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Cindy's Unexpected Reaction - Chapter 1

"I have an embarrassing reaction in the clinic"

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This occurred over 20 years ago... and I am still surprised, somewhat embarrassed, and quite aroused by my unexpected reaction to receiving my very first enema.

Jim and I had been married about three years when we decided that it was time to live a more respectable lifestyle and start raising a family.

If you have read my earlier stories, you know that up to this point our sex life had been nothing short of steamy and tawdry. Early in our relationship, Jim awakened an exhibitionist streak and submissive side of me that shocked and excited me.

As you may recall, Jim and my story begins during a spring break trip to Florida, when we were students at LSU. You can read the true account of these early events in my story, 'Exposing Cindy - Spring Break'.

But the gist is, on the drive to Pensacola, Jim convinced me to flash my breasts to truck drivers. It was a very naughty and exhilarating experience for this young, naïve, product of an all-girls Catholic high school. During that trip, Jim also convinced me to enter a topless amateur dance contest.

It was during the contest that we met Dave, a very attractive and charming forty-three-year-old man who was sitting at the edge of the stage, wearing a tailor-made business suit.

Dave tipped me generously while I did my first dance set, sliding two twenty dollar bills into the waistband of my g-string while I was topless on stage. When I returned to Jim's table, following my first set, Dave sent over a round of drinks to Jim and me. We invited Dave to join us at our table. 

Subsequently, Dave invited us back to his beach front home where we enjoyed margaritas while relaxing in the effervescent warmth of the hot tub on the back deck of his house. The deck overlooked the beach. It was wonderful.

It was that night that Jim shared me for the first time. Dave and Jim took turns making love to me all night long. This trip to Florida clearly changed the trajectory of my relationship with Jim, and placed us into an exciting and, by most people's standards, a bizarre lifestyle.

Over the next few years, Jim exposed and shared me in many situations with several men. I responded to each of these experiences with embarrassment, humiliation - and incredible arousal. I reluctantly submitted to virtually every request Jim made.

Despite my reluctance, I always responded with a sexual arousal. Jim clearly took great pride in my wanton behavior and my ability to have multiple orgasms with strange men. To be honest, my response often amazed me. I understand that many would look at our lifestyle with distain. However, it worked for us. We remained deeply in love, and shared a level of respect, trust and affection that most couples would envy. But we both realized that this was not a sustainable lifestyle if we wanted to raise a family.

So, after several years of living on the wild side, I went off the pill and we became a conventional, monogamous couple and began trying to get pregnant. It took nearly a year for me to conceive. The pregnancy went well and, after nearly two years of behaving myself, I was rewarded with the arrival of my first son. The trade was well worth it. My gorgeous son was well worth abandoning our life of debauchery.

I was in heaven as a first-time mother. I particularly enjoyed breast feeding our son. I quickly regained my figure, lost the bulk of the weight that I had gained during pregnancy and began a rigorous fitness routine to get back into shape.

And I absolutely doted on my son. He became the most important thing in my life. (It is interesting to me, as I write about this experience, that I am reluctant to even reveal my son’s name. My name really is Cindy, my husband’s name really is Jim. But even now, years later, I feel it would be a violation of my son’s privacy to name him in this erotic story. So, you will have to accept him simply as ‘my son.’)

Yes, life was generally good. However, I experienced considerable abdominal pain and discomfort during the months after giving birth. After complaining to our family physician on several occasions, he ordered some tests to see if there was something serious going on in my lower digestive tract. I suspect the doctor ordered these tests merely to appease me, rather than to assess my condition.

Nonetheless, I was told to fast for twelve hours, and show up at a clinic at eight o'clock in the morning.

Jim waited in the ‘waiting room’ and watched our son while I went in for the tests. I had nursed the baby immediately prior to arriving at the clinic to keep my breasts from being too engorged.

I wore a simple blue and white print dress, which was flattering, but not terribly revealing to the clinic. The nurse called my name, and I was placed in a room. I was told to disrobe and don a hospital gown that was open in the back. The nurse explained the technician would be in shortly, and I should lie on the table and try to relax.

Left alone, I removed my dress, sandals, nursing bra and panties, and pulled on the hospital gown, tying it around my neck. The gown was open in the back, revealing my ass and legs. I realized that this was no time for silly modesty and tried not to think about my level of exposure. I sat on the table trying, unsuccessfully, to relax.

After about twenty minutes, a very attractive young black medical technician entered the room with the nurse and introduced himself as Jerome. He was tall, thin, with a nice build. He had an infectious smile which reminded me of Will Smith. The nurse remained silent as Jerome explained that he would be administering a ‘barium enema’ and talking some radiographs to determine if there was any blockage that might be causing my abdominal discomfort.

I had never had an enema and was quite apprehensive about the entire procedure. Jerome showed me the nozzle that would be inserted in my anus. It was about a half an inch thick and had a bulb that would be inflated once inside me to prevent me from involuntarily expelling the nozzle or the barium solution.

Jerome pumped the bulb a few times and I watched in amazement as it grew several inches in diameter. I do not know why, but the very sight of this bulb expanding, knowing that it would soon be expanding in my tight little bottom, slightly aroused me. I watched as Jerome released the pressure and allowed the bulb to deflate. I began to understand the sexual nature of the procedure that I was about to endure.

I sat on the table, wearing nothing but a thin hospital gown that covered little, while I listened intently. I was too nervous and embarrassed to ask any questions. I simply nodded as I tried hard to keep my legs together and not expose too much flesh. I realized that I was squeezing my thighs together - and stimulating my clitoris.

Amazingly, I found this entire absurd situation somewhat stimulating. I realized my nipples had grown erect and were standing out visibly beneath the thin gown. I was concerned that I might actually start lactating right there in front of Jerome and the silent, unnamed nurse.

I also became aware of the pulse in my clitoris as the technician casually spoke to me about the nozzle he was going to insert; how he planned to inflated a ‘balloon’ inside me to prevent me from expelling anything; and the details of the solution he was planning to pump into my rectum.

As I write this story, twenty years after the fact, it dawns on me that part of my arousal was undoubtedly due to the fact that after enjoying a very wild, tawdry and varied sexual lifestyle with Jim for the years we dated and during the first few years of our marriage, our sex life had been very conventional for past two years while we were trying to get me pregnant.

Being essentially naked in front of this 'Will Smith look-a-like' while he described what he was going to do to my bottom was forcing me to have wicked, naughty thoughts.

“Do you have any questions?” Jerome asked.

“Does this hurt?” was all I could think to ask. I felt stupid because I knew it wouldn't hurt but I felt compelled to ask something.

“No. There will be no pain at all. You will feel a fullness that some people find uncomfortable, some people find pleasant and relaxing. If you start feeling very full, and start feeling a strong urge to relieve yourself, try breathing heavily and fast, similar to how you might control contractions during a delivery during pregnancy,” he reassured me.

I watched with interest as Jerome and the nurse hung a large clear plastic container from a hook on a metal stand. The container bulged like an overfilled water balloon.

“We have warmed this up to body temperature so you should not find it too uncomfortable,” he informed me, causally. Jerome's demeanor was completely professional. There was nothing sexual in his manner at all. Nonetheless, I found the situation scary, embarrassing, and yes, sexy.

“That looks like a lot of liquid?” I said with obvious concern.

“It looks scarier than it really is.” Jerome smiled. “It is a two quart solution. We need to get the solution up into your large and small intestine for the radiographs.”

The nurse attached a long translucent tube to the container, and then attached the nozzle. I was instructed to lie on my side. The nurse gave me a pillow for my head and one for between my knees. She then placed a warm blanket over me.

Jerome stepped behind me, and raised the blanket exposing my bottom. Being exposed this way was arousing me, and I feared he would be able to see, or worse yet, smell my arousal. I blushed deeply and closed my eyes.

Jerome put on some latex gloves, placed a large amount of K-Y jelly on his index finger, separated my cheeks and lubricated my anus thoroughly. When the tip of his finger entered my tight anal sphincter, I suppressed my moan and bit my lip. I struggled not to clench his finger with my anus.

I could not believe I was responding this way to a completely innocent medical procedure. He pushed his finger deep inside my tight asshole and gently rotated it in an effort to get me fully lubricated and to relax my anus.

“Try to relax,” Jerome advised.

Without thinking, I responded, “Let me see how well you can relax with my finger up your ass.” I shocked myself with this statement, but it evoked a loud laugh from Jerome and the nurse.

The nurse merely said, “She’s got a point, you know.” They both smiled at the embarrassing situation I was in.

Jerome then removed his finger, leaving me feeling exposed and empty. He then used one hand to spread the cheeks of my ass, while he picked up the nozzle and placed the tip at my anal opening. He applied just enough force to press several inches into me. I felt it slide up my rectum.

He then pumped up the bulb and I felt it inflating inside me. It felt like it was growing to three or four inches in diameter. I did have a sudden urge to push it out, but started breathing heavily in an attempt to relax my natural reactions.

I lay there panting, with a nozzle and an inflated balloon in my ass.

I was fully exposed to the gaze and inspection of this handsome, young, black medical technician and the nurse. I could feel myself becoming increasingly wet and aroused. My clit was erect and pulsing slightly, and I could feel my vagina moistening and dilating.

This was insane. I continued to blush deeply hoping that my state of arousal was not evident to Jerome. I kept my eyes closed; I did not want to look into his eyes fearing my expression would reveal what I was experiencing.

I was still lying on my side, my knees slightly bent with a pillow between them. My bottom was exposed, as was my vagina. I could only imagine the sight I presented with the tube and nozzle running into my cute little ass. I felt so exposed and so vulnerable; and this combination aroused me deeply.

“Okay, I am going to release the solution into you now, " Jerome said. "Just try to relax. You will feel a warm flow into your rectum and abdomen. You will feel some fullness. Okay?”

I just nodded my head, unable to find any words to speak at that moment.

He released the clamp and there was a sudden rush of warm fluid into my bottom. The initial feeling was warm and pleasant. I rather liked it. But, within a minute or two, I felt a powerful fullness and an urge to void this fluid. The balloon was pressing against my anus from the inside and would prevent me from expelling anything.

I tried to accommodate this large volume surging into my bottom, but I simply felt like it was too much. After what seemed like several minutes I started to panic at my fullness.

“Oh, I am getting too full. I can’t take all this,” I panted. My stomach was stretching full.

A moment later, I begged, “Oh, please stop the flow.” 

“Relax, breath in and out.” Jerome advised. And he reached under the blanket to gently massage my swollen abdomen, trying to get me to relax. “Breath with me, ‘hee, hee, hee, hoe... hee, hee, hee, hoe’... nice and easy. Relax,” he repeated.

I recognized the breathing approach from my Lamaze training. I tried to mimic his breathing as I felt fuller and fuller. I was losing control of my senses as my abdomen swelled to a size that rivaled my pregnancy. The pressure inside me was unbelievable. Without even thinking, I pulled away from Jerome’s massage of my swollen belly, and I rolled onto my back and pulled the blanket off me.

I lay there, the tube running into my ass, my heels up towards my ass and my knees spread, giving the nurse and Jerome an unobstructed view of my dilated and wet vagina. “Oh God. I can’t take all this. I need to stop,” I pleaded.

“You’ll be okay. Just relax. You just need to adjust to the volume,” Jerome encouraged me.

But I didn't think that could take it. I was too full. I was stretching too much. As I lay on my back, legs splayed open, my pussy gaping open for all to see, my abdomen continued to swell and my vagina continued to open and moisten. I had to stop this intrusion into me bowels; I needed to get some release.

I started to reach down between my thighs to grasp the tube. I was going to yank it out, with or without deflating the bulb in my ass. I was not thinking clearly. I just needed to stop the flow.

Jerome seemed to sense what I was preparing to do and he quickly grasped my wrist, preventing me from grasping the tube. He held my hand inches away from reaching the nozzle but, in doing so, his knuckle fell squarely on my clitoris. I did not think, I did not contemplate what happened next: I simply reacted to an unforeseen and absurd set of circumstances. I found myself moving my wrist so that his knuckle pressed firmly against my erect and sensitive clitoris.

I cannot explain how or why, but the combination of being exposed to this handsome young black medical technician, the nozzle in my ass, the fluid flowing so violently into my rectum and bowels, and Jerome’s knuckle coming in contact with my clitoris shot me over the edge with the most unexpected and profound orgasm of my life.

Involuntarily, I started to cum. I could not help it. It simply just happened.

A series of orgasmic waves literally quaked across my body as I pressed my clitoris against Jerome’s knuckles. My body tensed as I quivered for a good fifteen or twenty seconds, trying to suppress the moans emanating from me.

“Oh, oh, oh," escaped from me as I came and, at the same time, tried to hide what was happening.

As I was cumming, I felt something ‘open up inside of me’ and the fluid seemed to flow up into my upper intestines, relieving much of the pressure that was causing me so much distress. As the waves of my orgasm subsided, and the pressure on my rectum abated, I slowly relaxed my hand and allowed Jerome to move his hand and knuckle from being in contact with my clitoris.

“Cindy, are you okay?” he asked.

I sensed he guessed what had just happened, but he was not one hundred percent certain.

I nodded and sheepishly whispered, “Uh, huh. I just got to feeling too full. I did not think I could take it all.” I kept my eyes closed shut as I spoke. I could not look at him or the nurse. “It seems to be a bit better now.”

I looked up and saw the bag, which had been bulging moments before was now hanging limply, looking like a partially deflated balloon.

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Roughly three quarters of the volume was gone and was now inside my distended abdomen.

I glanced down and saw that my hospital gown was up above my waist and my pussy was exposed and gaped open for all to see. I was absolutely mortified. But it now seemed pointless to cover up. I just lay there, exposed and open. My stomach was stretched taught as if I were pregnant again.

A few seconds later, the container emptied. I could see the fluid level in the translucent tube rise and fall with my breathing. Jerome closed the clamp on the nozzle and detached the tube from the nozzle, leaving a short tail of sorts hanging out of my bottom.

“Okay, Cindy. I need you to roll on your side for some radiographs. Can you do that for me?”

Again, I nodded without speaking. Jerome assisted in rolling me onto my side with the nozzle still firmly and safely in my ass. He took several x-rays, before informing me that the worst was over.

Jerome then assisted me in sitting up, which was difficult with my belly as swollen as it was, and walked me to the adjacent toilet. With me straddling the commode, he then reached between my thighs and deflated the balloon and gently removed the nozzle from my backside.

“You may now take your time and void. Take whatever time you need. You did real well today. I know this wasn’t pleasant, but it's over now.”

Jerome completely ignored the massive climax I had on the table in front of him. I simply blushed and nodded my head indicating that I understood. He had been perfectly professional and I had behaved very badly. I did not intend to behave badly but I had. I also had to accept that Jerome and the nurse were fully aware of what happened. Jerome had to not know that I climaxed while grinding my clit into his knuckle.

I voided large volumes of solution for the next ten to fifteen minutes until I felt empty. I stood, started back into the room and immediately rushed back to the toilet to void some more. Finally, I'd emptied myself and I came to realize how terribly inappropriate my behavior had been during the procedure. But, honestly, it was not planned. It was not even voluntary.

The combination of the anal stimulation, being filled so fully, and being so exposed to this young black Adonis as he inserted the nozzle inside my rectum was too much for this little white girl to handle. I simply lost control and climaxed in front of Jerome and the nurse, whose name I still do not know.

To say I was embarrassed does no justice to the emotions I was feeling. I was mortified. Yet, cumming like that in front of these strangers tapped into my exhibitionist nature in a way most of you may not understand. And, being forced to accommodate that large volume of fluid, somehow struck a submissive chord inside me as well. I did not understand it at all; the combination had aroused me in a manner that shocked and confused me.

I dressed in my panties and sundress and prepared to leave when Jerome knocked and asked if he could enter the room. I was still putting on my dress when I responded, “Sure, come in.”

“I wanted to check on you to see if you are okay?”

I blushed deeply: I could feel my face, neck and chest burning with embarrassment. “I am okay; a little embarrassed, but okay.”

“There is nothing to be embarrassed about.” Jerome attempted to reassure me. “It was a simple medical procedure, nothing to be embarrassed about at all.”

He was trying to let me off the hook, but we both knew what had happened in there. “I doubt most of your patients react to that simple medical procedure the way I did.”

I looked at the floor, unable to look him in the eyes. Jerome tried to suppress his smile, but his expression betrayed his amusement.

“Well, you did seem to react in a fairly unique way, but your reaction is not unheard of. You really should not feel embarrassed about it. You did not do anything inappropriate. I want you to believe me when I tell you, it is okay.”

“Well it surprised the hell out of me. I want to apologize for what happened. I never expected that to occur under these circumstances.” I realized that my embarrassment was giving way to a slight flirtation with the man who had just given me a powerful orgasm under the most absurd conditions.

“Please do not apologize. There is no need.” Then Jerome handed me a business card. “I want you to have this. It has my private cell phone number on it. If you have any questions, if you want to talk, if you have any discomfort, or if you need anything, please call me. Okay?”

I took the card and I could feel my embarrassment returning as my face reddened again. I simply nodded and thanked him. I glanced at the card and saw he had written his personal cell number on the back. He wanted to make sure I could reach him away from the office if I so chose. Interesting.

I was confused. Did this medical professional just proposition me? Did Jerome just offer me a repeat performance? Surely not! I was not exactly sure what had just happened, but it felt like he was offering his services if I needed or wanted a repeat session.

I went out to the waiting room to meet with Jim and my son. We walked to the parking garage and Jim sensed something was wrong.

“Are you okay? Is something wrong?” he asked, concern in his voice.

“I am fine. I will tell you about it on the way home.”

Jim strapped our son into the car seat in the back. We rode in silence for the first several minutes. Jim finally broke the silence, "Okay, tell me what's on your mind. I know you too well not to know when something is bothering you."

I took a moment before responding. "Promise you won't get mad?"

"Just tell me what happened," Jim responded with a slight irritation.

"Jim, you are not going to believe this. I am not sure I believe it myself. While they were giving me the barium enema, I climaxed."

"You are shitting me! Really? Seriously?" Jim was obviously not mad.

"Uh huh. Your slutty little wife went off like a Roman candle while they pumped her bottom full of the barium solution."

"You came with no clitoral contact?" he said in disbelief.

"Well, not exactly," I confessed.

"Okay, tell me the whole story."

I told Jim how I felt so full that I did not think I could take any more. I told him how I rolled on my back, splaying my legs apart in front of the handsome young black medical technician. I told him how aroused I was and how I thought I was going to burst. I told him how, in a moment of panic, I reached down to yank the nozzle out of my bottom and that Jerome grabbed my wrist to prevent that happening.

"Jim, when he grabbed my wrist, one of his knuckles contacted my clit. I doubt he even knew his knuckle was pressing on my clit, but I sure knew it."

I looked over at Jim and saw that he had a huge tent forming in his crotch. Jim had a massive erection. "Cindy, this is so fucking hot," he said.

"Jim, without even thinking, I moved my wrist to press his knuckle into my clit a bit firmer, and then it happened. I had such a huge orgasm, I could barely keep quiet. In fact, I didn't keep completely quiet."

"Did he know that you climaxed?"

"He sure suspected. In fact, yes, he knew. He was professional about it. He pretended nothing happened, but he knew."

Jim shook his head in disbelief. "You are one wickedly naughty little girl."

We got home. I nursed my son while Jim watched. And I put the baby down for a nap. Jim led me to our bedroom, and fucked me while I repeated the story of my unexpected orgasm. Jim stiffened and ejaculated as I described how Jerome grabbed my wrist and I forced his knuckles into my clitoris.

He obviously enjoyed the story.

That night, over dinner, I said, "Jim, there is something else I should tell you."

"Okay, go ahead."

I handed him Jerome's business card with his personal cell number written in pencil on the back.

"What's this?"

"It's Jerome's card."

"Jerome?" Jim asked, somewhat confused.

"Jerome - the medical technician that I had my incident with this morning. He gave it to me and wrote his cell number on the back. He said to call him if I had any discomfort, questions or wanted to talk about anything that happened."

"Why would he do that?"

"Jim, I'm not sure, but I got the feeling he was offering a repeat performance. As I said, I could be wrong, but that was the feeling I got. I just thought you needed to know that."

"That's wild. You really think he was coming on to you?"

I paused, and tried to choose my words carefully. "I think 'coming on' might be too strong. I think he was making me aware that he was receptive and available. I mean, why else would he include his personal cell number? I am sure he would never call me, or contact me. But I think he wanted me to know it would be okay for me to contact him."

"I think you should call him."

"Jim, I couldn't. Besides, we agreed we weren't going to do that kind of stuff after the baby was born," I protested weakly.

"Cindy, I want to see if you react the same way again. It will be so fucking hot to watch you cum like that."

"Jim, I am not sure I'll react that way again. It was the unique combination of not having played with anyone else in almost two years, being exposed like that, and the fact that I did not know what to expect from the enema. Besides, if we invite him over, he's going to expect to play, not just give me an enema."

"Cindy, I understand all of that. I still think you should call him."

"I'd be too embarrassed. What would I say?" I asked nervously.

"Ask him if he would consider giving you another treatment in your home. Ask him what he would charge to make a house call."

"Jim, I'd be asking him how much he would charge to come here make me cum and then fuck me. It's so humiliating," I protested, as my pulse raced.

I cannot explain why, but merely imagining humiliating myself this way was arousing me. I could feel myself starting to leak into my panties as Jim encouraged me to make this phone call. I looked at the clock. It was after seven.

"Let me think about it. Maybe after dinner."

Jim nodded and accepted my request to delay my decision. In reality, Jim knew if he gave me a little time and space, I would come around; after all, I always did.

I nursed my baby on the couch after dinner. It was a few minutes before nine. I knew that if I was going to call Jerome, time was running out.

"Jim, put the baby in his crib and bring me the phone. I need to make a call," I said as I closed my nursing bra and thought about what I was going to say. Jim returned, handed me the phone and sat in his recliner across from me. Holding the phone number in one hand, I dialed with my other.

"Jerome? This is Cindy. I was in the clinic this morning for some abdominal radiographs. Do you remember me? I had an unusual reaction during the procedure."

I tried to sound as nonchalant as I could. Nonetheless, my heart was racing and my face and neck was burning crimson as I spoke.

"Yes, of course I remember you. Are you alright? Are you having any cramping?"

"I'm fine. No cramping."

"That's good. How can I help you?"

"My husband and I were wondering, do you ever perform similar treatments in patients homes?"

"To be honest, no one has ever made that request. Help me understand what it is you are looking for, and perhaps I can help."

I could not tell if he was interested or not. I assume that as a medical professional, he needed to be very, very careful how he responded to any request such as this. "Can I be perfectly candid?" I asked with a slight quiver in my voice.

"Please do.".

"I told my husband about my reaction, and he was, well, let's say, he was intrigued."

"I see," Jerome interjected.

"When I told him that you had given me your card, Jim encouraged me to call you and see if you would be willing to treat me again, to see if I had the same reaction."

I stopped talking. I wanted to give Jerome a chance to process the request. After twenty or thirty seconds of awkward silence, I added, "Would you like to think about it and get back with us?"

"I think that is an excellent idea. Can I call you back tomorrow, after I have had a chance to think about this request?"

"That would be fine. And if this makes you uncomfortable, it is no problem. I realize it is an unusual request,"

Jerome chuckled, "Well it was unexpected, and unprecedented. But I won't lie, I am intrigued. What's the best number to reach you?"

I gave him my cell number, said goodbye and hung up. Although Jim had heard my side of the phone conversation, I had to fill him in on what Jerome had said.

"Do you think he'll call you tomorrow?" Jim asked.

"I think he will. There was something in his voice that conveyed a level of interest that he will not be able to resist. He just needs to get his head around the idea."

I did not expect to hear from Jerome until the evening, so I was surprised when his number showed up on caller ID shortly before eleven in the morning.




"This is Jerome. Can you talk?"

"Oh, hi. Sure, I can talk."

"I've been thinking about your proposal, or should I say request?"

"Either works," I giggled.

"Can you tell me a bit more about what you are looking for?"

I took a deep breath and, nervously, I confided, "When I told my husband, how I reacted during my procedure, he was surprised, but intrigued. He wants to see if I react the same way twice."

"So he would be present? Watching?"

"Yes, that would be our intent. Is that a problem?"

"No, I don't think so; not for me at least. If you are okay with him watching the procedure, I can handle that." Jerome nervously cleared his throat before continuing, "What would the rules be?"


"Yeah, are you looking for a simple repeat of Monday's procedure? Or are you and your husband looking for something more? What I am trying to ask is, how far am I allowed to take this?"

Okay, I understood what Jerome was asking. He wanted to know what he was going to get out of this? Was he going to be allowed to touch me, fuck me?

"Jim and I have not really discussed the details, but I think I can promise you that you won't be disappointed. Let's just say, I am sure that Jim understands that as a medical professional, you will need full access to all the goods. And Jerome, I think my husband is comfortable with you taking any steps you feel appropriate to evoke the desired reaction."

"I see," Jerome interrupted.

"And Jerome, Jim is not a possessive man. He likes to share. You will be allowed to do anything you want, within reason, as long as you are considerate and respectful."

There, I'd said it. I told him that he would be allowed to fuck me. I felt like such a wanton slut. I was virtually begging this young, handsome, black man to come to my house, make me cum, and then fuck me while my husband watched.

Jerome responded, "Of course, always considerate and respectful. I would not have it any other way. When would you like to schedule your next treatment?"

"Are you available tomorrow night?" I asked.

"No, I am on call. What about Friday evening?"

"I think that would work nicely. Could you come, say around seven?"

"I can make that work," Jerome agreed. "One more thing."

"Yes, what's that?"

"I want you to pump your breasts for the next two days and store some milk for your baby."

"Okay, but why?"

"I am going to do something different this time. Instead of the barium solution, I am going to use a dilute solution of slightly saline water and wine."


"Yes, I will give you a Chablis treatment. I think you'll like it. It will relax you, and get you lightheaded. But you will not be able to nurse your baby for twenty-four hours, understand?"

"Uh huh, I guess so."

We concluded the conversation and made the final arrangements for his arrival on Friday.

I sat there numb. A Chablis enema? What the fuck was I getting myself into?

To be continued

Written by submissivemom72
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