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Controlling Wife Ch. 2

"Wife agrees to try husband's fetish, goes farther than intended."

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Author's Notes

"This is a story of how my wife and I started down this fetish lifestyle. It is based on truth with elements of fantasy mixed in. It is my first attempt at writing anything, please feel free to leave suggestions and comments."



“How was this really happening?” I reeled as she just stared me down with a menacing look. Allie had never talked to me this way. It’s exactly what I had asked for, but now it terrified me. “So, if we are going to use this for now, how long am I leaving this on for?” 

“Why do you sound so pessimistic all of a sudden? Fear of reality setting in some?” She said. 

“No, not that, I was just wondering. So, what all does the ‘real way’ entail exactly?” With everything happening right now those two words genuinely terrified me. To me, this was just a horny fantasy to play along with every now and then, but she was sounding quite serious. Her face was deadly serious as well, I was not liking this combination. 

Allie just smirked while allowing no break in eye contact, “Oh, it means we will probably take this farther than you want, because I’m sick of hearing you go on and on relentlessly. You wonder why I’m not controlling with you but I am with my ex’s? How about I show you just how controlling I can be. From here on we do things my way, no longer will I just roll along letting you make all the wrong decisions for us.” 

“What do you mean wrong decisions? You can’t possibly be serious,” I blurted out. 

“You will find out soon enough what I mean by that. For now, go find a smaller cage, when you order that I would really appreciate it if you could clean the house up a bit as well,” She casually stated this. 

I just wondered out loud, happy that my kink was being satisfied but also scared of how far this might go. Allie is a very determined woman when it comes down to it and I had a feeling this is one of those times. I made my way to my computer and quickly found a smaller tube than what I have now, three weeks of shipping time for this one. 'At least I have a few weeks before I have to downgrade.,'I thought to myself. 

I made my way to the kitchen first and slowly began picking up and organizing the entire house. My new little friend constantly reminded me of its presence. I never knew how many times in a day I got hard, but every time it tried, the dull pain made me pause in my steps. I asked Allie once about getting it off just for a break because of the pain, she just laughed at me and kept watching her show ‘Say Yes To The Dress’. 

After cleaning, our day went basically back to normal, we watched TV, went to the store to pick up some random things, everything going well. Back at home around bedtime, I asked about getting this taken off to sleep. 

“How about getting the key so we can get this off for sleeping?” I almost snapped at her due to frustration at this point. 

She just looked at me, then said, “Well, don’t be so rude and yes, you can take it off for sleeping, for now.” She disappeared from the room and came back fairly quickly with a key. “Here, but I fully expect you to have this back on in the morning before I wake up. Please don’t disappoint me.” 

The next couple of weeks proceeded just the same as the first day and night. I wore my cage all day and she produced a key for me to take it off at night. The first couple of days wearing it all day were thankfully on a weekend so I was able to adjust at home rather than awkwardly at work. Allie paid no attention to me sexually and I think that helped with my frustration. Although, nothing could make the frustration go away entirely. 



To my surprise, Rory was adjusting to my new attitude accordingly. My first goal with this whole thing was to get him back on the track to being my sexy husband like when we started dating. Ever since he realized he had me locked in, he just stopped working on himself. Running along with his basic lifting routine would surely help drop the extra fat he had put on.  

He was being good with the agreement on cutting back his extra foods, I’m guessing he realized I was serious about doing this. It has thus far been fourteen days exactly since he originally put his cage on, in that time he hadn’t orgasmed once. It is technically possible that he is orgasming at night while it’s off but something about his demeanor made me think he was being good. 

Tonight was going to be the first night that I made Rory wear his cage overnight, I wonder how he would take it. Just for a little extra flair and to see how far I could push him, I decided to wear his favorite dress. The fit is perfect to outline my hips and breasts. All day I noticed him trying to trail behind me at every moment he could. Looking at a towel set in the aisle at Target longer than needed so that I would walk away before him. I could feel his desperation in the air, the feeling made me excited. 

Later in the night, all my excitement had culminated into me wanting ‘My’ husband. I wanted him, but I also couldn’t show weakness now, the best option I had was to get him to lick me and then shut him down. Rory got up to go use the bathroom. While he was gone, I took the opportunity to strip down, waiting from him to return with one leg on the ground and one straightened out on the couch. He came back into the room and just froze for a second, processing the image before him. 

After a few seconds of silence, he began twitching in his cage, immediately swelling and pushing hard against the metal rings. “Come over here. I want you, and I want you now,” I said this in more of a loving way than commanding. He immediately walked over and knelt down, knowing exactly what to do. Starting with big slow licks I could feel him going just below my vagina and pulling all the way up past my clit with each pass. He continued this until I was soaking wet.

He has this thing he does with his unnaturally large tongue once I’m good and ready. He pushes his tongue in and then pushes up against the wall of my vagina. He then flares his tongue out and back in repeatedly, the sensation is so strange but so good at the same time. He has described this to me in the past, what he doesn’t know is that the best part of this ‘move’ is his upper lip starts to twitch after a few minutes of this... right up against my clit. 

I was writhing for a while before I finally let him stop. “God, please stop.” Rory looked up with pity-eyes at me. I brought my commanding tone back, “Go shower, I’ll be in to join you shortly.” He got up and confidently strode back to the bathroom and started the shower. 'Oh, how that confidence is about to be taken down a notch or two,' I thought to myself. After cooling down for a moment I joined Rory in the shower, and finished getting ready for bed. 

As expected, Rory asked for the key to unlock himself for the night. “No,” was my only response to this request. 

“What?” Is all he could muster. 

“No, just like I said, now come to bed, love.” I tried to say this sternly but for some reason I was on the verge of laughing uncontrollably. 

“What? Why? Why can’t I unlock myself, especially after what I just did for you!” He almost screamed that last part; I could see the frustration on his face bordering panic. 

His losing control helped me bring myself back under control. I couldn’t let him even come close to yelling at me anymore. “First, if you ever try and use what you just did for me as a reason for me to do anything for you, you will regret that thought. Second, it is time for the next phase in doing this the ‘Real Way’. From here on out you will wear this cage, and any smaller cages, even when you sleep. Release will happen on my terms and my terms only.”  

Rory paused for a moment, “Fine, I won’t ever use that again, that’s fair enough. What do you mean when you say ‘your terms only?'” 

“It means, that you are not allowed to ask me to be released. Instead, I will let you know when you can be released, and don’t expect it to be very often, especially after your reaction just now.” I reeled at the opportunity to shut him down this way. “While we are on the subject, where in the hell is that smaller cage I asked you to buy?” 

“The shipping time said it should be here within a week.” He just sounded defeated, which is the last thing I want from my husband. 

“You know, after just two weeks of you eating better and running more you are really turning back into my sexy husband.” Rory beamed at this compliment, his expression seeming as though he entirely forgot about his penis being entirely mine as of tonight. 

With all this, we both headed to bed. Throughout the night, I felt Rory wake up at least half a dozen times, tossing and turning all night. In the morning he was already awake and had picked up some biscuits for breakfast. He seemed absolutely exhausted, and gave me the feeling the biscuits was him trying to earn his release tonight. 

“Thank you for the food, it’s much appreciated. Just so you know, that thing is not coming off until your smaller cage comes in.” The look on his face told me what I already suspected; he was hoping it would come off soon. 

The next week went right along exactly as I thought it would. He didn’t ask me one time for his cage to be removed and he continued to keep his promises to me. Rory mentioned he was going to start back on his full lifting routine in the morning and running at night. I was surprised but it made me happy knowing he still wants to be my husband, to be manly for me. I was enjoying him taking on most of the chores around the house, it gave me so much more time to work on my crafts. I started making clay figurines and floral arrangements made of fake flowers.  

Today, an expected package came in, addressed to Rory. I immediately knew what it was, given that the package wasn’t marked with anything about where it came from or what was inside. Rory was out on his run when it came in, fate could not have picked a better time for it to arrive. The cage inside almost shocked me at first, I had seen the sizing online but now that I was holding it, man, was it small.  

This cage was all metal, the ring looked to be the same size as the original cage. The tube, however, was only one and a half inches long. A sudden thought occurred to me, “Will this make his penis smaller?” My husband may not have some black porn star size penis but he certainly is not small when he is erect. I measured him one night when we had first gotten together and he sported six and a half inches long, which is pretty good, but his girth is what I love, six inches around. This was not something I wanted to lose by doing all this, something that I could not lose.  

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I cleaned off the new cage and hid the new keys just like before. Rory got home from his run, I immediately called him into the bathroom. “Shorts off, see this cage? It’s time you wore something your size.” 

Rory’s eyes lit up when he saw the cage in my hand. “Is, is that the smaller cage I ordered? When did it come in?” He stammered out while stripping down. 

“Oh, it came in just now. I took the liberty of cleaning it real fast so you could fit it on while nice and small from your run.” I then handed him the key to his current cage, he almost ripped the old cage off and basically snatched the new cage from me. I wasn’t offended by this as it was nice to see his enthusiasm even though he hadn’t been unlocked in so long. 

He finally managed to fit the smaller tube on, this time with some definite difficulty. “Phew, that is a good bit more snug than that other cage,” he sighed. 

I had to broach the subject about him shrinking. “So, I actually have a big question for you. I know you have researched all of this a whole lot more than I have. Will that cage cause your erection to shrink?” 

Rory kind of withdrew for a moment before saying, “Yes, although just barely and the effect isn’t permanent. If I just didn’t wear it for a few weeks I would rebound back to my full size again.” He was deadly serious while saying this. 

This soothed me greatly, my man’s penis would always be there for me if I want it. If it only shrinks a little bit at full mast, I think I can handle that too. “Good.” This was the only reply needed. I walked away, stripping down while walking and laid on the edge of the bed, legs up and out. Rory knew what to do by this point, I let him lick me for the better part of an hour. He kept slow for a long time, seeming to relish his time spent pleasing me. 



Time has quite literally flown by; eight months goes by like crazy when you get comfortable in a new lifestyle. A few things had changed over the last eight months, my most notable being my fitness level. Allie’s strict workout regimen had initially allowed me to drop weight extremely fast. I almost became too skinny.

I cut my running down to three times a week and I continued to lift weights six days a week. I was slowly becoming larger. At the start of this, I filled out a large t-shirt more so with my belly than my chest and arms. I now easily filled out a medium t-shirt with more of my arms and chest than stomach.  

My amazing wife had become significantly stronger in her attitude. She frequently bordered on cruelty but never pushed past that line. She expected more of me, simple as that. She expected me to be solely hers, she expected me to be manly, she expected a full-fledged partner that had given himself entirely to her. I became that. 

Three months into wearing that smaller cage I had ordered, I came home from a run to Allie waiting in the bathroom, just like before. This time she had an even smaller cage, I gawked upon seeing it. “Holy shit.” They were the only words I could form. 

She just pointed down; it was all she had to do. 

I looked down myself and saw that my penis was no longer snugly fitting in the smaller cage. My head was almost down past the metal that was shaped like a head. 

“It seems as though it is time to downsize your cage. One thing I need to see first, how big are you erect now?” She seemed almost angry with those last words, then handed me the key to my current cage. 

I took off the cage, panic was setting in, my mind was positive that I had shrunk far more than anticipated if I couldn’t even fill that tiny cage. Upon coming off I immediately began twitching but I wasn’t becoming fully hard. 'This is not like the stories I read,' is all I could think.  

Every story I had read about wearing these cages, the men got ragingly hard after wearing it for weeks. This was not happening, it got to the size of a partial semi and just kept twitching, slowly. I started to rub the head, giving in and hoping I just needed a little physical touch. This definitely did the trick, “Oh thank God!” I blurted out. I looked up to Allie raising an eyebrow at me but not saying anything. It took a few minutes of me just jacking off in front of my wife, with her just standing there silently watching. 

“There we go, see no size loss at all really!” I breathed a sigh of relief. 

“Oh? No loss huh? I think you haven’t seen yourself erect in so long you forgot how big it usually looks.” she flatly said. She turned around and picked up a wooden ruler off the counter and put it on top of my dick. I couldn’t believe the number I stopped at, I just couldn’t. “Remember when I got you this smaller cage and you told me it would ‘barely’ make you shrink? Five inches doesn’t seem like ‘barely’ to me!” I was in shock myself at seeing this. “I’m betting it’s nowhere near as thick either,” she stated as she turned around and grabbed the cloth tape measurer and wrapped it around. “Just like I thought, this is all the way down to five inches! Well, you clearly lied!” Allie was infuriated and I had no idea what to say. 

“I don’t know what to say! Everything I’ve read said that other guys who have done this barely got smaller. Besides I can always just stop wearing it for a few weeks and get back to normal right? It will all be okay, my love.” I was pleading, mainly just in an attempt to calm her down. 

“What in the world makes you think it will get back to normal? Clearly what sources you were reading weren’t true, I’m betting this is just your new size. Your new average size penis. What if the other men using these didn’t get much smaller because they already had small penises to begin with? Put this on. Now.” She had a coldness in her voice.  

Knowing how mad she already I was, I complied and worked my now flaccid and tiny penis into the cage. The ring that came with this one was smaller, tighter. The tube itself was much smaller, there was basically just the shape of a head. No room for a shaft to expand, the head was also a little different as it had a defined circle hole that didn’t quite line up with my head despite a lot of effort.  

“Why do you want me wearing this, knowing it is making my dick smaller?” I asked her once I had the new cage on and locked into place.  

“Why? Because, clearly it is too late for you to have your large penis. You now have an average penis, and soon, you will have a small penis.” She was still cold in her tone, very little emotion. “You do know you had the best penis I had ever had, right? You were the thickest ever and pretty close to the longest, now? Now, you are the second smallest ever, and soon you will be the smallest. Solely because if you aren’t what you were at before, then I might as well use toys anyway, so why let you be average? This whole thing is your fault, now you get to pay.” 

She was right. This is my fault. “I am so sorry; I didn’t realize this would happen; I had no idea it would be this bad. You don’t need to use toys though, I can still fuck you just as good. Let me prove it!” I genuinely thought I could fuck just as good with a smaller dick. 

“Okay, sure. You have sex with me right now, here’s the key. If it is just as good as before then I will order a bigger cage and you can wear nothing until it comes in. That would also give you time to show me that you will get bigger again.” She handed me the key and laid down on the bed. 

I quickly popped off the new cage and freed my now average dick. It took me a few minutes of jacking off to get myself ready, although it still didn’t feel like I was fully hard. I spit on my head and started rubbing my head on her lips, getting her nice and wet. I slid in, something surprised me though. She felt looser than she ever had, this was the first time we fucked since starting all of this and she feels nothing like before. Was she looser, or had my dick shrunk so much that I couldn’t feel her properly?  

I had gotten so small I couldn’t feel her was the obvious answer, but she still felt incredible given how long it had been. I was so focused on watching myself pump in and out of her that when I looked up at her I was devastated. She wasn’t writhing in pleasure; she wasn’t closing her eyes to concentrate on my dick thrusting into her. She was just looking down at me with a straight face.  

The whole time I was pumping I could feel my dick bending some, not wanting to be hard as diamonds as it always was before. When I saw her face, I realized I was already close to cumming. I couldn’t hold it back. I came inside of my wife after less than two minutes of having sex. It had been months since I felt her and this was the best I could do.  

With this I just got up, went into the bathroom and locked myself back into the tiny cage without a word from my wife. I knew I hadn’t fucked as good as before. I knew she was going to tell me to put it back on after that performance. 

“Well, I’m glad you definitely know that wasn’t anywhere close to before. Your penis felt like one of those cheap vibrators you can get from that gift shop in the mall. You can’t stretch me anymore. You can’t fill me anymore like you used to. Don’t expect that cage to come off for a very long time.” She just sounded disappointed as she got up, cupping her pussy like she always did in the past to keep the cum from getting on the carpet.  

She walked past me to the bathroom but did something I never thought she would ever do, didn’t even fathom it. My proper, pristine wife took the hand that was cupping her pussy and slapped me across the face as she walked by. “That is for ruining my penis. I can’t believe that was the best sex you could muster knowing it decided so much.” She laughed a weird, almost cruel laugh as she sat down on the toilet. 

This encounter changed a lot for us, I am still wearing that tiny cage she found. I also learned that the hole at the end is for a urethral sounding tube that fits in. It allows me to pee through it, but makes it so I am constantly aware of my cage. I also have to pee sitting down now, the hole angles straight down. I haven’t had sex with my wife since that night. I do, however, lick her frequently giving her as much pleasure as I am capable of. 

Tonight is actually supposed to be the night she said we would see how much smaller my dick has gotten. I am terrified. She has informed me there are many games awaiting, most of which I would never expect. We had grown much in these eight months though. That night three months in really put things into perspective to kick-start everything. 

Written by AllGiveNoTake
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