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"Who said working nights in a department store was boring!?"

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Author's Notes

"I hope you'll see that love facesitting almost as much as spanking! Enjoy!"

With more than two hours to go till the store closed, Daniel couldn’t wait to leave. He didn’t mind working Saturday nights as lately he didn’t have much to do on what was commonly considered the couple’s night of the weekend. Department stores having fallen on hard times, surrendering sales to online stores, he’d only had one customer in the Hosiery & Socks department all afternoon and was bored to death.

Just across the aisle in Intimate Apparel, Megan had fared better, but not much, and the two found themselves killing time with idle conversation most of the evening. He didn’t mind when she asked if he’d cover for her so she could slip out and run an errand. She’d be gone almost an hour. She gave him a peck on the cheek as thanks and headed down the escalator, hoping she didn’t attract any attention.

At any given time, one or two people wandered the second floor, but none in either of their departments. Still, he needed to watch both and walked back and forth between the two areas.

Megan had been gone for fifteen minutes or so when a gorgeous redhead entered the department. She seemed to be looking for something specific, so Daniel offered his help.

“Can I help you find something, ma’am?” he asked respectfully.

“Yes,” she started, then eyed him up and down before resuming. “I’ve heard of this new brand of panties called ‘SOMF.’ Do you carry them?”

“Of course,” he replied positively. “We keep them back here in the corner, away from curious eyes. You can understand why, I imagine.”

“I know what ‘SOMF’ means if that’s what you’re suggesting!” she replied haughtily.

Megan and Daniel had teased and flirted with each other regarding this new line, meant to enhance the sexual practice of facesitting. As a result, he’d enjoyed learning about the three models and their attributes.

“Would you like some information on them, or shall I leave you to browse?” he asked, hoping he’d get a chance to show off with the shapely ginger.

“Yes, that would be helpful,” she replied with a small smile. She looked him over again and thought it would be fun to put him in the potentially embarrassing situation of explaining how they were used, and she was curious about how descriptive he would be.

“Great!” he exclaimed. “The first model is called ‘Smoooth,’ so named because of the soft, satiny quality of the fabric, and the lack of seams in the gusset, allowing for frictionless contact with your partner,” he offered, expertly repeating what he’d heard Megan say before.

“Okay. What about these,” she asked, handling a pair tagged, ‘Oh Snap!’

“These come in two models, one with a T-back and the other providing regular coverage. The name alludes to the three small snaps just above the pelvic area that allow full intimate contact when opened. The gusset is of the same satin fabric as the ‘Smooooth’ model for that same feeling before the snaps are released.

The woman was very impressed with his knowledge and polite descriptions of the features and functions of each model. She put her hand on his shoulder as she took the garment from him to see the snaps.

“Isn’t there one more type?” she asked, flashing him a million-dollar smile and her green-gold eyes.

“Yes, these are called the ‘Now!’ model. They look like ordinary panties when standing, but part your legs, and they open up, allowing instant intimate contact when wearing a dress or skirt. Much like you’re wearing now,” he added, taking note of her skirt, whose hemline was just inches from revealing what color her panties were. “With the soft luxurious lace, they’re a classier take on their somewhat crude predecessors,” he ad-libbed with a knowing smile.

They both smiled at his pitch that accurately described the benefits of these panties in very proper terms while insinuating the very graphic act of stuffing one’s pussy into a waiting and willing mouth to lick, nibble, and suck it until she came in his face.

“I’d like to try them on. Is that permitted?”

“As long as they’re returned in saleable condition or purchased, I don’t see why not,” he said without mentioning that she was supposed to keep her own underwear on as well.

“Great, um … Daniel,” she said, reading his nametag for the first time. “Give me a size six in each of them. Red if you have it.”

“Which of the ‘Oh Snap!’ model? Plain or T-back?”

“Both,” she said with a sultry smile.

He found all four in size six, but the ‘Smoooth’ model was in white rather than red, and handed them to her, gesturing toward the fitting room adjacent to the shelves they were selecting from.

“Now, you stay right there in case I need another size, okay?” she said seductively.

“Of course, ma’am!”

“Call me Pamela or Pam,” she said, taking the panties from him and disappearing into the fitting room.

Daniel’s descriptions had been quite arousing, so when she reached up under her skirt and peeled her wet panties away from her sticky wet pussy, she thought, ‘No way these are gonna be saleable when I’m through with them!’ Grabbing the white ‘Smoooth’ model, she shimmied them up her legs and pulled them tight up against her crotch. Looking at them in the mirror, she was happy with how they looked but decided to have a little fun at Daniel’s expense.

“Daniel? Will you come in here?”

“In the fitting room, ma’am, er uh, Pamela?” he asked, hoping for an opportunity to render an opinion. Little did he know what he was in for.

“Yes, please.”

He walked in to find her looking much as before, apart from a pair of black panties dangling from the hanger hook. Once the door closed behind him, she pulled her skirt up to show him the white panties with the smooth gusset. His already tight pants seemed much tighter all of a sudden as he saw her bare pussy and reddish landing strip through the sheer fabric.

“Mmm, very nice,” he offered suggestively, noting that she was a natural redhead.

“Thank you. I know they look and fit fine, but that doesn’t tell me how well they work! I think a demonstration is in order,” she said, smiling at the stunned look on his face.

“Oh! Well, um, I’d be more than happy to, Pam!” he stammered, not believing his good fortune. “How, um, where do you want me?”

“Sit on the floor in front of the chair. That’s it. Now, lay your head back on the seat. Good!”

She moved to straddle his seated body, facing him, and stepped forward to place the already wet crotch of the panties directly on his open mouth. Rocking her hips forward, she wiped his face with the damp gusset, hearing his muffled reaction. As his tongue and lips got in the act, she moaned aloud, feeling his lips nibbling at her meaty labia, then sucking her juice from the fabric.

“Oh, Daniel!” she cried, “How does it feel? Is the fabric nice and smoooth?”

“Ymff,” he mumbled.

“Uh-uh! No hands,” she said as he reached up to grab her ass.

Shaking his head back and forth in her slit and then finding her clit with his tongue, he could feel her arousal building.

“Oh fuck!” she cried in response and stepped back away from him. “So, I liked them. How about you?”

“Very, very nice!” he said immediately, “and the panties were okay too!”

“Good!” she giggled. “Ready for the next pair?”

Accepting his nod as a response, she let her skirt fall back in place and turned to select another pair hanging on the other wall. Holding one of the ‘Oh Snap!’ pairs in her hands, she reached up to remove the white panties, dropped them in Daniel’s lap, and replaced them with the red ones,  with the snaps closed.

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“Okay, let’s see how you like these! We’ll start with them closed, and I’ll let you decide when to open them,” she said as she stepped back into position, her pussy in his mouth once again.

Using only his tongue again, he gave her much the same treatment as before, though the gusset being narrower allowed his tongue to lick the edges of her swollen labia.

“Jesus!” she cried when she felt the tip of his tongue nip her soft pink flesh. Remembering where they were, she realized she should try to keep her voice down, but the illicit nature of what they were doing in a fitting room! … would make that difficult.

Taking her cry as his cue, he pulled the snaps open, the fabric falling on his face until he pulled the strip back behind her. Lifting his head slightly, he buried his mouth in her gaping slit and licked with abandon, her four-letter expletives coming in a continuous flow.

She couldn’t believe the expertise of this ordinary-looking salesperson. His tongue seemed to be everywhere, but when he concentrated on her clit, she started bucking and bent forward to steady herself with her hands on the chairback. She felt the climax coming, but it was upon her before she knew it, her body quaking and pussy quivering with ecstasy.

Daniel felt it coming as well, so he wasn’t surprised by his face awash in her juices. He tried to keep licking, prolonging the orgasm, but she stepped away again, though not as steady on her feet as before.

“Holy shit!” she said, catching her breath. “What’s next?” she asked herself and grabbed the ‘Now!’ panties, but before changing, she pulled her skirt off, giving him a show as she pulled one pair off and the others on, another soiled panty landing in his lap.

“Ready to earn your commission?” she asked with a crooked smile and stepped forward again, this time with her legs spread to separate the flaps covering her cunt. “Do it again, Danny!” she said as she felt him insinuate his mouth into the open crotch.

Licking her dripping, wet lips, he lapped up as much of her syrupy nectar as he could. Her puffy lips just barely peeked through the opening, but he found he could plunge his tongue inside her, which had her writhing in no time, bending over again to steady herself as another climax was coming on fast.

“Oh God!” she cried again in full voice as the tongue fucking continued, but she could feel the restriction of these panties as well and decided to change again before he made her cum a second time.

“It’s getting rather warm in here, isn’t it?” she asked rhetorically as she partially opened her blouse and pulled it over her head to take it off, revealing her huge tits just barely contained within her half-cup bra. She loved his look of appreciation, as if he was witnessing a miracle.

She put the T-back snapped panties on this time with the same instruction for him to open them when he was ready and moved into position once again for this last pair of ‘SOMF’ panties. Using his face, he wiped her pussy with the crotch of these panties, his mouth pulling the fabric every which way.

“My ass, Danny!” she ordered, and he gratefully took her fleshy cheeks in hand and kneaded them, his thumbs teasing her back door.

His mouth back on her pussy, he worked her up till she was bending over for balance again and reached up to open the snaps. Enveloping her in his mouth, his tongue went up and down her slit, penetrating at one end and flicking at the other. She was rocketing towards another climax with her hips rocking on his face when she freed one hand to grab a shock of hair and pulled him tighter into her sloppy, wet crotch.

There were so many sensations that she couldn’t feel any one specific thing anymore, just that inexorable climb to another summit, and upon reaching it, it was like she jumped off the other side, her body in freefall while she squirted all over the floor and Daniel’s face. Her hips jerked her pussy against his face, sustaining her orgasm.

Reaching down, she grabbed his shirt and pulled up, his legs finding purchase to stand. Barely on his feet, she knelt before him, her hands immediately at the waist of his pants, opening them and yanking them down with his underwear to leave them pooled at his feet.

“Mmm, I was going to ask if you could fuck as well as you lick pussy, but I think I know the answer to that question!” she said, taking his massive cock in both hands.

Taking as much as she could in her mouth, she sucked him in, paying particular attention to the bulbous knob with her tongue. In seconds she had him panting, but she wouldn’t make him cum until he was inside her. With her hands on his ass, she licked only the glans, flicking the tip of her tongue on the sensitive underside.

“Oh fuck, Pam!”

“Yes! Exactly!” she replied, pushing him down to sit in the chair as she stood.

Straddling him with his weapon in her hand, she struggled to get enough height to stuff him into her eager pussy. With gymnastic contortions, she managed to get on top of him and took his long sword in her sheath in one smooth stab, crying, “ Ohhh, fuuuck!” when she felt the extraordinary penetration to the hilt.

Squirming on his lap to enjoy her fullness, she pulled his face into her cleavage, directing his face left and right as he licked and nibbled on the sumptuous flesh. With his chin hooked on the center of her bra, she lifted, using his face to pull the barely-there cups down, releasing the girls. Staying fully in charge, she directed his mouth and tongue to one and then the other hard nipple.

She knew he wouldn’t last long as she had nearly edged him in her mouth, so she wasted no more time rising again, feeling every inch and knowing there was no risk from going too high and him coming out. She gasped as she impaled herself again, realizing she wouldn’t last long either.

Her pace accelerated rapidly as she bounced on his pogo-stick prick. Getting into the act, Daniel thrust himself into her, meeting her halfway before dropping back to his seat. Their bodies came together with a smack each time.

“Oh! Ah! Fuck!” they each exclaimed in turn between staccato breaths as they charged into the abyss of orgasm, coming together on his upstroke and holding there for a second or two, Pam’s hips gyrating to enhance every jolt of electricity, shocking her whole body.

“Jesus!” she screamed after he sat down, and she sat one more time, creating another shocking impulse.

“Fucking-A, Daniel! That was some demonstration,” she said with labored breath. “I’ll take one of each type in each color!”

After putting themselves back together and exiting the stall, Daniel assembled her purchase, including the ones they’d used. When he picked up the white ones, he held them to his nose, inhaling as though sampling the bouquet of a fine wine.

“Why don’t you keep those?” she offered, handing him her credit card, adding, “Call me if you want to do it again!” She picked up his pen and wrote her number on his palm.

Swiping her credit card, he finished the transaction and thanked her for her patronage, seeing her beautiful smile for the last time.

As she was walking away, Megan returned, walking up behind him.

“What did she buy?” she asked Daniel.

“One of every style and color of the ‘SOMF’ panties!”

“What!? That’s almost thirty pairs! Like seven hundred bucks! And I missed my commission on that?!”

“Yeah,” he said quietly as he turned to face her.

“Daniel, what do you have all over your face?”

He just smiled.


Make you want to run out and buy a pair of crotchless panties? I hope so! Remember to 'Like' and/or 'Favorite' this fun fantasy! Thanks for reading!!

Written by 2bespanked
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