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"Carly ends her long abstinence feeding a special customer a special dessert"

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Author's Notes

"I always start a story like this intending to keep it short but then it seems like I "lose the beauty of the melody." I hope you like it!"

Carly smiled as she left the check for the man she thought she recognized. He could be twenty years her senior, but his chiseled face with a good tan, trim body, and broad shoulders still attracted her. She wasn’t sure if he was the customer she recalled but hoped she’d find out when he paid the check.

She glanced in his direction several times to see him still sitting there, drinking his wine and taking his time. Annoyingly, another order that the kitchen screwed up consumed her attention, so it was several minutes before she looked again, only to discover he’d gone.

She rushed to the table to get the check, but it, too, was gone. She stood there momentarily, dealing with her disappointment, but she returned to work as there was nothing she could do about it.

“Carly! What does this mean?” the ditzy blonde hostess asked, holding a check in her hand.

“What? Oh, let me see.”

She smiled when she saw the message, ‘SOMF!’ written on the check. It was him, and she’d missed him.

“What does that stand for?”

“Oh. Nothing. It’s just a … a … listen, if that man comes in again, make sure you seat him in my section, okay?”

“I don’t remember him. What does he look like?”

Frustrated with the hostess, she saw him heading for the door. He looked across the entire restaurant, having come from the men’s room, and smiled warmly when he saw the two women standing there holding his check.

“He looks like that!” Carly said, motioning to him as he walked out the door.

She folded the receipt in half and stuffed it in the pocket of her tight pants.

Carly enjoyed her night job at the steakhouse, which provided the extra income the divorcee needed but filled the empty nights as well. She liked people in general and particularly liked flirting harmlessly with the men. Dressed in the standard white shirt and black pants of restaurant servers everywhere, she tried to make them more appealing with a tight fit.

Altering the blouse herself to have it show her modest but shapely tits in their best light, the buttons seemed to strain to contain them. Similarly, her pants were also tight, and she wore thong panties to accentuate her ass. It wasn’t getting her any dates, but it made for flirty conversation with the men who inevitably noticed and usually tipped her accordingly.

Lacking any romantic interests frequently bothered her. The attention she paid to her appearance was evident: staying in shape, carefully making up her pretty face, and keeping her shoulder-length light brown hair highlighted nicely, but she wondered if her late thirties age kept the men at arm’s length.

Later that night, as business quieted down, she pulled the receipt from her pocket and smiled at the memory of the first time. That Roger had been a friendly customer who treated her respectfully made that first message even more surprising.

She remembered the lightweight but very tight pants she’d worn that night, his note telling her he’d noticed how they clung to her female shapes. ‘Nice cameltoe! SOMF?’ he wrote on the check and gave her a sexy wink when he saw her read it as he headed for the door.

At home that night and getting ready for bed, she pulled the older receipt out of the nightstand drawer. Her mind wandered into fantasy as she imagined seeing him lying beneath her, only his eyes visible between her legs, ready to have her pussy stuffed in his mouth. ‘Come on!’ those eyes said, ‘I want to eat you!’

Her fingers, which had been unconsciously stroking that tiny strip of fabric covering her pussy, slipped quite consciously into her panties. With one finger sawing through her slit, she pretended it was his nose and mouth, providing the stimulating friction that had her sighing and breathing heavily.

With her panties off, she knelt with a firm throw pillow between her legs. Rocking her hips, the stiff piping on the edges of the pillow scraped at her tender lips, not at all like his face would, but at least it wasn’t her fingers getting her increasingly wet. Things started escalating when her index finger found her clit, and, ceaselessly rubbing it, brought herself to a quick but less-than-exciting climax.

She was about to return the souvenir receipts to the drawer when something made her look at the two side-by-side. He’d ordered exactly the same meal both times, the same appetizer and even two glasses of the same wine. ‘A creature of habit,’ she thought and looked at the dates to see if his habit extended to the day he came to her restaurant. She perked up when she saw he’d been there at the same time on the same day of the week, two weeks apart. She immediately picked up her phone and entered a reminder for two weeks from now that said simply, ‘Roger.’


The alert popped on her phone, but it wasn’t necessary as she’d been counting the days. Getting ready for her night job, she pulled out what she believed were the same clothes as that first night but decided to go ‘commando’ in the hope that her ‘cameltoe’ would be even more pronounced.

Watching the door like a hawk, she felt a twinge between her legs when he walked in right on schedule. The forewarned hostess recognized him, looked at Carly for confirmation, and seated him in her section. Approaching the table from behind him, she pulled her pants up into her crotch, ensuring the visible separation of her dampening lips.

“Good evening, sir. My name is Carly, and I’ll be your server tonight,” she said, smiling at the fact that he looked first at her face but then directly at her pussy. “I’ll try to make your evening most memorable,” she added when he looked up at her with a lascivious smile. “Can I get you something to drink?”

“Thank you, Carly! I’d like a glass of wine to start.”

“Your usual, sir?” she asked, wanting him to know she knew who he was, and walked off to retrieve it.

She showered attention on her favorite customer, engaging in much innuendo and double entendre about ‘tender’ and ‘juicy’ meat, spices lingering on the tongue, and the appreciation for how to present a meal.

“Can I interest you in dessert tonight, sir?” she asked, practically shoving her crotch in his face. She was so wet she wondered whether he might smell her arousal, even though her black pants hid the stain well.

“I’m in the mood for something a little different tonight, Carly,” he said in that deep voice that added to her arousal.

“I have a … peach that’s rather tasty.”

“I was thinking of something more … pungent,” he parried.

“Oh, I think you’d find it quite savory,” she said, wishing she could spread her legs on the table for him.

“Mmm, that sounds interesting! Can I get it ‘to go’?”

“Of course!”

She returned with his check and a note telling him she got off at ten. He handed her his credit card, and she was back in a flash, watching him add a huge tip as he signed the slip.

“Thank you, Roger! I hope we’ll see you again soon!”

“I’m sure you will, Carly!” he said, and when he winked again, she felt another deposit of juice in her sopping wet pants.

She stood at the table and watched him leave, getting another smile as he went out the door. Checking her watch, she wondered how she would get through the next hour and a half before her shift ended.

Ten o’clock finally arrived, and she begged off some of the closing tasks, saying she was in a hurry. Walking casually, she tried to avoid appearing too eager, though the quivering inside went straight to her crotch at the thought of this man’s face between her legs.

Flashing headlights in the near-empty parking lot led her to his car. Seeing it was a convertible, she approached the driver’s side and leaned on the door.

“Hey, handsome! Come here often,” she said, immediately cringing at the inane opening line.

“I heard they had this sexy waitress here who has a unique way of presenting her meal!” he replied, continuing the suggestive conversation from earlier.

“Oh? How is that?”

“Not a lot of fanfare. Kind of ‘in your face,’ if you know what I mean,” he replied, winking again.

“And did she live up to her reputation?” she asked as she stood up, leaning against the car door, her still-prominent pussy just inches from being ‘in his face.’

“We’ll see,” he said as he slipped his finger into the clearly defined slit, Carly moaning audibly at the touch she hadn’t felt in ages. His hand back inside the car, she walked around the other side and got in.

“Where would you like to go, Carly?” he asked as she sat facing him, her legs spread, but the tight fabric hid the sensuous shapes between.

“I have an apartment less than a mile down the road?” she offered as a question.

“And I have a condo on the beach!”

“Let’s go to the beach!” she replied, grabbing her seat belt and snapping it into place.

She shouldn’t have been surprised when he pulled into the entrance of a luxury high-rise condo, seeing how he’d driven her there in an F-Type Jag convertible. He parked underneath and led her to the elevator, heading for the twentieth floor.

“I’ve always wanted to see the view from high up like this!” she said, putting her arms around his waist and kissing him lightly as the doors closed.

“And I kinda like a view from below,” he said with raised eyebrows, hoping she got his drift.

“Do you ever come right out and say what you want, or do you always speak in riddles?” she responded, rubbing her hands all over his chest while his hands gravitated to her ass.

“I want you to sit on my face!” he said, with a look that asked ‘right out enough?’ just as the elevator doors opened.

They walked arm in arm to his condo at the end of the building and went inside. He threw his keys on a table in the foyer and walked into the large open room with a wall of glass that wrapped around the corner of the building, providing a panoramic view of the Gulf and south beaches.

“Wow!” she said as she followed after taking in the sight of a room that had the apparent touch of a professional decorator.

“Would you like some wine?”

“Sure, but you know you don’t have to ply me with alcohol to get in my pants, right?” she replied as she sidled up next to him at the kitchen counter.

He kissed her with his tongue deep in her throat and, pulling away, winked again before dropping to his knees. Grabbing her ass, he pulled her crotch onto his face, his lips nibbling at hers.

“Mmm, you started without me!” he said, tasting, then sucking her juice into his mouth.

“Oh my!” she moaned, her long abstention making it all the sweeter. “You’re getting right to the point now, aren’t you!”

“You’re not wearing panties, young lady! Is that for me?” he asked, standing up and leaving her wobbling on weak knees.

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“Mm-hm,” she sighed as his fingers replaced his tongue, plowing through her saturated slit.

Leaning against the counter and sipping his wine, his free hand played with her teeming pussy while she concentrated on remaining standing. Pulling his hand free long enough to open her pants, he slipped his hand into the opening, his fingers caressing her smooth mound.

“Mmm, shaved for me too? Thank you!” he added after her feeble nod.

“Ungh!” she grunted when two fingers slipped inside. ‘Why do someone else’s fingers feel so much better than my own,’ she thought as she could feel a climax coming on fast. He knew just where to touch her, inside and out, and with his thumb on her clit, pressing and rubbing hard, her breathing came in short gasps as the pressure built. One long, erratic inhale followed by short gasping exhales signaled her first orgasm of the night.

“Oh, good girl! Making it nice and tasty for me?”

“Oh fuck, Roger!”

“Not yet, Carly. I’m ready for my dessert! You have my take-out order, don’t you?” he said, smiling as she ran her hands over his chest.

“Mmm, yes, sir! Would you like to dine on the balcony?”

“A splendid idea!”

She opened the buttons of his shirt and pulled it down over his shoulders. Kneeling, she opened his pants and peeled them down as well, pulling his shoes off with each leg. Her eyes returned to the enormous surprise she’d unveiled as his pants came down, and slid her hand between his legs to stroke it with the palm of her hand. His tight briefs revealed in detail what his loose pants had kept hidden, and she licked her lips in anticipation of having it in her mouth and her cunt.

“You’ll have to wait your turn, young lady! Now come, I want my dessert!”

He went to the corner, flipped a latch, and pushed the wall of glass doors out of sight, opening the room up to the balmy salt air. Reaching for her hand, he led her outside, where they stood in the corner of the expansive balcony, taking in the southern view of lit houses and condos, the beach, and light traffic. The sound of the gentle surf just barely reached their ears twenty floors up.

“Mmm, beautiful!” Carly commented on the view.

“Yes, you are!” he replied, taking her face in both hands and kissing her passionately.

His hands followed his gaze down to her chest, each claiming a breast with erect nipples showing through her blouse. With deft fingers, he opened her blouse, slid it down and off, and removed her half-cup bra, bending to lightly lick and kiss her tasty tits.

Kneeling with his fingers grasping the waist, he worked the tight pants over her hips, her smooth bare pussy coming into view, demanding a kiss and a quick slurp of his tongue through her sticky, wet slit. Breathing heavily, she grasped the railing to steady herself, suddenly aware of her exposure to curious eyes and not caring even a little.

After sliding her pants down to her ankles and off, he stood and kissed her again, his tongue letting her sample her taste. Her breath hitched when she felt his finger testing the humidity between her legs, thankful she was still standing by the steadying railing. A playful smack on her bottom, and he left her there wondering if this was all a dream.

He looked back at her repeatedly with his handsome smile as he unfolded an outdoor futon and, laying on his back, declared, “I’m ready for my peach dessert, young lady!”

Climbing on the futon with him, she moved to straddle his prone body and bent to kiss him again. As her hips shifted back, she felt the tented bulge of his briefs pressing between her cheeks. She moaned into his mouth, imagining his giant member inside her, but she’d promised him her ‘sweets’ first.

As it had been quite a long time since she’d last done this, it took a few adjustments to get her pussy perfectly positioned over his waiting mouth. Grabbing a shock of his hair, she pulled his face into her crotch as she sat, mashing his face into her pussy, crying, “Oh fuck!” as his tongue responded instantly, lapping at the savory nectar there.

With her hands on her knees and her hips squirming on his face, she was overcome by the sensations as his lips and tongue ate her proffered peach. Looking down, she could see her meaty lips splayed over his prominent nose and was suddenly struck by her dominating position. With a ‘Take that!’ attitude, she rocked her hips back and forth, his nose and mouth sawing through her slit, accelerating her motions as another climax approached quickly.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” she cried as the implosion triggered, her body quivering and shaking as she fell forward onto her hands, unable to support her body. Her shuddering continued unabated as his tongue tasted a fresh serving of her fruit juice.

Still trying to control her breathing, she thought of his cock again and how it would feel deep within her. Moving to get up, she felt his hands on her ass, pulling her back onto his face.

“I haven’t finished my dessert yet,” he said quietly and buried his tongue in her sloppy wet slit once again. Traversing her flooded valley, his tongue alternately teased her clit and penetrated her, snaking inside.

“Jesus!” she yelled at this teasing tongue fuck. Sitting up again, each time his tongue slithered into her hole, she sat hard on his face, smothering him, demanding to feel him inside her with his tongue, if not his cock.

Feeling truly ‘eaten’ when he sucked her swollen lips into his mouth, she bounced on his face, pulling her pussy out of his mouth with a ‘pop!’ only to be sucked in again. As the bouncing became more spirited, she’d occasionally feel his teeth against her tender lips as another rush to an orgasmic peak began. Panting as the summit approached, she restricted her movements to small jerks of her hips into his face as his tongue darted inside.

“Oh, fuck!” she grunted as her body stiffened, holding on for more as long as she could until finally she broke, and her entire body shook inside and out. His unrelenting tongue delivered countless additional shocks as she struggled to regain control of her body.

Taking some element of control back, she turned around to face his bulging briefs, the tight fabric revealing shapes as well as size as they strained to hold him.

“What are you doing, young lady? I’m not …” he started but was smothered by her ass coming down hard on his face.

Needing both hands, she managed to pull what she thought would be the tip of his cock out of the top of his man panties but was stunned, almost scared, when nearly four inches were showing against his belly. Certainly, the longest she’d ever had, but she wondered if it was also the longest she’d ever seen.

Bending over, she licked the exposed underside, the tip of her tongue teasing below the glans. His reaction was two-fold; grunting into her sloppy slot and returning the favor with his tongue on her clit. Distracted only briefly, she started working his black briefs down, his tall tentpole rising with each inch until it stood proud and strong.

“Holy shit!” she exclaimed as the enormity of it came into full view.

With two hands holding it, there was still enough of the tip to get her mouth onto, which she sucked into her mouth, licking feverishly, distracting him intermittently from her dripping pussy. Letting one hand go, she took what she could into her mouth and did the best she could, unable to take him deep.

As his tongue and fingers brought her to the precipice yet again, her mouth maintained its vacuum-like hold on his cock. Two fingers inside her reminded her of where she really wanted his cock succumbing to another shattering orgasm while knowing she could never do justice to it with her mouth.

“Oh my God, Roger! Fuck me! Please!?” she cried, desperate to have his cock. Her legs were still shaking when she tried to sit up. “FUCK me!” she demanded as she regained enough stability to pull herself off him.

Standing up, his underwear fell to his feet, and he pulled Carly up, holding her swaying body in his arms and feeling the shudders still passing through her.

“Over here,” he said, grabbing a large pillow off the futon and taking her hand, leading her to the corner of the balcony. 

He placed the pillow on the corner of the railing and had her bend over it, giving her a dizzying view of twenty floors below. She looked back with both fright and excitement as he stood behind her, sword in hand, ready to plunge it into her sheath. She felt it as he slid the tip down between her cheeks, through her slit, and back up to its target.

“Ho-ho-holy shit!” she shrieked as it glided into her well-lubricated pussy. She moaned as he pulled out slowly and then back in, making sure she felt his entire length. After one more stroke, he kept his hips pressed hard against her voluptuous ass as he squirmed inside her.

“Fuck, Roger!” she screamed, feeling all those inches in her tight tunnel with each tiny movement.

“Patience, young lady,” he whispered in her ear, bending over her body. “Enjoy the view!”

What had just been a pretty picture had become another stimulation as the unsettling height added to the quivers she felt inside. She closed her eyes again as his hands reached around to squeeze and pinch her tits, hanging over the edge of the pillow at the same time he pulled slowly out.

“Jesus!” she shrieked as he slid all the way in with one long, smooth stroke.

On the edge again with panting breaths, another stroke triggered yet another climax, her hips quaking, adding to the feeling of fullness.

Unable to speak, her guttural gasps and groans increased in volume and frequency as the real fucking began with his hands on her hips, pummeling her pussy. Having not come down from the previous high, it felt like one long, continuous orgasm as he glided in and out like a machine.

“Oh, Carly! You’re so fucking tight!” he cried as the pace quickened.

He didn’t need to tell her as she felt stretched to the max and just held on as the perpetual orgasm continued.

“Open your eyes!” he commanded as his pace and endurance reached their limit.

“Holy fucking shit!” she screamed, and with eyes wide open, her body exploded inside, aided by the pulses of his cock shooting its produce into her vibrating pussy. ‘The last one is always the best,’ she reminded herself as she couldn’t ever remember coming like that.

Breathing heavily, he stroked her back and arms, calming her body as his hose recoiled inside her. Slowly, she stood up and turned into his warm, welcoming arms. ‘Mmm,’ she hummed as his arms enveloped her, an occasional random shiver still plaguing her.

Taking her chin in the palm of his hand, he lifted her face and kissed her gently, lovingly, repeatedly all over her face, telling her without words how amazing she was.

“I wish I could do it again, but I just can’t! I’m sorry!” she said, looking into his deep brown eyes.

“No need. I’ve had my dessert,” he replied, winking, holding her tightly, and kissing her hair.


They ought to add that dessert to the menu! I hope you liked my delicious tale. Remember to 'Like' and/or 'Favorite' it and Thanks For Reading!!

Written by 2bespanked
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