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Becoming A Pornstar

"Jack makes a wish to become a pornstar... and it comes true"

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Author's Notes

"This is a male-to-female transformation story"

The video that caught my attention tonight starred a petite blonde with perfectly manicured nails and long, pretty blonde hair. She had the kind of body that I could only dream of—slender yet perky in all the right places. Her partner was everything I wasn't: tall, dark, and built like a Greek god. It wasn't long before I was completely lost in the scene, imagining myself as him, pleasuring her in ways that would make her arch her back and beg for more.

As I watched the couple's rutting on-screen, a pang of jealousy coursed through me.

How easy their lives must be, I thought. They were fortunate enough to engage in pleasure every single day, without the burdens and limitations of the ordinary world. A surge of envy washed over me, and I found myself wishing, hoping for a life of uninhibited pleasure. "I wish I was a pornstar," I said aloud. With my desires hanging heavy in the air, I drifted off to sleep. Little did I know that my wish would be granted, but not in the way I had imagined.

Morning came, and as I slowly opened my eyes, I was met with an unfamiliar sight. The room I found myself in was adorned with shades of pink, lace, and an undeniable femininity. I jolted upright in the bed, looking down to see my body had changed overnight. My masculine frame was gone, replaced by smooth, hairless skin and feminine curves. I brought my hands up to my chest, gasping as I felt the rounded mounds of breasts. My boxers were replaced with a pink silky thong. Trembling, I slid the boxers down to reveal a glistening pussy.

"What's happening?" I muttered in confusion. Hearing my high-pitched voice startled me even more. Panic coursed through my veins as I stumbled out of bed, making my way to the bathroom.

I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, staring at my new reflection. It took me a moment to process what had happened. The woman looking back at me was none other than Bailey Cox—the pornstar I had watched and envied last night. My wish had come true, but not in the way I had anticipated.

My heart raced as I took in my new appearance. My hair was long, blonde, and straight with a little bedhead. My face was flawless, with plump lips and big doe eyes framed by thick lashes. And my was everything I could have ever wanted. Smooth and toned with curves in all the right places. My perspective in the mirror was also disorienting. I guessed that I must be shorter than five feet tall.

I couldn't believe it—I had become a pornstar overnight. But this was no dream. This was real life now.

Panic set in. How could this be real? What do I do now? But then a rush of excitement coursed through me as I realized the possibilities that lay ahead. No more mundane office job or societal expectations holding me back. As Bailey Cox, I could live a life full of pleasure and adventure without any judgement or consequences.

Without hesitation, I reached for my phone and searched for Molly Little's website. As it loaded on the screen, I marveled at how familiar everything felt—like muscle memory from all those nights of watching her videos.

But then reality hit again as I saw the numerous messages from her fans on Instagram. I suddenly felt overwhelmed by the pressure of living up to Bailey's reputation and fulfilling these requests. But then again, this was what I had always wanted—to be desired and adored by countless strangers. I'd always pictured being a male pornstar, but I was a pornstar now, nonetheless.

Confusion swirled within me as I attempted to gather my thoughts. I struggled to comprehend the reality of my transformation. The body I now possessed was undeniably arousing, with curves that begged to be explored. The sensory details overwhelmed my senses—the softness of my supple breasts, the gentle swell of my hips, and the delicate features that adorned my face.

With a mix of trepidation and curiosity, I navigated my way through the morning routine using just muscle memory. As I made my way to work, I found myself inexplicably drawn to a building I had never seen before. It was a porn studio—a place where fantasies were brought to life.

As I sat in my car outside the porn studio, I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Part of me was exhilarated at the thought of exploring this new world, while another part was terrified of what might be expected of me.

But before I could talk myself out of it, something inside me urged me to go inside. After all, this was my new reality now and I needed to embrace it.

Taking a deep breath, I walked towards the entrance and let myself in. The reception area was sleek and modern, with a large desk and a few couches scattered around. A woman sat behind the desk, typing away on her computer.

"Hi, Bailey," she greeted me with a warm smile. "I'll show you to your studio for today."

Jennifer led me down a hallway towards the back of the building where there were several doors labeled with names like "Samantha Chase" and "Max Steel". She stopped at one door that had my name on it and gestured towards it.

"This will be your dressing room," she explained. "You can get ready in here before your scene."

I nodded slowly, taking in everything around me. This all felt so surreal—like something out of a dream.

As I stepped into my dressing room, my mind was racing. I couldn't believe that I was actually inside a porn studio, about to star in my first film. It all felt so surreal and almost like a dream.

Almost automatically, I quickly changed into the outfit that had been laid out for me—a skimpy schoolgirl uniform complete with knee-high socks and pigtails. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement and arousal.

Before I could fully process my thoughts, there was a knock on the door. I was greeted by Laura, the porn director. Her eyes gleamed with excitement as she explained the plot for today's film—a taboo, incestuous encounter with a much older man. My heart raced, and a strange mix of apprehension and exhilaration coursed through me.

Laura introduced me to my scene partner—a handsome man in his forties named Max. He greeted me with a warm smile and made small talk as the makeup artist worked her magic, enhancing my natural allure with a touch of seduction. Mentally preparing myself for the scene ahead, I realized that I had become an object of desire—a living embodiment of the fantasies that had consumed my thoughts just hours before.

Laura led Max and I down the hallway to the filming room. "Alright you two, here's the scene," she said, her voice crisp and businesslike. "Bailey, you're home from school but your mom is away on a business trip. Max, you're her stepdad, and with your wife gone, you decide to take advantage of young Bailey here."

I shifted nervously, fully inhabiting the role of the innocent schoolgirl. Max put his hand on my lower back reassuringly.

"So Molly, I want you start off on your knees, looking up at Max adoringly as you unzip his pants and take out his cock. Start stroking it slowly, then take it in your mouth. Make sure to look up at the camera occasionally with those pretty doe eyes of yours," instructed Laura.

"Then Max, I want you to scoop her up and throw her onto the bed," said Laura, "feel free to rip her little schoolgirl outfit apart and switch positions a few times. Oh and don't worry about being too rough with her, she can take it."

My heart was racing as the cameras began to roll, capturing every explicit moment with meticulous detail. I couldn't believe that I was actually doing this—performing in a porn film with a stranger who was more than twice my age.

I open the door and Max is standing at the kitchen counter. "Hi Bailey, how was school?" he asks me. "It was okay I guess," I respond, my heart racing as I know what I'm about to do. "Oh, your mom had to go on a business trip, so it's just us for a few days," he tells me. I look up at him seductively, "that's okay, maybe we can hang out?" I suggest. He smiles and nods. "I've always wanted to get closer to you, since your mom and I got married," he says nonchalantly.

I sit down at the table, and he starts preparing me a snack. "So how's it going?" I ask, a little lost as to how I'm supposed to act. "Not too great, I had a long day at work, and it's been a little rough with your mom lately," he jumps right in. "Oh, what's wrong between you and Mom?" I ask. "Well, we used to be so sexual, but lately she hasn't been interested and with things so tough at work, I could use the distraction, I guess. Sorry if that's TMI," he responds. I guess this is it.

"Well, maybe I can help you," I suggest, trying to sound innocent. "Help me? With what?" he asks. "I could give you some...relief," I tell him, feeling my confidence rise as he takes the bait. "What do you mean, honey," he says. I get up from the table and walk over to him, placing my hands on his waist and sliding them down his crotch, "with this," I whisper. My stomach does somersaults, but my instincts as Bailey take over. I sink to my knees on the floor in front of him. I can't believe I'm doing this, I think to myself. Max stood before me, his eyes filled with desire as he looked down at me. I reach up to unzip his pants and pull them down a little. I realize he's not wearing underwear and his cock springs out at me, semihard.

For the first time, it occurs to me how odd this is as someone who was a man less than twenty-four hours ago. It's weird, I was so used to looking at Max's cock in my porn videos but it was so foreign to me, not being the one in control. It was so much bigger than I had ever imagined, probably twice the size mine used to be. Maybe it was the angle I was at, or maybe how much smaller I was now, or maybe he's actually just that big!

"Now suck it," he commanded, bringing me back to my new reality. Without hesitation, I grabbed his cock with both hands and took his tip into my mouth. The taste of him filled my senses, igniting a hunger deep within me. His hand grasped the back of my head, guiding me deeper onto his shaft. My eyes looked up at him and he smiled down at me, lust burning in his gaze.

"That's it, baby," he growled. "Take it all in." He began thrusting his hips forward, driving his cock deeper into my mouth. Tears welled up in my eyes as I gagged and sputtered, struggling to take all of him. He groaned, savoring the feeling of my hot, wet mouth enveloping his throbbing cock. There was no time for hesitation or discomfort—the roughness of his thrusts only fueled my arousal. I reveled in the intensity of the moment, feeling the power of my own newfound sexuality. With each thrust, a pleasure surged through my body just at the thought of what I was doing and the intense feeling of it all.

"Take her to the bed," I heard Laura yell from the background, reminding me that we were filming and it wasn't just the two of us. Max pulled my mouth off of him, a string of saliva and precum attaching his cock to my lips. He lifted me effortlessly and carried my petite body to the set next to the kitchen, a bedroom. I could feel myself blushing as Max took me in his arms, kissing me deeply and passionately. Any reservations or inhibitions I may have had earlier had quickly dissipated as we continued to explore each other's bodies with abandon. He threw me down on the matress and stripped off his shirt before ripping my schoolgirl outfit in half, it must've been made for that I think.

I looked up at him, my eyes wide with desire as he hovered above me. His toned chest and muscular arms were a sight to behold. I was transfixed, drinking in the raw masculine energy radiating from his powerful form. He thrust his hips forward a little, lining up his massive cock deep with my tight waxed pussy. I hadn't realized how wet I'd gotten already, just from sucking his cock! As Max readied to enter me for the first time on camera, a small voice in the back of my mind reminded me that this wasn't real—that we were simply actors following a script. But as he thrust forward and began to move inside me with slow yet deliberate strokes, all thoughts disappeared from my mind. The sensation was unlike anything I had ever felt before—the thrill of being watched combined with the intense pleasure of being with an experienced lover.

"Ahhh, fuck," I moaned as his thick member stretched my tight pussy. The pleasure was overwhelming, causing my whole body to tremble uncontrollably. Moans of ecstasy echoed through the room as I surrendered myself to the pleasure that consumed me. I lost track of time, lost in the primal act of carnal satisfaction. Max pounded into me relentlessly, his movements mirroring the urgency of my own desires. I don't know how he hadn't cum yet! In my few sexual experiences as a man, I'd never lasted this long, and certainly wouldn't have been able to with a girl like me.

My entire world was reduced to this moment, and I was helpless against the forces of nature. All sense of self-control and awareness had faded away, leaving nothing but pure instinct and raw passion. Max alternated between kissing me and sucking on my breasts passionately. With each thrust, I was closer and closer to the edge, until finally the tension exploded in a mind-numbing orgasm. My entire body tensed, convulsing in waves of euphoria. With that he pulled out. Please don't let this be over yet, I silently hoped.

Max flipped me over onto my front and then pulled my hips back so I was in an ass-up face-down kind of position. "Hmmm, I'm gonna tear up your cute little schoolgirl ass," he exclaimed, smacking my ass a few times. "Mmm, please do," I pleaded, aching for him to continue. He lined his cock up and pushed the tip against my tight hole. "You ready for this," he whispered, his voice dripping with lust. "Yes!" I cried out, desperate to feel his hard member filling me completely.

As he plunged deep inside me, I gasped. The sensation was even more intense than before—the pleasure sent me spiraling into another dimension. With each thrust, my cries grew louder. He pressed down on my back and thrust hard into my pussy, the sound of his balls smacking my clit making me even more turned on. The pleasure was almost unbearable. I had never felt such a connection with another human being, let alone during a sex scene. Our bodies moved as one, our moans intermingling in perfect harmony. It was like we were made for each other.

As I reached the pinnacle of pleasure, I felt a surge of warmth flood over me. My body convulsed with the force of my orgasm, releasing a wave of ecstasy that left me breathless. It was a release unlike anything I had ever experienced before. Max starts to grunt and leans down over me before collapsing, his cock pulsing within me, filling me with his seed. The sensation of his hot cum sent shivers of pleasure down my spine and I think I had another little orgasm. I reveled in the intensity of the moment, basking in the knowledge that my new life as Bailey Cox was one of insatiable lust and unapologetic pleasure.

I'm brought back to reality as Laura shouts cut. His softening cock still inside me, I turn my head up towards him and he kisses me for a few moments, then pulls out and gets up, leaving the room. I can't get up yet, still shaking from my orgasm. Laura comes over to tell me I did great. "I loved watching the two of you, you were amazing together. Now go clean yourself up, the crew and I want to talk to you when you're done." She turns and walks out.

As I stand and shakily make my way to the bathroom, the weight of the experience begins to sink in. The high from my intense orgasms fades, replaced by a mixture of confusion and apprehension. How will this change my life? Will anyone ever find out about my transformation? Is this what I really want? As I look at myself in the mirror, I realize that my body has become the vessel for my deepest desires. I turn on the shower and sit down on the toilet to pee. Looking down at my pussy I see Max's cum running from it. I wipe then step into the shower, which has no curtain.

As the warm water cascaded over me, I allowed myself to reflect on everything that had transpired. The excitement and adrenaline rush that came with fulfilling a fantasy was intoxicating, and I could feel myself becoming addicted to the high. However, there was also a sense of uncertainty. What did this mean for my future?

As I stepped out of the shower and began drying myself off, then walk back out to Laura's office in just my towel.

She greets me, "You did fantastic Bailey. That's going to be one hell of a scene when we finish editing. Do you want to see what we have?" I nod yes.

We go into the editing room and Laura plays me a short clip. We are kissing and it looks amazing. It's almost like you can see the chemistry and sparks between us. Then the camera zooms in to show him entering me for the first time.

"It looks incredible, and I loved acting with Max. Are we filming again tomorrow?" I ask.

Laura says, "Yes, tomorrow and every day this week. The producers have big plans for you. You're very popular Bailey Cox."

I go back to my dressing room and put on the clothes I wore when I came in this morning, not bothering with underwear.

The drive home was a blur, I had a million thoughts racing through my head. I wanted to explore my body more and I already was craving cock again. I was exhausted from the day and laid down to take a short nap. When I awoke I knew I couldn't wait until tomorrow for another orgasm. I decide to head down to my favorite bar and try to pick someone up, as I often did unsuccessfully as Jack. Doing my hair and makeup comes naturally, operating by just muscle memory. Then I go to my closet to pick out an outfit. I'm still getting used to my wardrobe as a woman and I want something sexy yet understated. A pair of jeans that fit perfectly and I put on a sexy corset as a top, I always used to love seeing women in these.

I'm so excited about the possibilities tonight and as I walk down the stairs and out the door. I drive the familiar route to the bar and enter. I laugh a little as I have to jump to get up in the barstool that I used to sit down in without thinking as a man. I was only maybe five foot ten before as a man, but Bailey's ID says I'm four foot eleven. I order a drink and the bartender looks at me and gives me a wink, he was handsome and probably a bit older than me (as Bailey), maybe thirty. I give him a smile back and then start to check out the rest of the place. There's a guy sitting across the room from me that seems like a good candidate for tonight, he's black which piques my interest.

He notices me staring at him and walks right over to approach me, putting a hand on my back. "What are you drinking," he asks me. I love how foward he is already.

"I'll have whatever you're having," I respond, smiling seductively.

"So what's a young lady like yourself doing here alone," he asks me.

"Oh I'm just looking for some company, is that okay?"

"More than okay, I'm James," he responds, sitting down next to me.

"Hi James, nice to meet you. I'm Bailey."

"Let me buy you another round, Bailey."

"Okay, thank you," I respond, smiling sweetly.

"I feel like we've met before, Bailey," he says after ordering our drinks. I realize he must recognise Bailey from her videos, which embarasses me for some reason.

"Um, well. I'm, model," I stutter, hoping he doesn't push the subject further.

"I'll bet you are," he responds, his gaze sweeping up and down my body.

I feel myself getting turned on and squirm a little, squeezing my thighs together.

He moves his hand to my thigh and I feel my pussy react.

"Do you wanna get out of here and go somewhere more private," he asks, raising an eyebrow.

"That would be wonderful," I say, grinning eagerly.

"Come on, let's go," he replies, taking my arm and leading me out of the bar. His initiative is turning me on, I know what he wants with me.

His car is parked right outside, and as he opens the door for me, I'm overwhelmed by the smell of his cologne.

He gets into the driver's seat and we're off.

I reach over and put a hand on his bicep, stroking it gently. He grips the steering wheel tightly.

"We're almost there," he murmurs.

"Good," I reply, my voice heavy with desire.

When we get there, he pulls into his garage and then shuts the car off, leaning over to kiss me passionately.

He's an aggressive kisser, and I melt into his arms. He reaches behind me and rips the zipper of my corset down.

"You're so hot, Bailey," he whispers, pulling back and stepping out of the car.

"Thank you," I reply, giving him a sultry smile.

As he climbs out of the car, I take off my corset, exposing my moderate, perky tits.

I hop down from the car and walk around to him. He sees me and grins, "Damn girl."

I giggle and kiss him, running my hands over his firm body.

"I'm really horny," I tell him.

"Well, we'll just have to do something about that, won't we," he responds, kissing me again.

"Let's go inside," he says, guiding me to the door.

He leads me to his bedroom and strips off his clothes, revealing his chiseled physique.

I'm transfixed by his muscles, and can't wait to touch him.

He kisses me deeply and guides me back onto the bed, stripping off my clothes and exposing my body to him.

He kisses his way down my chest, licking and sucking on my nipples, then makes his way down to my pussy.

"You're so wet, Bailey," he murmurs.

"Fuck me, James," I plead.

"With pleasure," he responds, lining up his massive cock with my eager pussy.

"Your cock is huge," I exclaim.

"All the better to fuck you with," he growls.

He pushes his cock into me and I moan in ecstasy, reveling in the feeling of being filled up by him.

He thrusts his hips forward and starts pumping into me, driving his cock deeper with each thrust.

"Your pussy is so tight," he groans, fucking me harder.

"Oh god, James," I cry, clawing at his shoulders.

"Tell me how much you love my cock, Bailey," he commands, continuing to pound into me.

"I love your cock, James. I want you to fuck me all night long," I moan.

"That's right, baby. Tell me how bad you want it," he demands, pounding into me harder.

"I want your cock so bad, James. I need it. Please fuck me, please!"

"Say my name," he demands, increasing his pace.

"James," I scream, feeling myself close to the edge.

"Scream my name, bitch," he growls, fucking me harder.

"James! Oh my god, James!" I cry, the intensity of the moment driving me crazy.

"Yes, baby. Cum for me little girl," he encourages, never slowing his pace.

"I'm gonna cum," I announce, feeling my body tensing up.

"That's right, baby. Come for me," he urges, his words pushing me over the edge. He doesn't slow down at all.

I let out a primal scream, my whole body shuddering with the force of my orgasm.

He pounds into me a few more times, his cock twitching inside me, before erupting, filling me with his cum.

"Oh god, yes," he groans, his cock pulsing within me.

We collapse onto the bed, spent. "You're on birth control, right baby?" he asks.

"Ummm," I respond. I actually don't know the answer, come to think of it.

"You are?" he asks, concern written across his face.

"Of course," I lie.

He smiles and kisses me deeply.

"Now, let's see how many more times I can make you cum," he whispers, kissing his way down my neck.

"Oh, fuck," I moan, the prospect of another mind-blowing orgasm already making me wet.

The night is filled with orgasms and we eventually pass out from exhaustion, his arms wrapped around me protectively.

The next morning I wake up to an empty bed, his side is cold.

I look for my phone and see the time. "I'm gonna be late!" I say out loud.

"James? Are you home?" No response. I run around gathering my things, realizing that I'm a mess, but can't find my underwear or corset.

"Shit," I mutter, running out the door, my hair wild and I'm wearing last night's jeans and a tshirt of his that goes down to my knees.

I'm barely dressed as Bailey, but no time for anything else, and speed out the door and hop in the uber I ordered. I realize I didn't get his number, so I have no way to contact him.

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I hurry into the porn studio and apologize profusely to Laura, who isn't pleased with me. "It's okay, just don't let it happen again," she warns.

I'm brought into a room and given a robe. A few minutes later, the door opens and Max steps inside. "Hey Bailey, ready for today's shoot?"

I nod, trying to calm myself down. I'm a little sore from yesterday, and now I have to pretend to be a pornstar again.

"I'll show you where the cameras are and what we're shooting," he says, guiding me out of the dressing room and down the hall.

He points out the main camera, then gestures towards a second one. "We'll be using this one for some closeups," he explains.

"What are we shooting?" I ask, curious.

"An anal scene," he says matter-of-factly.

My heart drops and my stomach twists into a knot. I had assumed it would be another normal scene, like yesterday, but now I realize it will be much worse.

"I'm nervous," I admit.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine," he assures me, patting my back, "it's not like you haven't done anal before." If only he knew.

He leads me into a large studio and Laura takes me aside and begins giving me instructions.

"So, Bailey, the plot of the scene is that you and Max are going to have anal sex. I want you to play with this butt-plug beforehand to get yourself prepared." She hands me a bottle of lube and a very large metal plug. "Alright, got it," I say, nodding slowly.

"There's a bathroom right through there, you can use that," she tells me, pointing to a door off the set. "Okay, thanks," I respond, heading towards the bathroom.

When I'm inside, I lock the door and strip off my robe, setting the plug and lube on the counter. I take a deep breath and stare at myself in the mirror. I'm nervous, but excited. I know I can do this, and I can't wait to experience the feeling of Max's big cock inside my ass.

I pour some lube onto the plug and spread it around, making sure it's nice and slick. Then, I press the tip against my asshole and begin to insert it, letting out a gasp as the cool metal fills me up. It's a tight fit, and I have to put all my weight into it, but soon the plug is fully inside. I look at myself in the mirror and can't help but smile, imagining how sexy I must look with the plug lodged in my ass. It's not even that painful fully inserted. I head back into the main studio and see Max and the rest of the crew are there waiting.

Laura notices me and walks over. "How are you feeling, Bailey?" she asks, her voice low.

"I'm doing good, just a little nervous," I respond, smiling nervously.

"That's normal, and you'll be fine. Just follow the script and do whatever feels natural, alright?"

"Yes, okay."

"Good, now get yourself ready and we'll start filming."

She heads over to talk to Max, who's with the fluffer, and I go back to the dressing room. Once the makeup artist has touched up my hair and makeup, I take out the plug and dress in a new schoolgirl outfit.

Laura gives me the go-ahead, and I'm led onto the set. I look over at Max, who's standing with his hands behind his back, his muscular frame accentuated by his tight tank top and shorts. My heart flutters, and a warmth spreads through my body.

"Action," calls Laura.

"I'm sorry, daddy, but I've been such a bad girl. You deserve to punish me."

"Oh yeah, baby, you've been a real naughty girl," he growls.

"Please, daddy, let me make it up to you," I beg, batting my eyes and pouting my lips.

"I've got something you can make up to me, princess."

He pulls down his shorts and boxers, revealing his already hard cock. I get down on my knees and wrap my hands around his shaft, stroking him slowly.

"That's it, baby, just like that," he groans.

I tease his tip with my tongue, tasting his salty precum. Then, I wrap my lips around his cock and take him deep into my throat.

"Yeah, suck my cock, you dirty slut," he growls.

I can feel his dick pulsing in my mouth, I love the taste of it. I start to suck faster and he groans, his hands finding the back of my head and pushing me further down on his cock. I gag and choke, tears running down my face, but I don't stop.

"That's right, fuck your throat on my big dick," he pants.

His fingers entwine in my hair and pull my head back, forcing me to look up at him. Our eyes lock, and I can see the lust and desire burning in his gaze. He's loving every second of this, and so am I.

I move my hands from his shaft and grab his ass, pulling him closer and deeper into my throat. My fingers dig into his flesh, and I can feel his muscles tense beneath my touch.

He growls, his voice hoarse and full of desire.

"Turn around, baby, I want to take you from behind." We're in a living room set, and I stroke his cock as I turn around and bend over the couch. He grabs both my wrists in his hand and holds them behind my back. I feel his veiny cock all lubed up with my saliva resting against my leg. He rubs it up and down my thighs a bit before putting the tip at the entrance of my ass. I know what's coming but I'm not ready.

"Ready, baby," he grunts.

"Mm-hmm," I respond, my voice barely above a whisper, filled with fear.

With that, he thrusts his cock inside me, stretching my asshole and sending a wave of mixed pleasure and pain through my body.

"Ahhh," I cry out, the sensation overwhelming. He's so much bigger than the plug.

"Take it, bitch," he growls, fucking me harder. A cameraman comes in front of me to film my expressions.

My screams of ecstasy fill the air, and I can hear the sound of his balls slapping against my pussy.

He pulls his cock almost all the way out and then thrusts it back in, sending another shockwave through my body.

"Fuuuuck," I moan, gripping the couch tightly.

His pace increases, and I can tell he's getting close. His fingers grip my hips tighter, and his breathing becomes labored.

"I'm gonna cum, baby," he groans, his voice low and husky.

"Cum inside me, daddy," I plead, wanting to feel his hot load filling me up.

He growls and slams his cock deep inside me, his muscles tensing and his dick twitching as he releases his seed.

"Oh, yes!"

"Take my cum, baby," he groans, panting heavily.

"Yes, daddy! Thank you, thank you," I moan, feeling his warm cum flooding my ass.

He stays inside me, his cock still pulsing as his cum fills my tight hole.

I collapse onto the couch, completely spent, his cum dripping from my ass.

"Cut!" yells Laura, breaking the spell.

"You were incredible, Bailey. That was one of the best scenes we've shot in a while," she tells me.

"Thank you, Laura," I say, beaming with pride.

"Now go get cleaned up," she orders, patting me on the shoulder.

I head to the shower, my mind racing with thoughts of the incredible scene. It was over so quickly!

Max and I were made for each other, our chemistry was electric.

I wash myself off, taking care to clean every inch of my body. I'm still sore from yesterday and the anal made it so much worse, but the warm water feels amazing on my skin.

As I rinse the shampoo out of my hair, I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and can't help but grin.

Who knew that being a pornstar could be so fun and exciting?

I step out of the shower and wrap a towel around my hair, then begin to moisturize my body. I take special care with my freshly waxed pussy, which is still tender from yesterday's anal scene.

"God, Bailey, you're so lucky. Getting paid to fuck gorgeous guys like Max," I murmur, shaking my head. It's a dream come true.

Once I'm done, I blow-dry my hair and put on some light makeup. Laura comes in. "We've got one more scene for you to film today."

"Oh? What's the plot?"

"Well, the producer loved your anal scene so much, that he's decided to do an entire gangbang movie featuring you and the rest of the cast. There's also a new girl joining us, and she'll be your sister in the film. Your characters are having a pool party at their house and the guys are invited, it will be a pool orgy basically."

"That sounds really hot, and fun too."

"I'm glad you think so. Now, are you ready to meet your new co-star?"


She walks back into the dressing room and opens the door. A young blonde woman steps inside, looking nervous and uncomfortable.

"Bailey, this is Anna, she's the new girl. Anna, this is Bailey Cox, she'll be teaching you the ropes," says Laura.

Anna smiles shyly and extends her hand, which I take and shake gently. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Anna," I say, flashing her a friendly smile.

"You too," she responds, her voice soft and quiet.

Laura leaves and shuts the door behind her, leaving the two of us alone.

Anna fidgets nervously, her gaze darting around the room.

"You've never done a porn scene before, have you," I ask, smiling reassuringly.

"N-No, I haven't. It's a bit... intimidating," she replies, her cheeks flushed pink.

"Don't worry, I'll help you through it. First of all, why don't you tell me a bit about yourself?"

"O-okay, well, my name's Anna and I'm 20 years old. I'm from a small town in Pennsylvania, and I'm here studying music. I've always been interested in modeling, and when I saw the ad for this job, I knew it was something I had to try," she says, her confidence growing with each word.

"You're very pretty, I'm sure you'll do great. Did they tell you what we're doing?," I ask her.

"Yeah, the director told me and she gave me a swimsuit"

"Perfect. Let's go try it on and see how it looks," I suggest.

She takes the suit and follows me to the changing room, where we undress and begin trying on the outfits.

"Wow, this one is really cute," Anna says, examining her reflection in the mirror.

"You look fantastic," I agree, giving her a thumbs-up.

We spend the next hour or so going over the script and discussing the scene, with me helping Anna relax and gain some confidence.

Finally, we're ready to film. We walk onto the outdoor set and take our places, Anna looking a lot less nervous than before.

"Alright, action!" yells the director.

The scene starts with Anna and me chatting on some lounge chairs, wearing the nearly sheer bikinis that Laura gave us. The sun is beating down on us and the air is humid and hot. There are four male actors standing around a grill nearby, all fifteen to twenty years older than Anna and I.

"Ugh, it's so hot. Why don't we jump in the pool and cool off," Anna suggests.

"Sounds great, let's do it," I reply, grinning eagerly.

"I hope the boys see us," Anna asks, giggling.

"Let's give them something to look at," I tease, reaching behind me and unclasping my top.

"Bailey!" Anna gasps, her eyes widening.

"Come on, join me," I insist, tossing my top aside and exposing my tits.

"Oh, okay," she agrees, smiling mischievously. She pulls her top off and tosses it aside, revealing her perky, perfect breasts.

"There, now we're even," I say, smirking.

"Race ya," Anna shouts, jumping into the pool and splashing me.

"Hey!" I yelp, laughing and diving in after her.

"Catch me if you can," she teases, swimming away.

"Not a chance," I reply, swimming after her and grabbing her by the ankle.

"Gotcha," I say, giggling and pulling her towards me.

"Looks like you've caught me," she purrs, pressing her body against mine.

"I have," I murmur, my hands caressing her soft skin.

"Maybe I should be the one catching you," she whispers, kissing me deeply. I wasn't expecting that, it's really hot though!

Her tongue enters my mouth, and her hands wander down my body, her fingers teasing my nipples.

"Ahh, yes," I moan, arching my back and pressing my breasts into her hands.

She kisses her way down my neck, and I gasp as her lips close around my nipple, sucking and biting.

"God, Anna, that feels so good," I whimper, threading my fingers through her hair and pulling her closer.

Her hand travels down my body, and she cups my mound, rubbing her fingers along my slit.

"Hey what's going on over there?" I hear the deep voice of one of the men say.

Anna turns around and waves at the men. "Care to join us?"

They look at each other and grin.

"We would love to," one of them replies, stripping off his shirt and revealing his muscular, tanned torso.

"Me first," another one says, stepping into the pool and walking over to us.

"Hi, I'm Anna," she says, introducing herself and smiling coyly.

"Well, hello Anna," the man responds, grinning.

"And who's this?" he asks, turning his attention to me.

"This is my friend, Bailey," she tells him, grinning.

"Bailey," he murmurs, his eyes drinking in my half-naked form.

"It's nice to meet you, sir," I say, batting my eyes and giving him a flirty smile.

"What do you say we take this party inside?" he asks, his voice thick with desire.

"I think that's a wonderful idea," I respond, biting my lip and glancing at Anna.

"You two are a sight for sore eyes," he murmurs, his gaze traveling up and down our bodies.

"So are you," Anna purrs, winking.

He chuckles and offers me his arm.

I take it, and allow him to lead me out of the pool and towards the house.

Anna follows, telling the other three men to come join us.

"What's your name?" I ask him, grinning.

"Mike," he replies, his voice low and sexy.

"Well, Mike, you're about to have the time of your life," I tell him, running a finger down his chest and tracing his abs. He moans softly, his body trembling beneath my touch. I can't wait to feel him inside me.

"So are you," he murmurs, motioning to the other men undressing around us. I start kissing Mike and Anna grabs another one of them, feeling him up. She might not have done porn before, but she's clearly very experienced.

"Get on your knees, baby," he growls, his cock springing free and slapping against his stomach. "Yes, sir," I purr, getting down on all fours and looking up at him, licking my lips. He wraps his hand around his shaft and guides it into my mouth, groaning as the tip brushes against my lips.

"That's it, take it," he commands, pushing deeper into my throat. I can taste the salty sweetness of his precum, and I suck harder, wanting to give him as much pleasure as possible. "Oh fuck, that's good," he grunts, thrusting his hips forward and forcing his cock further down my throat. I gag and choke, tears running down my face, but I keep sucking, determined to make him cum. Suddenly, I feel a hand on my ass and then caressing my slit through my bikini bottoms. Anna is standing next to me, and the other two guys are groping her as she makes out with one of them.

"Don't you dare stop, Bailey," Mike groans, pumping his hips and fucking my throat. The mystery man behind me pulls my bikini bottoms to the side and I can feel his rough fingers on my clit, rubbing my slick folds. I moan, the vibrations sending shockwaves of pleasure through his body. "God, yes," he cries, his cock throbbing in my mouth. I take his cock out of my mouth and suck on his balls, looking up at him. The man behind me plunges two fingers into my pussy and finger-fucks me for a little before placing the tip of his throbbing cock against my dripping pussy.

"Take my cock, bitch," he growls, his voice hoarse and full of lust. "Yes, sir," I purr, feeling his dick push into me. I take Mike's cock back in my mouth, sucking on it. I can feel every inch of him as he stretches me wide, filling me up completely. I can barely contain myself, the sensation is so intense. I scream, my voice muffled by Mike's cock in my mouth. My pussy is aching and the friction from his cock is driving me wild. He slams into me, his hips thrusting wildly, and I can feel his balls slapping against my ass. The man behind me pumps into me hard, his pace matching Mike's, and the combined sensations are overwhelming.

I cry out; the ecstasy taking over, and I cum hard, my whole body shaking and trembling. My pussy clenches around the cock inside me, and I can feel him cumming too, his seed spilling inside me. I feel dizzy and lightheaded, and the last thing I remember is the sound of Mike's voice, groaning as he cums in my mouth. I pass out momentarily from the intense pleasure. Mike pulls out of my throat and cums all over my face, getting a little in my hair.

Moments later I feel a pair of large hands on my waist, picking me back up. One of the men who had been with Anna sets me in doggy and lines up his cock with my asshole.

"Please be gentle, this is my first anal," I whisper. One of the cameramen comes in for a closeup and I stare into the camera.

"No problem," he growls, the tip of his cock pushing against my puckered hole. I'm still loose from the anal scene yesterday, so his cock slips in easily, filling me up. He groans, and I can feel his hot breath on my neck. He starts moving his hips, thrusting in and out of me, and it's unlike anything I've ever experienced before, I'm so overwhelmed. The pain and pleasure mix together, sending me over the edge, and I scream, the sound echoing off the walls. "Fuuuuck," I moan, my pussy convulsing as my orgasm crashes over me.

"Fuck yeah, you're a tight little bitch," he growls, pounding into me. I can't believe how good this feels. I never thought I would enjoy having my ass fucked, but this is incredible. His cock fills me up, stretching me and making me feel so full. It's the best feeling in the world, and I can't get enough of it. "Harder, fuck me harder," I plead, urging him on. He obliges, and his pace increases, his cock slamming into me and his balls slapping against my wet pussy. The feeling is unbelievable, and I can feel another orgasm building. I move one hand to my clit.

"Fuck, baby, I'm gonna cum," he grunts, his grip on my hips tightening. "Me too," I whimper, my legs trembling as my second orgasm washes over me. His cock twitches and I feel him shooting his load deep inside my ass, his hot cum filling me up. "Holy shit," he groans, collapsing onto my back, and I collapse onto the ground. I lay there, panting, unable to believe how incredible that was. My mind is reeling, and my body is tingling with pleasure. I've never felt anything like that before, and I'm addicted to it. I want more. He gets up and moves over to recover.

I reach down and start touching myself again, I can't help it, I'm insatiable. One of the other men, seeing that I'm ready for more, picks me up. He sits in a chair and sets me on his lap, facing away from him. I feel his cock press against my asshole, and I'm so ready for him. He pushes his cock into me, and I moan as I'm filled up once again.

"You like that, don't you?" I bite my lip and I can only nod. The feeling of his cock inside me driving me wild. He starts thrusting, his hands gripping my hips tightly, and I feel his cock pulsing within me, his movements sending waves of pleasure through my body. I have one hand on my breast and the other fingering my pussy. He lifts me up and down on his thick cock. "God, you're so tight," he groans, his fingers digging into my flesh.

"That's because you're so big," I gasp. The room is filled with the sounds of moans and grunts, the smell of sex hanging in the air. "You're a dirty little slut, aren't you?"

"Yes, sir," I moan, his words turning me on even more. "I'm a dirty little slut who loves being fucked in the ass," I purr, rocking my hips and grinding on his cock.

"Tell me how much you love it," he growls, his pace quickening.

"I love it so much," I moan, throwing my head back and letting out a strangled cry. "Your cock feels so good inside me, filling me up and stretching me out.

"Oh, fuck," he groans, his voice heavy with lust. "You're a fucking whore, aren't you?

"Yes, I'm a whore. I'm your whore, and I love it when you fuck my ass," I gasp, the pleasure overwhelming.

"Good girl," he grunts, his thrusts becoming more erratic. I can feel him getting close, and the thought sends me over the edge.

"Oh, god, I'm gonna cum," I cry, my orgasm crashing over me.

"I'm going to cum too," he pants, his cock twitching inside me. "Take my cum, bitch."

"Yes, sir. Please, sir. Cum inside me," I beg, my pussy clenching around his cock.

He groans, his fingers digging into my hips, and I feel his cock throb and pulse, his hot cum filling me up.

I can't help but cry out, the pleasure almost too much to bear. We ride out our orgasms together, his cock buried deep inside me. When he finally pulls out, his cum leaks from my asshole. I'm left a panting, quivering mess.

"You're a nasty little girl, aren't you," a man says, coming in and grabbing my hips.

"Yes, sir. I'm a dirty little girl," I whisper, still out of breath. He puts me onto the ground and spins me to face him. I automatically take his semi-hard cock in my mouth and suck on it, looking him in the eye. He grunts in approval and takes my face in his hands to move it up and down himself. I can feel his cock growing hard in my mouth, and I know he's enjoying himself.

"Fuck yeah, that's right, suck that cock, you little slut," he growls. I keep sucking, my eyes never leaving his, and soon he's fully erect. He grabs my head and starts thrusting, his thick cock sliding down my throat. I can't believe how turned on I am, knowing that these guys are using me, taking their pleasure from me. It's the hottest thing I've ever experienced, and I know I'm addicted.

I reach down and play with myself while he fucks my mouth, and the combined sensations are driving me crazy. His cock throbs and twitches, and I can tell he's getting close. I can't wait to feel his hot cum fill my mouth.

"I'm gonna cum," he growls, his voice thick with lust. "Drink it all, slut." With a final thrust, he explodes, his seed pouring down my throat.

I hold his cum in my mouth for a second, a cameraman running in to film it before I swallow and wink, loving the taste and the feeling of him using me.

I just lay down, exhausted from getting fucked all day. Laura comes in, and congratulates the actors on their performance.

"Bailey, Anna, you two are a natural," she tells us, beaming. "You really brought the scene to life, and your chemistry is amazing. The producers are thrilled."

"Thank you, Laura," I respond, smiling tiredly. "It was a lot of fun."

"You both did great," Anna adds, nodding.

"Well, let's get you two cleaned up and out of here," Laura says, helping me stand.

Anna and I walk to the shower and wash ourselves off together. The warm water feels amazing on my sore muscles, and I can't help but smile.

This is the best job ever.

Written by storywriter
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