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Happy to be Used, (Pt. 9)

"I fill in for a shift at the bookstore and excel at customer service."

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The next day I woke up very early.  I would have expected to sleep in since I got home after 2:00 a.m. but the clock said 6:00 a.m. when I opened my eyes. 

I lay in bed reliving the events and my performance from the previous night.  The sex was amazing.  The double penetration was mind blowing.  But what really kept me smiling was my convincing female performance.

No one suggested I was a guy all night.  No one hinted at knowing my secret.  I lived an entire night as a woman and was treated like a woman.  I was proud of myself and knew this was a turning point in my crossdressing ways.

I knew these were young inexperienced boys but it let me know I was on the right path. I was at least convincing enough to pass in the eyes of some men. I knew the more I worked the better I would get and dreamed of the day I would be seen as a woman by everyone.

I reached under the covers and felt my ass.  I rubbed all around both cheeks and then pushed my fingers towards my hole.  My ass opened easily for my little fingers.  I lightly massaged the inside and smiled thinking of how well my boi-pussy had served me last night.  I was pretty good at giving a blowjob but I knew my ass was the better of the two holes.

I reached over to the nightstand and pulled out the lube and the hard metal butt plug with the diamond at the end.  I put it in easily and got out of bed to make some coffee.  I was going to wear the plug like a piece of clothing.

I walked to the kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee and a bong hit.  I was baked in no time and enjoyed my coffee and the hard metal plug in my ass.  I was not touching my cock but every time anything rubbed against it my body twitched.  I was so horny.

I pulled another big bong hit and was wasted.  I slipped on a pair of three-inch sandals I had sitting around and pranced about my house, working on my feminine walk and posture.  So much of being a woman is changing the angles of your body.  Pulling your shoulders back and rolling them downward to push out your chest.  Tightening your calves as you walk to change the shape of your legs.  Walking one foot crossing in front of the other for that sexy female strut.

It was little things that could make a big difference in my transformation.  I walked about enjoying the sound of my heels on the floor and the feeling.  I was slipping deeper into my feminine self.

I got online and watched a number of transformation videos.  I became transfixed on gaffing videos and went down the wormhole of internet education.  You know exactly what I am talking about.  You start on a video and the next thing you know an hour has passed and you have entirely exhausted a topic.

I was so horny at this point I had to fuck myself.  Really fuck myself.  I took out the electric fucking machine, lubed up the attachment and went to work on my ass.

I watched she-male hypnosis videos on my tablet while the machine took my ass through its paces.  I fucked myself for at least thirty minutes and really wore my ass out.  I tried my best to cum solely from getting fucked but could not resist and wound up using my hand to help my ass make my dick cum.

I exploded everywhere and collapsed.  I took a minute to clean up the dildo and my floor and then settled in for a cheesy movie.

I must have dozed off because I was startled awake by my phone ringing. I looked at the caller ID and it was Sir. I answered immediately.

“Hey, slut. I need your help.”

“Yes Sir,” I responded just to let him know I was here.

“One of my employees at the store just called in sick and I need coverage for part of their shift. I am out of town at a trade show. I have someone coming in at seven p.m. but I need you to work the cash register from four to seven.”

Easy, I thought to myself.  He just needed me to sit in a porn shop for a few hours and watch horny guys on a Saturday night.  But since this was Sir, of course, there was a twist.

“I want you to wear the same outfit you wore last night. Give the customers a little something to look at.”

There it was.  The twist.  Sir thanked me and hung up before I could respond.

It was only noon so I had plenty of time to get ready.  I got horny thinking about dressing up again and working in the porn shop and gave my ass another ride with the fucking machine.  My ass was still open from the earlier session which allowed me to stretch myself and get a nice gape.  I played with my ass for over an hour and stopped before I made myself cum.  I wanted to keep myself horny for tonight.

I did my make-up first and it turned out perfect.  It was the best job I had ever done on myself.  I looked great.

I put the outfit on but used a different wig than the night before.  I looked in the mirror and shook my head.  This outfit was ridiculous. There was no way to wear this outfit in public and not get arrested.  It was obscene by any definition of that word.

I decided to wear a jacket over the outfit on the way to the store and further decided to stay up behind the register while working to lessen my exposure.  There was no way I could walk around the store in this schoolgirl attire.

I arrived at the store five minutes before I was supposed to begin.  I walked in and the person behind the counter immediately became fixated on me.  I smiled at him and walked back to the gate so I could begin my shift.

The guy behind the counter was looking at me quizzically as I walked to the back area but then his jaw dropped open when I took off my jacket displaying my whore attire.  I broke the silence.

“Hi, I am your replacement. Sir told me to fill in for a few hours.”

It registered in his eyes. “Oh, you are the whore. Perfect and thanks. I would love to stick around but I have somewhere to be. I assume you know how to work a cash register.”

I nodded yes as he walked past me.

“Good luck,” he said as he headed out the door. I was left alone with no real idea what I was supposed to do.

There were only two customers in the store and they were giving me sideways looks.  They were trying to stare at me without really staring at me.  I made sure not to make eye contact with them and walked around behind the counter familiarizing myself with the surroundings.

A third customer entered the store as I was checking out the cash register to make sure I could work it.  He did a double take upon seeing me.  I could not tell if he was shocked seeing a woman behind the counter or if he knew I was a guy.  I glanced my eyes away in an accidental feminine, almost flirty, way.  The other two patrons saw the entire exchange.

The new guy had a short kind of stocky build.  He walked around the store but could not stop staring at me.  From his vantage point he could only see above my armpits.  I could see him stretching his neck to see more of me.

This went on for at least ten minutes.  I kept trying to avoid eye contact with him and he kept trying to make eye contact with me.  It was crazy uncomfortable.

Eventually he made his way over to the dildo section and stopped to look at a few items.  They were kept in a separate area and you needed a key to actually see the product.  He looked for a while and then looked up at me.

“Hey. I want to see this one over here. Can you come unlock it?”

I didn’t know what to do.  I didn’t have any keys, but this was part of my job so I had to figure something out.

“Ok,” I responded, not sure what to do.

I looked at the register and opened the till.  I looked around for a key.  Nothing.

I closed the cash register and looked around the area.  It had to be close.  There it was, hanging on a nail just below the counter. Bingo.

I took the keys and started to walk to the dildo display.  After about five steps I froze.  It struck me that once I walked through that door the customers were going to have a complete view of me.  I knew things were going to change after that.

As I walked around the corner all eyes we on me.  At my natural height plus the heels I was the tallest person in the store.  My heels clicked as I walked to the dildos container, eyes focused on the floor.

When I got to the display the short guy looked up at me directly.

“Aren’t you a fine piece of ass,” he said.

I blushed. “Thank you.”

“I got a question about this fucking machine. Can you pull it out so I can look at it?”

I used the key on the top of the container to unlock the entire front glass.  The fucking machine was in the bottom left and in a big box.  I knew from moving my home machine it was heavy so I could not bend over and pick it up.  I was thinking this as I was half way bent over into the display.

“Nice ass!” I heard enthusiastically behind me.

I wasn’t even thinking about my outfit as I bent over to get the machine.  I should have been.  My ass was pointing straight at two of the customers. I jerked myself up quickly. I looked at them embarrassed.

“Go ahead, get the fucking machine out for me please.”

I decided to squat in my heels.  That would allow me to keep my ass mostly hidden and also give me the leverage I would need to get it out of the case.  I walked the few steps to the end, closer to both the guy and the machine.

I turned and faced the display and squatted. I reached in to grab the machine and I was stopped when I head, “Hey, wait a minute.”

I turned to face the shorter guy who said this.  As I turned I was no more than three inches from his crotch.  His bulging crotch.

I couldn’t look in to his eyes as I was transfixed on his cock.  Before I realized I was staring I had been caught.  I looked up to see him grinning at me.  He knew I wanted his cock.

“Before I have you pull this out so I can look at it I have a few questions. Can you tell me anything about this product?”

Oh, fuck did I know about this product.  And he didn’t appear to be asking me in a customer/cashier type of way. 

“Yes, I can give you a full product review if you would like.”

It was all I said but the way I said it was nasty.  I said yes but held the s for as long as I could as I hissed around his cock outline. The sexual tension was incredible.

"That would be helpful," he responded, "but I have an initial question.  Once you put this somewhere does it have to stay in that spot or can you move it to other rooms?”

“Oh no, I… Errr you can move it from room to room,” I answered before I thought.  Damnit. I had inadvertently told I have one of these machines.

The guy above me smiled even wider and moved his crotch even closer. He just assumed I was flirting with him.

“Can you make yourself cum with this machine,” he asked

Now he was the one changing the language of the question on purpose.  I smiled at his cock.

“Yes, you can make yourself cum with this machine,” I answered, defying his invitation. He looked stunned until I finished my sentence, “or at least I can.”

His cock physically twitched in front of me. The guys behind me also reacted to my answer. I had no idea what they were doing but they were obviously watching and listening.

No one moved or said a word.  I wanted to drop his pants and suck his cock.

Just as it was about to get crazy the doorbell rings.  I jump to my feet to see who is in the store.  I see it is two delivery guys with dolly’s full of boxes.  I leave the container door over and tip toe my way through the store on my heels. 

As I get closer to the delivery guys I recognize them.  They were the guys we tested products for in the back room.  I wasn’t made up as a girl that time so they did not immediately recognize me.

I walked over and tried to so sound feminine when I said, “can I help you?”

They looked at each other and laughed out loud.  “Yeah bitch, I got something you can help with but first I need to see Joe.”

Joe was the guy who I was filling in for.

“I am here for Joe,” I told them confidently, “what do you need.”

At this point they both had some idea we had met before but they couldn’t put it together. I of course knew I had sucked both their dicks.  It was a very awkward scene.

“Well Joe,” the first guy said looking right at me, “I need the cash for the delivery we just made.”

No one told me where the cash was or that there was going to be a delivery.  I assumed it would be in the cash register so I said, “give me a minute,” and headed back to the register, my heels clicking the entire time.

I arrived at the register and opened it. “How much is it?” I asked from my perch.

“Five hundred dollars.”

I looked in the register and knew I was in trouble. I had not counted yet but I doubt there was even one hundred dollars. I thought about the purse I brought and knew I had less than forty dollars.  I had to think quick.

I headed back to the delivery men and was the best girl I could be.  My posture was perfect.  I was walking one foot crossing in front of the other.  My eyes were working.  I was definitely part whore at this point.

I thought if I acted like this I could talk my way out of having to pay cash now and get them to wait until my replacement showed up in fifteen minutes.  It was not too much to ask and I figured they would not care.

I was wrong. So wrong. Just after I finished asking them to wait one of the delivery men snapped at me.

“Look, bitch, Joe would have had our money ready for us. You owe us money now.”

I did not know what to do.  I did not have the money.  I did not know where the money was.  I had no bargaining power.

I decided Sir would know what to do so I asked them to call him.

“That is a great idea,” one said as he pulled out his phone. “Let’s see what he wants to do about this situation.”

He put the phone on speaker.  After four rings Sir picked up.

“Hello,” Sir said in a whispered tone.  You could hear lots of noise in the background so he was obviously somewhere doing something important.

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“Our delivery is at your store.  You know the delivery is COD.  Joe is not here and we got this bitch telling us there isn’t enough money.  What the fuck is going on!”

Sir responded almost immediately, “Shit, I forgot you were coming this afternoon.”

“Look, guys, you know I am good for the money,” Sir responded before he paused and continued.

“Slut figure something out. I am very busy right now and do not have time to deal with this. Give them a down payment or something and I will pay them in full tomorrow.”

With that, he hung up.  Fuck.  He had not helped.

The two delivery guys looked at me, shaking their heads.  They were not happy.

“Ok bitch, here is what we are going to do,” they announced to me in a most unfriendly tone. “When your replacement arrives in fifteen minute you are going to suck our dicks at that glory hole in the back.  That is our idea of a deposit.  We are going to deposit our cum in your mouth for you wasting our time.”

They laughed.  I did not.  I replied with a simple, “Yes Sirs.”

As I said that the two delivery guys looked at me.  It must have been the way I said Sir which clued them in as to who I was.  They did not entirely put it together but they were very suspicious of me after that point.

“Get back to helping these other guys like you were when we walked in the store. What were you guys looking at?”

The delivery guys looked to the store patrons when asking the question. The little guy spoke up.

“She was just explaining to us how she owns this fucking machine and it can make her cum.”

At that, the delivery guys perked up.  Now they knew who I was.

“Hey, you are the product testing little whore. I remember you.”

I looked down at the floor.  I was so embarrassed.  The customers looked at the delivery guys trying to understand what they were talking about.

“A few weeks back we brought in a bunch of toys and she tested them in front of us.  She also sucked our dicks while she was doing the testing.  It was pretty hot.”

My face was bright red at this point.  I could not make eye contact with any of them.  Then one of the delivery guys looked at me.

“Well that changes things.  We already had one of your blow jobs.  A blow job is no longer going to be an adequate deposit.  Instead we are both going to make our deposit in your ass.”

I nodded softly but said nothing. Then one of the previously silent customers spoke up.

“Can she suck us off while you are fucking her?”

“Of course,” the delivery guy announced, “she has no problems taking care of two dicks at once.”

I was so embarrassed at this point I did not know what to do.  My day had suddenly taken a most unexpected turn.  Reflecting on the past few weeks perhaps this was just the expected turn.  I decided to embrace where I was.

“I will take care of all of you for being such loyal customers,” I told the men, announcing I was the slut they wanted me to be. This generated a smile from them all.

Just then the door opened.  My replacement was here. Ten minutes early but five minutes too late to save my ass.  Literally.

As soon as he walked in he greeted the delivery men by name and asked where Joe was.  They said I was Joe’s replacement for the day and this caused a curious look from the employee.

“Did she already pay you?” he asked.

“No,” they responded, “but we worked out a deal with a deposit until we can get paid.”

The employee walked behind the counter, opened the register and reached under the cash drawer to pull out an envelope containing the delivery money.

“Here you go,” he said without a thought as he handed it to the delivery guys.

Sir had to have known the money was there.  I was immediately convinced he had set this entire thing up.  I wanted to be mad.

The delivery guys looked at me and laughed. “Well, now that your replacement is here we can go take care of that deposit.”

Again, the employee gave a quizzical look.

“She agreed to let us fuck her for making us wait for our money,” the first delivery guy told him.

“She sold her ass for making you wait five minutes?” he asked rhetorically. “Sounds to me like she did not even look for the money.”

I began to speak up and tell him that was not true.  Before I could talk the delivery guy announced, “Yeah, and the funny thing is this is our last delivery of the day so we do not have anything else to do.  It’s not like we are in a hurry.”

The delivery men headed down the hall laughing to each other. The three customers followed behind.

My relief looked at me and said, “I am pretty sure you are a necessary participant in the party down the hall.”

I said nothing, turned on my heels and headed back to the glory hole.  My heels clicked loudly as I walked down the small hall.  The sound magnified by the acoustics of the narrow hallway.

I arrived at the end of the hall and they were all waiting for me.  The delivery men instructed, “we are going to fuck her in this last room.  Stick your dick through the hole and she will suck you off.”

With that, they pulled me into the back room and shut the door.  This was the room I knew well from my prior visits.

As soon as the door shut they were pawing at my ass and reaching under my skirt.  The skirt was so small it created minimal barrier and soon they discovered my homemade panties custom made for ass fucking.

“You really are a whore. Where did you get these panties? Fuck-My-Ass-R-Us?”

They both laughed at their joke.  I did not respond.

“Let’s see how well they work. Turn around and give me that ass so I can make my deposit.”

“I don’t have any lube with me,” I immediately responded with panic in my voice.

“Not my problem and probably something you should have thought about before you swished your ass back here to get fucked.  You can suck it quick but once those guys start putting their dicks through that hole you need to take care of them.”

I immediately dropped to my knees, took his dick out and began to slobber on it. Luckily I had fucked myself earlier so I would be stretched but I needed some lubrication to avoid injury.  I didn’t even get to suck him for thirty seconds before he said, “turn around and stand up bitch.”

I turned around and saw a small dick poking through the wall.  I began to bend at the waist but was helped by my new friends who shoved me forward, lifted my skirt and started poking for my asshole.

Before I could get to the dick poking through the wall he was pushing into me.  It was not an easy fit but he did not seem to care.  He was going to fuck me and I was going to take it.

He kept pushing and just as I got my lips around the dick in the wall he got his dick started into my opening.  It hurt.  He just kept pushing.

I had the dick in my mouth but I could not truly begin sucking because the pain in my ass was too intense.  He pulled out a little bit but immediately shoved in again.  He got a little deeper and kept pushing.  This was not comfortable.

He was able to force his way up my ass and began fucking me.  It hurt but was not unbearable.  He kept his rhythm until he was able to move in and out of my ass.

“You got a tight ass bitch. At least for now.”

I wanted to tell him it wasn’t tight, it was just bone dry.  But whatever he needed to tell himself was fine with me.  He started banging me with some force.

I was trying to suck the dick poking through the hole but it was not my best effort.

The guy behind me grabbed my hips and shoved hard.  The pain caused me to pull off the dick I was sucking.  The guy in my ass grunted loudly.  Real loudly.  I expected the clerk up front could hear him.  He emptied into my ass.

As he pulled out I could feel he made a large deposit.  I went from being mostly dry to fully lubed with one cumshot.

He announced to his friend, “she accepted my deposit. Your turn.”

I heard them shuffling behind me and quickly felt the second cock at my entrance.  He pushed in easily.  I could feel cum running down my thighs as he pushed in.  He started fucking me quickly.

I went back to the cock in the hole and he started shoving in and out, obviously trying to make himself cum with my mouth.  I reached for his cock for support with my right hand and used the wall to support my left hand.

I had a nice rhythm going with the cock in the wall.  I could tell he was getting close.  Just as I was about to finish him the guy in my ass pulled me hard back to his dick.  This pulled me off the dick I was sucking.

I dove back for the dick as I wanted to finish it.  Before I could get my lips back on his cock I felt a blast of cum in my right eye.  Fuck.

I tried to get back on his dick but was now semi-blind and was hit again and again before I could get his dick back in my mouth.  By the time I got on his dick he was almost done cumming and the right side of my face had blobs of cum.

The guy in my ass was pounding me hard, pulling my ass onto his dick.  I could hear loud squishing noises as the previous guy’s cum was acting like a super lube.  I was getting well and truly fucked in the glory hole booth.

A second dick came through the wall and I reached forward to put it in my mouth. I held it inside while my ass began to throb. The dick in my ass was fucking me with hard steady strokes and I was feeling wonderful sensations. It was not quite as good as the fucking machine dildo I had at home but it was very close.  My ass was very turned on.

I bobbed on the cock in my mouth with little purpose other than holding my lips open.  The action behind me was causing sufficient back and forth motion for it to feel like a proper blow job.  I had spit dripping off my chin.

The guy in my ass grabbed my hips and started shallow quick thrusts.  My ass was offering little resistance and was a gaping sloppy mess.  He was fucking me to hasten his deposit.

He pulled me hard back as he pushed himself balls deep and grunted loudly.  He pushed in so hard it hurt and made me gasp.  The gasp opened my mouth more than I wanted and shoved the dick poking through the hole down my throat.  This caused me to gag hard.

The guy in my ass held still deep I my ass once he was finished emptying himself.  He pulled out slowly to keep as much cum inside as possible.  Once he was all the way out he held my hole open and said, more loudly than necessary, “sorry about wrecking your ass.”  He and the other guy laughed.

The other guy in the room, who had fucked me a few minutes ago, was now next to my face and used his hands to shove my head on the dick poking through the wall.  Apparently, he was going to ‘help’ me suck dick.  It was very uncomfortable.  I just held on and let him use me.

The guy poking through the wall did not last much longer.  He blasted into my mouth and I choked as I tried to swallow because the guy shoving my face to the wall did not stop.  Once I started choking he let go and let me finish.  I was able to catch my breath and swallow everything before he pulled his dick back through the wall.

I caught my breath and considered the wonderful situation.  I wanted desperately to grab my dick and finish myself.  I was so horny. There was one more guy on the other side of the wall I needed to suck off before I could focus on myself. 

The last dick did not immediately come through the wall.  I moved closer to see if anyone was still there.  When I reached the hole I was met by a voice rather than a dick.

“Can I fuck her ass instead of getting a blowjob,” the voice on the other side of the hole asked, “I want to see how that fucking machine she was showing me out front has trained her.”

“Hell yeah,” was the immediate response from my side. “Just put it through and she will suck it to get it wet and then you can fuck her until you add your load to the two we just deposited.”

“Bet,” the guy on the other side responded and I was almost poked in the eye by his cock coming through the hole.

His dick was perfect. It was almost exactly like my favorite dildo at home, the one I use most frequently with my fucking machine. The one which could make me cum hands free.

I dove at his cock. I slobbered and gobbled to get him lubed as quickly as possible. I could not wait to fuck this cock.

In less than a minute I traded my mouth for my ass and slammed myself against the wall.  I took his cock full to the bottom on the first stroke. I was desperate to fuck.

I began rocking back and forth on his dick, controlling the action.  I was oblivious to the men in the same room with me. The only thing I cared about was the perfect cock in my ass.

Within a minute of my slamming against the wall the momentum shifted and the guy with the cock began to take control of the action.  The pace slowly turned into his pace, not my pace.  The change was spectacular.

His rhythm was deliberate and at the perfect depth.  It was like my fucking machine, only better.  I begged him to keep the pace and make me cum.  I had dreamed about this moment and wanted it to happen right now.

I could feel it in my stomach.  My orgasm was building.  He kept the perfect pace and I began to shake. My body was pushed over the edge and it happened.  My cock exploded and I convulsed through my orgasm.  I came from being fucked by a man.

I have no idea how much cum came out of my cock. This orgasm was all about my ass. I moaned through the sensations which went on for almost a minute.  It was so much better than the five seconds it takes my dick to finish cumming normally.  This was the pinnacle of my sexual life.

He continued until he finished but I have no idea how long that took.  I was in such a state of sexual bliss time became irrelevant. After he finished he pulled out deliberately, keeping most of his cum inside.  His dick disappeared through the hole and then he said, “that is the best ass I have ever had. That was better than any pussy I have ever fucked. You are one talented bitch.”

I smiled.  I was still on my knees with my ass in the air, belly full of cum on the floor of a booth in an adult bookstore but this felt like nirvana to me.  I loved everything about what I had become.

Written by jshub
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