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Cordelia's Feet 8 - The Queen Bee's Pet

"Another special night for Miss Wilkins awaits, filled with shameful excitement and naughty play."

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Most often in life, we carry around fears, and these fears, at unpredictable times, well up in terrifying intensity, only to turn out unfounded and leave us shaking with dizzy relief. We do things we shouldn’t do and say things that should have kept unsaid, and every so often, they lead us to face the dread of being discovered and demeaned for it. Our heart hammers, our hands sweat, and we pray inside that the images our mind conjures won’t come true. Mostly, we get off easy. But not always.

The moment I opened the door, my worst fears were confirmed. My whole body felt consumed with flames of shame, and when the wide eyes of my colleague Melinda met mine, I thought I was surely going to faint. I couldn’t move, couldn’t speak.

My slightly pudgy co-teacher, without hesitation, pulled a camera from her pocket and pointed it at me, and her words hit me like a whiplash. “Spread that kinky pussy for me and say cheese, slut!”

I finally managed to rip myself from the hold of panic and looked over my shoulder at Cordelia. My tummy plummeted when she nodded at me. I pleaded with my eyes, but she shrugged apologetically and repeated the nod.

“Why?” I wanted to ask her. I had worked alongside Melinda Brooktree long enough to know that she disliked me to the bone. She constantly rubbed my teaching methods into my face and left out no opportunity to get one over me in front of the other teachers.

I couldn’t imagine what she’d do with such an incriminating photo.

“Do it!” Melinda commanded.

I was free-falling. But Cordelia had ordered it, and though it ripped me apart inside, I couldn’t refuse her. What if she pushed me away for disobeying her? The thought alone gripped my heart in ridged vices and squeezed with icy cruelty.

My fingers trembled like mad when I parted my thighs lewdly and pushed my pussy lips apart to expose the rosy insides to the older woman.

She giggled gleefully. “Smile, little whore!”

My smile was pained, but it seemed to satisfy her. The flash went off once, twice, even a third time, before she stowed away the camera again and slowly entered my house.

As soon as she was in, I threw the door closed and leaned my back against it. My legs were shaking so much that I slowly slid down until I sat on the floor with bent legs. “Fuck,” I murmured, “fuck, fuck, fuck!”

My desperate rambling was broken by Cordelia’s voice, which was as sweet as ever. “Why don’t you crawl over here, pet? I think you have something of Mrs. Brooktree’s, and she should be allowed to get it back.”

“Please!” I whimpered. “Please don’t make me!” But then the last part of her words sunk in, and my breath hitched. “Oh my god!”

Cordelia just smiled at me and sat down on the edge of the table. She extended one lean leg and wiggled her lovely toes at me, the rainbow-colored nails sparkling in the sunlight that fell directly on them through the window. “I might let you kiss them and run your lovely little tongue all over them if you’re a good girl.” She giggled softly. “You’d get to spread your spittle all over them until they are shiny and wet. Come here.”

The last two words felt like a leash, compelling me to follow her order, Blushing all over, mortified that my dark desires were revealed to my colleague, I awkwardly turned onto my knees and crawled across the living room floor until my head was just inches from my beloved’s beautiful toes.

I heard fabric rustle. Something lewd and shameful was going to happen. Her big toe touched my lips and painted a trail of sparkles along it.

She softly whispered, “Can you feel this tingle in your pussy too?” Just when she asked, I did.

And I felt something else, fingers that suddenly brushed over my heated pussy, then nudged my lips apart and dug deeper as if searching for something. And they were searching, I knew that.

I gasped when they pulled the intruder that had been lodged there since school out of me and left me with an empty feeling. Melinda gave a delighted shout of joy.

“Turn around, pet.”

With flaming cheeks, I did.

Melinda kneeled before me, stark naked, the huge nipples on her slightly sagging big boobies stiff like small cones, red islands in milky-white triangles of a bikini tan, her pussy, which was - to my surprise - crowned by a patch of neatly trimmed blond hair and shimmering with moisture at my eye level, and she held up a thick, short, wet carrot like a trophy.

Her hand cupped my chin. “In case you’re wondering,” she told me with a gleeful expression on her lips, “this little carrot has been inside my own pussy for a whole day and night before I shoved it up your snatch.”

Something brushed lightly against my pussy lips. A toenail! My hips jerked.

Melinda giggled. “And now I’m going to watch you eat it. You’ve been such a bitch, and I can’t wait to watch your face when you take bite after bite, knowing that it’s been soaked in my pussy juice.”

The gleam in her eyes made wave after wave of shame roll all over me, but Cordelia’s pretty toe wiggled its way inside my pussy before I could think too much about it.

“Show her what a dirty slut you are, my pet, do it for me,” Cordelia’s melodic voice whispered.

I couldn’t believe myself. But I parted my lips and leaned forward to where Melinda held out the humiliating vegetable, and accompanied by her giggle, I closed my lips around it and bit off a piece.

“You’re the biggest slut I’ve ever met,” she told me while she watched me chew.

“That she is,” Cordelia said from behind me and flicked her toenail against my clit. “But she is my slut, and it’s fun.”

Yes, I was. I crunched the piece of carrot between my teeth. I couldn’t taste anything but my own pussy on it, but the knowledge of where it had been was enough. My skin burnt with embarrassment. I took another bite and watched Melinda finger herself right in front of me while she, in turn, watched me eagerly debase myself like this.

How could I ever look her in the eyes again at school? And what would she do with the photos? If she showed them around, my career was over. Cordelia started fucking me with her big toe, and my hips rocked with a matching rhythm.

I had to engulf Melinda’s pudgy fingers with my lips to tug the last piece of carrot from them with my tongue. They tasted of sweet, honey-scented soap, and she let me struggle a bit until she released it.

She came, panting hard, purring.

And Cordelia’s toe withdrew, leaving me horny and unfulfilled and full of shame. Melinda dressed again and left with a wink to me and a thank you to Cordelia.

“Oh god!” I whimpered when the door had closed behind my colleague. “Why did you let her do that?”

“Because,” Cordelia whispered into my ear, having kneeled down next to me, “it embarrasses you. Not just now, but every day at school too. You look so sweet when you’re embarrassed.” Her fingernail travelled up the inside of my thigh. “You want to look sweet for me, don’t you?”

“Yes,” I whimpered weakly.

“See, and you’ll look even sweeter before the day is over. But it’s time for your surprise now. Stand up.”

* * * *

The shiny red latex suite was a work of art - a lewd, perverted kind of art, but art nonetheless. It clung tightly to my skin, making me feel completely naked, and in a way, I was.

My hands and feet, arms and legs were sheathed in smooth, hot latex, as was my tummy, but the parts covering my breasts, pussy and ass had been conveniently left out. Cordelia had made me wear a pair of incredibly high heels, so high I could barely walk in them. The part of the suit that wrapped around my hands had no fingers, only some stiff padding on the underside, and I had had to form fists to fit my hands inside. There was some stiff cushioning over the knees as well.

But that hadn’t been all. There also was a latex hood that left my face free, adorned with a pair of pointed ears. She had nodded sagely at me at my inquiring gaze, confirming my unspoken question and propelling my thoughts back to the night at Natalie’s gallery and to the kitty-woman I had seen there.

A warmth had spread between my legs at the reminder. Then I had been told to bend over, and I had watched from the corner of my eyes as she pulled a long red hose from her sports bag. Only, it was no hose. It ended in a black, slightly pointy rubber cone that widened in the middle, and its meaning became clear.

I stood bent over, trembling with embarrassment and arousal while she ran the black cone through my pussy’s folds to coat them in the moisture she found copiously there. Then it pressed against my sphincter, and with a soft but unwavering pressure, she slid the plug of the artificial cat’s tail into my bum.

I gasped and whimpered, and I instantly felt bloated. The feeling brought fresh shame to my cheeks.

“Stand upright,” she had ordered, and when I had done so, she fixed a shiny red collar around my throat, from which a rubbery leash dangled.

She had finished my outfit by painting the tip of my nose black with halloween makeup and gluing plastic whiskers to my nostrils. My eyelids got painted dark red and the corners of my mouth continued upwards in two cat-like, grinning lines. I looked at myself at the reflection in the mirror across the hall. I looked more than a cat as the woman at Natalie’s had, but at the same time, I looked much more obscene than she had. I knew that I shouldn’t be feeling the heat between my legs so intensely.

When Cordelia had handed me the latex coat, my heart had started a drum roll. This left no doubt. Whatever her plans were, they involved another public outing. I could only pray that she hadn’t invited more people who knew me.

I had put on the cloak and followed her to her car, glad that it was already getting dark and hoping with all my heart that I would encounter none of my neighbors. I had been lucky.

* * * *

But now, feeling lucky was farthest from my mind, as I crawled over the pavement towards Natalie’s gallery, terrified that some cops may catch us like this and lock me up. My coat was safely stowed away in Cordelia’s car, so my breasts dangled obscenely and my pussy and ass were visible for anyone who cared to look as I awkwardly followed my beloved’s insistent pull on the leash.

Natalie met us at the entrance, dressed in an elegant, burgundy evening gown and wearing flat, open-toed sandals, and hugged Cordelia, greeting her with tiny kisses to each cheek. “I am so happy that you could make it,” she sing-songed while her hand rested too far down and back on my beloved’s back to be considered decent, “and that you have brought along your pet. She looks adorable.”

“She does,” Cordelia said and reached down, putting a finger under my chin and lifting it so I was looking straight at Natalie. “Why don’t greet our host properly?”

“Good ev…” A strong yank on the leash made me gasp and stop.

“Silly thing,” Cordelia admonished me, “cat’s don’t speak, obviously!” She glared hard at me, then her eyes roamed lower, and with a fluttering feeling in my stomach, I realized what she wanted.

Natalie had propped one foot up on its heel and was wiggling her burgundy-painted toes teasingly.

My eyes got as big as saucers, and my cheeks twitched in panic. She wasn’t expecting me to do that here, outside, where anyone could see? But she nodded sharply and my stomach plummeted. People dressed in fine clothes were already lining up behind us. My heart hammered like mad and my breath raced, but the longer I waited, the more witnesses there would be.

My whole face was covered in tropic heat, but I leaned forward and ran my tongue wetly all over the eastern beauty’s toes, tasting the familiar mix of gritty, sweaty sweetness and feeling my pussy juices greet the shaming act with a burst of wet joy.

Natalie didn’t move her foot away, and after a few seconds, broken by an impatient clearing of Cordelia’s throat, I wrapped my lips around them, one by one, and caressed them just as I loved to do with Cordelia’s. A male voice in the crowd behind us exclaimed, “Oh my god! Look at her!” and a female voice gasped in astonishment, “Wow! What a kinky slut!”

Finally, when they were all glistening with my spittle and my tongue had roamed over every patch of skin in between, Natalie pulled back and ushered us inside.

We entered the same ballroom we had been in before. A few people were already inside, standing in small groups, sipping champagne from elegant flutes and talking animatedly. But one after the other, they spotted me, and their conversations ceased while my cheeks started to burn badly.

Yet I had no choice but to crawl after my beautiful student in my humiliating costume, pulled by the leash and mortified at the unconcealed stares. Cordelia picked up a flute from a table near the entrance and strolled across the room, waving at a woman I didn’t know.

She joined the group there with short hugs, greeting them all by name, and they appeared delighted to meet her here. As always, here mere beautiful presence instantly caught all the people around her, men and women alike, and made her the center of attention.

Or would have, I surmised, while I tried not tremble at the strangers’ inquisitive and, for the most part, lustful stares.

“Who’s your friend?” A younger woman wanted to know, pointing at me.

“My pet?” Cordelia answered with a coy grin. “She’s actually my teacher.” She waited for a moment until the gasps of excited outrage had faded. “Today, though, she’s just kitty girl.”

“She’s a cute kitty,” that same woman stated, looking at me with calculating eyes. “Can I pet her?”

Cordelia giggled. “What kitty doesn’t like to be pet? Of course you can, Andrea!”

The young woman, Andrea, didn’t need to be prompted twice. She crouched down in front of me, and a second later, her fingernail were softly tickling me under the chin. At first, it felt embarrassing and strange to be touched like this. But when she kept up the caress, tilted her head and whispered softly, “Here, kitty, kitty,” something inside me gave way.

Something primal, something inside me with no concept of morals or conduct, took over, and I let myself fall into my role, embrace it and become kitty-girl. My neck arched and my eyelids tried to flutter shut. A soft purr escaped my throat before any conscious thought could prompt it.

The others had started to talk among themselves, but her eyes had never left my face, and she was instantly aware of what was happening with me. With a coy smile, she held her outstretched hand in front of my face, and I knew what she wanted.

There were no second thoughts. My tongue sneaked out, and I eagerly licked the palm of this woman I had just met. I tasted sweet, flowery soap, hints of the sharper flavor of sweat, and the sweet, fruity aroma of champagne she must have spilled. I purred again, then licked across her palm in a different direction, and she giggled in delight.

Andrea got more daring. She sat down with crossed legs, not paying any heed that she might be getting her expensive dress dirty on the floor, and while one hand resumed scratching my chin, her other hand reached under me and drew a gasp from me when it cupped my naked breast.

A wave of embarrassment shot through me, and I looked up at Cordelia, searching for some kind of reaction in her face, but while her eyes rested on me for a moment, she didn’t give any indication that she had noticed my pleading look, falling back into a giggling conversation with the others.

The hand started to massage my breast and twirl my nipple, and while some shameful part of me wanted to hide behind Cordelia’s legs, her disinterest in my plight told me that this wasn’t what she expected. And I couldn’t escape the delicious feelings that Andrea’s knowing touches evoked.

My purrs got louder and more throaty.

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She giggled again, and suddenly her index finger rested against my lips. They wrapped around without thought, accompanied by a soft purr, and then I was sucking it and running my tongue all over it while Andrea kept doing these delicious things to my breast.

Something bumped against my pussy! No - it didn’t bump. It pressed against it, smooth and warm. Somebody’s shin! I tried to look behind me, but Andrea’s finger in my mouth kept me from it, and she mouthed, “No! Bad kitty!” and pinched my nipple.

I whimpered in protest, but the shin didn’t remove itself. Instead, it started to slide up and down, and it did so easily, finding no friction in my wet cunt. I had no idea who it belonged to, if it was someone I knew or if I let a stranger masturbate me here in public in that embarrassing fashion, but Andrea resumed her caresses, and my moans and whimpers turned into purrs once more.

I couldn’t help myself, and I knew for real what being a cat in heat had to feel like. My hips rolled up and down on their own accord, rubbing my wet pussy on the stranger’s feet, and even though the skin on my body burned with embarrassment, the feelings in my loins and breasts were far too intense to stop myself. I was dizzy with arousal, panting and purring, and Andrea’s eyes sparkled in delight.

“Is that your pet that’s rubbing her cunt juice all over my leg?” A sharp, female voice asked.

Cordelia turned around and smiled softly. “Oh. Yes, yes she is.” Her eyes grew hard. “Bad kitty!” she chastised me, but even while my face exploded in even deeper red, I couldn’t stop my hips from moving. I was getting close to coming, and the urge became overwhelming.

Cordelia yanked hard on the leash, and toppled forward. The naughty touch of the shin, Andrea’s wonderful caresses and her finger in my mouth all slipped from me. I mewled in protest, but all it earned me me were giggles all around.

I tried not to look up.

“Such a bad, bad kitty!” Cordelia snapped again. “That’s no way to behave in public! What are the people here going to think about me if my pet has no ounce of self-control?”

I wilted under her enraged stare, but she wasn’t done with her words. “You need punishment!”

I whimpered.

“Something shameful, befitting your shameful display here.”

From the corner of my eyes, I saw Natalie swoop in, her dress flowing elegantly. “Did I hear the need for punishment?”

“Yes, and it needs to be embarrassing.”

Natalie stared intensely at me, and I squirmed under her gaze, trembling all over with mortification. A big circle had formed around us, and everyone’s eyes were resting on me.

“I have just the idea,” Natalie suddenly declared, a bright smile exploding on her face. She leaned close to Cordelia and they whispered back and forth. Cordelia looked thoughtful, sending a few glances at my direction that made me feel uneasy and excited. Finally, she nodded.

Natalie clapped her hands. “Dear guests,” she declared loud enough so everyone could hear her, “we’re going to have an impromptu life performance thanks to my friend Cordelia’s generosity.” She beckoned to one of the waitresses and whispered something that made the girl hurry away. “Cordelia’s pet here has behaved badly,” she pointed an accusing finger at me and I lowered my eyes in shame, “and her owner feels that an embarrassing punishment is in order.”

The waitress, or assistant or whatever exactly she was, who had hurried away earlier came back, wheeling one of the artworks I had seen at our last visit into the room with the help of two other girls.

I could make neither heads nor tails of it. It consisted of a roughly triangular pedestal made of some creamy white material. It reminded me of a huge, misshapen tree stump. At the wide end were two extensions with holes sticking up from the sides, and shortly before the narrow end a high, thin kind of screen with a hole in it stood upright.

Some excited whispers broke out around me, but I couldn’t understand a single word.

The girls pushed the artwork right next to me. Natalie held up her hand to quiet the murmurs. “Some of you are aware of this object’s use. For those you don’t, you’ll see immediately.”

She reached out with a foot and pushed down a hidden lever on the side. The screen tilted to one side and opened a gap of more than a foot on the other side.

“Please get your pet onto the altar,” Natalie asked Cordelia.

Altar? A sharp swat on my bum with the end of the leash discouraged me from asking questions. Cordelia wordlessly pointed at the object, and swallowing hard, I let her help me climb onto the smooth surface.

It was soft, realized, some kind of artificial leather from the feel of it, and padded underneath. Cordelia helped my lie back and put my head through the wider opening.

My heart started to beat like mad. Suddenly, the use of this thing became clear. My eyes widened, but Cordelia’s hand gently stroked my cheek. “Be a good kitten and take your punishment. You want to be a good kitten, won’t you?” She leaned close, almost close enough that her beautiful lips touched mine, and her eyes shone with excitement. “For me?”

I couldn’t refuse her a single thing, and she knew it. I nodded demurely, and she smiled brightly.

Natalie pushed down the pane, and it made a ratcheting sound as it slid back into its original position. The hole in the center became smaller and smaller, until it was a little higher than my throat. One more click sounded, and it touched my skin. To my relief, the edge was padded, but now the screen prevented me from seeing what was going on with the rest of my body.

And there was something going on. Fingers wrapped around both of my ankles and pulled them up, back and out, and something cool and smooth wrapped around them and held them in place. I whimpered softly, immensely aware that the whole room could now see the lewd picture of my pussy lips, but Cordelia stroked my cheek.

Her voice was the sweetest honey when she whispered, “It’s a bit frightening, isn’t it?”

I nodded.

“Don’t worry. Nothing bad is going to happen.”

My wrists were pulled down and also encased in smooth, cool bonds that didn’t give an inch. I looked at her with pleading eyes.

“You want to know what’s going to happen?”

My head bobbed up and down.

“Natalie will explain that in a minute. Now be a good kitty and stay silent.” Her fingers brushed one last time soothingly over cheek, then she vanished from my sight.

Another clap preceded Natalie’s explanation. “As you all can see, our pet here has been bound immovably and can not see what is going to happen to her. This is why it has been named the Altar of Secrets. Anybody could do anything, and the person atop it will neither see what or who it is, nor be able to stop it.”

She stopped for a second to let the soft whispers die down. “Tonight, all we - no, all you will do - is touch her. As her punishment for being unable to contain her sexual urges, everyone here is free touch her from the neck down in any way they like.”

My breath started to fly. I had been exposed to strangers, yes, even touched by Andrea, whom I had just met. But having the whole assembly touch me, and not knowing who it was! My skin burned with mortification.

One more clap sounded. “Before we start though, please keep in mind that this is supposed to be a punishment. So I ask you to keep from over-stimulating our pet here. If she experiences an orgasm, the punishment will lack in intensity, so please restrain yourself a bit. Our aim will be to bring her to the edge and let her suffer there with unfulfilled need all night long.”

All night long! These three words resonated in my mind.

Then fingers touched the insides of my thighs. My arousal from early had given way to trepidation, but when these fingertips fluttered teasingly along my legs and came closer and closer to my exposed pussy, they came back with force.

More hands started to caress my breasts, and a soft moan escaped my lips. Someone stroked my tummy. The fingers on my thighs withdrew, but others took their place. They stroked and brushed, pinched and teased, and my skin tingled all over with heated excitement.

And all the while I had no idea who did this, whom this fingers belonged to. Like a toy, I was shared between Natalie’s guests, and their laughter and giggles told me of the joy they had.

My breathing grew labored when a naughty hand crawled closer and closer towards my pussy. My hips jerked to meet it.

Someone laughed and said, “I don’t think she’s going to last much longer if you keep this up.”

I heard a clinking sound, and Natalie’s smug voice declared, “That is why I have put this up here. We will cool her down a little.”

I heard uproarious laughter. I shrieked. Something ice-cold pressed against my clit, and a second later, something equally cold was pushed into pussy. I tried to thrash around, wiggle away, but the bonds held me at their mercy. Ice cubes, I realized when the first wave of panic receded. My clit felt numb, and the melting cube in my pussy was extremely uncomfortable.

Then the fingers were back, teasing me, arousing me, touching me wherever they wanted, and now that Natalie had shown a way to keep me from my reward, the need to restrain their actions was apparently gone. I felt a thin finger worm its way into pussy under chants of encouragement.

Another ice cube was pressed onto my clit even while the finger kept greedily fucking me. I wanted to die with embarrassment, but even more, I wanted to come. The ice cube did its work though, and my arousal went from nearly there down to extremely horny.

My moans betrayed every little emotion I felt, and whoever they were, they played me like a violin.

Again they brought me nearly to the edge, only to stuff my pussy with two cubes that took an uncomfortable time to melt. But two pairs of lips wrapped around my nipples and encased them in moist warmth. Teeth nibbled on my thighs. Tongues licked every accessible part of my torso.

I fell into a maelstrom of pleasurable sensations and lost all sense of time. I was aroused until I thought I might burst with pleasure, then quickly brought down to earth again. Again and again it happened. Twenty times? Thirty? More? I couldn’t say.

I was a writhing mess of arousal, and my throat was sore from my constant moans.

And then they stopped. Suddenly, for the first time in hours, nobody was touching me. The hall was silent, only an expectant whisper could be heard.

“My dear guests,” I hear Natalie’s strong voice, “thank you so much for sharing this wonderful evening with me.” Thunderous applause filled the hall and made her pause. It took more than a minute until the crowd had settled down again. “Before we conclude the night, I have one more short treat for you. Remember, this is all improvised, but if it works out like we expect, you will be witness to a moment of heartbreaking beauty.”

I felt the bonds around my extremities loosen. The screen tilted to the side and Cordelia was there, helping me to slide down from the “altar” and stand on wobbly legs.

I looked down at myself, gasping when I saw that every little patch of skin, from my knees up to my neck, was red - and in some places even raw.

My pussy was swollen and a deep shade of crimson, and its lips didn’t want to close all the way, making my almost purple clit stand out lewdly. Liquid proof of my state of arousal clung to my pussy lips and glistened in the light.

Cordelia led me by the hand until we standing right in front of the crowd. I looked to the floor.

“Now please listen carefully,” Natalie told them.

I had no idea what was going on. I started trembling again. Cordelia guided my chin up with finger, and when our eyes met, she gifted me with the sweetest smile.

“You did well, my kitten,” she whispered. “You made me very proud.”

My heart swelled with her praise, and when she gently caressed my cheek, I was in heaven.

“Tell me, do you want to come?” My heart started to gallop. In a whisper, she added, “You may speak.”

“Oh god yes!” I gasped. “Yes, please!”

“What would you do for it?”

“Anything!” I felt dizzy at the chance of finally being allowed the sweet release of climax.

“If I told you to go outside and diddle yourself until you come right on the sidewalk, would you?”

“Oh my god,” I whimpered, horrified, impatient. “Yes!”

“I’ll not do that, don’t worry.”

She looked so radiant at that moment, so beautiful, that my heart fluttered with joy. She was still gently rubbing my cheek.

“Know what? I will let you choose.” My heart did flip-flops, and I felt my pussy’s honey paint wet trails down my thighs. “You can pick anyone who volunteers - and I know for a fact that several of Natalie’s guests here would love to have the pleasure - to bring you that sweet reward that you’ve been denied so long.”

My eyes immediately travelled to Andrea, who stood at the front of the crowd, and she licked her lips, winking at me. My pussy clenched. I looked back at Cordelia, asking silently for her permission.

Instead, she spoke again, and if possible, her smile grew even brighter. “Or,” she said, “you can take the other choice I give you. If you want, I will allow you to gift me with that pleasure instead of yourself, and you can lick my pussy until I come, but you yourself will not come this night. Which do you choose?”

Everything was silent. I could have heard a pin drop. My heart felt like being ripped apart. My own gratification or granting my beloved student, my goddess, that ultimate expression of my devotion, and at the same time being allowed to taste her sweet nectar? My pussy screamed at me, churned and clenched. I looked at Andrea, and she seemed to vibrate with erotic tension and licked her beautiful lips again.

I had to struggle, but if I was truthful, there was only one possible choice.

I slowly sank to my knees, and tears of loss ran down my cheeks. Surprised gasps accompanied my movement, but Cordelia lifted her skirt for me, showing the world that she wore no panties, and her beautiful, perfect pussy was right in front of me.

I drank in the sweet scent and leaned forward hungrily, almost overwhelmed when my queen bee’s honey coated my tongue and her soft whimper of joy answered my touch. My tongue danced through her folds in a prayer of worship, wiggled into her tight, slick channel until she gasped in delight and circled her clit until she gave the sweetest little whimpers and her thighs trembled.

Her hands buried themselves in my hair, and her hips ground against my mouth. Once, twice, three times she used my face, then she pressed it hard against her pussy and came with most delicious, high-pitched moans.

Applause once more thundered through the hall, and my heart swelled with pride. I thought I heard her whisper, “I love you!” but I couldn’t be sure with the noise of the frenzied crowd.

* * * *

An hour later, Natalie had shooed away the last stragglers and closed everything down. She and Cordelia were snuggling on a short couch, kissing and touching, and I knelt at their feet. They played a game of footsie, and I was allowed to add little caresses with my tongue and lips as well.

I had quickly stopped trying to focus on my beloved’s feet alone. So I licked and sucked and nibbled on whichever toes I could reach. My juices never really stopped flowing, and I was certain that there was already a puddle forming on the carpet beneath me.

“Mmmm,” Natalie moaned, “it’s such a gift to own such a lovely little toe-licker. I envy you.”

My heart stumbled. Own? A strange warmth spread through my chest. Yes, owned. I sucked a little harder on Natalie’s big toe. Yes, Cordelia owned me, heart and soul.

Cordelia giggled. “Yes, it’s great. But you know that I’ll always share with you. Ohhh!” Her voice trailed off in a breathless moan.

I couldn’t see what Natalie was doing to her, but I sneaked my tongue between my queen bee’s pretty, delicious toes for a change. Not that there was any hurry, though. It looked like they would be making love for the whole night, and I was going to be one sleepy mess tomorrow at the school.

Written by ChrissieLecker
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