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Seduce Me

"Martina has one thing on her mind. A good fuck."

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I love people-watching, especially in the kind of bars that I frequent. Often, I sit in the corner, book in hand and a quiet glass of beer or the occasional Gin and Tonic. I peer over the top of my glasses when it suits me, which normally happens when someone enters the bar, or the noise level rises significantly.

On normal evenings my gaze rests on those who enter for only a few seconds, maybe longer if they display drive and energy or are behaving in a raucous manner. Quiet people rarely get my attention span for longer than a microsecond.

But she did. She had that ‘seduce me’ look oozing from every pore of her body.

To say she was stunning was an understatement. She was certainly petite, with flawless skin that shone a deep orange from the glow of the recessed ceiling lights. She cautiously stepped closer to the bar while scanning the room to her left. I smiled when she corrected from a slight wobble, but anyone in those heels would have been hard put to step flawlessly across the uneven stone flooring. You could sense a quietness had come over the immediate area as she strode towards the waiting barman.

I couldn’t take my eyes off her for many reasons: one of which was how she was going to climb onto the high bar stools in that short skirt, and the other because she looked so beautiful, and her skin was so flawless. I would describe her posture as elegant. It was a good few minutes before I realised that my mouth was open and that I was openly staring in her direction. The book had wilted in my hand, hanging onto my fingers by friction alone. I quickly recovered, only to notice that I was not alone.

She raised herself onto the bar stool with ease, assisted by a slight jump up to establish herself on the seat; within seconds, she had a drink in front of her. I was waiting for the barman to ask her age, but that didn’t happen. He must have been swayed by her bright red lipstick perched on almost white skin.

Closing my eyes, I could imagine kissing her in a long slow sensual twisting and turning of our lips and tongues with her hands clasped around my neck and me bending over her tiny frame. The only missing element was the scent of her perfume. My cock jerked in my pants. This was a special moment, and when I opened my eyes, she was sitting upright at the bar, sipping her drink. Waiting.

I waited for someone to join her, not believing for one minute she had walked into this bar alone. Fortunately, my glass was empty. Well, it became empty pretty quickly, and after tossing my book on the table, I picked the glass up and found the only empty slot at the empty bar right next to her.

I nodded and smiled at her, her lips curled to return the smile. A strange smell hit my nostrils, but fortunately, it was the proximity of the barman and wasn’t emanating from her. I ordered another half a beer.

“I didn’t think they let youngsters into bars like this? What school do you go to?” I said, half biting my lip in the process. It wasn’t the best chat-up line, but it was the fastest way to find out whether she was legal or not.

She tilted her head to one side; the pause in her reply was agonizing. “How old do you think I am?” She retorted, a broad grin on her face. Her lips open, her tongue resting on one of her molars in that waiting-for-an-answer mode that teenagers seem to perfect.

I sucked in her features. Her blonde bob hairstyle seemed to frame the whole of her face; her pretty turned-up nose and occasional freckles that spread across her cheeks were a mesmerising part of her that I couldn’t see from a distance. It would have been improper to check out the rest of her body, but I already knew she was slim to the point of skinny. I opened my hands, “I haven’t a clue,” I said, hiding the thought that she looked underage for this bar, and I wouldn’t be surprised that she had come in here looking for some unsuspecting teacher to fuck.

“I’m eighteen,” she said. Of course, she was. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be in this bar drinking alcohol, would she?

“I’m Ben,” I said, holding out my hand as a formal gesture of our acquaintance. She didn’t take it. She leaned towards me and whispered into my ear. “Pleased to meet you, Ben. My name’s Martina.”

I could hear her breath skate across my cheek, her lips so close to biting my ear, which would have led so easily to those kisses I dreamt about earlier. The sound of her voice was husky, to the point of being sexy. I wanted to turn and face her quickly, but the moment was so fleeting that she was back in her position the moment she released the words into the air.

“Would you like another drink?” I asked, pointing to her glass out of politeness more than anything.

“Maybe later,” she replied.

“Are you from around here?” I hadn’t seen her in this bar before, but then this city is a big place when you want it to be.

“I live about five hundred yards away, so very close. First time I’ve been in here though – ” she smiled, “without my dad, that is.” she added. “They’re away for the weekend, so I’m free to do what I want.” She picked up her glass and took a large sip. I did the same with my beer and leaned on the bar facing her. It was a better position to have a conversation. I could see that her white stockings stopped at bare flesh from where her skirt rose against the side of her leg. I wasn’t sure about my next question, but it came out of nowhere.

“And what do you want to do?” It was a leading question and one she should have run away from, but I sensed a confidence in her, one that became bolder as our brief conversation got started. She took a long hard look at me – straight in the eyes. I noticed that while her elbow was leaning on the bar, the finger of her right hand was covertly flicking her nipple through the tight fabric of her top. I struggled to decide whether she was wearing a bra or not. I decided not.

She raised her finger and motioned me to step closer for another whispered moment. I couldn’t wait to hear what she had to say.

“I’ve come here to get…” she paused, her gaze grasped by the bloke that walked right past us for a full seven seconds before whispering so quietly I could hardly hear the words. I nearly asked her to repeat them, but something in my subconscious told me I didn’t need to.

My mind was reeling from the shock and revelation of what she told me. I must have stepped backwards, looking like a rabbit in the headlights of an oncoming car, but I did get a whiff of her elegant floral perfume.

In seconds, her finger was back on her nipple, and her head tilted again to the side.

“Wanna find out?”

If her words weren’t enough, her implication was even more alluring. She was right; eighteen or not, I couldn’t wait to find out.

She took a few sips of her drink, almost finishing it, before she offered me her hand, stepped off the stool, and motioned to the door. “Five hundred yards,” she winked, “this way.”

I was not in the right state of mind, because I blindly followed her, disbelieving every moment of the last fifteen minutes or so. She turned and stopped at the door. Placing her hand on my chest, she tut-tutted at me and shook her head from side to side.

“You’ve left your book on the table,” she said, pointing behind me to where I had sat earlier. She was, at the very least, observant. I nodded, turned and retrieved the current Booker Prize winner of the year. By the time I turned, she had vanished. I practically ran to the door, fully expecting her to have disappeared into someone’s car, winning the bet with the waiting driver. She was halfway up the road, walking very cautiously backwards, her finger wiggling in the air.

“Hurry up,” she shouted. I watched as she turned and clip-clopped her way down the road and around the corner. I caught her in the next street and walked a few steps behind her because, to be honest, her ass was behaving like a slut on heat and throwing that skirt from side to side. My hand was about to come up on it when she suddenly stopped and turned to face me.

I practically fell into her, pushing her backwards with the force of my last few steps; her arms flew around me and mine hers as I struggled to maintain our balance, and suddenly, there were her lips, inches from mine.

“Let’s go in, shall we.” She pointed to the door, recovered her key from her handbag and opened the door. We climbed a few stairs, and she opened the door to her flat. It was plush, obviously. Daddy was well-to-do to afford something this nice and in this location.

She sauntered inside, letting me follow, and I closed the door behind me. With such elegance, she turned, threw her bag on the nearby sofa and started walking backwards. Her words ‘wanna find out,’ echoed in my head like the ringing of church bells.

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I stared at her sex the whole time as I caught up with her. Her open arms stretched towards me, and I took them as she guided me towards her. Her hands crawled up my arms before she released her touch to reach around the back of my neck and…

And there I was in that dreamy state with our lips intertwined, her skirt rising with the heat of our passion and my hand on her delicious backside. Both of her delicate fleshy mounds scrunched up in my fists as I practically lifted her off the floor. The perfume hit me full on when my lips traced their way down her neck; probably borrowed from her mother, I thought. She tried desperately to walk backwards but with little purchase on the floor, she was making hard work of it. I let her down, and we found ourselves in the master bedroom.

“Not your room, then?” A wicked grin crept across my face.

“Like I said, they’re away for the weekend.”

Our lips melted together once more until she was falling on the bed, taking me with her. With some effort, she shuffled onto it, and I crawled after her, our lips still in contact and her hands wrapped around my neck, pulling me in. I let a hand rest on her kneecap, and with dreamy eyes, I slipped it up to her sex. I kissed her even harder when I cupped it in my hands, feeling her arousal.

I wanted to suck on her nipples and take them into my mouth, but her top was too tight to push it up or down, and the need to see her naked was in second place to the one wanting to free her sex from beneath her knickers.

I pushed my body down, past her tiny tits, still manhandling her sex and squeezing it. I kissed her inner thigh, close to her knee, as my hands wrestled with her panties, pushing them to one side in a desperate attempt to get hands-on. And there it was, smooth as fuck. I closed my eyes, and in a dream-like state, I kissed my way up her thigh to her naked sex. I was beside myself with joy as I stroked and caressed her, and with every kiss, I got closer to my goal.

“It’s been…I haven’t…oh fuck!” She croaked, her lips quivering as my tongue slithered upwards over her shaft to the glistening head that pulsed in anticipation. I brought her splendid sex upwards by pulling down on her balls, glorifying in slow motion of her cock as it came into full view, and at that moment, over her spongy head, I gazed into her bright blue eyes. Her tongue slipped between her lips in a moment of disbelief that I was perched the other side of her cock, about to devour it. We smiled at each other, and while pulling down further on her balls, I slipped the head of her peach between my lips.

I was lost in the moment. I didn’t know whether she was still watching me or whether she had closed her eyes, but I inched my way down her stiffness as far as I could go. I couldn’t believe that her beautiful sex was so long, and I couldn’t believe she had hidden it, tucked up under her balls and held in place by her tight white-laced panties while being aroused. She must have been rubbing it to full hardness while walking the five hundred yards home.

My whole world centred around her dick erupting in my mouth before she got what she so rudely suggested to me earlier in the pub. I raised my head to the moans erupting from her mouth; her legs splayed as wide as they would go. My hand brushed against her hold-up stocking tops while I sought her fleshy buttocks, and with both hands caressing her ass, I bobbed up and down on her engorged cock.

I knew I had this beauty when her hands came to rest on my head.

“Fuuuuck, that’s so nice,” she moaned. The fingers of my hand circled her balls at the base of her cock, and I tugged downwards, my lips sucked voraciously on the head, and I waited for her to give me what I wanted. I could tell it wouldn’t take long, and I was glad for that because my cock was pulsing hard beneath my trousers.

There was no warning. Rope after rope shot into my mouth as she lifted her bottom off my hands. She clasped the back of my head to stop me from removing my mouth, but there was no chance that was going to happen. Not now. Not when her cream was spunking into my greedy mouth. I swallowed it all and kept sucking and sliding over her cock until she was calming down. Her hardness remained, and I half expected her to give me a second load before I fucked her, but as soon as I raised my head to smile at her, she sidled up the bed, swung her leg over my head and came to rest on all fours.

From over her shoulder, she smiled at me. Her eyes implored me to finish the job. I was kneeling on the bed, grinning back at her, unbuckling and unzipping my trousers to the sounds of ‘hurry up’ coming out of her mouth. I pushed my pants down to my knees, waddled in her direction and pointed my stiff cock into her waiting hole. I looked around for lubrication, but there wasn’t any to be found, so I compromised and took a handful of spunk that was still dripping out of the end of her cock and coated her ass in it. I covered the end of my cock in my pre-cum, and before she knew what had happened, I was pushing my dick inside her hot hole fucking her gorgeous ass. I grasped her hips and pulled her onto me.

She was so compliant, so supple, so fucking gorgeous. I inched inside her. I couldn’t believe my cock was making its way inside her hot gurl cunt.

“Are you ready, Martina?”

“Yes, fill me up. Fill my ass with it.”

It dawned on me that she must have been a virgin up to that point. I didn’t know whether this was her first blowjob, first fuck or even first kiss. I didn’t care. Pure horniness oozed from every pore in my body as I plundered the white ass in front of me. All my visual, taste and aural senses were in a state of heightened arousal, adding to the feel of my sensitive cock entering her. I couldn’t hold back, and the words escaping her mouth caused me to rush the encounter.

In her heightened state, cum started oozing from the end of her cock. White creamy fluid started to cover the bedspread. That’s when I lost all control. I repeatedly pushed into her backside and let myself go. Freeing the burden of having to hold back. Spunk shot into her ass just as I dipped my hand onto the end of her cock to gather up her juices. After one quick feel of her bulbous head in the palm of my hand, I quickly brought it to my mouth and licked off her second load as I pumped my first into her.

There was an element of awkwardness once we had both climaxed, but once my cock slipped from her ass, we lay together on the bed, both of us breathing heavily and smiling profusely.

The confession started.

“I’d seen you for a while, you know. In that pub.”

I looked sideways at Martina, “Go on.”

“I used to go in with Dad; we used to sit in the opposite corner.”

Now that she mentioned it, I vaguely remembered a bloke and his son who used to sit in that corner of the bar every Thursday evening for a single pint of beer and a chat. It looked to be a normal father and son night out.

“Dad doesn’t know that I like to dress up. He wouldn’t understand.”

“You’re very fucking convincing,” I told her, “out of this world, sexy,” I added.

“Thank you, that’s very kind of you.”

I nodded.

“I was hoping you’d be there tonight. I thought I was going to trick you, shock you when you found out that I was hiding something under my skirt.”

“I’m hard to shock.”

“You were hard up my ass too.”

“It was a tight ass.”

That brought a few giggles and brushed any awkwardness under the carpet. She sat upright and removed her blouse. I was right; she wasn’t wearing a bra because there was no need for one. She rolled into me, placing her nipples next to my mouth. Every inch of her smooth, not a hair in sight, and I had to wonder how she kept that from her father.

“I like them being sucked and pinched,” she said.

I didn’t hesitate. My cock was growing, and so was hers.

“Is this your very first time out on your own? Dressed like this?”

The head shake was all I needed to know, but she added that she had dressed up and frequented pubs further away until she knew that she wouldn’t be found out, knew that she could pull off looking every inch the female that she was. It’s all a confidence game in the end, and she had the confidence and the body to hit the ball out of the ground.

“This is the first time I’ve had sex, though. I wanted to get fucked like a girl, I’m glad it was with you.”

“Why me?”

“I just fancied you from the start. I’ve watched you a few times, sitting and reading on your own. Never with anyone, but always in a bar like that one. Renowned for people like me.”

She bit her lip.

“And you’re eighteen?”

Martina laughed. “I told you I was, and I am.”

I couldn’t help but suppress a smile as I thought that it was about time this gurl found out what it was like to receive a throat full.

I grabbed her head and moved it in the direction of my groin. “Well, Martina, looks like you’ve got a cock to suck on. Like a good little gurl.”

Written by DarkSide
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