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Lions, Tigers, And Joseph, Oh My

"Crossdressing adventures at the zoo"

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Author's Notes

"Photo by Photosonic. Editing by Grammarly."

My name is Leigh. Well, my girl's name, I am a cross-dresser. I feel right about myself, and that is how I am. All my stories are based on real experiences, but the places and names have been changed.

I woke up early and headed for the bathroom to prepare for a date at the Zoo’s Pride event. I wanted everything to be perfect, so after washing, I dabbed shaving gel on the areas that needed to be touched up to ensure my body was completely hairless. 

I didn’t know how today's date would go, so I cleaned inside and out, using mineral oil to soften and lubricate my insides. After patting my body dry, I applied moisturizer to my skin, wrapped my mahogany hair, and put my body in a towel. 

I  patted my cheeks and chin dry, dusted the area with baby powder, and applied my foundation before heading into the kitchen for coffee and a pop tart. I quickly checked emails to see if I was being stood up today and to check the weather. 

I meandered into the bedroom and picked out a flesh-toned gaff.  The gaff pulled my private parts up and back, not only giving me a flat front look but also giving me the feeling there was nothing there, that my cleanly shaven legs went higher than before, and I felt a lot less like a guy than ever.

I picked out a pair of white panties before sitting on the bed and rolling the nude-colored tights up to my knees, then stood to pull and fuss with them up over my hips.  I picked a matching water bra and adjusted my silicone breasts in the mirror.  Then I checked to see if the gaff was sitting correctly, and I was pleased with the smooth, flat appearance.

I chose a dark knee-length dress with an orchid, puffy shoulders, and wispy sleeves. The skirt part of the dress fluttered out just a little. Then, I went to the mirror and completed my makeup with smoky eyes, blue eye shadow, blush, and pink lipstick. After that, I dried and brushed my hair, which fell around my face and shoulders. I twirled in front of the hall mirror to check my outfit before choosing a pair of dark blue flats and some jewelry. As I looked at myself in the mirror again, I had second thoughts about whether this outfit was suitable for a zoo date. However, I wanted to dress a little nicer than jeans and a baggy tee shirt for my first date with Joe.

I carefully packed my purse with essentials and left the house feeling thrilled to meet Joe. A mutual friend had given Joe my number, and ever since our first conversation, we've talked almost every day for the past two months. Our conversations flow effortlessly and usually last about an hour each night.  We even talked extensively about my origin story and how I got to where I am today.

I sat at the traffic light waiting for my turn to turn onto the freeway when a pick-up pulled up next to me.  I stared at the red light ignoring the cat calls from the assholes in the truck. Soon enough, the light turned green, and I could move on to the freeway.

As I pulled up to the zoo parking lot, butterflies excitedly danced around my stomach. The gentleman at the booth warmly welcomed me and collected my parking payment. He handed me my parking pass, and flaggers directed me around the lot to the next available spot.

As I exited the car, I was greeted by delicate clouds and a gentle breeze. I looked around the parking lot and saw Joe walking towards me. He was tall, wearing tight designer jeans and a retro bowling shirt. The shirt was generously unbuttoned, revealing a tuft of hair on his chest. The short sleeves of his shirt were evidence of his work outdoors.

My eyes were drawn to his forearms, which were covered in veins, and his biceps, which strained against his short sleeves. He had Italian features and dark brown hair that fell to his shoulders like a lion's mane.

We hugged like we had known each other for years. After moments of nervous laughter, I felt relieved knowing he was just as anxious as I was. He complimented me on my dress, called me pretty, and, running his finger through the end of my hair, claimed he was the luckiest man on earth today. I laughed but didn't argue with him.

As we made our way to the zoo entrance, my nerves intensified amidst the sea of people. Joe noticed my anxious expression and reassured me, taking my hand as we approached the ticket counter. His confidence gave me a much-needed boost.

I was grateful that Joe offered to pay for the tickets, as I had not anticipated the high parking fees and was worried about finding affordable food options for lunch since I didn’t want him to pay for everything.

Passing through the ticket area, we were greeted by booths upon booths of charitable and public awareness organizations, where Joe and I pocketed some interesting swag and free samples. It's not every day that you get samples of personal lube and condoms from the fair.  All the vendors referred to me as Miss or Ma’am and to Joe as Sir, with one person asking how long we had been a couple.

We moved to the end of the booths and discovered we had to walk through a white event tent to enter the rest of the zoo. It was a friendly pop-up gift shop, and there was nothing like corralling us into their store before moving on. Joe turned to me and made his best sheep sound, saying, “We are just animals for them to herd where they will.”  I started laughing so hard.

We came out the other side, and the smell of McDonald’s reminded me how hungry I was.  “can I buy you lunch?”  I asked, pointing in the direction of the food court.

Joe smiled and asked what I had a taste for.  “Cheeseburger, fries, and a Coke,” I answered.  Joe ordered us both quarter-pounder meals, and before I could get my wallet out of my purse, he threw down his credit card again, paying for our meal.

He carried the tray as I followed him to a four-person table far from the other diners where we could talk. Joe set my meal in front of me and then placed his in front of himself before placing the tray on the nearby empty table.  Joe looked at me and said, “Leigh, you are stunning today.”

I blushed. That was Joe's third complement in under an hour. “You’re very handsome yourself, and you don’t need to pay for everything,” I said as I unwrapped my burger.

“This was my idea. I invited you, so I don’t mind paying for it,“ Joe said as he unwrapped his meal, but then he stood and unbuttoned his bowling shirt. 

Joe’s chest was tan and tight, and that trail of dark hair that disappeared at his waist was almost distracting enough, but I couldn’t pull my gaze away from the two scars in the middle of his chest.

“What? I don’t want to get ketchup on my shirt. Does this bother you?” Joe asked, and his expression went from fun to severe when he realized I was staring at the scars on his chest. 

“No, I’m fine with it; you look great.” I stammered.

Joe touched his scars and said, “I had two heart attacks before I understood I shouldn’t do steroids.”

I felt ashamed that my insensitivity brought this discussion up, so I focused on my lunch.  Joe was a sloppy eater, and soon enough, ketchup and then a piece of pickle fell on his chest as he bit into his burger.

I watched as Joe whipped his chest clean with a napkin.  “ I could have licked that clean for you.”  I teased, causing Joe to blush a little. 

“Next time,” Joe joked.

Joe collected our trash and discarded the tray, placing the waste in the bin before leaving the tray on top. “The least I could have done was throw away the trash; you’re being too nice to me,” I said. Joe smiled and placed his hand on the small of my back, guiding me toward the elephants.

We shared stories of our visits to the zoo when we were younger. When we stopped at the exhibit with the elephants, we read all the informational signs about the animals. From a distance, I noticed people looking at me, mostly guys. I assumed they would yell something hateful at me, but they never did.

As we strolled around, I noticed that Joe was attracting more attention from other visitors than the elephants, which made me feel less self-conscious. We held hands and chatted as if we'd known each other for ages. While walking through the penguin exhibit, Joe put his arm around me to keep me warm in the building. When we left the exhibit, Joe took me off the trail, and as my eyes were adjusting to the sunlight, he kissed me.

"He caught me off guard. I thought we were holding hands, but then Joe kissed me. I hesitated for a moment before kissing him back. Our lips parted, and I leaned in to kiss him back before it was too late.

“Wow, I’ve never kissed anyone in public before,” I said, still stunned that it happened.

“Was it okay?” Joe asked, his huge smile telling me he was teasing me.

"Maybe I need another, to be sure," I said, tilting my head towards him. Our lips met, and we held each other as our lips touched. It was a first for me. Joe had taken the time to talk with me on the phone for an hour every night, and then he took me out on a date. And here we were, kissing.

I felt euphoric and so alive. I was disappointed that it ended as we were in public and had to move on, which made it more special. "Wow, I love penguins," I said a little too loudly, causing others to turn and look at us.

"I thought you liked tigers," Joe asked.

"Yeah, but I never got kissed in front of the tigers," I replied.

“Maybe if you’re a good girl, I’ll let you kiss me in front of the tigers,” Joe said as he took my hand. We swung our arms gently as we walked like kids.

We walked about a hundred feet before we were captivated by calliope music. We checked it out and found a new carousel with hand-carved zoo animals running alongside traditional horses. The display was captivating and beautiful. Joe pointed to the carved tigers and bees that pranced along with beautiful horses fit for a prince or a princess.

"Come on," Joe said, pulling me towards the ticket line.

"I'm too old for this ride. Seriously, how would I ride the horse in a dress?" I asked.

Joe looked at me like an adult would glare at a temperamental child. "Come on; you told me how much you loved carousels, and it will be great," Joe said.

"The saddles look shiny and slippery; I don't think I could hold on," I argued.

As we advanced in the ticket line, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension. Joe's enthusiasm was infectious, but my fear of slipping off the saddle lingered in the back of my mind. Nevertheless, Joe was right. I had confessed to loving carousels, and this one was so beautifully carved that I did want to ride it.

I was deep in thought when the woman behind us startled me. "Look, I'm wearing a dress, and I intend to ride that pony with the light blue mane and golden saddle," the woman said.

The woman's bold statement caught me off guard, but If she could ride in a dress, I could, too.

As I was standing by the carousel, the woman introduced herself as Lisa.  While we were chatting, Joe paid for our ride tickets. Even though I pretended I didn't mind, it made me feel like Joe was expecting something from me later.

Lisa and I got carried away, racing around the carousel deck with a group of kids, trying to reach the tiger and the gilded pony with a blue mane. I chose the tiger, which carried a cub, and managed to mount it side-saddle with Joe's help. Lisa rode her pony beautifully with a gold saddle while her friend  Chris rode a bumblebee beside her. We laughed and enjoyed the ride, feeling carefree and reliving our childhood memories.

After the ride slowed, Joe helped me off, and a girl with a camera approached us. She had taken a picture of us and spoke to Joe about it. Once again, Joe pulled out his credit card and paid for the pictures.

"Joe, you can't pay for everything. It makes me feel awkward," I said. I was attracted to him and hoped for a second date, so I was careful not to upset him.

With a chuckle, Joe explained, "This is how I was raised. I paid for everything on the first date since it was my idea. You can pay for our second date if you want to ask me out. How does that sound?"

A second date? Joe liked me enough to award me a second date. I would be floating on cloud nine for the rest of the day, but first, I needed to use the ladies' room.

It looked like a long wait for me to use the ladies' room, but Joe stood with me; it was lovely. "You could technically use the men's room, couldn't you? The line is moving faster," Joe said.

I said, “The first rule of being a girl is: don't dress like a girl unless you're ready to do girl things.”

Joe chuckled and replied, “I’ll keep that rule in mind for later.”

I played what I said back in my mind a couple of times until I understood what Joe found so amusing and almost died of embarrassment.

When it was my turn to enter the ladies' room, Joe went to use the men's room. Upon entering, I found another line for the stalls, but things seemed to move efficiently except for the mother, who had two girls. She was trying to keep them on track and teach them simple things about hair care and hand washing. At that moment, I was envious of those girls because they were learning valuable life lessons my mother had never taught me.

It was a little troublesome to pee with panties, gaff, and pantyhose, plus having to mind the dress, but it was super worth it as I was having a great time with Joe.  I pulled myself together and moved to the sink, washing my hands, quickly brushing my hair, and reapplied my lip gloss.

After we left the entrance, Joe and I headed towards the tigers and bears exhibit. However, we found that the path was blocked by orange safety fencing and red warning signs indicating that the area was closed due to construction. I was visibly upset, but Joe comforted me by putting his arms around me and kissing my head.

"What's the point of having a zoo without carnivore exhibits like tigers, bears, and leopards?" I asked. We stood there staring at the sign for an impossible amount of time, wondering if the signs would change or if a zoo employee would remove them and say it was a misunderstanding.

"Let's go," Joe said firmly as he pulled me toward the signs. Despite my hesitation, Joe was stronger than I was and pulled me toward the fencing. "Up you go," Joe ordered, lifting me over the four-foot fence with some effort and depositing me on the other side. Joe scrambled over the fence after me and pulled me behind the bushes along the path.

"What are we doing?" I asked, uncertain.

"We're going to see if the tigers are outside," Joe said confidently.

“As I remember it, the carnivore exhibits are arranged like a wheel, and different animals are separated by stone walls arranged like spokes,”  Joe said as we walked up the inclined path past excavators and other construction equipment.

Joe and I found ourselves in the only section of the zoo where the tall trees created a natural canopy of leaves that filtered the sunlight. The highway bridge that spanned over the carnivore section cast shadows that made this area seem like twilight. We could move around the exhibits' remains without being noticed, thanks to the cover of the shadows.

The moat around the animal areas was intact, but it had been drained. The continual wall of cast stones had been removed in several sections, allowing us access to all the living areas once occupied by the various carnivores. We were exploring the tiger’s area, where the iron fencing, most of the trees, and some artificial logs and tree stumps added for decoration were still standing. 

We stood together, looking out towards the path. I imagined parents and their children walking past the black wrought iron fence and the moat, trying to visualize what the tigers saw living here all those years.

“Have you ever made out in a tiger cage?” Joe asked me.

I giggled at the idea and turned to face him, my arms slowly circling him. “Do you bite Mr. Tiger?” I joked as Joe leaned in and kissed me.

We kissed softly, then again with a little more passion. We kissed again, and it went deeper. Butterflies danced in my tummy, as I’ve wanted to be alone with Joe all day. We kissed, and Joe's lips traced my cheek to my ear, where he playfully growled in my ear before taking my ear lobe between his lips.

His teeth played with my earrings before he continued kissing down my neck.  I felt nervous and excited simultaneously; we could get caught out in the middle of a tiger exhibit.  Joe’s lips find mine open as I draw air through them. When he kissed me, his tongue traced my parted lips.

I grabbed the back of his neck to kiss him more profoundly and more complexly and ended up against the fake log.  Joe’s hand found my left breast and was feeling me up as he kissed me.  Squeezing it through my bra.  “Are you good?” Joe whispered in my ear.  I nodded franticly, unable to speak.

He switched breasts, and I was enthralled with his hand rubbing and squeezing my chest. He slowly leaned down, kissing my neck, then he growled softly before sucking on the delicate skin covering the side of my neck. I breathed through my lips as I threw my head back, giving him full access. The pain felt beautiful as this would leave its mark on me for weeks.  It’s game over, and I’m lost in his passion.

I told him how much I was enjoying this as I ground my hips as his weight shifted, holding me against the log.  I reached down and stroked his crotch through his denim material. I could feel his arousal.

“You are the most beautiful girl in the whole zoo,” Joe groaned as his hands reached around to squeeze my ass. I giggled in response.  This was it; my ultimate fantasy was to have sex in the woods, and here was my chance, and I wasn’t going to let it slip away. 

“Tigers are not the only man-eaters in the zoo; why don’t you let me give you a blow job,” I said as I lowered myself in front of his groin.

Joe smirked as he struggled with his belt and the top button of his jeans.  At this point, I was sitting on my heels, staring at his zipper as he pulled it down slowly. Click, click, click until his jeans splayed open, exposing his banana-yellow spandex briefs.

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I caught myself shamelessly licking my lips like some cartoon character. I do enjoy sucking cock.

His cock was imprinting the spandex with a small wet spot forming at the tip; I traced the imprint with my tongue and lips as Joe struggled to pull his briefs off.

Joe mumbled, “Fuck, you’re hot,” as his cock sprang free and landed on my cheek.

I reached out, taking his cock in my hand gently and the other hand cupping his balls.  My fingers couldn’t touch when they circled his shaft, and his length was increasing to about eight inches now, the same length as my last boyfriend. 

I gasped. “Wow, you’re huge,” I lied, but he wasn’t fully hard.   

The head of his cock was impressively large, and as I took it into my mouth, my tongue savored the notch of the underside of his bulbous head and the sweet and salty flavor of his cock.

“Holly shit, that feels great,” Joe moaned.

I was worried because I had a small mouth. Hence, a cock this thick required my mouth to be opened as wide as possible, and only being able to take maybe three inches in my mouth at a time prevented me from doing any special tricks other than sucking and keeping my lips tight around his shaft. 

The head of Joe’s cock was sliding across my tongue before the gentle curvature of his cock pushed it up against the roof of my mouth before hitting my uvula and stopping and backing up until the head of his cock stopped just inside of my lips.  

I thought I was maintaining a nice rhythm of sliding up and down Joe’s cock, my hand milking him towards my lips, and after about three minutes, I looked up past Joe’s flat tummy and nicely developed pecks to see a blissful expression on his face.  The way Joe’s fingers traced through my hair, I could tell he wanted to grab my head and just fuck the shit out of my mouth, but he was too much of a gentleman.

“I want to fuck you, please let me fuck you,” Joe gasped.

My mouth was adjusting to the girth of his cock, and I was trying to take him deeper, and I even tried taking him into my throat. When the head of his cock entered my throat, my body lurched forward, and my gag reflex was triggered.

Every time I gagged a little, Joe groaned and begged to fuck me.

Pulling his cock from my mouth, I said, “I think you are too big; you’ll never fit.”

“I’m average-sized; it’s not that big,” Joe pleaded.

The longer I sucked his cock, the sorer my jaw was getting.  I thought I was doing well, but he held out on me.  I contemplated letting him fuck me, but he had admitted to being allergic to latex and couldn’t wear a condom.

I just wanted him to fill my mouth and fulfill my need to taste him.  I could sense the urgency building up in him, but he just wouldn’t cum for me. 

“Fine,” I said as I reluctantly let his cock fall from my lips so I could remove my pantyhose, panties, and finally my gaff. All three, I stuffed in my purse and stepped back into my shoes. Joe was confused at first, but when I put two sample lubes from my purse in his hand and a condom, you could see his face light up.

“You're OK with me fucking you right here?” Joe said in astonishment.

I didn’t answer, so I turned and crawled up the fallen artificial log behind me, one knee and both hands on the smooth surface of the fake log and one foot on the ground in a modified doggie position or cat woman stretch. What was I thinking? It was a tiger pose; we were in the middle of the old tiger exhibit.

Poised with my ass up and shoulders lowered, I waited for Joe to get the lube package opened.  Finally, his hand moved between my cheeks. I squealed and jumped at the coldness of the lube his hand applied to my entrance.

“Please don’t hold out on me, we could get caught out…”

“Damn fine ass you have, I’m going to enjoy this,” Joe said

I shivered as his cold lubricated fingers moved across my sensitive skin deep between my ass cheeks then one finger made contact with my entrance.

I’ve gone eight weeks since breaking up with my last boyfriend, and yes, I’ve played with toys but giving yourself to another person, especially if that other person is a horny male with a 10” penis, has an entirely different vibe.

Joe’s finger swirled the lubricant around my puckered opening as I tried to relax. Then his hand pulled away, and I heard the cellophane lube container crinkling again.

I relaxed momentarily, and then his hand was back, searching for my entrance. he found it quicker than I had hoped. His hand rubbing my cheeks was a pleasant feeling.

This was a big deal to me. How hot was it to be laid outside, with the chance of getting caught while in a dress and at the center of a tiger exhibit? I wanted to take in as many mental details as I possibly could.

We were in the middle of what was left of the exhibit, where the fake logs and a pile of uprooted brush were stacked, maybe 30 yards from the visitor's path and the moat.  Birds were chirping in the trees.  I looked down and watched the shadows the trees above us cast on the ground, and then my whole world imploded.

Joe had shoved two fingers inside of me to his knuckles. I slammed my eyes shut so hard I saw multicolored halos like a bright camera flash went off.

Instinctively I tried to crawl away from the sharp pain in my ass. “My gawd, dude, how many fingers are inside of me?” I said through clenched teeth.

Joe's right hand was on my ass with his fingers inside of me; his left hand was on my shoulder to prevent my escape.

“I’m sorry, just two; I’m so sorry this lube is so awesome I slipped right inside of you; your ass is tight, Leigh,” Joe said quickly and apologetically.

“That fucking hurt,” I grunted.

“You have the greatest ass, so beautiful,” Joe said, appraising all the hours I’ve spent on the elliptical.

“Have you ever tried fisting?” Joe asked.  Joe began a come here motion with the two fingers he had thrust inside of me, causing my insides to become irritated.

“Stop, stop, stop,” I said, almost begging. His fingers felt like a backhoe.

“Do little circles towards my belly button,” I offered.  It took a moment, but the digging feeling was replaced by a smooth, gentle massage of my prostate, and I felt myself climbing the orgasmic hill.

“That feels good, I mean purrrrfectly good,” I purred 

“My little tigress likes that?” Joe whispered.  I nodded as his smooth figure-eight motion caused me to lift my ass and push back toward him.

His fingers moved in and around my insides with ease, causing me to moan involuntarily.

Then, just when I thought I was going to crest that hill with an explosive girl orgasm, he stopped pulling his hand away. I exhaled, assuming my disappointment was evident.

“Quiet, I’ll have you over this week, and I’ll finger the hell out of your ass when we have more time,” Joe said as he tore open a second lubricant package and began earnestly rubbing it all over his cock.

I began mentally preparing myself to receive his engorged cock. I should have been on top or taken him missionary rather than doggie since it had that wonderful upward curve, but I didn’t intend to lay in the grass and dirt.

Joe’s hand moved across my ass, gently pulling my cheeks open, then stopped.  I turned and saw him looking down at my ass, smiling; I assumed he was admiring it.

“Is everything OK?” I asked.

“Just admiring your peach-shaped bum and tight pussy,” Joe said wistfully.

I smiled as Joe's cock slid up and down between my cheeks, Titty fucking my behind gawd; there was a lot of lube back there now; I could feel the head of his cock pushing it back and forth.

Then he stopped and pressed the head of his cock against my opening.  Goose bumps covered my arms and my back as the head of his cock pressed down on my opening.

Then the excess lubricant between my ass checks his cock made an audible pop as it overtook my sphincter, allowing his cock to plunge into me.

I slammed my eyes shut, unable to breathe, and involuntarily, I tried to escape again. Joe pulled on my hips, causing all ten inches to sink deep inside of me.

“Fuck that hurts,” I groaned.

“Shut up and take it,” Joe insisted.

I saw stars like a photographer's flash when I opened my eyes.  I could feel him pressed firmly against my ass, with his hands holding my hips tightly against him, I squirmed, trying to alleviate the pain of being impaled on a cock that fast, but Joe’s hands prevented me from moving any more than a wiggle.  

“Are you good?” Joe finally asked as he started rocking back and forth.

I nodded, “Yeah, I’m real good.” It was my fault I had confessed to Joe over our many phone conversations that I chickened out right when a cock first entered my body. He should ignore anything I said in the first few moments, and he did. I guess it’s not too hard to obey when his cock is being squeezed and milked by a panicking cross-dresser.

Joe was being gentle, letting my body adjust to his cock buried in my ass.  Somewhere at that moment, I was happy to be his. “Baby, you have me now; I belong to you; do anything you want,” I said.

He gently guided me into a position with my shoulders down closer to the log I was perched on before he started moving. He slowly pulled back, causing the fullness sensation I was experiencing to fade and be replaced with an empty feeling.

After several thrusts, I began to hate that empty feeling, and I needed to feel full, I needed to hear his groans as his hand pulled on my hips while he pushed into me.  I used my arms to hold my ass up and back, giving him a firmness to push against.  I had to have more of him inside of me.

As he fucked me, I moved from my elbows to up on my hands, and I twisted my hips a little, searching for my journey toward an orgasm.  Soon, Joe’s hips were slapping against me and rocking my whole body back and forth on the log.  His thrusts were powerful, and my poor ass was getting slammed every time he thrust into me. 

I turned to look at Joe. He was primarily upright, slamming the hell out of me. His eyes slammed shut, and his teeth barred like a demon.  He is the nicest guy in the world until he fucks, and he looks like an angry bear.

When I turned back, I saw two security guards stopped on the visitor's path, smoking cigarettes and talking.  All they had to do was turn around, and they would see us fucking like animals.

After about five minutes, the guards were still there, and I was getting turned on just because I was on full display getting my ass fucked.  All they had to do was turn around, or maybe they saw and ignored us.

The guards walked away, leaving Joe and I to have our fun. Now Joe was fucking me without any reservations as to how hard or how fast.  His hands pulled on my hips so hard my hips started to hurt, but I didn’t want to distract him.

I couldn’t complain; I was getting bred deep in my guts with just enough roughness to make it memorable.  Then I felt that feeling of climbing the hill to my goal.  The soft head of his cock was rubbing on something inside of me; wow, that felt nice.  I moved my hips in response to the sensation.

A chill ran down my spine, and words left my mouth, encouraging Joe to keep doing what he was doing.

“Stop moving,” I yelled as I rocked my ass around his cock; I was so fucking close, and here I was doing all the work!  "Joseph, move! What are you doing? "I urged him.

He started moving again, and my hips fluttered around his cock, my body responding to the pressures and movement of that beautiful helmeted mushroom head of his cock inside of me.   My mind was lost in eh moment, was I fucking? Wait, I thought I was being fucked, but it was like our roles reversed, and I was fucking.

Then that feeling of euphoria flowed over me like a wave on the beach, my body convulsed, and Joseph’s cock felt three times larger than before.  I heard Joseph moan behind me as my body convulsed around his cock, sucking it inside of me and holding him in place as my orgasm took over.  It was a girl's orgasm, lasting minutes, not seconds.

I reached down to feel myself; I thought I was hard as a rock, but to my astonishment, my penis was still soft and small.  When I caught my breath, Joe was still motionless. I reached down and found a wet spot on the log.  I came without getting hard.

“That was amazing,” Joe said in astonishment. “Are you good?” he asked.  All I could do was nod my head.  But Joe was deep inside me, like somewhere behind my belly button. Something changed, and his cock was now pressing against areas that didn’t want to be pressed. 

Joe was now moving slowly, but he was pressing into me then before pulling back, pulling my hips back, and pushing himself deep inside of me.  I realized he was close, and he was harder than before as he chased his climax.

I got mine, and I was done, but to be fair, he needed to get his happy ending, so I stayed still and allowed his cock to push in and out of my body.  Soon, I couldn’t take it; I was getting sore and needed him to stop so I encouraged him to finish.

“Oh, baby, that feels good. Yeah, just like that. You are so huge inside of me; I swear it’s inside my throat now.“

“I need you to cum. Will you cum for me, Daddy?” I asked.

Finally, he started grunting, and his thrusts were erratic. Finally, he pushed deep inside of me and then went as deep as he could and held me there.  I knew he was coming. 

To no avail, I tried to move my hips to feel his orgasm, but I couldn’t. He was too deep.

“Oh my god, that was good; I love how clean your ass is,” Joe gasped as he lay on top of me while his cock remained inside, breeding me. 

“Oh, sorry I didn’t pull out, fuck your ass felt amazing,” Joe said

“You know I’m not on the pill or anything, right?” I said, with Joe still lying on top of me.

Joe's cock slipped out of me, and I could feel a little lubricant and some of his seaman slip out of my ass.  “Wait, you can’t get pregnant, can you?” Joe asked 

“No, silly, I can’t. I meant Prep or Anything like that.” I said

“I knew that; it just came out wrong,” Joe admitted.  As he pulled his pants back on, he asked, “So what will happen to my seamen inside of you?”

“ My body is already recycling everything, probably into new hormones,” I said as I stuffed my panties and gaff almond with my pantyhose into my purse.  “I’ll need to stop at the restroom again,”

Joe and I walked, holding hands. My hips hurt as I could feel where he had held on to them during my breeding, and the hickey on my neck felt warm as the sun hit it. 

Yeah, I was seriously glowing after getting fucked like that.  Joe helped me over the fence, and then he climbed over.  I didn’t feel bad, but I felt uneasily empty and paranoid that his seam or lubricant might leak out of me before we found a restroom. 

I walked like I rode a bike for thirty miles without a padded seat, which made me even more self-conscious that everyone I passed knew what we were up to, and Joe’s stupid grin was as broad and informative as any billboard.

Entering the First Lady's restroom, I cleaned up as best I could and replaced my gaff, panties, and nylons before leaving the stall. My hips were turning black and blue from where Joe held onto me while he fucked me, and I saw in the mirror a nice hickey about the size of a strawberry on the side of my neck. 

I had a compact in my purse, and I tried to cover the hickey, but now it just looked like I was hiding something.  My butt was sore from Joe's hips thrusting into them while my eyes still saw halos when I looked at the lights.

Exiting the ladies' room, Joe held a stuffed baby tiger and a set of baby fox earrings he bought from the zoo's gift shop.  

“I’m sorry I got a little rough. Can you forgive me?” Joe asked, offering the gifts. 

“Why did you buy the baby tiger? Didn’t you want to wait nine months and see what I have?” I asked.

On the way out, we stopped at the photo booth and picked up the pictures of Joe and me on the carousel; they were cute and fit on a key chain.  

We returned to our cars, holding hands and laughing about our day together.  We kissed in the parking lot and made plans to get together in the middle of the week. 

Slipping into my vehicle, I quickly changed my earrings to the ones Joe had bought me and placed the baby tiger in the passenger seat.  Before I could drive off, Joe texted me two green hearts; I didn’t think anything of it until I got to the first traffic light.

The top and bottom lights were green on all the traffic lights I passed.  By the time I pulled onto the freeway, I was freaking out.  I couldn’t see red; was I color-blind?  How did Joe’s semen cause me to go color-blind?

I was on the edge of a panic attack as I drove over the long bridge. I franticly looked around for anything, usually red, but I could only guess the green I saw was red.  I exited the freeway and stopped at the traffic light; it was green on top, then it switched to green on the bottom. Oh, my gawd, it’s now been about an hour since Joe fucked me; what did he do to me?

Steroids, was he still doing them, and were there steroids in his seaman making me color blind?  My heart was in my throat as I turned onto my street.  The stop sign on the corner was green, fuck, fuck, fuck.

I pulled into my driveway, slipped into the house, and searched the internet.  There it was temporary color blindness caused by trauma.  My heart rate slowed as I continued reading stories about patients who fell, landed on their bottom, and complained of color blindness.

I iced my neck, laid on the bed with a package of frozen peas on each of the now black and blue areas on my hips, and dozed off. I woke about an hour later, and my vision returned to normal. My hips were sore, but I felt fine.

It’s been almost six years since our zoo date. Joseph and I continue sharing adventures and plan on moving in together…

~ Leigh

Written by Leigh_216
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