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Ladies Night at the Leather Bar Part 3

"The plot thickens, as does the crowd and the cum."

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The aftermath of Round One found Carter and me cuddled together on one of the couches in the huge fuck room at the Roughrider Bar. We were soon joined by a cum covered Chloe, who sat, leaving me in the middle. I laughed and sang to her:

"Rebel rebel, what's on your dress? Rebel rebel, your face is a mess. Rebel rebel, how could they know?

Chloe joined me for the hook line, "Hot tramp... I love you so!"

I moved in on her for a kiss, "Hoooo-hoooo, baby! You smell like the bucket at an adult movie arcade."

She gave me a quick buss on the lips and giggled, "And you love it."

Carter leaned over, licked some sperm off her cheek and engaged us in a three way cum kiss. My heart momentarily beat in double time as I danced tongues with both of my favorite people in the world: one from forever, and one brand new. Chloe tilted her head back and laughed.

"It's my new moisturizer. Do you like it?"

Both Carter and I answered in unison, "I love it."

Oh my God, the stars were aligning for us.

It's not an issue of self esteem for me to point out that Chloe was leaps and bounds prettier than me, but I had no fear that she would 'steal' Carter away, and somehow I already knew that Carter would not transfer his emotional affections from me to her. 

It's a fine, subtle line to broach the question of 'who likes who better' when everybody in the room is fucking, sucking, kissing and cumming all over each other. In this lifestyle, we are still people with feelings, not just mindless fuck machines, although when you get knee deep in the 'zone', we are just that.

Carter took another cum-lick off her chin and said, "Tastes like Henry."

I marveled at how much I adored Carter already: He was the cum lickinest motherfucker I ever saw, and I loved it. He slurped his wide pink tongue across the side of her neck and continued, "And there's Bob,". He licked her forehead, "Billy," and then her cheek, "Hmmmm, not sure who that is - he must be new."

I was incredulous. "No way! You can tell everybody apart by the taste of their cum?"

He laughed, "Well, perhaps my sense of taste is not that finely honed. But I can certainly deduce their gender, at least."

I shoved his shoulder playfully, and we all laughed like old college friends. Carter fit in so well, I don't think 'smitten' covered the depths of my growing feelings for him. I so wanted to share my joy with Chloe, who seemed to understand the connection we had made. Even though we were at an orgy, she would never cut in on me where my emotions were involved, so I took the lead, speaking into Chloe's ear while looking at Carter, my comment loud enough for him to hear.

"Carter has a fresh ass full of cum. Would you care to join me?"

She giggled, "Ooooh... now THAT'S a salad I would love to toss." 

I knelt in front of him, joined by Chloe. I took one knee, spreading it, as Chloe did the same with the other, then we both slid a hand under each butt cheek, gently pulling his ass forward. We worked so well together. We looked at each other, the up at Carter and spoke in unison. 

"May we?"

Carter smiled and answered in a French accent: "Mais oui, mesdames."

He upended his behind, spreading that beautiful black bubble butt open for us, his alluring ebony aperture so inviting. I loved the way his tight white leather chaps framed this puckered object of our desire. Chloe and I looked at each other with delight, put our cheeks together and descended as one on our anal aperitif.

Like landing gear, our tongues extended together and met this raunchy rectal runway on either rim of Carter's exquisite asshole, drawing little semi-circles on his wrinkled crater. I loved sharing an anus with Chloe, our tongues mingling together as we lathered Carter's hole with love. I looked up from between his legs.

"Sweetie, I know you've got something in there for us. May we have it, please?"

He ran his hand over my hair, cupping the side of my head, and I felt him tense and push. Quickly returning to my battle station, I joined Chloe in her licking, then we both backed off a few inches to watch as his anus flexed, opening a little wider with each rep. It would only open about a quarter inch. Carter caressed my hair as he spoke.

"I'm afraid it may need a little help to open it up. Would you mind, dear?"

I was more than happy to assist. Chloe leaned back as I knelt up, poising my refreshed hard dick at his hole. It slid all the way in easily. I leaned forward and slithered my tongue into his mouth as I fucked him. It was glorious, my girlie cock inside my sepia stallion, but this would only be a sample, not the main course. I pulled out and squatted back on my heels. Quickly, Chloe dove on my sticky dick, tasting Carter and whoever filled him with cum.

"Mmmm... he's definitely got something in the pantry."

Now he was gaping a good inch and a half across, and Chloe and I moved back in for a close-up as he pushed. His gape opened and closed, until finally, he pushed out the first creamy white glob. We put our tongues together, and placed them just below the stream as it descended his ass crack. I felt the warmth and gooey texture at the same time as she did. He pushed again and a voluminous flow spilled out like lava from a volcano. It was most certainly hot as it coated our tongues, but burned nothing but our desire.

We turned to each other, mingling this anonymous sperm in our mouths with a deep soul kiss. Chloe, my love, my partner in crime, my best friend, joined me in using this insignificant ejaculate we shared as a celebration not only of my deep connection with her, but of her commitment and support of me in the connection I now shared with Carter. I kissed her madly.

Carter suddenly farted out a massive glob of semen that splattered across our foreheads and oozed down our faces, cascading past our noses and dripping onto our kiss. I ran my arms around Chloe's neck, hugging her close, sipping and sucking the cum from her tongue. At that moment I was so  thankful for her, for Carter, for life (I get sentimental at the weirdest times). 

Chloe looked at me, then placed a finger inside the rim of his anus and pulled outward. Having double-teamed so many men in our travels together, I instinctively did the same on the opposite edge and together, we pulled his opening wide. With our cheeks against his buttocks, we both slid our tongues deep into his asshole, lapping the sweet nectar from within. Carter pushed, and more of the sticky flow coated our tongues as they flicked inside him in unison.  

Alas, under our expert ministrations, the well of our desire and sustenance soon ran regrettably dry. With one last sperm coated kiss, Chloe and I peeked up over his balls and fat, cock that was just beginning to reawaken and smiled at Carter. I laughed.

"Nice creampie, Carter"

"Thank you. I had it made specifically for you, and of course, your lovely friend Chloe."

"Would you do something for me?"

"You have but to speak it, and it shall be done."

"Would you fuck Chloe while I watch? You're both so beautiful - I just have to see you together."

"It would be my pleasure, if Chloe would like it."

Chloe reached up with both hands and caressed my cheek. She was not not an over-sensitive crybaby like me, but I could tell she was moist behind her eyes as she giggled and spoke to me.

"Oh, honey... it's so funny, that in a room like this, with all this fucking... that I want your permission."

I leaned forward, touching my nose to hers, our gazes locked just inches apart. "Baby, you never need my permission... but thank you."

Looking up at Carter, she gave him a cum-stained smile. "Are you kidding? God yes."

We both got up quickly, then I guided Chloe onto the couch next to him, pushing them together by their shoulders. I decided to go Domme.

"Now get at it! I command you! I will have you fuck for my amusement, hahaha!"

They both smiled and laughed. Chloe saluted dramatically and faked an English accent.

"As you wish, my queen."

I put my hand behind their heads, moving them closer.

"Now kiss! Kiss, I tell you!"

And kiss they did. To an uninitiated casual observer, the concept of divorcing sex from emotion may seem alien, but I truly had no jealousy watching my dearest friend make out with what I thought just might be my new boyfriend. I didn't know Carter that well yet (and these parties are not the best place to gain any realistic insight into anyone's true character), but I knew Chloe. I honestly believe, and have never been shown otherwise, that Chloe would forgo the possible love of her life if it meant she had to take him from me.

I hopped to the side of the couch to watch. Carter was a magnificent black lion, and Chloe was the embodiment of a classic Zorn Nymph. They looked like Othello and Desdemona in happy times, before Iago. It was beautiful. They did not hold back, nor did I expect them to. If you can't fuck a stranger with pure lust and abandon, you don't belong at parties like this.

My cock twitched and stirred, even though I had just come so good a few minutes ago. Chloe sucked Carter's nipple, gently biting, nibbling. 

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up. A very buff, leather harnessed body builder smiled down at me.

"Hi baby, is this dance taken?"

I smiled back, then slid to my knees onto the floor in front of him. I placed my hands on his hips and pulled him towards me. I waited until my face was just inches from his leather jock strap, and I looked up, only tilting my head slightly, as it seemed more submissive that way.

"I'll dance with you, Huckleberry."

I extended my long painted index finger to the middle of his jock band and pulled very slowly, out and down. the ridge made by his erection ran to the left side, so I pulled it down to that side, moving my open mouth closer. A little more, a little more and I extended my tongue. As soon as the waistband cleared the edge of his rigid manhood, it sprang out, smacking me on the side of the face. GOD, I love that! As it 'boinged' to and fro, I pursued it with my mouth like a cheetah chasing down an antelope (scratch that - it's no fun for the antelope). It was like something chasing down something that it really wants, for the pleasure of both (I'm in simile Hell now).

After a couple of rotations back and forth, his cockhead hit one side of my open mouth. I closed my lips over it and moved forward: now it was mine. I suckled the helmet, swirling my tongue around it, licking the tender spot underneath.

"Oh, yeah, girl! Oh my fucking God!"

I closed my lips tight and descended, ever so slowly, to the root. His warm spongy flesh slid in easily as I reached up to cup his tight ball sac. The jock was becoming a hindrance, so without missing a delicious, slow stroke, I pulled them quickly down, and he stepped out of them. I used my hands on his hips to guide him to turn with his back to the couch next to Chloe, who by now had Carter's massive Mamba halfway down her throat. Still on my knees, I reached up and pushed his chest, forcing him back.


He fell onto the couch and I knee-walked in between his legs and inhaled his cock. I seem to have this automatic knee-jerk reflex that initiates whenever I'm on all fours with a cock in my mouth: my knees spread wide and I arch my back. If my butt's going to be on display, it damn well better be as inviting as possible. In a big group like this, it never fails, and it didn't tonight. Within thirty seconds, I felt a tongue licking my anus, and I didn't even bother to turn around and see whose it was.

My original dance partner moaned as I sucked his cock with my slobbery tramp mouth. I grabbed his hips and pulled his ass to the edge of the couch, lifting my lips from his cock. Licking my way down his shaft, my tongue soon found his balls. I anchored one side of my mouth on one testicle, and slid my mouth over the other, engulfing them both in one fell swoop (it's my patented move with a tight, compact scrotum). I swished my tongue rapidly over, under, sideways and down, lathering his ball with loving.

I fish-swallowed on his sac, massaging him, moaning as I felt the dickhead of my new admirer lodge itself into my asshole, poised for invasion. I pushed my anus muscles hard, widening my hole, but my gape had receded since the assfucking Carter had given me. Not to worry, as the cock slid all the way into my bowels, broadening my nether horizon once again. I gasped for a breath as he immediately began slamming me mercilessly.

God, it felt good being furiously spit-roasted, watching Chloe straddle Carter's cocoa cock, engulfing him with a hard pounce all the way down, fucking her asshole on his thick black dick with pure, humping abandon. I loved it as she held his head in her hands for a deep slobbering kiss, their bodies like a machine, slamming their sweat-streaked bodies together in a hungry carnal collaboration.
The two men fucking my mouth and asshole bounced me back and forth between them at mach speed until my buttfucker grabbed my hips, jammed his dick to the depths of my rectum and let loose a flood of semen. He held me in place as he stabbed at my ass with short jerks, lobbing spurt after spurt of hot cum, coating my insides. I felt the improved lubrication and realized that this was the first sperm my anus had welcomed that evening. I wished I could have given that honor to Carter, but arranging your dance card to that degree of precision is difficult at gangbangs like this.

Spent, I felt the emptiness of his quick departure followed by the warm trickle of his ejaculate dripping out of my hole, running down onto my balls. It wasn't even two seconds later that I felt a tongue lapping it up. I thought it was him, tasting his own cum until the tongue was gone, replaced by a new rigid rod slamming into me. I could feel the displaced sperm squirting out around this new fucker's dick. I mourned the loss of the departing dick juice, as I wanted my bowels filled to the brim with the sperm of dozens of men, but I had to bow to the laws of displacement.

No rest for the wicked as I was once again pummeled between two lascivious leather boys. The cock in my mouth erupted, hurling a huge wad into my throat. I swallowed quickly as he savagely fucked his cum into my gullet. His warm sperm flooded through my mouth to the precipice of my throat and flowed over, a hot waterfall of goo slithering down into my stomach.

I swooned with delight as I swallowed, loving the contrast of Carter's coal black hands cupping Chloe's alabaster ass as he fucked her. My forward cum donor withdrew, spewing the last of his seed all over my face, mixing with what was left of Carter's. He gallantly leaned down and kissed me through his cum, and then he was gone, replaced immediately by another anonymous cock. 

I glanced over and saw there were two more beefy studs waiting in line for a blowjob. Behind me, there was a short queue of leather studs in chaps and harnesses jerking their dicks as they waited for their turn at my faggot asshole. I loved this party! I quickly inhaled the new fuckstick in my face and sucked the ten inches deep, taking about five of it into my throat.

Just as I was nestling his rod in my trachea, the guy pounding my ass launched into hyperdrive, shoving me forward and jamming my throat further onto the dick that was already running roughshod over me tonsils. I just went with the flow, finding the groove in the bounce that allowed me to steal a breath here and there. Suddenly, my buttfucker slammed me forward and held my ass tight. His cockhead as far up my anus as he could get it, he spewed. 

Ahhh... that hot, welcome flood of cum, warming me within, coating the little ass cave deep in my bowels, refilling me.

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He barely moved: just a series of short, sharp jerks, each one creaming my rectum with more of his viscous juice, rewarding me for simply being a good hole. That's what I was that night: a greasy, slimy hole to come in, at least for everyone but Carter and Chloe. For them, I felt like the beloved object of desire. My love for Chloe, and my developing feelings for Carter, spread a heat throughout me that was warmer than all the cum in all these cocks that my little faggot body would welcome that evening.

I milked the forward dick as the aft appendage emptied its sperm into my sticky rectum. It took only a moment before the semen shaft in my mouth joined with my rear attacker, hurling thick ropes of cum straight down into my belly as I swallowed as quickly as I could. Having two men fill both ends of me with cum at the same time proves to me that there is Heaven on Earth, that Nirvana is attainable.

Before I was able to wax too eloquently on my scattered, lust ridden musings, both cocks exited me at once, causing me to crumple to the floor once both spits were unceremoniously removed from my roast. 

I rolled onto my back, and the leather line moved up a spot. A new guy straddled my face as a strong pair of hands folded my spread legs back against my chest. Two new cocks entered me simultaneously, jamming to the hilt and fucking away with abandon. So much for my temporary feeling of emptiness. I opened myself completely to both, slobbering all over my oral and anal invaders, although the slobber in my anus was left behind by the previous tenants.

It didn't take long before my facefucker pulled out, directing his first stream of hot cum onto my forehead. I held my head up so he wouldn't overshoot his target, and before his first layer of goo could run down my face, splitting into two rivulets at my nose, he pelted me straight in my wide open mouth with a second powerful squirt. Then my ass felt the liquid heat of cum as the guy fucking me unloaded, shooting streams of sperm into the melange of man-muck pooling deep in my bowels.  

My ass was so full already that I could feel a thick stream of mixed DNA run out of my asshole when my donor pulled out. I needed a butt plug, because didn't want to lose any, but I didn't even bring my purse in with me. I noticed the end table next to the couch and pulled open one of the drawers. As I expected, it was full of toys, leashes, easy-escape handcuffs and such, and at the bottom, a nice sized plug.

I rammed it straight up my leaking hole and got up, a plan for later already forming in my mind. Chloe and Carter were on the floor now, his big black boner jackhammering her ass in the missionary position. My own hardon was back at attention, and needing so much more than the brief penetration I'd enjoyed earlier, I mounted Carter's muscular butt and drove myself in.

He took it in stride, and craned his neck to see who his new fucker was. When he saw it was me, he looked so happy, like a kid who got his first bike at Christmas. It was impossible to accurately describe, but when our eyes met, my heart literally pounded in my chest. In that moment, we both knew that he was my man and I was his girl.

I hunched over, kissing him with my whole heart and slamming him with my whole cock. Just below, Chloe watched us as Carter fucked her. She smiled the broadest grin, and I had to have both. Straining forward and down, I had to climb up on Carter's ass to reach her lips. I barely had two inches inside him when our three tongues met. We slobbered over each other's mouths with kisses that were so much more than 'heat of the moment' passion. I loved Chloe, and I was falling in love with Carter.

We couldn't hold the kiss for long, as my feet were off the ground and I was teetering. Our little house of flesh cards was ready to collapse, so I broke off and stabilized myself, getting back into some serious fucking. Carter got into a back and forth rhythm as the filling in this reverse Oreo between me and my best friend. Ooh-la-la, Lucky Pierre!

I looked up across the room and, just past a fivesome fucking on a couch, I caught a glimpse of something in the corner, a couple of pieces of strange furniture. I rocked back and forth inside Carter, but I stopped dead, fully up his ass to the hilt, when I realized what they were: STOCKS. Carter looked over his shoulder when I halted my buggering.

"Ready to come, baby?"

"No no no, come on! This is awesome! 

I hopped out and off of him, grabbed them both by the arm, pulling at them. Chloe is used to me and knows that I have some weird sexual form of Attention Deficit Disorder, so she pushed up at Carter.

"Come on, let's go."

They rose and I hustled them to the corner. Chloe's eyes lit up when she saw the stocks, a huge elevated horizontal block split in two, with holes for your hands next to your head, with a scaffold that put you in a doggy position when you were locked down. She turned to me, wide-eyed.

"You sure you want to do this? Faye, this is like... not you."

"Tonight it is."

My little fetish freak grinned wide at me. She was always trying to get me to push my boundaries, and for once, I was all in and she knew why. She reached down, grabbed the dangling handle to my leash, held it up and looked me in the eye while she kissed it. Not diverting her gaze, she found Carter's hand, brought it up between our faces and pressed the handle into his palm. 

"You trust him?"

I didn't speak. Words would fail to convey my feelings. I fought the tears trying to well up in my eyes, and nodded once, letting my gaze drift to the floor momentarily. My head still bowed, I let my eyes tilt up, meeting hers. I had never been so sure in my life. She clasped me close, hugging me cheek to cheek, with Carter's hand, which still held my leash, firmly ensconced between us. She kissed me quickly.

"I'll be right back."

She took off into the crowd. Surprised, I turned to Carter, and cupping his hand in mine, sank to my knees. Looking up from below, I shook my hair back and stared at him with more confidence than typically becomes me, defiant in my surrender, but not defiant to him. I defied everything and everyone else in the world. I defied those who would use my submission to define me. Right here, with Carter, I defined myself.

I don't do the whole master slave thing, but I didn't need Carter to be my master, nor did I need to be his slave. In this moment, I needed him to know that I would always willingly place myself in his hands, that he had won my most valuable gift: my trust.

He gathered me up against his chest and brought his lips to mine. I swept my arms up around his neck and devoured every inch of his soul within the confines of our kiss. I couldn't empirically define this as love, because prior to this magical night, I had never in my life felt anything like this. I did know that if this was love, it was new, unlike anything that had come before. I let my mouth release his, staring proudly into his eyes.

"That which you wish... I will do."

With the intensity between us, I realized that I had nowhere else to go, that I had pretty much shot my emotional wad, and I had no idea what to do next. He knelt, facing me, our bodies flush, and gently cupped my head in his hands, giving me a simple closed-lip kiss before slithering his neck against mine and hugging me with all of the intensity with which I imagined Romeo would have embraced Juliet. Even if somehow our fates mirrored theirs, it would have been worth it for this night alone.

The moment, which seemed to be swallowing up all the air in the room, gently slid away with the approach of Chloe and a muscle stud in black chaps with studded leather bands around his massive biceps and a supremely chiseled chest. As much as I was enraptured with Carter, my asshole throbbed at the sight of him, the cum trapped inside threatening to breach my butt plug.

Carter knew him. "Hey Jimbo, I think these little ladies need some... direction."

"I'm gonna show this one how we do things at the Roughrider." He took Chloe by the shoulder, pushing her down. "Kneel."

Chloe resisted, wrenching away, twirling around to face him. She had a collar and leash in her hand, fastened it around her neck and held up the handle, wiggling it, taunting him.

"Do you think you're man enough to deserve this? Are you man enough to take it?" 

He lunged for it, but she stepped back. He closed in, she edged away. He laughed.

"A man can't let his bitches run the doghouse."

He lunged again. Chloe backed right into one of the stocks and he was upon her, pinning her down. Savagely, he grabbed her by the neck and pulled her face to his. She signed the unconditional surrender with her tongue in his mouth, as if this leather bar playroom was the deck of the USS Missouri. Jimbo held her tightly with one beefy arm, while he reached don and brought up her hand in which she clutched her leash handle. He backed off the kiss and held her leash hand up between their faces.

Chloe got a glimmer of her defiance back, and tried to feed it into Jimbo's steely, but he wasn't buying, and she wasn't really selling. With her wrist gripped in his vise of a fist, she uncurled her fingers, leaving the handle laying flat across her palm. 

Jimbo relaxed his hold on her and stepped back, staring hard into her eyes, then letting his gaze drift downward to the floor where he let it stay. Chloe held the leash handle in her outstretched palm, keeping it elevated as she lowered herself to her knees in front of him, keeping her gaze fixed on his. He studied her offering, making her wait as he pondered it. 

Chloe held the leash up as high as she could, tensing, pleading with her taut arm muscles, begging him with her eyes to take it. Finally, he placed his palm flat over hers, making the handle the meat in a hand sandwich. She implored him with her entire body to take it. He did not smile when he spoke.

"Do you give yourself to me with no hesitation and under no conditions?"

"Yes, sir, I offer myself freely and with no conditions."

"I don't believe you. How will you prove it to me?"

"How would you have my proof, sir?"

"Yours is not the place to ask questions. Speak only in response to me. You must find a way to prove it. Perhaps you don't want to be here."

She started to speak, but was unsure. She swallowed the words she might have said, and lowered her head to the floor, straining to keep their hands on the handle as high as possible. She became the picture of submission as she tentatively kissed first one, then the other of of his motorcycle boots. Jimbo allowed a glint of satisfaction to emerge from his stern demeanor.

"Is that the best you can do? Perhaps I am wasting my time with you."

Chloe turned her boot kissing into rabid licking, covering both with her cum-laced spit. She was like a dog. He seemed pleased, lifted one boot slightly off the floor, the tip pointing at her face. She got the drift and engulfed the toe into her obscenely widened mouth, fellating his footwear.

With Chloe's submission to Jimbo complete, Carter and I returned our attention to our own dynamic. As we knelt facing each other, I wanted to show him my complete surrender. I leaned back, keeping my eyes on his as I bowed my head.

"Please, master... use me."

Carter arose, taking my hand, and I got to my feet, ready and willing to do whatever he desired. He led me to one of the stocks, motioning with his upturned palm as one would gesture a welcome to guests at the door, to avail myself of the apparatus. I stepped up onto the raised platform, got on all fours, and laid my neck and my wrists onto the bottom half of the holes in the wood. Once settled, Carter lowered the top, locking me in place.

I felt so deliciously trapped, my head and hands secured, my back arched, my inviting ass high in the air, my butt plug poised and waiting to be removed and replaced by anonymous cock. Carter stood in front, my head level with his engorged ebony rod, which he slapped to and fro across my face, smacking the commingled cum that coated me.

My peripheral vision caught Jimbo placing Chloe in the stocks next to me, clamping her down, a mirror image of me: ass high in the air, an open offering to whoever wanted it, and many did. Like a magnet drawing iron ore, our available holes drew men in from all corners of the sweaty, leatherbound orgy room.

As I glimpsed men sliding their hard dicks into both ends of Chloe, I felt my plug being pulled, and a stream of cum escaping down my leg. In seconds, a new stopper was in place as some unnamed erection drove itself up my ass in one quick thrust.

I strained my neck forward, trying to get my outstretched tongue onto Carter's rigid member, but he backed away, marshaling another cock into place. I was denied the taste of my master as my consolation prize abruptly sunk itself deep into my throat. Carter stood to the side, maneuvering his dick into the palm of my right locked-down hand. I couldn't properly jack it, I had to swivel my wrist to and fro to give him what pleasure I could in my trapped position. I had one hand unfilled, and we all know that idle hands are the Devil's workshop.

I soon felt a thick penis placed in my empty palm, and I got to work, operating at maximum occupancy for my position, a fuck machine with all available parts in play. I couldn't see her, but I could hear Chloe grunting and moaning around a cock, and I knew she was likewise in use. I could hear the voices of more men gathering around, some cheering us on.

"Suck it, you dirty fucking whore!"

"Yeah slut, work those cocks! Earn your fucking keep, bitch!"

I didn't know if they were talking at me or Chloe or both, but I certainly embraced their encouragement, working the penes at my disposal to the best my restraints would allow. The guy in my ass sped up, reaming even more of the spunk out of me. Not to worry, he soon replaced it. He held my swiveling hips tight as he shot streams of hot cum deep into my man-womb. 

I heard the leather boy in my mouth yell, "That's it, Bobby! Shoot your load in the whore!"

He must have over-excited himself with his exclamation as he fucked my face, because his taste splashed across my tongue, hot and slick, filling my mouth with his cream. I swallowed quickly, making room for the next thick rope of sperm that hit the back of my throat. A few lesser streams later he pulled out and was replaced immediately by a fresh phallus, displacing the cum I had not been yet able to eat, sending rivulets down both sides of my chin.

As if by prearranged plan, a new, very thick cock plunged gut deep into my anus, and with out so much as a 'howdy-do ma'am', began pounding me mercilessly. I was truly the image of the fulfilled fairy as the dicks in both ends worked me, while I worked the two in my hands. Carter released his dick from my right palm, and another stepped up to fill that vacancy.

I beamed with pride, knowing that Carter was standing back, watching me.

Just as the cocks in my mouth and ass exploded together, flooding me from both ends, the dick in my left hand erupted, splattering hot sperm across the side of my cocksucking face. The guy who took Carter's place had apparently been worked up already, because he started creaming my other cheek. I could have fainted as four men released their seed in me or on me, in unison. That famous 'Whore of Babylon?' Bitch got nothing on me.

A loud CRASH from the far end of the room got my attention fast. It sounded like the double doors being kicked in. There was a noticeable commotion among the dozens of gangbangers when I heard a shout:


To be continued...


Written by latecomer91364
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