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The Adventures of Patty

"Patrick becomes Patty and doesn't look back"

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“You're wearing my things again!” Brenda screamed when she came home early from community college and found me prancing around the house in one of her short skirts. “Take them off, you little pervert!”

It wouldn't be nearly as bad if I were her little sister and trying on her clothes but I was her brother. But it wasn't as bad as it could be. I mean, if she knew what Tommy and I had been doing just two short hours ago, she'd really be pissed. Truthfully, Tommy and I had never really done anything other than me jacking him off, but today had been as close as we'd ever come. I'd actually kissed his cock before I jacked him off and it was all the more exciting because I'd been dressed up as a girl. But in my heart I knew it was only a matter of time, probably a very short time, before I sucked him off.

“Please, sis, just a little longer,” I pleaded.

“I don't know why you insist on wearing my things,” she said, still quite upset with me.

“They're so much prettier and sexier than anything I have.”

She seemed to soften a little and smiled, “Okay, okay, but you have to out of them by the time Mom gets home from work. And if you ruin anything you'll have to pay for it. I swear, why don't you just go out and buy your own clothes. You get an allowance and you have a part time job.”

“Thanks! You're the best! One of these days I'll buy my own things but it's so embarrassing to go to the store and buy a package of panties or a skirt or something.”

“Well, you'll just have to get over it. And you'll have to buy your own makeup as well. I can't believe how much of mine you use.”

“Okay, okay, I will but you'll have to help me.”

“I can do that,” she laughed, “but you'll have to meet me halfway.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean id I've got to help my sissy brother buy his girlie things, you'll have to go with me.”


“As my sister,” she said, dropping the second shoe.

“What? I can't do that,” I protested.

“Then go by yourself,” she said and grinned broadly, knowing I wouldn't.

“Oh alright. When?”

Mom and Dad are going out of town Friday and won't be back until Tuesday. So we'll go Friday. I'll help you with your makeup so you won't waste as much and I'll do your hair.”

“You will? Cool!”

“But you'll owe me big time!”

“Anything I can do for you, just say the word!”

“I will. Now tonight, when you take a bath, I want you to shave your legs and armpits. You don't have a lot of hair but If you're going to look like a girl you need to learn these things.”

She was right about not having much hair and what little I did have was very fine, barely visible.

“When we go shopping we're not buying out the store, just a few things. After all, I have no idea how long you intend to be a sissy crossdresser. We'll get you a package of panties, bra, a frilly nightie, two skirts, three or four tops to go with them, makeup, stockings, and a pair of shoe, maybe two. Of course, you'll have to try on the skirts and tops before we buy them. Friday morning I'll lay out what I expect you to wear.”

“I'll be ready by the time you get home.”

“You know, this could be fun, turning my dorky brother into a sexy babe.”

“I'm in your hands, sis,” I replied.

“To be honest, I've always wanted a little sister,” she said and smiled.

Smiling back I replied, “I'll be your little sister.”

“Well, I hope you've got some money saved up because you're going to need it!”

“I think I have enough.”

In fact, I was more than confident that I had enough for the things she mentioned. I could buy them five or six times and have money to spare.

That night before bed, I shaved my legs and armpits and then did some styling on my pubic area, shaving off all the curly ones except for a small strip directly above my less than average sized dick.

Even though it was hard to see the difference shaving my legs had made, the feeling was wonderful. As usual, I slept in just a t-shirt and dreamed about being a girl.

The next morning I awoke earlier than normal. Brenda was still home, in the bathroom getting ready for school, but Mom and Dad had already left for work.

“Please, hurry, Brenda, I have to pee.”

“Good,” she answered and opened the door. “Today we begin your training. From now on you'll sit to pee, just like a girl. No more piss dribbles in this bathroom. When you finish you'll pat yourself dry with toilet paper, like all girls do.”

“Sit to pee. Okay, I can do that,” I replied, “But please hurry.”

“Go ahead and do your business, sis. After all, we're all girls now. And speaking of girls, we'll have to come up with a girlie name for you. After all, it wouldn't be too cool if everyone called you Patrick while you're wearing a skirt.”

“Okay, I'll give it some thought,” I said and quickly sat on the toilet.

I have to admit it felt strange sitting on the toilet and taking care of business like that, but she was right, it was the girlie thing to do. I felt especially weird to be doing this while she was in there with me putting on her makeup.

The days dragged by slowly but there was some excitement because I was now getting up early and going to the bathroom while Brenda was still here. I was also shaving every night when I bathed or showered and Brenda wasn't so picky about me wearing some of her things, the things she'd outgrown or no longer cared for.

Friday finally arrived and I was so excited I could barely think straight. After Brenda left I looked on her bed and found the clothes she'd laid out for me. There was a pair of red jobbing shorts, with an emphasis on short, a pullover top with a floral design, pink piping and thin spaghetti straps and a yellow thong. Along with the clothes there was also a note.

I hope you have your girlie name picked out by now, sis. When I get home I'll do your makeup and hair. I want you to pay very close attention. No need for a bra today. Yet! Yes, you'll have titties by the end of the day. Oh yea, the shoes for you today or simple flip flops, they're in my closet. Before I get home you might want to take care of business because I DON'T want you getting an erection while we're shopping. Have fun.”

I laughed and wondered when the last time she had seen my little dick had been. Maybe ten years ago? At any rate, before I put on the clothes I went back to bed and fantasized about being fucked by a huge cock and masturbated to one of the best orgasms I could ever remember. And since I was hoping to be able to suck Tommy's cock, I didn't waste the opportunity to slurp up all my own cum just so I could grow accustomed to the taste. It wasn't bad. In fact, I liked it quite a bit.

After I was finished I showered and got dressed.

Brenda arrived home and smiled, “Did you enjoy yourself?”

“Oh yea.”

“Good. Come up with a name yet?”

“Keep it simple. Patty.”

“Patty, huh? Good choice,” she laughed and made me walk around a bit before she sat me down in front of the vanity in her room.

She wouldn't let me have a look until she was finished. “Damn, you really do look like a girl,” she said and handed me a mirror.

I was totally shocked. Yes, I'd been using her makeup but I'd never been able to make myself look like this. Even my hair, which was fairly long to begin with, looked like a girl.

“Something's missing. I know!”

Brenda found a file and shaped my fingernail to be much more feminine than I had ever done. I though she was finished but she surprised me by painting my nails a very pretty pink color and then really shocked me by painting my toenails to match. Not only did I look like a girl but I felt like one as well.

“Okay, Patty, from now on I expect you to keep your toenails painted. You can wear socks when Mom and Dad are home but otherwise, let them show. Understand?”

“Sure,” I smiled, amazed at how much something so small made such a big difference.

“Oh yea, another thing. You need to wear panties everyday. Since you take care of the house you can add the laundry to your things to do so no one will know. Got cash or plastic ready?”

“Yes, I do,” I smiled and produced my debit card.

“Hmm, I guess we better add a purse to the list.”

We were driving to the big discount store just a few minutes later and I was excited, nervous, scared, and almost sick to my stomach.

“Just relax, Patty, you look great. If I didn't know who you were I'd never guess you weren't a real girl.”

As soon as we were inside she hit the makeup aisle and didn't waste any time picking out things or spending my money. From there we went to the junior clothing department and she picked out two very cute, although very short, skirts and I picked out a very casual summer dress with a beautiful loose skirt. Twenty minutes later she had four tops picked out, a halter, a blouse, a pullover midriff, and another pullover that just barely reached the waistband of my shorts. Naturally I had to try on each item for her approval.

When we reached the lingerie area she produced a sleep shirt and a very cute baby doll, both of which I fell in love with. Along the way she found a cute small purse and a wallet and then explained that I would probably want to get a couple of more later on, depending on what I was wearing.

She picked out panties, bikini, string bikini, thongs and boi cut in quite a few colors and patterns. The next thing she picked out was a couple of bras, one that had very small cups and another with a B cup, both in white. We moved along to stockings and she chose both thigh high and pantyhose, but in very light shades. Along with the thigh high she also picked up a cute black garter belt.

By the time we made it to the shoe department I noted that we'd been in the store almost three hours. Actually, I didn't care because it was so much fun being out in public as Patty. Here she went a little overboard and I would up with five pairs of very pretty shoes ranging from wedges to a pair of really sexy strap on sandals with four inch heels.

Now we proceeded to the check out and Brenda made me pay for everything without her even being there. I had thought I would be embarrassed but it all felt so natural and I knew I'd be doing more shopping once I got the hang of walking in heels.

“Come on, Patty. We really need to hurry so we can buy you some boobs,” Brenda said after I cleared the line.

That one was a little embarrassing and I think it would have been even if I was a real girl. But being fitted, especially by such a nice woman as the one who helped us, was a pleasant experience and I walked out with a pair of silicone breasts that would either be use as bra inserts or they could be glued in place. Right ow they were glued in place under my little top and they felt terrific!

“Okay, sis, now you REALLY look like a girl,” Brenda laughed as we walked to the car. “From here on out, when Mom and Dad are gone for a while I expect you to be my sister.”

“Okay by me,” I giggled.

“I kind of thought you'd say that.”

The time I spent as Patty that weekend for truly wonderful. Brenda taught me how to apply makeup to get different looks and I learned to walk in heels without breaking anything. But the absolute best time I had came on Monday after she had gone to school.

When I got up I put on my makeup like she'd shown me. I wasn't as good but I had improved by leaps and bounds. I wore the shortest of the skirts we'd bought, garter belt and stockings, a white silky blouse with my bra and breast forms as well as the pair of stiletto heels. As soon as I was dressed I called Tommy and suggested another round of playtime. I guess maybe he flew to my house because it seemed like only seconds before the doorbell rang.

“Hi,” I said as I threw open the door.

“Oh, hello, is, um, Patrick here?”

“Yes, he is. Come on in. You can call me Patty, Tommy.”

“Huh? What? Is that you, Patrick?”

“My name is Patty now,” I answered and grinned.

“Patty, huh? Okay,” he smiled and closed the door.

“I wanted you to see me like this. Do you like the way I look?”

“Yea. You look great!”

“I'm glad you think so. There's something I've been wanting to do for a while.”

“What's that?”

I looked up at him with a smile on my painted lips and replied, “Suck your cock. I want to suck you and make you to cum in my mouth, Tommy.” Even with my heels on Tommy still stood almost a full head over me.

“You do?”

“Don't you want me to?” I asked innocently, my fingers on the waist of his shorts.

“Hell yes!”

“Goody, because I've wanted to do this for a long time,” I purred, slowly pulling his shorts down until he kicked out of them. His cock was already hard, straining against his boxers.

“Uh, you know I'm not going to suck yours,” he said slowly but very clearly.

“Silly boy, girls don't have cocks, we have pussies, and you know what they're for,” I smiled and lowered his boxers to let his dick spring free. I leaned down and kissed the tip of his throbbing cock before I let my tongue go out and lick him.

Tommy pulled me up and then looked into my eyes. Lowering his head he actually kissed me with full tongue and everything. The sensation was overpowering, nearly making my knees buckle and I felt more girlie than ever. Now I knew I needed to suck his dick.

I guided him to the couch and got him to sit so I could kneel between his knees.

“Your cock is so pretty,” I murmured and lowered my head. “Oh, baby, I want to suck you so badly.”

Instead of taking him immediately into my mouth I kissed and licked up and down his rigid pole, leaving light lipstick marks all over him.

“You're driving me nuts!” Tommy grinned when I looked up.

“I'm not going to tease you like some of the other girls, baby. I'm going to suck your beautiful cock until you cum in my mouth and nothing is going to stop me.”

This time when I lowered my head I parted my lips and took him into my mouth. Oh, he felt so good and powerful. I wanted him so badly. This was my moment of to cross the point of no return. Until now I had only fantasized about this moment, now I was about to become a real cocksucker.

Slowly but steadily, I moved my head up and down, feeling his shaft sliding over my lips. It wasn't like I'd imagined, it was much, much better.

“Oh, Patty, that feels so damn good!”

His words encouraged me to continue, not that I even thought about stopping. Up and down my head bobbed while at the same time I was using my tongue to torment the ridge of his dick. I have no idea how long I sucked on Tommy's hard, throbbing cock but I know I felt perfectly natural doing it and was happy to keep on doing so forever.

“Oh damn! Oh shit! I'm almost there, Patty! Mmm, yea, almost!” Tommy kept saying as he slightly lifted his hips to meet my mouth, forcing his cock deeper and deeper.

“Oh fuck! Oh, yea! I'm gonna cum! Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum!” He said over and over.

I felt him stiffen and jerk and knew he was about to cum. He raised his hips and then pulled back and then his hot, salty, bittersweet sperm began flowing into my eager mouth. I tasted him and swallowed, tasted and swallow, and he still kept pumping.

“Hey, my classes were ...” Brenda said as she swung the door open and then took in the sight before her of my on my knees between Tommy's legs, his cock deep in my mouth. She stood and watched while he filled my mouth with cum, smiling broadly.

Tommy finally settled back onto the couch, his dick slowly deflating and Brenda still stood with the door wide open, watching intently.

“Uh, I, uh, that is, we ...”

“You don't have to say anything, Patty,” she said. “I know what it's like to be caught up in that special moment. Too far to stop and too late to do anything else. Next time, lock the door.”

Instead of being embarrassed, I was actually proud of what I'd just done.

“I guess I better be going,” Tommy said and stood to get his clothes on.

Twenty minutes later I found Brenda in the kitchen and sat at the table with her.

“Well? Was it as good as you hoped it would be?”

“Better. I'm going to do this a lot more from now on,” I replied and smiled at her.

“And now my sister is a cocksucker,” she laughed. Next time I walk in unannounced will I find his cock in your ass?”

“Not unless you walk into my bedroom,” I replied with a giggle. “I'd really like my first time to be in my own bed, or maybe in a motel, or in the backseat of his car ...”

“Or wherever you happen to get nailed,” she laughed.

“Yea, something like that.”

“You're really gung ho on the whole girlie thing, aren't you.”

“Yep. I'd jut as soon live as a girl than go back to being a boy.”

“Well, to be honest, I'd rather see you sucking cock as Patty than as Patrick. You're a much better looking girl,” she grinned. “Besides, I like having a sister. Oh, you can tell Tommy he's more than welcome to come back but be more careful. If I had been Dad coming through the door I'm afraid to think of what would have happened.”

Brenda's semester would be over in less than a week and she had plans to teach me more about being a girl. That, and she also wanted to see me lose my anal cherry, or at least get fucked, whether to Tommy or someone else.

“I know, I know, every girl likes to think she'll first have sex in her own bed and it'll be so tender and romantic. But the truth is, you usually get too hot to wait for that moment and wind up doing it whenever the the time is right. I know because I've been there.”

“You know what? Unless I ask Tommy, or whoever, to take me to bed, it probably won't happen the way I'd prefer. So if that's the case, anywhere will do just as fine,” I laughed.

“You're a horny little bitch,” Brenda laughed.

“It's the clothes,” I giggled and hurried off to call Tommy. It took some talking, and promises of more blow jobs to convince him to come back but I finally convinced him.

On Tuesday Mom and Dad returned home and I had to go back to being Patrick. I absolutely hated it! But at least wearing panties under my shorts and keeping my toes painted helped me survive.

I couldn't wait until I could spend more time as Patty.

Instead of being Patty as often as I liked, I worked more hours, a lot more. My days were full now between working around the house and working for money. The only good thing about it was I could be Patty when cleaning house because Mom and Dad were gone and Brenda knew all about me and I think this kept me from going totally nuts.

Then it happened. More than a month had passed and then one day at work I was bending over to pick up something and a voice said, “Nice panties, Patrick.”

“Huh? Oh, Mr Garrison,” I said, knowing he'd caught me. “I, uh ...”

“Come into my office and we'll discuss it in private,” he ordered.

“Yes, sir,” I replied and followed him. I had a feeling my days at work were numbered as I stepped into his office and closed the door behind me.

“How long?”

“Excuse me?”

“How long have you been wearing panties to work?”

“Just this summer,” I said, fighting to hold back tears.

“What else are you wearing? Stockings?”

“Uh, yes. I'm sorry, Mr Garrison ...”

“Sorry? Don't be sorry. There's no rule or law about what you wear as long as it doesn't disrupt anything. Your work has been excellent, so I have no complaints. But I have two reasons for calling you in here. First: be very careful. Not everyone is as open minded as I am. Second: I'd like to see you when you're not dressed for work. Do you wear other things? Skirts? Dresses? A bra? Shoes? And do you wear makeup when you dress all girlie?”

“Yes, sir. I wear all of those,” I replied, meeting his gaze. I thought I saw something familiar in the look on his face.

“Very good. Now here's something I'd like you to do,” he said in a tone of voice that told me that this was more like an order than a simple request. “Tomorrow I want you to take the day off, with pay, and get all dressed up. I want you to come here to the store at around two when it's really slow and show me how convincing you are as a girl. Oh, and when you dress, what name do you go by?”

“Um, Patty.”

“Makes sense. Now go back to work and be very careful when bending over.”

“Yes, sir,” I replied, relieved that I still had a job.

The rest of my shift was uneventful except that I seemed to see Mr Garrison watching me very regularly. The thought of going to work in girl's clothing both excited me and scared the hell out of me all at the same time. Yes, I felt confident about being able to escape attention when I was around strangers but everyone at work knew me.

The next morning I got up and took a bath, shaving everything I need to shave although there wasn't much to shave since I did this on a very regular basis. After drying, I painted my fingernails to match my toes, which I had to attend to as well. With my nails finally dry I began styling my long hair into a girlie look. The next thing I did was apply my makeup, thankful that I'd paid close attention when Brenda helped me with it. Finally I began getting dressed. First came my breast forms, held in place with a touch of glue. My panties were next and I chose a pair of sheer pink bikinis, and then I rolled on a pair of light tan thigh high stockings. A short yellow, tight skirt came next and then my frilliest bra. Finally I went to Brenda's closet and borrowed a pale blue blouse. I slipped my feet into a pair of white four inch heels with ankle straps, chose a few accessories I'd picked up on my last trip to the mall, like a ring, an ankle bracelet, a bracelet for my wrist, dangling earrings, and a small necklace with a heart shaped pendant.

I checked my purse and put in my license, keys, phone, the lipstick I was wearing and made sure I had some cash as well as my debit card. By the time I did all of this it was time to go to the store and face Mr Garrison.

Driving in heels is a bit tricky but I managed without hitting anything. I got to the store, took a deep breath, and climbed out of the car, accidentally flashing a man as I did. I'd have to work on getting in and out of cars more ladylike.

“Hello. Welcome to Save a Buck,” Julie, the girl at the counter smiled and said when I walked in.

I smiled back and replied, “Hi,” in my best girl voice, something else I still needed to improve, “Is Mr Garrison in?”

“Sure thing,” Julie replied and paged him.

“Yes? May I help you, young lady?” Mr Garrison said as he walked out of his office.

“Yes, sir.

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You told me to come in today at two,” I answered politely.

“Patty? Yes, of course. I've been expecting you,” he smiled and lead me to his office.

“I have to admit that I really didn't expect you to show up,” he said and closed the door. “On the other hand, you look a lot better than I imagined. I didn't even recognize you. Let me take a better look at you, now that we're alone.”

He walked around me, taking in the full affect.

“You're really quite lovely. A very sexy looking young woman. I don't see any reason you couldn't come to work everyday in a skirt, Patty.”

“Thanks,” I said, smiling up at him. “But I'm still in the closet to my folks my sister knows and so does my boyfriend, er, best friend.”

“Boyfriend, huh? I take that to mean that you have some, uh, special feelings for him, like maybe like a girl would have for her boyfriend.”

“Um, yea, you could say that.”

“And do you give him any sugar?”

“Yea, we kiss sometimes,” I said, and now three people knew I was interested in boys.

“Very good. Now I know those aren't your real titties but they move when you do and seem to have weight to go with them. Silicone?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Good choice. Take off your blouse and let me see.”

What else could I do but comply? I mean, he could expose me and he knew it. I removed my blouse and stood before him.

“Very nice. You know, so many will try and wear the biggest they can find and really look silly in doing so.”

“These were fitted by a pro,” I explained.

“So she knew you were a boy.”

I'd completely forgotten about her, so now four people knew. “Yes, sir.”

“But your parents don't know?”

“No, sir.”

“You look too good to keep it to yourself. You should just come out and tell them you like being a girl.”

“They'd kill me if they knew,” I said, panic in my voice.

“You'd be surprised at how a parent might understand your feelings. Besides, they probably know you have a tendency to swing toward the boys,” he told me.

“Take off your skirt, Patty. Let me see you a little better.”

Once again I did as he asked and now stood before him in my undies, my dick clearly visible through my sheer panties.

“Lovely clit, Patty. That's your clit, you know, just like the other side of your panties hides your pussy.”

I blushed.

“Care to see a man's cock?”

“Um, okay,” I answered, more than a little turned on by how things were going.

“Then come over here and take it out for me,” he said and waited.

Almost in a trance, I moved across the office and began lowering his zipper. I had to open his pants because the erection he was sporting made it too difficult and by now I really wanted to see his cock. Hell, I wanted to suck him. He was quite a bit bigger than Tommy and I wondered what his cum would taste like.

“Go ahead, Patty, take a taste. You know you want to.”

Leaning down I licked the head of his dick, tasting a drop of precum in doing so. Then I had him in my mouth before I knew it. His cock filled my mouth and I gagged, started again, and took more of him, gagged again. Then I tried again and his slid into my throat, way down my throat but I had all of him in me and felt a sense of pride.

“You're good at this,” he laughed, “Just like I knew you would be. Keep it up, Patty, and you'll get the prize you really want.”

I went down on my knees and began bobbing my head on his cock, determined to show him I was a good cocksucker. Right then I knew this was where I'd be several times as long as I worked for him and that thought really pleased me.

“I think you've found your calling, Patty. Damn, this is great,” he groaned as I brought him closer and closer.

I could feel his urgency growing and doubled my effort, paying very close attention to the sensitive ring around the head of his big cock. I felt him stiffen, then he fucked my face harder than Tommy ever had. Mr Garrison's cock erupted in my mouth, shooting stream after stream of creamy deliciousness into me, way more than Tommy. I had to swallow some and he still kept giving me more and more. Eventually he finished and I held him gently in my mouth until he started to shrink.

“That was so damn good, Patty,” he smiled and withdrew his cock.

“I'm glad you enjoyed it, Mr Garrison,” I replied, smiling sweetly up at him.

“You might want to think about what I said. Tell your parents you feel more like a girl than a boy. Hell, tell them you're gay. Parents will give you their unconditional love and understanding.”

“I'll think about it,” I promised and let him help me to my feet.

“Good. Now I need to get back to work,” he said and sat behind his desk. “You just think about coming to work as a girl. But let me know when you decide to do it. Oh, and I, uh, expect you to show your appreciation regularly.”

“You mean suck your cock?”

“Yes, and then we'll see what else happens.”

“Okay, sounds like a very good idea,” I told him as I got dressed.

“Oh yea, you look just as scrumptious half naked as you do fully clothed, Patty. I mean that.”

“Thank you, Mr Garrison,” I replied happily.

After a look at a clock I decided I had plenty of time before Mom and Dad got home so I wasn't in a big hurry. I stopped at a drug store on the way home and picked up another tube of lipstick, feeling very girlie as I did so.

The rest of the way home I thought about what Mr Garrison had said about telling my parents. I was still on the fence about that, more afraid of what might happen than anything else.

When I pulled up to my house my heart sank about as far down as it could possibly go. My mother's car sat in the driveway. There was no way around what was about to happen, I mean, shit, even if I stripped down naked and went into the house my painted nails and makeup would give me away. I was dead meat.

I got out of my car, dreading the upcoming confrontation, picked up my purse, held my head high, and boldly walked into the house. I was now so prepared to face the heat that I didn't even think about sneaking into my room and changing back.

“Mom? I'm home,” I called out as usual.

“In the kitchen, honey,” she answered and then a very loud crash followed. It sounded like every dish in the house had jumped off the shelves and crashed to the floor.

I rushed to the kitchen, not even thinking about how I was dressed. Mom was kneeling on the floor with several broken dishes surrounding her.

“Are you okay? What happened,” I asked.

Mom looked up just enough to see my feet in hose and heels and said, “Oh, it's you, Brenda. I thought it was Patrick. Give me a hand, please. I was taking down dishes for dinner and they slipped out of my hands.”

Helping her pick up the pieces, I was just happy she hadn't been hurt. All thoughts of my predicament pushed out of my mind.

“Thanks,” she said after the last piece was tossed into the trash. “Wait. You're not Brenda. Are you?”

“Uh, no, Mom, I'm not,” I answered quietly.

“So what are you doing wearing her clothes? And her makeup? And what's going on?”

“Um, it's hard to explain.”

“Give it a try.”

“We better sit down. This may take a while.”

Ten minutes later, with each of use having a cold glass of tea before us, I looked at my mother and smiled. “Um, I don't know how to say this, Mom, but there are two thing si realy need to tell you.”

“You've got the floor, baby.”

“Yea, easy for you to say,” I grinned.

“So start off by telling me why you're wearing Brenda's clothes.”

“The blouse is hers but the rest is mine.”


“Right down to my panties,” I replied with a sheepish grin.

“And the why?”

“That's more complicated. I don't know, but I feel more like a girl than a guy. Not only that but girl clothes are prettier and softer and a whole lot sexier than anything made for boys. I like them. They're comfortable. And I feel so natural in them.”

“Okay, that tells me why. I can understand some of that. So when you say you feel more like a girl, is that just the clothes, or what?”

“No, Mom, I mean I really feel like a girl. I always have. Well, ever since I was old enough to tell the difference between boys and girls. I feel much more attracted to boys than girls. Can you remember me ever dating a girl? I surely can't. And yet, I've kissed a boy.”

“Are you telling me you're gay?”

“I think so, yea. Mom, I don't have any desire to have sex with a girl. Sure, I have some friends that are girls. We have a lot in common.” I was suddenly feeling more at ease since I'd come out to her.

“To be quite honest, your father and I have talked about you a lot in private. We've suspected you of maybe being gay so this doesn't come as a total shock. Really and truly, it's not that big of a surprise. The clothes maybe, but not your sexuality. Um, if you dress like a girl, what do you call yourself?”

“Patty. I call myself Patty,” I answered quickly. “You know, I'm kind of glad to get that off my chest, Mom. You don't know how long I've been trying to figure out how to tell you. When I came home and saw your car in the driveway I just about had a stroke.”

Brenda walked in the door from her outing and said, “Hi, Mom. How was your day?”

“Informative,” she replied and motioned for Brenda to come into the kitchen.

“Hi, Brenda,” I said and flashed a smile at her.

Brenda's eyes grew wide when she realized I was sitting at the table with Mom and dressed like a girl.

“Uh, hi, Patty,” she replied and moved around the table to sit beside me. She wasn't going to throw me to the wolves.

“You know? Mom asked her.

“Well, yea, I know about Patty. She's my little sister.”

“Yes, I guess she is. Well I suppose we should get dinner on the table before your father gets home. If we're going to let him in on your secret, the least we can do is get him full.”

With three of us working it didn't take long to prepare dinner, well as long as it takes for the food to cook. When Dad arrived home he went directly to the bedroom and changed out of his suit into more casual clothes, just as he did every day.

“I didn't realize we had company,” he said, standing in the doorway.

“Hi, babe, dinner is almost on the table. Sit and get comfortable, “Mom said as though nothing had changed. “Brenda, put ice in the glasses. Patty, start putting the food on the table.” She quickly moved to my father and gave him a kiss, her long robe falling open.

“Hi, Dad. How was your day?” Brenda asked after he was seated.

I caught sight of the look on his face and it was plain to see he was still clueless about who I was.

“Not too bad, actually. The jury ruled in our favor and now we're waiting to see what settlement they come back with.”

“That's fine, dear. Now we've got some news for you,” Mom began and then told him my story as far as she knew, including my admission to being gay.

Dad looked at me again and I couldn't tell if he felt like he should slap the piss out of me or what his next move should be.

“Well, I must admit that nothing of what you just told me comes as a big surprise. We've considered the fact that you might be gay, Patrick, and probably were. I began suspecting something about crossdressing when I saw your bank statement last month. I assume the charge at A New You, was for a pair of breast forms. I have to say, they look very nice. Completes the image very well, so to speak.”

“Oh, she prefers to be called Patty,” Brenda interjected.

“Patty it is then,” he smiled and then added, “A second daughter in the family might be very nice. Especially one that can't get pregnant.”

“Dad!” I exclaimed and smiled.

“Since this is obviously your decision and the lifestyle you wish, er, Patty, there are a few things we need to get straight and out in the open. If you're going to dress, look, and act like a girl, then you need to do all the time. That means every day, all day, no matter who sees you or where you go. You don't have to wear a skirt or dress all the time, shorts and girl jean or pants are perfectly acceptable. If you need to find a different job, then so be it. I don't mind if you bring your boyfriends home, but no sex, at least as long as your mother or I are at home. Brenda has the same rules. Am I making myself clear?”


“Now, since you're living like a girl, I think changing your name would be in order. What girl goes by the name of Patrick? If you'd like, I can get the paperwork started tomorrow morning.”

“Tomorrow sounds great,” I said, surprised at how easy the telling them had been.

“I'll let you know when you need to come down before a judge,” he told me.

“Thanks, Dad,” I replied and smiled.

Over the course of the next three weeks I grew accustomed to being around my parents dressed as Patty. At first I felt very self conscious but eventually that feeling faded. Work, however, was entirely different. Mr Garrison let me quit and then hired me as Patty. If any of the employees were aware of who I was previously, they never said a word. True to my word, I showed Mr Garrison my appreciation very regularly, as in at least once a week sucking his cock and swallowing all his creamy cum.

Tommy had been scarce because he was working his ass off before going away to college so he wouldn't have to work while studying. However, he would sometimes show up when I got off work and I saw to his needs in the front seat of his car. There were a couple of times when I went from Mr Garrison's cock to Tommy's cock and only had a few minutes in between. I liked those days.

One morning, on my day off, the doorbell rang. I was already up and decently dressed so I just opened the door.

“Hi, Patty,” Tommy said.

“Well, hello, stranger,” I laughed. Then I noticed that someone I didn't recognize was with him.

“ Come on in and introduce me to your friend.”

“Oh, yea, this is Kevin, he lives just down the block from me and is a real good friend. Kevin, this is Patty, the sexiest girl I know.” Tommy smiled and bent down to kiss me to which I instinctively responded.

“Kevin is staying at my house for a week or so while his parents sort some things out. We were, you know, goofing off yesterday and one thing lead to another and pretty soon we were jacking each other. Now with Kevin being Kevin, he tried to get me to go down on him and you know I don't do that. He was practically begging me, saying he'd always wanted to feel a hot mouth on his cock, but I wouldn't budge. Then I thought about you, babe. What do you say? Want to suck a couple of lonely cocks?”

Part of me wanted to tell him to go to hell and another part of me wanted to dive right in and have a party. I'd done two in a short period of time but never two together, so I was intrigued to say the least.

“Come on, man. I told you this was a bad idea,” Kevin said and moved toward the door.

“Hold it right there, Kevin,” I said quickly, “I didn't say no.”


“Tommy, you just want to see me sucking a cock. I assume you do to, Kevin.”

“Yea, well, I think it would be so hot,” Tommy grinned.

“So how about if I suck his dick and you do something different to me?”


“Fuck me.”

“Hell, yes. Oh, baby, I've wanted to do that for a long time,” he replied enthusiastically.

“So what's stopped you? Certainly not me.”

“Um, fear, embarrassment, I don't know.”

“Okay then. Look guys, at heart I'm really a total slut. So how about you both take me? Use me however you like. Fuck me, let me suck you, just enjoy yourselves.”

Kevin smiled from ear to ear, “Wow, hear I was hoping and wishing for a blow job and now I'm gonna get both ends to play with. This is the best day of my life!”

“Let's go to my room and get naked,” I laughed and lead the way.

At least part of my fantasy was going to come true since my first time was taking place in my bed, although with two guys instead of one.

As soon as we were in my room Tommy pulled me to him and gave me a long, searching kiss while his hands moved over me and then cupped my ass. I could feel his excitement pressing against me and that got me more and more in the mood.

“You're a really special girl, Patty,” he said breathlessly, unzipping my skirt and letting it fall.

“Do I get a kiss?” Kevin asked and took Tommy's place.

Kevin wasn't a novice at kissing, his tongue delving deep into my mouth. He cupped my panty clad ass and pulled me against him, pressing his growing cock against me. He pulled up on my top and it was soon over my head on the way to joining my skirt.

Tommy moved behind me and unhooked my bra. I grabbed it before it could fall and placed it and my breast forms on the dresser.

Then my panties disappeared so I watched my two lovers strip to the skin.

“Nice clit, Patty,” Kevin said, staring at my little dick while his own began to swell. He was much bigger than Tommy, even bigger than Mr Garrison.

“Go ahead, Patty, suck on THAT for a while,” Tommy laughed and indicated Kevin's cock.

Sitting on the edge of my bed I pulled Kevin closer until his cock was directly in front of me, the huge head seemingly breathing. Leaning closer, I lightly licked the head, and then all the way down the long shaft. Sucking cock was an art form I had plenty of experience with and I enjoyed doing it as well. There was something wonderfully exciting about the feel of a cock sliding over my lips that really got me going.

“Oh, baby, that feels fantastic,” Kevin sighed when I got his cock into my mouth and began slowly bobbing up and down.

“Shit, Patty, you look so natural sucking him!” Tommy exclaimed and kissed me on the neck.

I felt natural sucking on a guy's cock. That was a truly wonderful feeling, knowing I was giving him such great pleasure with just my mouth.

After some positioning, Kevin was kneeling on the bed with his dick back in my mouth. I was on my hands and knees and Tommy was moving between my legs. I could barely believe that I was about to lose my virginity and I was extremely excited.

Tommy began pushing against my tiny little hole before I began to slowly open up for him. Oh it hurt but I wanted this in the worse way. I screamed on Kevin's cock but it came out as just a muffled whine. Tommy pulled back, lubricated my hole, and began pressing into me once again. It still hurt like hell and I moaned around Kevin's cock some more, but he was making more headway this time.

I had Kevin's cock all the way inside, down in my throat, when I felt Tommy's belly against my ass and knew he was entirely inside. He didn't waste a lot of time getting down to the business of fucking me.

“Oh, baby, your ass is so fucking tight,” Tommy exclaimed as his cock moved in and out.

Five or six minutes passed by with Tommy steadily fucking me and me working on Kevin's yummy cock. I felt extremely feminine now, getting cock at both ends. Not only that but I felt more and more like a pure slut.

“Oh fuck! Here it comes! Oh fuck yea, I'm gonna cum , Patty!” Kevin bellowed.

He wasn't joking either. His cock began spitting out stream after stream of hot cum which I was forced to swallow or choke. When I could, I let him slide back and held just the head of his dick in my mouth while he finished, his jets of cum not as strong as they had started. Now I could taste his cum and I liked it. When he was completely through, Kevin pulled out and watched Tommy fuck me.

“Yea, baby, fuck me hard. Oooohhhh yyyesss, it feels so good!” I panted, sounding more like a bitch in heat.

Five minutes later Tommy was pounding me harder and faster than ever. My head was spinning with this wonderful new sensation.

“Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!” Tommy yelled, pounding into me.

Then I felt an incredible warmth spreading throughout me. The feeling was unlike any I'd ever felt before and I knew he was cumming. When he pulled out of me I felt his cum flow from my ass and stream down over my useless balls.

“I'm next, Kevin laughed and moved behind me. His big cock hurt even more as it opened my tight asshole wider and wider but he got into me and started fucking me very hard.

Now I really felt like a slut, getting fucked by two guys back to back, one's cum still oozing out of me while the other guy's cock was pounding me. But it felt absolutely wonderful. There was no doubt now that I was as queer as a three dollar bill, a bottom fagot, a sissy to be used by men as they pleased, and I reveled in the idea.

Kevin must have banged my butt for thirty minutes, and Tommy took some pictures of the action.

“Yyyesss! Yyyesss! Fuck my pussy!” I squealed as he took me places I'd only imagined before now. “Cum in me, baby, cum in me!”

Man did he ever! I actually felt his cock spewing hot cum deep inside me, warming me from the inside out. I was so wrapped up in being fucked that I had barely felt my own dick spewing out cum onto the bed.

They were finally finished and began getting dressed while I slipped on a robe.

“That was fantastic, Patty,” Kevin said. “I'm really looking forward to the next time.”

“Me too,” I replied easily.”

“Yea, I'm gonna leave you in Kevin's hands while I'm away,” Tommy smiled.

“Just passing me around?”

“Of course,” he laughed, “but I'll be back in a couple of months.”

Instantly I envisioned another three way fucking and I looked forward to it.

I walked them to the door, feeling cum oozing out of my as and down my legs when I saw Mom and Brenda sitting in the kitchen. I had no idea how long they'd been in there but I was sure they knew what I'd been doing.

“You're a regular little slut, sis,” Brenda said as I walked into the kitchen.

“I didn't know you were home, Mom.”

“Obviously,” she laughed. “You know, I caught Brenda doing the same thing one day. She'd skipped school and I happened to come home early.”

“Man, did I ever get in trouble,” Brenda laughed.

“At least you didn't skip school,” Mom said with a giggle. “And I know there's no stopping either of you from acting in such a manner, now would I want you to stop. I went through the same thing with the Martin twins but I was younger than either of you. Now, every once in a while your father will bring home a friend or two and we have a real good time.”

“So you're not mad?” I asked.

“Heavens no! I'm proud of both my girls.”

“But what will Dad say?”

“He hasn't got room to talk,” she said cryptically. “Honey, he may not dress in women's clothing but he's had his share of men, and they've had him as well. Hell, the whole family is nothing but a bunch of sluts!”

Written by tvk3983
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