Ken's life was pretty good. He had an excellent job that paid well and afforded him a nice mobile home. He played baseball on the company team and had a bevy of office hotties show up to the games to cheer him on, he even dated a few of them briefly. It was the nights that he really looked forward to.
Once the day was done and he was safely behind the drawn drapes and locked doors of his mobile home that he indulged himself in his newest habit. Fresh from a shower he dug out the erotic lingerie that had been recently purchased online and began to slowly don them. First, the black satin and lace garter belt was placed on his waist.
Just the contact of the silky item against Ken's warm skin causes his cock to twitch. Then the seamed nylons were slowly drawn up his smooth legs and he began to get hard. He ran his hands from ankle to thigh to smooth out the nylons and marveled at the way his legs looked and felt.
A black satin thong that was also trimmed with delicate lace was slowly slid up his nylon clad legs. He took a minute to arrange his throbbing manhood into a more comfortable position so he could finish dressing.
A matching bra complete with foam inserts was placed around his chest and as he ran his hands over the silk-covered mounds that he now possessed his cock grew even harder at the sight and feel. Then came the newest purchase, a full length silk nightgown with lace between the breasts.
Now Ken had toyed with the idea of a latex mask but had decided against it and opted for a long wig and a black eye mask with lace hanging down under it, now the only thing exposed was part of his lips which he covered with red lipstick. This look made the masturbation that followed one hundred per cent better.
His life was pretty uncomplicated, then my company hired Wendy after the Christmas break. She was twenty two and fresh out of business school. Wendy was not a drop dead hottie, but she was still very attractive. She was of medium height with an athletic build and short dark hair. One of the first things Ken noticed was that she hardly ever wore slacks to the office, it was either a dress or a skirt.
Her shapely legs were usually covered in black pantyhose and he often fantasied on how great they would look covered in seamed nylons. They were polite to each other and she became a regular at the after-work parties and always managed to sit next to him. She was hit on by almost every male employee but never left with anyone.
When Spring arrived Ken would forgo eating lunch and spend the hour outside limbering up my pitching arm by throwing a baseball against the side of the building. He was shocked when Wendy showed up outside one day with a baseball glove. It seems she had played baseball in college and could throw and catch as well as any of the guys.
So they tossed the ball back and forth and chatted while the other girls watched us from their place on the benches. More than once a gust of wind blew her skirt up revealing nylon covered tight thighs and though she didn't seem to mind she always pulled it down. It was not done before he had enjoyed a good long look
Wendy began showing up at all our games to cheer the home team on. She always looked great in her skin tight jeans and a oversized jersey. It was after one game that their friendship took a turn. Ken was packing his equipment bag to head home when she approached.
"Good game," she said as she approached.
"Thanks. They made us earn this win," he responded.
"You're not going out drinking with the team?" she asked.
"No, not today. I need a hot shower and rub down more than a cold beer," he replied.
"Do you have someone to rub you down?" she inquired.
"No. I do it myself."
"If you promise to behave yourself I'd be glad to come over and rub you down. I use to do it for my college team's pitcher," she answered.
So she followed him home after extracting a promise to behave himself. Ken wasn't concerned as he kept my place clean and his erotic lingerie collection was well hidden. He took a good hot shower and then clad in a pair of cut-off sweatpants he headed to the living room with a bottle of massage oil.
Wendy had him lay on the floor face down and squirted the oil between her palms. Then with her talented fingers now slick with oil she began to rub his aching shoulders, arm and back. She knew her stuff as he could feel his muscles begin to relax under her attention.
"This is not working," she said as she stopped.
"Yes, it is. My arm feels a lot better," he responded.
"No, not that. These jeans are too tight to squat in."
"So lose them," he responded.
She stared at him for a minute and he was sure she was going to bolt at that suggestion, but he was wrong. She stood up and removed her tight jeans and to his surprise, she wore black pantyhose underneath.
"Much better," she said as she straddled him and was able to exert more pressure on his back, shoulders, and arm.
The sight of her sexy legs in their nylon sheaths caused his cock to tingle. It was the feeling of her warm silky clad legs against his sides that caused him to get hard and soon laying on his stomach began to become painful.
"Wendy, you have to stop," Ken said.
"But I'm not finished," she stated.
"You did great and I feel one hundred percent better, but you have to stop."
"If it's so great why are you stopping me?" she asked.
"You don't want me to go there, trust me," he answered.
"I think I deserve an answer," she protested.
"Fine," he responded as he moved forward and flipped onto his back.
Wendy just stared at the sight of his hard cock pressing against the front of his shorts.
"Between your massage and the sight and feel of your legs against my body I got excited," Ken confessed.
To his surprise, she moved forward and tugged the waistband of my shorts down releasing my trapped manhood. She then lowered her head and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.
"You know that sex after a great massage is fantastic," she crooned.
"I wouldn't know," he replied
"Really? Then it's time you were introduced to it." she responded as she stood up.

I was treated to the sight of her slowly removing her pantyhose and her looking me straight in the eyes and smiling as she did it. The white area that the sun couldn't tan on her bottom was tiny and I imagined so was her bikini.
"I don't have any condoms," he said as he stared at the tiny triangle of hair between her legs.
"I do," she responded as she reached for her carry all and extracted a gold circle condom.
Wendy expertly placed it on his shaft and then lowered her hot and wet pussy onto his rigid cock. That was how it started. Soon they were having sex almost every weekend after games. She would come over on Saturday afternoon and not leave until Sunday morning. Ken kept his desire to see her in more erotic lingerie to himself as I didn't want to scare her off.
Ken remember it was a Friday and he had just arrived home from work. He showered after laying out the outfit that he would wear afterward. He had just started dressing when there came a knocking at the door. He peeked through the blinds and saw Wendy standing there.
In a panic, he quickly removed his lingerie and hid the ensemble in the dirty clothes hamper in the bathroom. He donned a robe before answering the door and admitting her inside. They greeted each other warmly and bade her take a seat at the kitchen table while I brought out some bottles of Coke.
"I thought you had plans," he stated.
"They fell through. I hope my showing up here is OK?" she responded as she reached for her Coke.
She was still clad in her work clothes and the sight of her legs appearing under her short skirt began to have their effect on him and he quickly sat down to hide his growing erection. They chatted for a while until she excused herself to use the bathroom. When she returned her face was full of anger and she stared at him.
"I thought you were different from most of the guys I dated, but I could see I was wrong," she growled.
"What the matter?" he asked.
"These are the matter. Now which office whore do these belong to? Is she here? Do you have her stashed in the spare room?" she asked as she produced the satin thong that he had dumped in the hamper.
Apparently, in his haste to answer the door, I didn't check to make sure all the articles of clothing were well hidden. She saw the edge of the silky garment sticking out from under the lid and investigated.
"There is no one else here," Ken responded calmly.
"Oh really. Then who do these belong to?" she asked.
"Those are mine."
A stunned look crossed Wendy's pretty face at his confession.
"Yours?" she asked slowly.
Having been caught Ke told her everything and she just stood there listening. When he finished she turned tail and left without comment. It was a risk that he lived with and accepted the consequences. He didn't feel like dressing after that so he moved to the couch and switched his beverage to something stronger than Coke.
Ken must dozed off as he was awakened by someone knocking at his door. To his surprise there standing in the cool Summer night air was Wendy, so he let her in. Once inside she removed her topcoat and there to his delight and surprise he discovered that she was clad only in lingerie. It was one of most stunning ensembles that he had ever seen.
Wendy kissed him deeply as she held him tightly.
"Now I've dressed up for you, so it's your turn to dress up for me," she said softly when she released him.
"OK, but it will take a little bit," he told her.
"I'm not going anywhere," she informed him.
Ken left the living room and returned later clad in his sexiest outfit. Wendy smiled as he approached and she bade him to join her on the couch.
"Very pretty," she said as she ran her hands through the dark wig and down his arms that were clad in opera gloves.
She once again placed her soft lips on his as her hands continued to move across his body moving downwards. They glided over his bra and across his hard flat midsection. Her fingers trailed across the silk and lace garter belt before they ran up and down each nylon clad leg.
Her tiny hand ended up circling his cock that was pushing against the fabric of the silky thong and she began to gently jack him off through the panties.Then came the questions about my dressing up and how it started..
"No, I have no desire to appear in public as a girl," Ken responded.
"What about men?" she queried.
"I don't want to be fucked in the ass or give head," he answered.
Each answer given caused her to smile and increase her hand's movement on his silk covered manhood.
"Do you remember me telling you that sex after a good massage was a wonderful thing?" she stated.
"Do you also remember me telling you that I use to rub down the pitcher on my college team?"
She mover her face closer to mine and looked me in the eyes.
"It was an all-girl team and there was a lot of sex afterwards," she informed me.
Between Wendy's hand movement and the mental image of her with another female I lost my load in short order.
"Now don't get me wrong, I Iove having sex with you. This is a reminder of those wonderful college days," Wendy admitted.
He pulled her closer and held her tighter as he placed lips on hers. She allowed my hand to slip under the waistband of her silky pantie and gave a slight moan as my fingers slid into her dripping sex. Wendy ran a free hand all over my silk clad body as I rubbed her clit and was rewarded with a contented moan as she enjoyed an orgasm.
"I need a shower," she informed me after a long time of holding and gently kissing her.
"Me too," he answered.
"Do you have a nightie? she asked.
"Yes. Do you?"
"I brought one with me," she responded.
They showered together but she allowed me to dress in my room while she dressed in the guest room. She marveled at how he looked in my full length nightie when he finally appeared in the living room. Ken could only stare open mouthed at how great she looked in her baby doll ensemble complete with seamed nylons.
That was how it started. Even though Wendy now dresses the way Ihe likes she encourages me to dress for her. She has even surprised him with the gift of erotic lingerie. Now he truly has the best of both worlds.