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Second Encounter Ch5

"Guess who’s cumming to supper"

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We enter the bathroom giggling like school girls. Taking out our makeup bags, we commence to do our faces. We remove the light make we applied that morning and scrub our faces clean. Like sisters, we help each other to get just the right look, making suggestions and comparing techniques.

"I've got something new I'd like to try," you say.

"What's that?" I ask.

"False eyelashes," you answer.

"I want some, too," I exclaim excitedly.

"This is a three-pack," you say as you pull the package out of your bag, "We can all have them. But I'm not sure how to apply them."

"I'm an expert at eyelashes," Jill tells us, "I learned how during my drag queen days."

"You used to do drag?" I ask, "How exciting!"

"Yes, that was before I transitioned," she replies.

"How did you like it?" I press.

"It was fun, but the other queens were very competitive and I got over it. It's much better just being myself these days," she admits.

We watch Jill expertly apply her eyelashes and try to follow her example. You get yours right the first time, but it takes me several attempts to get them in place.

"How do I look?" I ask, fluttering my new eyelashes.

"Very cute, but go easy on the butterfly action," you reply and we laugh. 

"I'd really like to do my nails and toes," I say next. "Jenny, will you help me?"

"Of course, dear, I've brought several bottles of nail polish, what color would you prefer?" you respond.

"Something pretty to match my lipstick," I reply. We choose a deep red. I extend my hand and you expertly begin to apply the polish. I'm amazed at the look and remark, "You're really good at this, Jenny,"

"Practice makes perfect, Monique," you reply. When you are done with both hands, I hold them up and look at my reflection in the mirror. "Beautiful! Now let's do my toes."

You repeat the process with both feet, and I wiggle my toes with delight. "I've never felt more femme," I say gleefully, batting my eyes and flexing my fingers.

"Careful with the butterflies," you say seriously and we all three giggle.

We brush our wigs and don our bras and panties. "What are you girls wearing?" I ask.

"As hot as it is, I'm going with a sundress sans hose," you reply.

"Sounds good to me," Jill responds.

"Me, too!" I chime in. We slip into our dresses and regard ourselves in the mirror.

"Beautiful!" you exclaim, twirling gracefully.

"I hope we pass as well as Jodi said we do," I add.

We exit the cottage and get into your car. "I'm still a little nervous about being out in the wild," I say.

"Just stick with us and you'll be fine," Jodi says reassuringly.

"What's the menu?" I ask.

"How about seafood and pasta?" you offer.

"Sounds great," I respond. "I can grill some shrimp and scallops"

"I'll make a pasta salad," you say.

"And I can boil corn on the cob," Jill adds.

We head into town and stop at a small seafood shack. We enter and are greeted by a nice looking young man. "What are you ladies looking for today," he asks cheerfully.

"Are your shrimp fresh?" you inquire.

"No, they're very well behaved," he says with a laugh.

"Everyone's a comedian," you respond and roll your eyes. I bat mine at him and smile sweetly.

"How about your scallops?" I ask.

"Both came off the boat this morning," he replies, "None fresher on the whole island."

"We'll take four pounds of both," Jill answers and gives him a $100 bill. "Keep the change," she says and smiles broadly.

"Thank you ma'am! You ladies come back, now," he says and stuffs the bill into his pocket. He wraps our purchase and we exit the store.

"Wow! That was quite a tip you gave him, Jill," I exclaim.

"I'd like to give him another kind," she answers and winks. 

We drive on into town and stop at a small grocery store. I'm feeling more confident with my presentation and am enjoying our outing. You pick out the ingredients for your pasta dish and we pick up some corn.

"I've got one more stop to make," I announce. "We'll need some refreshments, let's visit the liquor store and pick up some Scotch."

"Sounds good, we'll need some wine as well," you add. 

We find a convent ABC store and enter. "Anything, in particular, you ladies need?" the young clerk asks.

"We'd like some dinner wine," you tell him.

"I'd like some fourteen-year-old Scotch," I inject, and bat my eyes at him.

"Yes ma'am, we have some excellent Glenfiddish," he says and retrieves it from the shelf.

"I'll take it," I say and hand him a $100 bill. "Keep the change."

"Thank you, ma'am," he says "What's the special occasion?"

"First class cock sucker," I say sweetly and bat my eyes.

His eyes widen and a broad smile crosses his face. "Congratulations," he says and winks.

We pay for the wine, exit the store, and get in the car. The moment the door closes we all break into uproarious laughter. "Good job, Monique," you quip.

"Did you see the look on his face?" Jill exclaims. "Priceless!"

"Let's get out of here!" I say and you gun the engine and spin the tires.

We arrive back at the cottage without incident. We unload the groceries and strip out of our clothes. "What are you girls wearing for dinner?" I ask.

"I thought this was clothing optional day," you say.

"I suppose we should put something on to start with," you say, "Hopefully we won't be wearing them for long after our guest arrives." 

"I can't wait to meet Jodi's roommate," Jill says excitedly, "If she has a lot in common with me I'd like to talk to her."

I'd like to do more than talk I think to myself, and visions of my dream return. 

We set into cooking. I start the grill for the shrimp and scallops, you start on the pasta salad, and Jill puts some water on to boil the corn. When the food is done, I look at the clock.

"Good grief!" I exclaim, "It's five-thirty. Our guests will be here in half an hour."

"We'd better throw some clothes on," you say with a panicked look. We scurry to the bedroom and open our bags. "I'm going with shorts and a top," you proclaim.

"Sounds good to me," Jill responds. I don my breastplate and slip into a fresh sundress. We freshen up our make-up just as the doorbell rings. 

You walk to the door and swing it open. "Good evening, Jodi, so glad you could come. Please come in," you say sweetly.

You step aside and Jodi enters. We look in amazement at her transformation. Her make-up is flawless, and her hair is falling in tight blonde curls down her back. She is wearing a tight blue mini skirt that barely covers her lovely thighs. Her legs are bare, tanned, and gorgeous. Her feet are clad in open toes sandals which show off her ruby red toenails.

"Good evening ladies," she says politely, "Thank you so much for the invitation." 

She steps to one side and says, "I'd like you to meet my friend Jasmine."

We gape in amazement at the figure who steps through the door. She is tall and statuesque and her skin shines with a beautiful ebony hue. Her high cheekbones glisten and shine. Her full lips are parted slightly exposing gleaming white teeth and her coal-black hair falls in tight dreadlocks halfway down her back. From her ears dangle gold loops and a matching gold necklace hangs above her lovely breasts. Gold bracelets and rings adorn her arms and fingers and a gold anklet circles her delicate ankle. She is wearing a short leopard print mini and her on her feet she is wearing strapless pumps. She is the perfect image of an African goddess, I think, and I am speechless as I regard her beauty.

"Good evening, ladies, it is so good of you to invite us here tonight," she says with a thick Caribbean accent.

She extends her hand and you take it and say, "Welcome, I'm Jenny."

Jasmine turns to me next and I say, "I'm Monique, pleased to meet you," as I take her hand. She turns to Jill last and extends both hands.

"You must be Jill. Jodi says we have much in common," she says and gives Jill a hug.

"How about a drink?" I offer, "Scotch or wine?"

"Scotch for me," you say. The other ladies agree and I pour a round. I raise my glass and say, "To new experiences." We down our drinks and set down for dinner. 

After we are settled, Jill turns to Jasmine and says, "Tell us something about yourself, Jasmine."

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"I'd be glad to," she responds. "I was born the only son of a wealthy sugar plantation owner in Jamaica," she begins. "All my life I knew I was really a girl living in a boy's body. I kept my feelings to myself for many years. When my father passed I inherited the family fortune and moved to Miami. I had the opportunity and resources to transition and have been on HRT for several years."

Jill then shares her story and when she is finished she gives Jasmine a long and soul filled embrace. 

We finish our meal and retire to the living room. I say, "How about another toast?" I pour another round of scotch and say, "To clothing optional day."

"I was wondering when we would get around to that," Jodi says excitedly. "Let's strip for each other. I'll go first."

She rises and stands in the center of the room. She turns her back to us and wiggles her ass suggestively. Slowly rolling her mini up over her head, she exposes her matching powder blue bra and panties. Bending over so we can get a good view of her ass, she slowly rolls her panties down and removes her bra. She flings them to one side and turns to us and spreads her legs. Her semi-hard cock swings from between her legs and she frees her balls from her tuck. We give her a round of applause and she takes a seat and begins jacking her cock slowly.

"I'll go next," you say quickly. You rise and repeat Jodi's motions. When your cock swings free, you give it a quick rub and start jacking as well.

"Me next," I offer. I go through the same motions as you and Jodi but when I get to my breastplate I ask, "Do fake tits count as clothes?"

"Please leave them on," you beg, and the rest of the girls agree.

Jill rises and we all look at her with anticipation. "I used to do this in a gay bar," she reveals. She begins to slowly turn in circles as she peels off her sundress. Her long hair flows seductively over her shoulders as she rubs her magnificent tits together. She lowers her bra, revealing one nipple at a time, then pinches them before slipping it off. Next, she begins rubbing her crotch seductively, and dipping her fingers into her panties. Turning her beautiful ass toward us, she slowly peels them off and throws them aside. She wiggles her full ass and spreads her legs, allowing her monster cock to swing free. Popping her balls free, she turns toward us and begins jacking slowly. We all give an appreciative round of applause and she takes a seat, still stroking her cock.

We all look at Jasmine eagerly. She rises and says, "Well, I've never done this, but here goes nothing."

Like a ballerina, she gracefully sways and begins removing her mini. I am mesmerized by her slow erotic movement as she slips it over her head, revealing matching pink bra and panties. Her tits are perfect globes, not as big as Jill's, but hanging like ripe melons from her chest. Her gold jewelry jingles as she unhooks her bra and slips it off. She turns toward us and I see her lovely brown nipples protruding from her breasts. She cups them and begins pinching and tweaking them. Pushing the globes together and raising them toward her face, she lowers her full red lips to her nipples and gives them a slow lick. Rubbing her crotch, she begins to roll her panties over her slim hips. I am wild with anticipation as she kicks them off and her cock swings free.

I catch my breath at the sight of my first black cock. Although still soft, it is at least seven inches, and glistens sexily. She is shaved and uncut, and her large knob is hiding under an enormous hood, the tip peeking out seductively. My mouth drops open and I lick my lips at the sight. I am transfixed and cannot remove my eyes from it. 

Jasmine turns to face us and sees me staring. "Oh Monique, what's the matter? Haven't you ever seen a BBC?"

Speechless, all I can do is shake my head and run my tongue over my lips.

"Would you like to taste it?" she asks, "Jodi tells me you're a first-class cock sucker."

In a flash, I'm on my knees in front of her.

"Go ahead, don't be shy," she says with a laugh. I don't need any more encouragement as I take her limp cock in one hand and cradle her huge dark balls in the other. I peel back her hood, revealing her massive knob, and gently bring my lips to it. I place several light kisses on it, then extend my tongue to give it a lick. I feel it begin to stir in my hand, and slowly jack it while continuing to kiss and lick it. 

I look around and see you, Jodi and Jill slowly stroking your cocks in rhythm with my movements, all eagerly watching my show. I lower my tongue to Jasmine's balls and gently take one onto my mouth. Rolling it between my lips, increase my jacking rhythm and take the other ball. Extending my tongue, I lick and kiss my way up her shaft, feeling it grow and expand in my hand. When I reach her knob, I open my mouth to fully engulf it between my lips. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I see you three jacking and hear Jasmine emit a low moan. I take her as deep onto my mouth as I can, and feel her begin to enter my throat.

"Mmm, Monique, you are good," I hear her murmur.

"I need something in my ass," I plea, "Jodi, would you care to do the honors?" I feel Jodi kneel between my legs and lube my crack. As her tip enters my hole, I take a deep breath and continue my assault on Jasmine's beautiful black cock, which has reached its full length of ten inches. 

With two cocks working, I begin to feel the familiar satisfying sensation of submission and fulfillment. I extend my open palms and say urgently, "Jenny and Jill, cocks please." You take positions beside Jasmine, your cocks falling onto my outstretched hands and I begin to pump you both.

Memories of last night's dream flood my mind, and I am consumed with lust. Serving four cocks at once is my ultimate fantasy, and I revel in the sensation. I am a vessel for your mutual enjoyment, and the feeling of completeness overwhelms me. 

Picking up the rhythm, I increase my tempo with my mouth, hands and ass. I feel your precum running down my wrists, and taste Jasmine's sweet nectar as well. We are all five grunting and humping in sync, and our mutual moans fill the room.

Seeking to prolong the moment, I slow my rhythm and established a steady even tempo. With Jasmine's cock reaching the back of my throat, Jodi's balls slapping my ass, and your two cocks cradled in my fists, I am the fulfillment of my destiny, an object for pure sexual satisfaction, and I am consumed with desire.

"Oh Monique you really are a first-class cock sucker," I hear Jasmine pant.

"And a first-class ass fucker," Jodi adds.

"How about first-class cock jacker?" you moan. I am too overcome with lust to respond. 

I feel my own precum dripping from my cock and sense that we are all five about to blow.

"I'm cumming!" you scream and begin to erupt. I break my oral grip on Jasmine's cock and turn to take your cum in my mouth. I struggle to swallow it all but several drops escape and land on my breast plate.

"I'm next," Jill pants and I turn to take her load. It covers my face and open mouth, dripping from my chin.

"My turn," grunts Jodi as she buries her rigid cock deep in my ass. I feel her shoot her sperm into my bowels and wriggle my ass in appreciation. 

Placing both hands on Jasmine's cock, I jack her in earnest. She is humping my hands and mouth, and I see her huge black balls twitch.

"Here it comes," she grunts and the first jet of her sweet cum hits my face. Still jacking, I open my mouth and it is filled with her hot load, spilling out and running down my chin. When she is finally done with her spasms, I lovingly lick her knob clean and look up at her, and smile. 

"One more load to go," I say as I begin jacking my own cock rapidly. I form a cup with my left hand just as my orgasm hits. Directing my cock head into my cupped hand, I shoot the biggest load of my life into it. I quickly bring it to my waiting lips and greedily lick it up. 

"My God, you're good!" Jasmine gasps, and you all three agree. I am filled with pride at my accomplishment and as the cum drips from my chin and breasts, I sink into a heap on the floor.

To be continued...


Written by Monique65
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