“That’s one pound fifty change, and your band. Pool closes in twenty-five minutes.”
“Do I need to wear this?”
The receptionist had given me a blue band such as one would receive at a gig.
“Yes, the lifeguard will need to see it,” she replied.
The receptionist was a petite girl, blonde hair sitting on her shoulders, wearing the supplied blue polo shirt all the staff wore. For a petite girl she had an impressive cleavage, pushing at the buttons on her shirt. I thought I’ll just show it to the lifeguard and leave it with my towel. I hate wearing bands, especially while I’m swimming.
I stepped into the warm changing village, finding an empty cubical quickly. I pulled on my red trunks, grabbed my goggles and made my way to the poolside.
The lifeguard on duty was standing by the lifeguard’s chair. She was wearing a similar blue polo shirt to the girl on reception, but her red hair was tied up in a bun. Her legs were pale, slender and long. She wore a pair of black shorts and white trainers. As I turned to her, she looked and gave a slight smile, looking at my wrist to check for my band. I presented the band, curled up in my palm.
Her smiled dropped. “You’ll have to wear that while you’re in the pool, sir,” she said, as if she had said it many times before.
“I can’t get the things off without scissors! You’re closing in twenty minutes, you know I’ve paid!”
“Yes, but you really should in future.” She gave me a look as if to say ‘go on then’. Her eyes were big and bold, she had cute features on her face. Her chest didn’t project far, she had a slim and athletic body.
“Thanks,” I said, and started to turn towards the pool. I quickly turned back to put my towel on the side, noticing she was checking out my ass. She quickly looked away, smiling; she knew I noticed. I leant over to put my towel down, glancing at her ass. Her shorts were loose but cut quite high, showing her toned thighs.
I jumped into the pool and started a light warm up. There were two other people in the pool, both of whom left during my set. With five minutes left until closing, I slowed down and did a few lengths breaststroke. I noticed now that I was the only person remaining, the lifeguard’s sole attention was on me. She was watching me turn, occasionally playing with her hair.
Noticing the clock coming up to the top of the hour, I could see the lifeguard picking up her water bottle and walking to the end of the pool. I made my way to the poolside and pulled myself out. Admittedly, I had been fantasising about what the lifeguard’s ass looked like without her little shorts on and had a bulge forming in my red Speedo trunks, trying not to make it too obvious I went straight into the locker room.
I took my bag out of my locker and headed for a cubical. The lifeguard walked past, then hovered around the cubicles by the showers. I attempted to start a conversation, “Do you close up now?”
She seemed a little shy at first. “Yeah...” she smiled, showing a beautiful set of teeth. “It’s normally just two of us left on Sundays, the janitor goes home early.”
“Cool.” There was a pause. I wasn’t sure what to say next. I looked around the quiet poolside. “Do you ever go for a swim after everybody’s left, bet it’s really sweet.”
“Sometimes a few of us do. I often have a shower, they’re much nicer here than in my flat.”
I got a bit excited with this news. She was obviously over 18, mature enough to have a flat to call home, but still looking like a teen.
I picked up my towel, the band fell out and onto the floor, getting a bit wet. Part of it fell open on getting wet. I continued with my rant from earlier. “These things just fall off anyway when you get in the water, I’m pretty sure I could just tear it off.”
I immediately regretted saying that. The lifeguard walked towards me, opening her hand, “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, probably...” I said, trying to sound sure of myself.
“Let’s find out!” She was playing now, showing a big grin. “Put your hands around the bar above the doorframe, I’ll tie this around them and the bar, then you have to escape!”
If she was a 40-something lifeguard and it was a busy evening, I would admit I probably wouldn’t do it. But she wasn’t, she was a hot redhead with stunning legs, on a quiet evening with nobody else around.
“Game on!” I said. I stepped back into the doorframe of the cubical, facing the showers opposite. I put my hands on each side of the doorframe. She came up to me so close I could smell the shampoo in her hair. She tied the band around my hands and the frame, tearing off the sticky strip and pushing the ends together.
She stepped back, looking me up and down. “Go.”
I looked up. I really couldn’t even think about tearing the band, my hands were in the wrong place. I moved my hands around enough so that I could pull all my body weight onto it if I pulled my feet off the ground. I tried it once, but the band simply cut into my wrists and hurt. My feet landed on the ground and I grunted.
The lifeguard started laughing. “I thought you said you could just tear it?” she said with sarcasm.
“Well, yes but I can’t get my hands around to tear it.”
She walked up to me. “I tell you what, I’m going to have a shower, while you figure it out. If you can’t do it by the time I’m showered, I get to have some fun with you.” She put one hand on my chest. “You look pretty strong, I’m sure you can do it.”
Things just got interesting. She moved her hand down my chest then to her shorts. She continued, “Don’t worry, I’ll do it slowly so you’ve got a chance.”
She slowly pulled on the waist of her shorts, pulling them down her slender legs. Underneath I could see she was wearing a high-legged navy blue one-piece swimsuit. The fabric clung around her pussy, with a stunning gap between her slender legs. She started to remove her polo shirt. I could feel my cock hardening in my trunks. My arms were starting to get tired, tied up above my head. She stepped towards me as she pulled off her shirt, revealing her firm chest, held in place by the tight Lycra. The swimsuit had a pattern running down the sides, highlighting the high-leg line. This was a swimsuit for athletes, leaving little to the imagination. I looked down her body, her firm tummy held by the navy fabric. I looked down further, her gap hinting at what was underneath. I looked at my own swimsuit, now pushed out to its maximum by my straining cock. She knew what she was doing.
“I’m just going to cool off, won’t be a minute.”
She turned away and walked towards the shower in-front of me. Her swimsuit was tight around her ass, showing half of her cheeks. I moaned a little inside, wishing I could be free, at least if only to adjust my bulging hardening cock from my trunks.
The lifeguard turned on one of the showers and put her head under. The water cascaded down her swimsuit, giving it a new shiny look, the water pouring over the shapes of her body, her two tight tits, around her hips and down her long legs.
“Anna, are you there?” a voice called from the other side of the changing room.
The lifeguard turned away from the shower, looking towards the entrance.
“I’m in the shower!” she shouted out.
“I’ll be over in a sec,’” the voice shouted back.
“Come over now, I’ve got something to show you!”
Now I was getting worried. Anna stepped out of the shower and walked just out of my eye line, giving me a cheeky grin as she walked. She knew I was eyeing up every inch of her body.
I could hear somebody mumbling from around the corner. I heard other girl’s voice say, “Oh my God, really?”
Anna walked back around the corner. Her swimsuit still clinging to her slim body. She looked at me and started talking, “I’m not kidding, look at this.”
The girl from the reception walked around the corner. She still had her blue polo shirt on, but now I could see she was wearing a pair of tight black gym shorts.
“Wow, you weren’t kidding?”
I didn’t know what to say, I was in shock. They were looking at me like some kind of zoo animal.
“What’s your name?” Anna said.
“B… Ben,” I stumbled.
“Hi Ben.” the receptionist said seductively. She looked at Anna, then back at me. “Anna and I were going to take a shower, you wouldn’t mind that, would you?”
I was speechless. I looked up at my hands firmly tied to the door frame. “I don’t really have a choice, do I?”
“No, I guess not. But I’d hate for you not to enjoy yourself,” she replied.
“Claire! Don’t wind him up too much, he’ll explode before we’ve had our fun!”
That pretty much made me explode inside. The girls could see my pain.
Claire’s ass was firmly held by the tight black shorts, clearly defining her cheeks. Anna turned the shower back on and ducked underneath, then watched Claire.
Claire took her polo shirt off and tossed it towards where I was tied up. Underneath, she wore a light blue Nike sports bra. She had a much larger chest than Anna, the fabric could only just contain her breasts. She turned towards the lockers and went out of view.
I looked back at Anna, who had been watching me squirm. She was rubbing her chest and hips, moving around in the warm flowing water. She turned away, her swimsuit had ridden up a bit and her ass cheeks where poking out.
“Nice ass," Claire’s voice shouted over. I looked towards where the voice came from, Claire’s long legs came into view. She was still wearing her blue sports bar, but was wearing blue bikini bottoms.
“Thanks Claire,” said Anna sarcastically as she wondered over to the shower to join her. Claire’s ass held firmly in the bikini bottoms, which when the water hit as she stepped into the shower, clung to her ass cheeks.
It started to feel like I was watching lesbian porn. They slowly touched each other, occasionally looking over at me smiling.
“Do I need to wear this?”
The receptionist had given me a blue band such as one would receive at a gig.
“Yes, the lifeguard will need to see it,” she replied.
The receptionist was a petite girl, blonde hair sitting on her shoulders, wearing the supplied blue polo shirt all the staff wore. For a petite girl she had an impressive cleavage, pushing at the buttons on her shirt. I thought I’ll just show it to the lifeguard and leave it with my towel. I hate wearing bands, especially while I’m swimming.
I stepped into the warm changing village, finding an empty cubical quickly. I pulled on my red trunks, grabbed my goggles and made my way to the poolside.
The lifeguard on duty was standing by the lifeguard’s chair. She was wearing a similar blue polo shirt to the girl on reception, but her red hair was tied up in a bun. Her legs were pale, slender and long. She wore a pair of black shorts and white trainers. As I turned to her, she looked and gave a slight smile, looking at my wrist to check for my band. I presented the band, curled up in my palm.
Her smiled dropped. “You’ll have to wear that while you’re in the pool, sir,” she said, as if she had said it many times before.
“I can’t get the things off without scissors! You’re closing in twenty minutes, you know I’ve paid!”
“Yes, but you really should in future.” She gave me a look as if to say ‘go on then’. Her eyes were big and bold, she had cute features on her face. Her chest didn’t project far, she had a slim and athletic body.
“Thanks,” I said, and started to turn towards the pool. I quickly turned back to put my towel on the side, noticing she was checking out my ass. She quickly looked away, smiling; she knew I noticed. I leant over to put my towel down, glancing at her ass. Her shorts were loose but cut quite high, showing her toned thighs.
I jumped into the pool and started a light warm up. There were two other people in the pool, both of whom left during my set. With five minutes left until closing, I slowed down and did a few lengths breaststroke. I noticed now that I was the only person remaining, the lifeguard’s sole attention was on me. She was watching me turn, occasionally playing with her hair.
Noticing the clock coming up to the top of the hour, I could see the lifeguard picking up her water bottle and walking to the end of the pool. I made my way to the poolside and pulled myself out. Admittedly, I had been fantasising about what the lifeguard’s ass looked like without her little shorts on and had a bulge forming in my red Speedo trunks, trying not to make it too obvious I went straight into the locker room.
I took my bag out of my locker and headed for a cubical. The lifeguard walked past, then hovered around the cubicles by the showers. I attempted to start a conversation, “Do you close up now?”
She seemed a little shy at first. “Yeah...” she smiled, showing a beautiful set of teeth. “It’s normally just two of us left on Sundays, the janitor goes home early.”
“Cool.” There was a pause. I wasn’t sure what to say next. I looked around the quiet poolside. “Do you ever go for a swim after everybody’s left, bet it’s really sweet.”
“Sometimes a few of us do. I often have a shower, they’re much nicer here than in my flat.”
I got a bit excited with this news. She was obviously over 18, mature enough to have a flat to call home, but still looking like a teen.
I picked up my towel, the band fell out and onto the floor, getting a bit wet. Part of it fell open on getting wet. I continued with my rant from earlier. “These things just fall off anyway when you get in the water, I’m pretty sure I could just tear it off.”
I immediately regretted saying that. The lifeguard walked towards me, opening her hand, “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, probably...” I said, trying to sound sure of myself.
“Let’s find out!” She was playing now, showing a big grin. “Put your hands around the bar above the doorframe, I’ll tie this around them and the bar, then you have to escape!”
If she was a 40-something lifeguard and it was a busy evening, I would admit I probably wouldn’t do it. But she wasn’t, she was a hot redhead with stunning legs, on a quiet evening with nobody else around.
“Game on!” I said. I stepped back into the doorframe of the cubical, facing the showers opposite. I put my hands on each side of the doorframe. She came up to me so close I could smell the shampoo in her hair. She tied the band around my hands and the frame, tearing off the sticky strip and pushing the ends together.
She stepped back, looking me up and down. “Go.”
I looked up. I really couldn’t even think about tearing the band, my hands were in the wrong place. I moved my hands around enough so that I could pull all my body weight onto it if I pulled my feet off the ground. I tried it once, but the band simply cut into my wrists and hurt. My feet landed on the ground and I grunted.
The lifeguard started laughing. “I thought you said you could just tear it?” she said with sarcasm.
“Well, yes but I can’t get my hands around to tear it.”
She walked up to me. “I tell you what, I’m going to have a shower, while you figure it out. If you can’t do it by the time I’m showered, I get to have some fun with you.” She put one hand on my chest. “You look pretty strong, I’m sure you can do it.”
Things just got interesting. She moved her hand down my chest then to her shorts. She continued, “Don’t worry, I’ll do it slowly so you’ve got a chance.”
She slowly pulled on the waist of her shorts, pulling them down her slender legs. Underneath I could see she was wearing a high-legged navy blue one-piece swimsuit. The fabric clung around her pussy, with a stunning gap between her slender legs. She started to remove her polo shirt. I could feel my cock hardening in my trunks. My arms were starting to get tired, tied up above my head. She stepped towards me as she pulled off her shirt, revealing her firm chest, held in place by the tight Lycra. The swimsuit had a pattern running down the sides, highlighting the high-leg line. This was a swimsuit for athletes, leaving little to the imagination. I looked down her body, her firm tummy held by the navy fabric. I looked down further, her gap hinting at what was underneath. I looked at my own swimsuit, now pushed out to its maximum by my straining cock. She knew what she was doing.
“I’m just going to cool off, won’t be a minute.”
She turned away and walked towards the shower in-front of me. Her swimsuit was tight around her ass, showing half of her cheeks. I moaned a little inside, wishing I could be free, at least if only to adjust my bulging hardening cock from my trunks.
The lifeguard turned on one of the showers and put her head under. The water cascaded down her swimsuit, giving it a new shiny look, the water pouring over the shapes of her body, her two tight tits, around her hips and down her long legs.
“Anna, are you there?” a voice called from the other side of the changing room.
The lifeguard turned away from the shower, looking towards the entrance.
“I’m in the shower!” she shouted out.
“I’ll be over in a sec,’” the voice shouted back.
“Come over now, I’ve got something to show you!”
Now I was getting worried. Anna stepped out of the shower and walked just out of my eye line, giving me a cheeky grin as she walked. She knew I was eyeing up every inch of her body.
I could hear somebody mumbling from around the corner. I heard other girl’s voice say, “Oh my God, really?”
Anna walked back around the corner. Her swimsuit still clinging to her slim body. She looked at me and started talking, “I’m not kidding, look at this.”
The girl from the reception walked around the corner. She still had her blue polo shirt on, but now I could see she was wearing a pair of tight black gym shorts.
“Wow, you weren’t kidding?”
I didn’t know what to say, I was in shock. They were looking at me like some kind of zoo animal.
“What’s your name?” Anna said.
“B… Ben,” I stumbled.
“Hi Ben.” the receptionist said seductively. She looked at Anna, then back at me. “Anna and I were going to take a shower, you wouldn’t mind that, would you?”
I was speechless. I looked up at my hands firmly tied to the door frame. “I don’t really have a choice, do I?”
“No, I guess not. But I’d hate for you not to enjoy yourself,” she replied.
“Claire! Don’t wind him up too much, he’ll explode before we’ve had our fun!”
That pretty much made me explode inside. The girls could see my pain.
Claire’s ass was firmly held by the tight black shorts, clearly defining her cheeks. Anna turned the shower back on and ducked underneath, then watched Claire.
Claire took her polo shirt off and tossed it towards where I was tied up. Underneath, she wore a light blue Nike sports bra. She had a much larger chest than Anna, the fabric could only just contain her breasts. She turned towards the lockers and went out of view.
I looked back at Anna, who had been watching me squirm. She was rubbing her chest and hips, moving around in the warm flowing water. She turned away, her swimsuit had ridden up a bit and her ass cheeks where poking out.
“Nice ass," Claire’s voice shouted over. I looked towards where the voice came from, Claire’s long legs came into view. She was still wearing her blue sports bar, but was wearing blue bikini bottoms.
“Thanks Claire,” said Anna sarcastically as she wondered over to the shower to join her. Claire’s ass held firmly in the bikini bottoms, which when the water hit as she stepped into the shower, clung to her ass cheeks.
It started to feel like I was watching lesbian porn. They slowly touched each other, occasionally looking over at me smiling.

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They were talking quietly to each other, I was trying to hear what but wasn’t too fussed as I could watch Anna’s pussy cling to her swimsuit as she pulled it up her body ensuring it was still firmly on.
“You know,” said Anna walking over to me, “we don’t normally let guys see the next bit, it gets a bit steamy.” Anna was standing quite close now, I could clearly see her nipples poking through her tight suit.
Claire wondered over, her large chest barely contained by the wet blue bra. “There is one way we could let you stay though,” I’d given up responding now, “you could wear a bikini and be one of us girls?” Claire ended her sentence looking excited.
I really wasn’t sure what to make of it, was this a genuine proposal? I uttered out the words “I guess” eager to find out what happens next.
“Good,” said Anna, “this is happening then.” With authority Anna walked off strutting in her swimsuit, while Claire came closer and sized me up with her eyes.
“Of course we’ll have to leave you tied up, but at least you can watch.”
I stammered out an ‘okay.’
Anna came back around the corner with something in her hand, and passed it to Claire. It looked like a string bikini. Claire squeezed past me into the changing room, her chest brushing against my side. Anna stood close to me and looked into my eyes. “Stay still, it’ll only make it worse if you move around.”
Claire suddenly put her arms around me and her hands down my trunks, holding my cock firmly down in place. Anna put both hands on my trunks and pulled them down to my ankles. She stood back up, held the bikini bottoms untied under my crotch. She took the sides and pulled them tight at the sides. Claire carefully removed her hands, Anna keeping the bikini bottoms tight around my cock. They took a side each and tied the sides quickly. My cock was even more strained than before, now pushed further down by the drastic lack of space one might find a lack of in bikini bottoms. Almost straight away, the triangle bikini top was held around my chest, Claire tied it around my neck, adjusting the back to compensate for my lack of chest.
I was now standing in a green bikini, firmly tied and holding my cock firmly facing down, straining against the fabric. “Great, you’re all set!” said Anna like a plan had come together, Claire squeezing past me again ensuring her chest brushed past me.
The girls moved over to the shower and turned the water on again. The water streamed over their bodies. They smiled at each other, as they moved closer together, and kissed.
My cock was making me audibly whine. I tried moving around so I could just feel something, trying to push it against the door frame but unable to reach, my hands tightening as I pulled further.
The girls didn’t seem to notice my struggle. They started touching each other, moving their hands over each others bodies, pulling on the fabric. They pressed their wet bodies closer together, starting to kiss each other on the neck. Claire pulled on Anna’s strap over her shoulder and pulled it down her arms. They stopped kissing for a moment as Anna took her arms out of her swimsuit. Claire slowly pulled down Anna’s costume exposing her chest. Anna glanced at me with a smile, then closed her eyes as Claire’s mouth enclosed around them, delicately playing with each nipple with her tongue.
She continued to pull the tight fabric down Anna, as the water rushed over her, it seemed to stick more, it was like peeling off a second skin. Anna’s body was starting to shake, as Claire pulled the costume off her hips and knelt on the floor in front of her.
Anna looked straight over at me, looking into my eyes. Her mouth fell open with a groan, as Claire’s tongue penetrated Anna’s pussy. Anna’s hands immediately went to the back of Claire’s head, pulling her closer to her.
I needed some attention desperately, I could feel my cock throbbing beyond comfort. I started to pull hard on the straps holding me to the frame. It hurt my wrists, but it was less pain than my cock was in. I kept pulling, lifting my body up to try using the weight to break it. Anna was getting close to coming I could tell, but she pulled Claire away before she could. Claire stood up and looked over at me, locking her lips, tasting Anna’s pussy. They could tell I was in pain.
Anna walked over, leaving her costume on the floor behind her. She was completely shaven, her tight chest firm. She came up close to me, her chest almost pressing the bikini top I was still wearing.
“Are you enjoying yourself?”
I could maintain my cool any longer. “You need to let me out, my cock hurts so much, please.”
“Ahh, you poor thing!” said Anna patronisingly. Claire walked over and stood next to Anna. “Tell you what, if you can finish me off, we’ll give you a special treat.”
“Anything, just let me out.”
Claire turned to Anna, “You know he might enjoy it more if he was... free,” they both looked down at my cock held firmly in the bikini.
“I think you're right... but only if agrees to be our bitch.”
I replied straight away, “Yes anything!”
Claire turned to me, her nipples poking through the blue fabric of her sports bar. “Say it, say you're our bitch.”
“I'm your bitch!”
“Good,” said Anna, “well done.”
She pulled the ties on the bikini I was wearing and it fell off, my cock springing up with force. It almost felt like coming, the release of pressure.
“Say ’thank you’ to Anna.”
“Thank you Anna, thank you,” I said recovering.
“Good, now make Anna come and we’ll make you come,” said Claire.
I looked around, my hands were still tied up above my my head. “Errr?”
As I spoke, Anna put her arms on the frame and pulled her self up, her legs at the height of my shoulders. Claire held her hips as she slipped her legs between my arms and head, her pussy resting on my face.
After having watched Claire lick her out in the shower, I was ready to give her all I got. Claire pushed Anna’s hips up so he pussy was almost in my mouth. She was wet all over, so I started with some intensity, eager to please her.
She was already close, but as I pushed my tongue deeper into her, I could feel her body starting to shake. After a few minutes, she let out a moan and her legs dropped from where she’d been holding a position.
Claire helped her down, she was out of breath, panting. She sat on the floor.
“Very good bitch,” said Claire, “now the bit you've been looking forward to.”
I was a bit out of breath too, recovering from the intensity of Anna’s pussy in my face.
“The trouble is, I want to ride you,” Claire continued, “so here’s the plan, we’re going to cut this band, sit you down on the bench behind you and tie your hands to that. Or you can just go home, but I think I know which one you want?”
I nodded. Anna had recovered by this point and had put her polo shirt back on, her wet skin clinging to the cotton. Claire went around the corner of the cubicles as Anna tried to squeeze back into her swimsuit, pulling it up to her waist. Claire had a pair of scissors and carefully cut the band holding my arms up. Floods of blood rushed through my arms making me feel quite light headed. I fell backwards and sat on the bench in the cubical.
Anna had another band, she knelt down in front of me and tied my hands to one of the slats of the bench. She slowly drew her finger up my leg, over my cock and all the way to the head. My cock felt twice as hard. “Make me come, please.” I begged to Anna.
“Oh, that's Claire's job.” Anna stood up and turned away, her ass held firmly in the navy one piece with the straps fallen by her sides.
Claire stepped forward. She leant over slightly, her cleavage falling out. With firm control she sat on my lap, my cock touching her pussy through the bikini bottoms. “If you can let me come before you do, we can do this again another day” Claire said softly. As wonderful as that sounds, I wasn't sure how that was going to be possible, I was ready to blow.
She put a hand on my chest and moved it down my torso. Taking a firm grip, she started to stroke my cock slowly. I shuddered at the attention, the first real touch all this time. She giggled as I melted before her.
Claire’s other hand went down her own body to her pussy, where she gently pushed it against. Pulling aside the bikini, she revealed her shaven pussy. She leant up and hovered over the end of my straining cock. Slowly, she slid down onto the head, and let me enter her. Once I’d gone in the whole way, she took a firm stand with her feet and started to ride my cock.
“Bitch likes being fucked, doesn't she?” Claire asked, planting slightly.
I nodded, “yes, yes,” revealing in the moment. Claire rode harder. Anna came back around the cubical, and started to kiss her neck and shoulders. Anna lifted Claire’s bra over her shoulders, her large chest falling out and bouncing in rhythm.
Anna’s hands appeared around the sides and held them firmly, her fingers playing with Claire’s nipples.
I could feel myself starting to approach coming, worried that I might come too soon, I opened my mouth to say something but Claire’s head swung back in ecstasy as her body started to vibrate, she was about to come too.
Claire slowed the pace as her pussy contracted, delaying my cock and her body shook, letting out moans and she came. She slowed to a stop, me gasping not to stop.
Climbing off my cock, she said “well done, you made it”. I watched as she knelt before me, moving her hand to my cock and stroking carefully. Anna had taken her polo shirt off and had got back into her swimsuit, she knelt beside Claire and moved her hands up my leg and onto my balls.
Claire’s rhythm increased as I approached orgasm. I looked down, I was still wearing the bikini top. Claire was pushing her chest towards me, and Anna feeling her own body through her swimsuit.
My body shook as come flew out of my cock and over Claire’s tits, quickly she pointed my cock at Anna and my come landed on her swimsuit which she was rubbing with her hands.
“Did you enjoy that, Ben?” Claire asked, but I could not reply, totally out of breath.
“I think we could do that again, what do you think Anna?” Claire looked towards Anna, who was rubbing come into her swimsuit.
“You know,” said Anna walking over to me, “we don’t normally let guys see the next bit, it gets a bit steamy.” Anna was standing quite close now, I could clearly see her nipples poking through her tight suit.
Claire wondered over, her large chest barely contained by the wet blue bra. “There is one way we could let you stay though,” I’d given up responding now, “you could wear a bikini and be one of us girls?” Claire ended her sentence looking excited.
I really wasn’t sure what to make of it, was this a genuine proposal? I uttered out the words “I guess” eager to find out what happens next.
“Good,” said Anna, “this is happening then.” With authority Anna walked off strutting in her swimsuit, while Claire came closer and sized me up with her eyes.
“Of course we’ll have to leave you tied up, but at least you can watch.”
I stammered out an ‘okay.’
Anna came back around the corner with something in her hand, and passed it to Claire. It looked like a string bikini. Claire squeezed past me into the changing room, her chest brushing against my side. Anna stood close to me and looked into my eyes. “Stay still, it’ll only make it worse if you move around.”
Claire suddenly put her arms around me and her hands down my trunks, holding my cock firmly down in place. Anna put both hands on my trunks and pulled them down to my ankles. She stood back up, held the bikini bottoms untied under my crotch. She took the sides and pulled them tight at the sides. Claire carefully removed her hands, Anna keeping the bikini bottoms tight around my cock. They took a side each and tied the sides quickly. My cock was even more strained than before, now pushed further down by the drastic lack of space one might find a lack of in bikini bottoms. Almost straight away, the triangle bikini top was held around my chest, Claire tied it around my neck, adjusting the back to compensate for my lack of chest.
I was now standing in a green bikini, firmly tied and holding my cock firmly facing down, straining against the fabric. “Great, you’re all set!” said Anna like a plan had come together, Claire squeezing past me again ensuring her chest brushed past me.
The girls moved over to the shower and turned the water on again. The water streamed over their bodies. They smiled at each other, as they moved closer together, and kissed.
My cock was making me audibly whine. I tried moving around so I could just feel something, trying to push it against the door frame but unable to reach, my hands tightening as I pulled further.
The girls didn’t seem to notice my struggle. They started touching each other, moving their hands over each others bodies, pulling on the fabric. They pressed their wet bodies closer together, starting to kiss each other on the neck. Claire pulled on Anna’s strap over her shoulder and pulled it down her arms. They stopped kissing for a moment as Anna took her arms out of her swimsuit. Claire slowly pulled down Anna’s costume exposing her chest. Anna glanced at me with a smile, then closed her eyes as Claire’s mouth enclosed around them, delicately playing with each nipple with her tongue.
She continued to pull the tight fabric down Anna, as the water rushed over her, it seemed to stick more, it was like peeling off a second skin. Anna’s body was starting to shake, as Claire pulled the costume off her hips and knelt on the floor in front of her.
Anna looked straight over at me, looking into my eyes. Her mouth fell open with a groan, as Claire’s tongue penetrated Anna’s pussy. Anna’s hands immediately went to the back of Claire’s head, pulling her closer to her.
I needed some attention desperately, I could feel my cock throbbing beyond comfort. I started to pull hard on the straps holding me to the frame. It hurt my wrists, but it was less pain than my cock was in. I kept pulling, lifting my body up to try using the weight to break it. Anna was getting close to coming I could tell, but she pulled Claire away before she could. Claire stood up and looked over at me, locking her lips, tasting Anna’s pussy. They could tell I was in pain.
Anna walked over, leaving her costume on the floor behind her. She was completely shaven, her tight chest firm. She came up close to me, her chest almost pressing the bikini top I was still wearing.
“Are you enjoying yourself?”
I could maintain my cool any longer. “You need to let me out, my cock hurts so much, please.”
“Ahh, you poor thing!” said Anna patronisingly. Claire walked over and stood next to Anna. “Tell you what, if you can finish me off, we’ll give you a special treat.”
“Anything, just let me out.”
Claire turned to Anna, “You know he might enjoy it more if he was... free,” they both looked down at my cock held firmly in the bikini.
“I think you're right... but only if agrees to be our bitch.”
I replied straight away, “Yes anything!”
Claire turned to me, her nipples poking through the blue fabric of her sports bar. “Say it, say you're our bitch.”
“I'm your bitch!”
“Good,” said Anna, “well done.”
She pulled the ties on the bikini I was wearing and it fell off, my cock springing up with force. It almost felt like coming, the release of pressure.
“Say ’thank you’ to Anna.”
“Thank you Anna, thank you,” I said recovering.
“Good, now make Anna come and we’ll make you come,” said Claire.
I looked around, my hands were still tied up above my my head. “Errr?”
As I spoke, Anna put her arms on the frame and pulled her self up, her legs at the height of my shoulders. Claire held her hips as she slipped her legs between my arms and head, her pussy resting on my face.
After having watched Claire lick her out in the shower, I was ready to give her all I got. Claire pushed Anna’s hips up so he pussy was almost in my mouth. She was wet all over, so I started with some intensity, eager to please her.
She was already close, but as I pushed my tongue deeper into her, I could feel her body starting to shake. After a few minutes, she let out a moan and her legs dropped from where she’d been holding a position.
Claire helped her down, she was out of breath, panting. She sat on the floor.
“Very good bitch,” said Claire, “now the bit you've been looking forward to.”
I was a bit out of breath too, recovering from the intensity of Anna’s pussy in my face.
“The trouble is, I want to ride you,” Claire continued, “so here’s the plan, we’re going to cut this band, sit you down on the bench behind you and tie your hands to that. Or you can just go home, but I think I know which one you want?”
I nodded. Anna had recovered by this point and had put her polo shirt back on, her wet skin clinging to the cotton. Claire went around the corner of the cubicles as Anna tried to squeeze back into her swimsuit, pulling it up to her waist. Claire had a pair of scissors and carefully cut the band holding my arms up. Floods of blood rushed through my arms making me feel quite light headed. I fell backwards and sat on the bench in the cubical.
Anna had another band, she knelt down in front of me and tied my hands to one of the slats of the bench. She slowly drew her finger up my leg, over my cock and all the way to the head. My cock felt twice as hard. “Make me come, please.” I begged to Anna.
“Oh, that's Claire's job.” Anna stood up and turned away, her ass held firmly in the navy one piece with the straps fallen by her sides.
Claire stepped forward. She leant over slightly, her cleavage falling out. With firm control she sat on my lap, my cock touching her pussy through the bikini bottoms. “If you can let me come before you do, we can do this again another day” Claire said softly. As wonderful as that sounds, I wasn't sure how that was going to be possible, I was ready to blow.
She put a hand on my chest and moved it down my torso. Taking a firm grip, she started to stroke my cock slowly. I shuddered at the attention, the first real touch all this time. She giggled as I melted before her.
Claire’s other hand went down her own body to her pussy, where she gently pushed it against. Pulling aside the bikini, she revealed her shaven pussy. She leant up and hovered over the end of my straining cock. Slowly, she slid down onto the head, and let me enter her. Once I’d gone in the whole way, she took a firm stand with her feet and started to ride my cock.
“Bitch likes being fucked, doesn't she?” Claire asked, planting slightly.
I nodded, “yes, yes,” revealing in the moment. Claire rode harder. Anna came back around the cubical, and started to kiss her neck and shoulders. Anna lifted Claire’s bra over her shoulders, her large chest falling out and bouncing in rhythm.
Anna’s hands appeared around the sides and held them firmly, her fingers playing with Claire’s nipples.
I could feel myself starting to approach coming, worried that I might come too soon, I opened my mouth to say something but Claire’s head swung back in ecstasy as her body started to vibrate, she was about to come too.
Claire slowed the pace as her pussy contracted, delaying my cock and her body shook, letting out moans and she came. She slowed to a stop, me gasping not to stop.
Climbing off my cock, she said “well done, you made it”. I watched as she knelt before me, moving her hand to my cock and stroking carefully. Anna had taken her polo shirt off and had got back into her swimsuit, she knelt beside Claire and moved her hands up my leg and onto my balls.
Claire’s rhythm increased as I approached orgasm. I looked down, I was still wearing the bikini top. Claire was pushing her chest towards me, and Anna feeling her own body through her swimsuit.
My body shook as come flew out of my cock and over Claire’s tits, quickly she pointed my cock at Anna and my come landed on her swimsuit which she was rubbing with her hands.
“Did you enjoy that, Ben?” Claire asked, but I could not reply, totally out of breath.
“I think we could do that again, what do you think Anna?” Claire looked towards Anna, who was rubbing come into her swimsuit.