-Jin, a Korean-American, discovers wet sex in Japanese public bath."

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Author's Notes

"The story is based on some actual experiences in Japanese public baths, except for the wet sex fantasies which are completely fictional."

Sento Cleaning Lady

This is Hye-Jin again—the Korean-American in Japan who loves nylon stockings and shows them off every chance I have. At five-feet-seven-inches, one-hundred-and-ten-pounds, with flowing, silky black hair, my sexy lingerie and fine RHT stockings draw second looks wherever I travel. My obsession with stockings began in college days, but intensified with a stocking adventure in Jamaica and later introduction to the sensual art of nuru massage in Japan—taught to me by my new sensei (teacher), Masa.

Masa, a professional nuru masseur in Tokyo, came up with a great idea for a new fantasy service. In Japanese sento, public baths, it’s expected that an obasan (older lady) can freely walk around in the men’s changing room and bathing area as part of her job to keep the place clean and tidy—while naked men are in full frontal view. It’s culturally accepted and perfectly normal. So it would be hardly unusual for a woman to enter the men’s bathing area and roam around at will.

Masa’s idea was for me to play the cleaning lady role wearing a sexy uniform and nylons. He wanted to try out the idea at a friend’s sento frequented by younger workers in their thirties and forties who stop by for a refreshing bath before heading home to their lonely apartments. I was quite excited to try out the idea as I wondered what it would feel like to exhibit my sexy body before naked virile men in a public bath.

We picked a Wednesday for the trial run. In my Asakusa apartment, I laid out a white cleaning woman’s uniform made of thin cotton that didn’t hide much underneath. I pulled open a drawer with my growing collection of garter belts, sheer bras and panties, and FF and RHT stockings. For tonight’s test, I chose a light pink six-strap garter belt, transparently sheer pink high-cut panties and matching bra, and a pair of Hanes RHTs in my favorite “Barely There” tan shade. I didn’t bother with a slip. A pair of white slingback sandals completed the ensemble. 

Masa picked me up promptly at 6 pm and drove to Hanayu (“flower bath”), a sento in an older section of Tokyo. As Masa drove through the busy streets, he reached over and placed his hand on my thigh and felt the garter straps and nylon tops through the filmy thin dress. “Ohhhh,” he whispered, “you feel so sexy! The sento clients will definitely get more excited with you walking around, compared to the obasan who they usually see. It will be worth it to gauge their reaction.”

We arrived by 7 at the old sento tucked between a dry cleaning shop and a cafe. Two noren (cloth curtains) adorned the front of the sento—one blue for men with the kanji 男, for “man”, and the other red for women with the kanji 女 for “woman.” Masa introduced me to Kimiko, the fifty-six-year-old cashier and “gatekeeper” of both the men’s and women’s sides.

“Welcome,” Kimiko cheerfully greeted. “I’m glad that Masa-san wants to try a new idea to liven things up in this old-fashioned sento. As you know, the neighborhood sento is a dying tradition in Japan. Your idea could bring in new customers! I’m sure the guys will, for a change, pay more attention to who’s cleaning the locker room and bathing area.” Kimiko pointed into the men’s locker room and said, “There’s already a couple of your buddies from the soccer team who came here after practice. They would be good guinea pigs because they are horny, and normally ignore the cleaning lady.”

“Kimiko-san,” I said, “I’m so excited to see what I can do to make the sento more fun and see if we can stimulate more customers.” As I walked by Kimiko, I gave her a sly wink. I picked up a yellow pail, brush, and cleaning cloth on the way into the changing area. Before entering, I slipped off my sandals as is standard etiquette in Japan and set them to the side. I donned a large kerchief on my head, just like the obasan cleaning ladies. Now I was dressed just like many cleaning ladies, except I was much younger and sexier—and definitely not wearing granny panties.

The locker room floor was covered with plastic tatami straw mats which provided a smooth, comfortable walking surface. My nylons slid across the tatami floor with a barely audible hissing sound. The only guy in the room seemed to pay little attention to me as he dressed to leave—probably assuming that I was the regular cleaning lady and avoided eye contact. I, however, paid attention to the guy—buff, tanned, and well-hung. Wow, this was better than leafing through firemen’s calendars! I could already feel my pussy getting moist with anticipation.

I opened the sliding door to the bathing room and walked right in, just like the cleaning lady obasan would have.  The room was filled with thick steam, like heavy fog, and I couldn’t see much more than a few feet.

The floor was covered with water and my RHT nylons immediately  became wet and the reinforced heels and toes turned dark right away. I walked toward the row of showers against one wall away from the bathers. Again, no one seemed to pay me any mind—just busily washing themselves with steaming hot water and soap before entering the clean bathwater. It’s a cardinal sin to enter the bath without thoroughly cleaning oneself from head to toes.

I had to start my “job” somewhere, so I picked the first stall to my left. I filled the pail with hot water from the faucet before removing the shower spray from the wall to shoot down the stall. There was residual shampoo and soap that required a quick scrubbing and rinse. Hot water was flying every which way, and my white uniform was getting soaked through—exposing my lightly colored garter belt and panties, as well as dark stocking tops. Water dribbled down my darkened stockings as I finished cleaning the first stall. Before moving on to the next stall, I neatly rearranged the bottles of shampoo, conditioner and body soap.

I continued for another couple of stalls before one of the bathers came over to check me out. ”Well, who do we have here? She’s not the regular obasan! Wow, she’s really something for a cleaning lady. What’s your name?”

I replied, “Hye-Jin. I’m the temporary cleaning lady, so get used to seeing me here tonight.”

“Hye-Jin,” he replied, “I hope you’ll be more than temporary. My name is Tomo. Pleased to meet you.”

“Tomo, nice to meet you also. Don’t mind me. I’ll just get back to work while you relax in the bath.”

“Hye-Jin,” Tomo said, “Masa mentioned that you would be here to help with more than cleaning. He told me you provided FS—full service—and that you just love to do it.”

“Tomo,” I replied, “did Masa tell you that? That info was supposed to be shared later after I got to know the clientele better. But, yes, I do provide FS with a smile.” 

The naked Tomo pulled me toward him and put his arms around my back. Tomo leaned down and looked into my eyes. “Hye-jin,” Tomo whispered, “you are so lovely, I can’t resist.” Tomo reached behind me and pulled me close as our lips found each other. His hands roamed down to my hips and pulled up the back of my uniform. “One thing I cannot resist is sexy nylons.” 

The soaking wet Tomo caressed my thighs, running his hands up and down my stocking tops and along the garter straps, then gently stroked my panties. His bare dick was stuck between my legs, sliding along my sheer nylon gusset and teasing my aching pussy. 

Tomo gently pulled the zipper down my back and let my uniform slide down to the wet tiled floor. Only my sheer bra separated my hardening nipples from his rippling chest. I was already sweating in the steam-filled bathing area and rivulets of bathwater mixed with perspiration from both our bodies. I could feel my juices flowing as Tomo’s prick teased my cunt through my transparent panties. My RHT stockings darkened as they were thoroughly soaked. Tomo slid his sweat-slickened body against mine, like a standing nuru massage. He moaned as his dick was as stiff as a pole and rubbed my moistening cunt.

“Tomo,” I begged, “don’t stop! You’re so big and hard…”

Tomo softly said into my ear, “I can’t stop either. You’re the most ravishing beauty I’ve ever met and definitely a huge improvement over the regular obasan we naked guys ignore as we all go about our business.” While embracing and French kissing me, Tomo ran his fingers through my silky jet black hair which flowed like a waterfall to the middle of my back.

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Suddenly, out of the thick steam, another guy yelled out, “Hey, Tomo! What are you doing over there? Are you playing with the obasan? It was Tomo’s teammate, Kenji.

“Kenji,” Tomo answered, “we have a new cleaning lady. Maybe you’d like to meet her. She’s a good friend of Masa, our team’s sport masseur.”

Masa’s teammate walked over, emerging out of the thick steam. “Wow, who’s this beautiful chick? And why is she dressed so sexy?”

“Kenji,” Tomo replied, “meet Hye-Jin. Her friend, Masa, says she loves to provide FS and dress in sexy lingerie and retro nylon stockings from the 1960s. Not only is she much prettier than our regular cleaning lady—she’s much sexier than most Japanese women who get by with boring, cheap, oatmeal-colored pantyhose.”

“Before I forget,” continued Tomo, “keep talking with Hye-Jin while I go see Kimiko for a second.” Tomo went back to the entry area and got Kimiko’s attention.

“Kimiko,” said Tomo, “do Kenji and me a favor. Can you close up the sento for an hour while Kenji and I have some fun with Hye-Jin? We’ll pay extra to make up for any lost customers. If any of our teammates show up, however, you can send them in. Thanks! We owe you one.” Tomo ran back inside to catch up with Kenji and Hye-Jin who seemed to be hitting it off.

“Kenji,” called Tomo, “I see you’ve met and already made friends.”

Kenji replied, “I couldn’t wait for you. I’m just getting to know her.” 

Kenji was still holding me close to him as Tomo walked over. Kenji led me over to of the washing stalls as he gestured to Tomo to join us.

“Hye-jin,” said Kenji, “I want to wash you down so we can enter the ofuro (hot water bath) together.” Kenji was happy to bathe me. He stood before me as he reached for the shower hose. He turned on the hot water and shot me down from my head down. After rinsing me completely, he filled his hands with shampoo and began washing my waist-length silky hair. As Kenji kneaded my head and ran his fingers through my hair, he held me close with his stiff prick poking my cunt through my filmy panties.

Tomo joined us and pumped a bathing towel with body soap, then began soaping my body from the neck down. While Kenji gave me a thorough shampoo from my back, Tomo ran his hands down my front, over my ass, and down my nylon-covered legs before running his hands into my crotch. His fingers slithered across my panties before pulling aside the sheer nylon gusset and giving me a finger job.

Tomo was now kneeling before me and moved his face into my waiting crotch. His tongue teased my pussy before inserting it into my cunt. Kenji was now behind me caressing my breasts while kissing my neck. His hands moved down to my crotch and stroked the insides of my thighs while Tomo gave me a tongue job. Kenji then moved his hands down my thighs and stroked my gleaming nylon-sheathed legs, across the garter straps and clips, along the stocking tops, and down to my RHT-covered feet,

Kenji turned on the shower again and completely rinsed off all of the shampoo and body soap, leaving my body pure and clean. Kenji and Tomo held my hands and led me to the waiting hot bath. At 42C (108F), steam wafted off the hot bathing water. Stepping into the hot water, my nylons darkened, particularly the reinforced heels and toes, as well as the stocking tops. It felt so sexy to step in with garter belt and sheer panties—although it’s bad manners to enter a bath with any clothing. But no one was watching, except Kenji and Tomo and the sento owner who had the last say. Besides, I was as clean as I could be.

The bathwater was hot spring water that made my skin slithery. As I slipped into the water, Kenji said to Tomo, “You’re my senior on the soccer team, so you should enjoy her company first while I go for a soak to relax.”

Tomo replied, “OK, that’s fine. I’ll warm her up for you.” Kenji continued to another area with the rotenburo, the outside bath in the open air.

Kenji said, “Tomo, call me when she’s ready.”

Tomo took my hand and walked us gently to the side of the bath. He sat in the water and pulled me toward him so that I straddled him. He held the back of my neck as he planted his lips on mine. As his tongue slipped into my waiting mouth, I could feel his hardened dick at my crotch. 

I was still wearing my panties, so his dick teased my cunt through the sheer material while sliding and forth. I felt light-headed in a state of extreme arousal. Tomo slipped a finger under the edge of my panties and pulled it aside while guiding his dick into my pussy. The head of his dick probed my pussy, further arousing me.

Finally, his dick slid into my waiting pussy, all six inches of Polish-style Japanese sausage. My body stiffened as his dick went in effortlessly to the hilt. It was a perfect fit as his cock filled my pussy like a hot dog in a bun. We were in perfect synchrony as Tomo's bulging dick slid in and out. Suddenly, we came together as he burst inside me with a load of cum. Tomo gave me a deep kiss as we both moaned in ecstasy. 

He turned me around and continued to rub his stiff dick against my panty-covered pussy as he lovingly caressed my full breasts. He reached down and slid his hands along my stockinged legs which were slickened by the hot spring water. Tomo held me as we both stood up to rinse off with a cold shower to bring us back to Earth. After the freezing water quickly chilled our bodies to the core, we toweled each other dry. It was a love-making session I’ll never forget.

Kenji joined us in a few minutes after Tomo and I sat on a bench in the changing area to rest. I couldn’t help but wonder what Kenji had in mind. Tomo handed me off to Kenji with a tap on my ass. “Have fun, Hye-jin,” said Tomo. “Kenji has almost as much energy and power as I do, but I’m still his senior.” Kenji was a little younger than Tomo, but built like a baseball player with a slugger hanging down from his crotch. I could only hope that his wooden “bat” would fit into me OK…

While my cunt awaited Kenji to enter, he had other ideas. Kenji went behind me and caressed my ripened breasts and firmed nipples. “Mmmmm,” I moaned, “that feels so nice, Kenji.”

Kenji pulled me close and our bodies joined at the hip. His engorged dick slid between my legs and teased my pussy through the filmy nylon gusset. “Ohhh, don’t tease me anymore—I’m ready to take you in,” I invited.

Kenji continued sliding his dick along my panties, then slowly pulled aside the edge as he gripped me closer. His dick lingered at the opening of my exposed asshole as I began to feel dizzy from anticipation. My asshole was already lubricated well with hot spring water, so his dick easily slid across the moistened hole. Then his dick poked its head into the waiting hole and teased me more by probing the entry, in and out, in and out… 

I couldn’t take it any more. “Kenji, stop teasing me and just come inside!” I was already beside myself and couldn’t wait even for a few more seconds.

Kenji obliged, more than willingly, as his dick finally entered slowly until the huge “bat” went in all the way. “Ahhhh, that’s more like it.” Kenji’s “bat” did a number in my ass, reaming the hole back and forth. I was being driven to the edge when he suddenly pulled out and plunged the engorged dick into my lubed cunt. His dick head skillfully rubbed my clitoris into a frenzied state as I began an “out-of-body” state of mind.

We both reached our limit and released together in one tumultuous explosion. His cum filled my love gorge and it felt like the overflow spilled out of my gaping cunt as he pulled out gasping for his breath. Kenji stroked my soaking breasts and body as we unwound before turning me around. He slowly brought me down from sheer ecstasy as he lovingly embraced me and gave me a deep French kiss. I felt like I was truly in heaven and reluctant to let him go.

Kenji called Tomo and invited him to wash me down together before going out on the town. I guess the plan was for me to go with them to a ramen stand in my white dress and everything on underneath—wet nylons and all. That should add to a fun time in the neighborhood sento. The night was still young.

Written by dior11
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