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Early Morning Run Turns Into Mid-Morning Fun

"All I wanted was to begin my day in the happiest of ways..."

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I walk my dogs every morning, usually between 6:30 and 7:30.  The road is remote and in most cases, the only people and cars on the road are neighbors and the occasional contractor.  The walks are a great way to start the day.  Between morning thickness, the warm sun, and gentle breeze, more times than not I am extremely horny when I get home.  Cumming while taking a shower and watching various styles of porn is a great way to start any day.


At least a couple of times a week I see Paula walking her dogs.  At about five-feet-five-inches, Paula has the athletic body of a runner.  The nipples on her small breasts are always erect when I see her.  Most times we make small talk. With her light blue, deep-set eyes, dark brown eyebrows and dirty blonde hair, she is a welcome sight.


Her skin gleams with sweat, and when we part ways I stare at her tight ass and firm thighs, wondering what it would be like to lick the sweat from her body; top to bottom and back again.  Afterwards, when I get home and if I have the time, I put on a pair of pantyhose, and stroke my cock until it explodes, all the while visualizing Paula’s tight body.


One morning, I decided to wear pantyhose underneath my shorts while walking my dogs.  It was earlier than usual, about 5:45, the sun was just coming up and I figured there wouldn’t be anybody up and on the road that early in the morning.  My hands trembled with excitement as I slid the pantyhose up my legs and across my cock.  I couldn’t wait to feel the warm sun rising on my face while my cock rubbed against the silky fabric.


About half-way through the walk, I could barely concentrate.  The pantyhose were soaked with the juices of my pre-cum, my cock straining at being contained.  I was so horny and thinking about getting home that I didn’t notice Paula until she was twenty feet in front of me.  This morning she did not have her dogs, but was running solo.  She slowed her approach, stopped and smiled.


“Well, good morning,” she said almost out of breath from her run.  Her small breasts rising and falling with every breath. Her nipples bursting through the fabric of her tight tank top. I watched a river of sweat roll down her chin, down her neck, and into her cleavage.  My cock ached.  Suddenly I was aware that I was wearing pantyhose and sporting a nuclear hard-on.  I turned my body sideways and tried to keep my dogs between us, hoping she wouldn’t notice either.


I said, “Good morning.  Haven’t seen you in a while. Running solo today, I see.”  I was seriously trying to keep it light and casual, but it wasn't easy.


“Yeah. Jim," her husband, "and I were out of town to visit his family. I decided to come back early. There’s only so much family I can take. So I figured, ‘what the hell the dogs are boarded until tomorrow; I’ll do an early morning run then clean the house before he gets back tomorrow.'”


“Same here,” I said.  "My wife is out of town visiting her mother. Nobody but me and the doggies.” 


Paula reached over to pet one of my dogs, “Who’s a good girl?  Who’s a good girl?” she cooed. 'God, I wish she would rub me and say those things.'  My cock jumped a little in my shorts.  After several seconds, she stopped and looked closely at my legs.  Paula straightened up and asked, “Are you wearing pantyhose?”


“Yes, I am.” My answer was barely a whisper.




I don’t know what came over me, I clearly wasn’t thinking straight. “Because it feels fucking great. It makes me super fucking horny and when I get home I will cum so hard I may lose consciousness.”


I was expecting her to say, “gross,” or, “get away from me you fucking pervert,” or even slap me.  About fifteen seconds went by, she stepped so close to me I could smell her.  It was an overpowering scent of sex and sweat.  She looked me straight in the eyes with her baby blues and said in a breathy whisper, “Can I tell you a secret?”


I nodded, my head barely moved, my eyes locked on hers.


“Sometimes I run wearing pantyhose. I love how it feels on my legs. And my pussy. Especially when I sweat.  I get so hot and wet, I practically sprint home. When I get there, Jim fucks me hard. And if he’s not home, I play with myself until I cum screaming.”


I almost came right then and there.  I was light-headed, almost to the point of fainting.  My dogs started to get restless. Either continue the walk or go home, they said.


Paula put her hand on my chest, “Maybe we can help each other out.” My head was spinning as we began to walk back towards my house.  When we got to my driveway, she pressed up against me and whispered in my ear, “I bet you’ve got other nice things to wear with that pantyhose.”


“Yes.” I could feel her nipples against my chest.


“Good.  Surprise me.  Come to my house for breakfast.”  With that said, Paula ran her index finger from my chin down to the tip of my cock, turned, and began jogging down the road to her place.


I was torn between watching her run and sprinting back into the house.  After about ten seconds I hurried in, practically dragging my dogs. I got them squared away and quickly got out my stash of clothes. There was a lot to choose from; lingerie, bras, pantyhose, skirts, tank tops, blouses and dresses. I went with a green plaid schoolgirl skirt, blue, lacy bra, and a tight white blouse. 


When I stepped into the skirt my heart skipped a beat as I pulled it over pre-cum soaked pantyhose and my swollen cock. I look very hot and slutty as a redhead, so I grabbed my favorite wig, red with curls, then added a necklace of fake pearls. I thought about wearing lipstick, but my hands were trembling too much.


I stood in front of the bedroom mirror, adjusted my wig, and took a good look at myself. Prim and slutty at the same time. The skirt came to my mid-thigh, the blouse sheer enough to see the outline off my bra.  I twirled several times to check the flare of my skirt. It flared nearly perfectly, hindered only by the tent of my stiff cock.  


I walked into the kitchen and poured myself some liquid courage; a shot of dark rum.  'Was I really gonna do this? What if Paula was not serious? Or making fun of me? Was I headed to a humiliation that would haunt me forever?'  I did another shot. My heart continued to race, my cock continued to ache. 'How could I pass up this opportunity to know for sure?' I did my third shot. 'Fuck it. I’m going.'


Walking to my car in the driveway a nice warm breeze came and blew up my skirt. I moaned, and congratulated myself for choosing this outfit.  Paula lived about a quarter-mile down the road. I drove carefully, not wanting to draw any attention to myself since I was out in public in the daytime. Fear of being recognized added to my excitement.


The gate to the driveway was open at Paula’s house; I drove up the circular drive and parked next to a blue Toyota.  I noticed the blue was a very close match to Paula’s eyes. After checking myself in the visor mirror one final time,  I stepped out of the car, smoothed out the wrinkles in my skirt, and decided to tuck my cock next to my left thigh. My pre-cum soaked a large area in my pantyhose. I put some on my finger and sucked it dry, marveling at the taste.


I knocked on the front door.  “Be right there,” Paula shouted from inside.  The door opened. Paula stood before me and my breath came in gasps: she was still wearing her running outfit. Her body was damp with sweat.  I stepped into the house weak in the knees.


“My God,” she whispered. “Spin for me.”  I did as I was told. “You look soooo hot.” Paula stepped in closer. Between her scent and the effects of the rum, I was in a dream state. Using her left index finger, Paula traced a line from my chin, down my blouse, stopping at my stomach. “What’s your name, baby?”


“Bailey,” I whispered. “My name is Bailey.”


Paula took my hand, walked me into the kitchen and handed me a drink. “You must be thirsty, Bailey.   It’s light rum with OJ.”  I took a sip. It was good, and the cold helped to clear my head. “Relax. I’ll be right back. I need a shower.”  As she walked past her scent overpowered me again.

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“Please don’t,” I said.  “I love the way you look now... the way you smell... it’s sooo…” I pulled her to me.  Her breasts pressed against my chest, I leaned over and began to kiss her neck.  Paula’s scent kicked me up a notch.

I ran my tongue under her earlobe; “Ohhhh… yessss…” her voice like a kitten’s purr.  Using my right index finger, I lightly traced a path from her left elbow, up her arm to her left breast, circled her rock-hard nipple through her tank top. “Oooooohhh… goddddd…” this time her voice was more of a guttural growl.  My precum had soaked through my pantyhose and my skirt.


Paula stepped back, her eyes were half-closed, her face and chest glistening.  Without a word, she took my hand and lead me into the bedroom. My want and desire were stronger than the need to breathe.  At the foot of the king-size bed, Paula grabbed me from behind my neck, and kissed me deeply.  As our tongues mashed and mingled. We were both moaning and groaning.


“Eat my pussy, Bailey,” She whispered. “Eat my pussy like the slut you are.”  Using my tongue I licked her neck down to her breasts while slowly pulling down her shorts.  Her panties were pink, very sheer, and sopping with pussy juice and sweat.  I dropped to my knees and began to kiss and nibble on her thighs while using my hands to pull off her panties.


“Yeeeesssss…” she moaned.  Her pubic hair was also dirty blonde, neatly trimmed, and gleaming with wetness.  Paula lay back on the bed, and as I began to shimmy out of my skirt, she reached out: “No, Bailey. Stay dressed. I love a slut in uniform.”


She didn’t have to tell me twice. I helped her take off the tank top and got my first look and the most perfect set of small breasts in my life.  Starting at her nipples I licked and kissed my way down across her flat stomach.  Paula arched her back and was squirming. “Hurry….’ she gasped. “Hurry please... eat my pussy... please eat my pussy…”


My first taste was heavenly. I circled her clit with my tongue several times. “Yeessssssss… God… Yessss…”  I couldn't wait any longer and buried my face. Her pussy was soaking with juice, and sweat...nectar of the gods.  Several minutes go by, Paula’s moaning, I’m moaning, I couldn't tell who was making which noises.


“Yessss… Baiiiilllileeeeey… OOOOO... Godddddd…”  Suddenly her thighs tightened around my head like a vise, Paula began to buck wildly… "OOOOOOO… YEEESSSSS,” she screamed and came in a river of sweet pussy juice that seemed to last forever.  After a couple of minutes, her thighs relaxed enough for me to lift my head. I could barely breathe while she had me locked up. Not that I minded, I was able to smell and drink as much of her as possible.


I crawled up next to her, “Ohhhh Bailey, you are the best slut ever…” it was her cooing voice again. My cock ached liked nobody’s business, wanting to explode, but I needed to catch MY breath.  We kissed deeply, sharing her nectar, then dozed off in each others’ arms. It was wonderful.


I’m not sure how much time had passed when we heard, “I come home early and THIS is what I find?” Jolted awake, I turned towards the doorway where Paula’s husband Jim stood with a suitcase at his feet and hands on his hips.  My rock hard cock went soft in an instant.  Paula sat up quickly. I noticed her face was still flushed.


“Hi, honey. I didn’t expect you home until tomorrow.  Let’s chat.”  There was no panic in her voice.  She got off the bed, took Jim by the hand, and they went into the hallway. I got another look at that perfect, tight ass.


“Gimme a reason not to kick that lesbian’s ass right out of the house?”  ‘Lesbian?’ I thought. I was still scared, but kind of proud I passed for a woman.


Paula replied, “Because that lesbian just ate my pussy so fuckin’ good, and I came so fuckin’ hard I passed out.  And I’m willing to bet she can suck your cock just as good.”  


'Say what, now?'


“Really?” Jim’s voice rose a bit with the question. 


Paula said, “Yes.”


They walked back into the bedroom, I stood up, less scared now, and went to Jim. He’s about six feet with brown eyes and dark brown hair, with a runner's body. Before he could say one word I kissed him tenderly. Our lips parted, and our tongues met. He must have just had a tic tac because he tasted of peppermint.


Pressed up against him I could feel his cock getting harder. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Paula watching with a wicked and sexy smile.  My cock began to spring to life and when our cocks touched through our respective clothing, Jim stepped back; “Holy shit! You’re a guy!”


“My name is Bailey, I whispered. “I’m a pussy-eating, cock-sucking slut.” I wasn’t scared anymore.  I unbuckled his belt, and pulled down his jeans and boxers in one swift motion.  Out sprang his cock, all seven inches of circumcised beauty.  The tip had a wonderful mushroom already oozing pre-cum.  I quickly wrapped my lips around the cap, Jim gasped, and his cock quivered.


Whereas Paula’s pussy was sweet, Jim’s cock had a musky, salty flavor. I was on my knees, licking his shaft from the tip to the base of his balls and back again. “Oh, God,” he moaned. “You are so fuckin’ hot and good.”  I looked over at Paula who was staring at us and rubbing her pussy.


Jim pulled his cock from my mouth, it’s slick and bouncing.  He stood on the bed while I was on my knees. He said, “Stand up.” I did as told:  face to cock. “I want to watch this red-headed slut suck me off,” and nodded to the full-length mirror door on the walk-in closet.


'How the fuck did I not see that before?' I wondered. My blouse was soaked with sweat and sticking to me. Fingers trembling, I started to unbutton when Jim said, “Allow me,” and ripped the blouse off exposing the lacy blue bra underneath.  We were both really hot now. I gobbled his cock all the way. Sucking and slurping while Jim moaned, groaned, rocked his hips to the rhythm of my sucking.


I felt hands on my ass, looked down and I saw Paula kneeling on the bed between Jim’s legs unzipping my skirt which fell to the floor. The pre-cum from my cock had completely soaked the pantyhose and stretched the fabric beyond its limits.  She started licking my cock through the pantyhose, which made me moan hard with Jim’s cock in my mouth, which made HIM moan even louder.


Using my hands, I tried to pull my pantyhose down to free my aching cock for Paula, but she stopped me, and proceeded to rip a whole using her fingernails and teeth. Like a tiger escaping a cage, my cock leaped into Paula’s eager mouth.  She swirled her tongue around my tip and pushed my cock all the way to the back of her throat.


Looking in the mirror I saw my ass, shapely in the pantyhose, Paula taking me deep, and me sucking on a delicious cock. Now it was a race to see who could make who cum first.  With my right hand, I grabbed Jim’s ass, and using my left forefinger traced a path from the inside of his thigh, and across his balls and nibbled underneath his mushroom.


Jim screamed, “AAAHHHHH… YESSSSS,” and shot a load so powerful it filled the back of my throat in an instant. The second wave was almost as powerful, as was the third. By the fourth wave, my mouth was overflowing with his cum. Cum dripped from my chin. I looked down to watch it land in Paula’s hair.


She glanced up just as a ropey string landed on her lips… that was it for me... with Jim’s cock and cum swirling in my mouth, my scream was more of a gargle, as I came harder than I ever had in my life.  Wave after wave, Paula took it all until cum leaked from her lips.


I’m seeing stars when Jim’s spent cock slipped from my mouth.  As my cock emerged from Paula’s cum-covered lips, our eyes locked, and we attacked each other with a kiss that was both tender and fierce. Mixing our cum-filled mouths into salty, tangy, treat, we wanted to savor.  Once again our eyes locked and glanced at Jim, who was lying on his back, eyes closed.  We crawled to either side of him.


Paula kissed him, gave him some of our elixir. Jim opened his eyes, Paula pulled back and I moved in and gave him some of mine.  As if on cue, we looked at each other and slowly swallowed. Savoring every drop.  The three of us then snuggled together and fell into a fully satisfied sleep.

Written by BaileyQ1986
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