As Summer lay in a pool of sperm soaken sheets, she dazed in and out from the hangover and the multiple orgasms she just had. She dazed in and out, coming into consciousness as she heard voices of two men down the hall. Neither one was the voice of Pete. The door was still open and the voices got closer. It took a lot of her strength just to try and pry her legs close as much as possible as she turned her head away. Her legs began to tremble as they approached the door. They did not enter, though they paused long enough to look. The two men spoke about how it would be almost too good to pass up a hot body all tied up like that. They laughed as they continued to walk on. Summer's heart began to slow as they walked away. Her thighs were burning as she relaxed them; exposing her crotch to the whole world. Summer wondered if the two men had known that she was actually a he. Her body was starting to get sticky from all the semen that had been splattered upon her exposed chest and face. She began to tire from all the excitement. She fought the sleep off as long as she could. She didn't want anyone coming to the room without her knowing, but she finally succumb to the fatigue and passed out.
Summer wasn't sure how long she was out, but she awoke to her heart pounding as footsteps came down the hall. Again she used her energy to try and pull her thighs together as they stopped inches away from each other. As she turned her face away from the door when the footsteps reached the door, she heard Pete's comforting voice approach. He asked if she liked what was going on, and if she wanted to continue. She replied eagerly to both questions. Pete's voice was hypnotic to Summer. Pete could get almost anything out of Summer. Perhaps that's why Pete chose her. Pete untied Summer and told her to shower, put on the clothes laid out, and be on her knees on the bedroom floor in 10 minutes. Summer stretched a bit before hobbling to the bathroom. As she reached the door Pete said, " Be sure to leave the door open so I can see that pretty little ass." Summer blushed as she turned around replying, " Yes sir." Pete went over to the night stand plugging in the alarm clock. He set it for exactly ten minutes.
Summer glanced in the full length mirror. Her wig was a mess. Her shirt was torn and draping from her elbows; slightly sticking to her belly. Her skirt was completely turned around, and her panties were still pulled to one side of her ass. She began to strip as Pete took a front row seat on the edge of the bed. Pete could see every detail from where he sat. Summer reached down to unclasp the straps on her shoes when she gave a sly look back. Pete was stroking his manhood as he asked what she was looking at? Summer replied, "Nothing sir....Sorry sir." Summer finished taking off her clothes, watching Pete masturbate through the mirror. Summer tried not get hard as she ran a cooler than normal shower. Summer quickly lathered up as Pete increased his pace. She could tell Pete was getting close as he started to moan. She tried not to look though it was the hardest thing she's ever done. When she was rinsing her soapy body, Summer noticed that Pete stopped before he came. He lit a cigarette as he tried to calm himself. Summer was still trying to rinse off the Pete said, "3 minutes slut!" Summer quickly hopped out of the shower drying herself off with a towel looking for the clothes Pete had left.
On top of the toilet sat a black leather teddy, arm length leather gloves, and a pair of thigh high stiletto heel boots. Everything fit perfect. Summer was still trying to drunkenly slide up her glove as she scampered out of the bathroom. As she fell to her knees the alarm went off. Pete told Summer that she was late. He said, "My bitch will be 5 minutes early, or she's late!" He came up behind Summer grabbing her by the throat. As she struggled for air, Pete said, "Sit up straight slut." Pete smacked her hard on the ass as he let go of her throat.

As Summer gazed up with her big, innocent, hazel eyes, she pleaded for Pete to give her his massive cock. Pete slowly inserted his manhood deep into Summer's mouth until she began to gag. He held it there for as long as he could before slowly working it out. As he picked up the pace Summer tried to massage the outside of Pete's thighs, only to have them pushed down every time. Pete finally got frustrated with Summer. He pulled out, grabbed Summer by the face, and got in real close to her. He told her that she needed to learn when to use her hands. Pete licked the side of Summer's face before pulling her up. As he walked her to the bedpost, Pete smacked Summer hard on the ass. Summer was loving every minute of being this cock slave. Pete tied Summer to the bedpost before blindfolding her. She was much more willing this time. Summer couldn't see a thing. She could hear Pete breathing heavily and close. Her heart began to race as she felt the head of a cock press against her lips. She slowly opened her mouth to let every inch of Pete invade her. Summer let out a moan as Pete began to rape her mouth. Pete's cock would go deep inside Summer and hold it, until she would start to gag or squirm, then pull out to slap Summer's face with it. After Summer's face was soaken from pre cum and spit, she begged to be fucked. Summer ached to have Pete's cock deep inside her again.
Pete untied Summer and led her to the bed. Summer started to feel Pete kiss different parts of her body as he touched other places. Summer's body began to tingle with anticipation. She begged again for her sir to fuck her as she rolled to her side. Summer felt a finger press against her ass as a hand reached around pinching her nipple. She felt the back of her teddy unclasp, and hands brush it off her shoulders, tugging it down. Soon Summer was only wearing gloves, boots, and a blindfold. She felt so sexy. She turned around and began kissing Pete's chest as he fingered her ass. Summer would lightly bite Pete's nipples when it got a little rough. After Pete had three fingers deep inside, Summer flung herself on top of Pete and buried Pete's rod deep inside her wanting hole. As Summer rode Pete, Summer's cock flung around wildly spitting pre cum all over their bodies. Pete began to smack Summer's ass saying, "That's my good little slut....Ride it" Summer fell onto Pete as she could feel herself about to cum. Pete rolled her over, telling her it was alright to cum and his rammed his manhood in and out. Summer couldn't take it anymore. She grabbed the sheets as hard as she could, clenched up, and came all over her own chest; some even reaching her face. It was too much for Pete to take. Summer could feel Pete's load building as she licked what cum she could off her face. Pete began to moan as he tried to hold it back. Summer could feel Pete release his massive load into Summer's rear before falling onto her. After he came, Pete laid on top of Summer with his manhood going limp inside of her. Pete finally got the energy to get up after about 15 minutes. Summer laid in a cum soaked bed, smoking a cigarette watching Pete's bare ass walk out of the room. As she laid there she thought what a great party it was, and how she would be Pete's sex slave anytime.