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Happy to Be Used (Pt. 4)

"Another Saturday, another visit and an escalation of my submission."

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I woke up Saturday morning after a fitful night of sleep. I was so excited for the coming day I couldn’t get comfortable in my bed. I beat off once before I went to sleep, once in the middle of the night and once in the morning. All I could think about was the last two weekends and what might happen today.

I got out of bed and drew a bath for myself. I was ready to prepare myself for my day of service and decided to start out with a nice bath to clean myself and be sure I was as smooth as possible.

As the bath was drawing, I poured in some nice smelling oil to scent my body for the day. Before I settled into the tub I pulled a big bong hit to get myself into that wonderful state. I settled into the tub and relaxed as the warm water and beautiful smell captivated me.

As I laid back in the tub my toes appeared at the other end. They looked wonderful with their nice red nail polish. I had them professionally pedicured earlier in the week to make Sir happy. I tried doing them myself but just could not do a proper job. The people performing the pedicure looked at me odd after the request, but once I gave them an “advance tip” they worked tirelessly on my feet. It was wonderful and I look forward to it being a weekly trip. I was sure Sir would be happy with them and it made my dick hard every time I looked at them.

As I stared at my toes getting a little excited, I began rubbing my body with the lather from the soap and oil. I paid particular attention to my balls and asshole and quickly shoved a finger up my ass. Figuring that I would be getting fucked today, I wanted to be sure that my asshole was clean and loose.

I grabbed a set of anal beads I had beside the tub and brought them into the tub. I rubbed them with the soapy water and then got myself on all fours in the tub. I brought the beads back to my ass and pushed the first one in. It slipped in rather easily so I proceeded pushing them all up my ass until only the string was hanging out. I enjoyed the feeling for a moment and then resumed my position of sitting in the tub with the anal beads up my ass. I wanted to do all my bathing, shaving and primping with the beads inside me.

I started with my legs and shaved them completely. As I moved around to be sure I got every part of my legs, I was constantly reminded of the beads. This, combined with the exceptionally exciting feeling of shaving my legs was driving me crazy.

I love shaving my legs as it makes me feel so feminine. I particularly love the feel of my smooth legs once it is done and spent a long time rubbing my hands up and down my legs once they were shaved.

I then shaved my armpits and was sure to trim the stripe of pubic hair I had been instructed to leave. The strip was very thin because I wanted to shave it completely and kept making it smaller. I also made sure my ass was smooth and even spent a little while in the tub with my cock tucked between my legs looking at my pseudo pussy, long shaved legs and painted toenails.

I slowly pulled the beads out of my ass loving the sensation as each bead came out. Wanting to be sure my ass was clean, I stuck them back in and removed them again. I did this a third time and then got out of the tub, my body tingling all over.

I dried myself off and then used body lotion all over my legs and body. I love the feel of this lotion and also love the feminine smell it gives my body.

I reached onto the counter and grabbed the butt plug I had to wear to the shop. I squeezed some of my anal lube onto the plug and then rubbed it around with two fingers. I took the plug and placed it on the toilet seat as I rubbed the fingers with the excess lube on my asshole. I couldn’t resist and shoved one, then both fingers up my ass.

Next, I squatted over the toilet and lowered myself onto the butt plug. I could have just put it in my ass with my hands but I feel more nasty when I sit down onto the fake cock. In one motion I sat on the plug until my ass cheeks hit the toilet seat.

When I knew it was all the way in I wiggled a bit to be sure it was as far in as it could go then I stood up, squeezing my cheeks to keep the plug in. I walked into the bedroom and put on the pair of french cut panties I had picked out for today. I pulled them up my legs and tightly over my balls being sure to ride them up my ass to hold the plug in place. My cock was throbbing with excitement.

It was very hot outside, over 90 degrees, and I wanted to wear shorts. However, I was still afraid to do this in public with my totally shaven legs. I slipped on a pair of light linen pants and a nice light shirt over top. I pulled on a hat and a pair of glasses and looked at myself to be sure I was ready to go.

It was a little early, but I was excited and decided to head up to see Sir. Though I was technically being “forced” to do these things, I would have had a hard time convincing anyone I was not a willing participant.

The ride to the shop was exciting as always. The feeling of the plug up my ass and the feminine overall feeling was very exciting. There was also the anxiety of wondering why I needed to have my toes painted and what (or who) I would be servicing today.

I was really looking forward to Saturday all the time now. I parked in the lot and walked in the feminine way I now assumed when I was holding a plug in my ass. I was very excited as I walked into the store.

Sir saw me walk in and perked up immediately. A smile came to both of our faces as I walked up to the side of the platform and through the gate that led to the counter. When I walked in the store I noticed with the height of the counter all I could see of Sir was his torso from just below his chest and up.

As I approached Sir after having walked through the door and up the stairs I saw him looking me up and down which turned me on even more. I got next to him and didn’t know whether to shake his hand, give him a kiss or drop to my knees and suck his cock. He took care of this and stopped me and started some small talk like friends. I was just a few feet away when we started talking.

“Nice to see you again,” he said with a grin. “You are a little early today. Are we excited?”

“Yes Sir,” I admitted.

He laughed. “Good, I think you are going to have a lot of fun today. Did you get your feet done like I asked?”

“Yes sir,” I said as I blushed a little.

“Let me see, slip off those shoes.”

I slipped off my tasseled loafers and my lovely red painted toes came into view. I thought sir was going to lick his lips when he looked at them.

“Lovely,” he said, “you did a very nice job. Did you do them yourself?”

“No sir, I wanted them to be perfect so I had them professionally done.”

He smiled again, both of us enjoying this little game.

“And I assume you have dressed appropriately otherwise,” he said as he looked at my crotch.

I knew he wanted to see the panties so I pulled the side of my pants to the side and pulled up my panties a little to show him. He looked at the panties but raised his eyebrows and gave me a knowing look. I knew what he wanted and I undid my pants and zipper. I let them fall to the floor and saw a big smile come to his face.

I don’t know if the smile was a result of the view or the fact that I knew what he wanted before he had to ask. I was now once again standing almost naked in a porn shop in the middle of the day, and loving it.

He motioned for me to turn around and I did, giving him a nice view of my panty clad ass. I was turning back around to face him when he grabbed my shoulders and had me stay with my back to him.

I noticed there were several other men in the store but they were not paying us any attention. I then felt Sir cup my asscheeks and rub his hands over my ass and legs. His hands were going crazy as he was obviously loving the sensation of my panty clad ass and my smooth ass and legs. He was rubbing me and squeezing me like you would a woman’s ass.

I was really getting turned on. He took one hand and placed it outside my panties near my hole and felt for the plug. When he found the plug he gave it a little push, then a pull, then a twist and shoved it back in. I pushed back against his hand a little to show him my appreciation and then his hands were gone.

“Turn around,” I heard him say so I turned around, red faced and with a boner straining against my panties.

“Very good,” he smiled and looked at my cock, “why did you wear pants on such a hot day?”

“Well Sir, my shaved legs would have been so noticeable.”

He immediately cut me off. “You have beautiful legs. Don’t cover them up any more. Everyone should enjoy them. Now, the only thing that could make your legs look more beautiful is some shape to them. Here. Try these on,” he said as he reached into a shopping bag under the counter.

He pulled out a pair of brown leather sandals with three inch heels on them. Handing them to me he said, “These should help show off your legs and your toes.”

I was so excited I couldn’t take a moment to be embarrassed. Just before I bent down to put the shoes on someone came to the counter. Sir rung him out and I saw the man staring at me. He could not see my panties but I knew he was intrigued by what was going on behind the counter.

Smiling to myself, and then to him, I bent down to put the shoes on my feet. They were a little small but looked wonderful on my painted toes. It was so exciting to see my feet in them I just couldn’t wait to try walking in them.

When I stood back up I noticed that I stood a little taller. They felt so odd but so feminine. I could feel the tension on my calves as the heels shaped my legs and accentuated my feet.

Sir finished ringing the man out and then looked at the heels and smiled.

“They look wonderful on you, really, they look so nice. You have the perfect legs for them, and your feet look quite nice. Let me see how you look walking in them,” he said as he motioned me towards the end of the counter.

I walked away from him slowly as I adjusted to the heels. One thing I noticed straight away is that they made it easier for me to keep my ass cheeks clenched and keep the plug in my ass. I also noticed that they made me swish my ass a little more from side to side.

I walked to the end, stopped, pivoted like a runway model, smiled at sir and walked back to him. I noticed others in the store looking at me as I strutted behind the counter. I was loving this attention.

Just before I got back to sir I looked down and admired how the sandals looked on my feet. Standing in my panties and sandals I asked Sir, “Do I look ok for you?”

He smiled and responded, “Why don’t you come over here and feel your answer to that.”

I strutted over to him and reached out to touch his obviously swollen cock. He was rock hard and I rubbed it through his pants.

“Did I do this?” I asked coyly as I grasped his cock in my hands.

He moaned a little and his eyes shut. I kept rubbing and said, “Well, if I did this, I should take care of it,” as I slowly dropped down to my knees in front of him.

Though he had not asked me to do this I figured he would not be upset with a blow job and I was so horny I needed a cock in my mouth and a load in my stomach.

When I got to my knees, a now familiar position with Sir, I quickly fished out his cock. There was no teasing for now, I wanted his dick in my mouth.

Walking around in my heels with the panties and my shaved legs in public had driven me crazy and I was so horny I had to feel more like the slut I was. As soon as his cock sprang to life I shoved it into my mouth. I took it as deep as I could on the first swallow and then held it there for a moment enjoying the sensation.

I moaned around his cock knowing how much men love the humming feeling on their dick when it is in a mouth. It was also done loud enough to get the attention of anyone else who may be at the counter.

I do not know if it was the weed or the panties or the shoes or the combination of the entire situation, but I was feeling sluttier than I had ever felt before. I wished everyone in the store could see me on my knees in my panties giving a blow job. If they could not see me perhaps I could make them hear. After all, they had all seen me strutting around just a minute ago and now I was no where to be seen.

I pulled up off the length of his cock moaning the whole way. When I was at the end I held the tip on my tongue and looked up at him. I delved back down his length and moaned again as I pulled back off to the head and pulled away so that a little stream of spit was between his big purple head and my tongue.

I swallowed the spit and his cock, diving back onto his dick. I was creating as much spit as possible as I worked up and down his cock. I was bobbing and twisting and moaning on his dick.

The effect was driving him crazy as I looked up and saw his head rolling backwards and his eyes shut. The other effect I wanted was also working as my cock sucking was creating a loud slurping noise. The sound alone was driving me wild, and it was having a similar effect on Sir.

Soon his hands were behind my head and he was moving his hips into my mouth. I formed a tight circle with my lips and let him fuck my face. It turned into less of me sucking and more of him fucking as I just kept my lips tight and my spit flowing.

My chin was a mess and his cock was making loud suction sounds as it moved in and out of my mouth. I was slurping, he was fucking, and too soon his cock was throbbing getting ready to release.

He gripped the back of my head as he said, “Oh bitch, oh bitch, oh, oh...”

Then blast, I felt the wonderful warm sensation of his cum shooting into my willing mouth. His cock jerked as he shot wad after wad into me and I just kept my lips locked on him.

After he had emptied himself he released his grip on the back of my head and let out a sigh. I set about to cleaning his cock.

My mouth was filled with the salty taste of cum as I sucked his softening cock and slowly let it fall almost out of my mouth before going down on it again to be sure I had cleaned it completely. When I pulled off the second time I looked up at him, leaving his cock head on my pursed lips.

Looking down at me Sir said, “If you are done playing with that, put it away.”

I smiled as I put his cock back in his pants and zipped him up. When I looked up again I realized for the first time that we had an audience.

I saw several heads peeking over the counter looking at me and Sir. I do not know how much they had seen, but based on the salivating looks, they had seen enough. I noticed that the counter was too high, and they were too low, to see everything but some of the taller men may have seen a nice show. The rest must have enjoyed the sounds and the facial expressions of Sir.

Sir motioned for me to stand up and I did, rubbing my red knees and blushing like mad. I was horny and excited but still embarrassed.

The men looked at me and several of them stared at my panties and long shaved legs. I felt like a piece of meat having these strange men looking me up and down.

Sir looked at them and said, “Unless you are all buying something, you can move away from the counter.”

The men slowed moved away after taking one last look at me and Sir. I gave a thankful look at Sir and stood by his side.

He took his hand and started caressing my ass and legs. He seemed to be enjoying the sensation of my panties and my freshly shaven legs. He was also looking at my feet.

He gave my ass a squeeze and asked, “Do you have the taste of cum in your mouth?”

Before I could answer he said, “good, because you will have that taste in your mouth, your throat and your belly before the day is over. You seem to have excited all my patrons with your little display, but what should I have suspected from someone that walks around a porn shop in panties, shaved legs, painted toes and high heel shoes. You are such a little slut.”

He lightly slapped my ass. I could feel my face getting warmer as he talked this way to me. Everything he said was right, and I was excited to hear him say it.

“As you can guess, those shoes you are wearing were not free. And neither were the other items in that bag for you. So today, you are going to work off your debt. Can you guess how you are going to work off your debt slut?”

He smirked and gave me a mischievous grin.

“Yes sir,” I responded.

“How slut? I want to hear you tell me how,” he insisted.

My cock was rock hard as I responded, “I will be your whore Sir and make men happy for money.”

“Very good little slut, you are correct, you will be my little money making bitch today. Fortunately, you have dressed appropriately for your duties. Now, let me explain to you how things are going to work.”

He reached under the counter and handed me something, “Here is the key to the same booth you used two weeks ago. That is where you will turn your tricks today.”

I loved hearing that term and was on fire.

“You will leave here after I finish my instructions and head back to your booth. Do not be afraid to advertise yourself on the way to the booth. And before I forget, you will not be needing this,” he said as he reached around, pulled my panties aside and took the plug out of my ass.

It was a strange relief to be emptied so quickly. Sir must have noticed my apparent disappointment because he added, “Don’t worry, there will be other things up there soon enough.”

Sir continued, “Go back into your booth and wait. Lock the door. When someone comes into the booth next to you they will slip a piece of paper through the glory hole. This will show you that they have paid me. If it is a blue piece of paper, give them a blow job. If it is a red piece of paper, let them fuck you. Do you understand?”

I was trembling as I replied, “Yes Sir.”

“Good, then get back there so you can pay for these things I bought for you. I will check on you later.”

As I turned to walk away, shaking like a leaf, Sir mentioned too loudly, “And be sure to make it worth their money. Tthey will be paying well for a shot at you and I need some repeat business around here.”

Dazed, I walked away towards the gate. I was still in my panties and heels and noticed several pairs of eyes following me across the counter.

As I stepped through the gate three men could see me in plain view. I was turned on, scared, shaking, and almost naked.

There was only about twenty feet between the gate and the area where the booths were but it looked like a mile. As I began to walk towards the booths my shaking hand dropped the keys to my booth.

As I bent to pick the keys up I realized I was giving the men a tremendous show of my long shaved legs and panty clad ass which they no doubt assumed was a purposeful flash. I knew Sir would think this to be another slutty move by me and only push his demented mind further. This scared and excited me.

I was now doing everything he asked with no hesitation, no matter how outlandish.

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What was I becoming that I would walk almost naked across a porn shop into a back room to be a hooker for men?

I picked up the keys and looked back at Sir who was smiling at me. I hurriedly swished my ass to my back booth and locked the door behind me.

Once inside, my heart was pounding. I looked around the room and everything appeared to be the same, other than a leather chair had been added. There was also a kneeling area with a cushion.

I also noticed a small table with an ashtray, some bottled water and several tubes of lubrication. I walked over to the chair and sat down, crossing my legs and leaning my head back. I was trying to collect my thoughts and relax myself. I was so excited and so afraid.

I decided the only way to calm myself was to smoke the little roach I brought with me. This would calm me down and make me much hornier, if possible, and would ease my hesitation about being a paid whore for the day. I lit up the roach, took a few tokes, and was high, relaxed and ready to party.

As I was sitting back rubbing my legs and enjoying the female feel of myself I heard the door next door open. Show time I thought to myself as I got next to the hole. As I waited I heard a person undo their belt and pants and walk towards the wall.

A small blue piece of paper came through the hole. I grabbed the paper and put it on the table. I was so high I started talking in my best female voice through the hole.

“Mmmm, a blow job. Good, just what I wanted a nice dick to suck on and a nice load of cum to swallow. Do you mind if I swallow your cum?”

A dick hurriedly appeared through the hole followed by a man saying, “No, I would like you to swallow.”

As I took hold of the cock I talked close to it so he could feel my breath and my lips as I continued speaking, “I hope you have a nice big load for me, I love the taste of cum and like dicks that give me big thick loads of cum. Let me see what kind of load you have for me.”

I stuffed his cock in my mouth and went to work. Immediately he was moaning and groaning.

“Oh my god, you are great. This feels so good,” he breathlessly announced from the other side of the wall, “I am going to give you a nice big load to swallow. Oh yeah baby.”

I set about sucking his cock and was sure to give it my best effort. When I am really high I get into things more than normal and I soon realized that I was making love to his dick.

It was about six inches and normal thickness so I could do anything I wanted to him. I was producing plenty of spit to ease his cock down my throat and repeatedly went all the way to his pubes and held myself there as I heard him sigh in excitement.

I didn’t want him to cum quickly as I was enjoying the blow job I was giving him. I thought about Sir telling me he needed repeat customers and said to myself, “Fuck him, if he wants me to be a whore, I will be the best damn whore these men have ever seen.”

I had never paid for sex myself but I figured the woman probably just tried to get the men to cum as quickly as possible. I was trying to get them to hold out so I could milk more pleasure out of them. I also knew the longer I worked the bigger the load of cum I would receive at the end as I repeatedly brought him to the verge of orgasm and then stopped.

When I was sure I had given the man his money’s worth I decided to finish the job. I don’t know how long it had been but I assumed it was at least ten minutes with all the sucking, licking, swallowing and stroking I had done. I began bobbing faster and he started moving his hips with me, a sure sign that he was ready to blow.

I heard the shortness of his breath and then he started gasping, “Oh, here I come, oh, oh, yes,” he started moaning as his cock released down my throat.

I pulled off his cock so just the head was in my mouth as I wanted to taste this load. It was very thick and difficult to swallow. He was not spurting in my mouth as much as he was just dropping gobs of thick cum onto my tongue.

It was delicious to me in my present state and I just kept sucking and swallowing, letting the thick gobs collect in my mouth before I swallowed. When his dick jerked back and was sensitive to my tongue I knew he was done.

I took my fingers to the base of his cock and milked the shaft the entire way to be sure I had everything. Once I was done, I held the cock, kissed the tip and said, “mmm, thank you, that was so tasty. I knew you had a thick load for me.”

I let go of his cock and he pulled it through.

“Wonderful,” I heard from the other side as he zipped up his pants to leave.

As I heard his door close I went back to the leather chair and enjoyed the taste of salty cum that filled my mouth. I was rubbing my cock through my panties when I saw another piece of paper sticking through the hole.

Strange, I thought to myself, I did not hear the door open. Then I realized this person must have come in when the other one left and there was likely a line waiting for my services. I smiled to myself and got back on my knees as I grabbed another piece of blue paper and put it on the table.

“Another blow job I see,” I teased as I talked to the owner of the dick about to come through the wall, “and my lips are still a little numb from the last cock that filled my mouth with his cum. Are you going to feed your cum to me too?”

A thick cock appeared through the hole, about the same length as the last one but very thick. I was excited to lick this thick thing when I heard him speak up from the other side of the hole,

“Why don’t you stop talking about my cock and start sucking on it,” came a rather forceful voice from the other side. “That is the only way you are going to get your precious cum.”

This was like music to my submissive ears. I grabbed hold of his thick member and began rubbing my lips up and down its length. I was also teasing it with my tongue and sucking around the head.

This was the thickest cock I had ever seen and was thankful I only had to give it a blow job, although I knew that would be a chore. I slurped up and down his cock as my fingers played with his balls.

I kept my right hand at the base of his cock and guided my mouth to his head. I opened wide and got the head inside my mouth, but barely. I was stretching my jaw as wide as it would go just to get my lips around his thick cock, and hadn’t even begun stuffing this thing down into my mouth. Wow, what an incredible feeling.

I had it pretty wet but it was still not sliding in and out of my mouth. I kept my mouth wide open and went down as far as I could on his dick. I had a hard time breathing it was so big and I could not get to the base.

It was strange, the cock was not over 6 inches which should have been easy for me to deep throat but it was just too thick. I took this as a bit of a challenge and put some effort into trying to accommodate his cock in my mouth. I was working circles while keeping my mouth over his cockhead and made sure to jerk his cock in unison with my sucking so that the bottom of his member was stimulated with the head.

It was intimidating to suck someone I couldn’t handle, but it was also very exciting. I was trying my best to give him a blow job, but he was so thick it was more like a hand job with my mouth over half his cock. My fingers tips could not touch when I was holding onto his cock. It took almost all my effort just to keep my jaws opened wide enough for him.

I worked the best I could to give him a nice cock sucking and the pot still had me in a sexy mood. I was doing a pretty good job but I noticed that my jaw was beginning to ache from being stretched.

I began pulling off more frequently to catch my breath but kept jerking him and working him with my hand and tongue. He could tell I was having problems because I soon heard him speaking through the wall, “Is my cock thick enough for you? Does your little mouth like being stretched over my cock.”

“Yes, I love your thick cock. It is so nice to suck,” I replied, happy to catch a breath, “am I making you happy with my sucking?”

He snickered and answered, “Well, you are not sucking me now so I wouldn’t know. Stuff my dick back in your mouth and start sucking again, bitch.”

I did and went about sucking his thick cock again. I sucked and slurped and jerked, trying my best to get him off. I went on for a little while and again my jaw was aching so bad I had to pull off and catch my breath.

I took another breath and went back to sucking him until I needed another break. Again he spoke up, “you are not having a little trouble are you cocksucker? Keep going, it feels so good to me. Tell me what you think of my cock.”

Electrified by his speaking I responded as I licked the shaft, “I love your thick cock. It is the thickest I have ever sucked. It is so big it barely fits between my lips. Thank god I am not fucking this big thing with my ass, you would rip me apart. Mmm, maybe I would like that. I can’t wait to see how much cum your big thick cock has for me.”

I dove back onto the head intent on getting him to cum. The reality was I needed him to cum because my jaw was so sore I almost couldn’t keep it open. I made the other comments just to get him excited and push him over the edge. The thought of him up my ass was frightening, not exciting.

I kept pumping with my hand and sucking with my mouth. There was lots of noise as my mouth was constantly falling off his head and making popping sounds. I got lost in the moment as it was the only way to overcome the pain of my jaw. I closed my eyes and simply imagined the beautiful image of me sucking this big thick pole.

I was bobbing on his cock when I realized that his hips were moving a little, a sure sign of what was to follow. I kept my pace and milked his load from him. He stopped moving for a second and then his dick started jerking as the spurts of cum fell into my mouth. The cum dropped from his cock in thick globs onto my waiting tongue.

I took a full swallow quickly and stuck my tongue back out to collect more from him. There was not much more so I swallowed what I could and then set about cleaning him off.

I cleaned him off with great satisfaction and I was happy my jaw would get a break. I kept cleaning him but he did not pull his cock out of the hole. There was no way I was giving him another blow job so I decided to tell him in a nice way.

“Thank you for letting me serve you. I hope you enjoyed yourself. Please, come back again some time.”

As I said this I kissed his cock a few times and expected him to pull out. Instead of pulling out, he pushed through - a piece of red paper! Oh my god. I sat there open mouthed staring at the red piece of paper. He had paid to fuck my ass.

As I sat there in disbelief he spoke up, “well, I did enjoy myself but I am not done yet and neither are you. What were you saying earlier about my cock tearing up your ass? Let us see if you were right.”

I held the cock with one hand and put the paper onto the table. I grabbed the lube and stared at the lube and his cock in disbelief. There was no way I could do this.

Just as I was about to tell him no I thought about Sir and the punishment he would deliver if I denied a paying customer. I quickly determined that whatever the punishment was, it would probably be worse than this and I squirted a generous amount of lube onto my hand and then onto his still rock hard cock.

I rubbed as much lube as I could onto it until it was literally dripping. I figured this was the only way my ass had a chance. I took my hand and rubbed a ton onto in into my asshole. I stuck two fingers into myself and then turned around on my knees and pointed my ass at the wall.

I kept hold of his cock and moved my ass back until I felt the head. I held the cock steady as I pushed back against the big thick cock. He seemed to move back a bit so I moved my ass back further to try and coax the head inside. When it was there, I pushed back and it would not fit. I kept trying to guide it in with my hand but to no avail.

As I continued to move back he pushed forward a little. I tried to hold still so we could force the head in. I let go of his cock and used my hands to spread my ass cheeks as wide as I could. He pushed and I felt him start to get inside me.

I leaned forward to stop the process but knew the only way to get him inside me was a mutual effort of him pushing forward and me pushing back. I gave some resistance and pushed back against the huge head. It would not go in and I pushed back even harder as he pushed forward.

Finally the resistance broke and his head slipped through my sphincter muscle. My eyes almost popped out of my head and I gritted my teeth until they hurt. My ass had given way, but only the head was in.

He stopped for a moment to allow me a second to recoup myself. When I could breathe again I pushed back a little and he pushed forward. The hard part was over but that didn’t stop the pain as he sank in up to his balls.

He did not go deep in me but my ass was stretched so wide I thought I was going to squeeze his cock in two pieces. He stopped when he hit bottom and left it in me for a few moments. He obviously knew his cock was very thick and was being rather kind to me; after all I was a paid whore and he could fuck me however he wanted to.

After about ten seconds or so he pulled out a little and then pushed it back in. He started with small gentle strokes and the lubrication made the situation bearable. I was in pain for sure, but my ass could tolerate this pace.

I was getting used to the feeling of fullness but there was no real pleasure, it was mostly pain. I closed my eyes and put my head to the ground leaving my ass in the air. I tried to relax and let the pot help me along. It did but there was still this big thick cock up my ass.

After a while he began taking longer strokes sawing into my ass. I was beginning to almost enjoy the feeling and thought if he kept up this pace I could bear the situation until he came. I was worried however because I had just blown him and I knew he would last longer than before, which was an intimidating prospect.

He was now pulling out so that just the head was inside and then sinking back into me. I noticed I was whimpering on every downstroke but held my position. He picked up the pace a little and soon was fucking me with his thick rod.

As I pushed back, humping against him, we began to create a nice rhythm. I was now grunting as I pushed back onto his dick. I was trying to fuck him so that I could control the action and the pain.

As I was doing this, I saw a piece of paper slip under the door. I could not reach it and wondered what it was. I stopped wondering as the man pulled all the way out of my ass and let his head rest at my opening for a moment.

My ass contracted immediately at the opportunity and I felt a strange feeling as my gapping hole tried to close. Before it could close he pushed back in and pain went through my entire body.

He only put it in a little way and then pulled all the way back out, stopped for a second, and pushed it back in. My mind was whirling at this point and my ass was in serious pain. My head was shaking around and I was whimpering, groaning and moaning.

He did this a number of times and I realized that my ass made a popping sound when he would pull out of me. I normally love the feeling of a cock moving all the way out and then back in, but this hurt. He was so thick my ass could not get used to this action but that did not stop him. He seemed intent on doing this until my ass remained open for him.

The lube was beginning to disappear and the friction was increasing. My ass was already on fire so this was not helping.

I grabbed the bottle of lube and blindly squeezed it to drip down my ass onto his cock and into my hole. I felt the cool sensation of the lube and some of it leak into my ass. I kept squeezing not caring about the mess I would make.

He sank into his balls and I heard him say, in a slightly evil tone, “what is wrong sissy, is my thick cock hurting you? Can’t you take it? That lube can only help so much, lets see if it makes you feel better.”

With that he pulled out and shoved back in and began fucking me. The lube had made it nice and slick but it did nothing to decrease his size. He was really pounding into me and I was starting to lose my mind.

My ass was being torn apart by this thick cock and I couldn’t do anything about it. He was fucking me hard and I was whining and moaning. Tears started to grow in my eyes from the pain. I sounded like a little bitch and this only made him go harder.

Wham, wham, wham he fucked me and I cried out in pain. I was wondering how much of this I could take when he stopped for a moment and I heard him speak up again.

“How is your ass baby? Can you feel me inside you? I would have cum by now but you just sucked the load out of my balls a few minutes ago with that nice mouth of yours. I guess you wanted me to last a long time in your ass for you. Well, you are getting your wish.”

In my mind I decided to relent to the assault on my ass and got a little angry with him. Fine, I told myself, if he wants to tear my ass apart I will make it a fucking he never forgets. With that I clenched my teeth and shoved my ass hard back onto his cock.

It did not hurt any more than when he fucked me so I just keep shoving myself back on him, impaling myself with his member. From his movement I could tell he was taken aback by my aggressive approach, but he quickly picked up on the situation and fucked me back.

Our common thrusts were really turning me on and it was obvious from my loud moaning. Every thrust was met by a moan. My ass was getting numb and I knew it was going to be wide open by the end of this, but I no longer cared. I wanted to fuck him as much as he wanted to fuck me.

I really began enjoying the pain his assault on my once little hole was creating. I was shoving myself on his cock and cooing like the little bitch I was when I felt him shove in deep and hold it there. He came in my ass.

He pulled out shortly thereafter and his goo ran out of my ass. I stayed on my knees as my ass adjusted to the empty feeling and my body shook from the excitement, pain and pleasure. I reached around to feel my poor ass and could barely touch it from the tenderness.

I rubbed one finger around and felt the cum but also felt nothing but air as my asshole remained gapping open. Two fingers easily fit inside my ass without touching anything. I pulled my fingers out and my ass closed a little, but I knew it would not seal up like earlier today.

When I could, I moved to the door and reached for the piece of paper. On it was written “When you are done with him come back up front - Sir.

“Fuck,” I said to myself as I lay there exhausted. I went to the chair, finished the roach, and put on my panties and pulled my hat down as far as I could. I opened the door to my room and saw several men outside the next booth, waiting for me. I did not make eye contact as I walked past them in my heels, panties and a sore body walking towards Sir and the next chapter in my crazy sex adventure.

Written by jshub
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