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A Kitty Comes to Visit

"Kitty Girl visits me for the first time, and I do my best to make the night a memorable one."

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I was nervous like hell. We had chatted endlessly about it, and what I had felt when she had proposed a visit at my place had been astonishment at her trust in me and growing excitement. I had pictured the moment and planned all kinds of things to entertain her, but now that the time of her arrival came closer, I found myself running a trench into the carpet and sweating my hands off.

My nervousness, you see, wasn’t about her, it was all about me and about the questions if I could match with her expectations, and if the things I had planned were too tame, or too over-the-top. It was funny, because I was supposed to be the one in control, the one with the detailed plan who steered every moment of our encounter - let there be no doubt that this was going to be more than just a visit for coffee - and the one to make any demands.

When the doorbell rang a little after nine in the evening, I needed a few seconds to fight my way out of this panic spiral and get my bearings, but then I hollered, “Coming!” and shot through the living room and entry hall and pulled open the door to the brightly lit porch.

She was nothing like I had expected - but then, I didn’t really know what to expect - and everything I had expected at the same time, because when our eyes met, I found the same nervous excitement that bubbled inside me reflected tenfold in hers. There was a warmth in her eyes too, and it wrapped me in a blanket of closeness and choked me up.

I silently held out both arms and saw her struggle with herself for a short moment, but then her sports bag dropped to the ground and she flew into my arms.

“You’re here,” I whispered, somehow afraid that the moment might shatter if I talked too loudly.

“I am,” she replied, just as quiet and short of breath.

“You’re trembling!” She was, shaking like leaf, and I gripped her shoulders and held on tight, looking deep into her eyes. “If you’re afraid, we don’t have to do any…”

She didn’t let me finish. Instead, she pushed my hands from her shoulders, encircled me with her arms and pressed a soft, chaste kiss onto my lips. My heart soared, and a tremble shot through me. The way her eyelids fluttered shyly before she looked expectantly up at me was just too cute.

Like soft, warm glove, the role I had promised to play slipped over me. I gripped her cheeks and pulled her close, forcing her lips apart with mine, pushing my tongue into her mouth and kissing her with all the greed that been building up in me for days.

She melted against my body. Little whimpers escaped through her nose, and by god, I thought I might faint from that intimate cuteness that radiated from her.

We were both breathing hard by the time I ended the kiss. I looked her up and down and smiled. She was wearing a creamy-white t-shirt with the word “Pretty” in big letters and the word “hungry” quite smaller underneath, a stylish, worn pair of jeans and lovely pink sneakers. Her long, blonde hair almost reached her bum and featured a playful, bright blue strand.

“Come in, Rachel,” I told her, gesturing inside and stepping to the side.

She took a hesitant step forward, but my words halted her.

“Your bag?”

“Oh. Oh!” She quickly picked it up and walked inside.

I couldn’t stop myself from commenting though. “You look pretty when you blush.”

She halted, and when she turned to me, her cheeks turned even darker. She answered me with a soft, quiet, “Thank you.”

Definitely the cutest thing I had ever seen! “We have to make you blush a lot then,” I told her and put my hand on her firm, round bum, pushing gently to steer her into the living room. All worries dissolved into dust when I felt the shape of her body under my fingers, felt the muscles work there and, most of all, felt a little tremble race through her at my touch.

I guided her to the middle of the room and gave her time to turn fully around and take everything in. I had spent hours with tidying up, dusting and cleaning to make everything shine, yet I was still nervous somehow. I didn’t need to.

“Wow,” she gasped, “this is great. I mean, really, really great. I love the colors, and the couch is… wow.”

I radiated pride. The couch had been my most expensive indulgence when I moved in, a huge ‘L’ of dark brown, almost black leather, each part wide and long enough so two people could comfortably sleep on them - or do other things. The backrests were mounted ingeniously, and you could move them back and forth and up and down and tilt them almost any way you wanted, held in place by a curved chrome metal pipe each that vanished in its back. I had planned to make it one of the centers of events tonight.

I watched her open her pretty mouth a few times, only to close it again. She was awfully shy despite all the times we had chatted and exchanged mails, that much was evident. I decided not to keep her waiting any longer and start the game.

I picked up her sports bag and carried it to the coffee table, then turned sidewards so I could watch her from the corner of my eye.

The moment I reached for the zipper, she bit her lip. I took my time and opened it as slowly as I could. The soft, whirring sound of its teeth unlocking from each other filled the air, and her cheeks once more darkened. Her lips formed into a lovely, nervous pout.

“Let’s see what we have here,” I said to fill the silence, pulled the bag open and looked inside.

She began to wiggle on the spot, and I watched her hands clench.

It was hard to look stern when I turned my face towards her and told her, “Be a good girl and stand still. We can’t have you hopping all over the place, can we?”

I almost giggled when I noticed the little shudder that went through her at the words “good girl.” Her eyes widened, and she stiffened, her face looking straight ahead.

The first thing I pulled from her bag was a hairband with a fluffy pair of pink cat ears. I ran a finger over the tips and smiled, already able to imagine how cute they would look.

A thick pair of completely fingerless pink mittens followed, and I took my time to study them. The nervousness in her eyes intensified.

Next came two pink wool leggings, footless thigh-high socks that had a thick cushion over the knee and a small ring attached at each end. So simple and clever. I felt a grin tug at the corner of my mouth.

I thought a bit about which of the two items left I should pick next, when a devious little thought appeared in my head. I pulled out the pink, more than two feet long tail with the bulbous black rubber end and looked at her. She started to tremble, and her breathing sped up.

I approached her with slow, measured steps, making sure that my high heels filled the air with their rhythmic, loud clicks. Her eyes were riveted to the hand that held the tail, and her blush spread down her neck when I stopped an arm’s length in front of her and held it up for her inspection.

“This your tail, isn’t it?”

She nodded, and the urge to kiss her became almost overwhelming when she bit her lip and couldn’t meet my eyes.

“And where does it go?”

Another shudder raced through her. “My… my bum,” she confessed quietly.

A strange feeling began to fill my heart. It was warm and loving, but also powerful. There was something else - it took me a moment to put my finger on it - trust. It was intimate and exhilarating, and suddenly I wanted - no, now I needed - to make her squirm. So I just looked into her eyes and waited, curious what she would do.

She started to lift her hands but let them drop again. Her eyes grew questioning, searching, but when they found no answer forthcoming, filled with almost panicked nervosity. Just when I decided to have mercy on her, they suddenly lit up.

“In… Inside,” she whispered, “Inside my bum.”

God, this was cute! I tilted my head. Suddenly, wicked ideas seemed to grow in my head like weeds in a flower bed, ten more every time I blinked.

“Show me,” I ordered.

I could see that she felt utterly silly when she pointed to the center of her bum and mumbled, “There.”

I shook my head. “Show me.”

That moment of recognition in her eyes would forever stay locked in my head. The quick widening, the disbelief turning into embarrassment, and then that ashamed expression morphing into something unexplainably sweet, a mix of submission, adoration and shy excitement.

Her fingers shook, and it took her a number of tries to open all the buttons of her jeans. They shook even more when she hooked her thumbs into the waistband and slowly pushed them down. I felt her eyes watching me avidly, but my own followed the fabric down her tummy, exposing smooth, tanned skin, then a soft mound. Her slit became visible as just a dark line between the shadowed, full lips of her pussy, until finally her sex was in full view. For a short moment, realization that she wasn’t wearing panties hit me, quickly followed by the decision to file away that detail for later use. And use it I would.

I forced myself to breathe evenly. By god, she was so beautiful, and all I wanted at this moment was to fall to my knees and worship that pretty pussy with my lips and tongue. But now wasn’t the time for that. I waited a little longer until the jeans were halfway down her thighs.


She stood back up, trembling slightly, her breath flying. I could only imagine what it must feel for her to stand there, fully clothed but her bum and pussy exposed to my eyes.

I gave her time to savor the moment and walked around her in a circle. Her breathing slowly settled while I admired her pretty bum. It was perfect. Firm, round, slightly bubbly and with two lovely smiling lines at the tops of her thighs. Her cleft was a clear division, and if there hadn’t been the dark shadow protecting it, I might have been able to spot the rosy circle of her pucker.

I reached her front again, breathing harder than I should have and feeling my skin prickle all over. Yet, I had a role to play tonight.

“Good girl,” I praised her and earned another poorly hidden shudder of delight.

Winking at her, I held up the rubber end of the tail again. It was completely spotless and shimmered in the light. I brushed it over her lips and heard her breath hitch.

“So, this goes inside your bum?” I asked.

She nodded.

“Inside your dirty little bum hole?”

“Yes,” she gasped. A spark of eagerness lit in her eyes.

I decided to be wicked.

“And it has already been in that dirty little hole before?”

Once more, she could only nod. There was another shade of dark her cheeks could reach. This time, I didn’t need to hide my grin.

“Open up, so I can put this rubber end, this end which has been inside your dirty bum hole, into your mouth.”

She whimpered, but then she dutifully opened her mouth, and I slowly pushed the dildo end inside. It wasn’t long, just bulbous, so she didn’t have any trouble. When it was all the way in, I gently tapped her chin and signaled her to close her lips around it.

“Make it good and wet,” I whispered in her ear.

She nodded as good as she could. I could see how she sucked and licked eagerly. I brushed her cheek with one hand and added to her predicament.

“I was just thinking,” I told her, “if I should go really slowly; widen your pucker with a finger, you know. Or, perhaps, I could just push this big, round rubber dildo inside your bum in one go.” I trailed my fingernails over her cheek and felt her skin tremble. Wide eyes looked up at me. “Good girls should get the soft treatment. Bad girls…” I let my voice trail off and shrugged sympathetically. I had never expected this to be so much fun, and I went in for the kill.

“Are you a good girl, Rachel?” I asked, to which, of course, she nodded eagerly. But I wasn’t finished. “Do good girls let other people stick things up their bum?”

I could see the struggle behind her eyes. The renewed flush on her cheeks answered before she could do so herself, and it was the cutest thing I had ever seen. She imperceptibly shook her head.

“No?” I asked and didn’t wait for an answer. “Then you’re not a good girl?”

Her face took on a pained expression, but after a another short moment of inner struggle, she slowly shook her head.

I kissed her softly on her forehead. “Then we can’t help it,” I whispered, and I thought I heard a soft moan.

We didn’t need words. I pulled the glistening, now saliva-coated plug from her mouth and stepped behind her once again, and when my fingers touched the lovely, soft half-orbs of her bum, she bent forward without being prompted. Her skin tightened under my hands, and I couldn’t help myself. I took my time caressing her trembling, warm, incredibly sexy buttocks, ran my hands all over them in appreciation and finally parted them to run my thumbs softly through that naughty cleft. I drank her shuddering breaths like the finest wine and wickedly tickled the soft, rosy, wrinkled ring of muscle with my fingernails, watching it clench tightly with each touch.

When I pushed the plug against her pucker, her breath hitched. I slowly increased the pressure and listened to her breath speeding up. It was a moment to savor. Her bum cheeks tightened and relaxed, as if dancing to a tune only she could hear, and her pucker clenched against the intruder in a futile but sexy little tug of war. When I rotated it left and right to spread her saliva evenly on her naughty entrance, she answered with a soft hiss through clenched teeth.

“Relax,” I whispered softly, felt another tremble run through her and, to my astonishment, the plug slid inside. I watcher her ring of muscle dip, then spread arounds it, and a second later and accompanied by a deep moan, it was in, its base tightly engulfed, the pink tailing sticking out and hanging down in a soft curve like a real appendage.

“Lovely,” I told her, wrapped one hand in her long hair while I wiggled the end of the tail inside her, then pulled her back up until her back was arched and she looked straight up at me with breathless excitement. Her mouth was open and her eyes had this intense glow of arousal that went directly between my thighs and tried to make my breath stutter.

Always do the unexpected. I gently let go of her, and she was taken off balance. She teetered on the spot, and it took her a few seconds to get her equilibrium and, after a shy look from her and a smile and nod from me in return, she straightened up.

I stepped to her front again. “I want to see your tits.” Soft and crude, carrots and sticks, that’s what she had once told me while we chatted, and I remembered it well. “Lift up your t-shirt so I can see them, but make it slow.”

Always go slow, that was one of the other things she said. Tease, seduce, get the thoughts flying only to dangle the reward just out of reach. Oh, how I planned to do just that.

I licked my lips when the hem of her t-shirt slid upwards, pulled by trembling fingers. Her tummy invited me to lick it, to feel its softness with my tongue and leave a trail of glistening appreciation, but I resisted. The curved shapes of her breasts came into view and I held my breath, only to breathe out in what was almost a moan when I saw her nipples, rosy and stiff, emerge from under the fabric.

It was hard, but I waited until all of their artistic beauty was laid bare to my greedy eyes before I whispered, “Stop. Stay like this.”

It was awkward for her to stand like this, with both elbows lifted far above her shoulders, but I doubted she was conscious of that at the moment. Her eyes were fixed on me and glazed over with arousal. I leaned forward until my lips were just an inch from her left nipple, and I blew gently over it.

She trembled so cutely, and her breath hitched.

I stood upright again and looked her up and down. She was still blushing like mad, but she met my eyes. I could see arousal and embarrassment fight inside. It was perfect.

“Stay,” I told her softly, then turned around and walked slowly into the kitchen, leaving her alone to ponder all the shame and need I had seen and to savor her exposed display.

While I had already put a glass on the counter, I had deliberately not chosen the wine. So I took my time, weighing the spicy, earthy taste of the South African Zinfandel against the capricious yet seductive Tempranillo from Spain. Capricious, I thought and smiled. Yes, that matched her perfectly. It was an easy choice. I filled my glass and took a sip. The wine was young, and it immediately unfolded its aroma on my tongue, bringing memories of lovely summer evenings and unburdened times.

I walked back, gently swirling the wine in the glass. She hadn’t moved an inch, but I could see her elbows already begin to tremble. So I moved to the table, took another sip and put the glass down next to the bag. I reached inside and saw impatience flutter through her face. She quickly schooled it, but I had seen it. Impatience was never to be met with wish fulfillment.

So I picked up the cat ears hair band instead and approached, grinning softly. I brushed all the hair from her face and set the hair band on top her head, determined not to let on just how cute she looked with the fluffy pink adornments.

“You can take off your t-shirt.”

Oh, how I wanted to chuckle at her antics. The moment the words had left my throat, her elbows had shot upwards, only to freeze after an inch. Guilt was plastered all over her face when she slowly pulled it over her head, careful not to get it stuck on the hair band.

I took it from her and went back to the table, pondering my next move. Her hands were by her sides, fingers wiggling as if she couldn’t wait for whatever came next. I smirked.

Her eyes widened when I picked up the thick, fluffy mittens, but once I was in front of her, she dutifully held out her hands and let me pull the mittens over them and tie them up. She had to make a fist to fit her hand inside, and I noticed goosebumps on her arms. Her helplessness was already getting to her. Perfect!

“You can take off the jeans yourself,” I told her while I turned around and walked back to the table. I picked up my wine and sat back on the couch, folding one leg over the other and watching her. I was curious how she would manage that feat without much help from her mitten-encased fingers. Her jeans were tight.

She had apparently done this before, because she skillfully got down onto her knees, then laid on her side to avoid aggravating the tail sticking from her bum.

I sipped from the wine and smiled. I had pictured so many things in advance, but this hadn’t been among them. I couldn’t, in my wildest dreams, have imagined how exciting watching her like this could be, how sexy and delicious her body looked when her muscles worked to her into the right position, when her lips formed into a determined pout and - once she had finally managed to turn herself onto her back with her bum slightly in the air - how it would arouse me to watch her half-naked body wiggle on the floor.

She knew what she was doing.

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With some effort, she managed to push her sneakers free of her naked feet. Then she alternated between pushing down the waistband of her jeans for an inch and pulling up her legs to slide both fists downward on each. Inch by inch, the jeans travelled over her feet, until finally, they dropped to the floor.

I set my glass on the table and clapped.

She blushed madly again, but there was a soft smile of pride on her lips. God, she was so adorable!

“What are you waiting for?” I chastised softly. “Bring them.”

There are, I surmised when she awkwardly got on all fours and picked up her jeans with her mouth, not many things more adorable and cute to watch than a naked, pretty girl that is crawling towards you, her perfect bum wiggling eagerly with each shuffling step, her eyes, full of sweetest adoration, riveted on you and her lovely breasts swaying and bouncing under her.

I neatly folder her jeans on the table, then watched her scramble back for her shoes. She had to carry those with her teeth as well, and as she brought them to me one by one, the embarrassment about that was evident. When she dropped the second one into my hand and looked up with those wide, shy eyes, I lifted it up to my nose and took a small whiff. It wasn’t stinky, but it had that warm, slightly sweet scent of having been worn for some time, and I made a show of scrunching up my nose to gift her with that little pinch of self-consciousness which I knew she secretly craved.

Next, I reached for one of the padded leggings. Crouching low on the floor behind her, I had her extend one leg, and I slowly, very, very slowly, slid the fabric up her legs, making sure to use the opportunity to touch her soft skin to its fullest. I’ve always had a thing for pretty legs. Simply touching them and kissing them could keep me entertained for hours. Feeling toned muscles tremble under my touch was a delight.

I made sure that the legging was snugly in place and the knee pad where it was supposed to be, then trailed my fingernail along the seam around her thigh. We had been silent too long, I realized.

“You know,” I told her while I bent her lower leg up and hooked the little rings on the legging into each other so she couldn’t straighten it, “you are a very pretty girl, far prettier than I could ever have imagined.”

I helped her pull on the other legging. “You have pretty legs and feet too.” When I hooked the two rings there together and she wiggled those pretty toes, I was almost tempted to capture them with my lips. She had painted her nails a matching pink, a lovely, sweet detail that didn’t go unnoticed by me. Touching her body and preparing her for the playful, naughty role she so loved had my heartbeat racing, and I could smell that sweet, musky scent of arousal coming from her that made me drool and that spread a warm, moist feeling between my thighs.

But it wasn’t time. No burying my tongue in that sweet, naked pussy; no touching her all over; not yet.

My fingers tried to shake when I went in front of her and pulled the last item out of her bag - her collar.

It was almost like a transformation went through her. Her body trembled all over when she saw the shiny, pink leather and heard the soft tinkling of the tiny golden bell attached to its front. A pretty smile tugged up the corners of her mouth and made it even more kissable, and when I finally wrapped the leather around her neck and threaded the free end through the buckle, bright sparkles lit up in her eyes and nearly took my breath away.

She started trembling all over in exuberant impatience. I had never seen anything so cute before, and with the fluffy ears, her long, soft tail and paw-like mittens, I could really see her as kitty girl.

“Does kitty want to play?” I asked softly and almost cheered in delight when her gaze flew to my face and she managed to wiggle her bum so that little waves ran along her tail.

“I guess that’s a yes.” I winked at her, then pulled the little ball of multi-colored yarn I had bought especially for her from under the table. Her eyes instantly became glued to it.

I teasingly turned it a few times between my fingers, then threw it across the room. Like a cannon shot, she was after it, skitting across the wooden floor, slipping and almost tumbling until she reached it and swiped at it with her paw.

“Oh, Kitty,” I whispered to myself while she raced and played, completely engrossed in chasing that little, bouncing ball of yarn through my living room, her bell tinkling merrily, “you have no idea how special you are.”

Had I had any fears that this kind of play may appear silly, those were laid to rest. She looked sweet and cute, and more importantly, incredibly sexy while she shot across the room. Her chiming little giggles mixed with the sounds of the bell, filling the air with their music, and playful little meows and hisses accompanied her antics.

I picked up my ebook reader and leaned back in the couch, though I had not the faintest intention to read a single word. I watched her over the edge of the plastic and was sure I could never get tired by it.

She could get tired though, but it took some time. I had meanwhile taken off the high heeled sandals and pulled up one leg. She had shot back and forth across the room for almost half an hour, then spent another ten minutes rolling over the carpet, idly swiping at the yarn ball and nudging it with her nose.

Finally spent, she now crawled towards me, her body shiny with a sheen of sweat and a wide, satisfied smile on her face. She curled up on her side on the fluffy carpet between couch and table next to my leg, and I listened as her breathing calmed down.

I pretended to be reading again when, in fact, I was listening to the finest changes in her breathing. It’s curious how much a person’s breathing pattern gives away about their thoughts and state, and the small hitches and changes in rhythm told me that her mind was working a mile a minute. Finally, it evened out though, and I could hear that soft rustling of the carpet when she relaxed.

That was the time to initiate the next stop of my plan - something rather naughty; something I hadn’t been able to stop thinking about ever since she had agreed to my invitation - not that I’d told her about this part.

My own breath hitched when I wiggled my toes in a little laola wave. Would she go that far in her kitty game? Would she recognize the teasing for what it was? I wiggled my toes again after a minute, and her breathing became inaudible. My heartbeat started to race. I heard her shift.

I wiggled my toes once more, and I felt it - teeth nibbling on my big toe, warm, moist lips wrapping around it and the slightly rougher surface of her tongue running deliciously over its underside. The feeling travelled straight up between my thighs in a warm, wet, pussy-clenching wave of arousal so strong that it made me dizzy.

While I was still trying and failing to contain the moan that forced its way out through my clenched teeth, her eager mouth was all over my toes, and while she was playful, it was the most intimate caress I had ever experienced. I bunched up my long skirt around my waist and my hand pushed its way into my lace panties, and there it found copious wetness. I coated the tip of my thumb with the sticky, smooth moisture and gasped aloud when her tongue licked in between my toes.

My last tiny inhibitions went out the window. I pushed my middle and ring finger into my hot channel, slid then between the slick and aroused velvety walls of my pussy and moaned. My thumb found my clit without conscious thought.

It felt like my toes were a pussy of its own, and the pleasuring feelings bounced back and forth from there to my stimulated twat. With only a few rhythmic penetrations of my fingers and soft circles on my clit, I was already approaching the edge, and what a breathtaking, intense edge it was that loomed there.

“Stop!” I gasped, and my whole body trembled. “Bad Kitty!”

She scurried back to all fours and stared up at me with a guilty, yet playful expression in her eyes. Her cheeks were flushed and her lips swollen.

I stood up. Sparks danced over my skin. That was naughty. Even a little wicked. But it also was intense, and it was so much fun.

“Bad Kitty,” I whispered again and opened the zipper of my dress, letting it pool around my feet and needing a few seconds to fight the lightweight feeling. I stepped out of it and threw it onto the unused end of the couch, not able to care about making wrinkles.

Her eyes roamed up and down my body. A short stab of self-consciousness shot through me. The ten years age gap made all the difference between a perfect, blemishless body like hers and the first signs of aging that showed on mine.

There was only adoration in her eyes, though, and I quickly unfastened my expensive lace bra and threw it onto the dress.

“Do you know what one does with a bad kitty,” I asked her, my voice too breathless and fast, but it was all I could manage.

I slid my soaked panties down my thighs, and a naughty addition to my plan occurred to me. ‘Would she…?’ My fingers trembled when I picked up the panties and turned the gusset inside out.

“One pushes their face into something wet,” I growled quietly, and we both shuddered at the same time in wicked pleasure.

Her breathing started to race like mad when I held the panties close to her face, and little whimpers of need filled the air when I pushed them gently in her face, covering her nose and mouth, making her breath the scent of my need and coating her lips with my juices.

I smeared my secretions all over her face, and I noticed her try to suck greedily on the thin fabric.

“Such an eager, horny little kitten,” I cooed and went down onto my knees next to her. I pulled the panties away, capturing her chin with my free hand and turning her face towards me. It was aglow with red arousal and glistening with my moisture, but most of all, it held such an expression of pure bliss that it made my body tremble from restrained need.

I ran the knuckles of my other hand through her folds and found the same, sticky-hot mess of wetness there that was between my own legs.

I clucked my tongue. “You’re going to drip all over my expensive carpet and floor,” I accused softly, and god, how adorably guilty she looked at me! “We can’t have that,” I told her while my thumb gently massaged my juices into her trembling lips.

This was another spur-of-the-moment idea, but something about it was so appealing and forbidden, I just couldn’t resist. I held my panties’ gusset against the opening of her sweet snatch and slowly pushed inwards.

“We can’t have your needy, yucky, smelly pussy-honey drip out of you and make everything sticky,” I whispered while I pushed them inside her inch by inch. “I’ve made everything here spotless for you, but you can’t control your horny little snatch, can you?”

I let my hand roam downwards from her face, running my fingernails down the front of her throat. Her back arched and she threw back her head, her breath coming in short little gasps. I wrapped my fingers around one breast and gently squeezed and pulled, letting her know that I had not the tiniest inhibitions about touching her. I twirled her nipple hard between my fingers and drew sharp little hisses from her, only for those to turn into moans again when I resumed my caressing massage.

The panties were almost all the way inside her, and her hips gyrated under my touch. I let an inch stick outside.

“That’s better,” I said and let go of her, leaning backwards onto my arms and moving my legs out from under me.

I lowered myself onto the carpet and spread my legs. My breath trembled like mad. A small trail of my juices trickled down into my ass crack. It had been a long, long time since I had been so turned on.

“Does Kitty want some cream?” I whispered, nudging my pussy lips apart with two fingers.

Faster than I could blink, she was between my legs. Her tongue sneaked out and found my clit with unerring precision. My back lifted from the carpet when she ran its length over my little nub, and a small sun seemed to form between my legs.

Then her tongue delved into my opening and its tongue pushed against my walls, wiggling inside me. I almost came from that intense, wonderful touch alone, and my words of encouragement were lost in short, breathless moans.

God, she was good! Her mouth played me like a fiddle, and the slurping, smacking sounds her lips made drove me wild.

Soon I was humping my hips against her mouth like mad, my fingers buried in her hair and guiding her soft, eager lips, and everything around me faded into non-existence.

A heat lit in my pussy that I’d never felt before. Stars danced and waves of hot, wet, naughty delight rolled through my body.

“I’m… I’m.... Ohhh fuuuuck!” I screamed and twitched as the sun between my legs exploded into a supernova. I came and came, with her lips attached to my clit and sucking away like mad, and I felt like a river was running from my pussy. I shook and writhed, my heart dancing in pleasure.

I had to push her away. My pussy had become so sensitive, I couldn’t stand the slightest touch, and I knew this would last for a few minutes.

Her face was dripping with my moisture, and she looked so pretty that I felt tears threaten to pool in my eyes.

“Come here, Kitty,” I teased, rubbing my fingers together and patting the spot at my side.

When she wiggled her way there, I gestured her to lay down on her side, then did the same, lifting one leg over her tail and spooning her closely.

“Good Kitty,” I whispered into her ear and gently bit the sweet spot on the side of her neck.

She purred.

“You’re so adorable,” I whispered into her ear and slowly drifted off into a content slumber.

* * * *

I couldn’t have slept long, perhaps ten minutes, not more. I awoke to a slow, rhythmic movement next to me, and I was instantly aware enough of my surrounding to stay still and not draw her attention. The tiniest of moans flew from her lips, and while I could only see her upper arm, its movement told me everything about what she was doing.

I ever so slowly reached over her and gripped her mitten-covered wrist.

She gasped.

Oh how I would have loved to let out the happy chuckle. Instead, I captured a small patch of skin between her collarbone and neck with my teeth and bit down.

When she jerked and whimpered in protest, I let go and whispered in her ear, “Bad Kitty! Toying with your naughty pussy without asking!”

She froze. I let go of her wrist and ran my hand upwards over her tummy. With a little wickedness that couldn’t be denied, I started to caress her breasts while I whispered into her ear, “As a punishment, you’re not allowed to make a sound, and touching yourself isn’t allowed either.” I gently pinched her nipple and listened when she drew in a shuddering breath.

I teased her mercilessly. I gently massaged her breasts, rolled and pinched her nipples and plastered wet kisses over her shoulder and neck. When I reached down between us and began to wiggle her kitty tail, her breathing started to fly.

“You so want to touch herself, don’t you?” I whispered. “To run that hand up and down between your thighs, to stoke that fire burning in your naughty pussy, that’s all you can think about, isn’t it?”

Her soft, answering moan was filled with pained need.

I knelt upright and turned her onto her back. Her eyes were heavy lidded with lust, and her skin was tinted with the flush of arousal. I guided her hands above her head and told her to keep them there, then spread her knees apart was wide as possible.

“Such a lewd little thing,” I teased and ran a fingernail over her swollen clit.

She trembled all over.

“Don’t come before I allow you to.” My finger circled her glistening nub while I gave her the order, an order I would make sure she would fail. “Understood?”

She nodded, but I could see that she didn’t trust herself. Behind all the eagerness and arousal in her eyes was a layer of vulnerability, and I could almost physically taste her utter devotion.

“Don’t come,” I told her again and started to rub up and down her slit with one hand and caressing her breasts with the other. I leaned over her and let a line of drool tickle from my lips and onto her swollen clit, adding that pinch of forbidden spice which I knew she couldn’t resist.

Her breath hitched and her pelvis rocked to meet my finger. I concentrated on her clit, flicking it with the tip of my index finger, and her hips began to shake. She stopped breathing altogether when I drew the nails of three fingers down her breast, drawing three parallel, red lines over it, not letting up when they crossed her sensitive nipple.

It was like a trigger.

Her back arched from the floor and she began to shake all over. Her thighs clamped together and she gave tiny, high-pitched cries of release. I forced my hand between her legs and pulled out my soggy panties in a single yank, which made her little cries turn into a long, loud moan that stuttered and broke. I pushed two fingers deep into her pussy and felt her walls clench them like a vice while I latched my lips onto one nipple and sucked hard.

Her head flew back and her shoulders lifted from the carpet too. I finger-fucked her through her climax, which came in waves, and knowing I was giving her such pleasure and feeling her body react so intensely made my heart soar and my pussy drench my thighs with its juices.

Finally, she was spent, and she slumped back onto the carpet, twitching every so often from aftershocks. I let go of her and wrapped her into a tight hug, pulling our chests together.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered once she gotten back her breath.

“No need to be,” I whispered back and kissed her lovingly. “You never had a chance.”

“I tried,” she said quietly, and her eyes implored me to believe her.

“I know, sweet Kitty.” I brushed a stray strand of hair from her face. “I felt every second of it.”

I released her from her costume a little later, and we made sweet - and sometimes quite naughty - love to each other for hours. We fell asleep entangled with each other, and in the morning, after I had brought breakfast to bed, we cherished every moment of intimacy and fed each other with our fingers, not caring about crumbs and stains on the sheets.

She had to leave early, and we parted with a long kiss, ensuring each other how special the night had been.

* * * *

Once she was gone, I went back up my bedroom and undressed. Next to the bed were still my panties, soaked with both our juices and slightly crusty by now. I picked them up and thought back to last evening. How beautiful she had looked with all that arousal and insecurity in her eyes. How prettily she had trembled when I’d had her expose herself and how cute she had been when I had dressed her up and taken away her body’s freedom.

I looked in the mirror, suddenly overwhelmed by the intensity and feeling a deep, naughty need bloom inside my chest.

I stepped into the soaked panties and pulled them up, whispering, “Naughty Kitty?” at my mirror image and imagining myself with soft, fluffy ears, thick, restrictive mittens and a tight collar of ownership around my neck.

I shuddered in delight, and I knew that the idea of becoming a kitty myself, of experiencing the other side of last night’s games, would not let me go.
Written by ChrissieLecker
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