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Our Cuckold Wedding Part One

"Our wedding day has a big surprise"

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I had been dating Jen for just over a year when we decided to finally tie the knot and get married.

Jen was twenty-eight-years-old and had one broken marriage behind her. She married when she was just eighteen and against her parent’s advice, she married the guy who turned out to be an abusive drunk.

The marriage ended two years later and her previous experience did put her off trying to find the right guy; she didn’t believe that he was out there. Jen is slim build, smallish thirty-four B cup breasts, and a nice firm well-maintained body, her pubic hair is always nicely trimmed and she takes good care of herself, she stands at five feet five inches tall and has shoulder length brown hair; her green eyes complete this ideal female.

She works out regularly and it took me a long time before she finally agreed to go on a date with me. I was persistent and finally, my efforts paid off and we hit it off straight away, I never pushed sex on her as I decided that it would happen when the time was right and when we discussed getting married almost six months into our relationship, we decided that we should save the sex side of our relationship until we were married.

We decided to splash out on our wedding; Jen had always wanted to go to the south of France. We decided that should be where we should tie the knot. Of course, it would mean that a lot of our friends couldn’t make the trip but close family and a few friends would definitely come.

The date was set and the venue booked. We decided to honeymoon in a beautiful French cottage just twenty minutes from Nice, where we were to be married; of course the first night we were to spend in the hotel that we booked the reception.

The hotel was a huge, high-end hotel and it had three banquet rooms for special events like our wedding and we found out that there was to be another wedding ceremony later that afternoon in the same hotel and although this would not interfere with ours it would mean that the hotel would be very busy.

We arrived three days before the wedding and booked into our separate rooms and finalized the wedding preparations. Everything looked amazing and the hotel really put on a good show.

One by one the guests arrived over the following two days and everything was going as planned.

I couldn’t wait to get Jen in between the sheets and finally make love to her; up till then we had only had some heavy petting but I had never touched her breasts or pussy area.

The time had arrived for us to finally get wed and everything went to perfection, not one single thing went wrong and although there were only about thirty-five friends and family present, it was a good turn out. The reception also went superbly and the banquet room was full of white lilies and decorations; it looked perfect. The reception started to wind down around ten o’clock; the wedding was at noon and people had already had a long day. Besides that, I wanted to get my new bride into bed.

Jen and I said our goodbyes to our guests and we went to the fifth floor of the luxury hotel to our room. We got completely lost and found ourselves on the fourth floor and in the middle of the other wedding party. We recognized the minister; he was the guy who married us ten hours earlier.

He asked us if we were going to join the other wedding and we told him that we were trying to find our room.

“Come and join us,” the minister smiled, “You may find this ceremony exciting.”

“Exciting?” Jen asked, still in her bridal gown.

“Yes, it’s a cuckold marriage.”

My ears pricked up. “A cuckold marriage?” I asked.

I had heard of cuckoldry before but I never imagined that there were wedding ceremonies like that.

“Yes, Marc and Liz have been married for five years and now they want to change their vows to enable them to live the cuckold lifestyle; come and watch.”

I looked at Jen whose eyes lit up; she obviously wanted to watch this couple change their wedding vows.

“I’m up for it,” Jen shouted, “It may be fun.”

“Okay, we will drop in and watch,” I replied.

“Excellent, you never know, you may want to change your vows after you witness this ceremony,” the minister smiled.

Jen squeezed my hand tightly and I could tell that she was more than intrigued by this whole thing.

We walked with the minister and upon entering a large banquet room; we were greeted with a rapturous applause. Both Jen and I were slightly embarrassed and a middle-aged woman came over and told us that she will take care of us.

“Are you going to renew your vows as well?” Monique asked.

“No, we’ve only just got married this morning,” I quickly replied.

“Cuckold?” Monique asked.

Jen smiled, “No, not yet anyway.”

Her comment shook me and I looked at her, she raised her eyebrow letting me know that she was more interested in this than I first thought.

Jen and I stood at the back of the room with Monique and the music started playing. A middle-aged couple walked in, her in a bridal gown and him in a smart suit. Behind them walked two black guys, equally well dressed and in their late twenties by the look of them.

We watched as the minister gave a speech about the solemn vows of wedlock before stating that in today’s age, infidelity breaks more marriages than spousal abuse. He went on to say that, the cuckold marriage is a great way to preserve a happy wedded existence without the fear of infidelity.

“Marc and Liz have agreed that their marriage vows be changed to initiate the cuckold side of their relationship, thus preserving their marriage,” The minister said.

Jen and I were squeezing each other's hands tightly as the minister started reading their new vows.

He went on with the ceremony by reading out various things and a few that stuck in my head were as follows.

“Do you, Marc, solemnly vow to give Liz the sexual freedom to explore other lovers till death do you part?”

“I do.”

“Do you agree to be cuckolded by Liz, to agree to her terms of sexual denial and humiliation?”

“I do.”

Jen’s grasp on my hand was increasing to the point that my hand was going numb.

“Do you agree that if Liz should become pregnant by one of her sexual partners, that you will raise the child or children as yours, love cherish and provide for them?”

“I do.”

“By swearing these vows, you hereby give up any sexual rights that your marriage has, do you agree to this?”

“I do.”

He turned to Liz.

“Liz, do you agree to change your vows to those of a cuckold marriage?”

“I do!”

“Do you wish to explore your sexual side with different partners?”

“I do!”

“You are entering this cuckold lifestyle with the intention of cuckolding Marc to be your cuckold husband, to deny him your body and humiliate him as you wish, do you agree to this?”

“I do!”

He then turned to them both.

“Marc, is there present, a sexual partner for your bride to consummate your new marriage?”


The two black guys stepped forward.

“Marc, you give Liz to Jason and Gabe to fulfill her sexual desires on this your wedding day, to consummate this marriage and have sexual relations with no regrets?”

“I do.”

“Liz, do you take Jason and Gabe to be your sexual partners on this night to consummate your new marriage to your cuckold husband, Marc?”

“I do!”

“Marc, and Liz, would you place your wedding bands on the table.”

They both removed their wedding rings and placed them on the table.

The minister took Marc’s hand and placed it in Liz’s.

“Marc, would you place Liz’s hand in the hands of her sexual partners please.”

Marc moved her hand and placed it in the black guys' hands.

“From this moment on, Marc and Liz will continue with their cuckold lifestyle and with no fear of reprisals from Liz’s sexual exploration of her partners.”

I looked at Jen and she had tears in her eyes.

“I now pronounce you cuckold man and wife. Jason and Gabe, you may kiss the bride.”

Jason and Gabe took turns in deep kissing Liz and the guests all cheered.

The two black guys walked hand in hand with Liz while Marc followed, they went to the bar and the guests followed them. Monique asked us what we thought about the ceremony and Liz said that it shocked her.

“I never knew that there was this type of ceremony,” Jen said, wiping her tears.

“It is becoming very popular, especially here in France,” Monique replied.

“It certainly was different,” I smiled, “Interestingly different, so that guy has given his wife the freedom to have sex with whoever she pleases?”

“Yes, he has and it will make their marriage stronger, don’t you agree?” Monique asked.

Jen, quickly replied, “Yes, I do!”

“You do?” I asked.

“Yes I do, as the guy said, infidelity is the biggest wrecker of marriages, this will stop the infidelity in their marriage,” Jen smiled, “She obviously wants to fuck other guys; she can do it now with her husband's consent and it will protect their marriage.”

I was shocked to see my new bride’s reaction to what we had just witnessed.

We walked with Monique to the bar and because it was not our wedding, we decided to sit at a small booth in one corner of the room. Monique brought a waiter to us and we ordered ourselves a drink. Monique sat with us and we chatted about the ceremony that we had just witnessed and we both agreed that it was eye opening and we could see the benefits of this type of marriage.

Suddenly Monique saw someone at the bar and called him over to our table; he was in his late twenties and a very muscular guy, he stood at around six feet tall and he was black.

He walked over to us and I could see Jen’s eyes open as she saw him.

“Martin, this is Jennifer and Trevor, they have just got married,” Monique introduced us.

“Hi Jennifer,” Martin said with a huge smile, “I’m Martin.”

Jen stood up and shook his hand.

“Hi Trevor, congratulations on marrying this beautiful girl,” Martin said as he shook my hand.

“Please join us and have a drink,” Jen smiled and Martin accepted her invite and sat down to the left of her.

“You did the cuckold ceremony?” Martin asked.

Jen smiled, “No we did the conventional wedding.”

“You can still change it to the cuckold marriage,” Martin quickly replied.

Jen’s eyes opened even bigger as Martin moved his chair closer to her.

Monique was chatting to me and Martin was chatting to my wife as the drinks flowed. I could see that Jen had an attraction to Martin by the was that she was looking at him and on more than one occasion, I saw him place his hand on her knee; she didn’t bat an eyelid, they just continued chatting and giggling together. It was just after midnight when Monique left us and I went to get the three of us another drink.

When I returned I realized that Martin had moved his position and was now sitting next to Jen in the booth. They were chatting very quietly and giggling a lot and I knew that she had a strong fancy to him and by the look of things the attraction was both ways. I noticed on several occasions that his hand rested above her knee and also on her hand. I was getting an erection as I watched them chat and laugh together and I wanted more!

Jen got up to visit the bathroom and her long wedding dress got caught up as she tried to squeeze past Martin. I almost shot my load as I saw his hand on her ass as they tried to untangle her wedding gown and I swear that she deliberately took longer to untangle herself than needed, she liked what was happening and his hand on her ass.

Finally, she got out of the booth and hurried to the bathroom, leaving Martin and me alone.

“She’s beautiful, man,” Martin said with a big smile.

“I know she is.”

“And she tells me that you have never, you know, done it with her yet?”

“You mean had sex with her? No, never, I’ve not even seen her in her lingerie; we wanted to save that for our wedding night.”

“Man, I couldn’t have waited, she’s gorgeous.”

“Thanks, Martin.”

“So, do you think that you would like the cuckold marriage?” Martin asked.

“Jen wouldn’t,” I replied, “She’s a bit prudish if you know what I mean.”

“She would Trevor, believe me, she would.”

“You seem sure of that,” Martin replied.

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“Take my word for it man, she wants to do it!”

“Live as a cuckold couple? How do you know?”

“Just believe me man; she would do the ceremony and everything.”

I felt puzzled as to how he was so sure.

“Did you ask her then?”

“We talked about it and she wants to do it,” Martin smiled, “Ask her when she comes back, she will go through with the ceremony as well.”


“Yes, man, she wants the cuckold marriage.”

“She does? She wants to have sex with other guys?” I quizzed.

“Every woman does man, they just don’t admit to it.”

My cock was about to explode! Every guy fantasizes about his wife fucking another guy and this stranger had been talking to my new bride about cuckolding me! On our wedding day! I couldn’t wait for her to return, would my new bride cuckold me? And on our wedding day?

Jen came back to the booth and again, Martin’s hands were touching her ass as she squeezed past him to sit down.

“I’ll go and get us another drink,” Martin smiled and he took hold of Jen’s hand and squeezed it.

She looked directly into his eyes and smiled a nervous smile before he got up and went to the bar.

As soon as Martin was out of earshot I went and sat in his seat and took hold of her hand as I kissed her. My heart was beating through my chest and I was shaking like crazy.

“He’s a nice guy,” I tried to let Jen know that I approved of her new friend.

“He’s gorgeous!” Jen replied.

“So, what were you both talking about?” I asked my new bride.

Jen smiled.

“Actually we were talking about the cuckold marriage,” Jen replied softly.


“I’m intrigued about it aren’t you?”

“Intrigued, how?” I asked.

“It kinda sounds like a great way to live,” Jen smiled as she squeezed my hand, “I mean, there’s no hassle about flirting or things like that.”

“Or fucking another guy!” I quickly replied.

“Oh yes and that!” Jen said with a smile.

My whole body was shaking; my new bride really did seem keen on this.

“So what do you think?” Jen asked me softly.

“About what babe?”

“About the cuckold marriage,” Jen smiled.

“What about it? Are you seriously thinking about it?”

“Actually I am and I would try it if you want to.”

I almost shot my load in my tuxedo at that time.

“You want to live a cuckold lifestyle? With the wedding ceremony as well?” I asked.

“I am up for it if you are,” Jen smiled, “What do you think?”

“You want us to go through with the same ceremony as that other couple,” I quizzed, “In front of all those people.’

“It may be fun,” Jen replied, “Would you live as my cuckold husband?”

“You mean, allow you to fuck other guys? I could live with that!”

“Martin says that it’s not just about the wife sucking and fucking other guys,” Jen replied, “It’s also about the denial and humiliation of her cuckold husband.”

She went on, “Martin told me that the humiliation of the husband and the denial is just as important as the wife being able to fuck who she wants.”

“Humiliation?” I asked.

“Yes, the cuckold husband is used by the wife and her lover, like a manservant.”

“I see,” I smiled, “You would want me to be your servant as well as allow you to fuck other guys?”

“Now you’re getting it,” Jen smiled, “So, shall we?”

“If you want to, babe,” I smiled, “You want to do it tonight? Now?”


She kissed me and looked for Martin; he was just on his way back to us with another drink. He arrived back at the table and smiled at Jen.

“Martin, we want to do the ceremony!” Jen shouted.

“Really? Great, I’ll let the minister know and Monique will arrange everything. It will take about half an hour to set up,” Martin said as he shook my hand and kissed my wife on her cheek.

He went to find the minister and Monique as I gulped the large whiskey down my throat in one swift go.

“Are you sure about this, babe?” I asked Jen.

She gritted her teeth and smiled, “No! But I want to!”

The bar was full of people scurrying around as Jen and I contemplated what we had both just agreed to.

A short time had passed and Martin came back to us.

“Okay, everybody is ready,” Martin smiled, “The ceremony will begin in five minutes and I’ll wait for you at the door.”

Martin smiled as he walked away and Jen and I stared at each other.

“Are you sure?” I asked.

Jen again gritted her teeth and smiled, “No! But I want to!

“You know that he is going to fuck you, don’t you?” I said softly as my mouth moved towards hers.

“Yes, I do. Oh my God.”

“And you want him to?” I asked softly.

“God yes I do!” Jen said in a shaky voice.

“He is going to fuck you before I do, and on our wedding night,” I said with a smile.

“I know, oh God, and you won’t get to fuck me on our wedding night!” Jen smiled.

“I won’t fuck you at all?” I asked.

“No, I’ll probably be spending the whole night with him!”


“Welcome to being a cuckold husband, babe!” Jen smiled as we walked to the ceremony.

Martin was waiting at the door for us and he followed us into the room to a thunderous cheer from all that were in there waiting for us.

We walked to the minister and he gave the same speech that we heard earlier. Then he asked Jen to remove her wedding ring that I had placed on her finger only hours earlier. He took her wedding band and placed it on the table before he read the vows to me and I, like the other guy, repeated what he said.

Jen did the same and then he turned back to me and asked if there was a person present who will consummate this marriage with Jen. Martin stepped forward and smiled to Jen; she returned the smile.

“Do you, Trevor, give Jennifer to Martin to consummate this marriage?”

“I do.”

“Trevor, do you give Jennifer to Martin so that they may explore each other's bodies and enjoy a sexual relationship together for as long as they both wish?”

“I do.”

He told me to take Jen’s hand and place it in Martin’s, which I did.

“Jennifer, do you take Martin to consummate this marriage? Do you give him your body and openly agree to have sex with him as long as you both wish?”

“I do!”

“And do you agree to cuckold Trevor in this marriage, to deny him your body and to humiliate him?”

“I do!”

“Martin, do you take Jennifer to consummate this marriage and have sex with her for as long as you both wish?”

“I do.”

The minister handed Martin her wedding ring and asked him to put it on her finger.

“By placing the ring on her finger, I now pronounce Jennifer and Martin as sexual partners for tonight and for as long as they both wish and Trevor as Jennifer’s cuckold husband.”

Jen looked into Martin’s eyes and smiled as he placed the wedding band on her finger.

“You may now kiss your bride,” the minister said to Martin.

Martin moved closer to Jen and their mouth’s locked in a deep passionate kiss. All I could do was watch as my bride kissed him deeply for over a minute and the guests cheered and applauded.

Jen and Martin then walked towards the door, hand in hand and smiling. I followed them and we went back to the booth that we had earlier vacated. This time though, Martin kissed Jen before they sat down and they held hands openly in front of everyone.

A lot of people came over and congratulated us all on our cuckold marriage and they all told us how happy we would be.

We had another drink and Martin kissed Jen again.

“Are you ready for your wedding night my bride?” Martin asked softly.

“Yes, sir!” Jen replied.

“What do I do?” I asked.

“You can come with us for now,” Martin smiled.

Jen and Martin walked hand in hand with me following and in the elevator; they kissed and kissed while I watched. We got out on our floor and walked to our suite and he kissed her again as I opened the door.

“You should carry her over the threshold,” Martin said to me.

“Thank you,” I replied as I picked Jen up and carried her over the threshold of our suite.

We got in the suite and I put Jen down and she kissed me before turning to Martin and kissing him.

“When I make love to Jen, you will have to go into the bathroom, okay?” Martin said to me.

“I understand,” I replied.

He positioned Jen at the foot of the bed.

“As you have never seen her undressed before and it is your big day,” Martin went on, “You can remove her wedding gown for me.”

Jen looked at me and I walked to her, my hands were shaking as I started to pull on her zipper.

“I’m wearing something sexy under this dress for you babe,” Jen whispered, “But now, it’s going to be for Martin.”

I eased her dress from her shoulders and exposed a very sexy white bra and my cock almost exploded. I eased her dress down and as it moved past her waist, I saw a tiny white thong and white stockings that were held up by a garter. She looked so sexy and I tried to look behind her to see her thong-covered ass, but Martin stopped me.

“I allowed you to remove her dress, her body is mine.”

“I’m sorry,” I whimpered.

While I was removing her wedding gown, Martin had stripped down to his shorts and he was indeed a very muscular man and by the size of the bulge in his shorts, he was also very well endowed indeed.

”Go and stand there,” Martin ordered as he pointed to a spot about four feet from the bed and I complied with his order. I watched as he kissed Jen and felt her bra covered breasts before his hands cupped her ass. Her hands were caressing his ass and my cock was about to explode as they explored each other's bodies.

He pushed Jen down to sit on the edge of the bed and her hands grabbed the bulge in his shorts’ she kissed his firm tummy as she rubbed his bulge. She eased his shorts down a little and gasped as she exposed the tip of his huge black cock.

I watched as her tongue kissed the tip of his tool before she pulled his shorts down slowly and erotically. Inch by inch, his manhood became visible and soon his shorts were down to his ankles; he stepped out of them and she started to kiss his eight-inch erection.

Kissing turned to licking and she was enjoying his monster; she opened her mouth and I watched as her lips closed around this black erect cock. She got about four inches in her mouth and started sucking feverishly and his tool grew even bigger.

She had been sucking his cock for about five minutes when he pulled her mouth off and looked at me.

“Okay, go to the bathroom while I fuck Jen and consummate this marriage,” Martin ordered.

I slowly walked to the bathroom and Jen told me that she would text me when I could come out.

For the next ninety minutes, I listened as my new bride was fucked by a black guy who we had met only a couple of hours ago and I worked myself off twice while listening to her screams of ecstasy.

Finally, I got a text from Jen.

“Okay, my cuckold husband, our marriage has been consummated by Martin and your new bride has been fucked hard, you may come out now.”

I quickly pulled my pants up and opened the bathroom door. I saw Jen in bed with Martin; the sheets were pulled up to her chest but I saw her naked shoulders and she looked amazing.

I saw her tiny thong, bra, and stockings on the floor and both Jen and Martin smiled at me.

“Everything okay?” I asked.

“Oh, everything is just perfect!” Jen replied with a smile.

“You still have your room from yesterday?” Martin asked.

“Yes, I have it till tomorrow.”

“Cool, you can sleep there tonight, we don’t expect you to sleep in the bathroom while we have sex all night,” Martin replied.

I went to kiss my wife and she put her hand to my lips.

“I am Martin’s tonight,” Jen whispered.

I bid them a good night and left them alone in our bed to have sex over and over again while I slept alone on my wedding night!

I got a text from Jen at around eight fifteen the following day.

“Good morning baby, we are just getting dressed and will meet you in the dining room for breakfast.”

I replied, “Okay Jen, see you there in fifteen minutes.”

I was the first one there and I was drinking some orange juice when I saw Jen and Martin walk in. He had his arm around her waist and she looked very happy.

“Good morning, babe,” Jen said as she kissed me.

“Hey Trevor,” Martin smiled as he shook my hand.

“Did you guys have fun last night?” I asked as we all sat down.

“Oh my God, babe, we had an amazing night,” Jen replied as she squeezed Martin’s hand.

“I had the best sex of my life with Jen last night,” Martin replied, “The best sex ever!”

“And we had a lot of it!” Jen smiled, “And I mean a lot!”


Author's Note:

Part two, the honeymoon, coming soon.

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Written by Trevor807
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